BHPB GGP Storyboard Template

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Storyboard: <Name>

Storyboard: <Name>
This document contains the voice over script to be recorded for the above-named e–learning unit or lesson. Reference numbers shown in the far-left column are only to guide developers and do not
appear in the final product so as to preserve the option of multiple usage. Slide content in the form of text, graphics, animation or video is described in the first large column at left. Voice-over text is
shown in the middle (yellow) column. Technical instructions to developers appears in the far right column. This document should be read in conjunction with the relevant Lesson Plan (if it exists) and
the Design Specification document for this project. These documents contain details about Learning Objectives and technical constraints that may affect development. Once the voiceover is
signed off or approved, paste the voiceover text from this doc into the audio script area for each relevant Captivate slide so that Spanish translators can easily access it from within the movie source
file. Once this content has been transferred to the storyboard, it is maintained from there.
The Storyboarding Process:
In general, when creating a storyboard for an e-learning project, it is recommended to “start with the end in mind” as follows:
1. Design high-level learning objectives for the known subject matter. These are hierarchical with each unit having a primary learning objective, which is broken down into objectives for each lesson,
and then each topic within each lesson.
2. Develop an outline of the knowledge required for learners to achieve the high-level objectives. Break down difficult concepts into smaller “chunks” to reduce cognitive load on learners.
3. Design appropriate assessment interactions that will validate mastery of each learning objective.
4. Finally, when WHAT you need to teach is clearly defined, develop HOW you will teach the required knowledge by completing the finer detail of the storyboard. The nature of the project determines
how much detail you should include. In general, do not attempt to include images in the Slide Content column, only descriptions of what will appear.
5. Submit the storyboard to stakeholders for approval. Direct them to concentrate mostly on the content of the voiceover script and to expect some slight variation once the final product is developed.
6. Once approval has been given, create Captivate lessons as per the instructions in the storyboard, add the necessary multimedia elements as defined. After this point the storyboard becomes
largely redundant because ongoing reviews, approvals and change requests are usually performed by viewing output formats from Captivate, either as actual multimedia lessons or as Word
document storyboards. No purpose is served by updating the original storyboard document from then on.The advantage of using Captivate in this way is that the storyboard contains a thumbnail of
the slide content as well as text from the slide and audio track.

Ref# Slide Content Graphics Audio Voiceover Script Technical Info

Note: Voiceover should should be warm, friendly, Course Unit Learning Objective:
0.0 <Name> second person (our/we, your/you), conversational,
Demonstrate an awareness of the <Name>.
and informal.
 Overview [sound: woosh3.mp3] Navigation menu for entire course unit.
 About <Name>
 Our Products/Services Delete references to Products when dealing
 Our Business Structure with a Functional Group, or Services if
 Our Business Strategy referring to a CSG.
 Current & Future Challenges
 Summary
 Final Assessment

Page 1
Storyboard: <Name>

Ref# Slide Content Graphics Audio Voiceover Script Technical Info

[sound: plop.wav] Title slide for this overview or summary lesson that
Overview [no voiceover] prepares the learner for what this entire unit is all
Duration: 1 minute [update elapsed time figure as about.
In this course unit we learn about the <Name> Provides a quick overview of the learning
About this Course Unit
Customer Sector Group. objectives covered in each lesson in this unit.
Learning Objectives
We’ll firstly overview <Name>’s position within Bullet points all appear first and then each one is
 About <Name>
BHP Billiton. described as its bullet point is highlighted and
 Our products others in the list are faded out.
Then we look at <Name>’s products/services with
 Our Business Structure some basic information about any related Thumbnail versions of graphics from the relevant
 Our Business Strategy concepts. lessons can accompany the point.
 Current & Future Challenges We’ll learn about <Name>’s operational structure… Mention world market and financial figures
 Summary …and Business Strategy. only for CSGs, not relevant to Functional
 Final Assessment Groups.
Finally we’ll discuss any current challenges it faces
and what the future holds.

