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com Video Sales Letter by Chris

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Hi This is Michael Fiore and in the next 6 minutes, I'm going

to teach you a secret psychological loophole in the male
mind that will make that one special man you've been
dreaming off, fall deeply and passionately in love with you
and only you forever.

I know it sounds impossible but the simple and possible even dangerous trick I'm going to
reveal right now, really will make any man you want so obsessed with you, he can't even think
about another woman…

so addicted to you, that he actually craves when you're not around…

so loyal to you that he finds himself almost completely against his will…

• Dreaming about the future he wants with you and only you
• Bending over backwards to make you happy
• Bragging about you to his family and to his friends and
• Begging you to be his and only his.

So how do I know this simple trick really does work?

Because just 3 short years ago, it worked on me and its still working now as I get closer and
closer to walking down the aisle and making that one special woman who flipped this switch in
my mind forever.
Who the heck am I and why should you listen to every word I have to say?

Well my name is Michael Fiore and I'm an internationally known relationship expert, I've been
on the Rachael Ray Show, Web MD, NBC, CBS Radio, Yahoo, tons of radio programs, tons of

And beyond that I'm an Amazon and Wall Street Journal bestselling author for my books like,
'Six Simple Tricks', 'You Crack The Man Code' and ' Make Him Beg To Be Your Boyfriend'.

But more important than all of that, I'm a man who is absolutely in love with a woman I never
saw it coming and who I will never let go and because of all that.

What I'm about to tell you next is kind of embarrassing because before I became a relationship
expert and the best male friend of tens of thousands of women, I was a guy and not always a
nice one at that, I've never talked about this in public before but up until just 3 short years ago, I
was a player and emotionally dead inside because of it.

I had to bet in relationships before but always felt trapped and never really committed to a
woman even though I thought I had, I so much better now...

When I was single, I dated and had sex with multiple women often in the same week.

I swore I would never commit.

I would never settle down.

I would never even think about getting married.

I thought I'd be happily single forever and then I met her.

This one indescribably attractive woman.

At the time, I couldn't figure out why I was so drawn to her…

• It wasn't that she was beautiful, though she was and is beautiful.
• It wasn't that she was sexy, though she was and is very sexy.
• It wasn't confidence or anything you read about in Cosmo

But there was something about this one woman that flipped a switch in my mind and instantly
made every other girl at the party you're at, every other girl in the world just disappeared.

I caught her eye from across the room and even just the way she looked at me and sent a jolt
up my spine, suddenly I felt off-balance, nervous, even a little scared and even though I wanted
to play it cool, I found myself drawn to her like a magnet.
We talked for hours and I found myself attentive like a puppy, we laughed, joked and flirted and
then I felt my throat go dry as she melted against me when we kissed and suddenly, I just
wanted it to be just a kiss, at least for then, I found myself taking it slow and I knew right there,
right then that this was a woman I needed to take seriously.

That very night I broke things off with every other girl I was seeing without this one special,
incredible woman even having to ask and over the next few months, I found myself chasing her,
seducing her, fantasizing about her, wanting her and only her and so finally months later, I felt
this incredible joy well up in me when she finally, finally agreed to be my girlfriend, to be the
woman who will a few months from now be my wife.

So I know you desperately want to know what did she do that other women didn't?

What made his one woman so irresistible?

What did she do that made me so happy to be hers, when I thought I didn't want to be anyone's
at all and how can you do the same things with that one guy you have your eye on?

Great question and here's the answer guys don't want me to tell you.

In order to make a guy obsessed with you and truly committed to you and only you, you really
only need to follow 3 simple steps this woman used on me.

These 3 steps I'm about to tell you have nothing to do with

• how you look
• what dress you have
• how big your breasts are
• how pretty you are or anything like that...

so what are the 3 steps?

Well Step One is, that you need to make a man know that you don't need him.

As I've said many times, when it comes to men, neediness is the opposite of attraction.

Most women either throw themselves at a guy or come across as a loaf, cold and

Men are irresistibly pulled towards a woman who knows who she is, knows what she wants and
has no anxiety at all about whether a man loves her because she already loves herself.

Step Two is, you need to plant a future seed in his mind.
Unlike women, most men simply don't sit around thinking about the future forever unless you
make us, the same way my fiancée did to me.

When it comes love…

• Women want drama and excitement but
• Men want calm.

