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4/20/2021 Commercial Bank Of Ethiopia


Mar 31, 2021

Currency Currency Name Cash Buying Cash Selling Transac on Buying Transac on Selling
USD US Dollar 41.3165 42.1428 41.3165 42.1428

GBP Pound Sterling 54.2261 55.3106 56.7813 57.9169

EUR EURO 48.4973 49.4672 48.4973 49.4672

CHF SWISS FRANK 41.8822 42.7198 43.8557 44.7328

SEK Swedish Kroner 4.2832 4.3689 4.7328 4.8275

NOK NORWEGIAN KRONER 4.3640 4.4513 4.8221 4.9185

DKK DANISH KRONER 5.9030 6.0211 6.5226 6.6531

DJF DJIBOUTI FRANC 0.2295 0.2341 0.2295 0.2341

JPY JAPANIS YEN 0.3389 0.3457 0.3745 0.3820

CAD Canadian Dollar 29.6287 30.2213 32.7389 33.3937

SAR SAUDI RIYAL 9.9698 10.1692 0.0000 0.0000

AED UAE DIRHAM 10.1787 10.3823 0.0000 0.0000

XAF CENTRAL AFRICA FRANC 0.0120 0.0122 0.0120 0.0122

4/20/2021 Commercial Bank Of Ethiopia

Currency Currency Name Cash Buying Cash Selling Transac on Buying Transac on Selling

INR Indian Rupee 0.0000 0.0000 0.5622 0.5734

KES KENNYAN SHILLING 0.0000 0.0000 0.3770 0.3845

AUD AUSTRALIAN DOLLAR 28.4661 29.0354 31.4543 32.0834

SDR SPECIAL DRAWING RIGHT 0.0000 0.0000 58.6777 59.8513

4/20/2021 Commercial Bank Of Ethiopia

Currency Currency Name Cash Buying Cash Selling Transac on Buying Transac on Selling

ZAR SOUTH AFRICAN RAND 0.0000 0.0000 2.7637 2.8190

CNY CHINESE YUAN 5.6895 5.8033 6.2867 6.4124

KWD KUWAITI DINAR 130.4378 133.0466 136.5841 139.3158

N.B :

- The above Birr is expressed in terms of one unit of each foreign currency


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