Contenido 2 SF6 Gas 2016

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Johannes Dittrich 2410007730

Gas Insulated Switchgear (GIS)

SF6 Gas

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SF6 - Sulphur hexafluoride
SF6 – History
 1900 discovered in France
 1938 examined in the USA as isolating gas
 1938 examined in Germany as quenching
 1955 BBC studies over quenching
 1965 1st SF6-isolated switchgear (123 kV)
 1965 1st SF6-CB

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SF6 - Sulphur hexafluoride
SF6 – History
 1966 1st order for BBC for 170 kV
Resolution: EBK development
 1969 1st order for BBC for 245 kV
 1969 delivery beginning for EBK
 1974 1st order for BBC for 420 kV
 1974 1st order for BBC for 525 kV
 1977 1st order for BBC for three phases
capsuled 72.5/145-kV-plant ELK-0

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SF6 - Sulphur hexafluoride

SF6 – a Gas With Unusual Properties

 SF6 is a non-toxic, inert, insulating and cooling gas of high dielectric strength and thermal stability.

 It is a colorless, odorless, and non-flammable gas

 With a molecular weight of 146.05, SF6 is about 5 times heavier

than air and one of the heaviest known gases

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SF6 - Applications

 Tracer Gas
 SF6 can be detected by halogen leak detectors, and
could be used as an additive to other gases as a
tracer for leak detection

 Thermal Pane Windows

 Its low acoustic velocity and high-sound absorption
make it an excellent filling gas for glass window

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SF6 Environmental aspects

SF6 in the atmosphere contributes to global warming, thus the release of SF6
into the atmosphere must be avoided whenever possible.

The commercially available gas service and

filtering devices allow full recycling of SF6.

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SF6 – basics of relevant environmental issues

 The Kyoto Protocol

 Supplementary protocol to the United Nations Framework Convention on
Climate Change (UNFCCC) ( aimed at climate protection

 Conference in Kyoto (Japan) on 11.12.1997

 Target levels for the emission of greenhouse gases 2008 to 2012 ( minus
5.2 % compared to 1990
 Regulated Kyoto gases:

 Carbon dioxide CO2

 Methane CH4
 Nitrous oxide N2O
 Fluorohydrocarbons H-FKW/HFCs
 Perfluorocarbons FKW/PFCs
 Sulfur hexafluoride SF6

Ratified by 170
countries (2007)

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SF6 – basics of relevant environmental issues
 The greenhouse potential
 Greenhouse potential – or CO2 equivalent (otherwise: Global Warming
Potential – GWP)  is a measure of how much a specified amount of a greenhouse gas contributes
to the greenhouse effect.
 The reference value is  carbon dioxide CO2
 The GWP describes the average warming effect over a specified period

 the usual observation period is 100 years

Greenhouse potential GWP (examples)

Carbon dioxide CO2 1 Tetrafluorethane R-134a, HFC-134a 1 430

Methane CH4 25 Fluorohydrocarbons FKW/HFKW up to 14


Nitrous oxide N2O 298 Sulfur hexafluoride SF6 22 200

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SF6 – basics of relevant environmental issues

 The greenhouse potential of SF6

For the greenhouse effect, 1 kg SF6 has the same
Sulfur hexafluoride SF6 22 200 effect as 22,200 kg CO2

 SF6 has the highest greenhouse potential of all

known gases!
 Comparison:
 1 kg SF6 released into the atmosphere has
the same effect on the greenhouse
potential as a 120,000-km journey by a
medium-size car! 1 kg SF6 emissions 
 (CO2 emissions of approx 185 g/km) approx. 120,000 km

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SF6 – basics of relevant environmental issues

 Voluntary commitment on SF6

Voluntary commitment by SF6 producers, manufacturers

and users of electrical equipment > 1kV
for transmission and distribution of electrical energy
in Germany
for SF6 as an insulating and quenching gas

 Manufacturers and users follow this


•SF6 emissions should be avoided wherever possible.