To truly, primarily attract a man so he would never settle for anyone else…

you need to create an overwhelming feeling of calm contentment when you're around, the
opposite of what so many women do by freaking out or using ultimatums.

Step Three is you have to make it his idea to pursue you, want you and make you commit.
As a guy I can tell you ultimatums always backfire and push men away.

A man will only truly commit if he feels like he made his own choice to commit and if he feels
like he had to earn a woman.

Now this isn't about playing hard to get, that never worked on me but once a guy makes a
choice to truly be with a woman, he will fight for that love and that relationship more fiercely than
anything else in his life.

If you follow these 3 steps and you learn how to trigger this need to commit in his mind,
suddenly the whole game of dating, love and relationships changes forever, suddenly the guy
who doesn't want to commit, finds himself happily on one knee, suddenly the boy you've been
waiting for, for too long, finally becomes the man you've wanted since you were a little girl.

[Slides Started – Each Paragraph Is A Slide]

And suddenly you find yourself hunted, pursued and wanted by real men, tall, handsome, kind
men who aren't just ready but have been desperate to give you the incredible love you want so

Now you might be wondering Michael that's amazing but how do I actually do it?

Exactly what do you do and what do you say to make a guy fall in love with you become
obsessed with you like my fiancée did to me?

And the bad news is, I can't tell you but I can introduce you to a truly amazing woman who can.

See 6 months ago my girlfriend, my fiancée told me a secret that's going to change your life

We were laying in bed laughing about when we fell in love years ago,.
I told her how I had felt more attracted to more than any other women .

I'd ever met and she admitted with a laugh and a smile, that she used a simple set of
techniques on me to sneak into the back of my mind and make me fall for her.

Now I wasn't mad, I was ecstatic, and I decided right there, that I had to meet the woman that
taught her everything she knows.

Now when I first met Claire Casey, I didn't know what to think.

She's not a model, she doesn't look or talk like anybody you've seen on TV, she doesn't look
like the kind of woman with power over men.
Claire was a 46 year old soccer mom with 3 teenage boys, she kick boxes in her free time and
geeks out on Star Trek.

But to a small group of women like my girlfriend, she's been the secret weapon in the game of

As I talked to Claire, she revealed a few simple secrets that blew my mind and an
understanding of men, I simply couldn't believe.

During our conversation, she taught me about the 6 subtle forces that drive men from the inside
and how women can suddenly tweak these forces to drive men to incredible, emotional ecstasy.

How men secretly yearn for commitment and marriage and how to turn that yearning into a truly
primal need, will hold you anything to make you his.

Why beauty is actually only the third most important thing to men and how women can be
radiantly attractive to me without makeup or killing yourself at the gym and much much more.

Now when our conversation was over... I wasn't happy, I was depressed.

Slide Thirty One

I thought of the thousands of women out there who desperately needed to know what only
Claire could teach them.

The thousands of women who kept falling into bad relationships and needed a hand from her to
dig their way out and finally discover what real love from a man felt like, the thousands of
women who deserved a relationship like what I had with my girlfriend, the thousands of men
who were just waiting for the right girl to figure this stuff out and give him the happiness he
wants so much but could never admit to.
So I did something I'm not proud of but I don't regret at all, I begged. I went to Claire and I had
begged her to let me share with the world what she knew about men, love and dating and
getting a guy to truly commit.

And at first, she refused, she didn't want to be famous, she didn't want to go on TV or anything
like that.

It was only after I promised that she could keep her privacy, that she agreed. Over the next few
months I worked with Claire to pull every secret, every technique, every trick and idea out of

Secrets like the 7 unconscious obstacles women put up that hide you from the man of your
dreams and how to finally attract him like a beacon of light in the night.

The perfect man list and what most women leave off the list that dooms them to misery,
breakup, loneliness or divorce.

How a woman can instantly stop negative, self talk and how to gain your composure and even
you love for yourself in just seconds and so much more I decided to share with you.

Because now finally I'm excited to present Claire Casey's Capture His Heart And Make Him
Love You Forever.

Capture His Heart And Make Him Love You Forever, is a step by step almost done for you
online program that teaches you how to crawl into a man's body, mind, soul and make him not
just fall in love with you but to actually commit to you on a deep, primal level, he can barely
understand himself.

Marcelo says," I'm so excited and happy, thanks to you and your amazing tips, I turned around
a bad situation with my man and we got back together last night. Men are so simple when I do
what you say, I love it."

