Internship Report - Yusuf Ahmad EN S-18101041 - Revision 2

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NIM. S.1810.1041


2021 M / 1443 H

Structured to complete the graduation requirements on the
Sharia Business Management Study Program
Faculty of Sharia Economics and Business
Tazkia Islamic Institute

NIM S.1810.1041


2021 M /1442 H


I hereby declare the Internship Report in the Migration

Operations Division roll out at PT. BANK SYARIAH INDONESIA
OFFICE BOGOR BRANCH AHMAD YANI and all its contents are
true of my own work, and I do not plagiarize or citation in ways that
are not in accordance with the scientific ethics that apply in scientific
society. On this statement, I am ready to bear the sanctions imposed on
me if there is a violation of scientific ethics in my work, or there are
claims from others to the authenticity of my work.

Bogor, 6 December
Who Stated,

Yusuf Ahmad EN


Internship report entitled "Internship Report on Migration Operational

Division Roll Out PT. Bank Syariah Indonesia Ahmad Yani Branch
Office" compiled by:

Name : Yusuf Ahmad EN

NIM : S.1810.1041
Program Study : Business Management Syariah

Approval of the Guide as a condition of graduation on the sharia

Business Management study program of the Faculty of Economics and
Sharia Business Tazkia Bogor Islamic Institute.

Bogor, 6 December

Thuba Jazil, M.Sc. (Fin)


As the academic community of IAI Tazkia, I am the Undersigned:

Name : Yusuf Ahmad EN

NIM : S.1810.1041
Program Study : Business
Management Syariah

Type of publication : Internship Report

For the Sake of Science Development, agreed to grant IAI Tazkia the
Non Exclusive Royalty-free right on my internship report entitled:



Along with existing devices (if needed). With this non-exclusive

royalty-free right IAI Tazkia reserves the right to store, outsource media
or format, manage in the form of databases, maintain and publish my
final duties as long as it still lists my name as author or creator and as
copyright owner.

That's the statement I'm actually making.

Bogor, 6
December 2021
Who states,

Yusuf Ahmad EN


1. Consonants are syaddah written in double, as the word ‫ َر َّب َنا‬,written =
2. Long vowels (madd) fathah (row above), kasrah (line below) and
dhammah (line in front), write â, î, û, e.g. the word:
‫ المساكين‬written: al-Masakin
‫ المفلحون‬written: al-muflihûn
3. Ditulis: ‫ = أو‬au, ‫ = أو‬u, ‫ = أي‬ai, ‫ = أي‬î
4. Alif dan lam (‫ ال‬,(diikuti dengan huruf Syamsiyah atau Qamariyah, ditulis "al"
pada awalnya, misalnya: ‫ النساء‬ditulis: an-nisa ‫ المؤمن‬ditulis: al-Mu'min
5. Ta' almarbuthah ketika terletak di akhir kalimat ditulis: h, seperti ‫ البقرة‬ditulis: al-
Baqarah. Ketika terletak di tengah kalimat, ditulis "t", misalnya ‫ زكاة المال‬ditulis:
Al-mal Zakat.


Alhamdulillah, all praise for Allah swt who has given the blessings of
faith, islamic favors and health blessings so that the author can complete the
internship report well, do not forget also the blessings and greetings we pour
out to him prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) who has brought us from
the time of ignorance to the present day like this.
The arrangement of this internship report is also inseparable from the
support, guidance, and prayers from both parents, family, teachers, friends,
and friends so that it can be resolved properly. For that, the author thanked
him very much to:
1. ALLAH SWT which has given the author favors in the form of health and
smoothness during preparation so that the author is able to complete the
process in this internship report.
2. Both parents of the author, father Novan Ade Cahyadi and Ibunda
khusnul khotimah who have supported and always prayed and facilitated
in order to carry out their duties properly. May Allah (SWT) repay the
kindness of both parents, aamiiin. Do not forget the beloved family who
always give encouragement.
3. Bpk. Firman Syah as Branch Manager of PT. Bank Syariah Indonesia
Bogor branch Ahmad Yani who has given writers the opportunity to do
internships at BSI, as well as provide direction and advice for writers.
4. R Dina Arfiana as Consumer Syaria Executive who has guided and always
gives encouragement to the author. Do not forget all staff and employees of
PT. Bank Syariah Indonesia Bogor Branch Ahmad Yani who has guided
and taught writers during his internship at BSI.
5. Dr. Murniati Mukhlisin, M.Acc. As rector of the Tazkia Islamic University

6. Mr. Thuba Jazil, M.Sc.(Fin) as an internship supervisor and as the head of
the Sharia Business Management Study Program of the Tazkia Islamic
University College , with his patience and prayers for the smooth running
of this report.
7. Thank you to the interns in one department, especially to Aqilla, Erina,
Firsta, Yuda, Aufa, and Mirza. Who is always supportive and motivating
in working on internship reports.
8. As well as all those who have contributed and prayed for writers who
cannot be mentioned one by one Jazakallahu khairon katsiron.

For all the guidance and assistance and good cooperation that has been
given during the author's internship and the creation of this internship report.
Thank you very much and may Allah swt repay all his kindness, Aamiiin.

In addition, the author realizes that in the presentation of this

internship report there are still many shortcomings and is far from perfect.
therefore, the author apologizes deeply and begs for his pleasure.
Finally, The Author Hopes this internship report can produce results
that are useful for the author in particular and generally for readers of this
internship report. All truths come from God.

