Use of Articles - CUNY School of Law

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3007122, 0755 Use of Articles -CUNY School of Law. ‘Summer 2022 ~ Reopening and COVID Updates CUNY SCHOOL or LAW Home » Legal Wcting » For Students » Muli ngual Legal Were » Grammar » Use of Articles Use of Articles USE OF ARTICLES (Material prepared by Siva Rivero) + Eyercise: illin the Blanks ENGLISH ARTICLES: AN OVERVIEW “The use of articles (a7 “an” and "the" or no article) is an area of speci significance for multilingual writers, since itis characterized by large across langvages. In consequence, any error inthis area wil be veryn an text as a mark of nonnative writing. iven ths fact, itis important ‘uttlingal writers to master the use and nonvuse of articles and tole ‘meaning thelr use/nomuse conveys in English ‘THE complaint was dismissed ‘Anew witness changed the course ofthe tral AN accountant was called to testy [ol Justice was served ((o]= No article) ‘This section covers the English articles THE, A, AN and ther omission also show you a method for deciding which article to use when you ar ‘Two important concepts ace linked to article usage: "eountabilty” and “dofinitoness* Understanding these concepts wil help you decide wh an article or not and on which article to vee, DEFINITENESS Articles in English have two types of reference: DEFINITE (efeting to member ofa group, 9, THE) and INDEFINITE (refering to any memb 9700p, €6.,A,AN). A “definite” article i used 1o give specific reference and to refer to something known to both the writer/speaker and the readerlistener | weleomed THE visitor today. (Defnte reference: both the writer/speaker and the reader/istener kn visitor you are referring to) I received A visitor today indefinite reference: you are nat specifying what visitor you are ceferr htps:wwlaw cuny edulegal winglstudentsimuliingualgrammararticies! 18 3007122, 0755 Use of Articles -CUNY School of Law. you are the only one who knows that) “The definite article THE s used when BOTH the witer/spesker and th readerlistener know what is being refered to, neither of them or on ‘them knows what is being referred to, then the indefinite articles A/AK used Definite Examples Does the know ness being referred Writer/Speak Rea Definite read THE book yesterday yes IndefintJeead A book on Criminal yes ° Law yesterday Indefinit know you read A book on ne . Criminal Law Indefnit will buy & Book on Criminal 0 e Law 1. Indefinite Articles: A and AN And AN refer to any member of a group: you are not referring to any particular, + a+ singularnoun beginning with a consonant: reaction + an + singular noun beginning witha vowel: an act ‘+ a+ singularnoun beginning with a consonant sound (even though ‘start with a vowel ete}: a uniform (same sound asin young or ye When an adjective modifes the noun, the use of A or AN is determine, Initial sound ofthe adjective immediately following the article (and no the nour: an enemy but a furious enemy 8 performance: but an average performan a European eximinal but an undetectable Europ UUntke other languages, English requires the presence of indefinite art indicate membership: ‘religion: Maria Ramirez a Roman Catholic from the NY acl : Ham atowyer profession ‘nation: Mr. Brow isan Englishman who immigrated to this, 1959 2. Definite Article: THE English requtes the use of the definite article THE before singular anc uns to indicate specific reference, reference to a particular member Compare: A dog bit the plaintif. (any dogr ether you do not need to dog you are referring to or you simply dont know) htps:wwlaw cuny edulegal winglstudentsimuliingualgrammararticies! 28 3007122, 0755 htps:wwlaw cuny edulegal winglstudentsimuliingualgrammararticies! Use of Articles -CUNY School of Law. “The dog bit the plant, (a specific dog: both you and your reader/lat which dog you are refering t) In general. the article THE is used with noneountable nouns that ate made more specific by using a mod Phrase or clause (underlined below} + the defense presented at tho tial was especialy Weak. + the mage he projects does not favor hs case. + the concept of diversity apples here and when aroun has @ specific reference to something unique + the 2001 CUNY budget + the Pentagon + thelast State of the Union aderese and itis not used with noncountable nouns that refer to something in + [0] Justice is a concept eificult to grasp sometimes. [0] The use of THE (Defnte Reference) Is determined by the folowing sp Instances: ‘+ When something is mentioned forthe second time in the text Iywrte a letter of complaint frst mention, indefinite Insteae, |hwrate aletter of complaint, THE letter had an angry tone [second definite] + With the superlative (because it signals there is only one possible ‘THE son was THE most articulate witness inthe case + When only one entity exists: ‘THE Moon isa satelite [There is only one