Marcy says," This is exactly what I needed in my situation, your advice is right on target and
works so well, I'm recommending Capture His Heart, to all my girlfriends, I'm so grateful I found

Pamela says," Your advice is simply amazing, I need to write a story about my experience
outplaying the players".

And Sara says," I feel like I have super powers, suddenly men make sense, I can't believe how
differently men are treating me now or how easy it this dating thing seems, thank you."
Now as you can see from those testimonials, this material is powerful and life changing, its the
magic key to finally getting off the relationship 'roller-coaster' ad finally getting the man you

Or to finally waking up the man you have now, to the powerful, intelligent, beautiful woman he
has standing right in front of him.

Here's just a tiny taste of what you'll learn and how your life will change if you're one of the lucky
few to enroll in the program today.

First you're going to discover 'The Hunter' principle, why strong, wonderful men actually need to
feel like they're chasing and have earned you before they'll even consider committing and how
to sue subtle, psychological triggers in a man's mind to instantly transform yourself into the one
irresistible woman he's crawl over broken glass to have in his arms.

Always wondered how to get a guy to talk to you? Using Claire's almost magical 'Gateway'
technique, you'll open the door for amazing men to approach with you, flirt with you and beg to
take you out, you'll never have to worry about approaching a guy on your own or hoping he'll get
the hint again, as you develop this almost magical power to draw any man you want to you, like
a dog chasing after a frisby.

You're going to learn how to seduce any many with your eyes, so he feels hot under the collar
and inspired to come after you without you having to say a single word. You'll discover the
,'Lighthouse Method' of standing out and making yourself the single, most irresistible woman in
any room, you'll be shocked at how you can demand a man's focus and have him magically
drawn to you, even if you're 10 years older and 20 pounds heavier than the little girls these guys
use to fall for.

You'll discover the actual truth about men's minds, what men are really thinking when they meet
you and how to stun a guy by showing that you understand his secret needs, desires and fears,
better than any woman he's met in his life.

Now are you sicking on being hit on guys who just aren't good enough? Claire is going to teach
you her 'Bigger Fish' technique that instantly repulses cheers and players, so you never have to
waste time with them again.

You'll learn why guys lose interest after you've had sex with them and how to keep a guy 110%
focused on you as his absolute woman. Now bring this and you'll never make the mistake of
sleeping with a guy to make him like you again and will be amazed at how much more
passionate, connected and present a guy is with you, when you do decide to go to the next
You'll learn what commitment really means to a man, its different than what it means to you, no
matter what he tells you, how to instantly defeat his fear of commitment and have a guy actually
fantasizing about spending the rest of his life with you.

Slide Fifty Five

How to know if a guy is marriage material, these 10 simple questions to ask yourself to know if a
guys is worthy of the amazing new you or if you're just settling and much, much more than I
have to time to list out here, so many tools, so many ideas, so many lessons.

Now here's my promise to you just go through, capture his heart and make him love you
forever, listen to what Claire has to teach you learn to understand how men actually work and
you'll be amazed at how your entire relationship with men transforms over night.

In fact if you're like a lot of women, you're going to feel like you suddenly have a super power,
the power to attract any guy you want, the power to finally make that one guy you've wanted so
long, not just notice you, not just want you but actually need you and only you so deep in his

Honestly I can't wait till you feel what its' like to really have control and power in the game of
love, to know with 100% certainty what men want and only you can give it to them, to have your
pick of handsome, tall and successful, wonderful guys, to finally have that one guy want you as
much as you wanted him for so very long.

Now just imagine this for a minute, imagine all the anxiety, fear and disappointment and anger
you feel around guys right now, just disappearing, almost like magic.

Imagine the anxiety and the sadness and the feeling that you're not good enough finally fading

Imagine the fear of it being to late for you to find real love or that you should just settle, draining
away like water.

Slide Sixty Three

Imagine what it would be like to you had the secret code to a guys heart and the almost magical
ability to inspire him to love more than he's loved anyone ever before, would that feel good,
would that feel amazing?

Okay I think you can feel how much you want this, how much you want the love and want the
security that's right around the corner. So let's gets to brass tax and talk about the special
enrollment fee I've got for you, just for taking part in this presentation, (its going to shock you)
First though I've got some bad news. Now Capture His Heart And Make Him Love You Forever
is legitimately a $197 training program, a system that women go through. Its priced at $197
because of the depth of the training the results you're going to get with Clair and that's because
I only want women who are truly ready to be in an incredible relationship with the right man to
enroll but because you took part in this presentation today, I want to do something very special
for you.

