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1. Course Overview.........................................................................................................

2. Session 1: Introduction................................................................................................

3. Session 2: Early Grade Reading.................................................................................

4. Session 3: Research Concepts...................................................................................

5. Session 4: Research Types.........................................................................................

6. Session 5: reseach process.......................................................................................

7. Session 6: reseach Ethics.........................................................................................

8. Session 7: review sample research papers...............................................................

Annex 1. Research Course Pre-Assessment........................................................................

Annex 2. Module Assignment................................................................................................

References and module readings..........................................................................................

 |  Course 5: Educational Research


EGR Early Grade Reading

EGRA Early Grade Reading Assessment
MoE Ministry of Education
ACR Afghan Children Read
 Module descrition
The purpose of this introductory module is to provide an overall understanding of key
research terms and concepts, introduce different types of research, explain the importance of
research for educational policy and practice especially for early grade reading (EGR), describe
research process and steps, and discuss key scientific and ethical principles of conducting
research. The participants will gain practical experience in these topics by reviewing and
discussing sample EGR research papers. The participants will be asked to identify potential
research topics on EGR to work on during the subsequent modules.

 Duration and teaching format

Three full days (6 hours per day). Total 18 hours.
Time Activity/session
8:30 am – 9:00 am Registration
9:00 am to 9:30 am Session 1: Module Introduction
Introductions and overview of the research course and module 1
9:30 am-10:30 am Pre-assessment
10:30 am –10:45am Break
10:45-11:45 Session 2: Early Grade Reading
11:45 am –12:15am Session 3: Research Concepts
Day 1

12:15 pm – 1:15 pm Lunch and Prayers

1:15 pm – 1:45 pm Session 2: Early Grade Reading (Cont.)
1:45 pm – 3:00 pm Session 4: Research Types
Basic versus applied research
Qualitative vs. Quantitative research vs. Mixed Methods
8:30 am – 9:00 am Brief review of previous day
9:00 am – 10:30 am Session 5: Research Process
10:30 am – 10:45 Break
10:45 am – 12:15 Session 6: Research Ethics
Day 2

12:15 pm – 1:15 pm Lunch and Prayers
1:15 pm to 2:30 pm Session 6: Research Ethics (Continued)

Introduction to Educational Research | 1

8:30 am – 9:00 am Brief of previous class
9:00 am – 10:30 am Session 7: Review sample EGR research papers
10:30 am – 10:45 Break
10:45 am – 12:15 Session 7: Review sample EGR research papers (Continued)
Day 3

12:15 pm – 1:15 pm Lunch and Prayers

1:15 pm- 2:00 pm Module conclusions
2:00 pm – 2:30 pm Module evaluation

 Measurement of successful completion

 The participants should participate in at least 75 percent of the
lectures, discussions, and practical sessions.

 Identifying two research problems related to early grade reading and

writing and describing each problem in one page. The description
should be submitted during second module of the course.

 Learning outcomes
Upon successful completion of this module, the participants will be able to:
 explain the concept of research and related terms;
 discuss the strengths and limitations of different educational
research approaches and types;
 describe key steps in conducting an education research;
 explain academic and ethical principles of conducting research; and
 explain the potential role of educational research in improving MoE
policies and programs, particularly related to EGR.
 Reading resources and excercises
 Reading resources in module 1 contains excerpts from multiple
research books and authors. As an introductory module, module 1
introduces important concepts in educational research and Early Grade
Readings. Participants will be given the reading package for each
module and they will be briefed on their reading assingments during the
training. In addition, it is important for the instractor to make sure
participants understand their reading assingments and its relevance to
PPT slides.

2  |  Course 5: Educational Research

 Participants are required to actively participant in individual and group
activities during the training and assingments after the daily sessions.
Participants are encouraged to listen carefully and ask questions when
they are unclear about the concepts, since both classroom and out of
classroom excercises are closely linked to the concepts and methods
they are taught during the workshop.
 Required Materials for module 1
 Projector and Screen
 Slides Handouts
 Blank A4 Papers
 Flipcharts
 Loud Speakers
 Pre-Assessment and Evaluation Forms

Introduction to Educational Research | 3


 Learning Outcomes
 The participants will be able to describe the purpose and overall
learning objectives of the research course and module 1;
 The participants will receive the module 1 schedule;
 The participants will have an assessment of their research
knowledge and skills.
Session Length: 90 minutes
 Activity 1: General Introduction
Length: 30 minutes
Description: The trainer(s) will introduce themselves and ask participants to
introduce themselves briefly. Then, they explain the overall purpose of
EGR Research Course and specific learning outcomes for module 1. The
trainer(s) will then go through the module 1 training schedule. The
participants will have about 10 minutes to ask any questions or share
Handouts: Training Slides # 2-6, Module 1 Training Schedule
 Activity 2: Pre-assessment Administration
Length: 60 minutes
Description: The trainer(s) will ask the participants to sit with enough distance from
each other and distribute pre-assessment questions handout and two
blank A4 papers to each participant. During pre-assessment, the
participants are not allowed to use any books, computers, etc. Pre-
Assessment Tool is attached in Anex 1.
Handouts: pre-assessment handouts