satelite we referto as * Moon! ‘+ When a phrase modifying the noun provides more information tha -pectes the reference of the noun: ‘THE witness (that) you brought refused to testy THE witness from Connecticut refused to testify THE witness who refused to testify was arrested ina street incider yesterday Note tread a book about Criminal Law forthe exam. (the phrase about Cr hot sperific enough to limit the reference ofthe noun it could be ANY Celina Law) “THE book about Criminal Law that was assigned by the professor wae complicated. (the phrase that wae assigned by the professor mits th to only ONE entity; i's not ANY book its the book assigned by the pro ‘+ When both the wrter/speaker and the readerlstener know what i referred to (maybe because they are in the same stustion (Open THE window. Tim going to THE trary, ae 3007122, 0755 Use of Articles -CUNY School of Law. htps:wwlaw cuny edulegal winglstudentsimuliingualgrammararticies! CCOUNTABLE VS. UNCOUNTABLE NOUNS itis important fr mulling recognize crosslingustc differences in this area, Arun considered in one language may be considered countable in another and, consaq\ pluraizee, e.g, soap isan uncountable noun in English and cannot be except by prepasing the phrase abar of tot (ke to use scented soap twa bars of soap but bought two soaps is wrong). However, in Spans form canbe plralized e.g, Me gusta usar jab (singular) desodorant CCompré dos jabones(olura) Countable nouns refer to people, places, or things that can be countee contracv/two contracts, one witness/two witnesses). A countable nou always be made plural~usually by adding-s or-es or some other plure (€.. tals parties chilstren. Some words do not show any variation inform between the singular (eg, The sheep isin the fed / The sheep aren the fel). Uncountable noune often refer to drinks and food other general subst concepts (meat tea stee information, justice): Examples of Unoountable Nouns in English + Food and Drink: bacon bee, beer, bread, buter, cabbage, candy, cauliflower, chicken, chocolat, coffee, com, cream sh rt, juice ‘eat, milk, ol pasta, rice, salt, spinach, sugar, te, water, whiskey, yogurt. + General Substances: aircement, clay coal, copper, it, dust, foam, gasaine, gold ice, leather, paper, petroleum, plastic, rain rubbers ‘0ap, steel, wood, wool ‘+ Abstract nouns: abandonment, access, adultery advice, alimony, a anguish arson, authentication, beauty, capacity, conduct, confiden courage, deprivation, desperation, discretion, employment, empow evidence, extortion, fortune, fun, happiness, health, honesty hous information, insurance, inteigence, intent, knowledge, lan, love, negligence, poverty, privacy, real estate sadness, satisfaction stre ‘rath wealth, + Others: biology clothing, darkness, equipment, funiture, gossip, homework, jewelry, luggage, machinery, mall, money, music, news, pollution, research, scenery, traffic, transportation, violence, weath weight, work ‘Some uncountable nouns (except for concepts) can be turned into co nouns by preposing a phrase to them (two botles of wing, a bar of ‘formation an act of violence, a burst of anger, apiece of evidence). 9, The defendant’ lawyers sure the judge will accept new evidence vs. The defendant's lawyer is sure the judge wll accept thee new pee evidence n this ease. ‘Some uncountable nouns can be used inthe plural but the meaning experience / experiences: eg, He had to rely on experience /11ed ur experiences in this house light / lights: eg. The apartment did't have much light The bus dd ¢ the (ate ight. paper/ papers: e.g, Tis offic is wasting too much paper /| submit papers yesterday 48 3007122, 0755 Use of Articles -CUNY School of Law. htps:wwlaw cuny edulegal winglstudentsimuliingualgrammararticies! HOW CAN | DISTINGUISH BETWEEN USING A DEFINITE OR AN INDE [ARTICLE WITH A COMMON NOUN WHEN I AM NOT SURE WHICH ON CcoRRECT, It you are unsure whether to use a definite (THE) or an indefinite atic with @ common noun, you should ask yourself the following questions IstheNoun Yes Yes Singular? Isthenoun use THE efinte? ‘eg, The reporthe submitted was cextaustive No use NAN 29. His fax consisted of aletter: No Yes Isthenoun use THE efinte? ‘2. (Pl) The reports to my office clear, 9, (Unc) The information that th ‘got was accurate No 0 (No article) 29. (PI) The police sent detailed 6g. (Unc) There was a serious le information on the case, Remember: Ifthe Noun is definite (whether itis singular plural or uncc takes THE ‘SOME COMMON ERRORS TO AVOID: + Sometimes non-native speakers of English use uncountable nouns: ‘or“AN with plu cases (wrong) insteadof case an information (wrong) Instead of apiece of inform + Some multlingual writers use no article at all for a singular noun | saw accident (wrong) Insteadof saw an acc 1am lawyer (rong) insteadof arma lawyer + Sometimes non-native speakers use two determiners together when