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Jeffrey L. Oxenford and Benjamin W. Lykins Jr.

This article is based on papers presented at a 1989 conference on the design and use of quality water. Contaminated water
granular activated carbon (GAC) systems. The conference was cosponsored by the AWWA sources, taste and odor episodes, and
Research Foundation and the US Environmental Protection Agency. Topics covered include chemical spills are a few of these prob-
reasons for the use of GAC, alternatives to CAC, determining system size, design lems. The 1977carbon tetrachloridespill
considerations, cost considerations, case histories, and current and future research. on the Kanawha River and the recent
Ashland oil spill highlight the problems
A conference on the design and use of This article is a synopsis of that faced by utilities that use surface water
granular activated carbon (GAG) was conference and discusses some of the sources. During the Ashland oil spill,
cosponsored May 9-10, 1989, by the major points a utility should consider approximately 1 mil gal of fuel oil was
AWWA Research Foundation (AWWARF) when evaluating GAC. The information discharged into the river. Utilities along
and the US Environmental Protection presented here comes directly from the the path of the spill were forced to shut
Agency (USEPA) in Cincinnati, Ohio. manuscripts prepared for the conference down their intakes and even to import
Twenty-one US experts presented papers presentations.* water from other sources. Although these
that focused on practical issues asso- two spills gained national prominence,
ciated with GAC system design and use. Why use GAG? such incidents are far from uncommon.
Table 1 lists the speakers and the topics Water utilities are faced with many From 1983 through 1985 an average of
discussed. problems in trying to produce the highest 72 spills per year were reported along the
Ohio River. In 1986 there were 46, and in
1987 there were 35. It is important to
remember that many spills go un-
The 19 77 carbon reported.
One way of dealing with this potential
tetrachloride spill on threat is the development of an early
the Kanawha River warning system. The Ohio River Valley
Water Sanitation Commission has de-
and the Ashland oil veloped an early warning system that
spill on the Ohio Riuer involves 11 water utilities and two
industrial companies that take daily
highlight theproblems
faced by utilities that *The complete manuscripts are available
as Conference Proceedings: Design and
use surface water UseofGranularActivatedCarbon-Prac-
tical Aspects (catalog no. 90570) from
so24rces. A WWA Research Foundation, 6666 W.
Quinsy Ave., Denver, CO 80235.
Copyright (C) 1991 American Water Works Association
water samples and monitor for 22 organic packed-tower aeration. GAG was spe-
chemicals:Although this isa usefuitool, cified as the BAT for all these additional
it is limited to a relatively small number compounds.
of compounds compared with the myriad GAC may also be considered as the
potential contaminants produced and BAT for the removal of radon-222, or-
transported along the river. Utilities ganic mercury, and disinfection by-prod-
need a barrier, which GAG can provide, ucts (DBPs). Although the analysis for
for protection against these potential radon-222 is still pending, it is unlikely
contaminants. that GAC adsorption will be considered
New regulations are also pushing util- the BAT for this contaminant because it
ities toward the use of GAC. The 1986 is not cost-effective and the potential
amendments to the Safe Drinking Water accumulation of high levels of radioactive
Act required that the USEPA set maxi- particles in the carbon could make it a
mum contaminant levels for 83 com- health hazard. Organic mercury removal
pounds by 1989 and for 25 additional is feasible, but this contaminant has not
contaminants to be regulatedevery three been found in drinking water in the
years after that. The USEPA must also United States. DBPs are receiving the
specify the best available technology most attention for potential treatment
(BAT) for removing these contaminants. by GAG. Some major issues that need to
Contaminants include volatile and syn- addressed before GAG can be used for
thetic organic compounds, disinfection DBP control are (1) precursor versus by
by-products, radionuclides, and inor- product removal, (2) the role of biolog
ganic compounds. ically activated carbon in a standard
In 1987, regulations were enacted for A new concern that setting, (3) the level of pretreatment
volatile organic chemicals (VOCs). The required prior to GAG treatment, and (4)
best available technologies for seven of may affect the use of the difficulty of predicting the perfor
the eight VOCs are GAC adsorption and GAC is the handling mance for removal of naturally occurring
packed-tower aeration, GAG is not con- organic material.
sidered the BAT for removal of vinyl and disposal of spent A new concern that may affect the use
chloride because of its poor adsorption carbon. Problems muy of GAG is the handling and disposal of
characteristics. Packed-tower aeration spent carbon. Problems may arise as the
is the only BAT that is accepted for this arise as the amount of amount of chlorine on the carbon in-
compound. Regulations that were pro- creases. Reactivation may lead to the
posed in May 1989 further expanded this chlorine on the carbon production of dioxins and furans. It has
list of syntheticorganiccompounds to35 increases. recently been discovered that ground-
and included many compounds that were water supplies can contain radon gas.
