Degradation of Alkali-Activated Slag and Fly Ash Mortars Under Different Aggressive Acid Conditions

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Degradation of Alkali-Activated Slag and Fly Ash Mortars

under Different Aggressive Acid Conditions

Jie Ren, Ph.D. 1; Lihai Zhang, Ph.D. 2; and Rackel San Nicolas, Ph.D. 3

Abstract: Acidic environments constitute serious chemical threats to concrete-like cementitious materials. The purpose of this study is to
experimentally investigate the degradation of alkali-activated slag/fly ash mortars with different slag/fly ash ratios: 80=20, 60=40, and 40=60
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in acidic environments. Mortar samples were exposed to three different types of aggressive acidic solutions: phosphoric acid, sulfuric acid,
and a mixture of phosphoric acid and sulfuric acid maintained at a constant pH value of 2.5  0.5 for a period of 150 days. Results showed
that, for all mortar samples, the aggressivity of the phosphoric acid is greater compared to the other acids. Moreover, samples with a slag/fly
ash ratio of 60=40 demonstrate the highest resistance against the three types of acidic environments. In addition, it shows that the degradation
process of alkali-activated mortars can be divided into two degradation stages: an early stage and a subsequent stage. The chemical-reaction
dominated early degradation stage is described by using Hill function, whereas a diffusion process–dominated subsequent stage is simulated
with Fick’s second law. Finally, the results of theoretical analysis predicted that the degradation depth of alkali-activated slag/fly ash mortars
exposed to sulfuric acid environment (pH ¼ 2.0) for 50 years could be reduced by about 52%–60% compared to that of an ordinary Portland
cement (OPC)-based mortar. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)MT.1943-5533.0003713. © 2021 American Society of Civil Engineers.
Author keywords: Degradation depth; Alkali-activated slag/fly ash blended mortar; Sulfuric acid; Phosphoric acid; Phosphoric and
sulfuric acid mixture; Diffusion coefficient; Hill function.

Introduction and the annual cost of operation and maintenance related to the
wastewater infrastructure is more than $25 billion (O’Connell et al.
A vast amount of ordinary Portland cement (OPC)-based concrete 2010).
has been used as construction materials for sewer and wastewater Among all different types of concrete degradation caused by
systems. However, the exposure of alkaline building materials such acid-laden sewer environments such as silage effluent, the degra-
as OPC concretes to acid-rich aggressive environments leads to se- dation of various cementitious materials resulting from chemical
vere degradations (Parande et al. 2006; Gutberlet et al. 2015). In the and biochemical sulfuric acid has been extensively investigated
acid-rich environments, hydronium ions (H3 Oþ ) penetrate alkaline in the last few decades (Vincke et al. 1999; Fattuhi and Hughes
materials such as OPC-based concrete, inducing a significant pH 1988; Monteny et al. 2000; De Belie et al. 2004; Gutiérrez-Padilla
reduction of pore solutions (Bakharev et al. 2003). If the exposition et al. 2010; Huber et al. 2016). However, phosphoric acid induced
continues, further dissolution and/or decomposition of various degradation of concretes due to the coexistence of hydroniums
components such as Portlandite and calcium silicate hydrate (H3 Oþ ) released from various acids and a large concentration of
(C─S─H) gel in the bulk materials would occur and some calcium phosphates has not been thoroughly investigated and the relevant
salts such as gypsum would be formed, worsening many mechani- research in this area is quite limited (Xiaowei Zhang et al. 2003;
cal properties, such as reduced compressive and flexural strength De-Bashan and Bashan 2004; Gutiérrez-Padilla et al. 2010; Aiken
(Kaid et al. 2009; Siad et al. 2010; Oueslati and Duchesne 2014; et al. 2017). The available literature compared the aggressiveness of
Albitar et al. 2017). Thus, the service life of concretes is reduced phosphoric acid and citric acid but without exploring related mech-
and considerable expenditure for repair and maintenance occurs as anisms of phosphoric acid degradation process (Xiaowei Zhang
a result of degradations. It was predicted that it may cost the United et al. 2003). In addition, almost all of the current literature focuses
States $390 billion over the next two decades to repair current-in- on the effect of one single acid, e.g., sulfuric or nitric acid, on the
service wastewater infrastructures (Gutiérrez-Padilla et al. 2010) degradation performances of alkaline cementitious materials with-
out considering the possible different effects of mixed acids (Sand
School of Civil Engineering, Guangdong Province Key Laboratory of and Bock 1991; Pavlik 1994, 1996; Allahverdi and Skvara 2001a,
Durability for Marine Civil Engineering, Key Laboratory on Durability of b; Mehta and Siddique 2017; Aiken et al. 2018). However, different
Civil Engineering in Shenzhen, School of Civil Engineering, Shenzhen acids usually coexist in sewage systems due to the presence of dif-
Univ., Shenzhen, Guangdong 518060, China; Dept. of Infrastructure ferent anions such as sulfates, phosphates, nitrate, and so on, and
Engineering, Univ. of Melbourne, Melbourne, VIC 3010, Australia. hydroniums in acidic conditions (Aiken et al. 2017). Therefore, an
Associate Professor, Dept. of Infrastructure Engineering, Univ. of investigation of the degradation performance of cementitious ma-
Melbourne, Melbourne, VIC 3010, Australia. terials exposed to mixed acid solutions, which is closer to real-life
Senior Lecturer, Dept. of Infrastructure Engineering, Univ. of Melbourne, situations, is required to draw a more convincing conclusion.
Melbourne, VIC 3010, Australia (corresponding author). Email: rsan@
Alkali-activated materials (AAMs) are a class of binders pre-
Note. This manuscript was submitted on December 5, 2019; approved pared using different precursors as raw materials instead of using
on October 14, 2020; published online on April 22, 2021. Discussion per- OPC (Provis et al. 2015). These precursors are mixed together with
iod open until September 22, 2021; separate discussions must be submitted various alkaline activators to provide necessary strong alkaline
for individual papers. This paper is part of the Journal of Materials in Civil conditions for dissolution of precursors and the condensation cata-
Engineering, © ASCE, ISSN 0899-1561. lyzing processes (Flanigen et al. 1991). Currently, AAMs are

© ASCE 04021140-1 J. Mater. Civ. Eng.

