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Noun: Noun দব্ারা েকান ব(িক্ত, বস্তু, স্থান, শহর, নদী ইত(ািদর নাম েবাঝােনা হয়। অন(কথায়, A
noun is a naming word.
েযমন: Rajshahi (শহেরর নাম), Physics (িবষেয়র নাম), The Padma (নদীর নাম), Afrin (মানুেষর
নাম) ইত(ািদ।
Noun Common


(1) Abstract Noun: েয Noun দব্ারা েকান ব(িক্ত বা বস্তুর quality, action বা state বুঝায় তােক
Abstract noun বেল। Abstract Noun এর েকান physical shape েনই। অন(কথায়, এেক
ধরা েছাঁয়া বা েদখা যায় না। বরং এেক অনুভব করা যায় ।
Love, Sorrow, Happiness, Communication, Decision, Affection ইত(ািদ।

উেল্লখ(, িবিভন্ন Subject (পাঠ(িবষয়)- এর নাম হেলা Abstract noun. েযমন: English, Physics,
Biology, Accounting, Mathematics ইত(ািদ।

(2) Concrete Noun: েয Noun েক ধরা বা েছাঁয়া যায়; অন( কথায় যার physical shape
(বািহ(ক আকৃিত) আেছ তােক concrete noun বেল । Concrete noun চার পৰ্কার। যথা:

i) Proper Noun (নামবাচক িবেশষ(): েকান িকছু র নামেক proper noun বেল।
েযমন: Rahim (মানুেষর নাম), Rajshahi, Dhaka (শহেরর নাম), Padma (নদীর নাম),
Bangladesh (েদেশর নাম) ইত(ািদ।

ii) Common Noun (সাধারণ িবেশষ(): একািধক proper noun- এর সাধারণ নামই common
েযমন: student, river, soldier, country, city ইত(ািদ।
Proper Noun ও Common
Noun- এর তুলনামূলক আেলাচনা

Proper Noun Common Noun

Rahim, Karim Man/Person/Boy

Padma, Meghna River

Dhaka, Rajshahi City, Place

Rose, Sun Flower Flower

Afrin, Sadia Girl, Woman

Proper Noun ও Common
Noun- এর তুলনামূলক আেলাচনা

Plural Common Noun : েকান Noun এেকর অিধক হেলই তােক Plural Common Noun
বেল। আবার, Adjective এর plural হয় না িকন্তু এর পূেবর্ The বিসেয় Plural করা হয়। The +
adjective েকান িবেশষ েশৰ্ণীর সকলেক েবাঝায় বেল এেক Plural Common Noun বেল এবং
এর পরবতর্ী verb িট plural হয়।
Proper Noun as Common Noun
• সাদৃ েশ(র তুলনা করেত ভুলনীয় Proper Noun-িট Common Noun িহেসেব কাজ কের। এেক্ষেতৰ্
Common Noun- িটর পূেবর্ Article বেস। স্থােনর নাম/সময় দব্ারা িনিদর্ষ্ট কের েবাঝােল the এবং
অিনিদর্ষ্ট কের েবাঝােল বা অেনেকর মত একজন a/an বেস।

Nelson Mandela is an Abraham Lincoln in his ideals.

Nazrul is the Byron of Bangladesh.

Abstract Noun as Common Noun

• যখন Abstract Noun দব্ারা েকান েদাষ বা গ‌ুণ না বুিঝেয় ঐ গ‌ুণসম্পন্ন ব(িক্তেক েবাঝায় তখন তা
Common Noun িহেসেব কাজ কের। এেক্ষেতৰ্ Abstract Noun-িটর পূেবর্ a/an বেস।

She is a beauty.
He is a talent.

iii) Collective Noun (সমিষ্টবাচক িবেশষ(): একই জাতীয় িকছু common noun-এর সমিষ্টেক
collective noun বেল।
েযমন: audience, herd, family, army committee crowd, flock team, jury
িকছু Common Noun এর সমিষ্টই হেচ্ছ Collective Noun

A batch of এক দল ছাতৰ্ A Flock of birds এক ঝাঁক পািখ

A bank/gang এক দল ডাকাত A band of musicians এক দল যন্তৰ্িশল্পী
of robbers
An army/A
troop of এক দল ৈসন( A heap of files ফাইেলর স্তুপ
A band of
তীথর্ যাতৰ্ীর দল A pile of books এক গাদা বই
িকছু Common Noun এর সমিষ্টই হেচ্ছ Collective Noun

