Tesda Circular 041-2017

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SUBJECT: Non-charging of Administrative Costs to No. it ) Series of 2017

candidate-applicants for assessment Page 1 of 1 Page


TESDA Circular No 21, s. 2006,
01 August 2017 Immediately Section 21.1
TESDA Circular No 09, s. 2007,
Section 18.3

In the interest of the service, ONLY Assessment Fees promulgated by the TESDA
Board shall be collected from candidate-applicants for assessment by the accredited
Assessment Centers. All administrative costs relative to the conduct of competency
assessment, e.g., reproduction of Competency Assessment Tools (CATs) and other
assessment-related materials shall be borne by TESDA.

Regional and Provincial Offices are hereby enjoined to disseminate the provision of
this Circular to all concerned to ensure standard implementation in your area.

All issuances inconsistent herewith are deemed superseded.

For strict compliance.



SUBJECT: General Guidelines on the Implementation of Number 2// s. 2006

the Assessment and Certification Program under Page 1 of 11 pages
the Philippine TVET Qualification and
Certification System (PTQCS)
Date Issued: Effectivity: Supersedes:
May 19, 2006 As Indicated

In the interest of the service, these General Guidelines on the

Implementation of the Assessment and Certification Program under the Philippine
TVET Qualification and Certification system are hereby issued for the information
and guidance of all concerned.

Section I. Coverage
1. These Guidelines regulate the conduct of assessment and certification
activities by TESDA Regional and Provincial Offices, accredited assessment
centers and accredited assessors involving national qualifications defined
under promulgated Training Regulations.
2. TESDA Circular No. 14, s. 2005 provides for the implementation of the
Philippine TVET Qualification and Certification System (PTQCS). Under
PTQCS, the Assessment and Certification Program shall be undertaken with
assessment tools developed on the basis of promulgated Training
3. These Guidelines shall cover procedures for the recognition of lead assessors,
accreditation of assessors, accreditation of assessment centers, the issuance of
certificates of competency or national certificates, and the monitoring and
reporting procedures.

Section 2 - Definition of Terms

1. Competency — the possession and application of knowledge, skills and

attitudes to the standard of performance required in the workplace.
2. Competency Standards — defines the knowledge, skills and values required
for competent performance in industry.
3. Competency Assessment — the process of collecting evidence and making
judgments on whether competency has been achieved.
4. Candidate —an individual seeking recognition of his/her competencies to
acquire a certification.
5. Qualification — a defined set of units of competency identified by industry
which meets whole work roles.
6. Accreditation — the process of recognizing or empowering an entity to
perform certain roles or responsibilities in behalf of the Authority.
7. Accredited Assessor — an individual accredited by the Authority to assess the
competencies of a candidate for certification.
8. Accredited Assessment Center — an establishment officially authorized by
ESDA to manage the assessment of candidates for certification.
9. Designated Assessment Venue — a physically separate/enclosed and
appropriately equipped area within a company, an organization or a training
center where actual assessment shall take place.
10. Assessment Verification — the process of reviewing assessment procedures,
instruments and records for certification or post-appeal.
11. Certificate of Competency — a certificate issued by the Authority to
individuals who are assessed as competent in a single unit or cluster of
related units of competency.
12. National Certificate — a certificate issued to individuals who have achieved
all the required units of competency of a national qualification defined under
promulgated Training Regulations.
13. Compliance Audit — a systematic and documented process for obtaining
evidence to determine whether implementation of the PTQCS is compliant
with quality standards.
14. Recognition of Prior Learning and Recognition of Current Competency — the
acknowledgement of an individual's currently possessed skills, knowledge
and attitudes acquired through previous training, work or life experiences.
15. National Assessment Board — an industry body recognized and authorized by
TESDA to assume responsibilities in implementing and managing skills
standardization, accreditation and assessment activities.

Section 3 - General Principles

1. Competency assessment shall be conducted only by accredited assessors in

accredited assessment centers and recognized assessment venues.
2. The accreditation of competency assessors and assessment centers shall be
confffmed by the TESDA Regional/Provincial Offices at all times.
3. The TESDA Provincial Offices shall be responsible for controlling the
distribution of assessment tools to the accredited assessment centers.
4. The accredited assessors and assessment centers shall preserve the integrity of
the assessment tools and the assessment process. They shall at all times
ensure the security and safekeeping of the assessment tools.
5. Competency assessors who are accredited in one region shall seek re-
accreditation in another region before the conduct of assessment in that
6. Competency assessment shall at all times be conducted in the presence of a
concerned TESDA staff.
7. A qualification may be attained through the accumulation of achieved units
of competency towards a national qualification over a period of time. It may
also be attained by directly undertaking assessment towards a national
8. The assessment process is based on evidence or information gathered to
prove possession of competencies. The process may be applied to a single
unit of competency, to a set of related units of competency or to the entire
qualification. Evidences are gathered through a range of evidence-gathering
methods or approaches.

9. National certificates and competency assessment certificates shall be issued
only on the basis of qualifications in prescribed Training Regulations.