J. Mater. Civ. Eng., 2021, 33(7): 04021140

considered as an appealing alternative to OPC-based materials due neutralization depth, or even corrosion depth (Bertron et al.
to their much lower carbon footprint and comparable mechanical 2005, 2007; Larreur-Cayol et al. 2011; Huber et al. 2017). Degra-
properties (De-Bashan and Bashan 2004; Pacheco-Torgal et al. dation depth is used in this study for consistency.
2008; Temuujin et al. 2009) as compared to OPC-based binders. A few studies have been conducted to measure the degradation
In addition, both the activation of calcium-rich slag or low-calcium depths of OPC-based binder or AAMs after immersion in various
materials, such as fly ash (FA) and metakaolin, can provide higher acidic solutions and related degradation mechanisms were also pro-
resistance to aggressive environments such as acid attacks than posed (Shi and Stegemann 2000; Bakharev et al. 2003; Shi 2003;
that of OPC-based binders (Davidovits et al. 1990; Ukrainczyk Bertron et al. 2005; Kawai et al. 2005; Lloyd et al. 2012; Xiao et al.
et al. 2019) due to their distinctive chemical compositions and 2016; Bernal et al. 2012b). The experiment work of Lloyd et al.
microstructures (Provis et al. 2009; Bernal et al. 2012a). The (2012) revealed that the degradation depth is a more reliable
major components for slag-based and fly ash-based binders are method to assess the degradation kinetics, particularly for AAMs
C─(A)─S─H (CaO─Al2 O3 ─SiO2 ─H2 O)-type gel and N─A─S─H compared to mass loss. According to the experimental results, a
(Na2 O─Al2 O3 ─SiO2 ─H2 O)-type gel, respectively. It was shown linear relationship between the degradation depth and exposure
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that slag-based AAMs had a better performance compared to time indicates a chemical-reaction controlled process (Levenspiel
OPC-based peers under sulfuric acid and acetic acid attacks (Li 1999) whereas a linear increase in the degradation depth over
and Peethamparan 2018; Bakharev et al. 2003). The authors the square root of time implies that the degradation is mainly con-
(Li and Peethamparan 2018; Bakharev et al. 2003) attributed this trolled by diffusion (Lloyd et al. 2012).
relatively high durability mainly to the lower Ca/Si ratio of the Previously, Kawai et al. (2005) exposed OPC-based concrete to
binder matrix because of the absence of CaðOHÞ2 (Portlandite) sulfuric acid solution with pH at 1.0 and 2.0, respectively, to inves-
in the composition of this type of AAMs and an extremely low tigate the degradation of concrete specimens under acid fluid flow
permeability. For FA-based AAMs, the main reaction product over sample surfaces. Their results showed that there is a positive
(N─A─S─H) is a three-dimensional (3D) highly crosslinking net- linear relationship between the degraded depth and exposure time,
work with low Ca content, contributing to higher resistance in acid indicating a chemical-controlled process. This is due to the removal
solutions as compared to OPC-based binders (Li and Peethamparan of the degraded layer and calcium salts by fluid flow. Other relevant
2018; Davidovits 2005; Fernández-Jiménez et al. 2007; Varga et al. experimental studies also reported that, when immersed in nitric
2015). Furthermore, alkali-activated slag/fly ash (AASF) binders acid, a highly porous degraded layer providing little protection
are becoming more appealing due to some favorable combinations for acid ingress led to a higher degradation rate (almost linear in-
of the properties that cannot be achieved by the activation of one crease in the degradation depth over time when the pastes were
single precursor (Puertas et al. 2000; Goretta et al. 2004; Li and completely dissolvable). In comparison, a compact and dense layer
Liu 2007; Lloyd et al. 2010; Van Deventer et al. 2010; Ling rich in silica after degradation resulted in a lower rate of degrada-
et al. 2019). A high degree of cross-linked binder displaying a coex- tion (Shi and Stegemann 2000).
istence of C─(A)─S─H and N─A─S─H (Ismail et al. 2013a), In conclusion, the initial stage of degradation is usually a
either present as a single phase or a hybrid-type gel known as chemical-reaction controlled process due to direct reactions be-
C─(N)─A─S─H gel in some studies, was observed when slag tween cementitious binders and exposed acids. However, the sub-
and fly ash were mixed together (Ismail et al. 2014). According sequent process can be either reaction controlled (porous/no intact
to Lloyd et al. (2012), the addition of slag into the FA-based AAMs degraded layer or degraded layer erased by external forces) or
increased the resistance toward the sulfuric acid attack with a pH at diffusion controlled (dense and intact degraded layer). It is clear
1.0. However, another literature (Aiken et al. 2018) found that in- that based on the experimental results and general trends provided
creasing slag contents has a negative impact on the resistance of by degradation depth development, long-term behaviors of ce-
FA-based AAMs due to a higher content of calcium, which is un- mentitious binders subjected to acid attacks could be predicted
favorable regarding the acid resistance. The seemingly controversial (Yuan et al. 2013). However, related research on studying the
outcomes can be explained by considering different roles the degradation depth of AAMs or OPC-based binders exposed to phos-
C─A─S─H and N─A─S─H play in terms of acid resistance. phoric acid solutions and predicting their long-term performances
C─A─S─H has a space-filling effect in the binder, leading to a (Xiaowei Zhang et al. 2003; Ren et al. 2019a, b) is quite rare.
reduced porosity as slag content increases (Provis et al. 2012; Therefore, the purpose of this study is to investigate the degra-
Aiken et al. 2018). However, C─A─S─H contains more Ca than dation processes of different mixtures of AAMs, specifically
N─A─S─H type gel, which makes it more susceptible toward acid AASF, with three slag/FA ratios under various acid conditions:
attacks via decalcification process. Therefore, a trade-off between phosphoric acid, sulfuric acid, and a mixture of phosphoric acid
the amount of slag and FA used for making AASF samples is re- and sulfuric acid. Degradation depth was used as the parameter
quired to optimize the durability performance of AASF binders. to assess the degradation process and kinetics. A series of theoreti-
Currently, a main hurdle preventing AAMs from wider applica- cal simulations were then carried out to further predict the long-
tions is the lack of data and reports on the long-term behavior of term degradation behaviors of AASF binders and to compare their
these materials that can prove satisfactory durability throughout behaviors with those of OPC-based peers.
their overall life cycles (Bernal et al. 2014; Bernal and Provis
2014). In order to allow more rapid adoption of AAMs as an alter-
native to OPC-based binders, to get reliable results that can be used Experimental Methods
for the quantification of AAMs’ long service life is critical (De
Belie et al. 2004; Lloyd et al. 2012; Ariffin et al. 2013; Yuan
et al. 2013; Albitar et al. 2017; Mehta and Siddique 2017; Aiken
et al. 2018). Among many parameters, degradation depth provides The chemical compositions and properties of the slag, specifically
useful information on rate-controlling processes of concrete mate- ground granulated blast furnace slag (denoted as GGBFS hereafter)
rials. Therefore it is often used as a reliable indicator for corrosion and fly ash both from Australia are given in Table 1. The GGBFS
kinetics and long-term risk predictions (Lloyd et al. 2012). In some used has a specific gravity of 2,800 kg=m3 and Blaine fineness
studies, degradation depth is also considered as altered depth, of 410  10 m2 =kg. The particle size range, determined by laser

© ASCE 04021140-2 J. Mater. Civ. Eng.

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Table 1. Chemical compositions of the FA and GGBFS used, as determined by X-ray fluorescence
Oxide (% by weight) SiO2 TiO2 Al2 O3 Fe2 O3 MnO MgO CaO K2 O P2 O5 SO3 LOI
GGBFS 31.00 0.49 13.96 0.32 0.33 6.33 40.92 0.31 0.01 2.17 2.11
FA 42.09 1.44 25.13 13.16 0.18 1.27 13.56 0.41 1.10 0.41 0.81
Note: LOI is loss on ignition at 1,000°C.