So here's the good news... first I'm going to cut your enroll fee in the program from $197 to just
$97, that's less than $100 to finally guy phase of your life handled to finally have your mister
right sweep you up in his arms and never let you go.

And here's the best news you've heard all week ... the news that's going to change you love life
forever and finally get you the real love that you deserve.

If you've watched this far through the presentation, I know its because you want this.

You want a relationship like the one I have with my soon to be wife, like the one Claire has with
her husband.

You want a relationship where you wake up everyday in love, where you roll over and look into
his eyes and see how much and how desperately he adores you and I want that for you too.

So honestly what I'm about to do is a little bit selfish.

See as a guy I want more women out there who know what Claire has to teach, I want more
women out there who understand men, I want more men who get to experience what its like to
have a relationship like the one I have thanks to Claire.

And the only way I can do that is by making this program so affordable that you'd feel stupid for
not grabbing it.

So for as long as this video is up and it could come down at anytime, I'll let you have Claire
Casey's Capture His Heart And Make him love you forever.

Not for $197, not for $97, heck not even for $67.

Nope, if you act right now, you'll get the complete training for just 1 single payment of just $47

Plus just to make this a no-brainer, I'll flat out give you these 3 bonuses at no additional charge.

First you're going to get Claire's incredible Doc Radar Worksheet, just use this simple tool to
know without a doubt when a man starts to pull and exactly how to bring his passion and his
love instantly back to you.
Second you'll get the Man Of Your Dreams Checklist. Once you master what Claire has to teach
you, you're going to know what its like to have your choice of incredible men. Using this simple
checklist, you'll know exactly who you should give your love to and what seemingly great guys
aren't worth your time.

And Third you're going to get 'Magnetically Attract Men With Matthew Hussey', this is a secret
guy to guy interview, I did with the UK's top dating coach Matthew Hussey, where he reveals his
simple but powerful tricks for getting guys to approach and even chase you.

And all of this is yours absolutely free and Capture His Heart And Make Him Love You Forever
right now, plus 5 or possible 6 additional bonuses, I'm not even going to tell you about right now.

Now I don't want to be mean here but this could be your last chance to get the man and the love
you deserve.

I think we both know women who never figure this relationship out.

Who end up old, bitter and angry at the men who they settled for, who never gave them the love
they wanted so much, women who spend their lives pining for the guy who got but who end up
completely along with no love in their lives at all.

I don't want you to be one of these women.

You can have that one special guy, you're mister right, you're one.

All you have to do is click the button below this video to enroll in the program right now, to find
out yourself how easy it is to become irresistible to that one guy you so desperately want, to
open the door so the love and the life you've wanted for so long.

And of course you're backed up by Michael Fury's risk free, no loopholes, 100% money back

Here's how this works in all you have to do. Just say maybe to capture his heart and make him
love you forever.

Go through the program, listen to what Claire has to teach you, do the homework, go through
the modules.

Use your amazing new insights into men and experience for yourself how guys just look at you
and treat you differently once you put this into action.
If for any reason at all you decide this program isn't for you, just contact Maggie in our customer
support department, anytime in the next 8 weeks and we'll refund your money as quickly as we

Why am I willing to be so generous with this guarantee?

Because I want this for you.

I want you to feel what real love and real commitment with a real man feels like.

I want you to have the easy, passionate relationship you deserve and all you have to do is click
the button below.

But its decision time and this really could be the most important decision of your life.

See you're at a crossroads right now and you've really just got 2 options.

Option one is for you to leave this page, ignore that feeling deep your heart, go back to the
yearning and heartbreak of now, a life where men are confusing, where you pine over that great
guy who just doesn't seem to notice you, where you give your heart to the wrong men and end
up bruised and beaten and sad.

You can do that if you want to but if you've watched this far into this video, you know what
you're doing now just isn't working, you can feel yourself yearning for more and you deserve

Which brings us to option two take one tiny action today that will have an incredible impact on
the rest of your life.

Simply click the button below right now, enter your credit card information and dive in to Claire's
incredible program.

Feel the change in yourself as you wake up to the truth about men and the truth about love.

Transform the way you look at dating and relationships.

Become that one irresistible beacon, the man you've dreamed off for so long, can't resist, the
beacon he chooses not to resist because you're everything he's always wanted.