Section 4 - Assessment Tools

1. Assessment tools are developed on the basis of the qualifications defined

under prescribed Training Regulations.
2. The assessment tools shall include the following: 1) instruction to the
candidate; 2) self-assessment guide; 3) written examination; 4) assessor's
guide; and 5) marking sheets. Except for the assessor's guide, the entire
assessment package is intended for one-time use.
3. The TESDA Provincial Offices shall be responsible for the distribution and
monitoring of the use of the assessment tools.

Section 5 Recognition of lead assessors by endorsement

1. Lead assessors are persons who have practiced the trade for at least five (5)
years. They may also be teachers/instructors/trainers of the trade for the
same period.
2. Lead assessors shall be recognized by the TESDA Regional Offices for the
purpose of mobilizing new assessors in sectors where there are no existing
3. They shall undertake the assessment of would-be assessors for the
qualification. This is necessary since accredited assessors need to be certified
to the qualification for which they shall conduct assessment.
4. Would-be assessors who undergo assessment by the lead assessors shall be
required to pay the corresponding assessment fee and certification fee for the
5. The Regional Offices shall pursue the recognition of at most two (2) lead
assessors by endorsement.
6. Lead assessors shall receive an assessor's fee for every would-be assessor who
is assessed for certification based on the prescribed fee schedule in TESDA
Circular No. 6 s. 2006.
7. Lead assessors shall be recognized on the basis of endorsement of a
recognized association related to the trade or occupation. They shall be
required to undergo and complete a Competency Assessors' Course.
8. The lead assessors who shall be recognized by endorsement shall undergo
extensive orientation on the relevant assessment tools in preparation for the
task of qualifying full-time assessors for the occupation within the sector.
9. They shall undertake the task of assessing would-be assessors within a
maximum period of three (3) months No fees shall be charged for the
recognition of lead assessors by endorsement.
10.Lead assessors may ultimately become full-time assessors if they satisfy all
the requirements for the accreditation of assessors.
11.As recognized lead assessors, they may likewise be mobilized for the conduct
of inspection and evaluation of relevant requirements for program

registration and the conduct of compliance audit of TVET institutions
offering relevant programs.
Section 6 - Accreditation of competency assessors
I. A competency assessor is an individual accredited to assess the competencies
of a candidate for certification. In sectors where there are no TESDA-
recognized assessment bodies, the TESDA Provincial Offices shall undertake
the accreditation of competency assessors with the confirmation of the
TESDA Regional Office.
2. Competency assessors shall have the following qualifications:
a) Practitioner of the occupation/trade or a teacher/instructor/trainer in the
trade area for at least two (2) years;
b) Holder of a National Certificate at least one level hiper than the
qualification where the assessor is accredited;
c) Completed a Competency Assessors' Course conducted by TESDA or by
an authorized partner; and
d) Conducted actual assessment of at least two (2) candidates.
Section 7 - Validity of the Assessor's Certificate

Accreditation certificates for competency assessors (Annex A) shall be

valid for two (2) years, subject to re-accreditation at the instance of the assessor.

Section 8 - Assessor's Accreditation Fee

An accreditation fee of P500 shall be collected prior to the issuance of an
assessor's accreditation certificate.
Section 9 - Application of Assessor's Accreditation

1. Accredited competency assessors may administer assessment only in the

qualification and region or province where they have been accredited.
2. Prior to undertaking assessment in another region or province, they shall
submit themselves for re-accreditation in that region or province.
3. If they are teachers/instructors/trainers, they are not allowed to assess their
own trainees for purposes of certification.
4. They shall at all times observe the Code of Conduct for Competency

Section 10 - Accreditation of Assessors by the National Assessment

In sectors where assessment boards have been recognized by TESDA, the
accreditation of competency assessors shall be undertaken by such boards, subject to
the confirmation of the TESDA Regional/Provincial Offices.

Section 11- Accreditation of assessment centers
1. An accredited assessment center is an establishment officially authorized to
manage the assessment of candidates for certification. They shall be
accredited by the TESDA Provincial Office and confirmed by the TESDA
Regional Office upon compliance with the following requirements:
a) SEC or DTI or CDA registration
b) Business permit
c) BIR registration
d) Building layout/floor plan
e) Location map
I) At least two (2) in-house accredited competency assessors
g) Complete facilities, tools, equipment and materials (based on the list
provided for in the assessment tools)
h) Computer system with Internet access
i) Organizational structure to support the following activities:
> Enrollment of candidates for assessment
> Scheduling the conduct of assessment
> Assigning competency assessors
> Collecting assessment fees
> Submitting assessment results
> Undertaking administrative arrangements with assessors, the
assessment boards and/or TESDA
2. Assessment centers shall be accredited on the basis of facilities, tools,
equipment and materials relevant to specific qualifications.
3. Training centers may become assessment centers if they meet all the
requirements for accreditation. However, trainors or teachers who are also
accredited assessors shall not be allowed to assess their own trainees or
students for purposes of certification.