Table 2. Mixture designs of the mortar samples tested in the study

Specifications (mix proportions)
Sample ID GGBFS/FA ratio (%) Activator/binder ratioa (%) Water/binder ratioa Sand/binder ratioa
80Slag_20FA 80∶20 7.0 0.40 2∶1
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60Slag_40FA 60∶40 7.5 0.38 2∶1

40Slag_60FA 40∶60 8.5 0.34 2∶1
All values are given as mass ratios.

granulometric analysis, was 0.1–74 μm, with a d50 of 14 μm. The

specific gravity and the d50 of fly ash are 2,200 kg=m3 and 25 μm,
respectively. The silica sand (milled quartz) as fine aggregate with a
specific gravity of 2,550 kg=m3 and water absorption of 0.90% was
used. Commercial solid anhydrous sodium metasilicate powder
(Na2 SiO3 ) with a chemical composition of 49.1% by weight
SiO2 and 50.9% by weight Na2 O (a molar ratio of SiO2 =Na2 O
at 1.0) is supplied by Zeobond (Melbourne, Australia).
Three sets of alkali-activated mortars were produced with differ-
ent GGBFS/FA ratios, as given in Table 2. The mortar samples
were formulated using different water-to-binder ratios (w/b) and
amounts of alkaline activator to reach similar target compressive
strengths (around 60  5 MPa) after 56-day curing before immer-
sion in acidic solutions to obtain a meaningful comparison. These
dosages have been identified as the most suitable formulation to
promote acceptable setting times and desirable structural evolutions
(Ismail et al. 2013a, 2014). The sand to binder ratio is 2∶1 by weight
for all sample mixes. The water used for mixing the mortar and
preparing activator solutions was purified distilled water. The acti-
vator, anhydrous sodium metasilicate (Na2 SiO3 ), was weighed and
dissolved completely in distilled water followed by cooling down
to room temperature at 23°C  2°C before addition. Mortar sam-
ples were cast and compacted into cylinder molds (Φ 27.5 mm ×
H 55 mm) in two layers of equal height using a tamping rod fol-
lowed by being vibrated via a vibrating table for another 2 min to
release air bubbles. The specimens, namely 80Slag_20FA and
60Slag_40FA, were cured at room temperature (23°C  2°C) with
a plastic film covering them for 24 h before they were unmolded to Fig. 1. Detailed experimental procedures: (a) a cylindrical sample used
minimize moisture loss. The 40Slag_60FA sample was cured under for acid immersion; (b) a schematic representation of experimental
hydrothermal water bath conditions (temperature at 70°C, RH ¼ setups; (c) cross sections of all sample mixes after 90-day immersion
95%  5%) in a laboratory-grade oven wrapped with a vacuum in sulfuric acid; and (d) measurement of degradation depths using
plastic bag for 7 days. After that, they were taken out of the oven, an optical video-microscope after 7, 28, 56, 90, 120, and 150 days
cooled down at room temperature (23°C) and unmolded. After un- of immersion.
molding, all samples were sealed tightly and kept in ambient con-
ditions (room temperature 23°C  2°C) until the next stage of the
experiment. The modified curing regime used for the 40Slag_60FA
sample was employed to reach the target strength after 56 days by diluting 1,000 times of the original analytical reagent phos-
(Ren et al. 2019b). A fully cured cylindrical sample is presented phoric acid provided by ChemSupply Australia, Royal Park,
in Fig. 1(a). South Australia (85% w/w, 1.71 g=mL) to 14.82 mM (0.085%,
Three aggressive acid solutions, namely phosphoric acid (diacid 0.015 mol=L). The sulfuric acid solution was prepared by diluting
in aqueous solution), sulfuric acid (strong diprotic acid), and the the original reagent grade sulfuric acid supplied by Scharlau (95%–
phosphoric acid and sulfuric acid–mixed solutions were made by 97% w/w, 1.84 g=mL) with a 4,000-fold to 4.69 mM (0.005 mol=L,
adding laboratory grade acids into distilled water. The pH of the 0.024% w/w). The mixed acid was made by mixing the prepared
three different acids was all manually controlled at around 2.5 rang- phosphoric acid and sulfuric acid solution together with a 1∶1 ratio
ing between 2.0 and 3.0. The phosphoric acid solution was made in volume. The initial pH of the phosphoric and sulfuric mixed acid

© ASCE 04021140-3 J. Mater. Civ. Eng.

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Table 3. Detailed information on the three aggressive acid solutions in which the samples were immersed for 150 days
Acid solution types (pH ¼ 2.5  0.5)
Sample ID Phosphoric acid (mM) Sulfuric acid (mM) Phosphoric + sulfuric acid
80Slag_20FA 14.83 4.69 7.42 mM ðPÞ þ 2.35 mM ðSÞ
60Slag_40FA 14.83 4.69 7.42 mM ðPÞ þ 2.35 mM ðSÞ
40Slag_60FA 14.83 4.69 7.42 mM ðPÞ þ 2.35 mM ðSÞ
Note: mM = mmol/L; and P and S stand for reagent-grade phosphoric acid and sulfuric acid, respectively.