4  |  Course 5: Educational Research


 Learning Outcomes
The participants will be able to:
 Explain different approaches to early grade reading instruction;
 Describe five key skills of reading; and
 Explain the importance of improving the quality of EGR in
Total Session Length: 1 hour
 Activity 1: Brainstorming
Length: 10 minutes
Description: The trainer(s) will ask the participants the following questions:
 What do you know about EGR concepts?
 Why is EGR so important?
 Why is it necessary to conduct research on EGR?
Handouts: NA
 Activity 2: Lecture on “Early Grade Reading”
Length: 20 minutes
Description: The trainer(s) will present the concepts related to EGR using the PPT
slides. The trainer(s) will explain main approaches to teaching EGR,
strengths and weaknesses of each approach, discuss key skills of reading,
and explain Afghan Children Read (ACR) project’s purpose.
Handouts: Module 1 Slides # 7-21
 Activity 3: Factors Influencing EGR in Afghanistan
Length: 30 minutes
Description: The participants will be asked to list three key factors influencing the
quality of early grade reading in Afghanistan individually. They will work
five minutes individually, then they will be asked to share and discuss their
list with the person next to them for 10 minutes. The trainer(s) will then ask
volunteers to report their three key factors to the whole group.
Handouts: NA

Introduction to Educational Research | 5


 Learning Outcomes
The participants will be able to:
 Define the concept of research and related terms, such as
evaluation, monitoring, and assessment; and
 Explain the importance of research in general, and specifically in the
context of EGR.
Session Length: 60 minutes
 Activity 1: Brainstorming
Length: 10 minutes
Description: The trainer(s) will ask the participants the following questions:
 What’s your understating of research?
 What are the differences among research, evaluation, and
Handouts: NA
 Activity 2: Lecture on “Research Concepts”
Length: 20 minutes
Description: The trainer(s) will provide different definitions of research and explain
different concepts related to research such as evaluation, monitoring, as-
sessment, etc. The trainer(s) will also discuss the importance of research
for expanding knowledge and improving practice.
Handouts: Module 1 Slides # 22-33
 Activity 3: Group Work on “Importance of Research”
Length: 20 minutes
Description: The participants will be divided in groups and each group will be asked to
note down at least three reasons why research is important. They will then
be asked to choose a representative from each of the groups to present and
discuss their points.
Handouts: NA
 Activity 4: Lecture on “Importance of Research”

6  |  Course 5: Educational Research

Length: 10 minutes
Description: The trainers will present the importance of research using PPT slides. The
trainer(s) will explain how research can increase knowledge, improve
practice, and inform policy debates. The trainer compares what the gorup
presented with what has been put on slide. This will help participants in their
learning as well as encourage the participants to be more focused and
participative in the future group works.
Handouts: Module 1 Slides # 34

Introduction to Educational Research | 7


 Learning Outcomes
 The participants will be able to describe different types of research
based on purpose (basic, applied, and action research), and
methodological approach (quantitative, qualitative, and mixed
 The participants will be able to explain and compare characteristics
of qualitative and quantitative research.
Total Session Length: 75 minutes
 Activity 1: Brainstorming
Length: 10 minutes
Description: The trainer(s) will ask the participants the following questions:
 What are the different types of research? Can you explain each
Handouts: NA
 Activity 2: Lecture on “Basic, Applied, and Action Research”
Length: 20 minutes
Description: The trainer(s) will explain different types of research based on their
purpose including basic, applied, and action research. The trainer(s) will
explain each type and provide examples for each type of research.
Handouts: Module 1 Slides # 35-37
 Activity 3: Lecture on “Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods
Length: 20 minutes
Description: The trainer(s) will explain different types of research based on their
methodological approach including Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed
Methods Research. The trainer(s) will explain and compare features of
qualitative and quantitative research.
Handouts: Module 1 Slides # 38-41
 Activity 4: Debate on “Qualitative vs. Quantitative”

8  |  Course 5: Educational Research

Length: 25 minutes
Description: The participants will be asked to read statements about these two ap-
proaches one by one, decide if they agree or disagree with the statement,
and then representatives from each group will have a few minutes to pro-
vide their argument. The purpose is to engage the participants’ minds in
the topic and learn more about the relative advantages and disadvantages
of each approach.
Handouts: NA