Bogor, 6 December 2021

Yusuf Ahmad EN
NIM. S.1810.1041


INTERNSHIP AUNTHENTICITY REPORT..........................................................iii

SUPERVISOR APPROVAL......................................................................................iv
OFFICE BOGOR AHMAD YANI..............................................................................v
LIST OF FIGURES...................................................................................................11
ATTACMENT LIST..................................................................................................12
CHAPTER1 INTRODUCTION................................................................................13
1.1 Background of Internship................................................................................13
1.2 INTERNSHIP PURPOSE................................................................................14
1.3 Internship Benefit.............................................................................................14
CHAPTER II..............................................................................................................15
2.1. Company Profile...............................................................................................15
Figure 1. Company logo.............................................................................................15
2.2. History of the Establishment of Islamic Bank Indonesia................................16
2.3. History of Bank Syariah Indonesia..................................................................17
2.4. Vision and Mission Bank Syariah Indonesia..................................................17
2.5. Company Culture..............................................................................................18
2.6. Structure Organization Bank Syariah Indonesia............................................19
Figure 2. Structure Organization BSI........................................................................19
2.7. Organizational Structure and Governance......................................................19
2.8. Organizational Structure of BSI Bogor Office Ahmad Yani...........................20
CHAPTER III REVIEW OF INTERNSHIP SITUATION....................................21
3.1. Time and Place of Internship...........................................................................21
3.2. Method of implementation...............................................................................21
3.3. Individual Product............................................................................................22
3.4. Job Description.................................................................................................30
CHAPTER IV.............................................................................................................36
4.1. Description and Activities and Discussion.......................................................36
4.1.1 Labeling Document......................................................................................37
5.1.1 Foldering Document.....................................................................................37
6.1.1 Indexing Document......................................................................................37

7.1.1 Operating a printer........................................................................................38
4.2. Relationship of internship activities with courses in lectures..........................39
4.3. Challenges From Activities Undertaken in the Internship..............................39
4.4. Internship Activities That Can be Mindset......................................................40
Table 1 JOB DESCRIPTION WITH THE PRACTICE............................................41
CHAPTER V..............................................................................................................43
5.1. Conclusion........................................................................................................43
5.2. Recommendation..............................................................................................44
ATTACHMENT 1. ATTENDANCE INTERNSHIP PROGRAM.............................46
ATTACHMENT 2. NEWS REPORT OF INTERNSHIP..........................................50
LAMPIRAN 3 DOKUMENTASI FOTO KEGIATAN MAGANG.............................51
WRITTER’S CV........................................................................................................52




1.1 Background of Internship

Islamic bank is a provision of the rules of the agreement that is sourced in
law, it is very suitable or related between the bank and other parties to store its
funds and capital financing of business activities regardless of religious
background. Therefore, of course, the customer is the majority of the
population of the Indonesian state with the most Islamic religion who wants to
strive to live a life in accordance with the Qur'an and hadith.
PT Bank Syariah Indonesia is one of the financial services actors who use
the Sharia system and has been registered and supervised by the financial
services authority (OJK). PT Bank Syariah Indonesia formally began
operating on February 1, 2021 which coincided with the 19 jumadil end of
1442 H which became a historical marker of the joining of Bank Syariah
Mandiri, BNI Syariah, and BRI Syariah into one entity namely Bank Syariah
Indonesia (BSI). This merger will unite the advantages of the three Islamic
banks so as to provide more complete services, wider reach, and have better
capital capacity. Supported by synergies with the parent company (Mandiri,
BNI, BRI) as well as government commitments through the ministry of SOEs,
Bank Syariah Indonesia is encouraged to be able to compete at the global
level. BSI has 1 headquarters located in Jakarta and 1,120 BSI branch offices
throughout Indonesia.
PT. Bank Syariah Indonesia is one of the largest banks in Indonesia,
offering a wide range of Sharia-based products and agreements, both in terms
of Financing and Financing and Islamic values that are always presented in
every work activity carried out by everyone who works in must be owned by
every Bank. With these advantages, the author chooses to run internship
activities at PT. Bank Syariah Indonesia Bogor Branch Ahmad Yani.
Internship activities are expected to help the process of operational activities
at BSI as well as provide experience for writers so as to get useful knowledge.

With some consideration, here the author chose a place of practice.
fieldwork that is suitable and in accordance with the major is also beneficial
for the author. Therefore, the author chooses to practice internships at PT.
Islamic Bank Indonesia (BSI) Bogor Branch Office Ahmad Yani. The Islamic
Bank of Indonesia is one of the largest banks running the Shariah system in
Indonesia. One reason the author made PT. Bank Syariah Indonesia as a
practice internship location is to train and find out how prepared the author is
in It's the world of work. The author also hopes that the practice of internships
can be developing insights also improves the quality of the author in order to
become better personal


There are also the purposes of doing internship activities are:
1. Improve student capabilities in hard skills
2. Know the operational activities at PT Bank Syariah Indonesia Bogor
Ahmad Yani Branch Office
3. Increase knowledge and experience in the world of work
4. Master and pursue the work area at Bank Syariah and the work system
5. Fulfill one of the conditions of obtaining a Bachelor Economics degree
from the Islamic Institute of Tazkia

1.3 Internship Benefit

The following are the benefits of the application of internships conducted at PT
Bank Syariah Indonesia Bogor Ahmad Yani Branch Office are as follows:
1. Add experience and knowledge in working in the office world, especially
in banking
2. Add new lessons in real time management practice
3. As a practice regarding industrial operations, especially PT Bank Syariah
Indonesia Bogor Branch Office Ahmad Yani
4. Increase knowledge and lessons to meet with clients in person
5. Learn industry operational standards that will be useful for authors to learn
before jumping into the workforce.


2.1. Company Profile

The Company Profile of PT Bank Syariah Indonesia Bogor Ahmad Yani

Branch is as follows :
Name : PT Bank Syariah Indonesia
Nick Name : Bank Syariah Indonesia
Commercial name : BSI
Business field : Finance and its Components
Central Office Address : St. Abdul Muis No. 2-4 Central Jakarta,
DKI Jakarta 10160
Branch Office Address Ahmad Yani: St. A. Yani No.19, RT.02/RW.02, Tanah
Sereal, Kec. Tanah Sereal , Kota Bogor , Jawa Barat 16969
Telephone : (0251) 8312130
Website Address :
Company Logo :