not volatile enough to be removed by which can build up on the carbon and
render the carbon a low-level radioactive
waste. GAC may also be treated as a
TABLE 1 hazardous waste based on the results of
the Extraction Procedure toxicity test or
and IISC ofgra&h nrti vat
- the newer Toxicity Characteristic Leach-
Topic Speaker and Affiliation ing Procedure. Although this potential
toxicity does not look as if it will be a
Opening Remarks Rtck Karlin. AWWARF
E. Ttmoth!: Opplt. I‘SEPA problem, new regulations could turn it
Orerwew of Regulatory Impact on GAC ttse Strvr Clark, I’SEPA into one. Individual states may also
Why I’se GAC’ A lltihty’s Vtewpomt Richard Mtller, Cmcmnatr Water Works change the requirements based on the
Predtctivr Twls Francis DtGtano. t’nwersity of North Carolma contaminants removed. The Colorado
Panel Discussion: Predtctive Tools-How Well
Do They Achwr Then Coals?
Department of Health hasdeclared GAC
Moderator Francis DiGiano. I’nivcrsity of North Carolina used for the removal of regulated com-
Isotherms Vernon Snncyink, 1Iniversity of Illinois pounds at one water treatment facility
Mimcolumns Scott Summers, Ilniversity of Cincinnati
John Crittenden, Michigan Technology tlnivcrsity
to be a hazardous waste. This type of
Mathematical Medeling
J’dot Columns Richard Miltner, IISEPA decision will affect the handling of the
Alternattres to GAC John Dyksen. Village of Ridgewood spent carbon in addition to the costs for
Destgn Constderations Bill!: Kornegay, Engineering Scirnce Inc. disposal and reactivation. The state of
Operation Considerattons John Watson, Western Pennsylvania Water Co.
Wayne Schuliger. Calgon Corp.
Ohio requires that reactivated carbon be
Cost Jeff Adams, IJSEPA tested for priority pollutants: once the
Curtenr USEPA Research Robert Clark, IrSEPA reactivated carbon meets that standard,
Current AWWARF Research Jeff Oxenford. AWWARF it is listed on the Ohio approved chem-
Removal of Taste and Odor David Kittredge, Manchester Water Works icals list.
Evaluatton of GAC for THM Removal Michael McCuire. Metropolitan Water District
of Southern California
Taste and Odor, Furl Spills Removal Mike Burns, Western Pennsylvania Water Co.
What are the alternatives to GAG?
VOC and Pesticide Removal loseph Baier. Suffolk County Although GAC is effective for remov-
Design for Total Organic Carbon Removal Jack Dehlarro. Cincinnati Water Works
European Experiences Scott Summers. University of Cincinnati
ing a wide variety of organic chemicals
Panel Discussion: Perspective on Research Need from drinking water, some utilities have
Moderator Jack DeMarcr). Cincinnati Water Works chosen to use alternative technologies.
tiniversity Perspertive Walter Web. Universits of Michigan Common reasons for choosing an alter-
Consultant Perspective Billy Kornegay. Engineering Science Inc.
Regulatory Perspective Steve Clark. ITSEPA
native include difficulties with carbon
Utility Pcrspectictive lohn Dvksen. Village of Ridgewed handling, space limitations, short life of
GAC for removing some compounds,
high capital and operating costs, and
Copyright (C) 1991 American Water Works Association
Oxidation and advanced oxidation time of GAC. These tools, however, are
processes (AOPs) are currently being not always totally reliable, and there are
explored for their ability to remove a advantages and disadvantages to each.
variety of organic contaminants. Oxida- Pilot columns. The most accurate tech-
tion processes include treatment with nique for predicting the performanceof a
potassium permanganate, chlorine diox- full-scale GAC system is to use pilot
ide, hydrogen peroxide, or ozone. Ozone columns. Pilot columns have the same
has been the most widely tested oxidant flow rate, type of carbon, and influent
for the removal of organics from drinking water as the full-scale contactor that is
water. The rate of oxidation depends on to be designed. The only significant
several factors, including the type of difference between a pilot column and a
compound to be oxidized, nature of com- full-scale contactor is that the pilot col-
peting substances, ozone dosage, pH, umn has a smaller diameter and, thus,
alkalinity, and contact time. Ozone may uses less carbon But if the pilot column
also affect the removal of certain SOCs has too small a diameter, wall effects
by oxidizing them intosmaller molecules will cause an invalid prediction. Pilot
that are amenable to treatment by aera- columns are usually made of glass with
tion or biologically enhanced activated a diameter of l-6 in. Data from three
carbon adsorption. locations (Cincinnati, Ohio; Jefferson
AOPs involve the generation of hy- Parish, La.; Wausau, Wis.) show break-
droxyl radicals to improve water purifi- through profiles from pilot columns that
cation. Examples of these types of are identical to those of the full-scale
processes include ozone at high pH, systems. The major disadvantage of pilot
ozone-hydrogen peroxide, ozone-ultra- columrts is the expense of the column
violet radiation (UV), UV-hydrogen system and the time required to predict
peroxide, and hydrogen peroxide with the performance of a full-scale system.