was slightly higher than the other two single acid solutions because binders, 70°C was selected for oven drying of the specimens until
phosphoric acid is partially ionized and its ionization would be, to a constant mass was obtained. This process took about 4–5 days
some extent, inhibited by the complete dissociation of sulfuric acid. before reaching a constant mass. The 70°C oven-drying tempera-
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However, the hydronium ions that can be dissociated from the phos- ture was used based on the study of Ismail et al. (2013a) because
phoric and sulfuric mixed acid with volume ratio of 1∶1 are readily possible microstructural changes of AAM samples could happen
available. Therefore, the phosphoric and sulfuric mixed acid can re- under a relatively high temperature (e.g., 110°C) suggested by the
present the scenario in which phosphoric and sulfuric acid are mixed ASTM C642-06 (Ismail et al. 2013b). Water absorption and VPV
together with similar pH as the other two premixed single acids. The provide information about total volumes of various voids. Capillary
details of the three acid solutions are given in Table 3. sorptivity is one of the most important microstructural properties
that characterizes the durability of materials because it reflects
Methods the tendency of binders to absorb and transmit water or other
liquids by capillary action (Albitar et al. 2017) during the initial
Samples after 56 days of curing were fully immersed in the three stage of absorption. In this study, hydroniums in water penetrate
acid solutions while keeping the solid surface/liquid volume ratio into the samples along with the water ingress.
constant at 0.30 cm−1 . The vertical distance between liquid levels Degradation depth was measured using an optical microscope
of the acid solution and top surfaces of the samples was kept at no along the immersion process after 7, 28, 56, 90, 120, and 150 days
less than 10 mm to ensure a complete immersion, which can min- of exposure, as an indicator of degradation kinetics. Three cylinders
imize possible carbonation induced by CO2 from the air. Each of each formulation were used to obtain the final averaged degra-
sample was supported on two plastic holders to maximize the con- dation depth. A disk of samples was cut perpendicularly to its axis
tact area between the sample surface and acid solution shown in by a diamond saw and then the disks were cleaned with water. In
Fig. 1(b). To keep the pH of all acid solutions constant, the pH order to get a flat surface, each sample was polished on a sanding
values were monitored using a portable pH-meter (PHM210
belt for 2 min with 120 grit sand paper and then dried in ambient
Radiometer, Pacific Laboratory Products, Blackburn, Victoria)
environment with compressed air. A phenolphthalein solution (1 g
and solutions were renewed every day in the first 7 days followed
phenolphthalein dissolved in 70 mL of 95% ethanol solution mixed
by a gradually decreased frequency of renewals until the end of the
with 100 mL distilled water) was then sprayed onto the newly cut
experiment (to be specific: after 7 days, the solutions were replaced
flat plane sections as an indicator of the degradation depth. The
every second day for 21 days and every 3 days for another 21 days.
colorless area indicates that the pH dropped to below 8.3 and is
After 49 days, the acid solutions were renewed every 7 days until
the end of the immersion period). The renewal frequency was pre- considered as degraded. Fig. 1(c) indicates the region showing a
determined based on previous preliminary studies that indicated pH higher than 10.0 and it is considered that no damage has oc-
that the number of pH adjustment could be reduced as the immer- curred. There are some areas with light magenta/pink color refer-
sion period proceeds (Larreur-Cayol et al. 2011). Each time when ring to a pH between 8.3 and 10.0. In this study, only the uncolored
the solutions were renewed, samples were also rinsed slightly with area is regarded as the degraded part. Pictures were then taken by
distilled flowing water for a few seconds to represent the actual the optical-video microscope and processed in MATLAB version
practical conditions that construction materials might encounter R2017b to precisely calculate the apparent degradation depth
in sewage systems (Satoh et al. 2009). The acid solutions were al- (ADD). The diameter was also measured at the same time for each
lowed to stand without any mixing to simulate the static environ- testing interval as the diameter of the cross section was decreased
ments observed in tanks and sewer pipes containing agro-industrial due to partial dissolution of samples during the acid deterioration
effluents (Larreur-Cayol et al. 2009). process (Larreur-Cayol et al. 2011). The dissolved depth (DD) can
A simple description of all experimental details is shown in be deduced from the formula: DD ¼ ðφini − φt Þ=2 where φini is the
Fig. 1. Fig. 1(a) represents a cylindrical mortar sample after 56 days initial diameter of the samples and φt is the diameter at each time
of curing. Fig. 1(b) shows the sample orientations for acid immer- interval t. The total degradation depth (TDD) is a numerical sum of
sion test. Figs. 1(c and d) give information about the procedures of ADD and DD. A presentation of the identification of different
degradation depth measurements. depths is shown in Fig. 2.
Compressive strength test was performed on cubic mortar sam-
ples (50 × 50 × 50 mm) in triplicates according to ASTM C109M
(ASTM 1999) after a 56-day curing prior to acid exposure. Results and Discussion
The initial water absorption (%), volume of permeable voids (%)
(VPV), and capillary sorptivity (mm=min0.5 ) of all samples were
Properties before Immersion
obtained by taking related tests according to ASTM C642-06
(ASTM 2006) and ASTM C1585-04 (ASTM 2004). All tests were All compressive strengths after 56 days of curing were around
conducted on cylinder samples (27.5 mm in diameter and 55 mm in 60 MPa and the results are given in Table 4. Based on the similar
height) right after the 56-day curing regime. Due to the precondi- compressive strength, a meaningful comparison of the acid resis-
tioning drying effect (Ismail et al. 2013b) on the alkali-activated tance of different sample mixtures was carried out. The results of

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J. Mater. Civ. Eng., 2021, 33(7): 04021140

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Fig. 2. Definitions of different parts involved in degradation depth measurement: (a) a slice cut from a sample after a 120-day immersion in phos-
phoric and sulfuric mixed acid with phenolphthalein sprayed on surface; and (b) a schematic representation showing identification of degradation
depth at region E. Points A–E are several locations selected around peripheries of sample for ADD measurements (TDD = Total Degradation Depth,
ADD = Apparent Degradation Depth, DD = Dissolved Depth).

Table 4. Compressive strength and porous properties of the mortar samples prior to the exposition to acid solutions
Sample ID Compressive strength (MPa) Water absorption (%) VPV (%) Capillary sorptivity (mm=min0.5 )
80Slag_20FA 57.7 9.2 19.4 0.33
60Slag_40FA 57.7 7.3 17.3 0.17
40Slag_60FA 61.4 6.6 13.3 0.09

water absorption, VPV, and capillary sorptivity test prior to acid A time-dependent degradation depth evolution was obtained for
immersion are also given in Table 4. all mixes of the mortar samples regardless of different acid immer-
In terms of pore-related properties, the largest water absorption, sion conditions, as shown in Figs. 4(a–c). It is found that the TDD
VPV, and capillary sorptivity are reported for the 80Slag_20FA of all samples after immersion in phosphoric acid for 150 days were
mortar followed by the 60Slag_40FA and 40Slag_60FA samples. greater than those either immersed in the sulfuric acid or the phos-
This can be attributed to the different amount of water used for phoric and sulfuric mixed acid in this study. In contrast, the samples
mixing the binders in which procedure a higher water/binder ratio after the exposure to sulfuric acid had the least TDD. The degra-
usually leads to more pores left after the evaporation of excessive dation depth of the samples after immersion in the phosphoric and
water (Table 2). In terms of porous structures without considering sulfuric mixed acid exhibited an intermediate performance. There-
the chemical compositions in different binder matrix, it is reason- fore, there is no obvious extra effect, such as a synergistic manner
able to assume that 80Slag_20FA would have the highest degrada- proposed by Adam Neville (2001), for the phosphoric and sulfuric
tion kinetic because the porous properties indicate that more acid mixed acid compared to the single acid. The different aggressive-
solution could get easy ingress into the sample matrix with the larg- ness of the three types of acid solutions can be related to the con-
est amount of pores and highest tendency to absorb water via capil- centration of hydronium ions H3 Oþ that the acid can release in an
lary sorptivity (Albitar et al. 2017). In comparison, it seems that aqueous solution depending on acid types and concentrations
40Slag_60FA sample should obtain the highest resistance toward (Alexander and Fourie 2011). In this study, phosphoric and sulfuric
acid attacks because it had the smallest porosity, VPV, and lowest acids are both biacid in an aqueous acid solution (pH < 7), which
capillary sorptivity. It is also noteworthy that different alkalinities in means that they both can release two hydronium ions in two suc-
different AASF mortar samples because of the different alkali- cessive dissociation reactions, which are shown next.
activator dosages may also influence their performance in acidic In the case of the phosphoric acid, at pH ¼ 2.5, there are two
environments (Aiken et al. 2018). However, degradation depth is acid functions left (pKa1 ¼ 2.12 < pKa2 ¼ 7.21 < pKa3 ¼ 12.32).
considered as the only direct method for degradation performance The two involved dissociation reactions are as follows:
assessment and the influences of all these factors can be reflected
on degradation depths. H3 PO4 þH2 O → H2 PO−
4 ðaqÞ

