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1. State-witness program 
2. State-witness program (of the DOJ) vs. ROC 119 
a. Who makes an application?  
3. When is the discharge not equivalent to acquittal?  
4. What are the requirements for there to be a discharge of a state witness?  
5. Who moves for the discharge of the state witness? ​Prosecution 
a. Do you need the consent of the private complainant?  
6. If  the  court  denies  the  motion,  and  the  motion  includes  affidavits,  and  the  motion  contains 
statements  of  the  accused, but he said he is not the most guilty. His discharge was denied. Can the 
affidavit be used against him? N ​ o.  
7. What is a demurrer to evidence?  
8. At what point is the prosecution deemed to have rested its case?  
9. After  the  court  rules on the formal [...] of evidence, that is when you file a motion. In criminal cases, 
you file a motion and the decision of the court, is that an interlocutory order?  
10. When you file a motion to leave for your demurrer of evidence, should you attach it? ​ Yes.  
11. Can you appeal the order denying the motion to leave?  
a. Can it be availed through certiorari 
12. Period to file motion to leave for demurrer of evidence? (May difference sa ROC and memaid)  
13. Can you file a demurrer of evidence without leave of court?  
14. If  your  demurrer  to  evidence  is  granted  without  leave  of  court,  what  is  the  effect?  (recit  mo to lol - 
a. What is your remedy? ​Certiorari rule 65  
15. If the motion to leave for demurrer is filed will the trial dates be cancelled? 
16. Who files a demurrer to evidence?  
17. If  the  motion  to  leave  for  demurrer  of  evidence  is denied, can a demurrer to evidence without leave 
of court be filed?  
18. As a rule examination of witnesses should be made in open court, can it be done by deposition?  
19. What is a deposition?  
20. Can both parties avail of deposition? ​No.   
21. When will the public be excluded during trial?  
22. When can cases be reopened once there has been a judgment of conviction?  
Observation: Senga notes are helpful here 
23. What is a judgment?  
24. When will there be a reopening?  
25. Judgment was rendered today, convicting the accused, can you still move to reopen the case? ​Yes.  
a. When? Before of the finality of judgment  
b. When the decision is final can it still be changed?  
c. When  does  a  decision  become  final?  ​15th  day  -  file  an  appeal;  16th  day  -  judgment 
becomes final 
26. What are the parts of the judgment?  
27. What is the dispositive portion?  
28. Ratio, Fallo, dispositive portion? Which one prevails?  
29. Is there any instance where the ratio will prevail?  
30. Can a retired judge render a decision for the cases he handled prior to his retirement?  
31. RTC  judge  was  promoted  to  CA,  as  a  CA,  can  he  render  a  decision  on  the  cases  he  heard  in  RTC 
32. You  are  RTC  branch  1  judge,  person  b  is  RTC  judge  branch  2,  person  b  went  on  leave,  so the first 
judge acted as a judge for branch 2, can you render decisions in cases you heard in branch 2? ​ Yes.  
33. As a rule, the decision should be in writing, what should the decision contain?  
34. Under the constitution, what is required to be there a valid decision or ruling? 
35. Is it mandatory that the accused be present during the promulgation of the judgment?  
36. Is it the judge who will always promulgate the decision? No. 
a. What is the exception?  
37. Is there promulgation in absencia?  
38. The  accused  despite  notice,  does  not  attend  the  promulgation,  and  the  offense  is  not  a  light 
offense, what is the effect?  
39. What  is your remedy if you were absent during the promulgation?  A: If mag MR ka, need na present 
ka. Remedy is: ​ accused must surrender himself, file a motion to leave.  
40. What should be alleged in the motion 
41. If granted, what would happen?  
42. What  about  bail  pending  appeal,  if  you  do  not  attend  your  promulgation,  can you no longer avail of 
bail?   Yes.  You  may  no  longer  avail of bail.  If di ka present sa promulgation, di ka makakaappeal, 
it is bail pending appeal.  
43. When is entry of judgment made? 
44. What is the effect of promulgation in absentia?  
45. Is there an exception to the 15-day rule (on finality of judgment?) 
a. Simply  put,  when  can  a  decision  be  changed  after  it  has  become  final?   Grave  abuse  of 
discretion, DNA evidence, denial of due process​.  
46. What is probation? 
47. Grounds for probation? 
48. Is probation the same as parole?  
49. When can probation be availed of notwithstanding the presence of appeal?  

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