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Price created a bos on M15 timeframe after tapping into H1 decisional supply. We do not know whether the price will con-
tinue to go higher to the HTF supply zone above or price would create another bearish leg.
Day 1:

M5 timeframe:

M1 timeframe:

Trade 1: close 80% (5.6%) at structural low and let the rest of the trade running, runner BE after price come back up.
Trade 2: BE after price create HH in M1 int structure, end up with BE.
Trade 3:
Price run liquidity and create int strong M1/M5 bos.
Take 0.5% risk because this is decisional of the M5 leg (not extreme)
close 50% at M1 structural low and let the rest running. 8.6RR (+2.15%)
Close full volume at M15 structural low. 1:23.6 RR (+3%)
Total % gain = 2.15% + 3% = 5.15%
Day 1:

M5 timeframe:

M1 timeframe:

Trade 4:
Bearish OF
Price tap into M5 supply, liquidity below M5 POI, M1 int bos + EFF of pullback
BE after price create LL
Trade 5:
Price tap create M1 bullish bos and tap into m15 supply zone, expecting a complex pullback in LTF, price create int bos
(not very clear), but after that price run liquidity and create another int bos, entry on FU candle.
Ended up with a loss -1%)
Trade 6:
Still in bearish m15 main structure, price tap into m15 supply zone
Expect a pullback on LTF. We are still at discount of the M15/H1 leg, don’t expect a bearish continuation (this could be
M15 complex pullback to the upside.
So close full volume at next M5/M15 demand zone
Day 3:

M5 timeframe:

M1 timeframe:

Trade 7:
Price create m15 int HH, run of liquidity and create m1 int bearish OF.
Entry on M1 int structure decisional with 0.5% risk. (it is also a D2S zone)
1.8.77RR àTotal gain = 4.4%
Trade 8:
Price create m15 int bearish bos (this is a grab of liquidity), then quickly create M15 int bullish bos and tap into a M30
decisional on HTF bearish leg.
Entry based on 2 leg protocol + confirmation.
Expecting at least a pullback in LTF.
Close 30% volume at 1:5.6RR à +1.68%
Close 80% volume at M15 demand zone 1:13.15RR à+7.4%
Close full volume at M15 structural low 1:26.85 à +5.37%
Total gain=1.68% + 7.4% + 5.37% = 14.45%
Day 4:

M5 timeframe:

M1 timeframe:

Trade 9:
M1 bos, trade the M1 complex pullback to M5 supply.
End up with BE at 1:3.5RR
Trade 10:
Limit play at M3 extreme of FU candle. Price run liquidity and make strong bearish momentum to the downside.
Price has created M15 bos, so TP need to be convervative, 50% volume off at 1:12 RR
Total gain = 6.01%
Day 5:

M5 timeframe:

M1 timeframe:

Trade 11:
Price tap into M5 supply, run liquidity and create a strong bos in M5/M1, limit plat at decisional with 0.5% risk at the
FU candle.
Limit play at FU candle and end up with a loss.
Trade 12:
Price create M5 bullish bos, and still unable to break the M5 supply, leaving a lot of trendline liquidity below and EQH
below the M1 POI.
This is a bit risky trade as price does not shows clean M1 bos ( just a M1 int bos), but because of the liquidity and M5
bos, could expect at least a pullback to be happening.
0.5% risk, close 80% volume at M1 RFIC
1:6RR, gain = 3%
Trade 13:
Price tap into a M15 supply zone (which is also a FU candle), M1 create new HH and we could expect at least a
pullback to be happening, with M1 int bos, accompany with efficiency of pullback
Week 2

Day 1

M5 timeframe:

M1 timeframe:

Trade 14:
M15 internal bullish order flow. price run the liquidity of the M1 high and create a M1 bearish bos (it is also a run of
Price tap into M5 demand (FU candle) and create a M1 int bos, with efficiency of the pullback. also, price yet to reach
m15 supply zone. 50% partial TP at M15 supply zone, full volume at m15 extreme
1:8RR partial 50% = +4%
1:16.8 partial 505 = + 8%
Total gain = 4%+8%=12%