Each lesson in this course unit finishes with a short Explains the purpose of the assessments.
About Assessments
assessment to check your learning.
[Graphic of test question slide or capture of an
assessment slide question being answered.] The Final Assessment at the end of the unit must
be done while online, and your score may be
recorded for reporting purposes, so make sure you
complete all lessons before the assessment.
[no audio necessary] Returns learner to the Menu slide showing all
Lesson End
lessons within this course units.
[option buttons allow the learner to go back to the main
menu or move to the next lesson in the unit.]
[sound: plop.wav]
About <Name> Overall Lesson Objective:
[no voiceover]
Define this entity’s key characteristics.
Duration: ## minutes [update elapsed time figure as
(If quoting figures in any topic, try to avoid
quoting data subject to enormous changes from
year to year. Thiis requires excessing content
Lists the learning objectives covered in this lesson
Lesson Overview
to give learners a mental picture.
Learning Objectives
Highlight each bullet point as voiceover discusses
 Objective
 Objective
Objective: Identify how this entity fits within BHP
Our Role in BHP Billiton

Objective:Compare this entity relative to its major

Our Place in World Resources
competitors in the world resources market.
[CSG only]

Objective:Outline the history of this entity relative

Our History
to BHP Billiton

Page 2
Storyboard: <Name>

Ref# Slide Content Graphics Audio Voiceover Script Technical Info

Objective:Generalise current high-level financial
Financial Overview
data about entity. [CSG only]
(avoid data subject to enormous change)

So in summary: Restates the learning objectives from the Learning

Lesson Summary
 Point Overview. Should use similar wording but may also
Learning Objectives state key info related to each objective.
 Objective  Point
 Objective
Answer the following questions to see if you This quiz section applies only to learning objectives
Lesson Assessment Questions
remember key points from this lesson. covered in the current lesson.
Don’t forget to click Submit before moving onto Provide any instructions about prerequisites (e.g.
 Answer each question.
the next question. must be online) about how to complete the quiz.
 Click the Submit button.
Click the button when you’re ready to begin.
 Your answer is marked correct or incorrect.
Note to developer: Bold indicates correct answers.
 Click the button below to begin.
[no voiceover] Note to Technical Author:
To save time, initially paste the assessment
questions for this unit from the relevant section
of the unit Final Assessment and then rewrite
each one to be different yet still manage to
validate mastery of Learning Objectives.
This slide automatically displays the learner’s
Assessment Results
assessment results. After reading their results,
[standard automated slide displays the learner’s
learners can opt to review their answers and see
assessment score.]
where they went wrong.
[no audio necessary] Returns learner to the Menu slide showing all
Lesson End
lessons within this course units.
[option buttons allow the learner to go back to the main
menu or move to the next lesson in the unit.]
[sound: plop.wav] Lesson Learning Objective:
About Our Products/Services [no voiceover]
Objective: Explain the product/services this
Duration: ## minutes [update elapsed time figure as
entity delivers.
NOTE: If CSG, delete references to Services. If
Functional Group, delete Products.
Lists the learning objectives covered in this lesson
Lesson Overview
to give learners a mental picture.
Learning Objectives
Highlight each bullet point as voiceover discusses
 Objective
 Objective
Objective:Recall basic information about this
Product 1
product/service delivered by this entity.


Objective:Recall basic information about this

Product 2
product/service delivered by this entity.


Page 3
Storyboard: <Name>

Ref# Slide Content Graphics Audio Voiceover Script Technical Info

Objective:Recall basic information about this
Product 3
product/service delivered by this entity.


Objective:Explain key concepts essential to

Concept 1
understanding this entity and what it delivers.

Objective:Explain key concepts essential to

Concept 2
understanding this entity and what it delivers.

Objective:Explain key concepts essential to

Concept 3
understanding this entity and what it delivers.