Figure 1. Company logo

2.2. History of the Establishment of Islamic Bank Indonesia
President Director of PT Bank Syariah Indonesia Tbk. Hery Gunardi in
his report said that the integration and increase in the value of Himbara Sharia
Bank was reached since the beginning of March 2020, taking about 11 months.
In that period, all processes and series such as the signing of a deed of
incorporation or merger, submission of information disclosure, and the
acquisition of permission from OJK have been running well and in accordance
with the provisions.
 2016, The Financial Services Authority prepares a roadmap or
roadmap for the development of Islamic Finance.
 2019, The Financial Services Authority (OJK) encourages Sharia
Banks and government-owned Sharia business units to consolidate or
merge banks. Among them ARE PT Bank Syarih Mandiri, PT Bank
BNI Syariah, PT Bank BRI Syariah, Sharia Business Unit, PT Bank
Tabungan Negara (PERSERO) Tbk.
 2 Juli 2020, Minister of State-Owned Enterprises Erick Thohir plans
to merge state-owned Islamic Banks namely BRI Syariah, BNI
Syariah, BTN Syariah, and Mandiri Syariah.
 Oktober 2020, The government officially announced the planned
merger of Islamic banks from three Himbara banks namely Mandiri
Syariah, BNI Syariah, and BRI Syariah.
 11 Desember 2020, The consolidation of Himbara Islamic bank
established the name of the company resulting from the merger to PT
Bank Syariah Indonesia Tbk.
 27 Januari 2021, OJK officially issued a business merger permit of
three Islamic banks. The letter was issued under the number
 1 Februari 2021, President Jokowi inaugurated PT Bank Syariah
Indonesia Tbk or Bank Syariah Indonesia (BSI)

2.3. History of Bank Syariah Indonesia
Indonesia, the world's largest Muslim country, has the potential to be
at the forefront of the Islamic finance industry. Increasing public awareness of
halal matter as well as strong stakeholder support, are important factors in the
development of the halal industry ecosystem in Indonesia. It includes a Sharia
Islamic banks play an important role as facilitators of all economic
activity in the halal industry ecosystem. The existence of the Islamic banking
industry in Indonesia itself has experienced a significant increase and
development in the past three decades. Product innovation, service
improvement, and network development show positive trends from year to
year. In fact, the spirit to accelerate is also reflected in the number of Islamic
Banks that carry out corporate action. No exception with Bank Syariah owned
by State-Owned Bank, namely Bank Syariah Mandiri, BNI Syariah, and BRI
The merger of the three Islamic Banks is an effort to give birth to the
Islamic Bank of pride of the ummah, which is expected to be a new energy of
national economic development and contribute to the welfare of the wider
community. The existence of Bank Syariah Indonesia is also a reflection of
the face of Islamic banking in Indonesia that is modern, universal, and
provides good for all nature (Rahmatan Lil ' Aalamiin).
2.4. Vision and Mission Bank Syariah Indonesia
 Vision
Top 10 Global Islamic Bank
 Mission
1. Provide access to Islamic financial solutions in Indonesia
2. Serving >20 million customers and becoming a top 5 bank by
assets (500+T) and a book value of 50 T in 2025
3. Become a large bank that provides the best value for
4. Top 5 most profitable banks in Indonesia (ROE 18%) and

strong valuation (PB>2)
5. To be the company of choice and pride of the best indonesian
talent Company with strong values and empower the
community and committed to the development of employees
with a performance-based culture.

2.5. Company Culture

To realize the vision and mission of Bank Syariah Indonesia Bank
Syariah Mandiri needs to apply relatively uniform values. Insan Bank Syariah
Mandiri has studied and agreed on these values, which are then called Share
Value Bank Syariah Mandiri.
 Trust
Upholding the trust given
 Competent
Competent, continuously learning and developing abilities
 Harmony
Harmony, caring for each other and respecting differences
 Loyal
Dedicated and prioritizes the interests of the nation and state
 Adaptive
Keep innovating and excited in moving or facing change.
 Collaborative
Building synergy cooperation

2.6. Structure Organization Bank Syariah Indonesia

Figure 2. Structure Organization BSI

2.7. Organizational Structure and Governance

PT Bank Syariah Indonesia Bogor Ahmad Yani Branch Office has its
own organizational chart according to the needs of the branch office.
Employees at Bank Syariah Indonesia Bogor Branch ahmad yani also
experienced employee turnover from other bogor branches. This is a provision
that exists at PT Bank Syariah Indonesia that is done so that employees can
add skills and insight, Not only stay in one place, but also the employee's
working time is from Monday - Friday from 07.00-17.00 and red dates and
shared leave on holidays. In addition, every day before carrying out the work
is done a joint prayer and mandatory briefing for all employees.

2.8. Organizational Structure of BSI Bogor Office Ahmad Yani

The Oranization Structure of PT Bank Syariah Indonesia Bogor Branch Ahmad

Yani, is as follows:

Figure 3. Structure Of BSI KC Ahmad Yani

3.1. Time and Place of Internship
This internship activity is carried out 40 working days starting from
July 12, 2021. This internship activity was held at PT Bank Syariah Indonesia
Bogor Ahmad Yani Branch Office, located at Jl.A.Yani No.19, RT.02/RW.02,
Tanah Cereal, Kec. Tanah Cereal, Bogor City, West Java. 16969.This internship
is held from Monday to Friday from 08.00 to 16.00 and there are no internships
for Saturdays and Sundays.
3.2. Method of implementation
KInternship activities at PT Bank Syariah Indonesia Bogor Ahmad
Yani Branch Office, this is guided by the Consumer Syaria Executive
division. The role of the intern supervisor who is in the bogor branch office
ahmad yani is as a facilitator and directs the author to carry out the work
properly. Internship activities are carried out in accordance with the
procedures and regulations of the company, these internship activities include:
1 Work Practice
The practice of internship work is done in the hope that interns can find
out what accounts are in Islamic Banks, as well as what Islamic Banks
do, especially in Bank Syariah Indonesia. Apart from that all interns only
help the performance of Bank Syariah Indonesia employees and the
activeness of interns in the job.
2 Interviews and observations
This interview was conducted to get information by consulting directly to
Bank Syariah Indonesia workers or even to the manager of Bank Syariah
Indonesia Bogor Branch Ahmad Yani in accordance with what topics
will be asked. While he observation itself is a direct observation of the
object to be studied.

and to collect the primary data that the author needs in accordance with
what is done during the internship.
3 Data recording
The data used is data results from interviews and observations during
this internship activity which then results to support the creation of the
final report of internship activities.
4 Documentation
This documentation method is also done to complete the internship
activities taking place with clear and true information and information
that is in accordance with the topic discussed.
3.3. Individual Product

1. Savings
 BSI Business Savings
savings with mutlaqah mudharabah account in rupiah currency that can
facilitate transactions of the self-employed segment with a larger daily
transaction limit and free RTGS fee feature, SKN transfer and clearing
deposit entered through teller through internet banking
 BSI Classic Savings
Form of investment funds to accommodate cash collateral / goodwill
deposits of customers at each issuance of Hasanah Card Classic
managed based on sharia principles with mudharabah agreement
 Mudharabah savings
Rupiah withdrawals and deposits can be made at any time during cash
operating hours at the bank's office or through an ATM.
 BSI Wadiah Savings
Savings in rupiah currency based on wadiah yad dhamanah principle
whose withdrawals and deposits can be made at any time during cash
operating hours at the bank office or through an
 ATM BSI Junior Savings
Savings are intended for children and students under the age of 17 to
encourage a culture of saving early.

