Side by Side 3

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Future: Going to Time Expressions

Future: Will Possessive Pronouns
Future Continuous Tense

• Describing Future Plans and • Talking on the

lntentions Telephone
• Telling About the Future • Plans for the Future
• Expressing Time and Duration • Asking a Favor

yesterday today tomorrow

1. yesterday morning 4. yesterday afternoon 7. yesterday evening 10. last night

2. this morning 5. this afternoon 8. this evening 11. tonight
3. tomorrow morning 6. tomorrow afternoon 9. tomorrow evening 12. tomorrow night

21 .
I What Are They Going to Do?

am {I am} l'm
{He is} He's
is she (She is} She's
What it going to do? {lt is} lt's

u:u }
going to read.
(We are) We're
are (You are) You're
they (They are) They're

Time Expressions
yesterday } last night
this morning / afternoon I evening tonight
tomorrow tomorrow night
last } week/ month / year / Sunday / Monday / ...
this spring/ summer / .. .
next January / February I . . .

A. Are you going to buy a donut this morning?

B. No, I'm not. I bought a donut YESTERDAY morning.
A. What are you going to buy?
B. l'm going to buy a muffin.
,lt, ·.f;
~ ,

I •!
1. ls Mr. Hopper going to have cake for 2. 1s Valerie going to sing folk songs this
dessert tonight?
ice cream
Broadway show tunes

3. Are you and your family going to go to 4. 1s Gary going to wear his gray suit
Europe this summer? today?
Hawaii his blue suit

- -- -
5. Are your parents going to watch the 6. 1s Elizabeth going to go out with
movie on Channel 4 this Friday night? Jonathan this Saturday evening?
the news program on Channel 7 Bob

7. 1s the ch ef going to make onion soup 8. 1s your sister going to take biology this
today? semester?
pea soup astronomy

9. Are you und yo ur brother going to play 10. Are you going to be Superman this
curds this afternoon? Halloween?
ches:; Bat111a11
.·~ _ fa·,·, ;J

It's Friday afternoon, and all the

' , !.I _,.., j':.·:~\
, 1 ·
:;fl• :....~.<.s;
· • ·.•\~ '
ployees at the Liberty lnsurance
~:mpany are thinki;11g a~out ~heir plans
I. I

....._...... ---~..--
for the weekend. M1l~on 1~ gomg to ~o:k
.. in his garden. Diane 1s gomg to go hiking .
. the mountains. Carmen and Tom are
m k. . t
going to play tennis: Ja~ istgobm~ldo go
water-skiing. Kate is gomg o Ul a

11~· '
tree house for her children. An~ ~y and
his family are going to have a p1cruc.

Unfortunately, the employees a~-the

Liberty Insurance Company ~re gomg to
be very disappointed. Accordmg to th; .
r t, ft I radio, it's going to "rain cats and dogs ali
, •, I I
weekend .



The employees·at the Liberty lnsurance Company are talking

with each other. Using this model, create dialogs based on
the story.

A. Teli me Milton what are you going to do this weekend?

' in my garden . How a b out you, n iane.
' to work
B. I'm going · ?
What are YOU going to do? What are you going
A. l'm going to go hiking in the mountains. to do this weekend?
B. Well, have a nice weekend. What's the weather
A. You, too.

Listen to the conversation and choose the answer that is true.
1. a. He's going to wear his gray suit.
b. He's going to wear his brown suit. 4. a. He's going to call a mechanic.
b. He's going to call an electrician.
2. a. They're going to have dinner at
home. 5. a.
She's going to go to the supermarket
b. They're going to have dinner at a tomorrow.
restaurant. b. She's going to work in her garden
3. a. They're going to watch Channel 5. tomorrow.
b. They're going to watch Channel 9. 6. a.
b. They're going to buy the computer.
They aren't going to buy the computer.
Will Ms. Martinez Return Soon?

(I will) 1'11
(Hewill) He'II He
(She will) She'II She
(lt will) lt'II work. lt won't work.
(Wewill) We'II We (will not)
(You will) You'II You
(They will) They'II They

1 A. Will Ms. Martinez return soon? A.

B. Yes, she will. She'll return in a little B. No, she won't. She won't return fora
while. long time.

I. Will the play 1?egin soon? 2. Will the concert begin soon?
Yes, - - ~ - _ _ _ _ at 7:30. No, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ until 8:00.
- - ,·"'.

3 . Will Ken and Kim see each other again 4. Will Larry and Lisa see each other again
soon? soon?
No, _ _ __ _ _ _ _ until next year.

