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Final Detailed Project Report on

Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme

Madhya Pradesh Urban Services Improvement Program, UDED, Bhopal Dist – Hoshangabad, Madhya Pradesh
Urban Water Supply Improvement Project in Tier II Cities of M.P.

Volume I- Main Report, Volume II- Designs,

Volume III – Estimates, Volume IV - Drawings
Project Director, Project Uday, Project Management Unit,

Estimated Cost : Rs. 1416.12 Lacs

August - 2016
DRA Consultants Pvt. Ltd.
58, Ingole Nagar, Opp. Airport, Behind
Hotel Pride, Wardha Road, Nagpur – 05
Email –
Detailed Project Report on “Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme” {R0}


List of Abbreviation...................................................................................................................5
List of References ......................................................................................................................7
List of Tables .............................................................................................................................7
Certificate .............................................................................................................................9
Project ata Glance ....................................................................................................................10
1 Executive Summary..........................................................................................................17
2 Introduction ......................................................................................................................19
2.1 Authority for Preparation of Project: ........................................................................20
2.2 About the Town.........................................................................................................21
2.3 Existing Scenario of Water Supply Arrangements ...................................................24
2.4 Existing Scenario of Sewerage / Waste Water Arrangements ..................................27
3 Need of the Project ...........................................................................................................29
4 Approach & Methodology................................................................................................31
4.1 Approach ...................................................................................................................31
4.2 DPR Preparation Planning & Key Stages of the Assignment:..................................31
4.3 Methodology .............................................................................................................33
5 Population Forecasting & Water Demand Calculation ....................................................37
5.1 Population as per Censes...........................................................................................37
5.2 Population Forecasting – Design Horizon ................................................................37
5.3 Water Demand Calculations as per MPUSIP Guidelines .........................................40
5.4 Ward-Wise Distribution of Water& Distribution Zone ............................................42
6 About Water Source– Tube Wells....................................................................................44
6.1 Narmada River as a Source .......................................................................................44
6.2 Ool River & Anjana River as a Source .....................................................................48
6.3 Tube Wells / Ground Water as a Source ...................................................................49
7 Design Norms & Parameter Adopted for WSS Components...........................................52
7.1 Factors Affecting Consumption ................................................................................52
7.2 Rate of Water Supply ................................................................................................52
7.3 Un-accounted for Water ............................................................................................52
7.4 Peak factor.................................................................................................................52
7.5 Continuous Supply ....................................................................................................52
7.6 Quality Standards ......................................................................................................53

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7.7 Selection Surface Water:...........................................................................................54

7.8 Appurtenances:..........................................................................................................54
7.9 Minimum &Maximum Velocity of Flow..................................................................54
7.10 Water Hammer ..........................................................................................................54
7.11 Head Loss in Pipes ....................................................................................................54
7.12 Head Loss due to Specials and Appurtenances:........................................................55
7.13 Pipe Material Options................................................................................................55
7.14 Laying& Jointing of Pipeline ....................................................................................55
7.15 Testing of Laid Pipeline ............................................................................................55
7.16 Water Treatment Plant ..............................................................................................56
7.17 Pumping ....................................................................................................................57
7.18 Service Reservoir ......................................................................................................58
7.19 Distribution System...................................................................................................58
7.20 Single Contractor Supply, Laying & Jointing...........................................................58
7.21 Domestic Water Meters.............................................................................................59
7.22 Bulk Water Meters ....................................................................................................59
8 Construction Issues&Activity during Execution ..............................................................61
8.1 ConstructionActivity Plan .........................................................................................61
8.2 Floating of Bids for Time-Bound Completion of Works..........................................61
8.3 Traffic Management Plan..........................................................................................61
8.4 Co-ordination withLine Departments & Utilisation of Provisional Sum..................61
8.5 Status of Strata/ Soil, Water Table in the Bankhedi Town .......................................61
8.6 Safety & Environmental Plan for Execution of WSS ...............................................62
8.7 Social Safeguards ......................................................................................................63
9 Abstract of Project Cost....................................................................................................65
10 Establishment, Operation, Maintenance & Repair of WSS..............................................67
10.1 Institutional Review &Structure of Operation &Maintenance Team .......................67
10.2 Annual Operation, Maintenance& Repair Charges...................................................68
10.3 Establishment, Operation, Maintenance & Repair Charges for 10 Years.................69
10.4 Annual Depreciation and Maintenance & Major Repair Charges ...........................70
11 Financial, Revenue Generation &Cash Flow Management .............................................72
11.1 Loan Repayment Schedule........................................................................................72
11.2 Financial Planning, Expenditure& Revenue Generation for WSS ...........................74

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11.3 Water Rate Calculation .............................................................................................74

11.4 Self-Sustainability Report of Water Supply Scheme ................................................75
12 Survey & Investigation Report .........................................................................................78
12.1 Water Sample Test Reports.......................................................................................78
12.2 Yield Test Reports of Existing Tube Wells ..............................................................78
12.3 Resistivity Survey .....................................................................................................78
12.4 Investigation Report for Water Table........................................................................78
13 Design of Water Supply Scheme Components.................................................................80
13.1 Water Source Considered – Tube Wells ...................................................................81
13.2 Head Works...............................................................................................................81
13.3 Clear Water Sump & Pump House ...........................................................................83
13.4 Transmission Mains & Clear Water Pumping Machinery ......................................149
13.5 Storage Requirements & Over Head Tanks ............................................................150
13.6 Water Supply Distribution System (DMA).............................................................157
13.7 Electrical Transformers, Sub-Stations & Transmission Lines ................................197
13.8 PLC &SCADA System for Scheme Monitoring.....................................................198
14. Cost Estimates of Water Supply Scheme Components ...................................................203
14.1 Abstracts of Project Cost.........................................................................................203
14.2 E1 - Estimate of Confirmative Survey ....................................................................204
14.3 E2- Estimate of Tube Well Installation...................................................................205
14.4 E3 – Estimate of Clear Water Pumping Machinery................................................209
14.5 E4 Clear Water Transmission Main .......................................................................213
14.6 E5 Sump cum Pump House.....................................................................................222
14.7 E6 - Over Head Tank .............................................................................................223
14.8 E7 - Estimate of Water Supply Distribution System of All Zones .........................225
14.9 E8- Estimate of Electrical Sub-Station / Transformer & Transmission Line .........237
14.10 E9- Estimate of PLC And SCADA For Scheme Monitoring .................................239
15. Annexures.......................................................................................................................241
15.1 List of ULB Officials Attending Meeting and Site Visit ........................................241
15.2 Water Sample Test Report of Existing Tube Wells ...............................................243
12.3 Yield Test Reports of Existing Tube Wells ............................................................248
15.4 Resistivity Survey ...................................................................................................253
15.5 Khasra Map &Khasra-Khatoni Record for OHT at Chillod ...................................257

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15.6 Khasra Map &Khasra-Khatoni Record for OHT at Dahalwada Kala.....................259

15.7 Activity Chart for Execution of Scheme .................................................................260
15.8 Investigation Report for Water Table......................................................................261
15.9 Major Levels of Various Water Supply Scheme Components:- .............................262
15.10 Compliance to the MPUDC Observations ..............................................................263
16 Drawings of Water Supply Scheme Components ..........................................................267
16.1 D1 – Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme at a Glance .................................................267
16.2 D2 - Schematic Drawing of Head Works Showing All Components .....................267
16.3 D3 - Contour Drawing of Head Works Site............................................................267
16.4 D4 - Plan & L-Section for Raw Water Rising Main ...............................................267
16.5 D5 - Contour & Layout Drawing of Water Treatment Plant ..................................267
16.6 D6 - Schematic & Hydraulic Flow Diagram of Water Treatment Plant .................267
16.7 D7 –Plan & L-Section of Clear Water Feeder Main - I ..........................................267
16.8 D8 – Plan & L-Section of Clear Water Feeder Main – II .......................................267
16.9 D9 – Schematic Drawing & Contour Map of 400 KL OHT – II ............................267
16.10 D10 – Drawing of Water Supply Distribution System with Zonal Details.............267
16.11 D11 - Drawing of Water Supply Distribution System of Zone - A ........................267
16.12 D12 - Drawing of Water Supply Distribution System of Zone - B.........................267

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List of Abbreviation

Abbreviations Description
1 BSUP Basic Services to the Urban Poor
2 CAT Central Administrative Tribunal
3 CPHEEO Central Public Health and Environmental Engineering Organisation
4 CPWD Central Public Works Department
5 CTC Cost to Completion
6 CWGM Clear Water Gravity Main
7 CWRM Clear Water Rising Main
8 DFR Detailed Feasibility Report
9 DI Ductile Iron
10 DPR Detailed Project Report
11 ESR Elevated Service Reservoir
12 GI Galvanized Iron
13 GIS Geographic Information System
14 GL Ground Level
15 GoI Government of India
16 GoMP Government of Madhya Pradesh
17 GPS Global Positioning System
18 GSR Ground Service Reservoir
19 HDPE High Density Polyethylene
20 HHs Households / Household Property
21 Hp Horse Power
22 HT High Tension
23 IDC Interest During Construction
24 IEC Information Education and Communication
25 ISO International Organization for Standardization
26 ISSR Integrated Standard Schedule of Rates
27 JNNURM Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission
28 Km Kilometre
29 KV Kilo Volt
30 LCC Life Cycle Cost
31 LCCA Life Cycle Cost Approach
32 LPD Litres Per Day
33 LPS Litres Per Second
34 MCM Million Cubic Meter
35 MJP Maharashtra Jeevan Pradhikaran
36 MLD Million Litre Per Day
37 MoEF Ministry of Environment and Forest
38 MoUD Ministry of Urban Development

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39 MP Madhya Pradesh
40 MPPCB Madhya Pradesh Pollution Control Board
41 MSL Mean Sea Level
42 NBC National Building Code of India
43 NGO Non-Governmental Organization
44 NH National Highway
45 NIC National Information Corporation
46 NIUA National Institute of Urban Affairs
47 NOC No Objection Certificate
48 NRCD National River Conservation Directorate
49 NRCP National River Conservation Programme
50 NTPC National Thermal Power Corporation
51 O&M Operation and Maintenance
52 OHT Over Head Tank
53 PHED Public Health Engineering Department
54 PHEE Public Health and Environmental Engineering
55 PIU Project Implementation Unit
56 PMU Programme Management Unit
57 PVC Polyvinyl Chloride
58 PWD Public Work Department
59 RCC Reinforced Cement Concrete
60 RWGM Raw Water Gravity Main
61 RWRM Raw Water Rising Main
62 SCADA Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition
63 SLIA State Level Implementation Agencies
64 SLSC State Level Selection Committee
65 SOR Schedule of Rates
66 SSF Slow Sand Filter
67 TPIM Third Party Inspection and Monitoring
68 TW Tube Well
69 UDED Urban Development & Environment Department
70 UIDSSMT Urban Infrastructure Development Scheme of Small & Medium Town
71 ULB Urban Local Bodies
72 WPS Water Pumping Station
73 WTP Water Treatment Plant
74 WSS Water Supply Scheme

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Detailed Project Report on “Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme” {R0}

List of References

List of References
Manual on Water Supply & Treatment by Central Public Health Environmental
1 Engineering Organization (CPHEEO) published by the Ministry of Urban
Development, New Delhi, Government of India 1999.
2 Guidelines and Circulars issued by the Govt. of Madhya Pradesh.
3 National Building Code
4 SOR's of M.P. PHED, M.P. UADD, M.P. PWD, M.P. WRD & M.P.V.V. CO. Ltd.
5 Census Records
6 City Development Plan of Town
7 Topo-sheet and Master Plan of Town (available)
8 Relevant IS Codes of Bureau of Indian Standards
9 Indian Practical Civil Engineers Handbook - by P. N. Khanna
10 Indian Water Works Association Technical Databook - Pune Centre
11 Practical Handbook on Public Health Engineering (Third Edition) - by Er. G. S. Bajwa
Guidelines for Preparation of Project Reports under National River Conservation Plan
& National Ganga River Basin Authority.

List of Tables

List of Tables
1 Table 1 :- Status of Existing Water Supply
2 Table 2 :- Existing Status of Sewerage & Sanitation System
3 Table 3 :- Service Level Benchmarks of Water Supply Sector
4 Table 4 :- Experts Details
5 Table 5 :- List of Documents Reviewed
6 Table 6 :- Population as per Censes
7 Table 7 :- Population Forecasting - Design Horizon
8 Table 8 :- Daily Water Demand
9 Table 9 :- Wardwise Population Projection & Distribution Zone
10 Table 10 :- Salient Feature’s of Rupaniya Khal Tank Project (Merki Bandh)
11 Table 11 :- Water Quality of Source as per CPHEEO Manual
12 Table 12 :- Safety & Environmental Plan during Execution of WSS
13 Table 13 :- Social Safeguards
14 Table 13 :- Abstract of Project Cost
15 Table 15 - Loan Repayment Statement
16 Table 16 :- Financial Planning, Expenditure & Revenue Generation for 15 Years
17 Table 17 :- Water Rate Calculation
18 Table 18 :- Water Supply Scheme Self-Sustainability Report
19 Table 19 :- Institutional Review &Structure of O & M Team
20 Table 20 :- Annual Operation, Maintenance & Repair Charges
21 Table 21 :- Establishment, Operation, Maintenance & Repair Charges for 10 Years

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22 Table 22 :- Annual Depreciation and Maintenance & Repair Charges

23 Table 23 :- Details of Head Works Components
24 Table 24 :- Details of Raw Water Pumping Main & Machinery
25 Table 25 :- WTP Capacity Calculation
26 Table 26 :- Details of Clear Water Pumping Main & Machinery
27 Table 27 :- Storage Requirements
28 Table 28 :- Water Supply Distribution System
29 Table 29 :- Design of Transformer & Capacity Calculations
30 Table 30 :- Details of Permanent (GTS) & Temporary Bench Mark (TBM)
31 Table 31 :- Land Requirement & Availability for Assets to be Created of WSS

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Certified that the Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme in total, or any of the components under
this scheme, is not funded in any other Central / State Scheme or through any other source.
Certified that the land required for all the components in this scheme is in possession of
Nagar Parishad Bankhedi and is encroachment free. There is no hurdle in implementation of
this scheme.
Certified that the scheme is a priority sector under the City Development Plan of Town.

Chief Municipal Officer

Nagar Parishad, Bankhedi
District: -Hoshangabad (M.P.)

