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ama fester 05.08.2011 ar fazaftenca ue 4 fr fora aris doe gs, fret Fe cease caked Ey — Date :- 05.08.2011 Subject :- Psychology 1. Dr. Jamila Khatoon 2. Dr. Kiran Lata a moaea aa a wa Committee Place :- Committee Hall REVISED SYLLABUS — ama) SUBJECT. FsvcHOLOGY (uRUETCRABUATECOE get Nae Pope ce Mar nts: Feper2 Bene Matdngy ands Mec He: 38 Peper: Pactet Max M30 repr 2 Sl Prey cate apr 3 Pree x Mnt90 comrutsone rapes ‘ viper Mawurene ts x Ht 9 apr 2: Counseling an Gace ses Bp af, TIONALEAPERS ny onl ening) px tabs aunt yey in cy Ea Same Paper 4: Pact Max se Papert BASIC FSYCHOLOGICAL PROCESSES ‘+ Introduction: Definition, nature scope an apliations of psychoagy. Methods Intoapeston observation, experinenta interes, quesonnaie and case tay: + Contemporary perspectives: Bilopkal copnive,peychoaalycal, humanistic voluonar and cose-culu + iolopical Bases of Behaviour Evolution, genes an Iehaviou. The response mechani Receptors, effectors and adjstor. The Nervous Syste: The basic structure functions and divisions ofthe Peripheral and Cena Nervous Sytem, Unit + Senrory Procene: Visual, auditory and lhe senses: Struct a funtion. onal Processes: Natur, types and determinants of attenton, + Perceptual Process Nature and determinants, perceptual organization, form, spac and depth perception, Percept constancy an illasion siti + Learning: Nature of lamin proces. Classical and Operant conditioning: Bas principles an type. Thos ral an ear theory, Geta theory of sight sn Band's observational earning theory Transfer of taining yp of wane, factors inflencng ain 1+ Meinary and Forgetting: Memory: Encoding storage and eseval processes The stage of memory: The iformaton processing approach The Sensory, shor erm an longterm nemory, Methods of measuring memory. Tetniques of proving, memory, Forging: Nature, causes and various theories of forgeting: Decay, Intesernce, motivational hoe. 1+ Motivation and. Emotion: Indkators of moiation, the motivational cyte Clasifcation of motver: Biogenic, seiogenic and personal motives. Emotion Nature and dimensions of emetion. Development expression and cont of ‘emotions. Theories of Emotion: Jams Lange Canto Bard, Schachter and Sige, Lazar Lindsey's activation theory. Physiologie correlates emotion, Culture od emotion. 4 Thinking, Nature snd typos of thinking, Relstc and autistic thinking Tools of thinking concepts imager, prototypes crit, schema Inguage and thought + Intligene: Dfation, concept of LO. Genetic an environmental inunces 0 intligene. Factor ther: Spearman, Thtstone nd Guilford. Procen-rened ‘eon: Plagt, Brn and Sterberg Creativity and intlige + Personality: The concept of personaly Tait and type approaches of personality. The Bolg social and cultural determinants of personality ‘BOOKS RECOMMENDED. + Atkinson and Hilgasd (2902) Induction to Psychology. New York: Thomson Wadsworth, + Baron, R.A. (995). Paycology: The Essen Science. New York: Allyn and Bacon, + Feldman RS (2008), Understanding Pajchoogy. tnd Tata McGraw Hi + Lefion LA. (1985) Prychology Boston: Allyn and Bacon. + Morgan, CT. King, RA. Wein JR, Schopler, J (200). Itraetion 10 Payhology. Tata McGraw Hl + Singh, ALK, 2000) Uchchatar Samana Manovigyan New Delhi> Mota Banari + Zimbardo, PG and Weber, AL. (197), Psychology, New York: Harper Coline College Pubishers Masks 38 Paper 2: EXPERIMENT AL METHODOLOGY AND STATISTICS + Inoduction: Nature ofSkince and Scenic method Steps volved in experimentation + Problem and Hypothesis: Natur, ype and sources 4+ Vasabls: Notre and types, Control of Variables 4+ Experimental Desig Meaning, purpose an types sit 1 Meaning and Purpose of States in Prychology: Discrete an Continous cos. «+ roqueney Distribution and thee Graphical Presentation: Frequency pons ‘Hstgrams anal Ove Percentile point an percentile rank. sith Measures of Central Tendency Mean Median Mode and its measingappliation nd computation + Messuces of Vaiabiliy; Range, quartile deviation, average deviation, standant evition, meaning aplicaon and compatation sity + Comet sc Concept of creation: near a non-linear correlation: Pearson's Pract Moment orelation Spearman’ ankodetcorelation «+ Preparation of Data for Computer Analysis Familaizaton with software packages of