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Proceedings of the SMART-2016, IEEE Conference ID: 39669

5th International Conference on System Modeling & Advancement in Research Trends , 25th _27'h November, 2016
College of Computing Sciences & Information Technology, Teerthanker Mahaveer University, Moradabad , India

An Efficient Architecture and Algorithm to

Prevent Data Leakage in Cloud Computing using
Multi-tier Security Approach
Anshu Kirar l , Arun Kumar Yadav 2 and Supriya Maheswari 3
1,2Dept of Computer Science & Engg" ITM University Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh, India
3Dept of Computer Science & Engg" Hindustan College of Science & Tech., Mathura, Uttar Pradesh, India
E-mail :

Abstract-Cloud Computing is arising on-demand, and data encryption on the various steps, Malware
ubiquitous internet based technology, which provides variety detection should be finding using data mining techniques,
of services. Cloud computing offers various services like If there is information store over cloud anyone can
software, hardware, data storage, platform, infrastructure access data from anyplace and anytime but these sensitive
etc. major weakness with data security over cloud is that, the
data must be saving on client side along with on server
but of physical security control is not viable. Appropriately,
strong approach control and authentication becomes side, Therefore it is fundamental of certain data security
extremely vital for providing valuable security. Number of further data integrity process, Secondly, data thieving is a
protection and privacy issues rise be-coming to the one of sever dispute so it must be control on every single
outsourcing of infrastructure, delicate records and critical step.
application and its multitenancy environment. In this It is internet base computing that delivers pool
research paper, we are proposing authentication technique processing resources like server, storage, application,
and multifactor user authentication for prevent illegal access
services and net-works. Cloud computing control and
over cloud. As our proposed technique using three tier of
authen-tication check, authentication image check and manage the resources to be focused on cross requirement.
authentication codes. To provide further security on client It is continuous growing and performance evolutions
side, we are using a special keyboard and on the server side growth. But the major challenging task is the security and
authentication code is store in encrypted form on master privacy issues caused by outsourcing of infrastructure.
server at different tiers. Our proposed technique is quite • Maintenance is simple and easier applications so
more secure. it is not required to be installing on every
Keywords: Data Leakage, Security, Cloud computing, computer so we can easily access from diverse
Secure Keyword places.
L INTRODUCTION • Reliability improves by the usage of multiple
spare sites, It provide offer a SLA service level
In present day the evolution and advancement in the agreement which guarantee 365 and 99,99%
scientific knowledge make the world strong but it also availability,
some dark side, There are several of the peoples who are Security is well-set of control based technology and it
unsocial with the help of tool and they create harmful protects the infrastructure of cloud atmosphere, Cloud san-
special effects on our life, In this field there are various ctuary is an enlarge sub sphere of computer security,
security problems as it incorporates many technologies network security and largely information security,
together with memory mana-gement, load balancing,
resource scheduling, databases, net-works, virtualization A Security Risk in Cloud Computing
operating systems, transaction man-agement and
Top nine security risks are: L Data Breaches 2, Data
concurrency control.
Loss 3. Account Hijacking 4, Insecure APIs 5, Denial of
These technology required security challenges at all
Service 6. Malicious Insiders 7. Abuse of Cloud Facilities
step on cloud, For example the network on which cloud is
8, Insufficient Due Diligence 9. Shared Technology Issues
running necessity is securing furthermore the virtual
Security Risk can be categorized into two:
server which handles the whole system must be safe and
require several securItIes, Communication between • Risks for cloud service user
physical machine and virtual machines must be securely • Risks for cloud service provider
managed, Various policies to be maintain for data safety Data Leakage is distinct as unintentional distribution
of private or susceptible data to unauthorized person. Data

Copyright © SMART-2016 ISBN: 978-1-5090-3543-4 271

5th International Conference on System Modeling & Advancement in Research Trends, 25th _27'h November, 2016
College of Computing Sciences & Information Technology, Teerthanker Mahaveer University, Moradabad , India