A board of পিরচালকেদর
A gathering of people জন সমােবশ
directors েবাডর্

A squad of েহামগােডর্র দল A shoal/school of fish এক ঝাঁক মাছ

home guards

A bundle of এক বািন্ডল
A crowd of passengers যাতৰ্ীেদর িভড়
pencils েপিন্সল

A galaxy of পৰ্িতভাবানেদর এক ঝাঁক মািছ

A swarm of flies or bees
talents সমােবশ বা েমৗমািছ
িকছু Common Noun এর সমিষ্টই হেচ্ছ Collective Noun

A cluster of শhগ‌ুচ্ছ A bunch of keys চািবর েগাছা

A pack of একদল িশকারী
A collection of books বইেয়র সংগৰ্হ
hounds কুকুর

A herd of একদল
গরুর পাল A team of players
cows/Cattle েখেলায়াড়
Collective noun ও Common
noun-এর তুলনামূলক আেলাচনা

ধরা যাক, ১১ জন বালক একিট ফুটবল দল (team) গঠন কেরেছ। এখােন বালক বা boy একিট
common noun. আর এই common noun (১১ জন বালক)-এর সমিষ্টই হল collective
noun (team).
Collective noun ও Common
noun-এর তুলনামূলক আেলাচনা

এখােন ‘১১ জন বালক’ বা ’11 boys’ (plural common noun) একেতৰ্ একিট Team গঠন কের।
তাই Team (collective noun)হল singular.
Collective noun ও Common
noun-এর তুলনামূলক আেলাচনা

The team is playing well. িকন্তু যিদ collective noun-এর অন্তগর্ত এর সদস., common noun-েক
েবাঝােত collective noun-এর পের plural verb ব.বহৃত হয় (যিদও noun-িট singular)। Collective
noun-এর এই অবস্থােক Noun of Multitude বেল।
Some important Collective Nouns

Crockery: plates, dishes, cups, glasses ইত(ািদর Collective Noun

Cutlery: Knives, spoons, forks, chopsticks and other eating utensils এর

Collective Noun

Eatery: A restaurant or a place that provides food.

Weaponry: All the weapons of a particular type or belonging to a particular

country or group.

iv) Material Noun (উপাদানবাচক িবেশষ(): েকান িকছু র গাঠিনক উপাদান বা উপকরণেক Material
Noun বেল।
েযমন: Diamond, Water, Paper, Salt, Milk, Brick, Wood ইত(ািদ।

Material Common Noun

Brick, Cement House, Building

Wood, Plastic Furniture

Gold, Diamond Ornament

Bone, Flesh, Blood Man, Animal

Countable and Uncountable noun

েকান Noun-েক গণনা করা যায় বা যায় না এর উপের িভিত্ত কের Noun আবার ২ (দুই) পৰ্কার-
Countable noun ও Uncountable noun (American English-এ এেদরেক যথাকৰ্েম
Count noun ও Non- noun বলা হয়।

Uncountable noun েক Mass Noun ও বলা হয়।

Contrast between count
and non-count noun

Count Noun Non-count Noun

1. Non-count noun-এর পূেবর্ a/an বেস

1. Count Noun-এর পূেবর্ a/an বসেত না।
পাের। েযমন: a pen, an apple েযমন: A toothpaste (wrong), a
money (wrong)

2. Count Noun Singular বা plural

2. Non-count Noun সবর্দা Singular হয়।
উভয়ই হেত পাের।
েযমন: Furniture, Furnitures (wrong)
েযমন: book, books, pen, pens
Contrast between count
and non-count noun

Count Noun Non-count Noun

3. Count Noun-এর পূেবর্ সংখ(াবাচক 3. Non-count noun-এর পূেবর্ সরাসির

Adjective বসেত পাের। Adjective ব(বহার করা যায় না।
েযমন: one man, two pens, five েযমন: two money (wrong), three
books furnitures (wrong)
Some non-count nouns

Information Homework Luck Furniture

Food Soup Leisure Machinery

Luggage Advertising News Money

Soap Corn Fun Poetry
Knowledge Patience Permission Anger
Courage Poverty Chaos Air
Some non-count nouns

Sand Politics Economics Physics

Mathematics Measles Mumps Equipment

Scenery Advice Meat Damage

Music Progress Toothpaste Time
Nouns that can be both
count and non counts

িকছু noun েক্ষতৰ্ িবেশেষ (ব(বহার অনুযায়ী) countable বা uncountable িহসােব ব(বহৃত হেত
Nouns that can be both
count and non counts

Count Noun Meaning Non-count Noun Meaning

1.The state of
sharing the
Agreement A contract (চুিক্ত) Agreement same opinion 2.
Approval ()
Nouns that can be both
count and non counts