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Detailed Project Report on “Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme” {R0}

Project at a Glance

Project at a Glance
Parameter Sub Parameter Details of Bankhedi Town
About Town:-
Name of Project Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme,
Town, District,
Bankhedi, Hoshangabad, Madhya Pradesh
Class of Town Class “C” Municipal Council
Date of
Establishment of 2015
Latitude 220 46’ 16" N
Town Location
Longitude 790 31’ 49" E
Ht. above MSL 350 m
Highest Level 366 m
Topography of
Lowest Level 344.5 m
Diff. of Elevation 21.5 m
Slope Pattern Almost flat
Max. Temperature 39.30 C
Min. Temperature 10.3 0 C
Climate of Town
Avg Annual Rain Fall 1200 mm
Development On Pipariya Road
Connectivity from
District - Hoshangabad 95 Km
District H/q
Status of Water
around 150 feet to 200 feet below GL for Tube Well
Table in Town
Stata / Soil
black cotton soil and clayey loam soils
Formation in Town
by Road Hoshangabad - 95 Km away
Connectivity of
by Rail Bankhedi Railway Station
by Air Bhopal Airport / Nagpur Airport
Area of Town Hectares 3273.62 (as per Censes 2011)
Total Numbers of
Nos 15
Number of Slums Nos 6
1971 -
1981 -
Population as per
1991 -
2001 17450
2011 22067
Arithmetic Increase Method
Projection Method
Number of
as per 2011 4674
Size of Household as per 2011 4.72
Ward # 1 2354
Wardwise Ward # 2 1435
Population Ward # 3 1853
Ward # 4 1746

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Detailed Project Report on “Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme” {R0}

Project at a Glance
Ward # 5 1450
Ward # 6 1480
Ward # 7 1695
Ward # 8 930
Ward # 9 1865
Ward # 10 1250
Ward # 11 1030
Ward # 12 1330
Ward # 13 1578
Ward # 14 935
Ward # 15 1136
Present Water Supply Scenario :-
Tube Wells 10 Nos
Hand Pumps 120 Nos
Present Water Well 2 Nos
Sources Stand Post 20 Nos
Dam -
River Ool River and Anjana River
Intake Well Not Available
RWRM / RWGM Not Available
WTP Not Available
CWRM / CWGM Not Available
MBR Not Available
GSR Not Available
BPT Not Available
Nos of OHT 4
Existing Water Capacity Staging Yr of Location
Supply Facilities (KL) Ht. (m) Costn Ward No
OHT - 1 80 12 2012 3 Working
OHT - 2 100 12 2003 10 Working
OHT - 3 50 10 1994 1 Working
OHT - 4 200 12 1996 8 Working
Available Storage
480 Kilo Liters
Distribution Network Material Pr. Class Diameter Length -
Length PVC - 80 - 250 22000
Present Water MLD 0.7
Supply LPCD 32
Domestic 760
Water Connections Commercial / Bulk -
Total 760
Conn/Reconn charges Rs. 1000/- per connection
Domestic Not Available
Water Meters Commercial / Bulk Not Available
Total Not Available
Domestic Rs. 50 /- per month
Water Charges
Commercial / Bulk -
Engineer Chemist Lineman Optn Staff Total
Present Staff
1 - 2 6 9
Miscellaneous Water Supply Coverage- 31 % appox

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Detailed Project Report on “Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme” {R0}

Project at a Glance
2018 (Initial) 25400
2033 (Intermediate) 32300
2048 (Ultimate) 39200
Rate of Water
Water Demand (MLD)
Daily Water 2018 (Initial) 2.20
Demand (MLD) 2033 (Intermediate) 2.80
2048 (Ultimate) 3.30
Proposed Water
Ground Water 11 Tube Well in Bankhedi town
Raw Water
22 Hrs / Day
Pumping Hours
Ward Yield Bore Pump
Location (KL/Hr) Depth (ft) Cap (Hp)
Tube Well - 1 10 19.04 76.2 250 7.5
Tube Well - 2 12 19.58 76.2 250 10.0
Tube Well - 3 3 20.17 122.0 400 10.0
Arrangement for Tube Well - 5 1 18.05 67.0 220 5.0
Ground Water Tube Well - 6 1 12.24 76.0 249 5.0
Source Tube Well - 7 10 23.22 67.0 220 7.5
Tube Well - 8 8 18.25 70.0 230 6.0
Tube Well - 9 6 18.65 76.0 249 7.5
Tube Well - 10 7 13.42 76.0 249 5.0
Tube Well - 11 1 15.00 91.4 300 6.0
Tube Well - 12 4 18.00 91.4 300 12.5
Transmission Discharge Motor No of
Head (m)
Main (LPS) Cap (Hp) Working
Bore Well Pump TM - 1 4.50 7.50 64.0 1
Bore Well Pump TM - 2 2.60 5.00 70.0 1
Bore Well Pump TM - 3 3.61 7.50 74.0 1
Bore Well Pump TM - 4 3.69 7.50 72.0 1
Clear Water Bore Well Pump TM - 5 3.53 6.00 66.0 1
Pumping Centrifugal Pump TM - 6 17.93 12.50 29.0 2
Machinery Bore Well Pump TM - 7 3.32 10.00 104.0 1
Bore Well Pump TM - 8 1.64 5.00 85.0 1
Bore Well Pump TM - 9 2.02 5.00 71.0 1
Bore Well Pump TM - 10 2.40 6.00 85.0 1
Centrifugal Pump TM - 11 4.42 3.00 29.0 2
Bore Well Pump TM - 12 3.03 10.00 134.0 1
Bore Well Pump TM - 13 5.18 12.50 110.0 1
From To Material Dia Length
TM - 1 TW - 7 DI K-9 100 100
TM - 2 TW - 10 Sump-I DI K-9 100 200
Mains TM - 3 TW - 9 Sump-I DI K-9 100 300
TM - 4 TW - 1 DI K-9 100 325
TM - 5 TW - 8 DI K-9 100 450

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Detailed Project Report on “Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme” {R0}

Project at a Glance
700 KL
TM - 6 Junction J1 DI K-9 150 400
150 KL
TM - 7 TW - 2 DI K-9 100 1700
100 KL
TM - 8 TW-5 DI K-9 100 50
TM - 9 TW-6 Sump-II DI K-9 100 130
TM - 10 TW-11 Sump-II DI K-9 100 350
200 KL
TM - 11 Sump-II DI K-9 100 50
TM - 12 TW-3 80 KL DI K-9 100 50
200 KL
TM - 13 TW-12 DI K-9 100 50
Required Storage
2033 (Intermediate) 1350 Kilo Liters
Capacity Staging Container
(KL) Ht. (m) Ht. (m)
OHT - 1 100 18 5 Proposed -
Details of Proposed OHT - 2 200 18 5 Proposed -
OHT OHT - 3 80 12 5 Existing -
OHT - 4 200 18 5 Proposed -
OHT - 5 700 18 5 Proposed -
OHT - 6 150 18 5 Proposed -
Material Grade Pr Class Diameter Length
HDPE PE 100 PN 10 75 63719
HDPE PE 100 PN 10 90 2594
HDPE PE 100 PN 10 110 4759
Distribution HDPE PE 100 PN 10 140 3319
2048 (Ultimate)
Network HDPE PE 100 PN 10 160 3258
HDPE PE 100 PN 10 180 933
HDPE PE 100 PN 10 200 62
HDPE PE 100 PN 10 250 858
Total 79503
OHT - 2 OHT - 5
OHT No OHT - 1 + OHT - 4 + OHT - 6
Sump - II Sump + II
Dahalwada Nr. Nagar
Land Requirement Location Nayakheda Chillod Kala
for OHT
Required Area (Ha) 0.10 0.20 0.10 0.10 0.10
71/1 &
Khasra No. 232 385 189
Available Area (Ha) 1.03 0.11 3.08 0.49
Number of
2018 (Initial) 5380
Sub Engineer - WTP 1
Pump Operator 2
Helper 6
Requirement of Electrician / Mechanic 1
Staff for Scheme
Management Collection Officer 1
Watchman - OHT 1
Lab Assistant / Chemist 1
Accountant for Billing & Collection 1

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Detailed Project Report on “Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme” {R0}

Project at a Glance
Total 14
Net Cost ₹ 1406,12,851
Cost of Scheme
Gross Cost ₹ 2176,62,476
2018 (Initial) ₹ 5,103
Cost per Capita 2033 (Intermediate) ₹ 4,013
2048 (Ultimate) ₹ 3,306
Recurring Charges
/ Annual Burden 2018 (Initial) ₹ 202
per Soul
Cost of Water per
2018 (Initial) ₹ 6.4
1000 Liters
Operation & for Ist Year ₹ 51,24,897
Maintenance Cost Total for 10 Years ₹ 647,20,594
Project Funded
Asian Development Bank Funding
Grand in Aid 30%
Loan from ADB 70%
Funding Pattern
State Govt. Contribute 75% of Loan from ADB
ULB Contribution 25% of Loan from ADB
Proposed Domestic ₹ 1,000
Charges Commercial / Bulk ₹ 3,000
Proposed Water Domestic ₹ 100
Tariff / Month Commercial / Bulk ₹ 400
Department of Urban Administration & Development,
S.O.R Used for
Integrated Standard Schedule of Rates (ISSR) dated 10th May
Whether Scheme is
prepared as per the
guidelines of
Project Completion
18 months including Monsoon

Consultant:-DRA Consultants Pvt. Ltd., Nagpur 14

Final Detailed Project Report on
Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme
Madhya Pradesh Urban Services Improvement Program, UDED, Bhopal Dist – Hoshangabad, Madhya Pradesh
Urban Water Supply Improvement Project in Tier II Cities of M.P.

Volume I- Main Report

Project Director, Project Uday, Project Management Unit,

Estimated Cost : Rs. 1416.12 Lacs

August - 2016
DRA Consultants Pvt. Ltd.
58, Ingole Nagar, Opp. Airport, Behind
Hotel Pride, Wardha Road, Nagpur – 05
Email –
Detailed Project Report on “Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme” {R0}

Volume - I
Main Report with Economic, Financial
Environmental Reports

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Detailed Project Report on “Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme” {R0}

Executive Summary

Consultant:-DRA Consultants Pvt. Ltd., Nagpur 16

Detailed Project Report on “Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme” {R0}

1 Executive Summary

The objectives of any Water Supply System are to supply safe wholesome water in adequate
quantity at convenient points and at reasonable cost to the users. In order to encourage
personal and household hygiene, proper planning is necessary in the formulation and
implementation of scheme.
The objectives of proposing new Scheme for town are:

 Long term sustainability and equity of water service provision

 Maintaining a balance between supply and demand
 Financing the rehabilitation of existing infrastructure and expansion of new
 Appropriate institutional structure’s to provide autonomy, accountability and incentives
 Operations & Maintenance (O&M), Cost Recovery and tariffs
 Human resources, systems, and equipment capacity building for efficient working

Amongst a number of feasible options for a project, whose implementation will ensure water
quality to desired service level bench mark of quantity & quality and achieve the objective of
sustainable and equity of water service provision.
For all components of water supply scheme various options have been studied and techno
economic proposal is designed and provided with.
Source identification has been done which is envisaged to be most technically feasible &
financially viable. The alternatives are worked out to the level of detail that enables the
comparative evaluation of alternatives and identification of the optimal system.
Bankhedi Nagar Parishad was established in February 2015 by addition of 7 surrounding
towns namely Theni, Chillod, Bandar Jilla, Rahatwada, Dahalwada Kala, Kalkuhi, Kemdhana
& Andhyarbawdi in Bankhedi town.

For Bankhedi town, the most appropriate source is Tube Well. Presently 10 tube wells are
available in the Bankhedi town and the entire water supply of Bankhedi town is dependent on
these 10 tube wells. The results of yield test of existing tube wells shows that the ground
water table in the Bankhedi town is good and tube wells are having good yield. The yield of
these tube wells are ranging from 12.22 KL/Day to 23.22 KL/Day. Hence we have proposed
to use 9 tube well from the existing tube wells and proposed additional two tube wells in
Chillod & Dahalwada Kala area. This makes total strength of tube wells considered in
proposed Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme as 11 nos.

Presently 4 OHT’s are available in the town having total capacities 430 KL. Out of these 1
OHT having capacities 80 KL at Rahatwada was constructed in year 2012. Hence we have
proposed to use this OHT in new scheme. Apart from this1 OHT, we have proposed to
construct additional 5 OHT’s is the town due to the small-small settlements at a distance

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apart in the Bankhedi town. The total OHT’s used in new WSS are 6 numbers (1 existing & 5

Submersible Bore Well pumps are proposed to be installed in tube wells and Centrifugal
Mono-block pumps are for CW Sump & Pump House. Details are given in Table No –
24Ductile Iron (K-9) pipes are used for 13 numbers of transmission mains in Bankhedi WSS
from respective tube well and CW sump having diameters 100 mm & 150 mm. The
cumulative length of all transmission mains are 4155 m.

As per the topography of Bankhedi and settlements in small-small pockets at a distance apart,
we have divided entire Bankhedi town in 6 District Metering Area (Zones) having one OHT
each. In 4 zones, we have assigned one tube well for the OHT and will be filled directly from
the tube wells. While in Zone B & Zone E we have proposed CW Sump & Pump House near
respective OHT’s. In Zone B, water from the two tube wells will be first collected in the CW
Sump & Pump Hose – II and then lifted to 200 KL OHT. In Zone E, water from the Five
tube wells will be first collected in the CW Sump & Pump Hose – I and then lifted to 700 KL
Water supply distribution system for command of all OHT’s is considered after verifying
design requirement to ensure adequate minimum 10 m residual head at door step of each
house hold. All households are proposed to be given with water supply service connection
ensuring quantity, quality and adequate pressure.
It is also envisaged to have efficient running and maintenance of the system by the executing
agency (contractor) for 10 years after the successful commissioning of scheme.
The approximate project cost will be Rs 1416.12 Lacs. Based on 10 years maintenance by the
executing agency the gross cost of project is estimated to Rs 2176.62 Lacs.
The water supply scheme is envisaged to be framed considering tariff structure such that
implementation is justified with reasoning and tariff enhancement is spread for years after
commissioning such that the functioning of the scheme becomes financially viable.
Presently the engineers and staff available in the ULB are not adequate for execution and
maintenance of the water supply scheme proposed. Therefore it is necessary to engage
adequate qualified and experienced human resources to achieve timely execution and smooth
functioning of the scheme.
It is envisaged to ensure flow of funds during the proposed executing period of 18 months
including rainy season for timely execution of scheme to avoid any cost overruns. It is also
required to consider budgeted provisions for running and maintenance of the assets created
and efficient functioning of the water supply system.

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2 Introduction

Cities have become the major drivers of national economies across the global regions
including India. Although cities are facing all kinds of challenges - financial, political,
organizational, cultural etc, they have clearly emerged as the key drivers of economic growth
with over 60% of the country’s GDP coming from these urban areas.
After foundation of the Republic of India in 1950, and consequent to reorganization of states,
Madhya Pradesh assumed its status in 1956. The state of Madhya Pradesh remained to be
geographically the largest state until 2000. In 2000, the Chhattisgarh region was carved out to
create a new state; even then it is the second largest state after Rajasthan. It covers 9.5% of
the area (308,000 and houses 6 per cent of the country’s population (72.5 million).
On the basis of the size of urban population in the country, it ranks 8th and accounts for 5.58
per cent of the total urban population. 476 cities and towns of Madhya Pradesh accommodate
20.1 million populations and following the national trajectory of urbanization closely.
The growth of towns during 1901- 2011 in the state reveals that it is more rapid than that of
the national average. The number of towns has increased from 253 in 1981 to 350 in 1991
and 368 in 2001 and 476 in 2011. This increase is owing to the emergence of new towns
within the proximity of large cities, new canters of industrial and commercial activities,
thermal power stations and partly due to the creation of urban local bodies by the state
government which were formerly considered to be rural areas. The urban Madhya Pradesh
has 377 ULBs comprising 14 Municipal Corporations, 100 Municipal Councils and 263
Nagar Parishad.
Popularly known as a Nagar Palika bill, 74th Amendment to the Constitution of India was
passed on 22nd Dec 1993 and legislated under article 3681, amendments 73rd & 74th were
passed in 1992. These changes of Constitutional Amendment Act (CAA) brought drastic
change in the approach of ULBs as more leadership driven. The twelfth schedule of the 74th
CAA consists of list of 18 functions of which major Concern service as Services to all.
In response to the rapidly growing urban population and a high level of urban poverty
Government of Madhya Pradesh has embarked on a number of infrastructure development
initiatives in collaboration with GoI and donor agencies. One of such initiative taken is
Project UDAY (Urban Development Around You), an Urban and Environmental
Improvement Project (UWSEIP) in four cities (Bhopal, Gwalior, Indore and Jabalpur) of
Madhya Pradesh, which has been implemented under financial assistance of Asian
Development Bank. Keeping in view the acute drinking water scarcity in the tier-II towns of
Madhya Pradesh, Urban Development and Environment Department, intends to execute a
comprehensive Madhya Pradesh Urban Services Improvement Program (MPUSIP) in these
town under financial assistance of Asian Development Bank. Under this program, around
hundred and twenty seven towns have been identified for implementing (i) augmentation of
the surface water source (intake and water treatment plant) as required.(ii) Expansion of the
distribution system into un-served areas, and (iii) optimization of present systems including
reducing non-revenue water by regularizing unauthorized connections and stopping leakages.