 BSI Student Savings
Savings with wadiah agreements from students of Public Universities /
Private Universities (PTN / PTS) or employees / members of
companies / institutions / associations / professional organizations in
collaboration with the Bank
 BSI Tabungan Payroll
Special Savings is a derivative product of Tab Wadiah / Mudharabah
Regular which is devoted to Payroll Customers and Migrant

 BSI Educational Savings

Savings with Mudharabah Muthlaqah account intended for the
individual segment in planning education with the autodebet system
and getting insurance coverage

 BSI Retirement Savings

Savings with the choice of Wadiah Yad Dhamanah or Mudharabah
Muthlaqah account is intended for individual customers registered with the
Pension Management Institution who have cooperated with the Bank.

 BSI Savings plan

Savings with Mudharabah Muthlaqah account intended for the individual
segment in planning their finances with an autodebet system and free
insurance protection

 BSI Student Savings Savings

Savings with Wadiah Yad Dhamanah agreement for students issued

nationally by Islamic banks in Indonesia, with easy and simple
requirements and attractive features, in the framework of education and
financial inclusion to encourage a culture of saving early on.
2. Hajj dan Umrah
 BSI Savings Haji Indonesia
Hajj and Umrah planning savings apply to all ages based on sharia
principles with Wadiah and Mudharabah agreements. This savings is
not subject to a monthly administration fee and is equipped with
ATM card facilities and E-Channel facilities if it has been registered
in Siskohat (gets a portion)
 BSI Tabungan Haji Muda Indonesia
Hajj and Umrah planning savings apply to all ages based on sharia
principles with Wadiah and Mudharabah agreements. This savings is
not charged a monthly administration fee and is equipped with ATM
card facilities and E-Channel facilities if it has been registered in
Siskohat (gets a portion).

3. Financing.
 Bilateral Financing
Is a product / service / service provided by the Financial Institution team
to bank or non-bank financial institutions both domestic and
 BSI Cash collateral
Financing facilities guaranteed with liquid collateral, i.e. guaranteed
with Deposits in the form of Deposits, Current Accounts, or Savings
 BSI Distributor Financing
Working Capital Financing with the Value Chain scheme is post
financing (bailout to pay in advance invoice for completed work) given
to suppliers who are special suppliers who work on work contracts with


where the source of return on financing is the payment of invoices from

 BSI Griya Hasanah

Home ownership financing services for a variety of needs, as follows:
a. Purchase of New House / Second House / Shophouse /
Rukan / Apartment
b. Buying Kavling Ready to Wake Up
c. Home Building/Renovation
d. Take Over Financing from another bank (Take Over)
e. Refinancing to meet customer needs

 BSI KUR Mikro

Financing facilities intended for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises
to meet working capital and investment needs with a ceiling above Rp.
10 Million to Rp. 50 Million
 BSI Gold-Built Partner (Non Qardh)

Financing for consumptive and productive purposes that uses murabahah /

Musyarakah Mutanaqishah / Ijarah with collateral in the form of gold
tied to the rahn account, where the gold used is stored by the Bank for
a certain period of time.

4. Investment
 BSI Forex Deposits
Term investments managed with Mudharabah agreements shown to
individual and corporate customers in USD currency. Available for a
period of 1 month, 3 months, 6 months and 12 months
 BSI Sharia Mutual Fund
Sharia mutual funds are containers used to collect funds from the
financier community as property owners. This fund is further invested
and managed in a portfolio of Sharia securities by the Investment

Manager, according to sharia provisions and not contrary to islamic
sharia principles.
 Cash Waqf Linked Sukuk Retail (Sukuk Wakaf Retail)
Cash Waqf Linked Sukuk Retail (CWLS Retail) or Sukuk Wakaf series
SWR001 is an investment of waqf funds money in the sukuk of the
country that published by the government to facilitate Waqf in the
program of economic empowerment of the ummah and social activities
of the community.
 Rupiah Deposits
Term investments managed with Mudharabah agreements aimed at individual
and corporate customers in rupiah. There are periods of 1 month, 3 months, 6
months and 12 months.

5. Transaction
 BSI Giro Rupiah
Deposit funds from third parties managed by choice of Wadiah Yad
Dhamanah or Mudharabah Muthlaqah whose withdrawal can be made at
any time by using Debit, Cek, Bilyet Giro, other means of payment
orders or by book transfer to support individual and non-individual
business in rupiah.
 BSI Forex Giro
Deposit funds from third parties managed with wadiah agreements whose
withdrawals can be made at any time by using Cheques, Bilyet Giro,
other means of payment orders or by book transfer to support
individual and non-individual business in forex currency.

6. Gold
 BSI Gold Installment
What kind of gold can be financed? Gold lantakan (bars) with a
minimum number of grams is 10 grams.
 BSI Gold Pawn
Gold pawn is a financing product on the basis of guarantees in the form

of gold as one of the alternatives to get cash quickly.

