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Instituto Profesional y Técnico

Bocas del Toro

9th Grade______

Name: ______________
María Isabel Miranda
Dalys Smith
Delka A. Quintero
Dear Parents & Student:

May the peace of the Lord, love, unity and understanding reign in your homes. The
administrative and teaching staff sends you their warmest greetings and at the same
time is happy that you continue to be part of this great family in these challenging

This “Study Guide” constitutes a fundamental instrument for the organization of the
student's work and its objective is to offer all the necessary orientations that allow
him/her to integrate the didactic elements for the study of the subject and a resource
that has the purpose of guiding the student methodologically in his/her independent
activity, at the same time that they serve as support to the dynamics of the teaching
process, guiding the student in his/her learning process as the student works on the

Best regards,

Your teacher

“Success consists of going from failure to

failure without loss of enthusiasm.”

– Winston Churchill
Week 1
Answer the following questions.

What is a subject pronoun?

What do you know about the simple present? (Explain with your own words)

Develop the following vocabulary. You have to write the meaning in Spanish, write a sentence per word
and illustrate each word with a picture or drawing. (Desarrolle el siguiente vocabulario. Usted debe
escribir el significado en español, escribe una oración por cada palabra e ilustrala con dibujos o figuras)
Vocabulary: experiences, shapes, pregnant, same blood, ages, commitment, course, willing, bonds, and
Week 2

Continue practicing the simple present tense. Develop the following worksheets. (Continúe practicando
el tiempo presente simple. Desarrolle los siguientes talleres).
Week #3

Develop the following vocabulary. You have to write the meaning in Spanish, write a sentence per word
and illustrate each word with a picture or drawing. (Desarrolle el siguiente vocabulario. Usted debe
escribir el significado en español, escribe una oración por cada palabra e ilustrala con dibujos o figuras)
Vocabulary: physical distancing, self-isolation, positive attention, eye contact, smiling, praising,
wellbeing, gratitude.
Change the verb in parenthesis to present continuos form in order to make the statement correct.
(Cambie el verbo en parentesis a la forma de presente continuo para hacer la oración correcta.)
Week #4
Continue practicing the present continuos. Develop the following worksheets. (Continúe practicando el
presente continuo. Desarrolle los siguientes talleres).
Week #5

Develop the following vocabulary. You have to write the meaning in Spanish, write a sentence per word
and illustrate each word with a picture or drawing. (Desarrolle el siguiente vocabulario. Usted debe
escribir el significado en español, escribe una oración por cada palabra e ilustrala con dibujos o figuras)
Vocabulary: keeping the social rules, keeping the sanitary rules, keeping the law, child welfare, food

What is a possessives adjective?

Give 3 examples of possessives pronouns

Develop the following worksheet to practice with the possessives adjectives. (Desarrolle el siguiente
taller para poner en práctica los adjetivos posesivos).
Week #6

Continue practicing the possessives adjectives and possessives pronouns. Develop the following
worksheets. (Continúe practicando los adjetivos y pronombres posesivos. Desarrolle los siguientes
Week #7

Develop the following vocabulary. You have to write the meaning in Spanish, write a sentence per word
and illustrate each word with a picture or drawing. (Desarrolle el siguiente vocabulario. Usted debe
escribir el significado en español, escribe una oración por cada palabra e ilustrala con dibujos o figuras)
Vocabulary: prioritizing, clarity, generosity, affection, apologizing, helping others, discussion of real-
life examples.

Write 10 sentences using the moral values.










Week #8

Develop the following vocabulary. You have to write the meaning in Spanish, write a sentence per word
and illustrate each word with a picture or drawing. (Desarrolle el siguiente vocabulario. Usted debe
escribir el significado en español, escribe una oración por cada palabra e ilustrala con dibujos o figuras)
Vocabulary: responsibility, tolerance, sincerity, teamwork, trust, kindness, motivation, time

Develop the following worksheet to practice the adverbs of frequency. (Desarrolle el siguiente taller
sobre los adverbios de frecuencia.)
Week #9

Develop the following vocabulary. You have to write the meaning in Spanish, write a sentence per word
and illustrate each word with a picture or drawing. (Desarrolle el siguiente vocabulario. Usted debe
escribir el significado en español, escribe una oración por cada palabra e ilustrala con dibujos o figuras)
Vocabulary: Types of marriage (civil, legal, religious) empathetic, supportive, respectful, caring,
wedding ceremony.

Read the following reading and answer the questions. Lea la siguiente lectura y desarrolle las
Week # 10

Develop the following vocabulary. You have to write the meaning in Spanish, write a sentence per word
and illustrate each word with a picture or drawing. (Desarrolle el siguiente vocabulario. Usted debe
escribir el significado en español, escribe una oración por cada palabra e ilustrala con dibujos o figuras)
Vocabulary individual and social rights for children and for women, discrimination, human right,
democracy, declaration, illiteracy (adults), duties, norms.

Write your rights responsibilities, follow the examples below. ( escriba sus derechos de
responsabilidades, siga el ejemplo de abajo).

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