Count Noun Meaning Non-count Noun Meaning

A specific 1.The state of

Business (ব(বসার company Or sharing the
kind of Business (েপশা) same opinion 2.
ধরণ) company Approval
Business (সহমত)
Nouns that can be both
count and non counts

Count Noun Meaning Non-count Noun Meaning

The flame, light

Fire An event Fire
and heat

A container
Glass Glass (কাঁচ) Material
(পািনর গ্লাস)

An award
Honour Honour Respect
Nouns that can be both
count and non counts

Count Noun Meaning Non-count Noun Meaning

The absence of
Light A lamp (বািত/বালব্) Light
darkness (আেলা)

Sounds in
Noise A specific sound Noise

A part of a floor
Room Room Space (জায়গা)
Nouns that can be both
count and non counts

Count Noun Meaning Non-count Noun Meaning

1.Room (জায়গা
An empty area
Space for a specific Space
2. The universe
Nouns that can be both
count and non counts

Count Noun Meaning Non-count Noun Meaning

1. An artistic
Work creation Work
2.Any activity
Nouns that can be both
count and non counts

Count Noun Meaning Non-count Noun Meaning

1. A specific
Material ( েযমন:
paper কাগেজর ৈতির
Paper Paper
2. A
িকছু Uncountable noun-এর সােথ -s/-es েযাগ করা যায় অথর্(াৎ plural করা যায়। তেব েসেক্ষেতৰ্
অথর্ সম্পূ ণর্ পিরবতর্ন হেয় যায়। এবং Word-িট Plural Countable হেয় যায়।
Count Noun Count Noun Count Noun Non-count Noun

Damage (ক্ষিত) Damages (ক্ষিতপূরণ) Time (সময়) Times (বারবার)

Works (িশল্প বা Businesses

Work (কাজ) Business (ব(বসা) (ব(বসাপৰ্িতষ্ঠান/ব(বসা
র ধরণ)
Crop (শস() Crops (গাছগাছািল) Water (পািন) Waters (জলাশয়)

Advice Advices (ব(বসািয়ক

Wood (কাঠ) Woods (বন)
(উপেদশ) সংবাদ)
Count and Non-count nouns
with similar meaning
িনেচর সমাথর্ক শh যুগলগ‌ুেলার একিট Countable শh এবং অপরিট Uncountable.
Count and Non-count nouns
with similar meaning

Non-count Non-count
Count Nouns Count Nouns
Nouns Noun

Climate Weather Traffic jam Traffic

Laugh Laughter Sunbeam

Job Work Snowflake Snow

Count and Non-count nouns
with similar meaning

Non-count Non-count
Count Nouns Count Nouns
Nouns Noun

Machine Machinery Advertisement Advertising

Journey Travel
Use of Determiners

Determiner: Determiner হল িবেশষ ধরেণর Adjective. অন(ান( adjective-এর মতই

Determiner-ও বােক( noun-েক qualify কের। Determiner noun-এর মােঝ অবশ(ই সঙ্গিত
থাকেত হেব। Determiner-এর মাধ(েম েকান Noun Singular/Plural বা Countable/
Uncountable তা েবাঝা যায় বা িনিদর্ষ্ট বা অিনিদর্ষ্ট ইত(ািদ েবাঝা যায়।
Use of Determiners

Determiners with Countable Nouns Count Nouns

few, a few, the few little, a little, the little

Many much

number of amount of

several …
Use of Determiners

Determiners with Countable Nouns Count Nouns

Another …

both …

a, an, the the

all (of the) all (of the)

Use of Determiners

Determiners with Countable Nouns Count Nouns

Some some

a lot of a lot of

a great deal of a great deal of

almost all almost all

Use of Determiners

Determiners with Countable Nouns Count Nouns

a any

this, that, these, those this, that

none, one, two, three none

fewer...than Less…than
Use of Determiners

Determiners with Countable Nouns Count Nouns

more...than more...than
Few & Little Vs. A Few & A Little

Few / A few বেস Countable noun এর আেগ এবং Little/ A little বেস Uncountable
noun এর আেগ।
Few এবং little উভয়ই Negative (না েবাধক) অথর্ বহন কের। েযমন: I have few friends.
(আমার বন্ধু েনই বলেলই চেল।) There is little time to waste. (নষ্ট করার মত সময় হােত েনই।)
A few এবং A little উভয়ই Affirmative (হ(া-েবাধক) অথর্ বহন কের। েযমন: I have a few
friends. (আমার অল্প িকছু বন্ধু আেছ।) Add a little sugar to my tea. (আমার চা-এ অল্প িচিন
A few এবং A little Some (িকছু ) অেথর্ ব(বহৃত হয়।
Some important rules regarding
Noun and Determiner