Again all you have to do is click the button below, enroll in the program, find out for yourself
what Clair has to teach you, experience for yourself what its like to finally understand men and
finally have an incredible relationship, the same way my girlfriend, my fiance who I recently
asked to marry me, I'm excited to make mine forever, used on me, to finally made me realize
that I didn't want to be single, I didn't want to be a player, I didn't want every woman in the
world, I just wanted 1 woman who would become my world. Thank you so much.

Now you're still here let me just answer some questions you might have about myself, about
Claire Casey, about the Capture His Heart And Make Him Love You Forever program, so you
can make an informed decision on whether or not you should enroll. This is is a very powerful
program, its an in-depth program, its got quite a few modules to it, homework, its transformative,
its built to help you transform your dating life, your relationship life forever and it will work
whether you're 20 years old, or you're in your 40s or your 50s or 30s. I'd say the majority of
women who enroll in this program, are actually women who are in their 30s are in their 40s,
many are divorced, many are women who... tried to do the love thing the 'easy way' quote on
quote, the way they were told it was supposed to work and came back later and realized no this
is a skill, this is something you have to do, so let's get into the questions.

Regina ask," Michael can this program help me get my ex boyfriend back?" And Regina that's a
great question, that's a very common one, I get very many who write into us and say, “God I let
him go and I want him back more than anything”, and what this program will teach you the truth
about men and how to really make a man fall back in love with you or fall deeper in love with
you, so the answer I guess is just yes. There are other programs built specifically around getting
an ex back but this will teach you the truth about men that you can use on either your ex
boyfriend or that you can use on other men in the future, if you decide your ex boy is not who
you actually want to be with.

Tina asks, “This sounds amazing, but I'm already in a relationship with a guy, can I still use this
stuff?" Now Tina the answer is yes much of Captures has heart and make him love you forever,
it does talk about dating situations but if you want a relationship to last forever, which I do
personally, part of the key there is to keep dating this man, long term to keep him chasing you
long term, to keep him wanting you and desiring you, to keep you from falling into complacency.
We get very many women who write into us and say," I use this program with my husband", I
use this program with my boyfriend and I can't believe how differently he's treating me all of a
sudden. The guy who use to take me for granted, is all of a sudden standing up, he hasn't gone
on dates, he's treating me like the woman I want to be created, so yes the answer is yes.

Mara asks," I really want this but I want to make sure its safe, how does your guarantee work?"
Now Mar I totally understand that question, its a question I would have myself if I was in your
situation. It can be a little scary just buying things online (0:25:45.9) I will say right now
thousands of women have enrolled in this program already... and we use a system
called,'Clickbank' to process orders. Now Clickbank processes thousands of orders a day,
they're a very well known company, they have a great reputation and I guarantee that its safe
when you go there. Now when you actually make your purpose its not going to say Michael
Fiore, its not going to say 'Digital Romance' , its not going to say 'Capture His heart' its going to
say Click Bank on it, it will have the chart for $47 on there and you'll be completely taken care of
and completely safe but again I totally understand where you're coming from but Click Link has
been around almost as as long as Amazon and they're a similar kind of system in this way,
they're basically a processing company, the at handles all that so I can focus on contacting with
wonderful women like Claire.

Lisa asks understand this is Claire's program but do we get anything from you?" Yeah you
actually get quite a bit from me, one of the things I worked on in this program was wanted make
sure we over-delivered on the entire thing, I wanted to make sure that anyone who enrolled in
Capture His Heart And Make Him Love You forever, would get more than they paid for, more
than they actually bargained for. So there's quite a few things that you're going to get, you're
going to get various interviews I did with Claire, you're going to get various other pieces of
material that I prepared along the way, I'm very much involved in what's going on in this
program and what I do most of the time was Claire would interview me and we'll use me to get
the male perspective on the material that she's actually presenting, so yeah it is Claire's
program, she's brilliant, she's humbly a genius when it comes to this relationship stuff but I am
involved as well.

Mary asked," What's going to show up on my credit card bill?" Great question Mary I think I
answered before a little bit but its going to come from Click Bank, it won't say anything
relationships and love, you have a husband who you share a credit card statement with, you
can tell him its anything, you can tell him its a weight loss thing, you can tell him its a book, you
can tell him what you want, its not going to sound like its a relationship things.