So in summary: Restates the learning objectives from the Learning

Lesson Summary
 Point Overview. Should use similar wording but may also
Learning Objectives state key info related to each objective.
 Objective  Point
 Objective
Answer the following questions to see if you This quiz section applies only to learning objectives
Lesson Assessment Questions
remember key points from this lesson. covered in the current lesson.
Don’t forget to click Submit before moving onto Provide any instructions about prerequisites (e.g.
 Answer each question.
the next question. must be online) about how to complete the quiz.
 Click the Submit button.
Click the button when you’re ready to begin.
 Your answer is marked correct or incorrect.
Note to developer: Bold indicates correct answers.
 Click the button below to begin.
[no voiceover] Note to Technical Author:
To save time, initially paste the assessment
questions for this unit from the relevant section
of the unit Final Assessment and then rewrite
each one to be different yet still manage to
validate mastery of Learning Objectives.
This slide automatically displays the learner’s
Assessment Results
assessment results. After reading their results,
[standard automated slide displays the learner’s
learners can opt to review their answers and see
assessment score.]
where they went wrong.
[no audio necessary] Returns learner to the Menu slide showing all
Lesson End
lessons within this course units.
[option buttons allow the learner to go back to the main
menu or move to the next lesson in the unit.]
[sound: plop.wav]
Our Business Structure Lesson Learning Objective:
[no voiceover] Summarise the current business structure of
Duration: ## minutes [update elapsed time figure as this entity.
Lists the learning objectives covered in this lesson
Lesson Overview
to give learners a mental picture.
Learning Objectives
Highlight each bullet point as voiceover discusses
 Objective
 Objective

Page 4
Storyboard: <Name>

Ref# Slide Content Graphics Audio Voiceover Script Technical Info

Objective:Outline the organisational hierarchy of
Our Organisation
this entity.


Objective:Identify main site locations for this entity

Our Locations
around the world

Objective: State approximate human resource

Our People
level for this entity.



So in summary: Restates the learning objectives from the Learning

Lesson Summary
 Point Overview. Should use similar wording but may also
Learning Objectives state key info related to each objective.
 Objective  Point
 Objective
Answer the following questions to see if you This quiz section applies only to learning objectives
Lesson Assessment Questions
remember key points from this lesson. covered in the current lesson.
Don’t forget to click Submit before moving onto Provide any instructions about prerequisites (e.g.
 Answer each question.
the next question. must be online) about how to complete the quiz.
 Click the Submit button.
Click the button when you’re ready to begin.
 Your answer is marked correct or incorrect.
Note to developer: Bold indicates correct answers.
 Click the button below to begin.
[no voiceover] Note to Technical Author:
To save time, initially paste the assessment
questions for this unit from the relevant section
of the unit Final Assessment and then rewrite
each one to be different yet still manage to
validate mastery of Learning Objectives.
This slide automatically displays the learner’s
Assessment Results
assessment results. After reading their results,
[standard automated slide displays the learner’s
learners can opt to review their answers and see
assessment score.]
where they went wrong.
[no audio necessary] Returns learner to the Menu slide showing all
Lesson End
lessons within this course units.
[option buttons allow the learner to go back to the main
menu or move to the next lesson in the unit.]

Page 5
Storyboard: <Name>

Ref# Slide Content Graphics Audio Voiceover Script Technical Info

[sound: plop.wav] Lesson Learning Objective:
Our Business Strategy [no voiceover] Explain strategic reasons contributing to this
Duration: ## minutes [update elapsed time figure as entity’s success.

Lists the learning objectives covered in this lesson

Lesson Overview
to give learners a mental picture.
Learning Objectives
Highlight each bullet point as voiceover discusses
 Objective
 Objective
Objective: Describe core elements of the entity
About Our Strategy
business strategy

Objective: Describe key technologies essential for

Enabling Technologies
this entity to achieve its strategic objectives.