7. Business
 Bank Guarantee Under Counter Guarantee

Is a product / service / service provided by the Financial Institution team

to bank or non-bank financial institutions both domestic and
international Bank Guarantee Under Counter Guarantee is an
Banking guarantees issued on the basis of requests and counter guarantees
received from both banks and non-banks..
 BSI Bank Guarantee
Bank Guarantee that is specifically to vendors / contractors from PT. PLN
(PLN) in the procurement of goods and services in PLN environment.
 BSI Cash Management
Electronic distribution channels in the form of internet banking services
for company or institutional customers to carry out activities on their
accounts at the Bank in the framework of financial management and
monitoring of cash flow safely, quickly and easily.
 Interbank Trade Finance Transaction Billing Services
Receivable billing services or short-term bills under LC / SKBDN owned
by Nominated Bank to BSI who then collect the receivables to the
owed party (Issuing Bank) in accordance with sharia principles. BSI
can provide bailout funds to Nominated Bank based on the news of
acceptance from Issuing Bank to Nominated Bank.
 Received Financing (PYD)
Loans or financing received by Bank Syariah Indonesia from banks or
third parties are not banks that can come from within the country
(domestic) or from abroad in the form of rupiah or foreign exchange.
Bank Syariah Indonesia provides revenue sharing to third parties which
refers to the underlying assets of the agreed PYD.

8. Priority
 Priority BSI is an exclusive service with special facilities from Bank Syariah
Indonesia to selected individual customers
 BSI Private is an exclusive service with special facilities from Bank Syariah
Indonesia made to individual customers who have an accumulative balance of
at least Rp5 Billion
 Safe Deposite Box (SDB). It is a container of property or securities, placed
in a treasure room specially designed from steel. sturdy, unloading and fire
resistant to maintain the safety of stored goods and the comfort of its users.
1. Cash Management
 CMS to provide digital solutions for corporate financial management safely
and easily in the new normal era. With the use of applications accessed
through the web portal or API integration, you can get account information and
conduct all types of financial transactions of your company. Transaction
services include transfers to partners or third parties at BSI banks or other
banks (online, SKN, RTGS), transfers to employees (payroll), Payment of tax
obligations and purchase of pertamina product , payment of thread bills and
other bills.
 OPBS (SO/DO) Pertamina
BSI Pertamina Payment is a payment and acceptance service for pertamina
products. Together with Pertamina BSI comes with host to host
services to facilitate Pertamina partners / customers in ordering and or
payment of Pertamina products through BSI Cash Management
System and BSI Branch.

2. Treasury
 Sukuk Transactions
Serving the needs of sharia securities transactions (sukuk): Sukuk Negara
Sukuk Corporate
 Deposit On Call (DOC)
DOC is a deposit product with a certain amount with a minimum period of
1 (one) day up to 28 (twenty-eight) calendar days, with a yield rate that
refers to daily placement in Bank Indonesia. Akad used by

Mudharabah Mutlaqah
 BSI Sharia Hedging
Bank Syariah Indonesia serves foreign exchange sales/purchase
transactions conducted in order to mitigate the risk of exchange rate
changes on certain currencies in the future. Akad used Aqd' al-Tahaww
al-basith and Al Sharf.
 Foreign Exchange Transactions - General Foreign
Exchange/Telegraphic Transfer. Bank Syariah Indonesia serves foreign
exchange purchase/sales transactions in accordance with customer needs
with a certain time tenor. Today transactions for submission on the same
day, Tomorrow (Tom) transactions for submission after one business
day and Spot transactions for submission after two business days.

 Transaksi Valuta Asing - Uang Kertas Asing (Banknotes)

Bank Syariah Indonesia melayani transaksi uang kertas asing (banknotes)
baik untuk penarikan dan setoran maupun jual beli terhadap rupiah,
dengan akad Al Sharf.

3. Digital banking

 BSI Mobile
 Open an Online Account
 Gold Solutions
 Emas savings & Pawn gold
Transaction Service by scanning QR Code code using QR Code Indonesia
Standard (QRIS) Bank Indonesia
 BSI Cardless Withdrawal
Ease of withdrawing cash without a card. A practical solution for you in
making cash withdrawals without a card. Through BSI Mobile, cardless
cash withdrawals can be made at all ATM Bank Syariah Indonesia and

 BSI Debit Card
BSI Debit Card is an ATM card from Bank Syariah Indonesia that can be
used to transact at ATMs and EDC on GPN and International (Visa)

 BSI Aisha
Aisyah is an Interactive Assistant of Bank Syariah Indonesia who will help
provide the latest product information, services and promos from Bank
Syariah Indonesia.

3.4. Job Description

1. Branch Manager
1. Ensuring the achievement of profit targets and business segment
performance financing (micro, business banking, consumer), funding,
FBI, and contribution margin of the location in coordination.
2. Identify and explore business potential in locations within coordination to
increase the portfolio of financing, collection third-party funds, improved
quality of financing, increased revenue non-operational
3. Signing PKS and MoU agencies, travel Umrah / dealer / gold store / gold
supplier in accordance with initiator and SK delegation of pks/MoU
signatory authority.
4. Maintain and improve the quality of financing.
5. Ensuring the implementation of all operational activities and business
processes has fulfilled the provisions and prudential.
6. Ensuring the implementation of customer service standards runs in
accordance with Conditions.
7. Ensure quality control and operational risks.
8. Follow up on any audit findings (internal/external).
9. Analyze and review the performance goals of all subordinates.
10. Monitor both internal and external reporting.

11. Monitor the implementation of anti-money laundering (APU) principles
12. Prevention of Terrorist Financing (PPT).

2. Micro Marketing Manager

1. Identify and map the potential of micro-businesses in branch office
for micro business development and branchless banking.
2. Ensuring the implementation and implementation of business
development strategies micro and branchless banking in Branch Office
can be in line with Bank strategy.
3. Analyze and check the business / residence or activity conditions
customer's business and assess the validity of collateral/business legality
documents customers with prudential principles and Know Your
Customer (KYC).
4. Provide recommendations and/or rulings on the financing of the
prospective customers professionally, accurately and correctly in
accordance with the provisions
5. Ensuring the achievement of microfinance and branchless business
6. Monitor both internal and external reporting.
7. Monitor the implementation of the anti-money laundering (APU)
principle and
Prevention of Terrorist Financing (PPT).