•The specific amounts of SF6 used for a particular purpose will be kept
to a minimum.

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SF6 - Sulphur hexafluoride
 SF6 Vapor Pressure Curve

 Example A
- a GIS filled to 6 bar at 20°C
would rise to 7 bar at 50°C.
 Example B
- a GIS filled to 11 bar near
30°C would get liquid SF6
inside if subjected to a
temperature of -10°C
 Example C
- the pressure of a liquid filled
SF6 cylinder is about 22 bar
near room temperature

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SF6 - Sulphur hexafluoride
Electrical and Physical Properties
 High dielectric strength
 Breakdown voltage at 50 Hz and 1 bar is 2.5 to 3
times higher than for air or nitrogen

ETZ Supplement 3 [1966]

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SF6 - Sulphur hexafluoride

Electrical and Physical Properties

 Arc quenching capacity

 SF6 has high arc quenching capacity, even at low


 Air/SF6 mixtures produce much higher arc quenching

capacity than air alone

Insulating Materials for Design and Engineering Practice, N.Y.

[1962], p. 116
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SF6 gas filling pressure CB & VT
SF6 gas filling pressure Busbar 700 kpa
Discon. Earthingswitch & Pipes 101,5 psi
600 kpa
87 psi

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EXK-0 SF6- Gasworks
 SF 6 Gas Filling Pressure

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EXK-0 SF6-Filling Pressures
 SF 6 Gas Filling Pressure Level 3

540 kPA
600 kPA
78,3 psi
87 psi

520 kPA
75,4 psi

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20°C / 68°F
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EXK-0 SF6-Filling Pressures
 SF 6 Gas Filling Pressure Level 4

700 kPA
101,5 psi
620 kPA
89,9 psi
600 kPA
87 psi

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SF6 Emission

SF6 – Gas Handling SF6 – Leakage

Losses 0,5 % / Year

70 % of SF6 Emission due to Gas Handling losses

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SF6 Reporting
SF6 – Mass Flow Rate SF6 – Scale SF6 –Weight Bridge
accuracy +/- 5 g accuracy +/- 50 g for LGB - Container

To Record the evacuating of SF6-Gas

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SF6 Gashandling Installation
Evacuation of Gas Compartments filled with N 2
 Equalize the pressures between the N 2 -filled gas compartment and environment
 Start the vacuum pump and evacuate hose until reached
vacuum in Hose
 Then open valve and start evacuatuion of Gas-Compartment
 Pump and evacuate Gas-Compartment until reached
 Evacuate for a minimum of two hours
 Close valve and Check pressure
IF vacuum: OK
NOT : continue evacuating for 30 to 60 min
 Disconnect the running vacuum pump


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Gas Density Relay
Trafag  Gas pressure is monitored by temperature
compensated relays.

1 – Indicator mechanism
2 – Micro switch
3 – Operating rod
4 – Reference gas volume
5 – Gas compartment
6 – Metal bellows
7 – Plug terminals
8 – Cover for outdoor installation

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Gas Connection
 Gas Connection “Malmquist” for filling & meassuring

 Gas compartments are equipped with

a non-return valve, thus taking gas
samples or refilling of SF6-gas can
be performed without any problems

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Gas Connection
 Gas Connection for meassuring

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Gas Connection
 Gas Connection “DILO” for filling & meassuring

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Busting Disk ELK-04

 Bursting Disk with Filter

1 – Screws
2 – O-ring
3 – SF6-gas moisture filter
4 – Bursting disc
5 – Protective cover

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Busting Disk EXK-0
 Bursting Disk with Filter

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SF6 Safety
Handling of used SF6 Gas

 General precautions
 Respect smell warning
 Forced ventilation in working area
 No smoking, no eating, no open flames

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SF6 Safety
Handling of used SF6 Gas

 Protection of persons
 Wear protective gloves and eye protection
 Forced ventilation in working area
 Clean hands, face etc. thoroughly with water and soap

Poisonous arc decomposition products

!Irritation of eyes, skin

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May 23, 2017 | Slide 28
SF6 Safety
Handling of used SF6 Gas

 Protection of material
 Remove dust with a vacuum cleaner (cyclone type)
 Clean materials thoroughly with aethanol or isopropane
 Dry materials
 Cover open gas compartments

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SF6 Safety
Handling of used SF6 Gas

 Protection of material
 Reclaim and store used SF6 gas
 Purify used SF6 gas
 Neutralise decomposition products, filters,
bag from vacuum cleaner, protective clothing etc.

