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1. A test pretend to measure pronunciation ability but did not require the test taker to
speak might be thought to lack of ______.

A. concurrent validity
B. content validity
C. test-rater reliability
D. test-administration reliability

ANS: B. content validity

-  Content validity clearly defines the achievement the test is measuring. A Test has
concurrent validity if its result are supported by other concurrent performance.

2. Which of the following explains why research is empirical?

A. Research must based on data perceived by the senses.

B. Research must based on facts
C. Research make uses of tools
D. Research make use of tools

ANS: A. Research must based on data perceived by the senses.

- Empirical means concrete

3. Which of the following explains why research is systematic?

A. Research is based on data perceived by the senses.

B. Research follows procedures
C. Research must be based on facts
D. Research makes use of tools

ANS: B. Research follows procedures

-Systematic means orderly and scientific

4. Which is NOT a research tool?

A. Questionnaire
B. Checklist
C. Test
D. Grades

ANS: D. Grades
-Research tools to gather data.

no5. If researches test the feasibility of using cellphone as vocabulary gadget, what
purpose of research are they NOT likely to achieve?

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A. Discover a substance
B. Improve a product
C. Validate generalizations
D. Verify existing knowledge

ANS: A. Discover a substance

- No substance will be discovered as a result of this problem

6. If research want to know if most English majors have English as their favorite subject,
wha purpose of research are they likely to achieve?

A. Discover a substance
B. Improve a product
C. Validate generalizations
D. Verify existing knowledge

ANS: C. Validate generalizations

-It is a hasty generalization that all English majors like English

7. Which research problem is clearly direct in nature?

A. What Topic to Have in the Canteen

B. How to improve Services in the Canteen
C. Why students Wear Glasses
D. Which Sectioning Scheme to Follow

ANS: B. How to improve Services in the Canteen

-The possible results may be directly applied

8. Which research has classroom as its locale?

A. Experimental
B. Descriptive
C. Action
D. Analytical

ANS: C. Action
-Action researches aim to solve classroom-based problems.

9. If research is quantitative, which finding should it focus on?

A. Fifty six percent of students do not pass assignments requiring reading

B. Two out of 69 participants abide by the English Only Policy
C. Teachers slowly tap the shoulder of their students while consoling them
D. An interview said that he usually has nightmares when he sleeps right after eating

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ANS: A. Fifty six percent of students do not pass assignments requiring reading
- The result is significant because of its number.

10. If researchers want to know why some teachers do not erase writings on the board
to make them eventually erase, what type of research are they into?

A. Propriety
B. Pure
C. Behavioral
D. Communication

ANS: C. Behavioral
-The problem is centered on a behavior.

11. Which type of research is likely to lead to the discovery of a new theory?

A. Experimental
B. Phenomenological
C. Holistic
D. Scholarly

ANS: B. Phenomenological
-The theory may arise from lived experiences. Other options have other goals.

12. What is the aim of research proposal?

A. To present an entire research

B. To defend findings
C. To suggest a planned study
D. To find solution to a research problem

ANS: C. To suggest a planned study

-This paper is still incomplete

13. What are the key term or variables in a research titled “Lived Experiences of
Student Leader – Scholars in Maintaining Grades”?

A. Lived and Experiences

B. Student Leader-Scholars and Lived Experiences
C. Lived Experience and Grades
D. Student Leader-Scholars and Grades

ANS: D. Student Leader-Scholars and Grades

-“Lived Experience” is the emblem of phenomenological research

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14. Which term refers to approaches and/or principles that explain variables in a study?

A. Hypothesis
B. Thesis
C. Theoretical Basis
D. Problem

ANS: C. Theoretical Basis

- This serves as foundation of research

15. Which documentation style does the following example follow?

Palo, R. (2015). Research designs. Pasay: Lorimar.

A. Modern Language Association

B. American Psychological Association
C. Chicago Style
D. International Phonetic Association

ANS: B. American Psychological Association

-The style used is APA

16. Which term proves there is a gap of knowledge about the research topic?
A. Blank Spot
B. Research Local
C. Blind Spot
D. Research Instrument

ANS: A. Blank Spot

- The term refers to something not yet known or studied.

17. Which notetaking category is most applicable for a study?

A. Quoting
B. Paraphrasing
C. Viewing
D. Summarizing

ANS: D. Summarizing
-Studies must be presented in condensed manner.

18. Which is a news peg among the parts of an editorial below?

A. The SONA is characterized by achievements of the administration

B. The SONA delivered on July 27, 2015 is Pnoy’s last
C. The SONA commended lavish cabinet secretaries

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D. The SONA subtly endorsed Max Roxas as presidential bet

ANS: B. The SONA delivered on July 27, 2015 is Pnoy’s last

-The other choices are opinions

19. Which is staccato lead among the following?

A. The American artist faced allegation following his non-appearance in a concert

B. Fearless. Objective. Impactful
C. “I resign for delicadesa, said” former CHED Chairman Rose Agapito.
D. He was quiet unit he learned he won jackpot in the lottery

ANS: B. Fearless. Objective. Impactful

- Staccato is characterized by words or phrases punctuated as if sentence to create an

20. Which is the correct new headline among the following?

A. Reyes, Santos quit SC

B. Reyes & Santos quit SC
C. Reyes & Santos resigned
D. Reyes, Santos resigned

ANS: A. Reyes, Santos quit SC

-It follows the rule of space economy in headline writing.

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