3. Micro Relationship Manager Team Leader

1. Running marketing activities & recommending products
micro business to prospective customers / customers.
2. Carry out the acquisition process of prospective microfinance
3. Follow up on microfinance submissions by prospective customers/

4. Review profiles, businesses, and collateral of prospective microfinance
5. Draft a proposal for the proposed financing of prospective customers
accurately and correctly in accordance with the provisions.
6. Run the entire microfinance process in accordance with the SLA and
applicable provisions.
7. Maintain good relationships with prospective customers / micro
8. Implementing the stabilization and quality control of microfinance
according to management.
4. Micro Staff
1. Running marketing activities & recommending products micro business
to prospective customers / customers.
2. Carry out the acquisition process of prospective microfinance
3. Follow up on microfinance submissions by prospective customers/
4. Review profiles, businesses, and collateral of prospective microfinance
5. Draft a proposal for the proposed financing of prospective customers
accurately and correctly in accordance with the provisions.
6. Run the entire microfinance process in accordance with the SLA and
applicable provisions.
7. Maintain good relations with prospective customers / micro business
customers using the principle of professionalism.
8. Implementing the stabilization and quality control of microfinance
according to management.

5. Business Manager
1. Ensuring the achievement of profit targets and business segment
performance financing and retail funds, FBI, and contribution margin

from the location In coordination.
2. Identify and explore business potential in locations within coordination
to increase the portfolio of financing, collection third-party funds,
improved quality of financing, increased revenue non-operational.
3. Signing PKS and MoU agencies, travel Umrah / dealer / gold store /
gold supplier in accordance with initiator and SK delegation of
pks/MoU signatory authority.
4. Maintain and improve the quality of financing.
5. Ensuring the implementation of all business activities and processes
meet the provisions and prudential.
6. Follow up on any audit findings (internal/external).
7. Analyze and review the performance goals of all subordinates.
8. Implementing know your customer (KYC) and anti-laundering
Money (APU) and Prevention of Terrorist Financing (PPT).

6. Funding Transaction Staff

1. Identify and map the potential of gathering competitions transactional
funds/services to support the achievement of business targets branch.
2. Carrying out sales activities on existing customers managed Includes
calling, visiting and closing.
3. Marketing funding or transactional banking products: Cash
Management, Trade Finance, Treasury, Current Accounts, Savings and
Deposits to existing customers that have been established.
4. Follow up on the bank's commitment to the customer from closing
sales activity.
5. Make a visit report in doing selling or cross activities selling both to
customers and prospective customers who are targeted market or
6. Carry out customer analysis / service activities with implementation
Anti-Money Laundering and Prevention of Terrorism Financing (APU-

7. Carry out other duties and responsibilities as stipulated in internal
provisions of the Bank, as well as fulfilling the principle of prudence,
sharia compliance and not contrary to GCG (Good Corporate)

7. Consumer Business Staff

1. Perform sales activities such as presentations, canvasing, and explaining
products, costs and programs to achieve disbursement targets.
2. Follow up on the bank's commitment to the customer from closing
sales activity.
3. Collect customer account opening applications in accordance with the
provisions and SLA.
4. Make a visit report in doing selling or cross activities selling both to
customers and prospective customers who are targeted market or
5. Carry out customer analysis / service activities with implementation
Anti-Money Laundering and Prevention of Terrorism Financing (APU-
6. Carry out other duties and responsibilities as stipulated in the internal
provisions of the Bank, as well as fulfilling the precautionary principle.

8. Branch Operation & Service Manager

1. Fix and improve branch office service standards.
2. Improve the quality of handling complaint handling.
3. Monitor the management of general activities, bookkeeping, clearing
transactions and other operational activities to run smoothly and in
accordance with Conditions
4. Monitor related to cash management.
5. Responsible for the management (storage, retrieval and production)
Gold Pawn collateral.
6. Check and perform quality tests against rust and weight gold collateral
in accordance with PTO Gold Assessment.

7. Manage financing operation service activities during the transition
8. Manage and monitor customer analysis /service activities with
Implementation of Anti-Money Laundering and Prevention of Terrorism
Financing (APU-PPT).
9. Carry out other duties and responsibilities as stipulated in
internal provisions of the Bank, as well as fulfilling the principle of
prudence, sharia compliance and not contrary to GCG (Good Corporate

9. Customer Service Representative

1. Perform account opening & closing service activities to Customers and
Prospective Customers.
2. Submit valuable Bank documents to the Customer in the form of Books
Savings, ATM Cards, Bilyet Deposits and more.
3. Perform e-channel service activities and other transactions to the
4. Process hajj and Umrah transactions.
5. Conduct cross selling activities of funds, services and financing
6. Maintain a supply of valuable documents.
7. Conduct and process the settlement of customer complaints.
8. Perform inputting and maintenance of Customer data.
9. Make reports from both internal and external parties.

10. Teller
1. Perform cash and non-cash transaction services based on customer
transaction needs.
2. Make cash management.
3. Check the money is worth the circulation and the money is not worth the
4. Make a report in accordance with the provisions of both internal parties

and external parties.
5. Implement the principles of Anti-Money Laundering (APU) and
Prevention Terrorist Financing (PPT).
6. Implement service standards in accordance with the provisions.
7. Carry out other duties and responsibilities as stipulated in
internal provisions of the Bank, as well as fulfilling the principle of
prudence, sharia compliance and not contrary to GCG (Good Corporate)
11. Operational Staff
1. Conduct clearing transaction activities (SKNBI), outgoing transfer
transactions, clearing out, and entering in accordance with the applicable
2. Carry out domestic transactions and other clearing (payroll, payment
point, the submission of forex transactions) in accordance with the
applicable provisions.
3. Making bookkeeping transactions, disbursement of financing, payment
for financing, costs and other bookkeeping.
4. Maintain the administration and documentation of all transactions.
5. Conduct an examination of the truth and fairness of the recording of
report finance.
6. Carry out insurance closing administration activities of all owned assets
7. Manage the storage and retrieval of collateral in a large safe in dual
custody with BOSM.
8. Provides assessment tools for quality test by BOSM against rust and the
weight of gold collateral.
9. Carry out other duties and responsibilities as provided
in the internal provisions of the Bank
12. General Affairs Staff
1. Manage general activities and other operational activities to run
smoothly and in accordance with the provisions.
2. Carry out all administrative, documentation and archiving activities in

accordance with the applicable provisions.
3. Manage branch office use, bookkeeping and small cash reporting daily
in accordance with applicable authorities.
4. Conduct staffing administration to support smooth staffing operations in
Branch Office.
5. Act as the first level to solve problems use of information technology in
related branch areas.
6. Carry out the procurement process of goods and services to support the
needs Branch Office, checking needs and providing facilities and
Branch Office operational support infrastructure.
7. Depreciation of office inventory book value and fixed assets
belongs to another office.
8. Conduct licensing management managed by branches.
9. Fulfilling reporting obligations in accordance with the applicable
regulations applicable (internal and external).
10. Checking the completeness and feasibility of the gold test equipment/
estimating facilities in Pawn Service Counter (KLG) reported to BOSM
2 (twice) times Month.
11. Carry out other duties and responsibilities as provided for in
internal provisions of the Bank.
12. Carry out other duties and responsibilities as stipulated in
internal provisions of the Bank, as well as fulfilling the principle of
prudence, sharia compliance and not contrary to GCG (Good Corporate