Leakage event can be categorized into two kinds directs communication and to validate the information being
losses and indirect losses. Direct losses refer to the transferred.
sustainable da-mage i.e. easy to evaluate to estimate Security is a necessary part of at all transaction that in
quantitatively. Indirect losses it is a big transaction to excess of the internet. Customer will lose his/her
enumerate as compare to direct loss and it also impact in confidence in e-business if its security is compromised.
terms or cost place and time. According to survey of a The essential requi-rements for secure e-payments/
reputed company with the advance-ment of info dealings confidential, integrity, availability, authenticity,
technology, there are accesses in the chance of cyber- non Repudiablity, encryption, audit-ability.
attacks. Cyber-attacks are the attacks in which a person
using an information of another person. Information like 11. REL ATED WORK

his online bank details, Transaction details, Transaction In today' s world the improvement and advancement
pass-words etc. and utilize them for his advantage without in the technology make the world strong according to the
notify the account controller. It come in to category of technology but there is also there is some dark side. [1]
cyber Attacks. Appropriate to this the account owner face There are numerous of the peoples who are unsocial with
a very big loss whether the loss related to their money, his the help of technology who make us stronger. Now come
personal details etc. To overcome this type of disaster we to the OTP technique it is simple but complicated but day
work on a method in which multiple security checks is by day achievements in the technology of smart phone or
happened. Due to this it minimizes the chances of data information transfer. We have face the OTP procedure to
lost. For maintaining the good secure access on online protect the our delicate information from the impartial
transactions. We use Secured Key-board process. It offer peoples, who exploitation the information for their
the best technique for this requirement based on Multiple benefits. An example if we had to do some transactions
Security Checks, it can be execute on secure online with our bank whether, we use M-Banking, E-Banking
transactions. and when we initiate the preferred transaction, we get an
That software packages also work with SET, SSL and OTP on our RMN via SMS and return the OTP within a
PKI, Secure E-commerce protocol technology for squat interval to complete the cycle. To stay away from
encryption of data spreads. Online transactions operate any possible attacks like phishing, man-in-the middle
over on internet or intranet. attack, mal ware Trojans, the OTP necessity to be secured.
Secure Electronic Transaction (SET) is a In sort to make available a consistent and safe mode of
communications protocol. It is use for securing credit card online transactions without any compromise to conv-
transactions over in tern et insecure networks. Security enience, a reliable m-banking authentication scheme that
protocols and their for-mats that are enable user to draw combines the top secret PIN with encryption of the OTP
on the available debit card premium organization on an has been refmed in this paper. The combination of PIN
open network in a secure mode. SET key functions are with OTP provides authentication and security.
Confidentiality of information, In-tegrity of data, The proposed method provide security even if any
Cardholder account authentication, and Merchant dispute arise due any probable attacks like intern et
authentication. hacking or mobile thefts. The main impartial of this paper
Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) is a typical security is securing OTP using Festal Network Process. By using
technology. SSL establish an encrypted linkage among a this method we can easily change the size of the input we
server and a client. It allow susceptible information like as provide. The sub-Keys are generated in each round
credit card, visa, social security information, and login appropriate to this cascading iteration is produced. If we
approval to be transmit securely. Data sent among search use more round of encryptions it is difficult to break the
engine and web servers in a plain text- quit you OTP.
susceptible to eavesdrop. If an attacker is capable to A diverse approach has offered that raises the stage of
interrupt whole data being sent among search engine and a security dimensions using cryptographic techniques E-
web server so it can be observe and use that information. com-merce portals, because day by day e-commerce had
A public key infrastructure (PKI) is a bent of created an enormous effect on the peoples. Nearly every
characters and it manages public-key encryption. The one of the peoples buy their goods from E-commerce
roles of a PKI are to make easy the secure electronic portal by online transaction process and due to this it is
transaction of information for an assortment of network very dangerous to maintain the transaction information of
behavior like electronic commerce, in tern et banking and the people would be in secure hands. For maintaining the
confidential email.ltis crucial for activities, where good secure access on E-commerce transaction [2] we use
straight forward passwords is insufficient authentication (PKI) it offer the best approach for this requirement.
way and further accurate verification is ne-cessary to Based on PKI numerous security maintenance can be
verify the uniqueness of the parties involved in the implementing for secure E-com-merce transaction. E-