Section 11- Validity of the Assessment Center Accreditation

Accreditation certificates for competency assessment centers (Annex B)
shall be valid for two (2) years, subject to re-accreditation at the instance of the
assessment center.
Section 12 - Assessment Center Accreditation Fee
An accreditation fee of P3000 shall be collected prior to the issuance of an
assessment center accreditation certificate.

Section 13 - Designation of Assessment Venues

4. Accredited assessment centers may utilize the facilities of designated
assessment venues, a physically separate and appropriately equipped area
within a company, an organization, or a training center where actual

assessment may take place. Establishments or institutions may be utilized as
assessment venues for specific units of competency or qualifications that are
supported by their facilities based on contractual arrangements which shall be
confirmed by the TESDA Regional/Provincial Office.
5. Accredited assessment centers may establish linkages with relevant
companies or enterprises for the conduct of workplace assessment. They may
likewise establish linkages with relevant training providers or other accredited
assessment centers to extend their overall area of operation by partly
utilizing/mutually sharing their available facilities for assessment. These
contractual arrangements shall, however, be officially approved by the
TESDA Regional/Provincial Office.
6. The authorization of assessment venues shall be governed by the procedures
for the accreditation of assessment centers.

Section 14 - Inspection and audit

Accredited assessment centers and authorized assessment venues shall grant
unlimited access to TESDA staff and personnel of recognized assessment bodies in
the conduct of inspection, monitoring and audit visits and investigation in case of
complaints involving anomalous acts or malpractices.

Section 15 - Accreditation of Assessment Centers by the National

Assessment Board
In sectors where assessment boards have been recognized by TESDA, the
accreditation of competency assessment centers shall be undertaken by such boards,
subject to the confirmation of the TESDA Regional/Provincial Offices.

Section 16 - Responsibility for Assessment Results

Accredited assessment centers shall assume full responsibility for ensuring
the objectivity and validity of assessment conducted in the center or in any
designated assessment venue. They shall likewise be jointly responsible for the acts of
their competency assessors.
Section 17 - Revocation or Suspension of Accreditation
The accreditation of assessment centers and competency assessors and the
authorization of assessment venues shall be revoked or suspended for any of the
following reasons:

a) Failure to sustain compliance with accreditation requirements;

b) Violation of any defined provision in the guidelines for the operations of
assessment centers and authorized assessment venues;
c) Falsification of requisite documents and/or false statements in
connection with the application for accreditation; and

d) Failure to notify TESDA or the relevant recognized assessment body of
any change that directly or indirectly affects assessment conditions in
relation to the conditions obtaining during the original accreditation.

Section 18 - Assessment and Certification Arrangements

1. To attain a national qualification, a candidate must demonstrate competence

during the assessment session covering the identified units of competency for
a particular qualification.
2. Successful candidates shall be awarded a National Certificate signed by the
TESDA Director General and countersigned by the Provincial Director.
3. In specific sectors, Certificates of Competency shall be issued to candidates
who demonstrate competence in units of employable competencies which do
not constitute a full qualification.
4. Graduates of formal, non-formal and enterprise-based programs as well as
experienced wage or self-employed workers may apply for competency
assessment and certification with any accredited assessment center.
5. Graduates of all training programs addressing the qualifications covered by
Training Regulations shall be subject to mandatory assessment.
6. TVET providers whose programs are registered on the basis of prescribed
Training regulations are covered by this requirement and shall ensure that all
their graduates are assessed.
7. Candidates who fail to qualify after assessment may be reassessed after
completion of further orientation, review or training as determined by the
8. A candidate who fails the assessment for two (2) consecutive times shall be
required to go through a refresher course before taking another assessment.

Section 19 - Assessment Fees

1. Assessment fees shall be charged from each candidate by the accredited
assessment centers on the basis of fee schedules prescribed by the TESDA
Board and adopted through TESDA Circular No. 06 s. 2006.
2. The provisional assessment fees promulgated by the Board shall apply only
to assessment activities undertaken within the identified qualifications in
appropriate training regulations.
3. The cost breakdown of the assessment fees shall be consistent with the
provisions of TESDA Circular No. 06 s. 2006 for supplies and materials,
power and utilities cost, assessor's fee, technical and administrative cost and
equipment depreciation.

Section 20 - Application of the Provisional Assessment Fees

1. The six months period for the application of the provisional assessment fees
shall be reckoned after one (I) month from the time that the assessment
instruments have been deployed. The one month period is expected to allow

the operating units to recognize the lead assessors, accredit the competency
assessors and the assessment centers.
2. The provisional assessment fees apply only to the conduct of assessment in
the qualifications under prescribed Training Regulations.
3. In the transition, the existing assessment fees for trades covered by old
standards shall continue to apply.

Section 21- Cost of Assessment Package

/I. From the assessment fees charged by the assessment center- from each
candidate, the center shall remit to the TESDA ProvincialOffice the amount
of P100 for every candidate assessed representing the cost of the assessment
2. -Each assessment package will consist of 1) instruction to the candidate; 2)
self-assessment guide; 3) written examination; 4) assessor's guide; and 5)
marking sheets.