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SF6 Safety
Processing of SF6 Decomposition Products

Equipment Vacuum Filter Sealable Cleaning

cleaner Container Materials

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SF6 Safety

Safety measures for handling of SF6 and its

decomposition products

Leave contaminated rooms Check oxygen concentration

Wear protective cloth Avoid Contact with decomposition

Avoid disturbing of dust deposits Neutralize dust deposits

Thorough cleaning of eyes and skin Good ventilation

Do not eat, drink or smoke

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SF6 Safety
Protection set for decomposed SF6 gas

The combined work protection /cleaning set contains all materials for
ensuring optimal personal protection and environmentally safe disposal of
decomposition products from SF6 switchgears

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Maximum tolerable
Measuring of SF6 levels in equipment

 Filling Pressure measurement (at 20°C 68°F) +- 10 kPA

 SF6-Leakage Test 0,5 % per year
 SF6-Dew Point Test < -5° C at 20 ° C
 SF6-Volume Percentage < 3 Air %

 SF6-Decomposition Product (SF4, WF6 ) < 100 ppmv

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Dew Point of SF6
Maximum permissible Dew Point (measured at working pressure)
 Dew point

See also IEC 62271-1, clause 5.2.

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Dew Point of SF6

1 ppmw = 8,13 ppmv

ppmv = parts per million by volume

ppmw = parts per million by weight

dewpoint max.
- 5 °C at 700 kPa
(600 vol. ppm) eg. CB

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Testing Technology
 Gas Analyser973-SF6
5 Instruments in One

1. Humidity
Dew Point, Frost Point, PPMv, PPMw

2. Pressure
 GIS, head, int. tank

3. %Vol SF6
4. SF6-Decomposition Product
 (SF4, WF6 )

5. Gas Recovery System

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Working on barrier insulators

Due to safety reasons the following measures must be followed while

working on open gas compartments and/or on barrier insulators

a.) Mechanical workings on barrier insulators fixed to one flange only

b.) Workings on open GIS gas compartments with barrier insulators

fixed between two flanges

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Working on barrier insulators
a.) Mechanical workings on barrier insulators fixed to one flange only,shall only be
carried out to a max differential pressure of 100 kPa 19.5 psi.
(This corresponds to a filling pressure of 200 kPa in the respective gas compartment and atmospheric pressure on the

Max Δ pressure
100 kPa 19,5 psi !
for 520 mm and 735 mm

e.g. assembly in the factory, on-site assembly, switchgear extensions and

installation of High Voltage Test Equipment
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Working on barrier insulators 735 mm
b.) Workings on open GIS gas compartments with barrier insulators fixed between
two flanges only,shall only be carried out to a max differential pressure of:

Max Δ pressure
420 kPa 60,9 psi
type ELK04 (735 mm)
Big flanges

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e.g. maintenance on Circuit Breaker, installation of high-voltage cables,
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Working on barrier insulators

Supervision of the Pressure during Maintenance

The maintenance pressure in the affected module has to be adjusted and supervised
applying a precision pressure gauge.

In case the pressure falls below the signal pressure 1 (see gas scheme) measured by
the gas-density relay, a further reduction of the pressure is not admissible.

Adequate measures have to be taken in order to keep the maintenance pressure

within the limits mentioned above. These are for example:

• De-energize the relevant part of the busbar

• Reschedule the maintenance work at a time with cooler ambient temperature
and / or reduced operating current

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