272 Copyright © SMART-2016 ISBN: 978-1-5090-3543-4

An Efficient Architecture and Algorithm to Prevent Data Leakage in Cloud Computing using Multi-tier Security Approach

commerce software packages work with SET, Secure is impossible. As a result, strong access control and
Socket Layer, and Public Key Infrastructure and Secure E- authentication become very vital for provide effective
commerce protocol technology for encryption of data security. However, there are still other security issues to
transmission. E-commerce operates on in tern et or intranet. be addressed in the future.
Now existence we do lots of transactions like as Online Today in the present world mostly depends on the
Recharge, Fund Transfer, bank transactions and m- exchange of information i.e. the transmit of information
commerce etc. using smart phones and PDAs which among more than two person; we call it as distributor
comes handy. Due to this all of the working made easy. system . The data is sent to the highly confidential person
Information security has turn into a very critical aspect of so the data allocation is just happened among the
modern communication. When people perform a distributer and the third party. The data sent by the source
transaction over internet, the security of information would be secured and confidential and should not be
against security threats is a major issue. It is an extremely reproducing because the data are confidential and highly
big issues that how we secure the information of the important. At various point the information is dispatch or
community they provide. Appealing good privacy can be copied by unsocial folks, who are liable for the data loss
used to offer authentication and confide-entiality to E- and other type of damages to the system . These type
commerce security. things come under process name data leakage. It must be
In this research paper researchers deliberate the detected near the beginning of the stage in directive to
problem [3] face by in tern et banking since that is tricky assure the data from being come in the presence of
issues of faith and safety of online Transactions. And we unsocial individuals. So In this scheme we deal through
deliberate that a number of superiority of client/public are the data leakage by using several encryptions to the
always afraid concerning the protection of their online susceptible data so it cannot be reproduced. The research
transactions and they are not capable to easily trust the compacts with the thought of creating a dot arrangement
web fears that their online transactions may not be safe on a file at convinced site and while the arrangement is
payable to the increasing numbers of online intern et completed it generates a wa-termark [5]. According to this
attacks. To overcome this type of in tern et intrudes. Now process data records are secure and protected with
days a latest model for in tern et banking transactions is unsocial folks.
represented. By using this model of transactions it In this paper author deliberate regarding to the data
increases the security and trust above the accessible security of the fortuitous data leakage [6]. It could be
model , by allowing customers and banks have to happened when tenant organize applications beneath the
communicate with one another and sign process control of third-party service providers, they should trust
transactions online. The core opinion behind the conquer the provider' s security mechanism for tenant isolation,
the security issues that it enhance security by use of three- resource sharing and access control. But in some of the
tier, trusted, layered, and secure channel. This model cases the unintentional data leakage may develop expected
ensures that only liable people have the access to intern et to misconfiguration or virus in the cloud platform. To
bank accounts suitable to this the information is remain overcome the issues a term Cloud Safety Net (CSN), an in
private and unable to modified by third parties and that the substantial monitoring framework that give tenant
transactions made are appreciable and verified. visibility into the spread of their request data in a cloud
Now these days all we techies familiar with a term of environment with low performance overhead. It exploits
Cloud Computing and it is based on internet computing the incentive of tenants to cooperate with each and every
;wherever a fIrm of assets and services such as to identify unintended data leakage. The central
applications, storage and servers are deliver to computers persistence of CSN that it is an Tag based approach to
and devices during the inter-net [4]. It incorporates large monitoring data flows is related to information flow
open distributed system, virt-ualization, and intern et manage Techniques, encryption and digital water-
release of services, dynamic provision of reconfigurable marking. With the assist of this we put a close sense on
resources and on demand operations. It is continuous unexpected data leakage and save the data to gone in the
growing and performance regular evolution in the range of wrong hands. Cloud security concerns in which they talk
computing. But the major challenging task is the safety about the procedure followed by the Austrian government
and confidentiality issues caused by outsourcing of in which the information of the peoples who live there will
infrastructure. Delegate information and critical cross checked and upload on the cloud server. The process
applications and its multi-tenancy environment the volatile is very simple if you are an authentic citizen of the country
growth of cloud computing has made the condition of then u have to assign online for the verification process
sufficient and valuable security challenges. Multi- factor and when you clear that process you are registered and
user authentication is an effective technique for preventing your e ID (Electronic Identification) is generated.
un-authorized access. The main flaw in the security of The main benefit of this e ID system in several
cloud is that, the arrangement of physical security controls situations, a centralized operation path of MOA-ID may