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The objective of the Improvement program is to provide an adequate and metered drinking
water to all urban households by improvement and expansion of municipal infrastructure and
services related to. The objective of this project is to cover entire town (including
new/upcoming areas, slums etc.) with 100% sustainable drinking facilities.
The scope of the component includes (i) Identification and development of source (surface
source and/or ground water source) (ii) provision of treatment units (iii) provision of storage
facility (iv) Provision of distribution network and House Service connections (v) Program of
water demand management (vi) Detailed designs, drawings, cost estimates and work-plan
for implementation of works (vii) Operation and Maintenance plan inclusive of manpower,
material, energy requirement and cost.
The Detailed Project Report (DPR) for the Nagar Parishad to be prepared based on the
guidelines laid down in the Manual on Water Supply and Treatment, published by CPHEEO,
Ministry of Urban Development, Government of India, UADD checklist for preparation of
DPR, Specifications and Schedule of rates (SOR) of UADD and other relevant Specifications
and Schedule of rates.

Map Showing 128 Tier II Cities of Madhya Pradesh

2.1 Authority for Preparation of Project:

Madhya Pradesh Urban Services Improvement Program (MPUSIP) proposed to be funded by

Asian Development Bank (ADB) on a multi-tranche financing facility, (MFF) envisages
provision of sustainable water services to 128 tier II towns in the State out of which provision
of sewerage and storm water management services is proposed in 4 towns. The State Urban
Development and Environment Department is the Executing Agency while the Madhya
Pradesh Urban Development Company (MPUDC) Limited is the implementing agency for
the Program.

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2.2 About the Town

Bankhedi is a new town in District of Hoshangabad. Bankhedi is a Tehsil place since then.
Bankhedi got its civic structure in early months of 2015. The town was established by adding
7villages to make Bankhedi a Civic Structure. Villages which are merged to make Nagar
Parishad Bankhedi are –
1. Gram Panchayat Bankhedi
2. Gram Panchayat Dahalwada Kala
3. Gram Panchayat Rahatwada
4. Gram Panchayat Kalkuhi
5. Gram Panchayat Bandar Jheela
6. Gram Panchayat Kemdhana
7. Gram Panchayat Andhyarbawdi
Location &Regional Connectivity:
SH-22 is the major road passing through the town. There is direct rail connectivity to the
town i.e. Bankhedi has a railway station named as Bankhedi. The town can be approached
from Pipariya through State Highway 22. It is located at a distance of 95 Kms from district
headquarter Hoshangabad. There is bus service from Pipariya and, Hoshangabad as well to
the town. The nearest airport to reach to the town is Bhopal.

Location Map of Bankhedi Town

Geographical Location of the Town:

The geographical Location of Town “Bankhedi” is given as below.
Latitude- 22° 46' 16'' N

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Longitude- 78° 31' 49'' E

Town is situated at an Elevation of 350 m from Mean Sea Level.
Area & Spatial Growth of the Town:
Bankhedi is a small town located in Bankhedi Tehsil of Hoshangabad district with scarce
population of 22067 with area of around 15 Sq Km. The town administratively functions as
Nagar Parishad from Feb 2015. The town area is divided in 15 municipal wards. As per
Census 2011 ward wise population and number, households are enlisted as below.
Spatial Distribution of Population and Households:
Due to increasing congestion in the core areas of the city and decline in living standards,
suburban areas are tends to develop. Bankhedi has tendency to develop along the major
spines especially in South-West (towards Pipariya).The distribution pattern clearly shows that
commercial activities are concentrated along major roads and in old city areas and extends
towards Pipariya corridors.

Spatial Development of Bankhedi Town

Soils & Strata Available in the town:

Soils in the district are generally of two types Viz., black cotton soil and clayey loam soils.
The climate of Bankhedi is characterized by a hot summer and general dryness except rainfall
during the south- west monsoon season. The year can be divided into four seasons. The cold
season, December to February is followed by hot season from March to about first week of
June is the summer season. The period from the middle June to September is the south- west
monsoon season. May is the hottest month of the year with average temperature of 44°C. The
minimum during the December is 7°C.

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The South-West monsoon starts from middle of June and lasts till end of September. October
and middle of November constitute the post monsoon or retreating monsoon season. The
normal annual rainfall of Hoshangabad district is 1200 mm. About 85% of annual rainfall is
received during monsoon season.
Wind Direction:
Winds are generally light in the city with some strengthening in force during the late summer
and monsoon. In may the south-west and north-west. Winds are generally from directions
between south-west and north-west.

Rainfall &Temperature Details of Hoshangabad District

Town of Bankhedi is situated on firm ground. Topographical features of the town explain the
variations from RL 344.5 m to RL 366 m. The elevation differences from highest of 366 m to
344.5 m accounted a maximum difference of 21.5 m in the town. Due to topographical
variation, study would be done on how water supply services are to be given to all areas
uniformly with desired water quality, quantity &adequate pressures.
Town Management:
Town management is presently done under the guidance and leadership of Bankhedi Nagar
Parishad and administrative chief as CMO. All Municipal services including water supply
managed by a Sub Engineer & other 20 regular officers/staff in number. Water supply
management works need to be strength as per the new developing services after WS project
works are completed.

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2.3 Existing Scenario of Water Supply Arrangements

Presently water supply system in Bankhedi is based on ground water i.e.120 hand pumps, 10
tube wells and 2 open wells. Nagar Parishad Bankhedi established in year 2015 by addition of
7 villages in Bankhedi town. At present the water is supplied to the town through 4 OHT’s at
ward no 1, 3, and 6to 13 respectively. Presently only 32 LPCD water is being supplied to the
town which is very less as per the norms of CPHEEO Manual. Since the water supply,
distribution system is laid in parts and haphazard manner, which causes water supply losses
at the rate of 43 %.
Table 1 :- Status of Existing Water Supply
Parameter Sub Parameter Details of Town
Tube Wells 10 Nos
Hand Pumps 120 Nos
Well 2 Nos
Present Water Sources
Stand Post 20 Nos
Dam -
River Ool River and Anjana River
Intake Well Not Available
RWRM / RWGM Not Available
WTP Not Available
CWRM / CWGM Not Available
MBR Not Available
GSR Not Available
BPT Not Available
Nos of OHT 4
Existing Water Supply Capacity Staging Yr of Location
Facilities (KL) Ht. (m) Costn Ward No
OHT - 1 80 12 2012 3 Working
OHT - 2 100 12 2003 10 Working
OHT - 3 50 10 1994 1 Working
OHT - 4 200 12 1996 8 Working
Available Storage
480 Kilo Liters
Distribution Network Material Pr. ClassDiameter Length -
Length PVC - 80 - 250 22000
MLD 0.7
Present Water Supply
Domestic 760
Water Connections Commercial / Bulk -
Total 760
Connection Charges Conn/Reconn charges Rs. 1000/- per connection
Domestic Not Available
Water Meters Commercial / Bulk Not Available
Total Not Available
Domestic Rs. 50 /- per month
Water Charges
Commercial / Bulk -
Engineer Chemist Lineman Opt Staff Total
Present Staff
1 - 2 6 9
Miscellaneous Water Supply Coverage- 31 % appox

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200 KL OHT Near Tehsil Office 50 KL OHT at Nayakheda

100 KL OHT at Mukarba Baba Temple 80 KL OHT at Rahatwada

Tube Well at Mukarba Baba Tube Well at Mukarba Baba

Tube Well at Shankar Temple Square

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Key -Elevation Plan of Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme


Pipe flow


Tube Well



Clear Water Sump

Pump House D

Inlet Pipe

345.20 M.

Top-RL 349.20 M.
3.00 V
0.30 M. RCC

0.30 M. PCC

Pump House
Brick Wall 1.50

Open To Sky Half Circular
Area Wired Mash P-1 D
P-1 P-2
RL 346.20 M. FRL 346.20 m.
RL 345.70 M. RCC Slab RCC Slab Stair Case
GL 345.20 M. FSL 345.10 M. GL 345.20 M.

LSL 342.10 M
1.00 m. Silt Pocket
0.15 0.15
0.15 0.30 M. RCC 0.15 RL 341.10M
RL 340.65 M
0.15 M. PCC
Clear Water Sump & Pump house -II
Near Mata mandir chillod

Seal & Signature of Officials

Engineer in Chief

Chief Engineer

Superintending Engineer

Executive Engineer

Chief Municipal Officer

Assistant . Engineer

Top-RL 354.40 M.
3.00 V
Brick Wall Pump House

Open To Sky Half Circular
Area Wired Mash P-1
P-1 P-2
D Sub- Engineer
RL 351.40 M. FRL 351.40 m.
RL 350.90 M. RCC Slab RCC Slab Stair Case
GL 350.40 M. FSL 352.20 M. GL 350.40 M.

Project :-
LSL 347.20 M
Urban Water Supply Improvement Project in Tier-II Cities of Madhya Pradesh

1.00 m. Silt Pocket
0.30 M. RCC
0.15 RL 346.20M
RL 345.75 M
0.15 M.6.00
Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme, Dist - Hoshangabad, M.P.
Clear Water Sump & Pump house -I
Near Nagar Parishad Office
Project Director,Project Uday, Project Management Unit
M.P. Urban Services Improvement Program, UDED, Bhopal.
Beej Bhawan, II Floor Arera Hills, Bhopal-462011, Tel.0755-2763060,62 Fax 0755-2763868

DRA Consultants Pvt. Ltd.
58, Ingole Nagar, Opp. Airport, Behind Hotel Pride ,Warda Road, Nagpur-440 005 (M.S) India.
Ph:-0712-3027575 , F:+91-712-3025227, Mo:- 090391 23300 ,
Email:- ,

Drawing Name:
Key -Elevation Plan of Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme
Drawn By:- Checked By :- Approved By:- Cluster-A
Sheet Size :- A1 Scale :-N.T.S. Date: 20.07.2016 Pages : 1 of 1
Detailed Project Report on “Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme” {R0}

Tube Well at Theni

Tube Well at Market

Open Well st Dahalwada Kala Hand Pump in Kemdhana

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2.4 Existing Scenario of Sewerage / Waste Water Arrangements

There is no organized sewerage system in the Bankhedi town. There exists approximately
2000 individual toilets in Nagar Parishad area with septic tanks or soak pits arrangement.
Details of present scenario are given in the below table:

Table 2 :- Existing Status of Sewerage & Sanitation System

Sr. No. Parameter Details of Town
1 Number of Public Toilets Not Available
2 Number of Individual Toilets 2000 appox
3 Number of Septic Tanks 1500 appox
4 Number of Suction Machines Not Available
5 Length of Sewer Network Not Available
6 Capacity of STP Not Available
7 Type of STP Not Available

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Need of the Project

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3 Need of the Project

From the above Scenario of Water Supply of Bankhedi town, it is observed that Nagar
Parishad is somehow able to supply only 0.70 MLD water to people of town with the help of
10 tube wells and 120 hand pumps. Also there is no proper water supply infrastructure like
treatment plant, 100% distribution network are not available in the town. Water from the
existing sources like tube wells is directly supplied to existing OHT’s. That to supplied water
is not treated. Around 22 Km of distribution network is being laid down in years back and
leads to a water loss of approximately 42 %. Sometimes chlorine / bleaching power is being
used for the purpose of treatment. Present ground water level in the Bankhedi town is
approximately 150 – 200 feet below the ground level.
As per the service level benchmarking, the water supply of the town is inadequate i.e. 32
LPCD which is very less as compared to the service level benchmarking of 135 LPCD and 70
LPCD as per the Guidelines of MPUSIP for the town having population below 30000.
Service Level Benchmarking as per the Ministry of Urban Development, Govt. of India and
the present status of water supply in the Bankhedi town is given in the below table:
Table # 5 :- Service Level Benchmarks of Water Supply Sector
Sr. Standards as per Present Status in
Service Level Benchmarks
No. GOI Town
1 Coverage of water supply connection 100% 31%
2 Per Capita Supply of Water 135 LPCD 32 LPCD
3 Extent of metering of water connections 100% Nil
4 Extent of non-revenue water 20% 42%
5 Continuity of water supply 24 Hrs 1 Hr to 2 Hrs per day
6 Quality of water supplied 100% 100%
7 Cost Recovery in water supply services 80% Data Not Available
8 Efficiency of Redressal of customer complaints 100% Data Not Available
9 Efficiency in collection of water supply charges 90% Data Not Available

By the ultimate design year of 2048, the population of Bankhedi town is likely to reach
39200 souls and then present all water supply sources are proving to be inadequate and water
scarcity conditions have started arising right now. This demands immediate augmentation of
water supply source and supply lines. It is therefore need to go for execution of water supply
scheme on top most propriety.
The main need of this project is to achieve safe and sustainable water services both in terms
of services to customers, cost recovery and conservation of precious water resources.
Completion of this scheme will ensure providing 100% coverage of population with
continuous, pressurized and safe drinking water services and achieving progressively
increasing cost recovery by expanding the coverage and increasing operating efficiency. The
service regime would be in conformity with the National Service Level Benchmarks.
Enhanced water supply arrangement shall ensure hygienic conditions. The enhanced water
supply infrastructure shall boost the overall development of the town and the stack holders.

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4 Approach & Methodology

4.1 Approach
An approach has been taken to frame the project to achieve economy in construction. An
integrated approach has been taken while studying and designing the new proposal by
considering the use of existing system components on the merit of their physical condition,
capacity, usefulness etc.