িবিভন্ন uncountable noun-এর পূেবর্ ব(বহৃত expression গ‌ুেলা িনেচ েদওয়া হল:

A piece of advice A piece of mine A piece of furniture

A piece of news A piece of ours A piece of information

A piece of jewellery A piece of luggage A piece of mail

Some important rules regarding
Noun and Determiner

A loaf of/a
A piece of music A piece of toast slice of /A bread
piece of

A piece of corn A bar of soap A bolt of lightning

A piece of thunder A gust of wind A piece of work

Some important rules regarding
Noun and Determiner

Count noun সাধারণত একা ব(বহৃত হয় না। এেদর পূেবর্ Determiner বেস বা Plural হয়। েযমন:

He is looking for a job.

Jobs are not so available in today's Bangladesh.
Some important rules regarding
Noun and Determiner

4. Hundred, thousand, million ইত(ািদ যিদ িনিদর্ষ্টভােব ব(বহৃত হয় অথর্াৎ এেদর পূেবর্ যিদ েকান
সংখ(া বেস তাহেল এেদর সােথ -s বেস না অথর্াৎ plural হয় না।

Three thousand people

Five million minds
Some important rules regarding
Noun and Determiner

4. যিদ িনিদর্ষ্টভােব ব(বহৃত না হয় অথর্াৎ এেদর পূেবর্ যিদ েকান সংখ(া না বেস তাহেল এেদর সােথ -s বেস
অথর্াৎ plural হয়।

Thousands of people (হাজার হাজার মানুষ) are gathering there.

Some important rules regarding
Noun and Determiner

5. একিট noun অপর একিট noun-এর পূেবর্ ব(বহৃত হেল অথর্াৎ একািধক noun পাশাপািশ বসেল
েশষ noun-িট noun িহেসেব এবং পূেবর্র noun-িট Adjective িহেসেব কাজ কের। আর েযেহতু
Adjective-এর singular বা Plural হয় না তাই Adjective িহেসেব ব(বহৃত noun িট plural
হয় না। Number এবং Word একসােথ বসেল তােদর মােঝ Hyphen বেস।এ ধরেণর
Adjective েক Noun-adjective বা Hyphened Adjective ও বলা হয়।

I took a 10-day leave. (NOT leaves)

I read a 100-page book. (NOT books)

Scissors Shorts Pants Jeans Tongs

Trousers Eyeglasses Pliers Tweezers tights
Pyjamas spectacles

spectacles Tongs

A pair of pants is in the drawer.

This pair of scissors is dull.
These scissors are dull.
1. Did you hear (a noise/ noise) just now? No, I didn't hear anything.
2. Sue was very helpful. She gave us some very useful (advice/advices).
3. We had (very good weather/ a very good weather) while we were on
4. We were very unfortunate. We had (bad luck/ a bad luck).
5. It's very difficult to find a (work/job) at the moment.
6. Our (travel/ journey) from London to Istanbul by train was very tiresome.
7. When the fire alarm rang, there was (total chaos/ a total chaos).
Previous Years Questions

1. I have the (little) money. [Medical 06-07]

a. slightest
b. little
c. least
d. less
Previous Years Questions

1. I have the (little) money. [Medical 06-07]

a. slightest
b. little
c. least
d. less

2. Choose the correct sentence [D.U.A unit 2012-13]

a. The jury is arguing among themselves.
b.The jury has argued among themselves.
c. The jury has been arguing among themselves.
d. The jury are arguing among themselves.

2. Choose the correct sentence [D.U.A unit 2012-13]

a. The jury is arguing among themselves.
b.The jury has argued among themselves.
c. The jury has been arguing among themselves.
d. The jury are arguing among themselves.

3. There is _____ on the roads today. [D.U.B unit 2005-06,2001-02]

a. few traffics.
b. too much traffic
c. very much traffic
d. too many traffic

3. There is _____ on the roads today. [D.U.B unit 2005-06,2001-02]

a. few traffics.
b. too much traffic
c. very much traffic
d. too many traffic

4. I don't have _____ spare time these days. [D.U.B unit 2001-02]
a. Some
b. more
c. many
d. much

4. I don't have _____ spare time these days. [D.U.B unit 2001-02]
a. Some
b. more
c. many
d. much

5. There is _____ milk in the bottle. [D.U.A unit 2012-13]

a. Very few
b. any
c. Very little
d. many

5. There is _____ milk in the bottle. [D.U.A unit 2012-13]

a. Very few
b. any
c. Very little
d. many

6. Although southern California is densely populated,____ live in the northern

part of the state. [D.U.D unit 2003-04]
a. a little people
b. Only a few people
c. some of the people
d. many people

6. Although southern California is densely populated,____ live in the northern

part of the state. [D.U.D unit 2003-04]
a. a little people
b. Only a few people
c. some of the people
d. many people

7. Choose the correct sentence. [D.U.B unit 2004-05]

a. I need a few furniture.
b. I do not need many furnitures.
c. I need some furniture.
d. I do not need many furnitures.