Copyright © SMART-2016 ISBN: 978-1-5090-3543-4 273

5th International Conference on System Modeling & Advancement in Research Trends, 25th _27'h November, 2016
College of Computing Sciences & Information Technology, Teerthanker Mahaveer University, Moradabad , India

be desirable. Therefore we propose a centralized taking less res-ponse time to process client' s request and
distribution approach of MOA-ID in the public cloud. also decreasing the bandwidth utilization which incurs less
With the help of this categorized system data leakage and cost. So that is a vast field to enhance our work, future
loss is very squat and it always helps and creates trust work may be on decreasing the processing time of the
while doing online transactions through cloud services. [7] virtual machines and one can work on other security
This paper basically a challenge to learn secret data with issues.
privacy leak detection in the context of text mining. Here In this paper author worked [10] on multidimensional
exists a facility to group these documents base on the password generation algorithm at various authentication
concept base mining algorithm. The group of documents is levels has been proposed. By using this algorithm we get
always present in the form of hierarchy. When an operator high security for cloud IT framework and also adequate
in the position of a subscriber desires to access a resource utilization can be done by this proposed
document, this request for access will have to go through algorithm because here bandwidth utilization is less and
an authentication procedure based on the Leakage Free also reduced overall response time. So we find that our
Redact able Signature Structure. All of this information recommended algorithm is enough valuable spare than
present in the form of cloud user access control list. A already existing techniques on behalf ofmuItidimensional
privacy detection leak module it detects privacy leaks on data security. Furthermore, our future work can be
ahead the pattern of preceding privacy leaks is also being extended towards the implementation of this algorithm
protected. Appropriate to the above information is use to using CLOUD tools and for better GUI interfacing to
update the cloud subscriber access manage list and those easier communication with client.
are liable for data leakage is illegal to access the facility. It Ill. PROPOSED WORK
is protest to organize the privacy protection with pattern
recognition approaches to data drip re-cognition in the Client Authentication is a technique by which a
context text mining. In the future by integrating pattern system authenticates and legalizes the user uniqueness of
recognition as a feature of privacy presser-vation the cloud the system who desires to access it. Client Authentication
service providers will be capable to preserve the privacy guarantees and authorizes the user' s identity through a
of the susceptible data being shared. program like as a password authentication and guaranties
In this paper [8] author discussed about list of the genuineness of the application to access it, to make
parameters that influence the security of the cloud and it application effective or valid. Authorization is the
analyze the cloud security disputes and complication faced technique of giving users to access their application
by service provider and also cloud service consumer such according to permissions.
as data, privacy, and affect application and security
A. Secure Keyword
disputes. It also discusses some guidelines for accept these
issue and troubles. The service provider and the customer It is a analog device i.e. exclusively designed to allow
should make certain that the cloud is safe enough from all isolation between connected computers. Computers are us-
the external threats, so there will be a strong and mutual ually associated to diverse networks and isolation among
understanding between the both. The major gap among these networks must be confident to avoid data leakages
cloud security practice and cloud security research theory and intrusions. When secure keyboard is use at that time
lies in the fact that the assumption in the research go out system keyboard is disabling. And also it is mandatory to
some very important differences between actual cloud login with secure keyboard when users want to access the
security and virtual machine security. Research should be cloud services.
center on these gaps and differences and its removal. One
of the pieces of the framework might be developing a way B. Login Process
to monitor the cloud's management software, and another When the above two process is completed like, the
might be development of isolated processing for specific secure keyboard is connected and you got the access after
clients' applications. People' s actions can be followed and that the KBVF procedure is occurred. By few of the
also moni-tored for instance whether people allow the reason the user incapable to verify the above process we
automated patching software to run, or updating antivirus discuss an auto generated alert message is send to the user
software defin-itions, or whether people understand how registered number.
to harden their virtual machines in the cloud.
Author proposed a secured architecture with a c. OTP(One Time Password)
multi level authentication technique which will be best OTP is produce spontaneously numeric strings that
suited for the cloud atmosphere [9]. Service providers can authen-ticate the user for a single session on a computer
be use our proposed architecture and technique to preserve system or other electronic device. OTP is a static
the data security which is now a foremost concern of password then it is not vulnerable to replay attack. While
individual user/organization. Proposed architecture is it will be no longer valid.

