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This is an extension of the propositional logic chapter, but it will be a main section of the set

theory chapter. The reason is very simple, when we work with set theory, it is necessary to
specify quantities of a given set, the terms that will help us specify the quantity are called

That is why we will take some concepts of predicate logic and be prepared for later sections of
the current course.

What we will see shortly are those arguments that indicate quantity of something, can be
mentioned both in the plural or singular and as such, we will always work at the propositional
level, this type of propositional arguments that indicate quantity are called category

From categorical propositions two types of quantifiers can be deduced, that is, universal and
existential quantifiers that transform propositional functions into propositions.

Universal affirmative proposition.

1.All children have legs.

2.All lions are carnivores.

3.All those born in Peru are earthlings.

Negative universal proposition.

1.No child is a cat.

2.No lion is human.

3.No Peruvian is from Mars.

Affirmative particular proposition.

1.Some ghosts are poltergeist.

2.Some Peruvian children are from Lima.

3.Some rats are black.

Quantifiers are words like everything, too much, too much, any, little, etc., which indicate
quantity. Conceptually, cardinal numbers are also quantifiers, although it is common that
when treating them they are separated to group them with the ordinals in the category of
numerals[1]. They are closely related in their meaning to the logical concepts of universality
and existence.

They can belong to various grammatical categories:

adjective: There were many people;

pronoun: Everyone has the right to an education;

adverb: It works too much.

Some may have various functions, which may involve differences in construction.

Certain expressions can also be quantifiers, in particular the nominal ones of the type a group
of, a set of, a number of

Los cuantificadores nominales o sustantivos cuantificadores son aquellos que designan
una pluralidad genérica de seres u objetos, aun estando en singular.

una muchedumbre de un colectivo de una serie de una flota de

un cúmulo de un aluvión de un derroche de un grupo de

un círculo de una panda de un contingente de una peña de

un cuerpo de una cartera de un segmento de un montón de

un manojo de un sinnúmero de
The phrase 'exists' is called an existential quantifier, indicating that there is at least one
element that satisfies a certain property. In Club 1, Mary told you that there is a member, so
the member has red hair. This tells us that at least one club member has red hair, but not
necessarily all of them.

The phrase "for all" is called a universal quantifier and indicates that all elements of a given set
satisfy a property. For Club 2, Mary said that "for all Members of Club 2, the member has red
hair." This tells us that all Members of Club 2 have red hair.

A couple of examples of mathematical logic of statements involving quantifiers are as follows:

There exists an integer x, such that 5 – x = 2

For all natural numbers n , 2 n is an even number.

The first statement involves the existential quantifier and indicates that there is at least one
integer x that satisfies the equation 5 – x = 2. The second statement involves the universal
quantifier and indicates that 2 n is an even number for every natural number

Quantifiers are words, expressions, or phrases that indicate the number of elements to which
a statement belongs. In mathematical logic, there are two quantifiers: "exists" and "for
everyone." Exists and for everyone

everything, all, all, all,

both, both,


each one, each one, each one, each one, each one,

some, some, some, some, (some = apocope),

none, none, none, none, (none = apocope)




several, several,

any, any, any, any (and which one(s)quier: apocope),

how much, how much, how many, how many (quantum = apocope),

so much, so many, so many, so many (tan = apocope),

much, many, many, many, many,

little, little, few, few,

quite, quite,

too much, a, os, as,

how much, how many, how many, how many, (how much = apocope)



true, true, true, true, true,

one, one, one:

=> no idea how much: He wants a book to study. (one, two, three, ... I don't care)?

=> with an idea of quantity: I need a solution.

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