Objective: Identify core policies that underpin the

Key Policies
entity business strategy


Objective: List some successes that offer proof of

Proof of Success
successful strategy

So in summary: Restates the learning objectives from the Learning

Lesson Summary
 Point Overview. Should use similar wording but may also
Learning Objectives state key info related to each objective.
 Objective  Point
 Objective
Answer the following questions to see if you This quiz section applies only to learning objectives
Lesson Assessment Questions
remember key points from this lesson. covered in the current lesson.
Don’t forget to click Submit before moving onto Provide any instructions about prerequisites (e.g.
 Answer each question.
the next question. must be online) about how to complete the quiz.
 Click the Submit button.
Click the button when you’re ready to begin.
 Your answer is marked correct or incorrect.
Note to developer: Bold indicates correct answers.
 Click the button below to begin.
[no voiceover] Note to Technical Author:
To save time, initially paste the assessment
questions for this unit from the relevant section
of the unit Final Assessment and then rewrite
each one to be different yet still manage to
validate mastery of Learning Objectives.
This slide automatically displays the learner’s
Assessment Results
assessment results. After reading their results,
[standard automated slide displays the learner’s
learners can opt to review their answers and see
assessment score.]
where they went wrong.

Page 6
Storyboard: <Name>

Ref# Slide Content Graphics Audio Voiceover Script Technical Info

[no audio necessary] Returns learner to the Menu slide showing all
Lesson End
lessons within this course units.
[option buttons allow the learner to go back to the main
menu or move to the next lesson in the unit.]
[sound: plop.wav] Lesson Learning Objective:
Current and Future Challenges [no voiceover]
Outline the entity’s challenges.
Duration: ## minutes [update elapsed time figure as
Title slide for this lesson. Should also show the
duration in minutes. Update this by referring to the
Captivate Storyboard tab info at each publish.
Lists the learning objectives covered in this lesson
Lesson Overview
to give learners a mental picture.
Learning Objectives
Highlight each bullet point as voiceover discusses
 Objective
 Objective
Objective: Explain the nature of this current
Current Challenges
Challenge 2 Objective: Explain the nature of this current
Challenge 3 Objective: Explain the nature of this current
Objective: Explain future challenges that could
Future Challenges
impact the entity in a positive or negative way.

Future Challenge1 Objective: Explain future challenges that could

impact the entity in a positive or negative way.
Objective: List future opportunities.
Future Opportunities


So in summary: Restates the learning objectives from the Learning

Lesson Summary
 Point Overview. Should use similar wording but may also
Learning Objectives state key info related to each objective.
 Objective  Point
 Objective
Answer the following questions to see if you This quiz section applies only to learning objectives
Lesson Assessment Questions
remember key points from this lesson. covered in the current lesson.
Don’t forget to click Submit before moving onto Provide any instructions about prerequisites (e.g.
 Answer each question.
the next question. must be online) about how to complete the quiz.
 Click the Submit button.
Click the button when you’re ready to begin.
 Your answer is marked correct or incorrect.
Note to developer: Bold indicates correct answers.
 Click the button below to begin.
[no voiceover] Note to Technical Author:
To save time, initially paste the assessment
questions for this unit from the relevant section
of the unit Final Assessment and then rewrite
each one to be different yet still manage to
validate mastery of Learning Objectives.

Page 7
Storyboard: <Name>

Ref# Slide Content Graphics Audio Voiceover Script Technical Info

This slide automatically displays the learner’s
Assessment Results
assessment results. After reading their results,
[standard automated slide displays the learner’s
learners can opt to review their answers and see
assessment score.]
where they went wrong.
[no audio necessary] Returns learner to the Menu slide showing all
Lesson End
lessons within this course units.
[option buttons allow the learner to go back to the main
menu or move to the next lesson in the unit.]
[sound: plop.wav] This lesson is a short and concise review of all
Summary [no voiceover] learning objective points across all lessons and
Duration: ## minutes [update elapsed time figure as topics in this unit.
needed] Title slide for this lesson. Should also show the
duration in minutes. Update this by referring to the
Captivate Storyboard tab info at each publish.
In this lesson we do a quick review of all the key Briefly state the learning objectives for this entire
Lesson Overview
points learned in the entire unit. course unit.
Learning Objectives
Pay close attention here, because these are the
 About <Name>
points you’ll need to know in order to pass the NOTE: Delete Products reference if Functional
 Our Products/Services end-of-unit assessment test. Group, delete Services reference if CSG.
 Our Business Structure
 Our Business Strategy
 Current and Future Challenges

