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The majority of people use social media actively in their everyday lives. Believe it

or not, social media has been playing a major role in our lives for a long time. In this

study, we aim to further understand the views and perceptions of the people who use

social media the most; which statistically and scientifically proven, are students.

In 2018, a research about teenagers’ use of social media was conducted by the

Pew Research Center in the United States, in which they found that 51% of U.S. teens

with ages 13-17 use Facebook, which is lower than the use of YouTube, Instagram, or

Snapchat. On their 2014-2015 survey, Facebook has the most usage, encompassing 71%

of the U.S teen population. But in 2018, it was not dominant anymore. It was shown that

85% use YouTube and Snapchat were the most used social media website with a

percentage of 35%.

We conducted a survey on 50 Grade 11 students from different strands of De La

Salle University-Manila to see their views on social media and what social media

platforms they spend most of their time on. The students were chosen using the random

sampling method, wherein we drew a random number and whoever has the number as

their class number would be a participant of our survey. We also utilized Google forms

for the organization of our survey.

Through our survey with a number of 50 respondents from Grade 11 students of

different strands from De La Salle University-Manila, we were able to further

differentiate their perception of social media and know how much involvement it has

made into their lives.

Survey Questions:

1. What social medias do you use?

❏ Facebook

❏ Twitter

❏ Instagram

❏ Snapchat

❏ Youtube

❏ Tumblr

❏ Reddit

❏ None of the above

❏ Other

2. What social media do you use the MOST?

❏ Facebook

❏ Twitter

❏ Instagram

❏ Snapchat

❏ Youtube

❏ Tumblr
❏ Reddit

3. What is your purpose in using the said social media?

❏ Connecting with friends and family

❏ Self-expression

❏ Entertainment

4. Why do you prefer using the chosen social media?

5. How often do you use it in a day?

❏ 1-3 hours

❏ 4-6 hours

❏ 7+ hours

6. How are you affected by the use of social media?

❏ Positively

❏ Negatively

❏ Neither positive nor negative

7. Do you get distracted by social media when out with friends and


❏ Yes

❏ No

8. Were you ever bullied, peer pressured, and/or distracted on/by social


❏ Yes

❏ No
9. What are your thoughts on social media?

10. Can you say that you are a social media addict?

❏ Yes

❏ No

II. Data Presentation

We have conducted a survey that targets teenagers, more specifically Grade 11

Senior High School students of De la Salle University-Manila, these are the answers (in

graphs) of the random sample of students. There are a total of 50 grade 11 senior high

school respondents.
III. Data Analysis
As explained in the introduction, in order to come up with at least 50 respondents, the

researchers created a random sample with 6 people per chosen Grade 11 class. Moving on, to

compute the estimation of proportion, the researchers used the formula ¿, ^p + z ❑α/ 2 √❑] wherein

^p is the proportion of the given data in decimal form such as YouTube with 1; z is 1.96 because

a 95% confidence level is used, so 0.05/2 is 0.025, giving us 1.96; n is 50, for it is the number of

people in the sample; and q^ is 1− ^p . Substitute the values, then, you will arrive at the proportion

intervals. With that, using the data from the researchers’ reference article and the recently

gathered data, they concluded the proportion intervals of each app in terms of how many use it

within the sample of people provided: YouTube ([1]); Instagram ([0.60, 0.84]); Snapchat ([0.11,

0.33]); Facebook ([0.91,1]); Twitter ([0.64, 0.88]); Tumblr ([0.01, 0.16]); Reddit ([0.14, 0.38]);

and no one chose None of the Above.

The proportion intervals of which app is used by the sample the most were computed,

which gave the following results: Facebook ([0.26, 0.54]); Twitter ([0.06, 0.26]); Instagram

([0.07, 0.26]); YouTube ([0.14, 0.38]); and left Tumblr, Reddit, and Snapchat at 0. The intervals

were concluded with a 95% confidence level.

IV. Test of Hypothesis

Question No. 1: What social medias do you use?

Top Answer: Youtube - 100%

Case 1 Test of Hypothesis


N = 50

x = 100

μ ο = 85

σ = 38

⍺= 0.05


11 = 9.64
√ 50

HO: μ= 85

HA: μ≠ 85

Reject HO.

μ≠ 85

Question No. 2: What social media do you use the most?

Second Top Answer: Youtube - 26%

Case 1 Test of Hypothesis


N = 50

x = 16

μ ο = 40

σ = 27
⍺= 0.05


27 = -6.29
√ 50

HO: μ= 40

HA: μ≠ 40


Reject HO.

μ≠ 40

V. Conclusion

This research is aimed at investigating the perceptions and views of young people

towards social media. A research has been conducted a year ago regarding this topic and this
survey has proved how time and trends change quickly over the years. The data of this survey

that is shown demonstrates how often teenagers use gadgets and technologies, not just for

communication and entertainment but for academic purposes as well. From the results that we

got from our respondents which are Grade 11 students of De La Salle University, they claim that

social media has both negative and positive effects depending on how one uses it and how one

disciplines himself or herself. Unlike how adults view social media as a disturbance to the

education of the youth, social media is beneficial which is proven by this study. To sum it all up,

young people spend most of their daytime hours using social media for entertainment,

communication and studies, respectively.

De La Salle University-Manila

Grade 11 Students’ Perception and Discernment of Social Media

A Qualitative Study in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for Statistics and Probability 1

Passed to:
Mrs. Regina Tresvalles

Passed by:
Asinas, Maria Alecxandriel
Cataquiz, Mariele Fiona
Chua, Jannamae Joyce
Galo, Jacqueline
Gloria, Lyra Krizelle
Go, Alyssa Louise
Reyes, Julianne Engracia
Tan, Kaye Sydney

December 2019

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