4.2 DPR Preparation Planning & Key Stages of the Assignment:

DPR preparation & key stages of the scope of work is given as below:
Mobilization of consultant team at the town & submission of Inception Report.
Submission of Concept Report (consisting of details and adequacy of existing system,
technical and financial viability of source of water, proposed location of Intake, WTP,
OHT, etc, proposal for grouped water supply if situation requiring this & convergence
with other schemes.
Submission of Draft DPR including survey and investigation reports,
Approval of Draft DPR by competent Authority. Approval of Draft Report by UADD
/Govt. of M.P.
Submission of Final DPR in requisite copies to UADD, MoUD

The present assignment includes the following steps:

Collecting the present population data and projecting the same for the Ultimate year
2048 considering Initial year as 2018
Assessing the demand for the Intermediate year 2033 and the Ultimate year 2048.
Studying the development plans, like CDP, Topo sheet, Master Plan, CSP prepared
for the project town to assess the potential for development.
Assessing adequacy of existing system for integration into the proposed system,
Conducting detail survey (including GPS coordinates), soil investigations etc.
Assessment of technical and financial viability of source surface water vis-a-vis
ground water.
Study of ground water potential and quality to meet the demand up to 30 years of the
town. Identification of intake well site, possible route alignment of transmission
mains in case of surface water source. Assessing losses in the existing water supply
Planning & zoning. If master plan of a town has been prepared by the T&CP
Suggesting suitable materials for construction with cost benefit analysis
Exploring possibility of grouped water supply proposal from a common source for
nearby towns.
Checking possibility of convergence of water supply schemes for towns included in
approved under JNNURM/ UIDSSMT/ MSPY
Operation and Maintenance plan for ten years inclusive of manpower, material energy
requirement and cost.

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Design & Engineering:

Design and Detailed engineering of intake, treatment, tube-well, transmission main
and feeder main from the source of supply including identification of source.
Design and Detailed Engineering of storage facility consisting of Under Ground Tank,
Pump House, Over Head tank including identification of vacant lands in consultation
with the Local Body.
Design and Detailed Engineering of related Electrical, Mechanical and
Instrumentation systems: Design and costing of SCADA system for the towns (or
cluster of grouped water supply scheme) having population more than one lakh.
Preparation of detailed working drawings and specifications
Stakeholder Consultation:
Detailed consultations conducted with various stakeholders like Government
departments like MPPCB, MPPHED, UADD, WRD and NGOs, general public along
with the ULB etc with specific deliberations on project proposals.
Public Utilities /Public Stand Posts, Community Stand post especially in slum areas,
and local treatment facilities to be planned in consultation with ULB, District
administration and public with due consideration for technical feasibility and
technical requirements
Project Cost & Financial Viability:
Preparation of project cost estimate including capital, O&M Costs based findings and
preparation of financial analysis and economic analysis including internal rate of
return/economic rate of return of the project.
The cost estimate shall be based on the current schedule of rates of UADD,
Government of Madhya Pradesh. The estimate shall include road restoration charges
wherever necessary. There shall not be any lump sum provision in the estimate. For
items not covered in the schedule of rates market rates shall be adopted with
supporting documents.
Operation and Maintenance cost, mechanism and suggested user charges
for self- sustainability of the system to be arrived.
Evaluation of the financial affordability of the ULBs for investment in the project
based on financial condition of those ULBs. Recommendations shall be made with
respect to realistic tariff setting for full recovery and partial or deferred recovery of
Implementation Plan:
Preparation of the project implementation schedule for execution. This will also
include drawing up project budget with monthly/quarterly target, furnish network
analysis such as CPM, PERT for purposes of effective project monitoring and
regular reports.
Suggesting use of modern technologies for implementation (monitoring/ construction/
O&M) of project. Suggesting Operation and Maintenance plan of the plant and
facilities created.

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Environment & Social Consideration:

Preparation of Environmental and Social assessment Report to prepare necessary impact
assessment and Environmental Mitigation Plans and Resettlement action Plans. Identifying
specific protection arrangement for trees and other sensitive environmental components. Tree
cutting requirement if any shall be clearly identified and listed with of permission from
regulatory authorities
Approvals/ Permissions:
Wherever permission from a state or central government organization is required in
implementation of the project, it would be endeavored to obtain the same while
finalizing the DPR. However, in case same is not possible while finalizing DPR,
proper proposal will be initiated from the ULB for sanction.
Where raw water source is taken from a river, appropriate allocation of water for the
project shall be got done before finalizing the DPR.
Clearances/ Permission from other Ministries namely Ministry of Environment and
Forest, WRD, MPPBC/CPCB, NHAI and Railways, if required, shall be highlighted
in DPR.

4.3 Methodology
Work Plan /Methodology for the assignment is described in brief as per following headings;
Team Members
 The concern team members (as per the below given table) was mobilized to our Bhopal
Branch office on 10th September 2015:
Table 4 :- Experts Details
Sr. No. Experts/ Personnel Names
1 Team Leader Mr. Deshmukh
2 Civil Engineer[Structural ] Mr. S M Ranade
3 Civil Engineer[Hydraulics] Mr. A R Pampanwar
4 Civil Engineer(Survey &Mapping) Mr. Pravin Hatwar
5 Mechanical Engineer Mr. Rajesh Nagpure
6 Electrical Engineer Mr. S D Bhattad
Mr. Sukanta Dey
7 Quantity Surveyor
Mr. Pramod Gajbe
Deployed at site for detailed survey &
8 Other Field Staff

Site Visit Report

 We met the ULB Officials, Public Representatives, Stake Holder and Prominent People
of Bankhedi Town on 4th January 2016.
 A List of officials from whom details of the town for preparation of water supply scheme
is collected during site visit. Held various discussions during the meeting. Please refer
Annexure 15.1 wherein attendance sheet and photograph is given.

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 During the meeting and discussion, we have gathered the present situation of water
supply in the town and the desired requirement of the stack holder. Based on present
water supply arrangements and gaps arrives are well documented.
 With the ULB Authorities, we visited all the possible water supply sources and identified
locations for all other the components of water supply scheme.
 We have studied the all the options of possible water supply source, its dependability,
quality assurance of source available and the distance from the town.
 Water from the selected source was collected and tested from the Laboratory of Public
Health Engineering Laboratory, Bhopal. Also test report is obtained for designing
 We have ensured the water security from the concerned department like WRD etc such
that best chosen water source is made available to ULB for the purpose of water supply
 We have contacted revenue authorities to ensure the land acquisition, secured in the
ownership of ULD or Revenue Department Govt. of Madhya Pradesh for WTP and
Service Reservoirs.
 After getting all the required data for the preparation of DPR, we have mobilized the
survey team for the survey work. Focusing road survey for water supply distribution
system. Based on elevation differences in individual command areas and required
pressure conditions at lines near households.
 Survey team for details of Head Works, WTP, OHT, BPT / MBR& allied works like
 Based on detailed TS survey and Grid Surveys for assets to be created, detailed database
for designing purpose has been completed.
Soil Investigation team were allocated to town for the study soil and strata conditions like
bearing capacity of soil and water tables in the vicinity. The soil from various locations like
Head Work, along the length of pumping / gravity main, WTP and OHT was collected for
testing purpose.
 The collected soils are tested for Strata Classification and Safe Bearing Capacity of soil.
Documents Reviewed
 Below documents are reviewed, studied and analyzed during the preparation of DPR:-
Table 5 :- List of Documents Reviewed
Document Name of Company Details
City Development Plan - Not Available
Topo-sheet Survey General of India F44G9
Master Plan - Not Available
City Sanitation Plan - Not Available
DPR of OLD WSS - Not Available
Google Map - Studied

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Steps for Designing WSS Components

 After studying the survey data, the concept for water supply scheme are planned.
 Based on profile of the town like concern of spatial growth areas, high density areas, low
density areas designing of all components of water supply scheme are done.
 From the outcome of detailed designing of all components of water supply scheme, good
for construction drawings are prepared.
 Based on data material and machinery for mechanical and electrical equipment’s
wherever SOR rates are not available rate analysis of item of work after collecting
quotation from prominent manufacture’s or suppliers.
 Estimates are prepared based on Integrated Standard Schedule of Rates, UADD 2012.
 Letter are submitted to the concerned authorities and the process is initiated for getting
the permission from the departments like State Pollution Control Board for construction
of WTP, Jal Upyogita Samiti for allotment of water for town, NHAI / PWD / Railways /
Forest Dept. for laying of pipeline wherever required, Madhya Pradesh State Electricity
Board for supply of 24 hours power supply etc.
 For framing desired tariff structure is designed so as to ensure the scheme is financial
 Cost of operation and maintenance of scheme for 10 year is estimated and submitted in
the report.
 After completion of all above activities, detailed project report is prepared
 All these activities are completed and submitted to department in below stages for
approval :-
 Inception Report (Submitted)
 Concept Report (Submitted)
 Draft Detailed Project Report (This Submission)
 Final Detailed Project Report.(Submission will be done after consent to this document)

This report is the Draft Detailed Project Report which is being submitted herewith (hard
copies as well as soft copies). The Draft Detailed Project Report which comprises of four
Volume I = Main Report together with Economic, Financial and Environmental Reports
Volume II = Survey (Including Raw Data i.e. Total Station Survey Data & GIS / GPS
Data), Investigations and Detailed Designs
Volume II = Data for Materials and Works, Detailed Estimates of Quantities and Cost
Volume IV = Drawings.

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Population Forecasting &
Water Demand Calculation

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5 Population Forecasting & Water Demand Calculation

5.1 Population as per Censes

As of 2011 censes, the total population of Bankhedi town was 22067 souls. Below table
shows the population growth trend of town from 2001 – 2011. Population data is collected
form Censes of India, GOI.
Table # 7 :- Population as per Censes
Sr. Increase Incremental Increase In
Year Population Decade Growth Rate
No. In Decade
1 1971 -
- -
2 1981 - -
- -
3 1991 - -
- -
4 2001 17450 -
4617 26%
5 2011 22067
Total 4617 0
Average / Geometric Mean 4617 0 26%
Rounded 4617 0 26%

5.2 Population Forecasting – Design Horizon

Population forecasting has been done by four methods. For each property unit population
load is considered as per NBC norms. Institutional needs of population load calculated based
on the National Building Code of India (NBC) norms. Population forecasting has been done
by standards methods and tabulated in Table given below:
Table # 8 :- Population Forecasting - Design Horizon
Arithmetic Geometric Incremental Graphical Designed
Sr. Value
Stage Year Increase Progression Increase Increase Population
No. of "n"
Method Method Method Method Rounded
1 Present 2018 0.7 25299 26008 25503 20550 25400
2 Intermediate 2033 2.2 32224 36985 33432 25790 32300
3 Ultimate 2048 3.7 39150 52596 42132 30700 39200

Note: -
This method is generally applicable to large and old cities. This method gives low values and is suitable for
well settled and established communities.
Bankhedi is an older city and there is no industrialization around the town at present. Hence we have
selected Arithmetic Increase Method for population projection.

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This method is suitable for large and old city with considerable development. If it is used for
small, average or comparatively new cities, it will give lower population estimate than actual
value. In this method the average increase in population per decade is calculated from the
past census reports. This increase is added to the present population to find out the population
of the next decade. Thus, it is assumed that the population is increasing at constant rate.

Hence, dP/dt = C i.e., rate of change of population with respect to time is constant.
Therefore, Population after nth decade will be
Pn= P + n. X
Pn = Population after ‘n’ decades
P = Present Population. 22067
n = No of Decade - 2018 0.7
n = No of Decade - 2033 2.2
n = No of Decade - 2048 3.7
X = Average Mean of Population Increase in decade. 4617
Calculation for Year 2018
Pn = 22067 + 0.7 * 4617
Pn = 25299
Calculation for Year 2033
Pn = 22067 + 2.2 * 4617
Pn = 32224
Calculation for Year 2048
Pn = 22067 + 3.7 * 4617
Pn = 39150


This method is modification of arithmetical increase method and it is suitable for an average
size town under normal condition where the growth rate is found to be in increasing order.
While adopting this method the increase in increment is considered for calculating future
population. The incremental increase is determined for each decade from the past population
and the average value is added to the present population along with the average rate of
Therefore Population after nth decade is
Pn = P+ n.X + {0.5 n (n+1)}.Y
Pn = Population after ‘n’ decades
P = Present Population. 22067
n = No of Decade - 2018 0.7
n = No of Decade - 2033 2.2
n = No of Decade - 2048 3.7
X = Average Mean of Population Increase in decade. 4617
Y = Incremental Increase 0

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Calculation for Year 2018

Pn = 22067 + 0.7 x 4617 + {0.5 x 0.7 x ( 0.7 + 1 )} x 0
Pn = 25299
Calculation for Year 2033
Pn = 22067 + 2.2 x 4617 + {0.5 x 2.2 x ( 2.2 + 1 )} x 0
Pn = 32224
Calculation for Year 2048
Pn = 22067 + 3.7 x 4617 + {0.5 x 3.7 x ( 3.7 + 1 )} x 0
Pn = 39150


In this method the percentage increase in population from decade to decade is assumed to
remain constant. Geometric mean increase is used to find out the future increment in
population. Since this method gives higher values and hence should be applied for a new
industrial town at the beginning of development for only few decades.
Therefore Population after nth decade is
Pn = P (1+ IG/100) n
Pn = Population after ‘n’ decades
P = Present Population. 22067
n = No of Decade - 2018 0.7
n = No of Decade - 2033 2.2
n = No of Decade - 2048 3.7
= Geometric Mean (%) 26%
= Average of Growth Rate
Calculation for Year 2018
Pn = 22067 x { 1 + ( 27 / 100 )}^0.7
Pn = 26008
Calculation for Year 2033
Pn = 22067 x { 1 + ( 27 / 100 )}^2.2
Pn = 36985
Calculation for Year 2048
Pn = 22067 x { 1 + ( 27 / 100 )}^3.7
Pn = 52596


In this method, the populations of last few decades are correctly plotted to a suitable scale on
graph. The population curve is smoothly extended for getting future population. This
extension should be done carefully and it requires proper experience and judgment. The best
way of applying this method is to extend the curve by comparing with population curve of
some other similar cities having the similar growth condition.

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Population Forcasting by Graphical Increase Method

30000 30700

25000 25790
20000 20550
0 0
1971 1981 1991 2001 2011 2021 2031 2041 2051

5.3 Water Demand Calculations as per MPUSIP Guidelines

As per the Guidelines of Madhya Pradesh Urban Services Improvement Program (MPUSIP),
below parameters were considered for calculating the daily water demand of Bankhedi town:
 Domestic– 70 LPCD for population upto 30000 and
135 LPCD for population above 30000
 Domestic urban poor & Domestic Enroute villages – 70LPCD
 Floating population – 15 LPCD
 Bulk supply customers and industry – as per field survey
 Tourists in star hotels – 300 LPCD
 Tourists in other hotels – 150 LPCD
 Fire-fighting demand to be met from existing untreated ground water
 System Total Water Loss – 15 %
Please refer below calculation for gross water demand calculation
Population for Ultimate Year (2048) = 39200 Souls
Rate of Water Supply = 70 LPDC
Floating Population (10% of Population) = 3920 Souls
Rate of Water Supply for Floating Population = 15 LPDC
Water Demand for 100% Population = 2.74 MLD
Water Demand for Floating Population = 0.06 MLD
Net Water Demand = 2.80 MLD
In this case 15% losses are considered on the Gross Water Demand and not on the Net Water
Demand. This means Net Water Demand is 85% of Gross Water Demand.
Hence Net Water Demand will be divided by the 0.85 (85%) to get Gross Water Demand.
Unaccounted for Water (UFW@15% Losses)

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= Net Water Demand / % of Losses - Net Water Demand

= 2.80 / 0.85 – 2.80 = 0.49 MLD
Gross Water Demand = Net Water Demand + UFW
= 2.80 + 0.49 = 3.29 MLD
= 3.30 MLD (Say)
Same calculations are applicable for Present and Intermediate Year of Design.

