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Journal entry #1

Week 2.

This week in class we learned about something that England originated, called the bloody code. This was
a form of punishment that was geared more towards the lower-class group of criminals and was set with
the harshest of punishment, the death penalty. Along with these forms of punishment there was also
floating prisons that were places that many people died in. With all these horrible forms of punishment
for criminals, people started to come forwards to look at different ways of rehabilitating the criminals
rather than just placing them in jail forever.

We also learned about the different perspectives that there are in our system when in comes to crimes.
There is the conservative, liberal and radical. I relate most to the liber as I believe that criminals should
be held responsible for the crimes that they commit but I also believe that they should be given the
chance to grow from that experience and to learn how to not go back to the criminal life.

Journal Entry #2

Week 3

This week I did not attend class so cannot speak on what was taught in class, but I can speak on what I
learned from the content posted to DC connect. This week we learned about the pros and cons of
privatizing prisons. We learned that sometimes private prisons can be good for programing and
rehabilitating criminals. We also learned that when it comes to funding these private prisons that the
money can sometimes come from the correction officers pay.

We also looked at a film and did a film review on 3 different cases in the prison system. The one the
stuck out to me the most was the Guy Morin case. The reason this stuck out to me is because he was an
innocent person that spent years in prison for a horrible crime he didn’t commit. I feel like our system
failed him by not investigating the case properly and by providing false information to try and get a
sentence. Not to mention the person who committed the crime was walking freely and was able to
commit this crime again since he was not in prison for this.

Journal Entry #3

Week 4

This week in class we learned about the correctional process in Canada. We learned that the process
here in Canada goes but federal and provincial jails. You are sentenced and end up in one of these jails
depending on the sentencing that you have received. People who are sentenced to two years plus a day
will go to a federal prison and people who are sentenced to two years less a day will stay in a provincial
prison. We also learned that provincial prisons are more dangerous than a federal prison be cause of the
about of different cases that are waiting to be sentenced.

We also learned a little bit about restorative justice. I find this an interesting topic because I find it
interesting that there are people able to forgive others for heinous crimes, they have committed against
them or their families. I feel this takes a strong type of person for this type of reform because I feel as
though most people wouldn’t be able to forgive their offended.

Journal Entry #4

Week 5

This week in class we went over the you be the judge assignment. I found it to be an interesting activity,
but I also found it hard to be put in the position of the judge and be the person that must decide what
the outcome will be for the criminal. I found it hard to put my own personal feelings aside and judge off
the evidence instead of what I think as a human is right for the crime.

We also learned about the different levels of prison that there are and what type of criminals go to each
prison. We looked at a case about tori Stafford where the women who committed the crimes against her
was able to transfer to a medium security prison where she was able to practice indigenous practices
instead of being in a maximum security where she should be, giving the crime that she committed. I find
it very interesting that people are allowed to identify as an indigenous person without being indigenous.
I feel as though there should be a way to identify indigenous from not that way people can’t use this as
just an easier journey while in prison.

Journal Entry #5

Week 6

This week in class we learned about women in prison and women being able to keep their children if
they happen to be pregnant while being incarcerated. At first, I found this to be a little strange but after
getting a better understanding of the topic I do believe that it could benefit both the mother and child. I
Feel like at this age it is a detrimental for the mother and child to bond and I feel that separating the
child from the mother could be bad for the mother’s mental health. I also feel that once a child is taken
from a mother that its harder for a mother to get that child back and that there are many obstacles for
the mother to go through. I feel this also takes a tole on the mother’s mental health when they don’t
know for sure that they will have their children back. Not only does it take a role on the mother but for a
child being raised by someone and then building a bond with them to only be taken and given back to
there mother can also cause harm to the child’s mental later in life.

Week 7

Journal entry #6

This week in class we learned about Ashley Smith. Ashley Smith is a woman who was in prison for the
petty crime of throwing crab apples at a mailman. She later killed herself by strangulation. While in
prison she was treated horribly. From an innocent girl to someone whose behaviour got worse and
worse as her sentences went on. With cases like these it really makes you wonder what kind of mental
health our prison systems have. Will this be the same treatment new inmates will be receiving?

Week 8

Journal entry #7
This week in class we learned about indigenous offenders. We learned that in prison more than 30% of
the population is indigenous. These inmates are also more likely to be classified as maximum level
security risks. We also learned about Healing Lodges. I feel that these should be an option when it
comes to young offenders or first-time offenders. I feel like the healing lodges provide healing for these
people when they may be suffering from generational trauma.

Week 9

Journal Entry #8

This week we learned about elders in prison. It was interesting to learn about this because when I think
of offenders I don’t think of the elderly. It was nice to see that there is a program that is geared towards
the older generation. I feel like they need a separate prison where their needs as an elder can be
catered to properly. Many of these inmates are doing much better since entering this prison for the
elderly. Many are working their way towards freedom, which would not have happened if they were in
the regular prison system.

Week 10

Journal Entry #9

This week we focused on youth offenders. We learned what the risks for youth were. We also learned
about the different sentencing that they use when it comes to youth. When it comes to a first-time
offender, they try to use other options. When it comes to youth in prison, they often have a harder time
adjusting to prison, because they have never been there before. The lack coping mechanisms that most
adults have when they are in prison. With youth not being able to cope with being in prison many of
them will have to deal with their pre-existing mental health issues. Many of these youth with turn to
suicide as a way out of the situation they are in.

Week 11

Journal Entry # 10

This week in class we learned about prison guards taking advantage of their power. We learned about a
few different stories that have proven that it happens on the daily. We learned about the Matthew
Hines case where he was beaten and then pepper sprayed and then later died in hospitals from a seizure
that was caused from a lack of oxygen. This was then later covered up to his family, as a death from the
seizure, but later brought out as a death from the force the guards used on him. We also learned about
“The Experiment” which was done to show what can happen to any regular person when they are put
into a guard or inmate situation. From the little bit that we learned from the clip we watched it looked
very interesting. I will be watching this on my own time.

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