Section 22 - Award of the National Certificate or Certif

icate of
1. The TESDA Provincial Office shall issue the National Certificate to a
candidate who is recommended for certification by an accredited assessor for
having demonstrated competence in all units of competency within a
2. A Certificate of Competency shall be issued by the TESDA Provincial Office
to a candidate who has been assessed as competent in a single unit or duster
of related units of competency.

Section 23 - Certification Fee

1. A certification fee of P100 shall be charged from each candidate prior to the
issuance of a National Certificate or a Certificate of Competency.
2 The certification fee shall be exclusive of the assessment fee charged from the
candidate by the accredited assessment center.

Section 24 - Repo/tin System

1. The Registry of Workers Assessed and Certified (RWAC) shall be utilized for
documenting the results of assessment and as a basis for certification.
2. The files of each candidate for assessment shall include personal
circumstances, including the candidate's photo, education and training
records, employment history and assessment and certification records.
3. A copy of these files shall be submitted by the concerned assessment center to
the TESDA Provincial Office, along with the recommendation for
4. The TESDA Provincial Offices shall post the records of assessment and

certification directly in the RWAC page of the TESDA website every Friday.
The Provincial Director shall be responsible in ensuring the validity and
integrity of data uploaded in the website.

Section 25 - Certificate Numbering and Coding System

The current certificate numbering and coding system shall be retained. It
shall retain the following data configuration:
06 — year; 04 — region; 02 — province; 02 — certificate level; and 001 —
sequence number.

Section 26- Disposal of Old Trade Tests

1. The TESDA Provincial Office shall be expected to terminate the use of old
trade tests as soon as the new assessment system for a particular qualification
is in place.
2. They shall be required to properly dispose of old trade tests relating to
qualifications covered by promulgated Training Regulations.

Section 27 — Role of the Competency Assessment and Certification

I. The RCACC and PCACC shall continue to provide advice to the TESD
Committees on the implementation of the assessment and certification
2. RCACC and PCACC members may be deputized by the Regional and
Provincial Directors to act as TESDA representatives during the conduct of
assessment activities.

Section 28 - Amendment or Repeal

The provisions of all previous circulars, orders and issuances inconsistent

herewith are deemed amended or repealed.

Section 29 - Effectivity
This Circular shall take effect immediately.


Director General


Subject Implementing Guidelines on Assessment and Number oq s.2007

Certification under the Philippine WET
Qualification and Certification System (PTQCS) Page 1 of 10 pages
Date Issued: Effectivity: Supersedes:
18 April 2007 As indicated TESDA Circular No. 212 s.1998
TESDA Circular No. 14 s. 2005
TESDA Circular No. 21 s. 2006

Section 1 — Background

1 .1 The qualification and certification system is in keeping with the provisions of RA

7796, Sec_ 14 b.2, authorizing the agency, "to design, innovate and adopt
processes and methodologies along skills standards, assessment and
1.2 The Philippine TVET Qualifications Framework (PTQF) is a reiteration,
enhancement and rationalization of the TESDA Occupation Qualification and
Certification System (TOQCS) and defines a national, comprehensive and flexible
qualification framework for technical and vocational education and training (WET).

1.3 The TESDA - Industry Partnership is in keeping with government's role of

recognizing the capability and initiative of the private sector to undertake the skills
standardization, assessment and certification of the country's skilled workforce.

1.4 The competency requirements, as defined in the relevant Training Regulations shall
be the take-off point of all corresponding qualifications, assessments and
certifications in all sectors_

1.5 The Training Regulations shall be the basis in the registration of Training Programs
offered by all WET providers.

Section 2 — Coverage and Definition of Terms

2.1. These Implementing Guidelines shall govern the operation of the Philippine WET
Qualification and Certification System (PTQCS) nationwide.

2.2. It includes the policies, rules and regulations for the implementation of assessment
and certification, specifically:

2.2.1 Accreditation of Assessment Centers

2.2.2 Accreditation of Competency Assessors

22_3 Conduct of Competency Assessment and Certification

2.2.4 Program Monitoring and Reporting

2.3. The following terms shall mean:
2.3.1 Accreditation — is the process of recognizing and/or empowering an entity
to perform certain roles or responsibilities on behalf of the TESDA
2.3.2 Accredited Assessor is an individual accredited by the local industry
body and confirmed by TESDA to assess competencies of a candidate
for certification.
2.3.3 Accredited Assessment Center (AAC) — is an establishment accredited by
the local industry body and confirmed by TESDA to facilitate the conduct
of the assessment of candidates.
2.3.4 AIMS — is a web-based system that keeps track of assessment
application, scheduling, outcomes and other information pertaining to
assessment activities.
2.3.5 Designated Assessment Venue (DAV) — is a physically separate/enclosed
and appropriately equipped area within a company, an organization or a
training center/school where the actual assessments shall take place.
2.3.6 Assessment Verification — is the process of reviewing assessment
procedures, instruments and results to enhance the implementation of
assessment and address post-assessment appeals.
2.3.7 Candidate — is an individual seeking recognition of his/her competencies
to acquire a certification.
2.3.8 Competency - is the possession and application of knowledge, skills and
attitudes to the standard of performance required in the workplace.
2.3.9 Competency Standard —defines the knowledge, skills and attitudes/values
required for competent performance in the workplace_
2.3.10 Competency Assessment — is the process of collecting evidence and
making judgments on whatever competency has been achieved.
2.4.11. Compliance Audit is a systematic and documented process for obtaining
evidence to determine whether implementation of the PTQCS is compliant
with quality standards.
2.4.12. Certificate of Competency (CoC) — is a certificate issued by the Authority
to individuals who were assessed as competent in a single unit or cluster
of related units of competency.
2.4.13 National Certificate (NC) — is a certificate issued to individuals who have
achieved all the required units of competency of a national qualification
defined under the promulgated Training Regulations.
2.4.15.Regional and Provincial Industry Body — is sector-specific industry body in
the region or province recognized and authorized by TESDA Regional or
Provincial Offices to assist in the implementation and management of
assessment activities
2.4.16 .Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) and Recognition of Current
Competency (RCC) — is the acknowledgement of an individual's currently
possessed skills, knowledge and attitudes acquired through previous
training, work or life experiences.
2.4.17. Qualification — is a defined set or group of units of competency identified
b Indust which meets work lace • uirements.
Section 3 — General Principles
3.1 Competency standards are the benchmark for training, assessment and
certification under the PTQCS.
3.2 The System provides that a Qualification may be attained through:
• 3.2.1 Accumulation of achieved units of competency leading to a national
32.2 Directly undertaking assessment towards a national Qualification
3.3 It also provides for the recognition of prior learning and recognition of current
competencies. An individual who believes he/she is competent resulting
from life or work experiences, relevant education or training may apply for
competency assessment.
3.4 The assessment process is based on evidence or information gathered to
prove possession of competencies. The process maybe applied to an
employable single unit of competency, or a cluster of relevant units of
competency or to all units of competency in a Qualification. Evidences are
gathered through a range of evidence-gathering methods.
3.5 Competency assessment shall be conducted only by accredited competency
assessors in accredited assessment centers and designated assessment
3.6 Assessment for national certification shall be mandatory for all graduating
students/trainees of programs registered under the promulgated training
regulations, while assessment for national certification shall be optional for
graduating students of programs registered based on the old training
regulations, as well as NTR programs.
3.7 TESDA Technology Institutions and private training providers with registered
program under the promulgated training regulations maybe accredited as
assessment centers upon compliance with accreditation requirements.
3.8 The cost of competency assessment for Qualifications being offered by
TESDA Assessment centers shall be free.
3.9 The private accredited assessment centers will continue conducting
assessment specifically in qualification areas where TESDA Assessment
Centers cannot provide the assessment services required by the applicants.
These assessment centers may collect the approved assessment fee.
3.10 Accreditation of assessment centers shall be by Qualification..
3.11 Competency assessment shall at all times be conducted in the presence of a
TESDA representative.
3.12 Culture sensitivity must be given high emphasis in the conduct of

Section 4 Organizational and Functional Relationship
4.1. TESDA Central Office
4.1.1. Provide capability build-up programs;
4.1.2. Formulate assessment and certification policies and guidelines;
Manage and maintain Assessment information Management System
(AIMS)and publish the National Registry of Certified Workers( RWAC);
4.1.4. Facilitate the formulation of assessment and certification fees and submit
for approval of TESDA Board; and
4. /.5. Conduct internal audits.

4.2. TESDA Regional Offices

4.2.1. Oversee the accreditation of assessment centers and competency

4.2.2. Confirm the accreditation of competency assessors and assessment
4.2.3. Ensure that all accreditation and assessment activities conform to quality-
assurance system;
4.2.4. Conduct compliance audit ;
4.2.5. Consolidate report and submit to CO; and
4.2.6. Handle third level complaints filed by clients

4.3. TESDA Provincial/District Offices

4.3.1. Approve the accreditation of assessment centers and competency

4.3.2. Oversee the implementation of assessment and certification activities in
the province;
4.3.3. Issue National Qualification Certificate (NOC) and Certificate of
Competency (COC)
4.3.4. Submit report to regional office; and
4.3.5. Handle second level complaints filed by clients

4.4_ Accredited Assessment Centers

4.4.1. Accept and process applications for assessment;
4.4.2. Schedule assessment;
4.4.3. Assign competency assessors;
4.4.4. Oversee the conduct of assessment;
4.4.5. Upload data in the Assessment Information Management System (AIMS)
4.4.6. Submit reports to TESDA

Section 5 — Assessment Tools

5.1. Assessment tools are developed on the basis of the Qualification defined
under prescribed Training Regulations.

5.2. The TESDA Regional and Provincial/District Offices shall cause the
establishment of assessment and certification backbone for the new
Qualifications within two (2) months after the deployment of the new
assessment tools.

Section 6 — Accreditation of Competency Assessors

6.1 An accredited competency assessor is an individual authorized to assess the

competencies of a candidate for certification. the TESDA Provincial/District
Director shall approve the accreditation of competency assessors with the
confirmation of the TESDA Regional Director.