About <Name>
 Identify where this entity fits within BHP
 Outline the history of this entity in BHP
 Rank this entity among its competitors in
the world resources market. [CSG only]
 Generalise the current financial position of
this entity. [CSG only]
Our Products/Services Objectives:
 Identify products this entity uses to create
revenue. [CSG only]
 Identify services delivered by this entity to
clients. [Functional Group only]
 Explain key concepts essential to
understanding this entity’s products or
service lines.
Our Business Structure Objectives:
 Summarise the current business structure
of this entity
 Identify main site locations for this entity
around the world
 State the approximate number of human
resources working with the entity.

Page 8
Storyboard: <Name>

Ref# Slide Content Graphics Audio Voiceover Script Technical Info

Our Business Strategy Objectives:
 Explain strategic reasons contributing to
this entity’s success.
 Describe key elements of the entity
business strategy.
 Describe enabling technologies essential for
this entity to achieve strategic objectives.
 Identify any core policies that underpin the
entity business strategy
 List successes that offer proof of good
Current and Future Challenges Objectives:
 List key challenges facing this entity
 Explain each current challenge to this
 Explain potential future challenges to the
 Explain future opportunities or outlook for
this entity.

And that’s the end of the summary!

End of Summary
In fact this marks the end of this unit.
Learning Objectives
 Objective If you think you’ve successfully absorbed all the Tell them what happens next.
knowledge, you’re ready to do the Final
 Objective
Assessment Test.
Thanks for listening!
[no audio necessary] Returns learner to the Menu slide showing all
Lesson End
lessons within this course units.
[option buttons allow the learner to go back to the main
menu or move to the next lesson in the unit.]
[sound: plop.wav] Objective: Cover all learning objectives from unit
Final Assessment [no voiceover] level down.
Duration: ## minutes [update elapsed time figure as
Assessment test for the entire course unit.

Assessment Instructions: [no voiceover] Note to Technical Author:

Your score in this assessment is recorded for reporting To save time developing each storyboard, you can
purposes! initially paste the assessment questions from this
[Show list with checkboxes and tick each off as it is Final Assessment into the assessment section of
mentioned] each lesson they relate to and then rewrite each
one to be slightly different, yet still manage to
 Have you completed all lessons in this unit?
validate mastery of Learning Objectives.
 Have you done all lesson assessments?
Learning objectives should be consistent from each
 Did you score over 75% for each assessment?
lesson to the final assessment.
 Complete all questions in one sitting.
Boilerplate question text has been provided here
 Passing score is 75% for each of the common question types
 Click Begin > > when ready. (True/False, Multiple Choice, Multiple Answer, Drag
and Drop Match). Copy and modify as needed.
If possible, look for other ways to use questions to
teach concepts. E.g. graphically.

Page 9
Storyboard: <Name>

Ref# Slide Content Graphics Audio Voiceover Script Technical Info

About <Name>
 Identify where this entity fits within BHP
 Outline the history of this entity in BHP
 Rank this entity among its competitors in
the world resources market. [CSG only]
 Generalise the current financial position of
this entity. [CSG only]
[no voiceover]
True or False.
[Mark the statement True or False, then click Submit.]
 True
 False
[no voiceover]
Multiple Choice
[Select the most correct answer from those listed, then
click Submit.]
 Answer
 Answer
 Answer
[no voiceover]
Multiple Answer
[Select all correct answers listed, then click Submit.]
 Answer
 Answer
 Answer
[no voiceover]
Drag and Drop to Match Values
[Drag items from the right column and drop on matching
items in the left column, then click Submit.]
 Answer
 Answer
 Answer
Our Products/Services
 Identify products this entity uses to create
revenue. [CSG only]
 Identify services delivered by this entity to
clients. [Functional Group only]
 Explain key concepts essential to
understanding this entity’s products or
service lines.