þ H3 Oþ ðaqÞ ðprimaryÞ Ka1 ¼ 7.5 × 10−3 ; pKa1 ¼ 2.12 ð1Þ

Kinetics of Degradation over Immersion Period
Fig. 3 provides an example of the increase in the degradation depth H2 PO− 2−
4 þ H2 O → HPO4 ðaqÞ
from a 28-day to 120-day immersion period for 80Slag_20FA þ H3 Oþ ðaqÞ ðsecondaryÞ Ka2 ¼ 6.2 × 10−8 ; pKa2 ¼ 7.21 ð2Þ
mortar exposed to the phosphoric and sulfuric mixed acid. The deg-
radation depth (mm) as a function of exposure time for all samples Therefore, it is apparent that at a pH around 2.5, which is
is then shown in Fig. 4. slightly higher than 2.12, H2 PO− 2−
4 , H3 PO4 , and HPO4 , coexist

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Fig. 3. Optical-microscope measurement results of sample (80%Slag_20%FA) after being exposed to phosphoric + sulfuric (simplified as P þ S in
Fig. 3) mixed acid for different periods, polished and sprayed with phenolphthalein: (a) 28-day immersion; and (b) 120-day immersion.

Fig. 4. Degradation depths of all mortar samples during 150-day exposure period in three acid environments: (a) phosphoric acid; (b) sulfuric acid;
and (c) phosphoric and sulfuric mixed acid.

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in the phosphoric acid solution with the relative fraction of the first the degree of cooperative binding between ligands and a macromol-
one much higher than the other two ions. ecule such as chondrocyte receptors (Zhang et al. 2009). It reflects a
For sulfuric acid, there are also two functions left (pKa1 is very phenomenon that the response to a specific stimulus may exhibit a
small indicating a very strong acid that completely dissociates in threshold behavior indicating that the response would not take
aqueous solutions and (pKa2 ¼ 1.92) in which case SO2− 4 is the place until the stimuli reach a certain threshold. In this case, the
main species in the sulfuric acid solution diffusant hydronium ions (H3 Oþ ) are regarded as a stimulus and
the reaction products of AASF binders, e.g., C─A─S─H and/or
H2 SO4 þ H2 O → HSO−
4 ðaqÞ N─A─S─H can be considered as macromolecules. The Hill func-
þ H3 Oþ ðaqÞ ðprimaryÞ Ka1 ðvery large∶ 2.4 × 106 Þ ð3Þ tion is expressed as the following formula:
A × tn
TDD ¼ ð5Þ
HSO− 2−
4 þ H2 O → SO4 ðaqÞ
K n þ tn
þ H3 Oþ ðaqÞ ðsecondaryÞ Ka2 ¼ 1.2 × 10−2 ; pKa ¼ 1.92 ð4Þ where A, K, and n are characteristic values to be determined. K
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indicates a certain amount of time during which no obvious deg-

However, due to the partial dissociation of phosphoric acid com- radation process propagates. n refers to the rate of speed at which
pared to strong sulfuric acid that dissociates completely in aqueous degradation reaction proceeds sharply reflected by a significant in-
solution, the concentration of phosphoric acid molecule is higher crease in degradation depths. A represents the potential capacity of
than that of sulfuric acid with an identical pH (Koenig and Dehn further development of degradation depths. While t represents the
2016). Hence, the amount of hydronium ions that can be liberated immersion period and TDD refers to the total degradation depth.
in the phosphoric acid is higher than that of sulfuric acid. This Given the limited number of measurements, the characteristic val-
higher concentration of available hydroniums in phosphoric acid ues K and n were fitted using the same value for all samples in the
solution is possibly responsible for the higher rate of degradation three different acidic environments as the fitted values are very
kinetic observed in this study. Similar results were seen in other close except A values. A values varied significantly depending
studies (Shi and Stegemann 2000; Beddoe and Dorner 2005), on different mixtures of the mortars and corresponding acid solu-
which showed that at the same pH conditions, weak, poorly, and tions. Fitted A values obtained by using nonlinear least-square fit-
not fully dissociated acids would be more aggressive than strong ting in MatLab are presented in Table 6.
highly dissociated acids toward cementitious materials. In terms of the subsequent stage (from 56 days of immersion),
For all acid exposure conditions, 60Slag_40FA seemed to a linear fitting of the degradation depth (mm) as a function of
have slightly smaller averaged degradation depths compared to square root of time (Days0.5 ) during immersion was first attempted.
the other formulations (though considering some standard devia- Figs. 5(a–c) show the best-fitted lines and the obtained R2 values
tions, it could be considered as equivalent to the others). Besides, are all greater than 0.95 as given in Table 5, indicating a satisfactory
similar degradation depths were obtained for 80Slag_20FA and fitting as a diffusion-controlled degradation process (Matteo and
40Slag_60FA samples, especially in the case of the sulfuric acid Scherer 2012). This diffusion-dominated degradation process is
and the two mixed acid conditions. This result indicates that the also in good agreement with the previous studies showing that
effect of GGBFS/FA ratios on the relative degradation performance the rate of deterioration of some cement-based concrete was pro-
of AAMs is significant, corresponding well with other studies portional to the square root of time (Zongjin et al. 2009). Fick’s
(Aiken et al. 2017, 2018). In addition, it is also noticed that during second law has been widely used to describe the ion transportation
the initial degradation process (within a 7-day immersion period), caused by diffusion effect because of a concentration gradient be-
there was almost no degradation depth measured followed by a sig- tween the surrounding aggressive environments and inner part of
nificant increase in the degradation depth after 7 days until 56 days. samples, such as sulfate and chloride migration from outside solu-
After that, a continuous decreasing rate in the degradation depth tions into concretes (Frederiksen et al. 2008; Zuo et al. 2012; Sun
development was observed until the end of exposure. This was also et al. 2013; Zhu et al. 2016). During this process, the degradation
reported in another study that confirmed that after a certain period, rate was mainly controlled by the diffusion of ions, such as hydro-
the degradation rate decreased gradually, which might be due to a niums in this case. In the current study, the 56-day immersion was
diffusion-controlled process (Pavlik 1994; Lloyd et al. 2012; Yuan considered as the starting point of the diffusion-controlled sub-
et al. 2013). Therefore, the whole degradation process of AAMs sequent stage. Hence, only the experimental values from the
can be separated into two parts: the first part is from the beginning 56-day immersion were used for further numerical fitting using
to about a 56-day of immersion (considered as the early stage) and Fick’s second law.
the second stage starts from a 56-day until the end of immersion According to Fick’s second law, the differential equation for
(considered as the subsequent stage). one-dimensional diffusion is as follows:

∂Cðx; tÞ ∂ 2 Cðx; tÞ
¼D· ð6Þ
∂t ∂x2
Numerical Fitting and Long-Term Predictions of
Degradation Depth where Cðx; tÞ is the concentration of a specific ion (H3 Oþ in our
case) expressed as mol=L, and D is the diffusion coefficient (m2 =s)
Numerical Fitting of Experimental Results of the corresponding ion. If the concentration of hydroniums
(reflected by the pH value) is assumed to be constant at the surface
It is possible to divide the degradation process for this study into of the sample, a solution to Fick’s second law is as follows:
two stages: an early stage (up to 56 days) and a subsequent stage   
(from 56 to 150 days). x
Based on the experimental results within the early-stage degra- Cðx; tÞ ¼ Ci þ ðCs − Ci Þ 1 − erf pffiffiffiffiffiffi ð7Þ
2 Dt
dation process, the Hill function, as a numerical model was applied
to fitting the experimental observations and simulating the early where Ci is the initial (or background) concentration of H3 Oþ
stage of the degradation process. Hill function is used to quantify (mol=L) in the pore solutions of the samples, Cs is the boundary

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Fig. 5. Degradation depth (millimeters) evolution as a function of square root of time (Days 0.5) for each sample: (a) 80Slag_20FA; (b) 60Slag_40FA;
and (c) 40Slag_60FA. R2 values represent coefficients of determination. Solid points are experimental results with error bars indicating one standard
deviation either side of mean value and lines are linearly fitted to showcase relationship between degradation depth and square root of exposure time.

Table 5. Fitted coefficient of determination R2 for the subsequent stage of sample original external boundary and the surface in which pH ¼
all mortar samples in the three acid solution environments 8.3 (i.e., the color of phenolphthalein changes from pink or ma-
Acid solution types genta to no color). Letting Cðx; tÞ ¼ 10−8.3 , Cs ¼ 10−2.5 , the TDD
can be expressed as
Phosphoric Sulfuric Phosphoric + sulfuric
Sample ID acid acid acid pffiffiffiffi pffiffi
TDD ≈ 6.79 D · t ð9Þ
80Slag_20FA 0.971 0.990 0.998
60Slag_40FA 0.999 0.984 0.986 Based on the different H3 Oþ concentrations at the sample sur-
40Slag_60FA 0.989 0.989 0.996 face, a series of TDD can be obtained that are shown in Eqs. (6)–(8).
It is worth noting that the apparent diffusion coefficient here is
not the real diffusion coefficient of a species (e.g., H3 Oþ ) in water.
concentration of H3 Oþ (mol=L) at the external surface of the sam- Instead, it is a parameter that covers many factors such as acid types,
ples. The initial concentration value of H3 Oþ (Ci ) in pore solutions tortuosity, and porosity of the binders. It is assumed to be constant
of AAMs is even lower than and 10−13 mol/L (i.e., a pH value for a certain mixture of alkali-activated mortar samples in a specific
higher than 13) (Zuo et al. 2019), which is many orders of magni- acid solution regardless of different pH values. The various pH val-
tude less than that of Cs (i.e., 10−2.5 leading to a pH of 2.5). Thus, it ues are assumed to only influence the boundary conditions in Fick’s
is reasonable to assume Ci ¼ 0 in this study. Then, the time- second law in this study. Changed boundary conditions because of
dependent ion concentration in samples was obtained as different pH are shown as follows:
If pH ¼ 1
x pffiffiffiffi pffiffi
Cðx; tÞ=Cs ¼ 1 − erf pffiffiffiffiffiffi ð8Þ TDD ≈ 7.71 D · t ð10Þ
2 Dt

where erf is the error function (a special function related to the If pH ¼ 2

integral of a normal probability function). As shown in Fig. 2(b), pffiffiffiffi pffiffi
the total degradation depth (TDD) is the distance between the TDD ≈ 7.11 D · t ð11Þ

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If pH ¼ 3 H3 Oþ þ OH− → 2H2 O. It was already reported that the pH of
pffiffiffiffi pffiffi AASF pore solution is in a range of 13.77–14.76 (depending on
TDD ≈ 6.45 D · t ð12Þ alkali-activators used, GGBFS/FA ratios, and so on), which is
even higher than that of the pore solution for OPC-based binders
The apparent diffusion coefficients (D) of all samples immersed (pH > 12) (Zuo et al. 2019). Therefore, in the initial degradation
in three different acidic solutions were obtained by substituting the stage, there are many hydroxyls available in the pore solution to
experimental results into Eq. (9) and using nonlinear least-square consume H3 Oþ and maintain a high pH level. Therefore no obvious
best-fit analysis in MATLAB. Diffusion coefficient D has a unit of degradation depths could be measured at this stage (Song et al.
length/square root of time (mm=s1=2 ). The degradation depth is 2005; Abdel-Gawwad and El-Aleem 2015). This mechanism is
measured in mm and the immersion period has a unit of second (s). to some extent analogous to the sacrificial medium effect provided
The final obtained diffusion coefficients for all samples in the by the high amount of Portlandite [CaðOHÞ2 ] in OPC-based bind-
three acidic solutions are also given in Table 6. The successful ers. Portlandite plays an important role in consuming most hydro-
fitting using the simplified model again confirmed that the deg- niums with hydroxyls via neutralization effect when samples were
radation depth during the subsequent stage process is diffusion
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submerged in aggressive acid solutions (O’Connell et al. 2010;

controlled. Gutberlet et al. 2015). In that case, the overall pH level of the pore
At the beginning of early stage, the degradation process seemed solutions in OPC-based concrete can remain stable for a certain
to be delayed, presented as an induction phase. According to the time.
fitting results, all mortar samples regardless of GGBFS/fly ratios Furthermore, another possible reason for the absence of degra-
and different types of acid solutions had the same duration, ex- dation depths is that at the very beginning of the acidic attacks, the
pressed as K ¼ 36 in the Hill function. This indicates that the du- reaction products precipitated on the surface of the samples and
ration of induction stage is not mainly determined by chemical clogged the surface pores. Therefore, the ingress of acid solutions
compositions of AAMs (such as GGBFS/FA ratios and different is impeded. At pH between 2.0 and 3.0, the main anion from the
alkalinities) and acid types. According to Lloyd et al. (2012), phosphoric acid and sulfuric acid solution is supposed to be H2 PO− 4
the early stage of degradation was a chemical-controlled process, and SO2− 4 , respectively. Therefore, the main reaction products
which was highly dependent on pH levels of acid solutions. There- due to decalcification process in AAMs is probably monocalcium
fore, it is reasonable to assume that the duration of early stage in phosphate CaðH2 PO4 Þ2 or CaðH2 PO4 Þ2 · H2 O for phosphoric acid
this study should be similar because all pH values of the acid so- solution and gypsum (CaSO4 · 2H2 O) for sulfuric acid solution
lutions were kept the same. On the other hand, however, the fitted with possible chemical reactions:
A values in Hill functions are different for the three mixtures of • Phosphoric acid: Ca2þ þ H2 PO− 4 → CaðH2 PO4 Þ2 (calcium
mortars in the three acidic media. This indicates that the possible dihydrogen phosphate).
degradation depth at the point of transition from the early stage to Ca2þ þ H2 PO− 4 þ H2 O → CaðH2 PO4 Þ2 · H2 O (calcium di-
the subsequent stage differs. In this study, 40Slag_60FA had the hydrogen phosphate monohydrate)
greatest A value indicating the greatest degradation depth at the • Sulfuric acid: Ca2þ þ SO2− 4 þ 2H2 O → CaSO4 · 2H2 O (gypsum).
end of early stage regardless of the acid exposure conditions. How- CaðH2 PO4 Þ2 and CaðH2 PO4 Þ2 · H2 O both have a solubility of
ever, the lowest capillary sorptivity, water absorption, and VPV of 2.0 g and the water solubility of CaSO4 · 2H2 O is 0.255 g in 100 mL
40Slag_60FA imply that it should have the smallest degradation water (20°C). This means that some reaction products are assumed
depth without considering the difference in the chemical composi- to precipitate on the surface of samples, even clogging surface
tions of all mixture binders. This result is in agreement with another pores. It can be more obvious when the acid solutions are
study that revealed that the chemical compositions and components calcium-saturated before each renewal. This is evidenced by some
of materials are more predominant than microstructures (i.e., capil- white compounds detectable on the surface of the samples after the
lary sorptivity or water absorption) for acid resistance (Albitar et al. 56-day immersion period when the sample was naturally dried
2017). This also points out that less Ca does not necessarily lead to
higher resistance with the experimental condition used in this study.
More chemical analysis is required in order to explain the results in
the future study. Moreover, the sample with greater A values also
exhibits larger diffusion coefficients D, suggesting consistent re-
sults for the entire degradation process (as given in Table 6).
Based on the meaning of Hill function, the hindered degradation
process at early stage might be attributed to the fact that H3 Oþ is
first consumed by hydroxyls following the neutralization reaction:

