Grammar Plus

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Choose the correct answer to complete each sentence. Sometimes both are possible.

1- Used to
2- Used to
3- Used to
4- Would go
5- Did her
6- Would
7- Used to
8- Did you

1-The restaurant that we had dinner at last night overcharged us.

4- someone’s cell phone kept ringing all through the movie that I saw last night.
6- My teacher gets mad at every little noise that our class makes.
8-The people in the line which he tried to cut into complained to the theater manager.
1- I don’t understand why the city can’t add more streetlights.
2- Do you know if whether the city is going to improve the rush hour bus service?
3- Why prices are going up so fast is something that baffles me.
4- I have no idea how I can finish the work before the deadline.
5- Would you mind telling me if whether you’ve saved enough money for school?
6- Why there aren’t any bike paths in the city is beyond me.
7- My main problems is how I’m going to find time to enjoy myself.
8- Do you have any idea when they are going to build a new hospital?
9- Don’t you wonder who decided to close the swimming pool in the park?
10- I have to find out if/whether tuition is going up again next year.
1) Match the yes/no questions on the left with the follow-up questions on the right.

2) Review The rules for the present unreal conditional with unless, only if, and even if on
page 89. Choose The correct answer to complete each sentence.

1- Unless
2- If not
3- Even if, if so
4- Even if
5- If so
6- Even if
7- If so
8- Only if
1) Complete the wishes and regrets with a word from the box.

2) Rewrite these sentences using the words in parentheses.

1- I wish I had been more obedient in elementary school.

2. If only i had taken piano lessons when i was younger.
3. I wish i didn’t fall asleep on the computer last night, then i would’ve handed in the
essay on time.
4. If only i hadn’t exercised so much yesterday, then i wouldn’t feel tired.
5. Bob wishes that he wasn’t shy and could make friends easily.
6. If only i was a good cook.

1) Underline the words in each sentence that refer to a point in the future.

1. By the spring, Nate will have visited over a dozen different countries.
2. When the end of the week arrives, I will have written four exams.
3. Before long, I’II have been working on this puzzle for an hour. It’s impossible!
4. I can’t believe he’s still sleeping! At 11:00, he’ll have been sleeping for 12 hours.
5. When she leaves the house, she’ll have had six cups of coffee.
6. If it continues, on Tuesday it will have been raining for three weeks.
7. After I stop working, I will have painted three of the rooms in my house.
8. By the time the plane lands, we will have been in the air for seven hours.
1. As a kid, I always enjoyed (enjoy) school if I liked (like) the teacher.
2. 2. If I studied (study)harder last year, I wouldn’t have to (not have to) repeat the
course this year.
3. If he didn’t speak (not speak) Greek, his trip to Athens last year Wouldve been
(be) so enjoyable.
4. When I was young, if I saw Would (see) a scary movie, I have (have) bad dreams.
5. When I was a kid, if my father would go away (go away) on a business trip, he
always called (call) at 8:00 to say "Good night" to us.
6. If I spend (spend) less money when I was younger , I would have (have) a nice
little nest egg in a few years.
7. If I didn’t behave (not have) a fight with my friend yesterday, I would go (go)to
the party tonight.
8. If she showed (show) more interest since she was hired, she would’ve got (get)
the next promotion.
9. If I didn’t lose (not lose) my passport, I would fly (fly) to Lisbon tonight.
10. If she didn’t start (not start) figure skating when she was four, she wouldn’t be
(not be) in the last Olympics.

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