the addition of a catalyst. As a result, Small-scale columns. Small-scale col-
Utilities should oxidation may be considered for the umns use small GAC particles and col-
treatment of many compounds that were umn sizes to shorten the operation time
consider predicting the not previously amenable to conventional to a small percentage of that of the pilot
performance of GAC oxidation. Most of the recent work has column. The GAC used in these columns
focused on the removal of low-molec- is crushed until it is an appropriate size
before constructing a ularweight solvents from groundwater. for the small columns, which can only be
For surface water applications, AOPs a few inches in length and contain a few
full-scale system. are being considered for disinfection and grams of carbon. Two studies have
control of DBPs as well as oxidation of shown that carbon processed in this
taste- and odor-producing compounds. fashion has thesameadsorption capacity
disposal and regeneration costs. Some Aeration has been effectively used for as the original GAG. Advantages of the
unknown operating factors can also the removal of taste-andodor-producing small-scale columns include: (1) assess-
influence a utility’s choice of an alterna- compounds as well as certain organic ment of both the adsorption capacity and
tive technique. Common concerns about compounds. The effectiveness of this kinetics, (2) low capital and operational
GAC includedesorptionof contaminants, technique can be estimated from the costs, and (3) elimination of the need to
competitive effects, the effects of back. Henry’s law coefficient, which describes use numerical models. One of the major
washing on GAC performance and loss, the relative tendency for a compound to disadvantagesof thesmall-scalecolumns
and bacterial growth. separate between gas and liquid phases. is that they cannot predict the impact of
Several alternative technologies have Potential air quality problems may arise background organic matter. A small-
been investigated, depending on the from emission of contaminated exhaust scale column has shown up to 50 percent
application, and include conventional air, which may have to be treated. less adsorption capacity than a pilot
treatment, powdered activated carbon Reverse osmosis (RO) is currently column in the presence of background
(PAC), oxidation, aeration, synthetic being evaluated for removal of organics organics.
adsorbents, and reverse osmosis. One from drinking water. This technique Mass transfer medals. Mass transfer
alternative that has been investigated should be effective for SOCs that have models may be used to predict process
for improving the removal of DBP molecular weights greater than 120, performance and reduce the amount of
precursors is the optimization of con- Bench-scale studies have indicated high bench and pilot data that are required
ventional treatment. Up to 50 percent removals of carbamate pesticides and for design. However, the applicability
removal of DBP precursors can be trihalomethane (THM) precursors. Pre- and limitations of the mass transfer
achieved by pH adjustment, a change of treatment is usually needed before water models must be recognized, and the
coagulant, a higher coagulant dosage, enters an RO system to prevent mem- amount of bench-scale or pilot data that
and improved mixing conditions. The brane fouling. Concern has recently are required to obtain model parameters
effectiveness of conventional treatment been expressed about the concentration must be considered. Mass transfer mod-
for the removal of specific synthetic of contaminants in the RO system’s els have been compared with pilot data
organic chemicals (SOCs) depends on reject water. by evaluating adsorption analyses con
the extent to which they are attracted to ducted on several water sources in the
particulate material. SOCs that are hy- How is full-scale performance United States and West Germany. Four
drophobic are generally more amenable predicted? mathematical models were compared
to removal by conventional treatment. Because of the expense and time with the fixed-bed data: (1) the multi-
PAC is often used when dealing with required to construct a full-scale GAG component equilibrium column model,
short-term contamination, e.g., taste and system, utilities should consider pre- (2) the homogeneous surface diffusion
odor episodes and chemical spills. The dicting the performance of GAC before model, (3) the pore diffusion model
PAC may remove SOCs but is generally starting any construction. Predictive (PDM). and (4) the pore and surface
less efficient than GAC, tools are useful in estimating the service diffusion models (PSDM).