6.2. Accredited Competency assessors must be a:

a) Practitioner of the occupation / trade or a teacher/instructor/trainer in the

trade area for at least two (2) years;
b) Holder of a National Certificate at the same or higher level of the
Qualification where the assessor is accredited;
c) Completed a Competency Assessor's Course conducted by TESDA or
by an authorized partner, and
d) Have assisted in the conduct of actual assessment to at least two (2)
Section 7 — Validity of the Competency Assessor's Accreditation

7.1. Accreditation of competency assessors shall be valid for two (2) years. It may
be extended or terminated based on the competency assessors' performance

Section 8 — Competency Assessor's Accreditation Fee

8.1. The fee for the accreditation of competency assessors shall be P500. This
provision shall not apply to TESDA trainers/assessors.

Section 9 — Application of Competency Assessor's Accreditation

9.1. Accredited competency assessors may administer assessment only in the

Qualification and region or province where they have been accredited.

9.2. Prior to undertaking assessment in another region or province, they shall submit
themselves for recognition in that region or province.

9.3. If they are teachers/instructors/trainers, they are not allowed to assess their own
trainees for purposes of certification.

9.4. They shall at all times observe the Code of Conduct for Competency Assessors.

Section 10— Accreditation of Assessment Centers
10.1. An accredited assessment center is an establishment officially authorized to
manage the assessment of candidates for certification. The TESDA
Provincial/District Director shall approve the accreditation of assessment
center with the confirmation of the TESDA Regional Director upon compliance
of the following requirements:

a) SEC or DTI or CDA registration

b) Business Permit
c) SIR Registration
d) Building Layout/Floor Plan
e) Location Map
f) At least two (2) in — house accredited competency assessors
g) Complete facilities, tools, equipment and materials as identified in the
assessment tools
h) Computer System with Internet Amass
i) Organizational structure to support the following activities:

> Uploading Data In The AIMS

> Scheduling the conduct of assessment
> Assigning the accredited competency assessors
> Collecting assessment fees
> Submitting assessment results
> Undertaking administrative arrangements with assessors, the local
industry bodies and/or TESDA

102 Applicant Assessment centers shall be accredited on the basis of facilities,

tools, equipment and materials relevant to specific Qualifications.

10.3. Training institutions / centers with registered programs under the promulgated
training regulations may become accredited assessment-centers if they _meet all
the requirements for accreditation. They shall establish a pool of accredited
competency assessors from industry and from their roster of certified trainers.
However, trainers or teachers who are also accredited competency assessors
shall not be allowed to assess their own trainees or students for purposes .of
national certification.

Section 11 Validity of the Assessment Center Accreditation

11.1. Accreditation of assessment enters shall be valid for two (2) years, subject to re
— accreditation based on the results of the compliance audit conducted by

Section 12 — Assessment Center Accreditation Fee

12.1. An accreditation fee of P3000 per Qualification shall be collected prior to the
issuance of an accreditation certificate. However, this requirement shall be
waived for TESDA assessment centers.

Section 13 — Designation of Assessment Venues

13.1. Accredited assessment centers may designate assessment venues to provide

access for assessment services to distant locations based on contractual
arrangements which shall be approved by the TESDA Provincial/District Director.
Designated assessment venues must have complete facilities for the conduct
assessment for a Qualification but short of other requirements for accreditation.

13.2. Accredited assessment centers may establish linkages with relevant companies
or enterprises for the conduct of workplace or on-site assessment. They may
likewise establish linkages with relevant training providers or other accredited
assessment centers to extend their overall area of operation by partly utilizing /
mutually sharing their available facilities for assessment. These contractual
arrangements shall, however, be officially approved by the TESDA Provincial

Section 14 inspection and Audit

14.1. Accredited assessment centers and designated assessment venues shall grant
unlimited access to TESDA staff and personnel of recognized industry bodies in
the conduct of inspection, monitoring, audit visits and investigation in case of
complaints involving anomalous acts or malpractices.

Section 15 — Responsibility for Assessment Results

15.1. Accredited assessment centers shall assume full responsibility for ensuring the
objectivity and validity of assessment conducted in the center or in any
designated assessment venue. They shalt be responsible for the acts of the
assigned competency assessors.

Section 16 — Revocation or Suspension of Accreditation

16.1. The accreditation of assessment centers and competency assessors and

the designation of assessment venues shall be revoked or suspended
for any of the following reasons:
16.2. Failure to sustain compliance with accreditation requirement;
16.3. Violation of any defined provision in the guidelines for the operations of
assessment centers and designated assessment venues;
16.4. Falsification of requisite documents and/or false statements in
connection with the application for accreditation;
16.5. Failure to notify TESDA of any change that directly or indirectly affecAs
assessment conditions in relation to the conditions existing during the
original accreditation.
16.6. Enter into agreement/connivance with candidate regarding the fulfillment
of some assessment requirements

Section 17 — Assessment and Certification Arrangements

17.1. To obtain a National Qualification, a candidate must .demonstrate competence

the assessment session covering the identified units of competency for a
particular qualification.
17.2. Successful candidates shall be awarded a National Certificate signed by the
TESDA Director General and countersigned by the TESDA Provincial /District

17.3_ in specific sectors, Certificates of Competency (COC) shall be issued to

candidates who demonstrate competence in units of employable competencies
which do not constitute a full qualification. The COC shall be signed by the
TESDA Director General and countersigned by the TESDA Provincial/District

17.4. Graduates of formal, non-formal and enterprise — based programs as well as

experienced wage or self — employed workers may apply for competency
assessment with any accredited assessment center.