5. Will the train arrive soon? 6. Will Flight 216 arrive soon?
ies, _ _ __
v. in a few minutes. No, _ _ __ - - - - for seueral hours.

7. Will David get out of the hospital soon? 8. Will Ralph get out of jail soon?
Yes, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in a few days. No, _ _ __ _ _ _ _ {or a few years.
Will You Be Home This Evening?

lt'II be working.

A. Will you be home this evening? A. Will N ancy be home this evening?
B. Yes, I will. 1'11 be watching videos. B. No, she won't. She'll be working

1. you 2. Angela 3. Mr. and Mrs. Chen

pay bills shop at the mall paint their kitchen

4. your sister 5. you and your family 6.

attend a meeting ice skate

7. you 8. Tess
do research at the 9. Mr. and Mrs. Situa
fill out her income tax
library form work out at their health
Can You Call Back a Little Later?

Create conversations based on the model above.

1. do homework 2. iron 3. wash my windows

4. have dinner 5. give the kids a bath 6.

Could You Do Me a Favor?

I me mine
he him his
she her hers
it it
we us ours
you you yours
they them theirs

A. Could you do me a favor?

B. Sure. What is it?

A. I have to fix a flat tire, and I don't have a jack. Could I possibly borrow yours?
B. l'm sorry. I'm afraid I don't have one.
A. Oh. Do you know anybody who does?

B. Yes. You should call Joe. l'm sure he'll be happy to lend you his.
A. Thanks. l'll call him right away.
A. Could you do me a favor?
B. Sure. What is it?
A. I have to - - - - , and I don't bave a _ _ _ _ . Could I possibly borrow yours?
B. I'm sorry. I'm afraid I don't have one.
A. Oh. Do you know anybody who does?
B. Yes. You should cali _____ I'm sure ___ 'Il be happy to lend you - - -
(his /hers I theirs).
A. Thanks. I'll call _ _ (him /her/them) right away.

1. fix my front steps 2. assemble my new 3. write a composition

hammer bookshelf dictionary

4. adjust my satellite dish 5. go to a wedding 6.

ladder tuxedo

Uow to Say ltl

Asking fora Favor
Could you do me a favor?
Could you possibly do me a favor?
A. { Could you do a favor for me?
Could I ask you a favor?
B. Sure. What is it?

Practice the conversations in this lesson again. Ask for a favor in different ways.

d Mrs. Karpov are at the Moscow

' . Mr. an
They're saymg· good. bye t o th e1r
· son
a1rport. I , t'
.s family. t s a very emo 10na1
Sas h a an d hl d hi . ·
minutes, Sasha an s family
day. In a fìew C d .
will get on a piane and fly to ana .a. They
won't be coming back. They're leavmg Rus .
permanently, and Mr. and Mrs. ~ov won'
be seeing them for a long, long time.

Sasha and his family are excited about .

their plans for the futur~. T~ey're going to
stay with his wife's relatives m Toronto.
Sasha will work in the family's restaurant. ·
His wife, Marina, will take any job she can
find during the day, and she'll study English
at night. The children will begin school in •

Mr. and Mrs. Karpov are both happy and

sad. They're happy because they know that ·
their son will have a good life in his new f.
home. However, they're sad because they :
know they're going to be very lonely. Their
apartment will be quiet and empty, and they
won't see their grandchildren grow up. '

Some day Mr. and Mrs. Karpov will visit

Toronto, or perhaps they'll even move there.
But _until then, they're going to miss their
family_ very much. As you can imagine, it's
very difficult for them to say good-bye.

Sfì asha and his family will be leaving R .
or a few minutes. uss1a
2. :arina's rel~tives live in Toronto. • Tell al,out an emotional
3. r. Karpov is happy, and Mrs Ka .
day in your life when you
4. Mr. and Mrs. Karpov mi h . rpov is sad.
5. Mr. and M Karp
rs. ov ar
g t move to Toronto
db . had to say good-vye.
beat the M . e sa ecause they'll
oscow airport t'l h • Tell al,out YOUR plans for
Toronto or move th un I t ey visit
ere . the future.
• 30
, ON YOUR OWN Looking Forward

J erry is forward to this weekend. He Amanda is looking forward to her birthday.
isn't going to think about work. He's going to Her sister is going to have a party for her, and
read a few magazines, work on his car, and all her co-workers and friends are going to be
relax at home with his family.

Mr. and Mrs. Cook are looking forward to their Mr. and Mrs. Lee are forward to their
summer vacation. They're going to go camping. retirement. They're going to get up late every
They're going to hike severa! miles every day, morning, visit friends every afternoon, and
ake a lot of pictures, and forget about all their enjoy quiet evenings at home together.
problems at home.

hat are vou looking forward to? A birthday? a holiday? a day off? Talk about it with
ther students in your class.