statistics andthe application. + Garret, HE (1969, Statistics in Peychology and. Education. may: Vahl, Fefr an Sins Lid + Gane, HE. (19). Siksha evam Manovigyan Mein Sankyiki, New Delhi Kalyan Publishers + Gulford, 17. & FrueMer (1973). Fundamentals of Saisie in Psychology nd Bdocaton Tokyo: Kegapusha + Kapil, HA. (980) Sankiyaki ke Moo Tava. Aga: Vinod Pustk Mandi ‘+ McGuigan, 4. (1990), Experimental Psychology ( Editon) New Deh: Prente alt indi, 1+ Singh, ALK: (2000. Test, Measurement and Research Mths New Delhi: Motil ‘anaes Das. ‘+ Suleman M, 197), Sabai ke Moot atv Pant Shukla Book Dept + Veuma, P. & Sivastva, DIN, (1986). Manovigyan aur Shiksha mein Sanyo ‘Aga: Vind Partak Mande Paper: PRACTICAL Any six experiments ofthe following should be performed. ‘ater tanwer of tening. Maze learning lntuenc of set on perception Retoactve Inhibition fect of knowledge of seus on performance Percept organization Memory span for digits and words BZeigunick eet Markos Paper 1 PSYCHOPATHOLOGY vit + Introduction to Psychopathology: The concept of normality and boreal ‘Casati of meta disorders (ICD X and DSM WV). + Mental les: Signs eymplons and sytomes, Cases of abnor behevous Bolo, prychokighal sca and cultural factors, + Payhologial Models of Paychopathology: Biologia, poychodymamic, tehavouria cognitive havior humanist socio culra sit Stress: Nature sources and types: PTSD & Acute sess dsrder, Coping with «+ Prychosomatc Disorders: Symptoms causes and treatment vik + Anxity Disorder: Pak dieorder, Phobia, Obsessive compulsive disorder, CGenealled Arey sorder; heir symptoms types tology and este + Somatoform Disorders: Dissociative disorders vit Peyote Disorders Symptoms pps, logy aa erates (o)Shizophemia (b) Detsina disorder + Mood (Afetive) Disorders: Manic episode, Depressive eps, Bipolar Move isouders, Dysthymis. + Feromaity Disorders: (4) Disciative (6) Impubive (Ant Socal (4) Borderline (e)Avoldance (f) Dependent Personalities 100KS RECOMMENDED: + uss AH. (199), Paychoptholgy, New York John Wiley. + Canon, RC; Bateher, J. Nd Mingks, S. (2010). Abwormal Paychalogy ond Moderntif. Parton Education ne and Detling Kindersley pubiations Ine + Sow, G. 1 an Sarason, RV. (207). Abnormal Psychology: The Probe of Maladaptive Behaviours (11% Editon), Pearson Eduction Ine. and Dering Kindersey Publishing In + Singh ALK Adhuni Asamaaya Manovigyan. Patna Mot Lal Banas Dos BA Maries Paper 2 SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY nit 4+ Introduction: Nature and. scope; Methods of staying socal Yehavior ‘Observation experiment fel! stay survey soiometry and eros cultural, Socialization Agents and mchanisns, soilirton and deviation, + Ferceving, Others: Forming. spresion: Role of nonverbal cues, group stereotypes, central tite primary and recency effects; Modes of information ings ion Atibuton of ously Biss a theres (ones and Dis Kley 1+ Percelving Groups: Pseudie, Stereotypes and Cones Sources, dynamics and ‘+ Ierperonal attraction: Nature, mssurement and antecedent conditions of toecporaona attraction + Atitudes: Nature Formation and change of tudes. Measurement of ates, + Group Dynamics and Influence Sructure, function and types of the groups Socal fasitation, sil fafing individuation: Group cohesiveness, norms an ecson making, Conformity, cbeenc and sc modeling + Leadership: Definitions and futons: Tra tutional interactional tehavioutal amd contingeny approaches to leadership affections. nit + Communication: Verta! and non-verbal strategies. Language and seca interaction. Bases to communication, + Aggression: Determinants Personal and socal Theoretical perspectives iological: tai situational and sci ring, Control of aggression, + Helping, Behaviour determinants Personal, situational and. sociocultural lteminants; Bystandar fect; Theotetcal perpecives: Exchange and HOOKS RECOMMENDED: + Akotk J Carment BW Sada Calin |, Green. (197. Tent ook of ‘sal Poco, Saorough Onan Prec Hal/ Aly bacon, Bron A. Bye, DH sl pechogy. New Dee Pen Hal + Feldman RS, (1969) Sc Pylori, Rasen and Appian. New York + Myers Davi. 095 pln Soc Pato. New York Me 4 Singh A.K (995), Adui Sama: Manovigyan Ki Roope (lon). Vaan + Tripathi, LB 190) Adoni Samibk Manvigyan. Agr: Natoma Payee corp + Wc. Cope], Vsti Sxl Py cholgy ic: Dosey Pes Marks 