During the internship activities starting from July 12, 2021 to September
13, 2021, the author was recorded as entering the internship activity was 32
days because the author was affected by covid 19 and the holiday policy of the
BSI office. The author conducted internships at PT Bank Syariah Indonesia
Bogor Branch Ahmad Yani. Bank Syariah Indonesia itself provides micro-
businesses, pensioners, deposits, Sharia priorities, migration programs, and so
on. Everything in Bank Syariah Indonesia is managed in accordance with their

respective jobdesk.
This internship is placed in the Financing Administration Support
section. The author's main task is to help the Financing Administration
Support section, which is to fill documents by separating customer data
between funding and financing. As well as inputting data, archives and scans
of documents to be uploaded in BSI system applications, namely SIFO.


4.1. Description and Activities and Discussion

The implementation of the author's internship activities was carried out at
PT Bank Syariah Indonesia (BSI) Ahmad Yani Branch Office. Internship
activities are carried out by the author starting from August 2, 2021 to September
17, 2021, internship hours start at 08.30 WIB until 16.00 WIB. Before entering
the first day of the internship, the author as an intern is required to do Swab
Antigen first to ensure negative results of Covid-19 in order to follow the
internship process at the BSI Office. This internship activity is carried out offline
even during the PPKM (Implementation of Community Restrictions) but still
follows health protocols well.
The author's main internship activity during the internship is to follow a
joint do'a and briefing every morning before the internship is carried out. The
internship activities carried out by the author are based on tasks provided by
external supervisors and several other staff such as operational staff, customer
service and other back office staff who need assistance such as: registering
customers, helping customers activate mobile banking and activating new
ATMs, , separating customer data between funding and financing, accompanying
the retail banking department to conduct the contract process with the customer,
record priority customer files in the migration process and scan the files of
customers who apply for financing. However, not all of these activities are
continuously carried out by the author, because there is some data that cannot be
accessed directly by interns.

The author's main task is to help the Financing Administration Support
section, which is to fill documents by separating customer data between funding
and financing. As well as inputting data, archives and scans of documents to be
uploaded in BSI system applications, namely SIFO. The tasks given to the
practice during this internship are as follows:
4.1.1 Labeling Document

Labeling Document is the task of grouping documents belonging to customers /

debtors according to the name of the customer who applied for credit. The
document labeling process is also included by pairing the customer's name tag in
each document storage folder.
This is done because the customer's credit application can be done more than one,
with the same name on different days.
Of course with different credit requirements documents as well. The steps taken in
the labeling document are as follows:
1. Classify all names of credit customers based on the arrangement
of alphabetical.
2. After compiling the entire name of the debtor perabjad from A
to Z, then separate the names of the same credit customers.
3. Finally, enter the customer name tag that has been printed into a special
folder that has been provided by the office.

5.1.1 Foldering Document

Foldering Document is entering documents belonging to credit customers
that have been labeled according to one customer name of the same
creditor, then entered into the folder. Steps – The steps in doing
foldering documents are as follows:
1 Enter documents that have been labeled into special folder
2 Provide the customer's name as already printed / printed in each
3 Finally, re-enter the neat folder into a special vault that is in the storage
room or Strong Room for security, so that the folder is not scattered,

lost or damaged.
6.1.1 Indexing Document
After doing labeling and foldering work, another task that the author does
is Indexing Document. Indexing Document is an activity to input / enter data
- document data into computer memory for processing the completeness of
documents belonging to customers, which aims for archival purposes in PT.
Bank Syariah Indonesia (BSI).
The steps taken in the Indexing Document are as follows:
Retrieve one of the folders you want to input your data from the storage
cabinet or Stroong Room.
a) Adjust the physical document with the details of the document written in
the BAST (Handover Event News) letter in the folder.
b) Then create an indexing document into the computer using Microsoft
Excel. Indexing is done by recording all the numbers in each data - data in
the document. Examples such as letter numbers and dates, deed numbers,
note numbers, and so on.
c) Next store the file on the computer after the data is input into Computer using
Microsoft Excel.
d) Finally, save on the flashsdisk to be given to authorized outsourcing
employees to be processed to the head office of PT. Islamic Bank of
7.1.1 Operating a printer
Printing press or commonly called Printer is used to print some documents
such as letters, paper notes, and as well as printing company name tags
to be pasted on the document folder. In addition, the printing machine
is also used to duplicate important documents in the office. Such as
Guarantee file, Financing Agreement file, Asurasnsi Policy, Certificate,
SP3, Memorandum of Financing Proposal, as well as ordinary paper
records and so on.

4.2. Relationship of internship activities with courses in lectures
In addition to internships conducted by the author. The author also gets
new lessons and knowledge, especially in terms of the world of work, whether the
theory that has been studied is in line or even not in accordance with the
practice.There is also one of the courses studied related to internship activities
practiced by writers at PT Bank Syariah Indonesia Bogor Branch Ahmad Yani is a
fiqh muamalah course. Activities directly related to the course are related to the
application of mudharabah, ijarah, wadiah agreements and all accounts used in
Islamic banking have been studied earlier in the lecture period.