Write in your journal about

something you're looking
forward to: What are you
looking forward to? When
is it going to happen?
What are you going to do?

going to = gonna f
, I


Listen. Then say it. Say it. Then listen.

Are you going to buy bread today? Is she going to watch TV?

What are you going to eat? What's he going to wear?

I'm going to go camping. They're going to make dinner.

(I am) l'm
he (He is) mine
is she (She is) his
What it going to do? (lt is) lt's going to read. hers
we ()Ne are) We're
are you (You are) You're
they (They are) They're
(lwill) 1'11
(Hewill) He'II (I will) 1'11
(She will) She'II (He will) He'II
(ltwill) lt'II (She will) She'II
work. lt won't work.
rNewill) We'II {lt will) lt'II
(You will) You'II ()Ne will) We'II
(Theywill) They'II (You will) You'II
(They will) They'II

adjust call
arrive get
call back happen
ask get out make say
come back have visit
get up miss see
assemble do homework hike wash
attend give move shop
do research ice skate watch
be go paint sing
enjoy imagine wear
begin go camping iron pay bills speak
fili out play work
borrow go hiking stay
find know work on
browse go out with rain study
fix leave work out
huild go water-skiing read
fly lend take write
buy grow up relax
forget look forward to talk
return think
Fe11ture Arti de

Global Exchange
F11ct Filt> Listening
Around the World Fun with ldioms
What Are They

Number 1

lmmigration Around the World

Where do immigrants move, and why?

M 01--e than 145 million immigrants live

outside their native countries.
Immigrants move to other countries for
different reasons. Some people move because of
war, politica! or economie problems, or natural
disasters such as earthquakes and floods. Some
immigrants move to be with family members, to
many, or to find better living conditions.
Where are immigrants moving from? And what
countries are they moving to? One of the largest
immigration flows is from Latin America and Asia
to the United States. Another immigrant flow is
from Eastem Europe, the former Soviet republics,
Immigrants arriving in their new country
and North Africa to Western Europe. Many
immigrants also move from Africa and Asia to the
Middle East. In countries such as Saudi Arabia, many new immigrants from Albania, Moldova,
90% of the tota! population is now foreign bom. Bulgaria, and Ukraine. In some schools in Athens,
50% of the children are foreign bom. Los Angeles
When immigrants arrive in a new country, they and New York are two cities in the United States
often live in urban neighborhoods. As a result of with very large immigrant populations. In Los
immigration, many city neighborhoods change. Angeles, 37% of the population is foreign bom, and
Immigrants open new stores, restaurants, and other children in the public schools speak 82 different
businesses. For example, the historic Esquilino languages. In New York, 40% of the population is
neighborhood in Rome is now the home of a large foreign bom, and children speak 140 different
number of Chinese immigrants. There are also languages in the schools.

Ellis lsland FACT FILE I

Eflis lsland was an Countries with Large

immigration center on an island i;;ai11•••1r. Numbers of lmmigrants
in the harbor of New York City.
Between 1892 and 1954,
12 million immigrants passed .. ..
., ., ' i• Al"

, .
è ·~t
through Eflis lsland. At Eflis ... '
lsland, immigration officials
checked immigrants' J_:,· \\. : .:, United States 28.4
documents, gave them medicai Germany 7.5
examinations, and decided if iii. ·. - Saudi Arabia 6
the immigrants could stay in Ellis lsland registration hall
the United States. Most Canada 4.9
immigrants carne from ltaly, Russia, Hungary, Austria, Austria-Hungary, Australia 4.4
Germany, England, and lreland. More than 40% of all Americans today France 4.3
have a present or past relative who carne through Ellis lsland.

,Jtt,n#f •i ii• IW•' ,i i•1 T . teresting immigrant neighborhOOds around
here are mar;: '" neighborhoods, immigrants can often
the world. In t. ese ua es buy products from their
lmmigrant speak ~heir nat,vet ~a"!st!ur~nts that serve their favorite 1ru... I
countr1es, and ea ,n
Neighborhoods '"VQI.

; , . ~ • 'I-~ jl· -~

\ J :; ~,~.-- ... -·,·.ìi.•...:11,:

~•Y/ '-~'~ r
- i-
a Cuban neighborhood in
Miami, Florida

Chinatown in Toronto, Canada Japanese immigrants in a Russian neighborhood in

Sao Paulo, Brazil Brooklyn, New York

What are different immigrant neighborhoods you know?

What did you do in Vietnam?