99 Paper: PRACTICAL Any sc esto the following should he performed, 1. Atitude Seale 2, Testo Aggression 5. Society 4 Soci acitation/ Conformity 6 sser 7. EP yenck Personality inventory) 5. Stess/Coping, Baul Marks ‘Papert MEASUREMENT AND STATISTICS niet + Seating techniques and Measurement Sling lechnigucr: Paired comparison rating an raking Levee of Measurement: Nominal interval, nina and ati scales eit. Typs of et. “est Construction: Testceastrction and standardization of test Nowms-types. tem analysis. Concept and mssurement of reibiity and valiy 1+ Rrors in Measurements Buminer® variables, Tesee's variable, Situational ‘avobles x paycholoicl measurement Unie Reseatch Designs Meaning. characterises an purpose af reseatch deg “Types of Design Between Group and within Group design Factor desig, Ex Pot acto design. [Normal Distitution: Concept of probably, Las of probability. Characteristics ‘of NPC. Deviation rm NIC; Skewnes and hustoss. Applications of NPC. + Hypothesis Testing and Making Infernces: Population ad samp: Room -amplng Somolinydistbtion Standard egos of man, SB. ga alae + root, KD. (1992) Experimental Design Behavioural Research, New Dei Wiley Easter, = Ganet H, (Eds) (1949) Saintes in Psychology ane Eduction. Bombay: Waki Feller and Sons Li, + Kapil HK. (1980 Sanya e Moo! Tava Aga: Vinod Pastok Mandi. + Kaplan, RN. de Secuzza, DLP. (2000) Payhologeal Testing, Princip, Aplictions and sss (Fa) USA: Wadoworth Thomson ening + Minium, E3. King. BM. & Bot; (1983)- Sttisial Reasoning in Paycolocl nd Education. New Yok Job Wey + Shegel (1998) Non Parametric Statistics McGraw Hil + Singh, AK (2M) Test, Measiement and Hésarch Methods. Patna: Bhat Bhawan + Savastava Ram Jo, Manovaiyanic Evan Shaldshik Mapan, New Deh: Moti ‘Banari BAL Paper 2: COUNSELLING AND GUIDANCE + Intoduction: Nature an goals of Counseling, Distinction between Guitance and Counseling + Perspectives of couneling: Peychownulyty behavioural, cognitive ond + Types of Counsel (0) Directv, Nowaluective and elt; (© individual and group counseling + Counseling Process: Principles of Counseling + Conmee sill: Rapport pathy and Communication ‘+ Phases of Counselling Ini Mile, Terminal ae Fol wp, 4+ Special Areas of Counseling: Cacer counseling, marital counseling, pessona counseling and counselling of aot nia ‘+ Introduction to Guidance: Need for guidance, Nature, goals and fancions of guidance, 1 Area of Guidance: Eastin, vocational and persona gence + Peony + Aputude terest + Achievement ets 100K RECOMMENDED: 1+ Geto, ©.) and Prete BR (1995). Counseling Peychogy. Banglore: Prism Hooks Pvt ison, RL Mitchell MHL, 205), Inedsction to Counseling and Guidance (69 a). Pearson Edvcation. “+ Pas. V. (208, Counselling Poycholoy. New Deh: Authors Pres. + Rao, §N. (1951). Counsing and Guidance (28% Reprint 2008). New Del “TalaMeGra Hl pai A and Asthana, Mt 208), Guidance and Counseling (Concept, Ares and Approaches. New De Met Ta Banari Ds “soot, Dryden, W, & Strambridge, S. 2003) Handbook of counseling psychology (8), Londo: Sage Publication bid Bam Marke ‘raper3 (ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOUR « tntoduetion: Natre and Scope, contin of Tayler, FW, and Elton Mayo, ‘New challenges and opportunites, 1s selection and Placement Basic slstion models, messurement of Sivial “ieence. Techniques selection: Interview and paychologkal esting |. renonnel Training and Development: Training Methods of Training onthe ant ifthe oh Techniques of management development Fratton of taining progammnes «Motivation: Major Theoses: Masiow, Adams and Vioom, Financial and. owe financial inceatives Job characteristics two models: jo ensichument, sty of work «Job Sastuction and Indosial Morale; Nature, determines and eres (ere, Vroom), |e pentrmance Appraisal: Appraisal proves, methods of performance eyprastl ad actors distin performance appraisal «onion Stee: Nae sources stress andi eft on taro b Haman Engineering: Man-machine syst, Designs dlspay controls an ation. 4+ Accident and Safety: Risk taking behaviour Acident proneness. Causes of cclents Pye and human ators: Salty measures in indus, ‘HOOKS RECOMMENDED. {+ Blam, M. Land Naylor JC. (588 lnstal Psychology: his Theoret nd Socal Foundations + Lathan, F (205), Orpaiztnal Behaviour (10 Ed. New York: TataMeGraw a + Memoria €. 