Trade 15:
price break H1 structure (creating a new HH) and tap into an H1 supply zone, price creating internal LL after tapping
into M1 D2S, with the efficiency of the pullback, price tap into supply before reaching demand. TP on FU demand
1:6.4RR = +6.4%
Week 2

Day 2

M5 timeframe:

M1 timeframe:

Trade 16:
Price run liquidity above the zone and create a M1 int structure bearish bos, but price still respecting M1/M5 main
structure (at the same time creating EQL),
Entry at M1 run of liquidity FU candle, BE after price has created the first M1 int bos.
Price come back up and got BE.
Week 2

Day 3

M5 timeframe:

M1 timeframe:

Trade 17:
Price tap into h1 supply zone on Tuesday, run liquidity above the supply zone (tap into a M1 RFIC/liquidity wick), and
created an M15 int bos.
Price is clearly compressing into the supply zone.
price tap into M15 (M5 RFIC supply zone) and create M1 bos, which also leaves a FU candle taking previous trendline
liquidity (also an extreme M1 supply).
TP 1 at 1:15.32 RR (close 50% volume) = 7.66%
TP 2 at next M15 demand zone (close 80% of original volume) 1:17.74RR= 7.1%
TP 3 close full volume at next demand zone = 4.9%
Total gain: = 7.66%+7.1%+4.9%=19.66%

Trade 18:
Price creates LL and leaves FU candle before the M1 bos. limit on extreme. This trade would be a bit risky because
there's another liquidity wick (responsible for a run of liquidity) right above this supply zone and the price later
comes back to mitigate the wick.
Entry with 0.5% risk
Close 50% at the M1 structural low 1:6.55RR = 1.65%
And the rest of the volume got BE after price come back up.

Trade 19:
Price comes back to the extreme of the previous m5 leg run liquidity of previous high+ tap into the unmitigated liquid-
ity wick. Create M1 int bos.
BE after price creating M1 int LL.
Week 2

Day 4

M5 timeframe:

M1 timeframe:

Trade 20:
Price tap into the D2S and run liquidity, create 2 leg protocol before tapping into M1 demand zone. Close 80% at M1
structural low.
1:9RR = +4.5%

Trade 21:
Price creating a strong move and tap into M15 supply zone, create M1 int bos.
TP 1 (close 80% volume at structural low) 1:15.8RR = +12.64%
TP 2 (full volume at H4 demand zone) 1:18RR = +3.6%
Week 2

Day 5

M5 timeframe:

M1 timeframe:

Trade 22:
Price create HH on m15, complex pullback into m15 demand zone, strong momentum into demand zone, entry at 2
leg protocol with FU candle as the demand zone.
Close 50% at m1 demand zone with 1:8.07RR = +4.04%
TP 2 at 18.05RR M15 supply zone = +9%
Total gain = 4.04% +9%=13.04%
Trade 23:
Limit play at M1 FU candle (following order flow + structure), accompany with efficiency of the pullback.
TP 1 at M1 int structural high 1:9.33RR (close 50%)=+4.7%
TP 2 (full volume at M15 supply) 1:15.6RR = +7.8%
Total gain = 4.7% + 7.8%=12.5%
Trade 24:
Limit play at M2 demand zone (FU candle), M1 int int structure order flow.
TP 1 at M1 int structural high 1:8.7RR (close 50%)=+4.35%
TP 2 (full volume at M15 supply) 1:16.5RR = +8.25%
Total gain = 4.35% + 8.25%=12.6%
Trade 25:
Price create HH on M15, price started to break m1 int structure, price run liquidity and create another int bos within
the int structure.
Close full volume at next m5 demand zone
1:7RR = +7%

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