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IC-TA-CD-00-10 (A)

Royal Commission for Jubail and Yanbu


RC Contract No. 692-CO5 Date: 02-08-2022
Subject Water Meter Details & pay item missing for external Toilet TQ No.: 110

Dwg/Spec//Ref.: 692-320-20TR-CE-251/252/253/254/255/256;692-040-20TR-ME-411 Required By:

Information Requested Civil ✔ Mechanical Electrical Architecture Other

Water meter not shown in external Toilets drawings(Element-6),also there is no pay item for it. Please clarify

1)whether water meter is required to install by us,provide pay item and revise drawings showing water meter if it's
2)Water meter specification mentioned in RC specification is either Displacement type or Turbine type while
Marafiq requires smart technology battery operated Ultrasonic flow meter which is costlier.(Marafiq comments
3)Does lift stations also required separate water meter.

Initiate by: ✔ Contractor Ismail Hakki

____________________ ________________
______________ ____________
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Construction Engineer (CE) ____________________ ________________ ______________ ____________

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TQs initiated by Contractors shall be reviewed with the RC Construction Engineer prior to submittal to preclude requesting information already available to the contractor


Engineering or Other Department

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Construction Project Support (CPS)

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Authorized Representative (AR)

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Field Change Document (FCD) Required: YES NO

(Note: FCD used for Design Change, Cost and Schedule Impact)

COPIES TO: CONTRACTOR/Contract Administrator/ Authorized Representative/Construction Engineer/ Royal Commission EDCC

IC-TA-CD-00-10 (A) Page 1 of 1 PROCEDURE REV-1

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