8, Personnel Management + Rastogi G.D. (1992) Vyavahack Manovigyan Agra Har Prasad Bhargava Robins SJ. & Sanghi (209) Organizations Beaious «+ Siogh_ AP. (985) Vyavahaik Manovgyan.Varanas:AishePubietons + Wealey, KN. & Yl, GA, (887) Organizations! Beaiour and! Personnel Paycology Paper 3(b) HEALTH PSYCHOLOGY “+ tntrdution: Nature, scope and brs istry’ of health psyehology The rl of Irth pchologit + Sytems of Body: Nervous Sytem, Endocrine System, Caio Vascular Sytem, Respiratory system, Renal system, Digestive system, Genial and Imaarity ‘stem, 4+ Models of He th Bi Paycho Sail ad Caltral Models: Health beet moe + Meath Hehaviour and Primary Preventons: Determinants of heals tease Health enhancement: modification of halk Behaviour, changing ath xh Tallels and attudes, socal engineering, habit ocations, excrite, physiat xaminatin, weight contol and diet oot 4+ Pain and Management! Measurement of pain, clinical management and pin cent ecg, viet “+ Cardio vascular dneae, diabetes, patalysls, brain stokes and hypetension symptoms, cause and remedies. Type A behaviour in reference to disses + Stress and Health: Neture and types of stres, aus and consequences of test ‘Sees management easement of stress Rol of soi support 1+ Management of Chronic and Terminal Illness: Management of chronic anc terminal es, coping, rehabilitation of thronally a, psychologal + Heath ues late to chron adolescents women and ele + Puure challenges to health Psychologists, BOOKS RECOMMENDED. + Bennett, P. Wetman J fe Spurgeoe,P (Eds) (1990). Curent Development in eat Pychology. UKs Hand Academic Publishers + Fridman iMate, (1989, Heats psychology. New York Prentice al 4+ Macs, DF. Murray, ML Evan 8. Wing, C210) Healt Paychalogy: Theory, ‘esearch and Application, New Dai: Conept “+ Matha, 5.S: Health Paychology, Agra: Vinod Pasisk Mandi 1 Paper 3 (@) ENVIRONMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY + Environmental Pychology? Nate and characteristics; casifiation of ‘mvronment Indian perspective on human ensonaent reltionship, “Theories OF Environment - Behavior Relationships Arcus Fv kad, Adaptation level a Ecological Appa ‘+ Research Methods in Enitonmental Psychology: Experimental, Simulation, co rational and. desripive: Methods of data cllction: Seltzeport at servation eld survey nervew and question sit + Heology and Development: Human nature arc envgonmental problems: pro secial and. proenvzonmental tehuvouts, ecosystems and thelr components: Beology, Demography, Monaly and Festty. Resovice we: Common property resources, sustuinabe development, accltaraton an psychological adaptation + Environanental Stress: Nature and characteris. Types of sree Natal eaters, ecological ctsteope naib and ir pellation vst + Environmental Perception, Cognition and Atitudes: Nature and characteristics of feironmental perception: soc and cata nluenens.Envizonmentlcopmtion ond cognitive mapping, Acqision of environmental atten + Hfect of Environment on Behavior: Personal space and teroriay: Nate funxtons and determinants of peronal space, consequences of personal space tnvason tetova furtionsany type. «+ Croweng: Notre ad chances, ete, tet of roving on animal a ran Begs + Enviconmentat Feychology and Saving. the Environment; Faviroamenta sucaton pomp and eilorcement techniques indian contest, RECOMMENDED: 1 Bll PA. Crone, TC. Fae, JD. Batam A. (200), Environmental Psychology (th Eaton), USA: Wadsworth Group / Thomson leaning, 10 Davis Drive Betmoat CA 4+ Goldsmith, E991). The Way; The Ecological World View, Boston: shambala Tekon WH. Proshanhy, HM, Riis, E.G, Winks, GH. de Demprey,D. 4971, An Inracton ko Environmental Payehoogy. New Yor: Holt Rineant Winton «Jain U. (1967) ThePaychlopcal Cnsequences of Crotding, New Deli: Sage 4+ Stools, D. an Atma (Es) (1987), Handbook of Environmental Psyhotoy. New York: Wiley. Tewari PS. N. 00, Paryavaraniya Manovigyan New Deli: Moti Lal Banas as. Batt PAPER (®) PRACTICAL Fel survey ona small tinprangig om48-28, Report to be submited ang with the ‘vgn cevifeae of he organization vied by the stadent/studens fret ancy omy 0 amnatt amrnpeler BOE A ecbuttlan elery antl the oti ake enpemgatice isla Bey ros dear /ehideng Ean

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