7. Choose the correct sentence. [D.U.B unit 2004-05]

a. I need a few furniture.
b. I do not need many furnitures.
c. I need some furniture.
d. I do not need many furnitures.

8. Choose the correct sentence. [D.U.D unit 2001-02]

a. less people get American visas now a days
b. Less people get American visas now a day
c. Few people get American visas now a day
d. Fewer people get American visas now-a-days.

8. Choose the correct sentence. [D.U.D unit 2001-02]

a. less people get American visas now a days
b. Less people get American visas now a day
c. Few people get American visas now a day
d. Fewer people get American visas now-a-days.

9. I'd like ____ information, please. [D.U.A unit 12-13]

a. an
b. some
c. Few
d. piece

9. I'd like ____ information, please. [D.U.A unit 12-13]

a. an
b. some
c. Few
d. piece

10. ____ of pollution in the cities should not be overlooked by the authorities.
a. Affects [D.U.D unit 96-97]

b. Effecting
c. Affect
d. effects

10. ____ of pollution in the cities should not be overlooked by the authorities.
a. Affects [D.U.D unit 96-97]

b. Effecting
c. Affect
d. effects

11. Nasrin is an interior decorator, designs _____. [D.U.D unit 00-01]

a. Furniture
b. the furniture
c. Furniture’s
d. Some furniture

11. Nasrin is an interior decorator, designs _____. [D.U.D unit 00-01]

a. Furniture
b. the furniture
c. Furniture’s
d. Some furniture

12. Choose the correct sentence. [D.U.C unit 11-12]

a. We have much works to do in summer.
b. We have many works to do in summer.
c. We have a lot of work to do in summer.
d. We have lots of work to do in summer.

12. Choose the correct sentence. [D.U.C unit 11-12]

a. We have much works to do in summer.
b. We have many works to do in summer.
c. We have a lot of work to do in summer.
d. We have lots of work to do in summer.

13. Choose the correct sentence. [D.U.D unit 03-04]

a. We take decisions based on some informations.
b. We take decision based on some informations.
c. We take decisions based on some information.
d. We take decision based on some informations.

13. Choose the correct sentence. [D.U.D unit 03-04]

a. We take decisions based on some informations.
b. We take decision based on some informations.
c. We take decisions based on some information.
d. We take decision based on some informations.

14. The Padma is a river. Choose the correct parts of speech of the
underline word. [R.U. 2005-06]

a. Collective noun
b. pronoun
c. abstract noun
d. proper noun

14. The Padma is a river. Choose the correct parts of speech of the
underline word. [R.U. 2005-06]

a. Collective noun
b. pronoun
c. abstract noun
d. proper noun

15. Find out the common noun. [R.U. 2012-13]

a. flock
b. bunch
c. city
d. Dhaka

15. Find out the common noun. [R.U. 2012-13]

a. flock
b. bunch
c. city
d. Dhaka

16. The crowd was very big. Which form of noun the underlined word is-
a. common [R.U. 2007-08]

b. proper
c. Collective
d. abstract

16. The crowd was very big. Which form of noun the underlined word is-
a. common [R.U. 2007-08]

b. proper
c. Collective
d. abstract

17. I think _____ should pay more taxes. [R.U(law) 09-10]

a. The rich
b. The riches
c. rich
d. riches

17. I think _____ should pay more taxes. [R.U(law) 09-10]

a. The rich
b. The riches
c. rich
d. riches

18. What kind of noun is ‘Journey’?

a. common
b. collective
c. proper
d. abstract

18. What kind of noun is ‘Journey’?

a. common
b. collective
c. proper
d. abstract

19. There is _____ water in the glass. [R.U. F-15-16]

a. few
b. A little
c. Not many
d. A few

19. There is _____ water in the glass. [R.U. F-15-16]

a. few
b. A little
c. Not many
d. A few

20. Which one is used in a negative sense? [R.U. (E)-17-18]

a. The few
b. A few
c. little
d. A little

20. Which one is used in a negative sense? [R.U. (E)-17-18]

a. The few
b. A few
c. little
d. A little

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