Table # 10 :- Daily Water Demand

Sr. Initial Intermediate Ultimate
Particulars Unit Stage
No. Stage Stage
1 Year 2018 2033 2048
2 Population Souls 25400 32300 39200
3 WS Rate For 100% Population LPCD 70 70 70
WS Rate For Floating Population
4 LPCD 15 15 15
(For 10% Of Total Population)
5 WS Rate for Domestic Urban Poor LPCD 70 70 70
6 Population of Domestic Urban Poor Souls 0 0 0
7 WS Rate for Domestic Enroute Villages LPCD 70 70 70
8 Population of Domestic Enroute Villages Souls 0 0 0
9 Rate of Water Supply for Star Hotels LPCD 300 300 300
10 Beds in Star Hotels Souls 0 0 0
11 Rate of Water Supply for Other Hotels LPCD 150 150 150
12 Beds in Other Hotels Souls 0 0 0

13 Water Demand for 100% Population ML 1.78 2.26 2.74

14 Water Demand for Floating Population ML 0.04 0.05 0.06
15 Water Demand for Domestic Urban Poor ML 0.00 0.00 0.00
16 Water Demand for Domestic Enroute Village ML 0.00 0.00 0.00
17 Water Demand for Star Hotels ML 0.00 0.00 0.00
18 Water Demand for Other Hotels ML 0.00 0.00 0.00
Water Demand for Fire Fighting
19 @ (100√P)/1000) (P=Population In ML 0.00 0.00 0.00
Unaccounted for Water (UFW@ 15 %
20 ML 0.32 0.41 0.49
21 Gross Water Demand ML 2.14 2.72 3.30
22 Gross Water Demand (Say) ML 2.20 2.80 3.30

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5.4 Ward-Wise Distribution of Water& Distribution Zone

Based on the population projection and gross water demand of town, the wardwise population projection, water requirement of ward and
distribution zoning as per the capacity OHT are given below:
Table # 9 :- Wardwise Population Projection
Sr. Ward No of Gross Water Existing Proposed
Village Population Wardwise Population Storage Zone
No. No. Houses Demand (ML) OHT OHT
Year 2011 2018 2033 2048 2018 2033 2048 KL KL KL
1 Nayakheda 1059 239 1059 1219 1550 1881 0.11 0.13 0.16 64 Zone A - 100
2 1 Chillod 1146 261 1146 1319 1677 2036 0.11 0.15 0.17 69
3 Bandar Jilla 149 31 149 172 218 265 0.01 0.02 0.02 9 Zone B - 200
4 2 Theni 1435 315 1435 1652 2100 2549 0.14 0.18 0.21 86
5 3 Rahatwada 1853 354 1853 2133 2712 3292 0.18 0.24 0.28 74 Zone C 80 -
6 4 Dahalwada Kala 1746 354 1746 2010 2556 3102 0.17 0.22 0.26 105
Zone D - 200
7 5 Bankhedi 1450 310 1450 1669 2122 2576 0.14 0.18 0.22 87
8 6 Bankhedi 1480 315 1480 1704 2166 2629 0.15 0.19 0.22 89
9 7 Bankhedi 1695 350 1695 1951 2481 3011 0.17 0.22 0.25 102
10 8 Bankhedi 930 210 930 1070 1361 1652 0.09 0.12 0.14 56
11 9 Bankhedi 1865 396 1865 2147 2730 3313 0.19 0.24 0.28 112
Zone E - 700
12 10 Bankhedi 1250 255 1250 1439 1830 2221 0.12 0.16 0.19 75
13 11 Bankhedi 1030 225 1030 1186 1508 1830 0.10 0.13 0.15 62
14 12 Bankhedi 1330 285 1330 1531 1947 2363 0.13 0.17 0.20 80
15 13 Bankhedi 1578 337 1578 1816 2310 2803 0.16 0.20 0.24 95
16 14 Kalkuhi 935 206 935 1076 1369 1661 0.09 0.12 0.14 56
17 Kemdhana 480 97 480 552 703 853 0.05 0.06 0.07 29 Zone H - 150
18 Andhyarbawdi 656 134 656 755 960 1165 0.07 0.08 0.10 40
Total 22067 4674 22067 25400 32300 39200 2.20 2.80 3.30 80 1350

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About Water Source –
11 Nos Tube Wells

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6 About Water Source– Tube Wells

For the water supply of Bankhedi town, water source studies done. There appears to be three
optional sources:
A. Narmada River
B. Ool River & Anjana River
C. Extracting Ground Water
Other than these three options, there is no water body present nearby vicinity of the Bankhedi
town to consider as a water source for proposed Water Supply Scheme of town.
The criteria for selection of water source are
o Availability of water throughout the year
o Lowest risk of contamination and pollution of water due to urbanization and
o Low capital cost of transmission of water and operating expenditures.
o Fulfilment of above water qualities as per CPHEEO Manual.

6.1 Narmada River as a Source

Narmada basin extends over states of Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat, Maharashtra and
Chhattisgarh having an area of 98,796 which is nearly 3% of the total geographical
area of the country with maximum length and width of 923 & 161 km. It lies between 72°38’
to 81°43’ east longitudes and 21°27’ to 23°37’ north latitudes. It is bounded by the Vindhyas
on the north, by the Maikala range on the east, by the Satpuras on the south and by the
Arabian Sea on the west. The hilly regions are in the upper part of the basin, and lower
middle reaches are broad and fertile areas well suited for cultivation. Narmada is the largest
west flowing river of the peninsular India. It rises from Maikala range near Amarkantak in
Anuppur district of Madhya Pradesh, at an elevation of about 1057 m. The total length of the
river is 1,312 km and for the first 1079 km it flows in Madhya Pradesh and thereafter forms
the common boundary between Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra for 35 km, and
Maharashtra and Gujarat for 39 km. In Gujarat State it stretches for 159 km. It’s important
tributaries are the Burhner, the Banjar, the Sher, the Shakkar, the Dudhi, the Tawa , the
Ganjal, the Kundi, the Goi and the Karjan which joins from left whereas the Hiran, the
Tendoni, the Barna, the Kolar, the Man, the Uri, the Hatni and the Orsang joins from right.
Narmada drains into the Arabian Sea through the Gulf of Khambhat. The major part of basin
is covered with agriculture accounting to 56.90%. Water bodies cover 2.95% of the total
basin area. The basin spreads over 20 parliamentary constituencies (2009) comprising 15 of
Madhya Pradesh, 3 of Gujarat, and 1 each of Chhattisgarh and Maharashtra.

Table 10 :- Salient Features of Narmada Basin

Basin Extent
Longitude 72° 38’ to 81° 43’ E
Latitude 21° 27’ to 23° 37’ N
Length of Narmada River (Km) 1312
Catchment Area ( 98796

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Average Water Resource Potential (MCM) 45639

Utilizable Surface Water Resource(MCM) 34500
Live Storage Capacity of Completed Projects (MCM) 17806
Live Storage Capacity of Projects Under Construction (MCM) 6835
Total Live Storage Capacity of Projects (MCM) 24641
No. of Hydrological Observation Stations of CWC 26 (including 8 Gauge site)
No. of Flood Forecasting Stations of CWC 4

The surface water development in the basin had been very insignificant during the pre-plan
period. Tawa, Barna and Sukha are the important projects completed during the plan period.
With the award of the Narmada Water Disputes Tribunal, the basin is poised or all round
development in the water resources front. Among the projects under construction in the basin,
Sardar Sarovar, Indira Sagar, Bargi and Omkareshwar are the most important. The Narmada
Water Disputes Tribunal has allocated the Narmada water (75% dependable utilisable flow of
34.54 cubic Km at Sardar Sarovar dam) amongst the States as under: The Narmada Water
Disputes Tribunal has allocated the Narmada water amongst the States as below:
Madhya Pradesh 22.51 Cubic Km
Gujarat 11.10 Cubic Km
Rajasthan 0.62 Cubic Km
Maharashtra 0.31 Cubic Km

Share of Narmada River Water (in Maf) as per Tribunal Award

Narmada River is located around 28 Km away from Bankhedi town and at lower elevation
(GL = 249 m) then the Bankhedi town. It will be a costly affair if Narmada River will be
selected as a source. Also the cost of Operation & Maintenance will be higher due the long
length of RWRM. Narmada River won’t be an economical source for Bankhedi WSS. Also
it may be difficult for Bankhedi Nagar Parishad to operate and maintain the scheme from
Narmada River.

Considering above points Narmada River is not selected as a source for Bankhedi WSS.

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View of Narmada River at Khera Ghat

View of Narmada River at Passi Ghat

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6.2 Ool River & Anjana River as a Source

River Ool and Anjana are passing on either side of Bankhedi town. Both the Rivers are the
surface water source available which is seasonal stream, and currently its water is also not
available in the rivers.
The Rivers dried down immediately after rainy season and also in most of the days of rainy
season the water is not available in the rivers. Also River basis in not so deep so that we can
construct a barrage or river poundage to store water to cater water demand of Bankhedi town.
Hence we have not selected Ool & Anjana Rivers as a water source for Bankhedi Water
Supply Scheme.

View of Ool River

View of Anjana River

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6.3 Tube Wells / Ground Water as a Source

Presently only 0.70 MLD of water is being supplied through ground sources like 10 nos of
tube wells, 120 nos of Hand Pumps & 2 nos of open well. Below data / graphs from the
Central Ground Water Board, Ministry of Water Resources and Rural Development shows,
that water table in the Bankhedi Tehsil is the best in the Hoshangabad district.

Graph Showing Ground Water Depth for Bankhedi Tehsil for Various Seasons of Year

Hoshangabad district is characterized by alluvial formations; Gondwana, Achaean and

Deccan trap basaltic lava flow. Dynamic ground water resources of the district have been
estimated for base year -2008/09 on block-wise basis. Out of 6, 70,400 ha of geographical
area, 5, 58,352 ha (84 %) is ground water recharge worthy area and 1, 12, 48 ha (16 %) is
hilly area. There are six number of assessment units (block) in the district which fall under
command (43 %) and non-command (57 % - Bankhedi, Pipariya and Kesla) sub units. All
blocks of the district are categorized as safe blocks, Bankhedi block is with highest stage of
ground water development of 61 %. The net ground water availability in the district
2,01,888 ham and ground water draft for all uses is 35,617 ham, making stage of ground
water development 18 % (14 % in 2003/04) as a whole for district. After making allocation
for future domestic and industrial supply for next 25 years, balance available ground water
for future irrigation would be 1, 64,889 ham at 50 % stage of ground water development’s
safe limits in the district.
Quality of ground water is fresh to saline with EC ranging from 440 to 2710 mmhos/cm at 25° C,
nitrate from 1.3 to 122 mg/l and fluoride from 0.11 to 1 mg/l.

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Depth of
Water Levels

Pre-monsoon Depth to Water Level (May-2012)

In general depth to water level in the area ranges from 4.14 to 17.50 m below ground
level. It is observed that the major part of the district was covered by the water levels
varying between 4 to 12m bgl during the period

Depth of
Water Levels

Post-monsoon Depth to water level (November-2012)

In general, during post-monsoon period, depth of water levels in the district ranges
between 1.24 and 13.47 m below ground level. It is observed that the major part of the
district was covered by the water levels varying between 5 to 10 m bgl during the period.

Considering all above points and Yield Test Reports (Please refer Clause No 15.3) of
existing 10 tube wells it is decided to select Tube Wells as a water supply source for
proposed Bankhedi WSS.

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Design Norms & Parameter
Adopted for WSS Components

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7 Design Norms & Parameter Adopted for WSS Components

7.1 Factors Affecting Consumption

Larger the city, more the rate of consumption. Individual bungalows consume more than
flats. Slums consume less water. In hot weather consumption is more. The consumption rate
is less in metered areas than that area where charges are levied on flat rate basis. CPHEEO
Manual on Water Supply & treatment stipulate maximum of 70 LPCD for towns without
sewerage, 135 LPCD for towns with sewerage system existing / contemplated and 150 LPCD
for metropolitan and Mega cities with sewerage system existing/contemplated. Where water
is provided through PSPs 40 LPCD should be considered. The un- accounted for water is not
included in above per capita supply. The LPCD figures include water for commercial,
institutional and minor industries. However the bulk supply to such establishments should be
assessed separately. The scheme is proposed on the basis of service benchmarking @ 70
LPCD as per the Guidelines of Madhya Pradesh Urban Services Improvement Program
(MPUSIP).Other provisions are adhered to as follows:
7.2 Rate of Water Supply
 Domestic– 70 LPCD for population up to 30000 and
135 LPCD for population above 30000
7.3 Un-accounted for Water
The unaccounted for water in Indian cities is very high-some 40-50%. However the target
should be to reduce it to maximum of 15 % as per the Guidelines of Madhya Pradesh Urban
Services Improvement Program (MPUSIP). Accordingly while designing a scheme provision
of 15 % for UFW / NRW should be taken and old schemes should be rehabilited to bring
UFW / NRW to 15 % level. For Bankhedi town under system losses are considered as given
Water Treatment – 3%
Water Transmission – 2%
Distribution system – 10%
Thus total losses considered– 15%

7.4 Peak factor

As per the CPHEEO Manual for Water Supply & Treatment, range of Peak Factor for various
populations are given below:--
For population up to 50000 - 3.0
For population 50000 to 200000 - 2.5
For population above 200000 - 2.0
For Small water supply schemes - 3.0
(Where supply is affected through stand posts for only 6 hours)

7.5 Continuous Supply

Piped water supplies are proposed to be designed on continuous 24 hour basis. Intermittent
supplies are neither desirable from public health point nor economical.
 Duration of pumping- all pumping operations will be done for 22 hours a day.

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 Standby for pumping machinery - In case one pumping set suggested-Minimum.

100% standby is envisaged.

