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Combine each of the following groups of sentences into one complete sentence

1. A. Hartford was once known as an industrial center.

b. It was the home of several manufacturers.
c. They made firearms, typewriters, bicycles, and even cars.

2. a. Today, though, several insurance companies make Hartford their

b. Aetna, the Travelers, the Hartford, and Cigna are in Hartford.
c. Their home offices are within miles of one another.

3. a. Today, great wealth abounds in Hartford.

b. The wealth is centered in the insurance industry.
c. few manufacturing jobs are still available.

4. a. Mark Twain is the author of Huckleberry Finn.

b. Huckleberry Finn is a classic American novel.
c. Mark Twain's real name was Samuel L. Clemens.
d. He lived in Hartford for several years.

5. a. Mark Twain's house was very elaborate and elegant.

b. It was on Farmington Avenue.
c. It was in an area called Nook Farm.
d. He was a neighbor of Harriet Beecher Stowe.
e. Harriet Beecher Stowe wrote Uncle Tom's Cabin.

6. a. Mark Twain's home has a large side porch.

b. Windows and a balcony overlook the porch.
c. Today, people say the windows and balcony remind them of a
d. In his youth, Twain piloted steamboats on the Mississippi.

7. A. Mark Twain loved industrial inventions.

b. He lost a fortune investing in them.
c. One of these inventions was the elaborate Paige typesetter.
d. Unfortunately for Twain, this machine was developed at the same time
as the Linotype.
e. The Linotype machine was much simpler and less expensive.

8. A. Tiger Woods is the name of a young American golfer.

b. He set a record in the 1997 Master's Tournament.
c. He surprised all the veterans.
d. He was 22 at the time.

9. A. Ronald E. Pepin is a well-known translator of medieval texts.

b. He has two honorary degrees from Fordham University.
c. He recently published his fourth book on ancient medical practices.
d. He was only forty-four years old at the time.

10. A. Some students become nervous around computers

b. They are nervous around anything high-tech.
c. Other students seem to enjoy new challenges.
d. They regard learning how to use computers as a kind of game.

11. A. Lowell Weicker was once Governor of Connecticut.

b. He was leader of that state's American Party.
c. Weicker has long been known as a maverick among politicians.
d. He now teaches at the University of Virginia.

Revise the following sentences:

1- Most of time, people realize how much time having a computer saves.

2- Computers are used not only for education purposes but also

for entertainment value.

3- While working on her essay, Mary wanted to send a text message too much

4- The computer is too useful that it is hard to imagine life without it!

5- The hurricane victims were affected by the lack easily accessible medical


6- Eating healthy foods is the key to stay healthy a long time.

7- The doctor will see you in your earliest convenience

8- The teacher was offering encouragement for us to continue in our studies.

9- While singing in the shower, the bar of soap slipped from her hands

10- The weather had adverse impacts on our boat resulting in the necessity to
rescue us from the water.

11- We are no longer able to reconcile; therefore, attorneys will be used to effect
the dissolution of our marriage.

12- After Japan's forward Mina Tanaka collided with Canada's keeper Stephanie
Labbé, she had to go to the hospital

13- When the race organizers realized there was construction on the main street,
they changed the route. It created chaos on race day.

14- The doctor adviced the patient to exercise regularly

15- Getting a good job requires persistence, patience, and it helps to be


16- The punctuation workshop covers how to use commas, the use of semi-
colons, and provides information on colon use

17- He is trying to decide whether to go to a movie or stay home

18- Theparticipants signed forms after they were briefed on their
rights indicating full consent.

19- To test the hypothesis, participants were grouped by age

20- Running on a treadmill consistently develops cardiovascular fitness.

fill in each blank with an appropriate word

There is so much to do in beijing that it's hard to mention __________ the city has
to offer. There are great leisure facilities, including two multiplex
cinemas, ____ indoor ice-skating rink and an amusement ________. Brighton is a
great city for music and art lovers. The town is full ______ art
galleries, _________ you can buy paintings from local, national and international
artists. _________ year there is a "graffiti event" in which people ______ invited to
paint whatever they want onto a huge board. There's also a rock
festival _________ "Brighton Live" with rock bands from all _______ Britain.

If you come from abroad you won't find it hard to find a job or ________ friends in
Brighton. The restaurants and shops are always interested _________ employing
people from other countries. If you want to study, the local university ________ a
great reputation and is the perfect place for meeting new people.

Most of us always  forgetting important dates, apart from the lucky few   
are blessed with a good memory or the ability to organise  , so they don't
forget important things. How many times   we all said " I wish I had
remembered !" How often have we offended people by   remembering their
birthdays or name days ?

 they say it doesn't matter, we know, deep down, that we have hurt   
feelings. We can always try to make it   to them next time but unfortunately,
the damage was already done and our relationship with that person will   be
quite the same again.

On the   hand, we sometimes do too much for someone else because we want
to please them and then feel we have damaged our own interests in doing so.
When friends are involved, we   find it difficult to say “no” when they ask us
to   them a favour, but true friendship should mean we can say "no" without
any risk to the relationship.

Complete the following outlines

1. The English exam shouldn’t be a part of the college entrance exam ‘Gao Kao’.
a. Allow students to focus on other subjects
b. Relieve some of the stress placed on families
c. _______________________________________________________________

2. My hometown played a great part in Chinese history

a. Many great leaders emerged from my hometown
b. It connected Eastern and Western China
c. __________________________________________________________

3. My trip to the Great Wall was one of the greatest trips I’ve ever had.
a. Arrived in Beijing with my friends
b. ______________________________________________________________
c. embarked on a trip up and down the Great wall

4. My dream is to live in a small house in the mountains

a. ______________________________________________________________
b. The wooden walls, and the marble floors
c. Simple, authentic furniture

5. My high school English teacher was a kind, caring person

a. Taught us not to be nervous when speaking
b. _____________________________________________________________
c. helped me decide what I wanted to study in college

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