Copyright (C) 1991 American Water Works Association
In order to predict GAG performance achieved to meet the MCL should also be place the carbon directly on a support
for the removal of SOCs, either the determined. It is important not only to plate. This practice normally entails the
PSDM or the PDM is used, depending on characterize the regulated organics but use of nozzles to retain the carbon,
the characteristics of the water that is also the nonregulated naturally occur- collect the treated water, and distribute
being analyzed. The PDM can be used ringorganics becauseof theimpact they the backwash water. Nozzle failures
for oneor two weakly adsorbing SOCs or may have on adsorption. A review of the have been a problem in some applications
several SOCs at low concentrations, physical and chemical properties of the and should be thoroughly evaluated.
depending on whether time-variable or water can give insight into the most Controlling the depth of thecarbon in
time-independent Freundlich-Kand pore feasible methods for pre- and posttreat- deep-bed contactors is difficult because
diffusivity are used. The PSDM with ment steps in order to improve efficiency of expansion and compaction during
time-independent Freundlich-Kand SUT- and cost. operation. Any graded medium will
face and pore diffusivities can be used In taste and odor removal systems, the permanently expand after being placed
when several SOCs are present at high carbon beds are usually relatively shal- in a filter. When carbon is first placed in
concentrations. The mass transfer pa- low and serve as a filter-adsorber. The a bed and backwashed, an expansion of
rameters that have been determined carbon life in these systems is so long approximately 8 percent will result. The
from previous case studies can be used that efficient carbon removal and regen- problem of controlling the depth of the
for model predictions if the character- eration systems are seldom used. How. bed is further complicated by the fact
istics of the water matrix are similar to ever, because of more stringent regula- that the bed compacts during operation.
those of the case study. If they are not tions and the need to control VOCs. A filter bed will compress proportionately
similar, the mass transfer parameters SOCs, and DBPs, treatment require- with an increasing loss of head, Filter
have to be determined. In predicting the ments will change. Deepbed GAC col- bed sagging, shrinkage, and cracking
removal of dissolved organic carbon, the umns may be required to achieve the may result.
PDM should be used, goals mandated in the regulations. More When backwashing carbon, it is im-
Adsorption isotherms. Adsorption iso- stringent requirements will also increase portant toexpand thecarbon bed without
therms have been used extensively to the carbon usage rate so that effective incurring a carbon loss and to allow the
describe adsorption behavior and to design will become more important. In bed to settle in a stratified state so that
estimate the adsorption capacity of acti- addition, efficient transport, storage, and the adsorption wave front will be main-
vated carbon in various types of processes regeneration systems will have to be tained and the carbon usage optimized.
for removing organics from water. Iso- designed. If the backwash is turnedon toofast, the
therms can be used to (1) select the best The bed depth for an adsorption col- carbon will rise as a plug. This can
carbon among the alternatives, (2) esti- umn is usually selected from an economic result in damage to, or destruction of,
mate the life of carbon in an adsorber, analysis of the adsorption process after internal parts of a tank.
and (3) test the remaining adsorption the mass transfer zone (MT?!) or critical It is important toconsider theoptimum
capacity of a carbon adsorber. Isotherm empty bed contact time(EBCT) has been degree of expansion to discharge par-
capacities can be used directly or by determined. This entails calculation of ticulates while not causing excessive
incorporating them into a kinetic model the capital and maintenance costs for medium loss. Normal attrition losses are
to predict adsorber performance. The adsorbers of various depths. The actual from 0.5 to 0.75 in, per year in a typical
conventional isotherm test has been bed depth must be significantly greater sand replacement unit. Keeping track of
compared with pilot column results at than the MT2 to achieve a high degree of the depth of the medium may indicate
Jefferson Parish, La. A good estimate of exhaustion and reduce the carbon usage whether a problem exists in backwash.
the capacity of the pilot columns was rate. If the MTZ is too long, it may not be ing. Filter plants must also make ad-
achieved for dichloroethane, but the feasible to operate to a high degree of justments for temperature when back-
estimates for trichloroethylene (TCE) exhaustion in parallel adsorption sys- washing. A reasonable guide for GAC
and tetrachloroethylene (PCE) were not tems, and series or pulsed-bed adsorbers filters is a ft/min adjustment
as good. The isotherms showed four to should be used. The carbon usage rate for every 3 to 5°F change in water
five times higher capacity for TCE and will be lower in a properly designed temperature.
PCE than achieved with the pilot col- series or pulsed-bed system, but the Important parts of any maintenance
umns, because the compet itive effects of capital costs will be higher. program are the visual inspection of the
background organics in isotherm tests Potential problems associated with filter and an active monitoring program.
are not the same as in column tests. the design of an adsorption system are Inspections should focus on the physical
Predictive tools can provide an under filling the carbon column to a desired aspects of the backwash as well as
standing of how GAC will respond under level and maintaining it at that point, checking the filter beds for cracking, sag
the various conditions expected in actual backwashing, removing the carbon, ging, mounding, or mudballs and seeing
installations. The ideal practical use of transport, and regeneration. In systems how uniformly the filter is being back-
these tools is getting reliable estimates that regenerate carbon, it is often desir- washed. If pressure vessels are used, the
of service time to ensure that treatment able to remove the support medium and steel lining needs to be routinely checked.
goals are met by sizing GAC adsorption
and reactivation facilities properly. A
perfect predictive tool may never be
developed, so some degree of uncertainty
must be accepted.
What other information
does the utility need?