7.6 Quality Standards

Quality of water from the proposed source is said to be secured and quality assured as per the
guidelines given in the CPHHEEO manual and the water test results as per the Annexure
15.2The extract of guidelines parameter is given in the table below:
Table 11 :- Water Quality of Source as per CPHEEO Manual
Sr. Cause for
Parameter Acceptable
No. Rejection
1 Turbidity (NTU) 1 10
2 Colour (Units on platinum cobalt scale) 5 25
3 Taste and Odour Unobjectionable Objectionable
4 pH 7.0 to 8.5 <6.5 to >9.2
5 Total dissolved solids (mg/L) 500 2000
6 Total hardness as CaCO3 (mg/L) 200 600
7 Chlorides as Cl (mg/L) 200 1000
8 Sulphates as SO4 (mg/L) 200 400
9 Fluorides as F (mg/L) 1 1.5
10 Nitrates as NO3 (mg/L) 45 45
11 Calcium as Ca (mg/L) 75 200
12 Magnesium as Mg (mg/L) 30 150
13 Iron as Fe (mg/L) 0.1 1
14 Manganese as Mn (mg/L) 0.05 0.5
15 Copper as Cu (mg/L) 0.05 1.5
16 Aluminium as Al (mg/L) 0.03 0.2
17 Alkalinity (mg/L) 200 600
18 Residual Chlorine (mg/L) 0.2 >1.0
19 Zinc as Zn (mg/L) 5 15
20 Phenolic compounds as Phenol (mg/L) 0.001 0.002
21 Anionic detergents as MBAS (mg/L) 0.2 1
22 Mineral Oil (mg/L) 0.01 0.03
Toxic Materials
23 Arsenic as (mg/L) 0.05 0.05
24 Cadmium as Cd (mg/L) 0.01 0.01
25 Chromium as Hexavalent Cr (mg/L) 0.05 0.05
26 Cyanides as CN (mg/L) 0.05 0.05
27 Lead as Pb (mg/L) 0.05 0.05
28 Selenium as Se (mg/L) 0.01 0.01
29 Mercury as Hg (mg/L) 0.001 0.001
Polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons
30 0.2 0.2
(PAH) (g/L)

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7.7 Selection Surface Water:

Water collected from precipitation, Lakes, ponds, Dams, Rivers, Irrigation canals, sea water,
waste water reclamation etc are surface sources. Study the availability and relative costs of
supplying water and then decide source. The raw water from lakes, ponds, dams and rivers is
extracted by constructing floating or fixed Intake. Intake can be with pumping sets on it or
only draw water and through conduit carry to a suction well from where it is pumped. Clause (c) stipulate design considerations. Rate of Silting in dams, Clause (g(i)),
stipulate 0.1 to 0.2 hectare meters per year per sqkilometre. Evaporation in dams, Clause
( (g(ii)), stipulate 2-2.5 m/year.

7.8 Appurtenances:
On line valves are provided in larger mains at 500 m to 1.5 km interval to facilitate repairs.
Non rising spindle Sluice valves are used for isolating or scouring and not intended for
continuous throttling as erosion of the seats and body cavitation may occur. Butterfly valves
are used to regulate and stop the flow. In large size butterfly valves are cheaper and occupy
less space. These may involve higher friction loss than sluice valve. Also not suitable for
continuous throttling. Sluice valve and butterfly valve for higher sizes require geared hand
wheel or power driven actuators. Scour valves are provided in valleys / depressions to
dewater pipe line. Air valve size is one fourth to on sixth of pipe diameter. Kinetic air valves
are used to release air entrapped during running of pipe line. Pressure relief valves, Check
valves, Pressure Reducing Valves, Ball Float Valves, and Shut off valves are used for
specific purposes.

7.9 Minimum &Maximum Velocity of Flow

Low velocities reduce head loss and energy cost but pipe dia required becomes larger. High
velocities increase head loss and energy but require smaller pipe dia. As such economic pipe
dia should be selected maximum velocity should be less than 3 m/sec to prevent erosion.
Minimum velocity of 0.6 m/sec is adopted to avoid deposition & corrosion. However where it
is inevitable due to minimum pipe diameter criteria, lower velocities may be adopted with
adequate provision for scouring.

7.10 Water Hammer

Water hammer pressures are computed as per CPHEEO Manual on & treatment stipulate in
clause 6.17.1 of CPHEEO Manual on &treatment. If the operating pressure plus surge
pressure exceeds 1.1 times internal design pressure then protective device required. In no
case maximum operating pressure plus surge should exceed field hydrostatic pressure.

7.11 Head Loss in Pipes

Hazen-Williams formula (clause 6.2.1 a) for pressure conduits and Manning’s formula
(clause 6.2.1 b) for free flow conduits are generally used. Table 6.1 of Manual give value of
Hazen William coefficient of roughness and Table 6.2 give value of Manning’s coefficient of
roughness. Modified Hazen William Formula, clause 6.2.4 obviates the limitations of Hazen
William formula and can be used for more accuracy. Clause 6.2.8 gives design

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recommendations for use of Modified Hazen Williams Formula and Table 6.4 provides value
of roughness coefficient in MHW formulae.

7.12 Head Loss due to Specials and Appurtenances:

Pipe line transitions and appurtenances add head loss which is expressed as KV^2/2g where v
is velocity in m/sec and g is acceleration due to gravity in m/sec square. Value of K for
different fittings are given in Table 6.5of Manual are considered.

7.13 Pipe Material Options

Pipelines involve major investments in as such judicious selection of pipe material is
necessary. Selection basis should consider durability, life and cost which include installation
and maintenance cost. Pipe material options are CI, DI, MS, GI, RCC, PSCC, BWSC, AC,
PVC, Polyethylene, GRP etc. Technical factors affecting decision are availability in market,
internal pressure, roughness coefficient, hydraulic and operating conditions, internal and
external corrosion problems, laying and jointing, type of soil, ease of transportation, special
conditions etc. The Manual has stipulated check list, Table 6.7, to facilitate decision for
selection of pipe material.
As per the guidelines of Madhya Pradesh Urban Services Improvement Program (MPUSIP),
we have considered DI K9 pipes for rising mains and DI K7 for Gravity Mains.

7.14 Laying& Jointing of Pipeline

Pipes are laid underground with minimum cover of 1 m. Care should be taken to locate other
utilities in ground and avoid damage to them. All specials and valves should be available and
installed with pipe without leaving gap for subsequent installation. Width of trench at bottom
shall provide 200 mm clearance on both sides of pipe. Pipe line shall be laid as straight as
possible with minimum horizontal and vertical bends. The bend should not exceed 2 degree
or as recommended by manufacturer. Provide proper bends and thrust blocks and anchors at
bends and dead ends. Transportation, handling and storage should be proper and follow
manufacturer’s recommendations. Pipes over 300 mm dia shall be handled and lowered into
the trenches with the help of Crane or chain pulley block. The socket end should face
upstream when laying on flat ground and should face the up gradient when pipe runs uphill.
All lumps, blisters and excess coating material shall be removed from socket and spigot end
of each pipe and outside of the spigot and inside of the socket shall be wire-brushed and
wiped clean and dry from oil &grease before the pipe is laid.

7.15 Testing of Laid Pipeline

The field pressure to be imposed should not be less than the maximum of 1.5 times the
maximum sustained operating pressure, Sum of the maximum sustained operating pressure
and the maximum surge pressure.
Losses during test shall be less than 0.1 litres per mm of pipe dia per KM of pipeline per day
for each 30 metre head of pressure applied.

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7.16 Water Treatment Plant

Purpose: Aeration is to add oxygen in waters deficient in oxygen or for expulsion of carbon
dioxide, hydrogen sulphide and other volatile substances causing taste and odour or to
precipitate impurities like iron and manganese.
Chemical Handling &Feeding
Feeding can be dry or in solution. Solution is fed through controlled feeders which are gravity
or pressure type. There should be at least 2 tanks for each chemical feed & capacity of each
to hold 8 hour requirement. Manual mixing for plants upto2.5 MLD and for higher capacity
mechanical mixers / compresses air / recirculation required. To regulate dose solution feed
device is used by means of orifice Rota meter / positive displacement pump / weir. Constant
head orifice is the most common device.
Chemical Storage
Storage of 3 months is advisable. In cases where major storage is provided at a place away
from the feed equipment, a week’s storage space should be provided near the plant. Storage
should be damp proof & properly drained. For chemicals in bag, stack height should not
exceed 2 m.
Coagulation & Flocculation
Coagulation is produced by the addition of a chemical and rapid mixing (flash mixing) for
obtaining uniform dispersion. Flocculation formation of settle able particles (flock) is
achieved by gentle and prolonged mixing. Good flocculation with minimum coagulant dose
and in least time occurs within optimum pH zone. Flocculation Time: usually require 15-30
minutes in summer and 30-60 minutes in the colder months. Hydrated lime or soda ash may
be used when increase in hardness is to be avoided.
Sludge Removal
In circular tanks where mechanical scrappers are provided, the floor slopes should not be
flatter than 1 in 12, to ensure continuous and proper collection of sludge. For manual cleaning
slope should be above 1 in 10.
Rapid Gravity Filters (RGF): The distinctive features of RGF compared to slow sand
filtration is careful pre-treatment, higher filtration rate, coarser but more uniform filter media,
backwashing by reversing flow. Standard filtration rate is 4.8-6 m/hour. Practice is tending
towards higher rate (upto10 m/hour) with better pre-treatment and use of coarser sand
(effective size 1mm). Maximum area of one filter bed 100 Sqm consisting of two halves of
50 sqm is recommended for plants greater than 100 MLD. Also for flexibility of operation a
minimum of 4 beds should be provided which can be reduced to 2 for smaller plants. Where
filters are located on both sides of a pipe gallery, length to width ratio of filter bed is found to
be 1.11 to 1.66 averaging about 1.25 to 1.33. A minimum overall depth of 2.6 m including
free board of 0.5 m is adopted. It is not necessary to provide roof over the filters. The
operating gallery should be roofed. Effective size of sand shall be 0.45 to 0.7 mm, uniformity
coefficient 1.7 to 1.3, ignition loss should not exceed 0.7% by weight, soluble fraction in
hydrochloric acid shall not exceed 5% by weight, silica content not less than 90%, specific
gravity 2.55 to 2.65 and wearing loss shall not exceed 3%. Usually depth of sand should be

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0.6 to 0.75 m but for higher rate filtration when coarse medium is used deeper sand beds are
suggested. Standing depth of water over filter varies from 1 to 2 m and free board of 0.5 m.
Performance of Rapid Gravity Filter
Filtrate turbidity should be less than 1 NTU,should be free from colour (3 or less on cobalt
scale), filter run be not less than 24 hours with a head loss not exceeding 2 m, wash water
consumption less than 2% of filtered quantity.
Under Drainage Systems
In case of central manifold and laterals (lateral pipes can be of CI, plastic, AC, concrete or
other material). A non-ferrous drain system is preferable where water has a low pH and is
corrosive and when the correction for pH has to follow the filtration process.
Filter Gravel
Size of gravel varies from 50 mm at bottom to 2 to 5 mm at the top with a depth of 0.45 m. In
case of porous plate floor supported on concrete pillars, bottom gravel not required.
High Rate Backwash
Back wash pressure is about 5 m in undertrains so as to expand sand 130-150% of its
undisturbed volume. Normally wash water rate where no other agitation is provided is 600
lpm/sqm for a period of 10 minutes. For high rate wash pressure may be 6-8 m and wash
water rate of 666-750 lpm/sqm for 6-10 minutes. Capacity of back wash storage tank must be
sufficient to supply wash water to two filter units at a time where the units are 4 or more.
Air Wash System
Free air at 600-900 lpm/sq m at 0.35 kg/sqcm is forced through under drain for a period of 5
minutes following which wash water is introduced at a rate of 400-600 lpm/sqm. In the
practice of backwashing employing air and water wash together air is applied at a rate of 45-
50 m/hour and water at 12-15 m/hour.
Satisfactory disinfection is obtained by pre-chlorination to maintain 0.3 to 0.4 mg/l free
available residual throughout treatment or 0.2 to 0.3 mg/l free available residual in the
plant effluent at normal pH values. At higher pH of 8 to 9 at least 0.4 mg/l is required for
complete bacterial kill with 10 minutes contact time. For 30 minute contact time dosage
reduces to 0.2 to 0.3 mg/l.

7.17 Pumping
NPSH available (suction pressure-friction loss in foot valve, suction pipe and fittings-velocity
head at suction face-suction head-vapour pressure) should be higher than the NPSH required.
Piping: Suction pipe should be short and straight, bends of long radius, size one or two sizes
larger than nominal suction of pump, use eccentric reducer so that no point on suction pipe is
higher than suction part of pump, velocity in suction pipe 2 m/sec, velocity in bell mouth 1.5
m/sec, suction strainer should have area at least 3 times area of suction pipe. Discharge pipe
may be one size higher than pump delivery; velocity may be 2.5 m/sec, discharge piping
connection to a common header by a radial tee or 30-45 degree bend. Dismantling joint be
provided between pump and valve. Valves: In case of suction lift provide foot valve. Provide
vacuum pump priming when suction pipe larger than 300 mm. In case of positive suction

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head sluice valve or butterfly valve is provided in suction pipe for isolation. In delivery pipe a
non-return valve (NRV) and delivery valve i.e. sluice/butterfly valve should be provided.
NRV should be between pump and delivery valve. Size of valve should match size of pipe.
Pump House Size: Minimum space between two adjoining pumps or motor should be 0.6 m
for small and medium units and 1 m for large units. A clear space of 915 mm in width shall
be provided in front of switch board. If there are any attachments or connections at the back
of switch board space behind shall be either less than 230 mm or more than 750 mm in width
measured from farthest part of attachment/conductor. Service bay for overhauling/repairs
should be provided to accommodate largest equipment. A ramp or a loading unloading bay
should be provided. Head room and material handling tackle for vertical pump should be able
to lift, dismantle and carry motor and largest column assembly to maintenance bay.

7.18 Service Reservoir

Capacity can be worked out by mass curve between inflow pattern of water and outflow
pattern of water. Capacity is about 33 %of quantity of water to be supplied in case of
continuous supply is usually considered is adopted.

7.19 Distribution System

Pressure Requirement:
CPHEEO Manual on water supply & treatment stipulates that for towns where one-storied
buildings are common and for supply to the ground level storage tanks in multi-storeyed
buildings, the minimum residual pressure at ferrule point should be 7 m for direct supply.
Where two-storied buildings are common, it may be 12 m and where three-storied buildings
are prevalent 17 m or as stipulated by local byelaws.
It has been decided to adopt distribution system design for only 10 m residual pressure at
ferrule point and 7 m head at customer tap.
Minimum Pipe Size:
Minimum pipe size 75mm OD (to be supplied in coils) where no future extension is required
and 110mm OD where future extension is necessary; All joints with compression fittings up
to 200mm OD; butt welding for higher sizes with local fabricated joints. HDPE PE100 PN10
Class up to 300mm size and DI K9 class for higher sizes
Two Pipes on Wide Roads
For roads wider than 25 m distribution pipe may be provided on both side of road.
Sluice Valves
Sluice valves should be provided such as to isolate each District Metering Area (DMA).
Design of Pipe Network
Design is done through customized software’s like EPANET / WATERGEMS

7.20 Single Contractor Supply, Laying & Jointing

It may be desirable that all pipeline contracts are awarded on a single contract responsibility
so that quality of assurance at various stages of manufacture, transportation, supply, laying,
jointing, testing and commissioning is taken care by a single agency.

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7.21 Domestic Water Meters

As per the amended IS 779 (ISO 4064) magnetically driven and hermetically sealed meters
should be used. To improve quality of meters type test in CPRI recommended.

