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Buddhism Beliefs o The respect of each person, every person deserve respect since they are an ovum or an spermatozoon

o No discrimination: any matter gender, race, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, age. Discrimination is not allowed in this religion. o They oppose to cruel punishments, torture, including the death penalty, they believe in the sanctity of every person. o The world had been developed, no created, it works because of a law and no because God wants to. o The world is submitted to a natural causality known under the name of Karma, The good and evil of each people in their passed lived determine their conditions in their present lives, thats why every person has prepared the reasons of the effects that nowadays they experience. o They belief in democracy within religion and political. o The freedom of speech, expressions, the church and the state are separated. o The topics of moral, ethic, religion beliefs are not the same, they change by culture, religion and over the time. o In the positive influence that each religion has had in every followers and society.

o The importance of people who look for evil influences in their own religious group, and strongly look for their corrections o The importance of education, they believe that people are not truly educated; people have to know about the worlds major religion and ethical systems. People need to know about the good and the bad impacts in the society. o The fourth master was called Gautama Buddha, he was from the royalty and his name was Siddhartha Gautama. o Gautama taught that the ignorance is the base of the belief of the reincarnation; to avoid this its necessary to destroy the ignorance. o The meditation drives to the development of Buddhas power, which is in every man. Rituals There are different types of rituals; it could since look at an image of Buddha, or by feeling a kind of peace inside. It could be bye reading some traditional verses, seeing some images in our mind or maybe a ritual sharing with others where you can read, sing, make poetry, incense and offerings. Meditation: is a form of mental concentration that leads to

enlightenment and spiritual freedom. Meditation is the central part of the Buddhism religion. There are 2 main types of meditation o Vipassana (insight) o Samatha (tranquility)

The purpose of The Tranquility meditation (samatha) is to still the mind and train it to concentrate, the goal of this ritual is to detach from world and forget about all your worries, concentration, with suppression of reasoning. The passing away of joy but with the sense of tranquility, it brings a state of pure self-possession and equanimity.

The purpose of The Insight meditation is the realization of important truths. This meditation alone produces the

understanding through which liberation takes place. Its considered superior to tranquility meditation. Its centered around the notion of mindfulness which is related to, but different than concentration, because when one is concentrated, ones entire focus on a specific object in a trancelike manner, but to the mindful of something, its not only to focus on an object, is to think about it and observe it carefully, is to learn something about it. Languages There are different types of languages that are spoken for the Buddhists, and every one of them talks in their own languages. Buddhism has spread around the world, this is the reason why the educations of Buddhism have been translated several

times, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Viet Namese, Burmese, Thai, English, French, German etc. and the languages of India of course, that Siddhartha Gautama was from, near Nepal. They are in Sanskrit and Pali, and those languages are important to studying the original text.


They practice the Buddhism to reveal their real nature, the nature of Buddha, the illuminated mind, which is an infinite love, equanimity and compassion. We all have the nature of Buddha inside, the sensitive people for their own nature are kind, if we look into our hearts, and we will find that we have a Buddhist nature. All the love, kindness and compassion that we feel are in there. Countries Buddhism is currently the majority religion in the following states: Country Percent Thailand 95% Cambodia 90% Myanmar 88% Bhutan 75% Sri Lanka 70%

Tibet 65% Laos 60% Vietnam 55% Japan 50% China is the country with the most Buddhists, around 100 million adherents. History The Buddhism was developed from the educations spread by his founder Siddhartha Gautama, around the 5th century the northeast of India. The Buddhism initiates its big expansion up top managing to be the predominant religion in India; this was achieved in the 3th Century B.C. In this century the emperor Asoka did an official religion in his enormous empire, ordering monks, embassies Buddhists to the whole known at the time. But at the 7th Century it declined in its land of origin, though by then it already would have expanded too many lands. In the 13th Century, it had come to a complete disappearance of India but it had propagated successfully for the majority of Continents Asian. The Buddhism has meant a principal engine in the diffusion of writing, language and the adoption of humanities values. It is therefore the great philosophy of Asia, because its practice has managed to expand to the totally of its countries and for the last centuries, it has been expanded also to the rest of the world.