The basic process considerations for
the design of a GAC system are similar
to those required for other types of
environmental design projects. It is
important to know the design flow and
to obtain a detailed water analysis. The
required removal efficiency that must be
Copyright (C) 1991 American Water Works Association
The life of the lining is a function of the for reuse. Makeup carbon is usually site facilities or replacement with virgin
frequency of GAC changeout and back- lo-15 percent by weight. carbon. In a study at Manchester, N.H.,
washing. The underdrains also need costs for regional reactivation were
routine inspection. Because GAG can be What are the costs of GAC? assessed as being 35-60 percent less
used as a filtration and an adsorption The cost of a GAG system is greatly than virgin carbon replacement.
medium, operating criteria are needed affected by economies of scale. Estimates
for both cases. Effective monitoring is reveal that systems 210 mgd may find it Case studies
the key to optimum performance. Tut= more cost-effective to use concrete grav- Five case studies of experiences with
bidity and head loss can be used for ity postfilter adsorbers than steel pres- GAG use in pilot- or full-scale systems
filtration criteria. The threshold odor sure contactors. For smaller systems, are summarized here.
number or the concentration of specific steel pressure contactors are more likely Manchester (N.H.) Water Works. Man-
target analytes can also be used. The to be the least expensive. Economies of chester IYater Works uses GAC for the
standard iodine number can be used to scale have a large effect on cost of removal of tastes and odors and color.
give an indication of the remaining concrete adsorbers in the range of l-20 The utility has an average daily demand
adsorption capacity. mgd and for steel contactors up to 1 mgd. of 15.7 mil gal and uses Lake Massabesic
Carbon is normally transported in a The depth of these contactors is also as its sole source of water. GAG is used
slurry. The slurry concentrations are important to cost considerations. Shal- in four parallel IO-mgd filters located
typically l-3 lb/gal, and the transport lower contactors are less expensive to after sand filtration. At typical plant
methods include pumps, eductors, blow build than deep contactors, but the flows, the EBCT is approximately 15
cases, and gravity. The choice of method resulting decrease in EBCT requires min. Carbon is reactivated on-site using
depends on the application; however, it that the carbon be replaced or reactivated a 500 lb/h fluidized-bed reactivation
is always advisable to use eductors to more often. Thus, cost estimates should furnace. This furnace was purchased
transport the carbon away from the balance EBCT, depth of the contactor, and studied originally under a coopera-
quench tank, which receives the hot and carbon replacement costs. tive agreement with USEPA.
regenerated carbon from the regenera. Carbon reactivation or replacement When to reactivate GAC for taste and
tion furnace. The transport of GAG can costs may represent >50 percent of the odor control is not as clear-cut a decision
result in major attrition losses, so the cost of a GAC treatment system. Signif- as for SOC control. Reactivation fre-
system must be designed with care. icant cost savings are often realized by quency at the Manchester utility was
Velocities must be greater than the reactivating the GAC rather than re. developed to provide the best practical
minimum transport velocity but should placing with virgin carbon, Cost esti- solution, taking feasibility and cost into
not be high enough to contribute to mates indicate that when spent carbon account. Reactivation is on a four-year
attrition. quantities are ~3 x 10” lb/year, infrared schedule. Each year one of the carbon
The stricter requirements of the technology is likely to be more cost- beds is taken out of service, reactivated,
SDWA amendments will lead to an effective. Fluid-bed reactivation is more and kept out of service for that year. It is
increase in carbon usage rates. When cost-effective for larger systems. In held out of service as a backup in case a
GAC was used for taste and odor removal, general, capital costs account for 23-40 major event requires maximum GAC
GAC changeout was required only every percent of the total reactivation costs. adsorbability.
two to five years. When GAG is applied Makeup carbon to replace the losses A major problem with spent GAC is its
for some of the less strongly adsorbed during reactivation can range from 18 to extremely aggressive nature. Spent GAG
compounds, changeout will be much 35 percent. Other major costs include contains organochlorides, organic acids,
more often. This may make the use of labor, power, and maintenance materials. chlorides. and sulfates. Rapid deteriora-
on-site reactivation a more attractive Using GAC contactors in series opera- tion and failure were observed when
option. Currently only four of the ap tion can greatly extend the bed life of 304, and sometimes 316. stainless steel
proximately 150plantsin North America GAG. One investigation estimated that was exposed to waste streams with a
that use GAG have on-site reactivation. in-series operation treated about 40 low pH (2-3) and elevated temperatures.