A Side by Side Gazette reporter
recently vislted Mr. Tran Nguyen, I was a teacher. I taught mathematics. I want
a Vietnamese immigrant in to be a teacher here someday, but first I want 1
Australia. Mr. Nguyen lives and to send my children to college.
works in a Vietnamese and
Chinese neighborhood in the l!} What do you m iss most about Vietnam?
suburbs of Melbourne. Q I miss my community and my friends. In
(l W hen did you immigra te to A ustra lia, a nd why? Vietnam, people took care of each other.
a Well, my brother left Vietnam in 1983 and carne here
lt's not the same here. Everyone here works
very hard. People are very busy. They don't
to Australia. Seven years later, his wife and children have much time to spend with friends.
joined him. I carne here three years ago with my wife
and children to be with my brother and his family. l!} W hat do you like about your life here?
(!l Do you work? Q We have many opportunities. My wife and I
both have good jobs, and my son and
Q Yes. I work seven days a week in my brother's
daughter will go to college someday. I think
restaurant, and I go to English classes at night.
we will have a very good future here, and
we're very grateful.
SIDEbySIDE 6azette
El Global Exchange QJB

NlckyG: Hl. lt's Sunday nlght here, and I just

flnlshed my blology homework. Before
Dear Side by Side, \ 1turn off my computer, I want to tell
I have a question about tenses in you about my weekend. lt was really
English. Sometimes I hear people use the great. I went camping wlth some of my
pr esent tense when they are talking about frlends. We left early Saturday mornlng
the future. For example, I was watching and drove to the mountalns. We hlked
for severa! hours to a beautlful lake.
a TV program in English yesterday, and I
We went swlmmlng, we cooked over a
heard a man say, "I'm flying to London campflre, and we slept outslde. We told
tomorrow. My piane leaves at 9:30." But storles and sang songs untll after
ifa man is talking about tomorrow, mldnlght. In the mornlng, we made a
shouldn't he use the future t ense? I " blg breakfast, we swam agaln, and then
t hink t he correct way to say this is: ·rm we packed up our thlngs, hlked back to
going to fly t o London tomor row. My the car, and carne home. How about
you? How was your weekend? Wrlte
piane will leave at 9:30." Did the man on
back soon. Okay?
the TV program make a mistake?
Sincerely, Smlle9: Hl. lt's Monday mornlng here. l ' m
"Tens~ About the Fut ure" slttlng In the computer lab at my school,
\ and your message Just arrived! l'm
happy to hear from you aga In. My
Dear "Tense About t he Future," weekend wasn 't as excltlng as yours. I
Your question is a very good one. No, have flnal exams In all my courses this
the man on the TV program didn't make a week, so I stayed home and studied all
mistake. We often use the present tense weekend. But l'm really looklng
to talk about events in the future or about forward to next weekend. Our famlly ls
definite plans that we have. For example, going to trave! to the piace where my
you can say: parents grew up. We"re havlng a big
-' family reunion on Saturday. Ali my
My brother's wedding is next Saturday. relatives wlll be there. We don•t see
l'm having a party tomorrow. them very often, so it wlll be a very
They're going to the beach this weekend. special time. 1'11 teli you about lt when I
The plumber is coming tomorrow morning. return. Oh. Here comes my teacher!
We can also use the present tense t o t alk l've gotto go! Talk to you soon.
about future events that happen at a ;.
definite t ime or on a regu lar schedule. l• J- ' iR i
For example, you can say:
Send a m essage to a keypal Teli about what you did
The movie begins at 7:30 tonight. last weekend. Teli about your plans for next weekend.
The office opens tomorrow morning at 9 A.M.
The train arrives at 6:15.
The stare closes tonight at 10 P.M.
So, you don't need to be "tense" about t he
future! You can use both t he present and You Have Five Messages!
the future tenses t o talk about future time.
We hope this answers yo ur question. _L o Sarah a. will be visiting his parents.
Thanks for your letter, and good luck with
your Englishl o Bob b. will be studying .

r~t Sincerely, e Paul a c. will be attending a wedding.

t:'. !~ Sitk 4 Slde o Joe d. will go to the party.
0 Carla e. will be taking her unc\e to
the hospital.
SIDEb:,SIDE &azette
1il]!f})b&1t) t•)t~1

Do You Know These Expressions?

JL_ 1. lt's raining cats and dogs !
a. 1'11 cali you.
2. What's cooking?
b. lt was difficult.
3. l'm tied up right now.
c. lt was easy.
4. 1'11 give you a ring tomorrow.
d. What's new?
5. The English test was a piece of cake!
e. lt's raining very hard.
6. The English test was no picnic!
f. l'm busy.

Whoi Are They Say~?

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