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Dragon Analysis

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I know they are comments creatures but they are so diverse and wonderful, but nobody pays attention
to the lesser dragon speacies. Today I will explain them all!

SECTION 1: Species, Subspecies, And Groupings


Dragons are grouped into two groups. Eastern and Western. These groups are based on origin and phi
socal charteristics.


Western dragons mostly come from Europe. They are known for having huge wings. (Drakes are the
exception) A strong muscular build and ferocity. They are usually said to reside at high elevation and
breath flames. They originated in Europe long ago, from Norse mytholigy. These are thought to be
ferocious predictors and if you cross their path you will most likely die.

Eastern dragons, or Chinese dragons come from Asia. These dragons reside at lake beds and ocean
floors. They are known for a lack of wings and as bringers of good fortune and happiness. These dragons
have a key characteristic, four or less limbs.


Dragons are once again divided in different Species, these are divided into Eastern and Western
catgories but have their own distinct features. They are so diverse yet all in the same creature family,
Reptilae, and dragons.

The Wyvern

These creatures have a set of wings instead of front legs. They usually use this set to walk and grab
things. Sometimes they dont use their wings as legs at all because they are too small. The rest of their
bodies resemble the common dragon that we all know. They are Western Dragons, but they have a few
charcteristics of an eastern, they have long bodies and the lack of arms makes them only have four limbs,
like eastern dragons but they are charcterized as western due to overall apearence and lore,coming
from Wales. Their tails usually end with a sharp barb of some sort, but Sea Wyverns are known to have
fins instead. They have one Subspecies, Cockatrice.


This is the classic dragon type, the most Western of them all. The myth began and Spain and then
exploded across the world. They are usually muscular and strong. They are most known for their ability
to breath fire. They always have wings and four other limbs, making them have six limbs atleast. They
can have as many wings as they can fit, but only four legs. This type can breed with all other types and
only has one direct subspecies, Fae.

The Drake
Drakes are the wingless species of dragon and are usually very small. They were named drake because in
middle English that means dragon. They have horns and often have spikes on their backs. They are
normally about five times the size of their very much real similar creature, the komodo dragon. They are
normally armed with some type of poison and are usually a bit under half the size of normal dragons
which are about twelve feet tall, while the Drakes are normally even less than six feet. They are the
weaker dragons type and are a western dragons. They do share the four limb characteristic of eastern
dragons, but share more characteristics with western dragons. They have two subspecies, Kirin, and

Lung Dragons

Lung dragons are the main image if Eastern/Chinese dragons. They have four limbs and usually some
kind of crest or fur or spikes coming from their head, neck, back, and tail. They come from Chinese,
Japanese, and Korean culture and are normally very long. They are similar to Drakes but have different
origin and are commonly called "Noodle Dragons" because they have the apearence of a noodle. They
sometimes have whiskers and fur like facial markings. They are usually very kind and have antelope like
horns. They can live anywhere from mountain tops, to the more common homesx riverbeds. They have
no subspecies.


These creatures have many differneces from culture to culture. The myth was born in Norse mythology
with the Vikings (Lindwirmr~ 'Ensnaring Serpent' in old Norse.) They have two limbs and slither like a
serpent more than use their front limbs. Their front limbs have two claws that are massive. These
creatures are known to be cruel and evil, killing many. These dragons are eastern dragons and have one
subspecies, Salamander.


The Wyrm has no legs and slithers like a serpent. They can fly but very rarely. They are considered to be
extemely smart, with an equal share of strength and intelect. They are usually associated with magic.
They hail from ancient china, when snakes were seldom seen, and thought of as mighty dragon like
creatures. Little is known about behavior and activities. They are an eastern dragon. They are known to
spit fire, not breath fire. They have two subspecies, Quetzokoatal and Sea serpent.

Ampethere can have feathered or normal wings, they tend to have wings like a bat. They are the link
between eastern and western dragons, classified as neither. These are etremely illusive and do not
spit/breath fire. They are more peaceful and very rare. They slither like a snake or fly because they are a
winged serpent. Not much betond this is known about them. They have no known subspecies but are
thought that maybe they could be subspecies of the wyrm. Although they do not share the magority of
characteristics with the wyrm, their phisiscal apearence is too similar to just ignore.


Cockatrice (Subspecies of the wyvern)

The Cockatrice is a type of wyvern that looks part bird. They have feathered tail and the head of a
rooster and/or a bird like head crest. They breath fire and are usually very smart. They are very small,
about half the size or less of a normal wyvern. Just like a wyvern they use their wings like front legs, and
mostly fly. They share many traits like the four legged trait and the kindness trait with eastern dragons
but they hail from Europe and share more traits with western dragons.

Fae (Subspecies of the common dragon)

Faes are just a bit bigger than a foot tall and a foot long. They are fully western dragons. They have
butterfly like wings and ussually have neck frills. They act like butterfly but also eat bugs. They ussually
live in groups and are extremely elusive, never coming in contact with other dragons and creatures.
They share most traits with the common dragon.

Hydra (Subspecies of the drake)

The hydra are very hard to kill. Unlike most dragons who can be slain by getting their heads chopped off,
these grow more heads when one is chopped off (1-50 heads). Each head ussually has a different ability
or personality like poisonous fangs, and/or ferosity. Their weakness is how they struggle ad whole. They
are western dragons but share the four legged trait with eastern dragons.