The rest of these facilities use GAG on a percent more water than a single con- Sodium hydroxide is now added to the
one-time basis and then most send the tactor. Bringing adsorbers on line only scrubber feed and steam feedwater sup-
spent carbon back to the manufacturer. when they are needed to meet target plies. Corrosion was alsoobserved in the
This carbon is then reactivated and used effluents can also increase the GAC’s carbon-steel regeneration tank when
for other purposes. In Europe, carbon bed life by minimizing adsorption of spent carbon was allowed to remain
usage rates have traditionally been background organicg. Blending of ef- there for 120 days. The tanks were
higher. Europeans, however, have fa- fluents from two or more contactors can subsequently lined with a fiberglass
vored custom off-site reactivation even also increase bed life. Small systems can polyester material. Ceramic epoxy coat.
when carbon usage rates exceed 5,000 reduce their treatment costs through ings arc used for protection against
lb/d. After reactivation the carbon is utilization of regional or commercial off. corrosion at elevated temperatures. Both
returned to the water treatment plant site carbon reactivation instead of on- coating materials have proved to be
effective. The most important factor in
the successful operation of the reactiva-
tion unit is a sound preventive main-
Carbon losses aye the tenance program, Manchester Water
Works performs a complete equipment
major element of overhaul prior to starting its system.
operating costs. As a Uptime of the reactivation system has
consistently exceeded 95 percent.
result, steps have Carbon losses are the major element of
been taken to operating costs for treatment systems
using GAC. As a result, steps have been
minimize losses in taken to minimize losses. Each eduction
transport results in carbon losses of 1-2
GAC systems. percent. so reactivated carbon is trans-
- ported directly to the filter, eliminating
Copyright (C) 1991 American Water Works Association
transport to a storage tank. Another step million people. Nineteen pesticides and at other utilities. The simulated distri-
taken was to decrease the eductor mo- 53 organic compounds have been identi- bution system (SDS) test was used dur-
tive water head, thereby reducing fied throughout the county, with the ing this study to simulate, in the lab-
abrasion and subsequent attrition of the most prevalent beingaldicarb, 1,2-dichlo- oratory, the THM concentration expected
medium. ropropane, PCE, TCE, and l,l,l-trichlo- in MWD’s distribution system.
Carbon from reactivation has proved roethane. The USEPA and New York The study concluded that, for MWD’s
to be equal or superior to virgin GAC for state drinking water guidelines have water, GAC would be an expensive
all parameters tested at Manchester. caused 15 percent of existing community means of THM control. Capital costs
These included total organic carbon supply wells and 25 percent of private would range from $730 to $3,900 million
(TOC), THMs, THM formation potential, wells to be classified as unpotable. GAC depending on an SDSTHM treatment
and color. A reduction in the mean has already been installed at a variety of goal of 50 or 5 pg/L (based on a capacity
particle diameter was noticed after locations, and 30 to 40 new installations of 2,970 mgd), respectively, and could
reactivation. Makeup virgin carbon of 8 are expected. The GAC has been used in raise the consumer’s annual water bill
x 16 mesh is used to offset losses and 20,000-lb filters, most commonly ar- from 40 to 210 percent. Water from other
increases the average mean particle ranged in parallel. Parallel flow is desir- utilities was also used in this evaluation
diameter. able to minimize head loss, because the and, for all utilities involved, the cost of
Pennsylvania-American Water Company. wells were not originally designed to GAC implementation could range from
The Pennsylvania-American Water handle additional head loss. A reduction $0.30 to $3.06/1,000 gal based on an
Company operates two drinking water in well capacity of 28 percent was ob- SDSTHM concentration of 20 pg/L.
treatment facilities along the Mononga- served for parallel flow into two 20,000- The study showed that there was a
hela River. The river upstream of the lb adsorbers and a 40 percent reduction nonadsorbable fraction of SDSTHM and
plant is heavily industrialized, with for series flow. Series flow, however, that for all GAC options tested 5 pg/L
various spills and discharges causing permitted an increase in column life SDSTHMs would break through. The
serious taste and odor problems. In 1974, ranging from 40 to 110 percent. With study also evaluated TOC and UV as
the system experienced four severe epi- series operation, the treatment plant surrogates for SDSTHMs. Both TOC
sodes of contamination, which included operator had a greater degree of security, and UV were good surrogates for the
introduction of coal tar-petroleum, not having to worry when contaminants waters tested. It should be stressed,
naphthalene, and phenol into the river. broke through the first column. however, that these relationships should
Naphthalene and phenol were not com- During eight years of operation, a be evaluated for each individual water.
pletely removed using the normal treat- variety of difficulties was encountered The RSSCTs were shown to be an
ment for spills, conventional water treat- with GAC operation. Initially, carbon economical means for estimating pilot-
ment processes, and PAC. Therefore, loading was difficult because of a lack of scale breakthrough profiles for some
GAC was installed as a filter-adsorber. proper equipment and related carbon waters, but for others they may be
Existing rapid sand filters were retro- losses. With regard to operation, failure inadequate.
fitted with 30 in. of GAC to be used for of the underdrain system, freezing of the Cincinnati Water Works. Construction
filtration and adsorption. columns, and corrosion of the filters began on Mar. 16, 1989, for a 175-mgd
The GAC was installed to remove were observed. Before each rebedding, GAC system at the Cincinnati Water
routine tastes and odors and to be a final the columns were inspected. A program Works (CWW) that includes downflow
barrier against sudden increases of of regular maintenance, including sand- gravity GAC adsorption and on-site
organics in the raw water. PAC is used blasting, cleaning, and resurfacing multiple hearth reactivation. Pilot
as the first line of defense. These plants (epoxy), was needed to preserve the life studies were previously conducted on
were the first to be affected by the recent of the column. Each system requires its both GAC adsorption and regeneration.