274 Copyright © SMART-2016 ISBN: 978-1-5090-3543-4

An Efficient Architecture and Algorithm to Prevent Data Leakage in Cloud Computing using Multi-tier Security Approach

D. Image Base Verification System • After the successful authentication at level-2, if it

In image base verification system images are display is matched, then it proceeds and sends the
in a shuffle way for user to choose our password. required information to the Master server at
IV. PROPOSED ARCHITECTURE • Master server at level-2 will take a decision of
nearest server that it can be assign to the user
aimed at provi-ding the cloud services.
D. Master Server-3(MS)

MSk l I MSk" Tier 3

• After successful authentication at the first &
second level of code matching, Master server at
level-3 gen-erate a random image security code
for third level of authentication.
MSj l Ti er 2
• After the successful authentication at level-3 , if it
is matched, then it proceeds and user will be
Ti er 1 permitted to access the services.
• Master server at level-3 will take a decision of
near-est server that can be assigned to the user for
providing the cloud services.

Fig. 1: Proposed Architecture with Multi-ti er Security

E. Authentication
This layer is conscientious for the authentication of
A. User
the users. It provides interface to the users to login and
• User sends a request to the service provider at relate with the cloud services provider. Authentication
master server -1 to access the services. layer present at master server for checking the authenticity
• Cloud service provider process the request and of the users at multi levels.
sends a registration form to the client.
• User has mandatory to be filled the registration F. Cloud Server
form along with an active email-id.
• At the time of registration, the users have to give The cloud server provides various cloud services like
a numeric number, after registration , which will software, platform, infrastructure (CPU, memory, hard-
be act as a first level security code or pass-word ware). Cloud server means virtual server i.e. built hosted
of the user. Moreover the numeric code will be and deliver through cloud computing platform over the
static in future use. in tern et.