Ashley asks," How do I get the program, is something sent to my house?" Great question
Ashley, now we live in a visual age and one of the things that I'm really excited about is how we
deliver this program, Capture His Heart And Make Him Love You Forever is a online training
program, so the way it works is, you're going to enter your credit card information on the next
page, you'll go to enroll in the program, you be sent an email with your login information for our
site. Now its kind of a membership site but don't worry about a monthly membership fee or
anything like that. For this program you pay your enrollment fee once and that's all you pay,
there's no additional charges, no hidden charges, no nothing like that, we just don't work that
way but you will get a login and you get access the Capture His Heart community, with
thousands of women in it, 5000- 6000- 7000, more and more enroll every single day, women
who talk to each other, who support each other, many folks who enroll, say having access to all
these other women plus Claire herself is worth the price of admission itself. Now one of the
reasons we do this online thing is because it allows us a few things. One it means you could
access the program from your computer, you can access it from your Ipad, you can access it
from your phone, anything that's connected to the internet, you'll be able to log in whenever you
want and digest the information whenever you want and the actual program, there's written
modules, there worksheets and homework pieces that you're going to use to actually help
improve yourself and actually understand men more, there's audio interviews, there's audio
transcripts of the written stuff and there's even videos that goes a little bit deeper into some of
the principles she talks about. You're really going to enjoy it, once we start presenting our
material this way, we saw that a lot more women were getting even better results, in activity,
women learn in different ways, some women are very much visual, they want to see a video,
some are very much focused on text or audio, so we actually create all of this stuff so you can
really digest this stuff whenever you want, plus it means when we add more stuff because we
do add more stuff, we add additional bonuses, we just like getting more material, we don't have
to worry about shipping it all out to you, you can simple go online, its right there.

Sarah asks," I just want to meet a great guy, it seems the guys I attract, end up hurting me
again and again, I've almost given up, can you help me?" Sarah I sympathize with you, we get
this kind of question a lot, its one of the reasons we create this kind of program, yes we can help
you, we can help you understand the pattern that you've fallen into. Sometimes women will
come to me and say," Michael it seems every guy I've ever attracted is an asshole and does
that mean there's something wrong with you?" No but it does mean the signal you're putting out
is attracting the wrong kind of men, you're baiting the wrong kind of men. As a guy when I was
single, I would meet with women who would do that, I would meet women who would put out
these signals that seemed like wow she almost makes me want to be an asshole to be with her,
I will teach you how to stop doing that, we'll teach you how to have the self-esteem to actually
attract a great guy, to finally attract the guy you're looking for, for so long, to finally attract the
prince you've wanted for so long.

Teresa asks," Who shouldn't buy this program?" Teresa that's a great question and I will say
this, you shouldn't buy this program if you hate men, if you're addicted to being a victim, if you're
addicted to having bad relationships, if you find yourself only being happy in love, when things
are wrong, when you're fighting, when you're testing each other, when you're vicious to each
other, then its not for you but if you're ready for a change, if you're ready to be happy, if you're
ready to actually understand men for who they really are, or to be with men for who they are,
this is for you, this is what you've been looking for, this is what's going to transform your life and
your love forever.

And again all you have to do to enroll is click the button below, just click that button below, you'll
be brought to a page to confirm your order, you'll enter your credit card information and you'll be
the Capture His Heart lessons within a few minutes from now. You'll be able to start up on the
first module, get into it, start doing your homework, meeting people, learning more about Claire,
learning more about what you're going to get and experiencing what its really like to understand

This is a little personal note, this is a really important program for me, I didn't write most of the
material for this program but the reason I'm doing this video, the reason that I'm so passionate
about helping Claire put this out there, is because of what she did for me. When I met my
girlfriend who became my fiancée, who's going to be my life, I really never thought I'd get
married, I never thought I'd be the kind of man who'd be like yes, I want to be with this one
woman forever and my girlfriend or my fiancé under Claire's tutelage, changed that for me
forever. The few little tricks that she used to make it seem like commitment wasn't a scary thing,
it wasn't a sacrifice but it was something wonderful, I can't be more grateful for that. I want you
to be able to give that to the man of your dreams as well. So all you have to do is click the
button below, enroll in the program, use it, have the confidence in yourself, you have nothing to
lose, you're backed up by our guarantee and I can't wait to hear about your success like he
thousands of other women who we've heard from already. Again I've been Michael Fiore for
myself, for Claire Casey and for the entire Digital Romance Team, I want to thank you for your
time and I really, sincerely hope you will give yourself the opportunity to experience what love is
suppose to be like, bye, bye.

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