Page 10
Storyboard: <Name>

Ref# Slide Content Graphics Audio Voiceover Script Technical Info

[no voiceover]
True or False.
[Mark the statement True or False, then click Submit.]
 True
 False
[no voiceover]
Multiple Choice
[Select the most correct answer from those listed, then
click Submit.]
 Answer
 Answer
 Answer
[no voiceover]
Multiple Answer
[Select all correct answers listed, then click Submit.]
 Answer
 Answer
 Answer
[no voiceover]
Drag and Drop to Match Values
[Drag items from the right column and drop on matching
items in the left column, then click Submit.]
 Answer
 Answer
 Answer
Our Business Structure
 Summarise the current business structure
of this entity
 Identify main site locations for this entity
around the world
 State the approximate number of human
resources working with the entity.
[no voiceover]
True or False.
[Mark the statement True or False, then click Submit.]
 True
 False
[no voiceover]
Multiple Choice
[Select the most correct answer from those listed, then
click Submit.]
 Answer
 Answer
 Answer

Page 11
Storyboard: <Name>

Ref# Slide Content Graphics Audio Voiceover Script Technical Info

[no voiceover]
Multiple Answer
[Select all correct answers listed, then click Submit.]
 Answer
 Answer
 Answer
[no voiceover]
Drag and Drop to Match Values
[Drag items from the right column and drop on matching
items in the left column, then click Submit.]
 Answer
 Answer
 Answer
Our Business Strategy
 Explain strategic reasons contributing to
this entity’s success.
 Describe key elements of the entity
business strategy.
 Describe enabling technologies essential for
this entity to achieve strategic objectives.
 Identify any core policies that underpin the
entity business strategy
 List successes that offer proof of good
[no voiceover]
True or False.
[Mark the statement True or False, then click Submit.]
 True
 False
[no voiceover]
Multiple Choice
[Select the most correct answer from those listed, then
click Submit.]
 Answer
 Answer
 Answer
[no voiceover]
Multiple Answer
[Select all correct answers listed, then click Submit.]
 Answer
 Answer
 Answer

Page 12
Storyboard: <Name>

Ref# Slide Content Graphics Audio Voiceover Script Technical Info

[no voiceover]
Drag and Drop to Match Values
[Drag items from the right column and drop on matching
items in the left column, then click Submit.]
 Answer
 Answer
 Answer
Current and Future Challenges
 List key challenges facing this entity
 Explain each current challenge to this
 Explain potential future challenges to the
 Explain future opportunities or outlook for
this entity.

[no voiceover]
True or False.
[Mark the statement True or False, then click Submit.]
 True
 False
[no voiceover]
Multiple Choice
[Select the most correct answer from those listed, then
click Submit.]
 Answer
 Answer
 Answer
[no voiceover]
Multiple Answer
[Select all correct answers listed, then click Submit.]
 Answer
 Answer
 Answer
[no voiceover]
Drag and Drop to Match Values
[Drag items from the right column and drop on matching
items in the left column, then click Submit.]
 Answer
 Answer
 Answer

Page 13
Storyboard: <Name>

Ref# Slide Content Graphics Audio Voiceover Script Technical Info

[no voiceover]
True or False.
[Mark the statement True or False, then click Submit.]
 True
 False
[no voiceover]
Multiple Choice
[Select the most correct answer from those listed, then
click Submit.]
 Answer
 Answer
 Answer
[no voiceover]
Multiple Answer
[Select all correct answers listed, then click Submit.]
 Answer
 Answer
 Answer
[no voiceover]
Drag and Drop to Match Values
[Drag items from the right column and drop on matching
items in the left column, then click Submit.]
 Answer
 Answer
 Answer
This slide automatically displays the learner’s
Assessment Results
assessment results.
[default automated slide]
After reading their results, learners can opt to
review their answers and see where they went
[no audio necessary] A different slide is displayed depending on whether
Lesson End
or not they passed the test.
[option buttons allow the learner to go back to the main
menu or move to another lesson or unit in the course.] Returns learner to the Menu slide showing all
lessons within this course units.

Page 14

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