4.3. Challenges From Activities Undertaken in the Internship

Throughout this internship activity that takes place, the author himself
carries out many activities or jobs that are not often or have not been tried. This is
a particular challenge for writers because this is the first time I recognize how the
real world of work really is. It's a challenge to be able to complete a given task.
Making memos, registering customers, accompanying the akad process and
calling customers who have been on the priority migration list is the first activity
to be done for real.
The challenge of the internship is that few writers have ever done when
organizing but not much. In this internship activity, the challenge is the content of
memos, letters and registering customers themselves, needing accurate and fast
data. Meanwhile, we can only do this if accompanied by a guide in BSM itself.
This is where writers get new experiences and challenges that writers have never
done, especially in this world of work. So many new things that writers learn as
well as very valuable lessons.
4.4. Internship Activities That Can be Mindset
The author studied the dynamics of the Islamic banking industry, to the
challenges of keeping the company afloat especially in the Covid-19 pandemic.
The author also comes to know that time management in the world of work,
especially offices, is very important, we must be able to professionally divide time
both in the world of work and daily life.
The author also learned that to be able to perform well, you must not waste

time and opportunities. The author also gets other new experiences such as when
offering the best programs and products to customers of Bank Syariah Indonesia.
The author learns how to speak politely and of course. There the author feels
challenged because what the author offers is a flagship program in Bank Syariah
In addition to experience in matters of work, the author also gained
experience that attitude is very important, not only in the organization, but also in
the world of work. How our attitude towards superiors and subordinates, remain
polite and wise, both towards others, does not discriminate against anyone
especially in terms of different incomes. Good manners must also be maintained
so that in the world of work we can still be harmonious and full of family.
Moreover. Thoroughness is also important especially in companies that are in the
world of finance. Honesty and honesty are very important.
4.5. Things to Prepare for in the Face of the World of Work
In the world of work, generally have several divisions in the company
with their respective positions with different tasks and functions.Human resources
itself is like a cog in a company that requires good and healthy competition. To be
able to compete universally, we should have a competition that is not often owned
by others who certainly stand out for us to prove the results to the company.
There is also added value for a person who can be seen from his soft
skills and hardskill. Soft skills themselves are skills or talents that exist in every
human being, and these skills are tried by non-technical methods or do not seem
to exist. Among soft skills is the skill in communicating with others.Both of these
things are very important for us to learn before jumping directly into the real
world of work. Because, a company will not carelessly accept new employees if it
does not have both skills. In addition, as someone who faces the world of work
must have high integrity to his work and show the advantages that make superiors
always need our contribution in advancing the company.

4.6. Conformity Analysis Between Job Description and Practice

Analysis of the independence of job descriprion with practices in the field

of PT Bank Syariah Indonesia Bogor Ahmad Yani Branch Office. It is as follows:

Table 1 Job Description with The Practice

NO Job Description Job Compatibility Betwee

Operator Migrasi Description and Prac
Roll Out
Grouping documents belonging to
1. Labelling Document customers /debtors according to the Appropriate
name of the customer who applied
for credit
Entering documents belonging to
2. Foldering credit customers that have been Appropriate
Document labeled according to one customer
name of the same creditor, then
entered into the folder

3 Indexing Document Input / enter data - document data Appropriate

into computer memory for
processing the completeness of
documents belonging to customers,
which aims for archival purposes in
PT. Bank Syariah Indonesia (BSI).

4 Operating Printer Print some documents such as Appropriate

letters, paper notes, and as well as
printing company name tags to be
pasted on the document folder. In
addition, the printing machine is also
used to duplicate important
documents in the office.

The job description above is not all writers do directly when doing internship
activities because there are several things in the work that must be done directly
by employees of the operational migration division roll out BSI Bogor Branch
Office Ahmad Yani who is in control of the job and cannot be replaced for
various reasons and of course it is in accordance with the work regulations listed
in the BSI Bogor Ahmad Yani office.

5.1. Conclusion
Based on internship activities that have been conducted by the author
at PT Bank Syariah Indonesia Bogor Branch Office Ahmad Yani. The author
is said to have achieved his goals in his internship activities at PT. Bank
Syariah Indonesia as before the author's agendas have been formulated and
arranged in the process when conducting several internship activities. which
has been given by a mentor from the division in doing his work, so that the
author can complete it well.
In addition, in the implementation of his activities the author also
studied the system in regulating human resources and arranging various kinds
of data in the divisions that are mandated and have been taught to the author.
and the author gets real work experience, insight, and skills in doing time
management with work so as to create balanced activities, This is certainly the
author can when looking directly at the work ethic of bank syariah indonesia
In experiencing the world of work later here the author concluded that
soft skills and hard skills are needed. Soft skills itself is needed to create
competent human resources that later have competence in the realm of
leadership, problem solving, time management, methods of connecting with
citizens, critical thinking, teamwork, and self-confidence. Conversely, hard
skills are needed so that the workforce can carry out work that is suitable for
his skills and science. Analysis of the suitability between job description and
practice is all in accordance with what is done on the ground, it's just that not
all work can be done because there are some things that cannot be accessed by
the author such as providing future education products, and other customer
The author is grateful to get a lot of useful lessons, the author does not
get special obstacles in the internship process, so the author also gets a good
and appropriate welcome and guidance from Branch. Manager, Supervisor,
and mentor at PT. Bank Syariah Indonesia Bogor Branch Office Ahmad Yani.

5.2. Recommendation
After doing an internship at PT Bank Syariah Indonesia, the author felt
the need to give some advice, including for PT. Bank Syariah Indonesia KC
Bogor Ahmad Yani and Tazkia Islamic University College:
A. For PT.BSI KC Ahmad Yani:
1. Openness between workers, to reduce suspicion between one
another because it can have an impact on the time of activity,
especially when worker communication in the project that is carried
out or further projects to be held and reduce the impact of lost
2. Periodic briefings and evaluations will help in placing and
instructing practices so that these practices can work more optimally
and not be confused when doing internships, what work to do, and to
feel responsible for what is mandated.
B. For Tazkia Islamic University College:
1. When the internship has begun, the campus should also participate
in internship activities such as providing internship report guidance
services and seeing firsthand the performance of interns around
2. There should be more seminars or guidance on fieldwork practices
and provide more internships and variations than before and with the
direction of entering the internship program to the company that has
been intended


Bank BSI. (n.d.). Retrieved from
Yolandha, F. (2021, Februari 1). Republika. Retrieved from
Begini Perjalanan Lahirnya Perbankan Syariah Indonesia | Republika







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