• Master server 1 stores all the registration Multi Iayer authentication (NSC: Alphanumeric
information of the clients and it stores the NSC in security code, ENSC : Encrypted Numeric Security Code,
encrypted form into the DB. RISe:
• At the time of login, when the user entered by Random Image Security Code, DB: Database, OTP:
spe-cial keyboard its first level security code, One Time Password, MSI: Master Server-I , MS2: Master
then it will be encrypted and match with the Server-2 MS3: Master Server-3 RMN-Register Mobile
stored one. If it is matched, then it proceeds and
sends the required information to the Master
server at level-3 , otherwise it move to Master Step 1: Registration for new users point during the
server -2. registration process NSC and also ISC
chooses by the administrator of the
C. Master Server-I (MS) organization an encrypted num-eric code
• When authentication at the first level of code not stored in DB.
found, Master server at level-2 generate a OTP Step 2: Numeric User ID and Security code is enter
security code for second level of authentication and by special keyboard for the level
send it to the registered mobile number of the user. authentication and it much match with ENSC
• The OTP security code has a threshold time, after stored in MS 1.
this time the code will be invalid. If Match found,

Copyright © SMART-2016 ISBN: 978-1-5090-3543-4 275

5th International Conference on System Modeling & Advancement in Research Trends, 25th _27'h November 2016
College of Computing Sciences & Information Technology, Teerthanker Mahaveer University, Moradabad , India

Then First level authentication is successful VI. PROPOSED TECHNIQUE

and goto step 7.
Cloud Analyst is a tool with a high level of
Else Match not found
visualization ability and based on cloud sim simulator.
OTP has been sent to the RMN.
This is used to measure the overall response time, request
Step 3: OTP at MS2 and sent to the RMN
Step 4: OTP has to be entered by administrator. processing time and the total cost of any task. Here, we
Step 5: Generate new security code at MS2 and sent can set user bases and datacenter in different regions of
to the RMN. the world. User base has many configurable fields like
Step 6: New Password has to be entered for name, region, and requests per user per hour, data size per
authentication. request, peak hours, average users during peak hours, and
If match found then average users during off peak hours. And also we can
Second level is successful con figure the data centers including name, region, nwnber
Step 7: Third level random ISC selected at MS3 by of VM machine and image size, and amount of memory
the administrator of organization stored in and bandwidth availability to single virtual machine. It is
the DB. an evaluation of social networks tool according to
If Match found, then geographic spreading of users and data centers. Cloud
Permitted to user Cloud Services analyst shows a graphical output screen that enables the
Else Match not found users to easily evaluate the result.
Go to step 3
l*I SlInulabOn ~Its

Overall Resp on se Time Summary

Avefage ("1St ~ (ms) Maldn~l (mS)
OIIerallRe~tseT1me: SO.12 39.56 61.63
Oala Cenler Pfoeesslng TIme: 0.50 0.00 • .88

,--- Us.,....
Response Time By Region
-~­ A~(ms) "1tI(ms) .~ M;p(ms) ~
UBI 50117 61631

User Base Hourly Averag. Response nmes

D3ta C.nt.r Request servicing T i mes

r--- Da13 Center ~ 1w9(ms) MItI(ms) M.Cms) -

.5• •

Fig. 2: Overall Response Time o f First L ayer
r[iJ Simulation Resu lts

Data Canter Hourly Average Processing Times


0' 2;).3 7 ~ ~ 'O"'2U'.'3'Q171~' ~ :lP2'222? Hr s o , 2 ;) • 3 e 0:; Q ~ 10" 12 IJ ' A 13 IQ 17 18 '~:102122Zl Hr s


I'_""~ 'm. (m.) '~"m.(m.)

Data Center Loading

DC2 ~l'-~
o 1 2 J • S '67 a 9 10 1112 1~ 1~ IS 16 17 la 19 2021 Zl2l H'~

DC. ~r'~'~
01 2 ~ ~ S 6 7 a 9 1 01t121~1~ISI6171aI92021Z12l Hr ~

Fig. 3: Data Center Processing Time o f First L ayer

276 Copyright © SMART-2016 ISBN: 978-1-5090-3543-4

An Efficient Architecture and Algorithm to Prevent Data Leakage in Cloud Computing using Multi-tier Security Approach