7.22 Bulk Water Meters

Vane wheel type or helical types in sizes 50 to 300 mm conforming to IS 2373 are available
in the market. In higher sizes full bore magnetic flow meters and ultrasound meters are also

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Construction Issues
Activities during Execution

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8 Construction Issues & Activity during Execution

8.1 Construction Activity Plan

Activity chart for planned & time bound execution of work of Bankhedi Water Supply
Scheme is envisaged for monitoring of execution of works and given in the Annexure -15.7
8.2 Floating of Bids for Time-Bound Completion of Works
While floating bids/tenders for work realistic period of work be given to contractor and if
proportionate completion not done, then contractor be panelised. Work progress suffering
during rains, time lag due to festivals in India like Sankranti, Holi, Ganesh, Durga Dashera &
Diwali, Mohram, Ed, Crismas are also need to be considered. Effect of this time loss should
also reflect in our bid documents as considered for rainy season.
After sewer lying done, the item of roads making good the same, be introduced separately to
avoid public criticism. This has been considered in the estimates.
8.3 Traffic Management Plan
Before start of excavation of water supply distribution pipe line for lying in District metering
Areas the town prior intimation and layout marking be done and public information /notice be
given to local residents. Local administration /Traffic Police Authorities should be contacted
and traffic plans for diversions etc be drawn well in advance before n start of excavation
works at site to avoid any complications & accident during execution of work.
8.4 Co-ordination with Line Departments & Utilisation of Provisional Sum
Wherever permission from a state or central government organization is required in
implementation of the project, it would be endeavoured to obtain the same while starting the
execution of works at sites.
Where raw water source is taken from a river, appropriate allocation of water for the project
shall be got done before finalizing the DPR.
Clearances/ Permission from other Ministries namely Ministry of Environment and Forest,
WRD, MPPBC/CPCB, NHAI and Railways, if required, shall be obtained from concerned
8.5 Status of Strata/ Soil, Water Table in the Bankhedi Town
Soil & water table available in the area of Bankhedi are done & the findings are given below.
Soils of the area are characterized by black grey, red (lateritic) and yellow colours, often
mixed with red and black alluvium and ferruginous red ravel or lateritic soils. Red soil is also
found on hilltops, which is Moorum or loosely packed and gritty, generally shallow and
incapable of supporting good forest growth. The nature of soils of the area is of hills and
ridges with scarps type. The soils in the area are very shallow, somewhat excessively drained
loamy soils on moderately to steep sloping hills and ridges with scarps with severe erosion.
The soil cover on the plateau generally varies between 1 to 5 m thicknesses.
The denudation hill range is the highest elevated land. The yield of groundwater in this area
is very poor. The water table fluctuations are ranging from 2 to 3.0 m in dug wells; 5 to 24 m
in dug-cum-bore wells and 4 to 20 m in bore wells. The average yield ranges from 26 to 39

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It is necessary for ULB to get prior sanction from State Pollution Control Board for
construction of WTPs. As per state Govt. it may be ensured that necessary
sanctions/clearance from SPCB & line departments are obtained by the authority. Statutory
requirements like sanction from urban local body(if any),sanction required from authorities
maintaining roads, Forest Dept. sanctions, Clearance for transfer of land required for the
purpose of construction of may also be processed & obtained NOC before start of works at

8.6 Safety & Environmental Plan for Execution of WSS

Table 12:- Safety & Environmental Plan during Execution of WSS
Activity Activity / Action Plan Responsibility
Use ear plug & nose masks when
necessary for performing task.
Air Pollution / By Contractor
Excavation Excavated soil shall be arranged both
Noise Pollution /Agency
side on trench properly at a safe
Ensure that excavated soil shall not be
Removal of
Water (Nali - flown in nearby nali & nalla and extra By Contractor
Nalla) stuff/Soil & be transported to site as per /Agency
direction of Engineer-in-charge.
The construction site and surrounding
are to be maintained in a clean and
presentable condition at all times.
Site By Contractor
Constriction activities shall avoid
Housekeeping /Agency
causing unnecessary disruption &
nuisance to adjacent landowners & the
public as a whole
The Contractor shall ensure that there is
basic fire fighting equipment available
Fire on site as per requirement of the local
By Contractor
Prevention & Air Pollution Emergency Services. If any emergency
Control or misshapen then Environmental
/Safety shall attend to the requirements
Health & Ensure that First-Aid kit is provided at By Contractor
Safety site Office as per relevant standards /Agency
Unnecessary tree cutting prohibited
shall be adhered to in case progress is
affected by any tree. Cutting of tree By Contractor
Tree Safety
shall be done as per Provisions of /Agency
Forest/related dept. norms, plantation
of equivalent.
Installation of Power generator/DG set
Power By Contractor
Air Pollution as per standard norms shall be ensured
Generator /Agency
at site.

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Material /dumping through truck/Trali

etc. shall be done carefully & more By Contractor
careful dumping of sand.& packed /Agency
through thick polythene bag
Ensure to arrange medical camp for
Health Safety By Contractor
labours & proper facility like clear
of Workers /Agency
water, latrine ,good quality food etc.
Before start of any alignment of pipe
residents shall be informed line Proper
Public sign boards, display boards, By Contractor
Awareness barricading, taps shall be on site to /Agency
avoid any misshapen during work
Ensure that certification is necessary
Vehicle / By Contractor
Air Pollution from concerning respective
Machine /Agency
departments are kept with vehicle.
Ensure that after daily progress of
Site work, site is cleaned. No material/Pipe
Clearance pieces etc. shall be remained on the
Proper Place Necessary vehicles shall be provided By Contractor
of Vehicle for safety. /Agency
Work carefully, in the case any damage
during the construction like damage
By Contractor
Attention Water pollution occurs then proper coordination with
concern authorities shall be done &
damages are attended to on priority.

8.7 Social Safeguards

No significant Involuntary Resettlements (IR) is required during the execution of Bankhedi
Water Supply Scheme. The lands identified for various components of water supply scheme
and the ownership status is confirmed as given below:
Table 13 :- Social Safeguards
Main Components of WSS Status of Ownership & Remarks
Construction of Tube Wells Nagar Parishad Bankhedi
Water Treatment Plant Not Required
Execution of work will be done along ROW (Right of
Way) of GoMP roads and lands and therefore no
significant resettlements issues. Temporary disruption to
road users, pedestrians, community members is likely to
Execution of Pipelines –
involve. During the pipe laying work execution, it is
Raw Water Rising Main,
necessary to avoid any disruption to community by taking
Clear Water Feeder Main,
mitigation measures such as prior intimation to the
Water Supply Distribution System
habitants in the area before layouts are given on roads for
pipe laying, proper barricading and signage boards,
temporary traffic diversion and controlled activities, safety
during night work are need to be ensured.
Construction of Over Head Tanks Nagar Parishad Bankhedi

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Abstract of Project Cost

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9 Abstract of Project Cost

Table 14 :- Abstract of Cost

Sr. Estimate
Description of Sub-Estimate Amount (Rs.)
No. Number
1 E-1 Confirmative Survey 1034559
2 E-2 Tube well Installation 333566
3 E-3 Clear Water Pumping Machinery 1685960
4 E-4 Clear Water Feeder Main 8758359
5 E-5 Sump cum Pump House 1650000
6 E-6 Over Head Tank 16700000
7 E-7 Distribution System of Bankhedi 93799550
Electrical Sub-Station / Transformer & Transmission
8 E-8 1650857
9 E-9 PLC And SCADA For Scheme Monitoring 4000000
Statutory payments to water resources, National
Highways, State Highways, Indian Railways, Forest
Department, Archaeological Survey of India and similar
Payments to electricity company for sanction and
extension of dedicated power supply to various 1500000
infrastructure locations
Provision towards costs associated with social
Provision towards costs associated with environmental
Network expansions if required beyond the present
Nalla crossings, shifting of utilities and miscellaneous works 1500000
Asset Replacement Fund 1000000
Net Cost of Scheme 141612851
Contingencies Charges (3% of Project Cost) 4248386
Supervision Charges (5%) 7080643
Operations & Maintenance of Scheme (10 Years) 64720594
Grand Cost of Scheme 217662474

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Establishment, Operation,
Maintenance & Repair Charges
of Water Supply Scheme

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10 Establishment, Operation, Maintenance & Repair of WSS

10.1 Institutional Review &Structure of Operation &Maintenance Team

Table 15 :- Institutional Review & Structure of O & M Team

Institutional Review:-
President & Munnicipal Body

Chief Municipal Officer

Sub - Engineer

Time Keeper, Fitter, Attendent

Structure of Operation & Maintenance Team:-

Name of No. of Monthly Total Yearly
Sr. No.
Post Posts Salary Salary
Upto 5 MLD Water Demand as per CPHEEO Manual Appendix 13.1
1 Sub Engineer 1 30000 360000
2 Pump Operator - Tube Wells 2 7500 180000
3 Helper / Fitters - Pump House 2 7500 180000
4 Helper / Fitters - Pumping Main 2 7500 180000
5 Helper / Fitters - Distribution 2 7500 180000
6 Electrician / Mechanic 1 10500 126000
7 Collection Officer 1 7500 90000
8 Watchman - OHT 1 7500 90000
9 Lab Assistant / Chemist 1 10500 126000
10 Accountant for Billing 1 10500 126000
Total 14 106500 1638000

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10.2 Annual Operation, Maintenance& Repair Charges

Table 16 :- Annual Operation, Maintenance & Repair Charges

Sr. No. Description Unit Qty Amount
Electrical Energy & Lubricant Charges of Pumping Machinery
Electrical Consumption at Head Works Kw 73
Electrical Consumption at WTP Kw 0
Total Electrical Consumption Kw 73
Pumping Hours for Initial Stage Hr 18
A Electrical Energy Required Per Day Kwh 1314
Electrical Energy Required Per Year Kwh 479765
Rate of Electricity @ Rs 5.0 Per Unit Rs./ Unit 5.0
Electrical Energy Charges/Year Rs./Year 2398826
Lubricant Charges Rs. 10000
Electrical & Lubricants Charges Rs. 2408826
Chemicals and Sundry Materials Charges
a) Chlorine
Average Dose mg/ltr 3
Quantity of Water / Day ML 2.20
Quantity of Water / Year ML 803
Quantity of Chlorine Required / Year Kg 2409
Rate of Chlorine per Ton Rs./Kg 25
Total Chlorine Charges Rs. 60225
b) Alum
Average Dose mg/ltr 30
Quantity of water per day ML 2.20
Quantity of water per year ML 803
Quantity of Alum required per year Kg 24090
Add 10% for wastage 2409
Total Alum reqd. per year 26499
Rate of Alum per Kg Rs. 10
Total Amount for Alum Rs. 264990
c) Sundry Material
Grease, Cotton Waste etc. Lump Sum 10000
Chemicals & Sundry Material Charges Rs 214765
Water Sampling Charges / Year
Number of Samples No 264
Rate per Sample (PHE Laboratory Rates) Rs. 900
Water Sampling Charges Rs. 237600
D Establishment Charges (As per statement) Rs. 1638000
E M & R Charges (As per statement) 625705
Total Annual Operation & Maintenance Charges 5124897

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10.3 Establishment, Operation, Maintenance & Repair Charges for 10 Years

Table 17 :- Establishment, Operation, Maintenance & Repair Charges for 10 Years

Energy & Chemicals & Sundry Water Sampling Establishment

Sr. No. Year Lubricants Charges Material Charges Charges Charges
M & R Charges Total

1 2018-19 2408826 214765 237600 1638000 625705 5124897

2 2019-20 2505179 227651 251856 1736280 663248 5384214

3 2020-21 2605387 241310 266967 1840457 703043 5657163

4 2021-22 2709602 255789 282985 1950884 745225 5944485

5 2022-23 2817986 271136 299965 2067937 789939 6246962

6 2023-24 2930705 287404 317962 2192013 837335 6565420

7 2024-25 3047934 304648 337040 2323534 887575 6900732

8 2025-26 3169851 322927 357263 2462946 940830 7253817

9 2026-27 3296645 342303 378698 2610723 997279 7625649

10 2027-28 3428511 362841 401420 2767367 1057116 8017255

Operation, Maintenance & Repair Charges for 10 years ₹ 647,20,594

Note: As per the Additional Guidelines of MPUSIP, 4 % inflation factor in Electricity Charges per year and in other charges 6% inflation factor
in cost per year is considered.

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10.4 Annual Depreciation and Maintenance & Major Repair Charges

Table 18 :- Annual Depreciation and Maintenance & Repair Charges

Sr. Cost of Depreciation Annual % M&R
Description 90 % of Cost
No. Components Factor Depreciation M&R Charges
1 Working Survey 1034559 931103 0 0 0.00 0
2 Tube well Installation 333566 300209 0.0076 2282 0.50 1668
3 Clear Water Pumping Machinery 1685960 1517364 0.0512 77689 2.50 42149
4 Clear Water Pumping / Gravity Main 7156578 6440920 0.0076 48951 0.25 17891
5 RCC Over Head Tank 16700000 15030000 0.0076 114228 0.50 83500
6 Sump Cum Pump House 1650000 1485000 0.0076 11286 0.75 12375
7 Distribution Network 93799550 84419595 0.0076 641589 0.25 234499
8 Transformer, Sub Station 750000 675000 0.0257 17348 5.00 37500
9 Electrical HT Line 900857 810771 0.0257 20837 4.00 36034
10 Electromagnetic Flow Meter 1601781 1441603 0.0852 122825 5.00 80089
11 PLC & SCADA 4000000 3600000 0.0852 306720 2.00 80000
Total Cost 129612851 1363753 625705
Please refer Handbook by IWWA, Table No - 6.0, Page No - 47 & 48

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Financial, Revenue Generation &
Cash Flow Management

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11 Financial, Revenue Generation &Cash Flow Management

For execution of Water Supply Scheme it is necessary to ensure cash flow of funds in
proportion to ensured activity wise progress of works to complete & commission works with
in stipulated period of construction of 18 months. For revenue generation we need to fix
justified water tariff (to be collected from property owners on monthly basis for O& M of
sewerage scheme. In absence of this for non-plan flow of funds sustainability & efficient
functioning of sewerage system becomes difficulty.
11.1 Loan Repayment Schedule

Table 19 :- Loan Repayment Statement

1 Total Cost of Scheme 129612851
2 Grant in Aid from Govt. of M.P. (30 % of Project Cost) 38883855
3 Loan Amount from ADB (70 % of Project Cost) 90728996
4 Contribution of State Government (75%) of Loan Amount 68046747
5 Contribution of ULB (25%) of Loan Amount 22682249
6 Rate of Interest 4.00%
Rate of Amount Including Interest / Loan
Year Loan Amount
Interest Quarter Interest Year Repayment
2018 22682249 4.00% 22905746 223497 405040

2023-24 22905746 4.00% 23131446 225700 405040

22500706 4.00% 22722415 221709 405040
22095666 4.00% 22313384 217718 405040
21690626 4.00% 21904352 213727 405040
2024-25 21285586 4.00% 21495321 209736 405040
20880546 4.00% 21086290 205745 405040
20475505 4.00% 20677259 201753 405040
20070465 4.00% 20268228 197762 405040
2025-26 19665425 4.00% 19859196 193771 405040
19260385 4.00% 19450165 189780 405040
18855345 4.00% 19041134 185789 405040
18450305 4.00% 18632103 181798 405040
2026-27 18045264 4.00% 18223072 177807 405040
17640224 4.00% 17814041 173816 405040
17235184 4.00% 17405009 169825 405040
16830144 4.00% 16995978 165834 405040
2027-28 16425104 4.00% 16586947 161843 405040
16020064 4.00% 16177916 157852 405040
15615023 4.00% 15768885 153861 405040
15209983 4.00% 15359853 149870 405040
2028-29 14804943 4.00% 14950822 145879 405040
14399903 4.00% 14541791 141888 405040

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Table 19 :- Loan Repayment Statement