Introduction to Educational Research | 9


 Learning Outcomes
The participants will be able to:
 Explain the process and steps of educational research;
 Define the problem statement in an educational research.
Total Session Length: 90 minutes
 Activity 1: Brainstorming
Length: 10 minutes
Description: The trainer(s) will ask the participants the following questions:
 Do you think that research is a process? Why?
 What are the major steps for conducting an educational research?
Handouts: N/A
 Activity 2: Lecture on “Research Process”
Length: 30 minutes; 20 minutes for the presentation and 10 minutes for questions and
Description: The trainer(s) will present the overall research process and major steps of
educational research PPT slides. They will explain each step briefly,
especially the first step that is identifying a research problem.
Handouts: Module 1 Slides # 42-51
 Activity 3: Group Work on “Research Topic Identification”
Length: 50 minutes
Description: The trainers divide the participants into five groups and ask them to identify
some research topics related to EGR, based on their experience and past
knowledge. The group should first do a brainstorming of topics, then discuss
each, and finally select up to three topics.
Handouts: NA

10  |  Course 5: Educational Research


 Learning Outcomes
The participants will be able to
 Explain ethical principles of research,
 Describe how to deal with ethical dilemma during conducting an
educational research.
Total Session Length: 2 hours
 Activity 1: Brainstorming
Length: 10 minutes
Description: The trainer(s) will ask the participants the following questions:
 What are major ethical principles for conducting a research?
Handouts: NA
 Activity 2: Lecture on “research ethics”
Length: 25 minutes
Description: The trainer(s) will present the research ethical principles, the importance of
observing ethics in research, esp. when the research involves children as
Handouts: Module 1 Slides # 52-56
 Activity 3: Group work on “research ethical dilemmas”
Length: 75 minutes
Description: The participants will be provided five different scenarios on ethical dilem-
mas in educational research. They are divided in groups to discuss each
scenario and come up with suggestions that fit that specific situation.
Handouts: Handout # X (Ethical Dilemmas)

Ethical Scenarios in Research

1. A researcher plans to study primary school children’s use of language to con-
struct gender. She has concerns about the validity and authenticity of the
study if its aims are disclosed to the children being observed and interviewed.
Therefore, she decides to seek permission from the teachers and informed

Introduction to Educational Research | 11

consent from the parents (giving both groups full information about the aims
and focus of the project), while presenting the study as being about games
and friendships to the children.
• Is her decision justified?
2. In planning a study set in a tightly-knit community with a strong oral culture
and tradition, a researcher becomes aware that seeking individual consent
from members of the community once the consent of a main authority figure
(gatekeeper) had been publicly granted might be seen as undermining that
authority. She also realizes that seeking written consent in addition to verbal
consent may be seen as a signal of distrust.
• Should she insist on documenting written, individual consent?
3. While conducting research with children and their families, a researcher
comes across evidence of violent treatment in the home and decides to break
the confidentiality agreement and inform the relevant authorities.
4. A student researcher designs her school-based research so that the partici-
pants (teachers and management in the school) can contribute to all stages of
the project. Her report is carefully negotiated with the participants, who re-
quest that a large part, which they feel would work against school’s interest, is
omitted from the final dissertation. The researcher feels that by doing so she
would compromise the quality and integrity of the research, as she would pro-
vide a partial account of the topic and would fail to address the research ques-
5. An intervention study uses random allocation of 7-year old from one school to
experimental and control groups. The experimental group receives six months
of intensive supplementary support for reading, delivered by a trained assis-
tant and using an electronic platform, while the control group continues as be-
fore, with no supplementary support. The researchers see this design as a
highly efficient way of generating good data but are concerned about issues of
fairness involved in withholding support from the control group for the duration
of the intervention.

12  |  Course 5: Educational Research


 Learning Outcomes
The participants will be able to
 Review two sample research papers on early grade reading,
 Describe main elements of the research papers.
Total Session Length: 3 hours
 Activity 1: Qualitative Sample
Length: 60 minutes
Description: The trainer(s) will present the key elements of the following qualitative
sample paper using PPT slides to the participants. The participants will have
time to ask questions and discuss the findings.
Wharton-McDonald, R., Pressley, M., & Hampston, J. M. (1998). Literacy instruction in
nine first-grade classrooms: Teacher characteristics and student
achievement. The Elementary School Journal, 99(2), 101-128.
Handouts: Qualitative Sample Paper, Module 1 Slides # 62-81
 Activity 2: Quantitative Sample
Length: 60 minutes
Description: The trainer(s) will present the key elements of the following quantitative
sample paper using PPT slides to the participants. The participants will have
time to ask questions and discuss the findings.
Burde, D., Middleton, J. A. & Wahl, R. (2015) Islamic studies as early childhood
education in countries affected by conflict: The role of mosque schools in
remote Afghan villages. In: International Journal of Educational
Development. 41, p. 70-79 10 p.
Handouts: Quantitative Sample Paper, Module 1 Slides # 82-96
 Activity 3: Module Conclusion (Discussion, Reflection, and Evaluation)
Length: 30-45 minutes