Total Virtual Mathlne Cost: 11.12
Total Data Transfer Cost: \0.06

Grand Total : $1.79

Data eenter VMCos! Data Transfer Cos! Total

DC4 0.406 0 0.406
DCl 0.406 0 0,406
Del 0.507 0064 0571
Del 0.406 0 0.406

Fig. 4 : TotalCost
rn Simul<'ltion Re-suits

O v e rall Respons e Time Summary

overall Response Time:

Average (ms) Minimum (l11s) Maximum (ms)
50.12 39.56 61.63
I Export Res.JiiSl I
Data Center Processing Time: 0.50 0.00 0.88

Response Time By Region

Userbase Avg (ms) Min(ms) Max(ms)

UB1 50.117 39_558 61.631

User Base Hourly Average Response Times

"" [-.~:" ........... .. - "

Data Center Request SerVicing Ti mes

Data Center Avg (ms) Min(ms) Max(ms)

DC1 o o o
DC' 0.5 0 .016 0_88

Fig. 5: O verall Response Time o f Second Layer

~ Simulation R<!:s u lts.

Data Cente,. Hourly Average Process i ng Times

O",ta Center Loading

Fig. 6: Data Center Processing Time o f Second Layer

Copyright © SMART-2016 ISBN: 978-1-5090-3543-4 277

5th International Conference on System Modeling & Advancement in Research Trends, 25th _27'h November, 2016
College of Computing Sciences & Information Technology, Teerthanker Mahaveer University, Moradabad, India

Simulltioli R5ults

Total Vf1ual Machine Cost: 1t72

Total Oala Transfer Cost; '0.06

Grand ToUI : ~1.79

Dala Cenler VM COS! Da!a Transfer Cos! Tolal

DC~ 0106 0 0,406
DCl 0406 0 0.4D6
DC2 0.507 0.064 o.m
DCl 0406 0 0406

Fig. 7: Total Cost of Second Layer



Technique Overall Data Center Total Total

3.5 t----1r--"1--------::==--- Response Processing Virtual Data
Time (ms) Time (ms) Machine Transfer
Cost ($) Cost($)
2.5 +----1 Multilevel 150.3 1.46 3.55 0.18
• Data ccntC'f ProccHi ng Authentication
Time(ms) Algorithm
• Virtual Machine (exi sting)
Proposed 100.24 I 3.44 0.12
• Dam. trnnfcr cost

0.5 We have compared our proposed algorithm with

o existing algorithm. Overall result in our proposed
Multila'eI Authentication PrQPO$cd Algorithm algorithm is better than the existing algorithm.

Fig. 8: Compari son Graph of Proposed and Exi sting Algorithm
In this paper, we have proposed a secured architecture
160 - , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - with a multi-tier authentication technique which will be
best appropriate for the cloud atmosphere. We worked on
client site and server site data security. And in client side
120 we explore the viability of introducing multi-tier
100 authentication to en-sure authentication for cloud access
control. As our proposed tech-nique using three levels of
80 _ ----8-1Jve.-aJ l Response Time
authentication check, authen-tication image check and
60 authentication codes. And authent-ication code are also
stored in the database in encrypted form. To offer more
security on client side we use a special key-board. Our
20 proposed architecture and technique are used to sustain the
data security which is now a major issue of indivi-dual
Multi level Authentication Proposed A1 gorithm user/association. On the server site data is stored in
encrypted form on different slave servers. By this, it will
Fig. 9: Comparative Graph of Overall Response Time

278 Copyright © SMART-2016 ISBN: 978-1-5090-3543-4

An Efficient Architecture and Algorithm to Prevent Data Leakage in Cloud Computing using Multi-tier Security Approach

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Volume 14 Issue 3 Version1.0 Year 2014Type: Double Blind Peer
Revi ewed International Research Journal Publisher: G lobal
Journals Inc. (USA)Online ISSN: 0975-4172 & Print ISSN:

Copyright © SMART-2016 ISBN: 978-1-5090-3543-4 279

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