Table 6. Numerically fitted apparent diffusion coefficients D

(1 × 10−8 mm2 =s) and A values (mm) in the Hill function of all
samples immersed in the three acid solutions
Acid solution types
Phosphoric Sulfuric Phosphoric + sulfuric
Sample ID acid acid acid
Parameters D A D A D A
80Slag_20FA 1.32 1.90 1.00 1.65 1.08 1.74
60Slag_40FA 1.04 1.70 0.74 1.42 0.86 1.54 Fig. 6. White reaction products precipitated on sample surface clog-
40Slag_60FA 1.32 1.92 1.07 1.72 1.15 1.78 ging surface pores after 56-day immersion period (picture was taken
after sample was taken out from acid solution and dried under ambient
Note: K and n values are 36 and 5, respectively, for all samples regardless
condition for up to 3 h).
of different acid solutions and therefore are not listed.

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under the ambient environment (Fig. 6). This is in consistent In terms of subsequent stage fitted by using Fick’s second law
with the case reported by Shen et al. (2013) that in some extreme with the diffusion coefficients given in Table 6, it is evident that the
conditions, the surface pores could be clogged because of the for- 60%Slag_40%FA sample had the lowest diffusion coefficient
mations of some reaction products. Hence, during the reaction- (1.04 × 10−8 mm2 =s) in phosphoric acid solution. On the other
controlled early stage, it is probably the clogging effect caused hand, the 40%Slag_60%FA and 80%Slag_20%FA sample had a
by the reaction products that led to a delayed degradation evolution similar highest diffusion coefficient at around 1.32 × 10−8 mm2 =s.
in the early stage. This result is also consistent with the finding in In the sulfuric and the phosphoric and sulfuric mixed acid, 60%
the study that a sulfuric acid-induced attack mainly occurs at the Slag_40%FA sample also had the least diffusion coefficient, 0.74 ×
sample surfaces if there is no flow of fluid with the formation of 10−8 and 0.86 × 10−8 mm2 =s, respectively. While the sample 40%
gypsums (molar volume: 73.84 cm3 =mol) on the sample surface Slag_60%FA had the greatest diffusion coefficient, respectively,
when the surrounding pH is at 2.0 (Kawai et al. 2005). A study 1.07 × 10−8 and 1.15 × 10−8 mm2 =s in the sulfuric and the phos-
also has reported a reaction-controlled degradation process in phoric and sulfuric mixed acid. Apparently, the 60%Slag_40%FA
the early stage of exposition for AAMs (Lloyd et al. 2012). How- sample performed the best with the lowest diffusion coefficient
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ever, as specific reaction mechanisms are not fully explained, es- compared to the other sample mixtures in all acid solutions. The
pecially for AAMs in phosphoric acid solutions, more research is 40%Slag_60%FA sample, which exhibited the greatest degradation
therefore necessary. The accumulation of the precipitated reaction depth, had the largest diffusion coefficient accordingly among the
products on the surface might be another factor that results in the tested samples in all solutions. The diffusion-controlled subsequent
transition from early stage to subsequent stage as hydroniums had stage can be due to the mechanically stable degraded layer that is
to diffuse through this product layer first before entering the sample less soluble. It is known as a residue gel rich in Si and Al that can act
matrix. as a protection layer, hence limiting further ingress of hydroniums

Fig. 7. Time-dependent degradation depths of different samples in phosphoric acid during immersion period: (a) 80Slag_20FA; (b) 60Slag_40FA;
and (c) 40Slag_60FA.

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(Bernal et al. 2012a). Besides, it can also be partially ascribed to the depths in this stage was apparently limited, likely due to the exist-
precipitations of reaction products such as calcium salts, which is ence of mechanically sound degraded layer and formation of newly
already discussed in the early-stage part. formed reaction products in the degraded layer that hindered further
Figs. 7–9 show the overall degradation process including the penetrations of hydronium ions (Lloyd et al. 2012).
two stages to compare the degradation process for various mixtures When comparing the different samples, the peculiarities of
of samples in different acid solutions. To conclude, the observed the microstructures and compositions of the AASF mortars in
degradation process in this study can be separated into two major the study can be responsible for their different acid resistance capa-
stages including the early stage and the subsequent stage. In the bilities (Bakharev 2005; Lee and Lee 2016). In the study, the 80%
early stage, the empirical Hill function was applied to fitting the Slag_20%FA sample had the highest initial VPV and water absorp-
experimental data that showed that at the very beginning of the deg- tion as well as water sorptivity (Table 4). The sorptivity can reveal
radation, there was almost no degradation depths for at least several the transport mechanisms of acid solutions in the mortar samples
days. Then there was an obvious degradation depth (approximately (Albitar et al. 2017). Combined with higher VPV and water absorp-
0.5 mm) after a 28-day exposure to acid solutions, which indicates tion, greater sorptivity suggests a porous structure with a high
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a significant increase in degradation rate. The highest increasing connectivity and many finer interconnected voids. All of these lead
rate of the degradation depth occurred at around 36 days of immer- to a much easier ingress of acid solutions and aggressive ions into
sion, corresponding to the parameter K ¼ 36 in Hill function for all the matrix binders compared to other mixtures of mortars. Thus,
samples in the three different acid media. This value can be re- within a certain period, far more hydronium ions with water flowed
garded as a turning point after which the degradation process into the samples that explained why the 80%Slag_20%FA had a
gradually converted into the subsequent stage. In the subsequent relatively larger degradation depth. On the other hand, the 40%
stage, the degradation process was diffusion controlled showing Slag_60%FA sample had a denser porous structure with lower
a linear increment in degradation depths as a function of square VPV, water absorption, and water sorptivity. According to Lee
root of immersion period (Fig. 5). The growth in degradation and Lee (2016), an increase in fly ash content leads to more sodium

Fig. 8. Time-dependent degradation depths of different samples in sulfuric acid during immersion period: (a) 80Slag_20FA; (b) 60Slag_40FA; and
(c) 40Slag_60FA.

