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Chemistry Projects

Class XII A

Roll Numbers Topic

1,11,21,31,41 To prepare a dishwashing detergent and
compare its foaming capacity with
commercial detergents (Discuss first)

2,12,22,32,42 To compare the neutralising ability of

different antacids

3,13,23,33,43 Chemistry project to study the Adulterants

in different food samples. (This needs to be
discussed first)

4,14,24,34,44 Study of content of ascorbic acid in citrus

fruits (Kiwi , Tomato , Lemon , Orange)

5,15,25,35,10 To analyse a sample of brass and bronze


6,16,26,36,20 To Determine the Caffeine in Tea Samples

and study its effects.

7,17,27,37,30 To prepare hand sanitizers from local

8,18,28,38,40 To synthesize perfumes (esters – sweet
smelling compounds): (Discuss aim first)

9,19,29,39 Chemistry Project on Presence of

Insecticides & Pesticides in Fruits &

Chemistry Projects

Class XII B

Roll Numbers Topic

1,11,21,31,9 To check for the contents of milk powder.

2,12,22,32,19 Preparation of organic plastic

3,13,23,33,29 To Study the content of honey.

4,14,24,34,10 Chemistry Projects on purification of water

using innovative biodegradable materials.
(Hint : Corn Cobs)

5,15,25,35,20 Chemistry Projects on Preparation of

Pigments and Poster Paints

6,16,26,36,30 Chemistry Project to study the content of

tooth powder

7,17,27,37 To study the amount of caffeine content of

Cold Drinks and its adverse effects

8,18,28,38 Preparation of Organic Soaps and

comparison of their foaming capacity
FORMAT OF PROJECT ( Total number of pages 20-25 hand written)
• To be written on one side of page only.
• Every new heading which are numbered here (1-15) should be started
with a fresh page.

1. Cover page
2. List of Contents
→ Subheadings of theory also to be mentioned here.
3. Certificate
→ Same Performa to be followed by all. *(Given Below)
4. Acknowledgement (sample is given in annexure)
→ At the end , name of the student and class has to be mentioned.
5. Aim
6. Purpose
→ Why this project is required to be done.
7. Introduction
→ Small introduction of what is being done in the project.
8. Theory
→ To be divided in subheadings (5-6 subheadings covering all the
required information regarding a particular project). It forms the basis
of viva.
9. Apparatus and Chemicals Required
→ List of all the chemical required with apparatus to be written.
10. Experiment 1
11. Experiment 2
12. Experiment 3
→ For different sample the experiment to be written separately by giving
procedure and observations.
13. Result
→ Experimental results of all experiments done to be mentioned at last
under the heading results.
14. Conclusion
→ What you have concluded after completion of the project with your
viewpoints and also points for improvement if applicable.
15. Bibliography
→ To be written in two parts :
• Books – name of the books with author name
• Websites- complete URL of the useful websites (from where parts of
theory or pictures have been taken) to be written
**(only content based… slideshare , icbse, wikipedia etc. not to be

Useful websites (for reference only)

A project submitted for CBSE , Class XII

Any coloured image suitable for your project

Submitted By:
Examination Roll Number:

(Pls do not change the font of this page)


This is to certify that ……………………………………………………… a student of class XII

has successfully completed the research project on the topic “Sterilization of Water by using
Bleaching Powder” under the guidance of Ms. Shikha Aggarwal (Subject Teacher).

The references taken in making this project have been declared at the end of this report.

Signature (Subject Teacher) Signature ( Examiner)


I respect and thank, our principal ma’am (Ms. Meenu Tiwari) who gave me the golden
opportunity to do this wonderful project and provided all the facilities to complete this

I would also like to extend my sincere and heartfelt gratitude to Ms Shikha Aggarwal, my
chemistry teacher and project guide, for supporting and guiding me throughout the project
which helped me completing the project on time. Without the guidance the project would not
have been a success.

I am thankful to and fortunate enough to get constant encouragement and support from my
family and friends.

I would also like to acknowledge all the people whose work has helped me in my project.


(Full Name )

1. Anastas P.T. and Warner, J. C. Green Chemistry: Theory and Practice; Oxford
University Press: New York, 1998.

2. Bezergianni Stella , Dimitriadis Athanasios, Chrysikou Loukia P., Quality and

sustainability comparison of one- vs. two-step catalytic hydroprocessing of waste cooking
oil ; Fuel 118 (2014) 300–307.

3. Anastas Paul T., Bartlett Lauren B., Kirchhoff Mary M., Williamson Tracy C., The role of
catalysis in the design, development, and implementation of green chemistry ; Catalysis
Today 55 (2000) 11–22.

4. Hottle Troy A., Bilec Melissa M. , Landis Amy E., Sustainability assessments of bio-
based polymers; Polymer Degradation and Stability 98 (2013) 1898e1907.

5. Fox Elise B., Liu Zhong-Wen, and Liu Zhao-Tie, Ultraclean Fuels Production and
Utilization for the Twenty-First Century: Advances toward Sustainable Transportation
Fuels; | Energy Fuels 2013, 27, 6335−6338.

6. Cann, Michael C., Green Chemistry; Chemistry: Foundations and Applications; .

The above one is for reference only that is how it is supposed to be written.

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