Introduction to Educational Research | 13

Description: The trainer will lead the discussion about the module and participants will
have the chance to reflect on their learning experience. The trainer then have
a picture of what worked well and what needs to be improved for the next
training sessions. Participants will have the chance to reflect on their learning
experience through the reflective essays where they will answer two to three
questions. Feedback forms will be filled out by the participants at the end of
this activity.
Handouts: Reflective Essay Questions and Training Evaluation Form

14  |  Course 5: Educational Research


 Research Course Pre-Assessment Tool

1. What are the key steps of conducting an educational research?

2. What are key similarities and differences between qualitative and quantitative research?
3. What are key functions of literature review in research?
4. What is a research hypothesis? When is it used in research?
5. What are the differences between descriptive and inferential statistics?
6. How can qualitative data be analyzed?
7. Please recommend a brief methodology for studying the following research questions (what
approach, design, data collection methods, and sampling strategy do you recommend? Justify
each decision briefly):
a. What are Afghan parents’ perceptions of their roles and responsibilities in their chil-
dren’s learning in early grades?
b. What social and emotional learning values and skills are incorporated into the current
MoE curriculum for early grades?
c. Do private schools’ students perform better on EGRA test compared to students in
public schools?

 Module Assessment
 Participants Reflection Essay: The participants will be asked to answer the following
o What are the three new and important points that you learned during this module?
o What are three questions that you still have about the content of module 1
 Training Evaluation Form: The participants will complete OCDP Training Evaluation
Form and submit it to the session’s facilitator.

Introduction to Educational Research | 15


 Assignment 1: Review Sample Papers

rpose: To understand how a research paper on EGR looks like, what elements are included in the
report, and specifically understand how research problem, literature review, and research
questions/hypotheses are written.
scription: The participants should review the three sample research papers, especially sections on
research problem, literature review, and research questions and hypotheses. The due date for
this assignment is the beginning of module 2 (About one month).
 Assignment 2: Research Topic Descriptions
rpose: The purpose is to help the participants select a research topic to work during the research course
scription: The participants will be asked to design and conduct a simple research on an issue related to
EGR in Afghanistan throughout the EGR Research Course Implementation. In this assignment,
each participant is asked to identify three research topics, and describe briefly the overall
question and potential importance of each topic in one page. The due date for this assignment
is the beginning of module 2 (About one month).

16  |  Course 5: Educational Research


 References
Best, J. W., & Kahn, J. V. (2014). Research in education. Pearson Education India.
Creswell, J. W. (2012). Educational Research: Planning, Conducting, and Evaluating
Quantitative and Qualitative Research. Upper Saddle River, N.J: Merrill.
Creswell, John W. (2014). Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative and Mixed Methods
Approaches. 4th Ed. USA: Sage Publications, Inc.
Hantla, B. Reference Manager Software: What Is It and What Can It Do? American Journal
Experts. Retrieved from /arc/reference-manager-software-
Latunde, Y. C. (2017). Research in Parental Involvement: Methods and Strategies for
Education and Psychology. Palgrave Macmillan. New York, NY: Springer Nature.
Neuman, W. Lawrence. (2014). Social Research Methods: Qualitative and Quantitative
Approaches. 7th Ed. Pearson USA: Pearson Education Limited.
Patton, M. Quinn. (2012). Essentials of Utilization-Focused Evaluation. USA: Sage Publications,
Weiss. C. H. (1998). Evaluation. 2nd Ed. USA: Prentice-Hall, Inc
 Reading Resources
Educational Research: Planning, Conducting and Evaluating Quantitative and Qualitative
Research (4th Ed.) by John W. Creswell (2012); Chapter 1, 1-28.
Introduction to Research Methods in Education (2nd Ed.) by Keith F Punch & Alis Oancea;
Chapter 3, 50-54; Chapter 4, 57-76.
.‫ انتشارات سیج‬:‫ لندن‬.)‫ هوشنگ نایبی‬:‫ (مترجم‬.‫ طرح تحقیق در تحقیقات اجتماعی‬.)2001( ،.‫ دیوید ا‬،‫د واس‬
.196-194 ‫ و‬124-119
.98-78 .‫ مکگراهیل کالیج‬.)‫ هوشنگ ناییبی‬:‫ (مترجم‬.‫ نحوۀ انجام تحقیقات اجتماعی‬.)1994( .‫ بیکر‬،‫ترزال‬
‫ تامسن‬:‫ کالیفورنیا‬،‫ بلمانت‬.)‫ داکتر رضا فاضل‬:‫ (مترجم‬.‫ تحقیق در علوم اجتماعی‬w‫ روشهای‬.)2007( .‫ ارل‬،‫َببی‬
.214-206 ‫ و‬182-75 w.‫وادسورث‬

Introduction to Educational Research | 17

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