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Fig. 9. Time-dependent degradation depths of different samples in phosphoric and sulfuric mixed acid during immersion periods: (a) 80Slag_20FA;
(b) 60Slag_40FA; and (c) 40Slag_60FA.

aluminosilicate hydrate (N─A─S─H) gel and less C─A─S─H, and sulfuric acid attack with a pH at 2.0 for 24 months. Then a generally
the former one is less dense compared to the latter. Therefore, the believed relationship between the degradation depth and exposure
sample with a higher amount of fly ash replacing slag contains time was used to model the degradation process [Method 1 as
more N─A─S─H, developing a more porous matrix that reduced discussed in the Kawai’s study (Kawai et al. 2005)] (Pavlik
the resistance toward ion transport (Ismail et al. 2013c). Therefore, 1994). The relationship is almost the same as the simplified model
H3 Oþ attacked the bulk matrix of the samples easier, which was for subsequent-stage degradation, which also highlights a linear in-
responsible for the greater degradation depth compared to the other crease in degradation depth of concrete due to acid attacks includ-
mixtures of the samples. The 60%Slag_40%FA sample seemed to ing sulfuric acid against the square root of time as follows:
overcome the disadvantages of the other two peers and made a great pffiffi
compromise between the pore networks and the geopolymerization TDD ¼ b · t ð13Þ
products. It has a certain amount of calcium that results in the for-
mation of a denser C─A─S─H type gel along with a relatively where, TDD is the total degradation depth (mm) as described
compact porous microstructure. previously, t represents the exposure time (month) in acidic solution
and b is a constant. This equation indicates that the degradation ki-
netic is controlled by the diffusion rate of acid under the assumption
Predictions of Long-Term Performance between AAMs
that degradation products remain on the surface (Yuan et al. 2013).
and OPC-Based Mortars
Since the samples in this study were also statically subjected to
Yuan et al. (2013) carried out an experiment and conducted long- acidic attacks without shearing forces from splashing or running
term simulation based on Kawai’s et al. (2005) 90-day experiments water, the particles were also assumed to precipitate and remain
in which OPC-based mortars (w/b: 0.35 and initial compressive on the surface. Based on Eq. (13), Yuan et al. (2013) calculated
strength cured after 28 days was 47.2 MPa) were subjected to the value of constant b, which is 2.5 mm=month1=2 and the

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degradation depth of this OPC-based mortar was then predicted. Limitations
After a 50-year immersion, it is estimated that the degradation depth It should be mentioned that this study mainly focused on the
can be as much as 61.24 mm. degradation of mortar specimens instead of concrete, which is a
As the alkali-activated mortar samples in this study were also composite material composed of fine and coarse aggregates bonded
immersed in sulfuric acid with a similar pH condition (pH ¼ together with cement. In addition, our theoretical analysis ignored
2.5  0.5), the corresponding derived diffusion coefficients for the possible changes in diffusion coefficient of ions due to the
each sample mixture are assumed to be constant. The only differ- damages of mortar microstructures with degradation progression.
ence is the boundary condition that changes into Eq. (11). Then Our future will focus on the degradation of concrete under acid
Eq. (11) and derived diffusion coefficients for sulfuric acid immer- conditions that might provide more representative results and
sion were used to predict the degradation depths after the 50-year the chemical processes involved in the early stage of degradation
immersion period. The predicted numerical results are compared to will also be explored.
that of OPC-based mortars mentioned previously, as shown in
Fig. 10. After the 50-year exposure, the increasing order of degra-
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dation depths are 60%Slag_40%FA, 80%Slag_20%FA, and 40%

Slag_60%FA with the degradation depth at 24.29, 28.23, and The present study investigated experimentally the degradation
29.20 mm, respectively. Apparently, the degradation depths of all depth evolution of AASF mortars under three aggressive acid so-
alkali-activated mortars are much less than that of the OPC-based lutions. The following conclusions can be summarized:
mortar sample. As a result, the degradation depth can be decreased • Among all the three types of acids with similar pH values: phos-
by around 60.3%, 53.9%, and 52.3% if the OPC-based tested phoric acid, sulfuric acid, and the mixture of phosphoric acid
samples are replaced by 60%Slag_40%FA, 80%Slag_20%FA, and sulfuric acid, phosphoric acid caused the most severe deg-
and 40%Slag_60%FA, respectively, in this study. radation to AASF mortars due to its largest amount of available
It is worth noting that the 56-day compressive strength of the hydroniums;
AASF mortar samples in this study was higher than the 47.2 MPa • The AASF mortar with a slag/fly ash ratio at 60:40 displayed the
compressive strength after 28 days of curing in Kawai’s study best durability performance after immersion in the three types of
(Kawai et al. 2005). Considering the continuous cement hydration, acids for 150 days probably due to its higher amount of
the 56-day compressive strength for this OPC mortar should be C─A─S─H (compared to 40%Slag_60%FA) and a relatively
higher and it is speculated to be around 55.6 MPa according to more densified structure (compared to 80%Slag_20%FA);
a formula proposed by Liu et al. (Yongzhi 1983). Therefore, in • The degradation of AASF mortars can be divided into two
the aforementioned text, a reasonable comparison was carried stages: (1) early stage—a chemical dominated process that
out. However, it still has to be admitted that the compressive can be described by using Hill function; and (2) subsequent
strength difference between the AASF mortars (ranging between stage—a diffusion-dominated process that is described by using
57.7 and 61.4 MPa) in this study and the OPC-based counterpart Fick’s second law; and
in Kawai’s study (Kawai et al. 2005) (55.6 MPa as speculated) is • Theoretical prediction shows that the reduction in the degrada-
possibly another reason for the less degradation depth of the former tion depth of AASF mortars after 50 years’ immersion in sul-
ones as compared to the latter since a higher compressive strength furic acid (pH ¼ 2.0) could be in a range between 52% and 60%
usually indicates a denser microstructure. Therefore, further re- compared to that of the OPC-based mortar.
search with regard to a systematic comparison between the AASF
and OPC-based mortars should be conducted.
Data Availability Statement

Some or all data, models, or code that support the findings of this
study are available from the corresponding author upon reasonable


This work was supported by Chinese Scholarship Council (CSC),

the Australian Research Council (IH150100006), and the Geopo-
lymer and Minerals Processing Group laboratory at The University
of Melbourne. The authors also express their thanks to Mrs. Laura
Jukes for her assistance with the experimental work.

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