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Few can offer the same relaxation as immersing your feet in warm white sand while a cool breeze

caresses your face. The scorching sun burns your feet, the rough waves hit the shore, and the tide foams. The
evergreen coconut and palm trees shook and bent under the force of the wind, but never broke. The thin
horizon makes the turquoise water look forever, in contrast to the light blue sky. There were few spotted
clouds in the sky and it was very calm, reminiscent of the natural paintings I saw in the art gallery. A swarm of
charcoal ravens that cut through the sun, a huge bald silhouette of brightness, but I couldn't keep my eyes on it
while I felt it pierce my eyes. The couple, splashing bubbling water and walking in the salty liquid, laughed
from the bottom of their hearts, but from this distance they could only hear a muffled sound. I lay quietly under
the coconut tree, rolled in the shade, and ran to a small grain of sand that slipped through my hand as easily as
water. I was able to lie on my back and raise my knees to see the sun slowly but surely set on the horizon.

The sky turned pink and orange like the cherry blossoms in the orange garden. Water is a mirror that forms a
crescent moon on its surface, flattening when it turns into liquid gold, and bubbling when the sun sets. The
darkness fell instantly, sneaking in from the west as scattered clouds gathered in a breathing mass of
destruction. Soon the sun set under a gathering storm. Blurred background of sky, sand and leaves. Small twigs
and small leaves flapped and danced in harmony with the storm. The couple rushed to the shore, but the wind
tore her straw hat from the woman's head and swirled into the sky with constant movement. The wind was
getting stronger and the trees seemed to be at the peak of resistance, always trying to pile up on a broken and
twisted mountain. The storm is now a swirling body of clouds and sand, with a sharp lightning ripping in the
middle. It glowed eerily from the inside as the thunder roared across the waves. It was time to go. I rushed to
my car, parked just a few yards away, and finally saw the paradise that had just turned into a devastating

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