supposed to: The some cminals were hut éuring the incident. (Wrong) instead of Some eriminale were hurt during the ineldent, (or, The criminals were hurt during te incident 5 3007122, 0755 Use of Articles -CUNY School of Law. htps:wwlaw cuny edulegal winglstudentsimuliingualgrammararticies! + Another common error isto pluralze uncountable nouns: “The plaintiff bought a bread atthe Waltmanris bakery. (Wrong) Instead of “The plaintiff bought a loaf of bread atthe Weltrnann’s bakery. “The detainee provided avery useful information, (Wrong) Instead of “The detainee provided very useful pieces of information + Sometimes, maltlingual witers use the indefinite articles A/AN with runs in some prepositional phrases that ae idiomatic expressions s vacation, by plane, by carat home at school, in schoo to bed, n bed, ight in court 9, The witness testified that he had seen the defendant tke the chil schoolland NOT to THE school] himself “THE USE OF ARTICLES WITH PROPER NOUNS. Proper nouns refer to specie people, places, and things (Martin Luthe York city, St Patrick's Cathedral). However, eventhough these nouns : Inerently definite, the definite article THE ts not used with most SING “The Susan Brown vias considered a troubled woman. (Wrong) Instead of Susan Brown was considered a roublee woman. (This is also a source of errors, since the use ofthe definite article wit nouns ie allowed in ther languages) Im English you use the article THE with proper nouns ‘+ to emphasize the uniqueness ofthat eniye.g, I's THE Barbra Stn + to specify what singular entity you were refering tore, THEENis know was @ defeated king ‘+ to accompany PLURAL proper nouns, including the plural form of rame'e.g, THE Jahneons will goto court today ‘The United States ‘The United Nations ‘+ with proper nouns containing the word OF or apolitical word like “union, or republic, or organizational words ike ‘institut, Youndat ‘corporation.e.g. The city of New Orleans ‘The Republic of Korea the city University of New York ‘The Fulbright Foundation the Chase Corporation ‘The Commonwealth of Viginia Buin phrases that have 2 proper noun names, use THE only ifthe ‘contains OF: THE School of Law of he ity University vs, CUNY La ‘Schoo! ‘THE University of Oxtord vs Oxford ‘THE city of New Orleans vs, New Orleans ‘THE Republic of Korea vs, Korea + before the names of speciic geographic regions of most bodies o 8g, The Mississippi River oe 3007122, 0755 Use of Articles -CUNY School of Law. ‘The Allantic Ocean the Middle East In English you DO NOT use the definite article THE: + before nouns in the possessive case (') ithe noun does not take ‘The plait learned of THE Mary Browris responsibility inthe thet reading he defendant's cary. (Wrong) Instead of The plain learned of Mary Brown's responsibilty inthe theftby the defendant’ cary. + before most singular proper nouns, including names of most coun cles, states, continents, steets parks, and persons... The corp {ound in Yosemite National Park He was part ofan expedition to Argentina, Brae! and Peru THE USE OF ARTICLES WITH PROPER NOUNS. Dos Dorits + geographical areas (the Sout, + names of countries the Middle East the Far West) (Argentina, teland + names of seas, oceans and but the US and the rivers (the Mediterranean the Netherlands atlanti, the Hudson) + names of continents + guts, peninsulas, forests, and (america, Aca) deserts (the Persian Gul the + names of states, tow Valdez Peninsula, the Black ’tes Minos, Edison Forest, the Sahara) Prhildelphia) + points on the globe (the + names of sveets (Me Capricorn, the South Pole) ‘Astoria BN, Jewel# + names of islands (Fie Island) but: the Hebei the Faroe Islands (st chains) + names of mountaing (Mount Sinai, Mount but the Andes or the (ranges of mountains + names of lakes and (Lake Ontario, an Francisco Bay) but tt Great Lakes (a group lakes) Now is time for you to practice! Please select one ofthe fllowing tw by clicking on the bie link Be sure to read the instructions for each e careful + Exercise: illinthe Blanks RVeea- Law in the Service of Human Needs (Sea htps:ww law cuny edulegal wlinglstudentsimuliingualgrammararticies! 78 3007122, 0755 Use of Articles -CUNY School of Law. Stay connected: Facebook | Tuite | Instagram | Linkedin ‘Human Resources| nfonmation Technology (Communications & Marketing | Consumer information (ABA Requied Disclosures) Plan an Event at CUNY Law | Student Handbook [CUNY Law Giftshop ‘Engugh is Enoush: Combating Sexual Misconduct | Notice of Non-Discrimination |Legal Notices | CUNY Copyright| Text Oly View | Copyright © 2022 The City University of New York Schoo! of Law | 2 Court Square, Long Island City, NY 11101-4356 | Phone: 718-340-4200, AIRights Reserved, Content may not be reproduced without permission. htps:wwlaw cuny edulegal winglstudentsimuliingualgrammararticies! 8

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