Kirin (Subspecies of the drake)

The Kirin is a species of drake that is like a equine and has a main like a lion. Only males have the main.
These creatures hail from Russia and although a subspecies of the western species Drake, they remain
unclassified. The Kirin was first introduced in Japan.

Salamander(Subspecies of the Lindwyrm)

The Salamander is similar to a lindwyrm but they have four sets legs. Like the lindwyrm they have two
clawed feet. They are commonly associated with the real creature salamander and are even thought
that they may be a mutated one. The theory is that the Vikings saw a mutated (real creature)
salamander, and the legend of the huge beast was born. These dragons share characteristics with
eastern dragons but their origin and amount of legs makes them western. But their true origin is
unknown, and some cultures think they are eastern, some think wester.

Sea Serpent (subspecies of the Wyrm)

SeaSerpents are wyrms that have evolved to allow them to live in the sea. All over the world they have
terrorized sailors by wrapping their bodies oround the ships and dragging them to the depths of the sea.
They are known to have fins on their backs, tails, and heads. They don't have any finlike limbs, after all
they are a wyrm. They are not catgorized as eastern or western, they were global terrors of the sea.

Quetzokoatal (Subspecies of the Wyrm)

Quetzokoatals are feathered wyrms. These wyrms ussually have feathered crests, feathered bodies and
sometimes fur. They are extremely inteligent. They can fly, just like the wyrm, but they do so very rarly.
They are not classyfeid as either type of dragons, coming from South America but looking like a eastern.
They are ussually associated with magic, and they spit fire. They are caniving and inteligent, making
them very dangerous to humans. They live high in the mountains, far from humans.

SECTION 2: Abilities and Behavior

The rest of this section will not be specific to each dragon type, this will mostly be focused on Drake,
Wyvern, Common dragon, Lung dragon, and Wyrm.



Dragons in stories are said to normally have two sets of teeth, one sharp for meat, the other for grinding
plants. They probably have varieties of diets depending on the individual and habitat. Meat would be a
main source of food. Such as red meat, dark meat, white meat, and fish, but maybe even humans. For
the plant diet they would probably eat


Dragons usually produce eggs, not live children. Due to their emenze size, their eggs are usually rather
large. Dragons (again due to size) would probably lay a clutch about two months after mating, and the
eggs would hatch in under a month. They normally have 1-3 eggs. Twin eggs are very rare, so are
congoint twins. Some dragon types can be A sexual.

Activity Levels

Dragons are typically nocturnal, sleeping all day. Some are known to be awake and alert for days at a
time, then match that with sleep. Dragons don't have one particular schedual, it depends on individual,
habitat, and more.

Dragon habitats can include but are not limited to~






Habitat really depends on the individual, characteristics, and most all, species. Dragons varry very much.
Eastern ussually inhabit riverbeds and mountains. While western ussually live in mountains and caves, as
said in fairy tails.


Dragons are considered very smart and very powerful. They are normally able to talk and even cast
powerful magical spells. But still, it depends on the species and origin


Dragons have many powerful abilities.


Dragons are known to spit or breath fire, or ice, amoungst other things. Some dragons don't have this,
but it is an ability most western dragons have. Eastern dragons are known to normally spit fire, not
breath it like western dragons. Spitting fire takes lots of effort and is heavy. Breathing fire is light weight
and easily exhaled.


All dragons have the ability to fly except drake, most lung dragons, most lindwyrms, and sea serpents.
They usually have wings. Some dragons that have the ability of flight do it by magic, like the Wyrm.

Thermal Resistence

Dragons are known to be able to stand very high and very low temperatures. Faes are an exception due
to how small they are. They are even known to be found at the poles and even in volcanos. Dragons
have an extremly endurant body.

Enhanced Senses

They are normally extremely smart and aware. They have great vision like an eagle. They usually have
good memory. They have a keen sense of smell and hearing due to normally large ear canals.

SECTION 3: Phisical Charactaristics and Defense


Dragons ussually have sharp looking scales and a row of spikes down their back, from neck to tail. They
normally have a huge spike on their tails. They normally have sharp teeth in the front and molars in the


Dragons normally have six limbs (if they have wings) and can have up to six limbs (lindwyrms). They have
sharp large radzorlike talons. Their claws are usually about a foot long.

Height and Weight

Dragons usually weigh a lot, up to many tons. Some dragons like faes only weigh an ounce. Weight and
height really depend on the type. The average hight for western dragons is 15-20'. For eastern the
average height is ussually 5-10' because they are long, not tall.

Creature Family

Dragons are reptile/serpentine. NOT ANPHIBIAN! So they belong to the family Reptilae. Normally, but
sometimes they belong to another family, but the main types I listed are reptilae.



Dragons have spikes along their back and tail, using the tail spike to smash into their enimies. They use
the back spikes to impale attacking enimies. They have sharp teeth to bite and huge talons to slash and
gash. They also cab throw their weight around. They use their spit/breath aswell.

Dragons normally don't have preditors but they do pick on each other and of they are small enough they
do. Dragons can be canabalistic. Dragons only enimies are each other and humans. Dragons fight for
mates, sometimes to the death, over a female.


Dragons are very good in combat, they have many weapons and skills. They are very smart so have very
good tactics, especially the element of surprise. They pounce on their enimys and prey, easily killing or
crushing them. That's why dragon VS dragon is a very tough battle.


Anything you want me to add, ask away!

Art not mine

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