17.5. WET providers whose programs are registered on the basis of promulgated
Training Regulations shall ensure that all their graduating students/trainees are

17.6. Graduating studentsitrainees of training programs registered based on the

promulgated training regulations, graduates of NTR programs and industry
workers who opt to take the assessment for national certification shall undergo
assessment using the new assessment tools.

17.7. Candidates who were assessed as NOT YET COMPETENT may apply for
riissesiriiariytime-Fathrsiher,owrizonverfienc0 in case of assessment for
full qualification, re-assessment shall be focused on the specific area/vs where
the candidate has been found as NOT YET COMPETENT.

17.8. A candidate who fails the assessment for two (2) consecutive times shall be
advised to ao through a refresher course before taking another assessment

17.9. A holder of a trade skills certificate or COC issued under TOQCS arid whose
validity has already expired shall undergo assessment based on the new
competency standards and assessment tools.

ion 18 — Assessment Fees

18.1. Assessment fees shall be charged from each candidate by the accredited
assessment centers on the basis of fee schedules prescribed by the TESDA

18.2. The provisional assessment fees promulgated by the Board shall apply only
to the conduct of assessment in the Qualifications under promulgated
Training Regulations.

The assessment fees shall cover the cost of supplies and materials, power
and utilities, equipment depreciation, assessor's fee, technical and
administrative services.

18.4. The six months period for the application of the provisional assessment fees
shall be reckoned after two (2) months from the time that the assessment
tools have been deployed. The two-month period is expected to allow the
operating units to accredit competency assessors and assessment centers.

18.5. A candidate for re-assessment shall pay the an assessment fee proportionate
to the cost of carrying out the taskis covered by the re-assessment.

Section 19 — Award of the National Certificate or Certificate of Competency

19.1. The TESDA ProvinciallDistrict Office shall issue a National Certificate to a

candidate who is recommended for certification by an accredited competency
assessor for having demonstrated competence in all units of competency
within a Qualification.

19.2. A Certificate of Competency shall be issued by the TESDA Provincial/District

Office to a candidate who has been assessed as competent in a prescribed
cluster of related units of competency.

Section 20 — Certification Fee

20.1. A certification fee of P50 shall be charged from each candidate prior to the
issuance of a National Certificate or a Certificate of Competency.

20.2. The certification fee shall be exclusive of the assessment fee charged from
the candidate by the accredited assessment center.

Section 21— Reporting System

21.1. The Registry of Workers Assessed and Certified (RAC) shall be utilized for
documenting the results of assessment and as a basis for certification.

21.2. The files of each candidate for assessment shall include personal
circumstances, including the candidate's photo, education and training
records, employment history and assessment and certification records.

21.3. A copy of these flies shall be submitted by, the concerned assessment center
to the TESDA Provincial/District Office, along with the recommendation for

21.4. The TESDA Provincial/District Offices shall post the records of assessment
and certification directly in the RWAC page of the TESDA website every
Friday. The Provincial/District Director shall be responsible in ensuring the
validity and integrity of data uploaded in the website.

Section 22 — Certificate Numbering and Coding System

22.1. 23.1. The current certificate numbering and coding system shall be retained.
It shall retain the following data configuration:


Qualification Level for NC I - 01

Qualification Level for NC II - 02
Qualification level for NC IIl - 03
Qualification Level for NC IV - 04
Certificate of Competency - 00

Section 23 - Recognition of Prior Learning and Current Competency

23.1. Candidates can have their prior qualifications and informal learning or the
skills and knowledge currently being used in the performance of a job be
recognized through competency assessment.

23.2. A candidate can submit an RPL or RCC application for a Qualification or

units of competency in which he/she has the relevant prior learning or
current knowledge and skills.

23.3. A candidate for RPL and RCC shall pay the full assessment fee.

Section 24 - Amendment or Repeal

24.1. The provisions of all previous circulars, orders and issuances are deemed
amended or repealed.

Section 26 — Effectivity

This Circular shall take effect immediately.

