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Ancient History

Mrs. Levey
Contact Information: • 1 1/2in
Room 2413 Binder
• 8 Dividers
• Pencils/Pens
• Chromebook

Topics to be covered this Online:

Please join our Google Classroom
year: (Parents can be connected by
G - Geography sending an email to Mrs. Levey
R - Religion with the email address you would
A - Achievements like connected)
P – Politics (Ancient, not current!)
E - Economics
S – Social Structure
Test/Projects: 40%
Quizzes: 35%
Classwork: 25%
What you should know:
§ This class goes over the major civilizations in Earth’s History from the beginning of time through
the European Middle Ages
§ Students are only permitted to use their school issued Chromebook in this class, when using
technology, all other technology must stay in their lockers or at home (the school is not
responsible for those items)
§ There will be two grades per week in this class, as well as other assignments that will help prepare
you for up-and-coming projects and tests/quizzes
§ In this class, we are here to learn about history, if you have questions, that pertain to what we are
learning, please ask. (I don’t bite)
§ Follow all class procedures and expectations the first time, that way you don’t miss out on
anything, by having to practice a procedure
§ Get your work done the first time, you waste your own time producing excuses for not doing your
work. Besides, you will still have to get the work done anyway!

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