Bowman Sub Plan 3.18

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Substitute Plans: 3/18/22

Substitute’s Name and Class

Name/Grade Level: Cain Bowman, 1st, 2nd, 7th, 8th Science, 7th and 8th Math

Special Notes:

 Please review emergency procedures for a fire drill, storm drill and lockdown (in sub folder and located
next to front door).
 Students are allowed only during certain times to use the restroom, please remind them of this (good times
- quiet reading, choice time, before lunch, after recess, and writing).
 I don't send students to the nurse unless they just seem all out of sorts, feel HOT or show blood. There are
band-aids to the left of my computer, bottom drawer that you may use.

Looking Ahead:

 Computer password: “Mr.Cainis#1”

 You will have be traveling to different rooms, depending on the class. Additionally, my classroom is
shared with Mr. Dan Irving for garden. You won’t teach at the same time, but you may have a planning
period while he has class. You can stay in the room or head to the faculty lounge (which often has some
snacks and coffee!).
 Be sure to check the schedule for the day; you might be visiting other classrooms or some things might
need to be prepped.
Start the Day:
Co-Plan for

8:40-9:10 1. Using the HDMI cord, pull this Jeopardy game up on the screen before kids get in.
1 Grade Science
Have 1 team set up, named “Team First Grade”.

2. Ms. B will drop them off to the science room from the cafeteria at the end of their
morning prayers.
3. Ask students once they’re settled to raise a hand and explain what an adaptation is
(something that helps an organism survive in its environment). Ask students what the
difference between a behavioral (what an organism DOES) and physical (what an
organism HAS) adaptation, and have students give you a few examples.
4. Explain the rules for the Jeopardy game.
-Every student takes a turn choosing a category and trying to guess it.
-If they get stumped, they can ask one friend for help.
5. When they get the question right, add points by their team name. Don’t bother
removing points when they are incorrect or time out.
6. Ms. B will swing back through to pick them up.

9:12-9:40 1. Head over to Ms. Natalie Valenti’s room, the left door straight down the hall.
7th Math 2. Check with her for how to help in the class, if you haven’t already done so. She’ll lead
the lesson.
3. At the end of class, you’ll be taking these students back to the science room.
9:42-10:10 1. Bring students back to the science lab. Let students know that their Chromebooks are
7th Science needed. If they would like to quietly, with headphones, listen to music while they work,
they may, but they must remain focused on their main work. Iterate at the start of class
that there will be no games being played during class, and circulate the room to ensure
everyone is on-task.
2. They have a Castle assignment to complete. They know where to go to complete this.
If they don’t finish it in class, it’ll be due on Wednesday.
3. If students finish early, they can complete corrections on their previous Castle
assignments. Otherwise, they can work on other assignments.

10:12-10:40 Enjoy your break!

10:42-11:10 1. Head back to Ms. Valenti’s for math. You will be the only teacher, this time.
8th Math 2. Students are to complete their next iReady lesson. Let them know that I can see how
long they were on task on iReady, and that I expect everyone to be at 25 minutes on
3. Remmy has to complete Brilliant work, instead. He has this emailed to him.
4. Jason needs to make up a quiz. This should be printed for him.

11:12-11:40 Enjoy your break!


11:42-12:50 1. During lunch, teachers head to the cafeteria and monitor the line and tables. We head
Lunch through the line and eat lunch with the students.
2. On Friday, I have lunch in the main room. Most teachers and students are in here.
3. Another teacher will call for cleanup and begin benching about halfway through the
4. At recess, make sure students are keeping their hands to themselves and staying in the
expected location. It’s important to not “bunch up” with other teachers at the expense
of being watchful of the kids, so space out to an area with less adults. I usually am by
the four-square area or out near the hedge line.

8th Math
1:22-1:35 Enjoy your break!

1:35-1:50 1. Bring the 8th grade in from lunch, back to the science room. Let them know they’ll
8th Science need their Chromebooks and preferably headphones.
2. Students have an email with video links and questions. They should work on
completing all of these questions by citing the videos.
3. Inform them on the way out that if they didn’t complete it today, it’s homework for
1:50-2:40 This is Genius Hour. Scott will know where this happens, but I assume it’s science room.
You’ll be with 7th grade. The students are going to be tasked with creating a strategy game
based off algebra for a competition that they’ll run or commentate on at the end of the year.
They should brainstorm ideas of what they'd like their game to be like with respectful
conversation. They are not at the stage where they should be critiquing each other yet, and shut
down any “that’s stupid”-type comments. Each student must email me a brief list of their ideas
or take aways at 2:35.

2:45-3:25 This is Tribal Time. Head down to the gym, as you’re representing Chai Bal today. Check in
with Stephen Papkin and help with student management. At 3:25, students are heading to
dismissal. You’ll head to Ms. B’s class for pickup with second grade.
After dismissal  Thanks for placing all papers that need my attention or were collected throughout the day
in a pile on my desk and for picking up any large debris off of the floor.
 Thanks for sharing the positive things or anything that needs attention that happened
today. You can write below and leave it on the desk, or email me at .

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