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How did the catholic church and/or other cultures fulfil their prophetic mission of
promoting justice and truth during the dictatorial regime of Ferdinand Marcos
particularly during the martial law years?

Catholic social justice teaches that because everyone is created in God's image, they
are all equally valuable. In light of this essential poise, every person has access to
everything necessary to enable the person in question to realize their entire potential as
God intended. Because God is love, we were made to value and interact with one
another. Human pride is retained when each person's basic needs are met and they live
in harmony with their neighbors in their community, pursuing the betterment of everyone.

According to Monsignor Feliciano Palma, the image of churchgoers holding crucifixes

and rosaries in the face of approaching tanks and soldiers inspired the populace to join
the largely nonviolent protest that ultimately brought down Marcos. He wasn't on
broadcast to offer a sermon or a prayer. Instead, Sin informed the audience that two
senior military officers were hiding out in Camp Aguinaldo. In order to shield the soldiers
from Ferdinand Marcos' cruel army, he pleaded with the faithful to encircle the camp.
The bishops endorsed Mrs. Aquino's call for non-violent protests to remove Marcos on
February 16 and stated that a government that maintained power by deception had no
moral justification to do so

Marcos' wife was sent to Cardinal Jaime Sin to persuade him not to support the bishops'
position. The vice president of the bishop's group and a vocal opponent of Marcos, the
cardinal, however, refused to back down. Some people, including Marcos supporters,
were hostile toward the church's position in the key days leading up to Marcos'
overthrow because they believed the clergy had overstepped its bounds and gotten
involved in politics. Catholic Social Justice teaches us that, out of concern for and duty to
the local community, we have a responsibility to participate in legislative problems. All
things considered, we are urged to cast our votes, educate ourselves on the problems of
the day, engage in meaningful debate about the future of our nation, and learn how to
listen to opposing viewpoints with compassion. This viewpoint is the church promote
justice and truth.
b. Give at least two (2) specific examples on how the Catholic church and other
churches fulfil their prophetic mission of promoting truth and justice today.

Building Coalitions Without Compromising Identity

In Mindanao, there is still a need for religious harmony following Christians and Muslims
have been at odds for many years. Fr. The Silsilah Dialogue Movement was started in
1984 by Sebastiano D'Ambra, a priest of the Pontifical Institute for Foreign Missions. Fr.
D'Ambra collaborated with religious leaders from various Christian denominations and
the Muslim community to identify shared traditions that support a "spirituality of life-in-
dialogue," which honors diversity and promotes peace and harmony. A fourth
conundrum is how to communicate effectively with the larger world and form cooperative
networks without losing what makes Catholic methods unique. In general, rather than
being done alone by churches, initiatives for justice, peace, and reconciliation will be
more successful if they are performed in partnership with other faith-based and/or
secular organizations. Actors in the church must be conscious that every association
carries hazards, yet likewise cognizant of the fact that without transitional justice and
reconciliation transcending social, ethnic, racial, economic, and ideological divides,
sincere attempts are being made to foster harmony. Contrary to Nostra Aetate, which
places special emphasis on interreligious engagement and conversation, Gaudium et
Spes urges the church to collaborate widely with others in order to promote peace.

Fostering Unity Within the Church While Respecting Legitimate Diversity

Before, during, and after violent conflict, the church is called to be a force for peace and
reconciliation in greater society. But for the church to successfully carry out its purpose,
it must also serve as a symbol of peace and reconciliation, which calls for finding a
method to create and uphold unity. A fundamental tenet of the church's sacramental and
liturgical life is upholding unity in the midst of diversity. Peace and reconciliation work
should continue to be rooted in these practices in order to preserve the mystical ties of
unity among the People of God, to accentuate the shared emphasis on Christ, and to
open those engaged in transitional justice and reconciliation to God's grace and the
ongoing call to conversion made to all Christians.

Gaw, A. (1986, Feb. 27). Roman Catholic Church Contributed to Marcos’ Downfall with AM
Philippines, Bjt. Retrieved from:

Bamat, T. et al., Catholic Approaches to Transitional Justice and Reconciliation Processes

Guidelines for Reflection and Planning. Retrieved from:

O’Brien, D. (2013). Catholic Strategic Peacebuilding: The Unique Role of the Laity. Retrieved

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