Monongahela River oil spill. The plants own set of operating and maintenance Some of CWW’s most important expe-
were shut down until the majority of the guidelines. riences involved implementing the full-
oil had passed. When reopened, the plants Various operational safeguards were scale system.
used PAC at doses of BOO-l,000 lb/mil used at Suffolk County. Carbon was While designing and constructing its
gal to protect the GAC. In 1985, benzene added to the columns as a slurry for ease GAC system, CWW discovered that one
levels ~80 pg/L were observed. Low of transport and to remove the air that is of the most important steps is toestablish
levels of benzene that were not removed trapped in the pores. Carbon was left early contacts with state regulators. To
by the PAC were observed to break undisturbed in a filled column for at satisfy environmental regulations, per-
through the GAC after the first day. least one day to allow for complete mits are required for many aspects of
Some desorption of benzene was ob- saturation. New carbon was backwashed facility design and installation. State
served. Desorption was also observed to remove all fines that were produced as approval was required in order to use
after a spill of naphthalene in 1988. the result of abrasion. The water used reactivated carbon in contact with water
The GAC at these facilities is leased for transport and backwashing was free served to the public. A variety of tasks
from a carbon supplier. When negotiating of contamination. To prevent the wave and analyses was required in order for
the lease, the utility specified a variety of front from being upset, backwashing reactivated carbon to be placed on Ohio’s
conditions in regard to the GAC. Re- was kept to a minimum. Bacteria and approved chemical list.
cently, requirements for the handling of contaminants were monitored to ensure The design for the multiple hearth
spent GAC were specified to limit liabil- proper operation. reactivation included the use of an
ity. The lease calls for the replacement Metropolitan Water District. Metropol- afterburner with high temperature ca-
of the carbon every four years. The itan Water District of Southern Cali- pability. The afterburner was used to
iodine number is used to monitor its fornia (MWD) carried out a pilot study ensure flexibility to meet unusual spill
capacity. Once the iodine number reaches on the ability of GAC to remove THMs. conditions and future air pollution regu-
half its virgin capacity, the GAC is re- A 6-gpm glass and stainless-steel GAC lations, even though all existing regula-
placed. To date, the GAC has never met contactor was used to study various tions can be satisfied with an afterburner
this criterion before the four-year lease THM treatment goals (total THMs of 5, operated at a lower temperature.
has expired. 10, 20, and 50 pg/L). Rapid small-scale In addition, the initial design included
Suffolk County, N.Y. Suffolk County is a column tests (RSSCTs), a technique for the use of fuel oil as an alternative to
community that depends solely on simulating pilot- or full-scale studies, natural gas. The use of fuel oil was
groundwater for a population of 1.5 were used to evaluate GAC performance questioned because of concerns about
Copyright (C) 1991 American Water Works Association
through curves? pilot-column break- to be addressed. For example, what are
through curves, and full+cale operation. the effects of varying water quality,
The USEPA evaluated cost and per- backwashing, prechlorination, and com-
formanceof CAC in a series of field-scale petitive adsorption on the capacity of
studies. Nine utilities participated in GAC? Can bacterial growth enhance the
cooperative efforts: Cincinnati, Ohio; removal of organic matter or lead to
Manchester, N.H.; Jefferson Parish, La.; degradation of the microbial quality of
Evansville, Ind.: Miami, Fla.; Hunting the water? Will the buildup of radio-
ton, W.Va,; Beaver Falls, Pa.; Passaic nuclides, metals, and organics on GAC
Valley and Little Falls, NJ.; and Phila. cause the GAC to be a hazardous waste?
delphia, Pa. Other field studies evaluat- What will be the legal status of spent
ing the removal of contaminants from GAC and reactivated GAC? Can reacti-
groundwater were conducted at Suffolk vated GAG be safely used in water
County, N.Y.; California’s San Joaquin treatment operations?
