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Debanhi Susana Escobar Bazaldúa, was born on September 4, 2003

in Monterrey, the daughter of Mario Escobar and Dolores Bazaldúa.
7 Prior to her disappearance, she was studying law at the
Autonomous University of Nuevo León. 8 9
Around 11 p.m. on Friday, April 8, 2022, Escobar left her house to go
to a party to which she was accompanied by two friends; Saraí
(whom she had known for 3 months) and Ivonne (whom she had met
that night).10 Around 11:30, the three arrived in a digital platform
taxi to a meeting on Simón Bolívar street, in the center of San
Nicolás, where they also went to a self-service store to buy a bottle
of vodka and other items to accompany the drink. In statements it is
mentioned that Escobar consumed alcoholic beverages, and later,
the girl and her companions moved to another party in the center of
San Nicolás where nobody opened them; Given this, she decided to
go to another meeting requesting a taxi from the DiDi platform. in
the morning, which would take them to a Quinta located in Vía
Numancia, Colonia Nueva Castilla, in the municipality of Escobedo.
Seeing that the celebrations had ended there, he decided to go in
search of another party at 1:20, finding one in the Quinta el
Diamante, located on Numancia Street; near the place where they
had arrived. Despite the fact that the organizer of the celebration did
not know them, he allowed them to enter, and at some point at 1:30
Escobar left the same and had a confrontation with some guests of
the place, who commented that they were in a state of

Between approximately 3:29 and 3:36, Juan David, the driver who
had taken them and who had been asked for his cell phone number,
received a message from Ivonne asking him to take Escobar from the
place where they were until his home in Apocada. The man assured
that both the message girl and Saraí asked him to only pick up
Debanhi because she was drunk. During the course of 3:54, she was
picked up by David and in the statements he made, he said that the
young woman he behaved aggressively and wanted to return to the
party. Through messages, the motorist asked his friends for help
when he realized that the address of Escobar's house was wrong
hrough messages, the motorist asked his friends for help when he
realized that the address of Escobar's house was wrong; being 4:25,
the girl decided to get out of the car at kilometer 15.5 of the Vía
Numancia and Vía a Nuevo Laredo highway in the Nueva Castilla
neighborhood, standing to one side of the asphalt, a scene that was
photographed by the driver at 4:26 and sent to the girls who
accompanied her,11 who responded by saying "thank you, but we
don't know what to do" adding that Debanhi was "unbearable" and
had hit and bitten them. If Debanhi hadn't fought with her friends,
she would went safe to her home. In messages exchanged between
the young men and David, told him that the girl had had enough and
that they were even trying to locate her mother by cell phone, but
she did not answer, to which the driver replied by telling them that
he also told her to call him, but she told him that He had no battery
in the phone, offering her to charge it in the car, she answered him
rudely saying that "it was worth it".
That area was delimited by a 2.6 meter fence with barbed wire protection
on the edges, without exits to the street, or access to vehicles. Another
fence that separated the cisterns had less height with only 2.20 meters
and from the place where Escobar was captured for the last time to the
first of three tanks of this type that were in the motel, 2 of which were
open, there was a distance of 11.79 meters .
Mario Escobar reported the disappearance of his daughter to the
FGJENL.14 The girl's search file began to circulate on social networks and
the media, accompanied by the photograph taken by the driver.
body search
On April 10, María de la Luz Balderas Rodríguez,
head of the Local Commission for the Search of
Persons of Nuevo León, announced at a press
conference the creation of an emergency
committee to search for Escobar. On April 12, the
police arrest the driver who picked her up because,
it was the driver who left debanhi alone. According
to the police, finding no elements of guilt and
providing the photograph, he was released.That
day the girl's family summoned her relatives,
friends and the general population to carry out a
massive search in the vicinity of the place where
she disappeared.
Probably if the police had listened to debanhi's
parents, they would have started the search
fasterthe femicide is as wrong as racism.

On April 18, some videos were collected and

analyzed from the surrounding businesses and
places where he was last seen. The investigations
extended to neighboring states. Authorities
reported that there were people giving false clues
to the whereabouts of the young woman.
On April 19, different businesses near the place of
his disappearance were searched, including the
Alcosa company and the Nueva Castilla motel;
likewise, an apartment in the center of Monterrey.
In addition, thanks to these searches it was also
reported that other bodies of missing young
women were found. In particular, Escobar's father
together with a group of people began to search in
wells and cisterns for miles around.
a debanhi ID card was found in one of the cisterns.
this alerted society, because Femicide is more and
more constant problem in Mexico, the search for
the body was more and more difficult since it was a
very large place and there were few clues, so the
police Couldn't find a guilty
discovery of his body
It was April 21 that Mario Escobar authorized the
addition of a cell from the National Search
Commission to the investigative work. On the night
of that day, the body of the young woman was
found inside a cistern four meters deep, located in
the Nueva Castilla motel, a place where the
authorities had been for 13 days without finding
On April 22, fate confirmed that it was Debanhi's
body.he was in the emphysematous phase of
putrefaction, which indicated a death date of five
days to two weeks.10 The police determined that
the cause of his death was due to a "deep skull
",version that her relatives disqualified.4 In
addition, the authorities recognized that the cistern
where the girl was found had already been
investigated four times, including with the
presence of various state authorities. femicide is a
constant problem in Mexico and America. If i had
the chance, i would buy a serie of cameras for the
downtwons . In addition, we need to have more
pólice officers around the streets. If I had the
power, I would contract all the pólice officers as
posible to take care of the streets. I wish I had more
security in South America for this type of cases. If
only I had the chance to said this problem in a face
to face conversation with the Mexico´s president I
think he would have aware of Mexico´s insecurity.I
think if I were the president , I would have to
implement life in prison in south america, probably
the unique form to have justice

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