The Buddhism is considered for the number of followers one of the big religions of the planet. It contains a variety of schools, doctrines and practices that historically and down geographical criteria qualify in Buddhism of the South, East and North.

OUTLINE OF COMPARING AND CONTRASTING BUDDHISM AND CATHOLICISM I. INTRODUCTION a. Hook: The Eternal fight among Religions is a never ending story. b. General Information: the time when Buddhism and Catholicism started, rituals, beliefs, practitioners. c. Thesis: Both religions have differences and similarities, but whatever the religion is the truth is that both move thousands of thousands of people as followers. II. BODY a. Sub Point 1: TOPIC SENTENCE. What are differences between Buddhism and Catholicism? i. Supp. Detail: Beliefs ii. Supp. Detail: Rituals b. Sub Point 2: Topic Sentence. How similar are Buddhism and Catholicism? i. Supp Detail: Languages ii. Supp Detail: Followers c. Sub Point 3: TOPIC SENTENCE. Religion, the most controversial topic in the world i. Supp Detail: Different thoughts ii. Supp Detail: Controversy about how the world started III. CONCLUSION

a. Paraphrase: The background of the topic is that each person decides what to follow. b. Own opinion: Personally, I hardly believe that most religion is just created for giving people someone or something to adore. c. Final Thought: Each religion has something good and bad to rescue and avoid, it depends on your own to do whats right or wrong.

The Eternal fight among Religions is a never ending story, across the centuries a lot of groups of people have joined in order to create different types of religions. Those groups defend their own point of view about how the world began and the existence of a God. Two of the most important religions in the world are Buddhism and Catholicism. Both have begun centuries years ago, both have their own beliefs and rituals. Despite of the fact that both have differences and similarities, the truth is that both move thousands and thousands of followers around the world. Some differences between these religions are very notorious, and its easy to recognize. The most obvious difference are beliefs, for example Buddhist dont believe in God, as Catholics do; Buddhist believes that the world was developed and no created by god as the Catholics believe. In addition, both religions are different in their rituals. They could be similar on this, because both use incenses, prays, candles, saints and more. However, both have different ways to make a ritual. For example one of the most important rituals in Buddhism is the meditation, which is the central part of the Buddhist religion, a type of mental concentration that leads to enlightenment and spiritual freedom. On the other hand, Catholics have different rituals, called sacraments, which are important for the catholic initiation, such as the baptism, communion, confirmation, penance, marriage, unction of the patients, sacred order. Above all differences that each religion has against each other, there are some similarities that can be rescued not only between these religions, but also among all the other ones, for example: the language, its true that each religion has different natal language, and there are texts that were written in their own tongues. However, the

majority of these religions are spreading all around the world, thats why any religion can be spoken in different languages or same languages. Therefore, I consider languages are one thing that they are similar. However, what can make them so similar? To be real honest, there is just one thing that Buddhism and Catholicism are truly equal and this is the millions of thousands of people of followers each religion move. Its amazing to see how these religions were become so popular, how massive it is that is the only thing that they really match. No matter how longer a comparisons and contrasting against these religions could be, because religion is the most controversial topic in the world. People are all unique and have their own thoughts, most of the time different to the other one, and the biggest difference is about how the world started, this is one of the most controversial topics between these religions and it is the most common among the other ones. Its not easy to find out which of those religions have the reason, but we can rescue the best of everything and follow them. The background of this topic is that each person decides what to follow. Personally, I hardly believe that most religion had been created for giving people someone or something to adore, the majority of time mistakenly, but it is the belief of each one. Each religion has something good and bad to rescue and avoid, it depends on your own to do whats right or whats wrong.

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