Director General




Cost Elements Computed Cost

Personnel Services 3, 927.59
Supplies and Materials 1, 872.98
Utilities (electricity, water,
Tools and Equipment Imputed
Building Rental 531.67
10% Recovery Cost 681.91
Total Cost 7, 500.97
Per Capita Cost (10 per
Proposed Assessment Fee 750.00
SUBJECT: Implementing Guidelines on the Deployment of Page 1 of 3 Pages
Amended Training Regulations (TRs) and Number05 series of 2016
Conduct of Competency Assessment and
Certification for Pharmacy Services NC ill
Date Issued: Effectivity: Supersedes:
June 6,2016 June 6,2016

In the interest of the service and to provide quality and uniform program delivery, as well as
ensure efficiency and effectiveness in the deployment of the amended Training Regulations on
Pharmacy Services NC III and implementation of competency assessment and certification, the
following Implementing Guidelines are hereby issued:


1. TESDA Board Resolution No. 2015-16 dated December 16, 2015: Approving the Training
Regulations for Pharmacy Services NC ill;

2. The developments related to the Republic Act 5921, An Act Regulating the Practice of
Pharmacy and Setting Standards of Pharmaceutical Education in the Philippines and Other

3. Food and Drug Administration Circular No.2014-025 dated 21 November 2014: Guidelines
on the Implementation of New Rules and Regulations on the Licensing of
Drugstore/Pharmacy/Botica and Similar Outlets following DOH Administrative Order No.
2014-0034, dated 13 October 2014.


To enhance the Training Regulations to better respond to industry demands for

competencies that are readily employable, environment-friendly and compliant with the
industry requirements.

2. To strengthen the industry-academe linkages to address the "skill-jobs mismatch" in the


3. To develop the training and assessment and certification infrastructure for the development
of industry workers in the sector.

4. To ensure the utilization of the newly promulgated Training Regulations


1. Existing WTR-registered programs and assessment and certification related to Pharmacy

Services•NC II as well as applicants for registration of programs of the amended Training
Regulations for Pharmacy Services NC Ill shall be covered by this Circular.


The implementation of the TR for Pharmacy Services NC III promulgated on December

16, 2015 shall be guided by the following general policies:

SUBJECT: Implementing Guidelines on the Deployment of Page 2 of 3 Pages
Amended Training Regulations (TRs) and Number ag- series of 2016
Conduct of Competency Assessment and
Certification for Pharmacy Services NC Ill
Date Issued: Effectivity: Supersedes:
June 6, 2016 June 6, 2016


1. To ensure the utilization of this TRs, all Regional/Provincial Directors shall immediately
advocate/encourage and facilitate the registration and re-registration of programs.

2. All registered programs related to Pharmacy Services NC 11 shall be subjected to migration

within a period of one (1) year upon the effectivity of this Circular. Programs which are
not migrated within the prescribed period shall be subject to closure proceedings in
accordance with the UTPRAS guidelines (TESDA Circular No. 07 Series of 2016);

3. All Regional/Provincial Directors are hereby instructed to process applications for program
registration within the allowable process cycle time (PCT) indicated in the Procedures Manual on
Program Registration.


1. The assessment and certification of Pharmacy Services NC III for this promulgated TR
shall follow the Quality Procedures Manual on Competency Assessment and Certification
and the provisions in Section 4 Assessment and Certification Arrangements of said TR.

2. A National Certificate (NC) is issued when a candidate has demonstrated competence in all
the units of competency that comprise the Training Regulations for Pharmacy Services NC


1. Qualification of Competency Assessors

1.1 For Trainer-Assessor

O Holder of National TVET Trainer Certificate Level 1 (NTTC 1) on Pharmacy

Services NC Ill with at least 2 years relevant pharmacy industry experience.
• Must be a graduate of Pharmacy
O Must have attended relevant training and seminars in pharmacy operations.

1.2 For Industry Assessor

O Holder of National Certificate in Pharmacy Services NC III;

O Holder of Certificate of Competency (Coq in Conduct Competency Assessment
under the Trainers Methodology Level I (TM I); and
O Must have at least 2 years relevant industry experience
▪ 4_at
SUBJECT: Implementing Guidelines on the Deployment of Page 3 of 3 Pages
Amended Training Regulations (TRs) and Number arseries of 2016
Conduct of Competency Assessment and
Certification for Pharmacy Services NC Ill
Date Issued: Effectivity: Supersedes:
June 6, 2016 June 6, 2016

2. Assessment Fee

Ttie,-- assessment. fee- for Pharmacy Services. NC. is amount of- PHP 75110,0, based on theq
promulgated TESDA Board Resolution-140_2016a lastMay 13, 2016

3. Integrity Fortification

Integrity fortification of assessment and certification shall be strictly adhered to through

the implementation of the following measures:

O Conduct of Capability Building Program for Regional Lead Assessors;

O Pre-scheduled assessment;
O Competency Assessor shall be assigned by the Provincial/District Director on a rotation
O Presence of a technical TESDA Representative during the entire conduct of
O Calibration of Competency Assessors.

4. Mandatory Assessment

4.1 All -Ms with UTPRAS registered programs on Pharmacy Services NC III must ensure
mandatory assessment of their graduating students.

4.2 The list of certified individuals will be uploaded in the online Registry of Certified


This Circular shall take effect as indicated and supersedes all other issuances inconsistent
hereof. Wide dissemination of this Circular by all concerned is hereby enjoined.

Director General

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