Research is needed to Valley; and Wassau. Wis. Additional research is needed tocorre-
correlate small-scale test The AWWARF has been evaluating late the results of small-scale tests with
techniques for removal of regulated actual full-scale performance, as well as
results with full-scale contaminants through a series of re- continued work on the basicmechanisms
search projects. The focus of AWWARF’s affecting GAC to further enhance the
performance, plus work work has been on how utilities can use predictive ability. A dual approach to
on the basic mechanisms GAC or other technologies in a cost- research is needed, whereby intermediate
effective manner and what factors need conclusions from basic research are fed
affecting GAC. to be considered for design and operation. into design models, and feedback from
Nine research projects are in progress or these models then identifies basic re-
have been completed: search needs.
sulfur oxide emissions. Fuel oil was * Activated Carbon in Drinking Water Monitoring protocols need to be estab.
subsequently dropped from the design. Technology, a joint report with the lished for theevaluation of GAC capacity
A final issue concerned residuals man Netherlands Waterworks Testing and in order to assure compliance with stan
agement. This is becoming extremely Research Institute(KIWA), which summa- dards. Research is needed to determine
important because of the stringent re- rized the Dutch experiences with GAC; the frequency of sampling, especially as
quirements under the Resource Conser- l GAC Filter-Adsorbers, which in. the end of the bed life is approached,
vation and Recovery Act. Reactivation of vestigated the benefits of using GAG to Research is also needed to determine
GAC causes the production of carbon replace the filter media of a conventional how best to collect samples to catch
fines. Whenever possible, these fines system instead of building a new system breakthrough.
should be recycled into the incinerator specifically for GAC; Little data exist in the literature on
or afterburner zones to minimize the l Prediction of GAC Performance GAC regeneration. Studies are needed
amount of fines and reduce the residuals IJsing Rapid Small-Scale Column Tests; that report the influence of gas composi.
management problem, Care must also be l Optimization and Economic Eval- tion, time, and temperature for the vari-
taken to make sure that these fines are uation of Granular Activated Carbon for ous types of regeneration systems and
not present in the finished water deliv- Organic Removal, which studied the spent carbons. Also, what effect will
ered to the distribution system. A back- ability of GAC to reduce THMs below regeneration have on the formation of
wash-to-waste capability for removing predicted regulatory levels: dioxins and related compounds when
carbon fines was included in the filter l Consistent SOC Removal bv GAC GAC is used to treat chlorinated or-
design. Adsorption Under Dynamic Conditions, ganics? Is it possible to use alternative
which evaluated the performanceof GAG regeneration processes like supercritical
Current research for removal of SOCs under real-world fluids and steam?
The USEPA and AWWARF have been perturbations and operating conditions; For effective design, research is needed
actively conducting research on GAC. l Optimum Backwash of Dual Media to determine the effectiveness of various
The USEPA research effort has focused Filters and Granular Activated Carbon vessel linings, different materials of
on developing feasible treatment tech- Filter Adsorbers With Air Scour, to construction, and backwash procedures
nologies for regulated contaminants. Its develop design and operation guidelines for cleaning deep-bed systems without
approach for GAC consistsof evaluating for backwashing; causing undue carbon loss or structural
the process kinetics on the bench, scaling l Microbial Activity on Filter-Ad- damage. Also, transport systems need to
up for evaluation at the pilot scale, and sorbers, to develop guidelines for maxi- be improved to minimize carbon losses.
making field-scale evaluations. Recent mizing biodegradation on GAC without
efforts have focused on predicting GAC affecting filter performance: About the authors:
usage rates with adsorption models and l Development of a Standardized Jeffrey 1~.Oxenford is
the scaleup of minicolumn data. The Protocol for the Evaluation of Granular a project manager with
following types of data have been col- Activated Carbon, todetermine the best the A WWA Research
lected by USEPA: (1) adsorption capacity technique or evaluation criteria for test- Foundation, 6666 W.
by isotherms, (2) minicolumn break- ing GAC; and Quincy Ave., Denver,
through curves, (3) laboratory-generated * Effect of Metals on Thermal Regen- CO 80235. He is a
adsorption rate data by differential eration of Granular Activated Carbon, to graduate of Warren
column batch reactor and short-bed evaluate the effect of accumulation of x FI Wilson College, Swan-
adsorber studies, (4) pilot-column break- metals on adsorption capacities and nanoa, 1Y.C. (IgA/, and of the University
through curves, (5) full-scale break- multiple regenerations. of North Carolina at Charlotte (MSE) and
through curves, and (6) model-predicted isa memberofACS. Benjamin W. Lykins
full-scale GAG use rates based on iso- Research needs Jr. is chief of the Systems and Field
therm capacity data, rate data taken Significant advances have been made Evaluatiom Branch, US Environmental
either from laboratory studies or litera- in the design and operation of GAC Protection Agency, 26 W. Martin Luther
ture correlations, minicolumn brcak- systems, but many questions still need King Dr., Cincinnati, OH 45268.

Copyright (C) 1991 American Water Works Association

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