13994863 4.00% 14132760 137897 405040
13589823 4.00% 13723729 133906 405040
2029-30 13184783 4.00% 13314698 129915 405040
12779742 4.00% 12905666 125924 405040
12374702 4.00% 12496635 121933 405040
11969662 4.00% 12087604 117942 405040
2030-31 11564622 4.00% 11678573 113951 405040
11159582 4.00% 11269542 109960 405040
10754542 4.00% 10860510 105969 405040
10349501 4.00% 10451479 101978 405040
2031-32 9944461 4.00% 10042448 97987 405040
9539421 4.00% 9633417 93996 405040
9134381 4.00% 9224386 90005 405040
8729341 4.00% 8815355 86014 405040
2031-32 8324301 4.00% 8406323 82023 405040
7919260 4.00% 7997292 78032 405040
7514220 4.00% 7588261 74041 405040
7109180 4.00% 7179230 70050 405040
2032-33 6704140 4.00% 6770199 66059 405040
6299100 4.00% 6361167 62068 405040
5894060 4.00% 5952136 58077 405040
5489019 4.00% 5543105 54086 405040
2033-34 5083979 4.00% 5134074 50095 405040
4678939 4.00% 4725043 46103 405040
4273899 4.00% 4316011 42112 405040
3868859 4.00% 3906980 38121 405040
2034-35 3463819 4.00% 3497949 34130 405040
3058779 4.00% 3088918 30139 405040
2653738 4.00% 2679887 26148 405040
2248698 4.00% 2270856 22157 405040
2035-36 1843658 4.00% 1861824 18166 405040
1438618 4.00% 1452793 14175 405040
1033578 4.00% 1043762 10184 405040
628538 4.00% 634731 6193 405040
2036-37 223497 4.00% 225700 2202 405040
-181543 4.00% -183332 -1789 405040
-586583 4.00% -592363 -5780 405040
-991623 4.00% -1001394 -9771 405040

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Detailed Project Report on “Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme”

11.2 Financial Planning, Expenditure& Revenue Generation for WSS

Table 20 :- Financial Planning, Expenditure & Revenue Generation for 15 Years

Revenue from Non

Domestic Conn @

Domestic Conn @
Domestic Charges
Maintenance Cost

Cost Rs. Per Kilo

Installed Capacity

Surplus Amount
Loan Repayment

Interest Amt @

Charges (Lacs)

Charges (Lacs)
Total Expenses
Total Domestic



Revenue from

Total Revenue
Loan Amount
Project Cost
Running &





Total Non-














2018-19 25400 2500 2500 50 50 2.20 51.25 1296.13 226.82 0.00 0.00 51.2 6.38 100 25.50 25.00 400 2.04 1.50 54.0 2.79
2019-20 25893 1800 4300 5 55 2.24 53.84 1296.13 226.82 0.00 0.00 53.8 6.58 105 46.05 18.00 440 2.47 0.15 66.7 12.83
2020-21 26386 1200 5500 5 60 2.29 56.57 1296.13 226.82 0.00 0.00 56.6 6.78 110 61.85 12.00 484 2.96 0.15 77.0 20.39
2021-22 26879 323 5823 2 62 2.33 59.44 1296.13 226.82 0.00 0.00 59.4 6.99 116 68.76 3.23 532 3.37 0.06 75.4 15.97
2022-23 27371 216 6039 2 64 2.37 62.47 1296.13 226.82 0.00 0.00 62.5 7.22 122 74.87 2.16 586 3.82 0.06 80.9 18.45
2023-24 27864 128 6167 2 66 2.41 65.65 1296.13 226.82 16.20 8.79 90.6 10.29 128 80.28 1.28 644 4.34 0.06 86.0 -4.69
2024-25 28357 108 6275 1 67 2.46 69.01 1279.93 210.62 16.20 8.15 93.4 10.41 134 85.77 1.08 709 4.84 0.03 91.7 -1.63
2025-26 28850 82 6357 1 68 2.50 72.54 1263.73 194.42 16.20 7.51 96.3 10.55 141 91.24 0.82 779 5.41 0.03 97.5 1.24
2026-27 29343 76 6433 1 69 2.54 76.26 1247.52 178.22 16.20 6.87 99.3 10.70 148 96.95 0.76 857 6.03 0.03 103.8 4.44
2027-28 29836 75 6508 1 70 2.59 80.17 1231.32 162.02 16.20 6.23 102.6 10.87 155 102.98 0.75 943 6.73 0.03 110.5 7.89
2028-29 30329 74 6582 1 71 2.63 84.30 1215.12 145.81 16.20 5.60 106.1 11.06 163 109.36 0.74 1037 7.51 0.03 117.6 11.55
2029-30 30821 73 6655 1 72 2.67 88.64 1198.92 129.61 16.20 4.96 109.8 11.26 171 116.10 0.73 1141 8.38 0.03 125.2 15.44
2030-31 31314 70 6725 1 73 2.71 93.22 1182.72 113.41 16.20 4.32 113.7 11.48 180 123.19 0.70 1255 9.35 0.03 133.3 19.53
2031-32 31807 68 6793 1 74 2.76 98.04 1166.52 97.21 16.20 3.68 117.9 11.72 189 130.65 0.68 1381 10.42 0.03 141.8 23.86
2032-33 32300 50 6843 1 75 2.80 103.12 1150.31 81.01 16.20 3.04 122.4 11.97 198 138.20 0.50 1519 11.62 0.03 150.3 27.98

11.3 Water Rate Calculation

Table 21 :- Water Rate Calculation
Sr. No. Description Unit Amount
1 Gross Cost Of The Scheme Rs 129612851
2 Per Capita Cost for Initial Stage Rs 5103
3 Per Capita Cost for Intermediate Stage Rs 4013
4 Per Capita Cost for Ultimate Stage Rs 3306
5 Annual Burden For Initial Stage/ Soul Rs 202
Cost of 1000 Ltr Water =
6 Rs./1 KL 6.38
(Annual Burden x 1000) / (Daily Demand x 106 x 365)

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Detailed Project Report on “Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme”

11.4 Self-Sustainability Report of Water Supply Scheme

Table 22 :- Water Supply Scheme Self-Sustainability Report

Sr. No. Description Unit Amount
Annual Burden (Annual Expenditure)
1 Electrical & Lubricants Charges Rs 2408826
2 Chemicals & Sundry Material Charges Rs 214765
3 Water Sampling Charges Rs 237600
4 Establishment Charges (As per statement) Rs 1638000
5 M & R Charges (As per statement) Rs 625705
Total Annual Burden (Annual Expenditure) Rs/Yr 5124897
Revenue Generation
1 Population for Year 2011 Souls 22067
2 No of House Holds No. 4674
3 Size of House Hold No. 4.72
4 Population In Initial Stage (2018) Souls 25400
5 No Of Domestic Connections in 1st Year Souls 2500
6 No of Non Domestic Connections at Initial Stage Souls 50
7 Water Charges for Domestic Connection Rs/Yr 1200
8 Water Charges for Non-Domestic Connection Rs/Yr 4800
9 Revenue from Domestic Connection @ 85% Rs. 2550000
10 Revenue from Non-Domestic Connection @ 85% Rs. 204000
11 Connection Charges for Domestic Connection Rs. 2500000
12 Connection Charges for Non-Domestic Connection Rs. 150000
Total Expected Revenue Generation Rs/Yr 5404000
Since Expected Annual Revenue Generation is more than Expected Annual Burden,
Hence The Scheme will be Self-Sustainable.

Particulars/Year 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23

A Revenue (All Figures in Lacs)
1 Domestic Connection 25.50 46.05 61.85 68.76 74.87
2 Non-Domestic Connection 2.04 2.47 2.96 3.37 3.82
3 Connection Charges (Both) 26.50 18.15 12.15 3.29 2.22
Total Revenue 54.04 66.67 76.96 75.41 80.92
B Expenditure (All Figures in Lacs)
Energy & Lubricants
1 24.1 25.1 26.1 27.1 28.2
Chemicals & Sundry
2 2.1 2.3 2.4 2.6 2.7
Material Charges
3 Water Sampling Charges 2.4 2.5 2.7 2.8 3.0
4 Establishment Charges 16.4 17.4 18.4 19.5 20.7
5 M & R Charges 6.3 6.6 7.0 7.5 7.9
Total Expenditure 51.25 53.84 56.57 59.44 62.47
Balance 2.79 12.83 20.39 15.97 18.45

Consultant:-DRA Consultants Pvt. Ltd., Nagpur 75

Final Detailed Project Report on
Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme
Madhya Pradesh Urban Services Improvement Program, UDED, Bhopal Dist – Hoshangabad, Madhya Pradesh
Urban Water Supply Improvement Project in Tier II Cities of M.P.

Volume II- Designs

Project Director, Project Uday, Project Management Unit,

Estimated Cost : Rs. 1416.12 Lacs

August - 2016
DRA Consultants Pvt. Ltd.
58, Ingole Nagar, Opp. Airport, Behind
Hotel Pride, Wardha Road, Nagpur – 05
Email –
Detailed Project Report on “Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme”

Volume -II
Survey Data, Investigation Report
Detailed Designs

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Detailed Project Report on “Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme”

Survey & Investigation Report

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Detailed Project Report on “Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme”

12 Survey & Investigation Report

12.1 Water Sample Test Reports

For selected water source investigation for raw water quality of the source decided has been
done from the Quality Control Laboratory, Nagar Nigam, Arera Hills, and Bhopal. The test
reports are enclosed in Annexure 15.2

12.2 Yield Test Reports of Existing Tube Wells

Yield of existing tube wells are found out by constant pumping test method. The yield test
reports of all existing 10 number of tube wells are enclosed in the Annexure 15.3

12.3 Resistivity Survey

The resistivity survey for proposed two tube well locations was carried out by M/s Prasad
Water Development Centre, Itarsi and the reports are enclosed in Annexure 15.4

12.4 Investigation Report for Water Table

For arriving at excavation quantity and cost for laying of pumping /rising mains and water
supply distribution of pipelines, at the site of WTP, OHT, a detailed investigation has been
done in the town area and the details for the water table levels in the area of the town are
enclosed in Annexure 15.7

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Detailed Project Report on “Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme”

Design of Water Supply Scheme

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Detailed Project Report on “Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme”

13 Design of Water Supply Scheme Components

Based on the above approach and methodology, study of alternative sources and design parameters of water supply scheme, below water supply
scheme components are considered for designing. Brief of water supply scheme components are given below:

Scheme at a

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Detailed Project Report on “Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme”

13.1 Water Source Considered – Tube Wells

Based on above analysis of various available sources, Tube Wells are selected as a raw water
source for Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme.

13.2 Head Works

For Bankhedi town, the most appropriate source is Tube Well. Presently 10 tube wells are
available in the Bankhedi town and the entire water supply of Bankhedi town is dependent on
these 10 tube wells. An aquifer test (or a constant pumping test) is conducted on all existing
tube wells to evaluate an aquifer by "stimulating" the aquifer through constant pumping, and
observing the aquifer's "response" (drawdown) in tube wells. A constant pumping test is a
common tool that hydro-geologists use to characterize a system of aquifers, aquitards and
flow system boundaries.

In constant pumping test, below instruments were use:

1) Submersible Bore Well Pumps – existing pumps are being use to lift the water from
tube wells,
2) 40 Ltr Barrel - to measure the discharge of pump,
3) Stop Watch - to measure the time taken to fill the 40 Ltr barrel,
4) Measuring Tape - to measure the depth of tube well
5) Flow-meter – to measure the constant discharge of pump

Methodology of Constant Pumping Test:

1) Depth of tube well was measured with the help of measuring tape.
2) Motor rating of pump were noted down.
3) Diameter of discharge pipe was noted down.
4) The continuous pumping were done till the time taken for filling the 40 Ltr barrel
become constant
5) Readings i.e. time taken to fill 40 Ltr barrel were noted down after every 1 hour
6) Pumping closed once the time taken to fill 40 Ltr barrel become constant.
7) The results of constant pumping test were interpreted and the Yield of tube well is

Please refer Table No 24& Clause No -15.3 for the details of existing tube wells and yield
test reports of existing tube wells. The yield of these tube wells are ranging from 12.22
KL/Hr to 23.22 KL/Hr. The results of yield test of existing tube wells shows that the ground
water table in the Bankhedi town is good and tube wells are having good yield. Hence we
have proposed 9 tube well to use from the existing tube wells.

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Detailed Project Report on “Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme”

Table 24 :- Details of Existing Tube Wells

Motor Bore Bore Pipe
Sr. Location Ward of Hours of Yield
Tube Well Location Cap Depth Depth Dia
No. Ward Covered Casing Pumping (KL/Hr)
(Hp) (m) (Ft) (mm)
1 Tube Well - 1 Mukarba Baba Temple 10 10,11,13 12 76.2 250 70.5 63 11 19.04
2 Tube Well - 2 Shankar Temple Square 12 12,13&11 10 76.2 250 70 63 12 19.58
3 Tube Well - 3 Rahatwada 3 3&5 10 122 400 67 63 14 20.17
4 Tube Well - 4 Opp Sugar Mill, Theni 2 2 10 70 230 50 63 - -
5 Tube Well - 5 Mata Temple, Nayakheda 1 1 10 67 220 60 63 14 18.05
6 Tube Well - 6 Near Anganwadi, Chillod 1 1,2 7.5 76 249 45 50 13 12.24
7 Tube Well - 7 Market, Medical Store 10 10,8 &9 10 67 220 60 50 10 23.22
8 Tube Well - 8 Shanti Niketan Convent 8 8,7 12.5 70 230 40 75 15 18.25
9 Tube Well - 9 Near Samshan Ghat 6 6 7.5 76 249 36.5 75 14 18.65
10 Tube Well - 10 Govt. Quarter, Nr Parishad Office 7 6 &7 10 76 249 36.5 63 14 13.42

Out of these 10 numbers of existing tube wells, we have proposed to use 9 numbers of tube wells (except Tube Well – 4) in the new
Bankhedi WSS. While the tube well numbers will remains same.

Based on the topography and the small-small settlements in the Bankhedi town, we have proposed to construct additional two tube wells in the
Chillod and Dahalwada Kala areas of Bankhedi town. We have conducted the resistivity survey at the selected sites by passing the electric
current. The results of resistivity survey given below:

Sr. No. Parameter For Chillod Tube Well (TW-11) For Dahalwada Tube Well (TW-12)
1 Topography Plain Plain
2 Size (Inches) 6” – 12” 6” – 12”
3 Depth (Feet) 100’ to 130’ 200’ to 220’
4 Yield (KL/Hr) 22.7 20.5 – 22.7
5 Quality of Water Good Good
6 Expected Subsurface Strata Clay, Moorum & Sand Clay, Moorum & Sand
7 Specific Information Rotary Rig for Drilling Rotary Rig for Drilling

Consultant:-DRA Consultants Pvt. Ltd., Nagpur 82

Detailed Project Report on “Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme”

13.3 Clear Water Sump & Pump House

In Bankhedi WSS, two numbers of clear water sump and pump houses are proposed. One
near 700 KL OHT behind Nagar Parishad Office and another near 200 KL OHT at Chillod.
The purpose of providing sump and pump house is to collect the water from various tube
wells, treat it with alum dosing & chlorination and finally pumped the water to respective

Water from tube wells TW-1, TW-7, TW-8, TW-9 & TW-10 will be directly pumped to CW
Sump & Pump House – I and then the water will be pumped to 700 KL OHT behind Nagar
Parishad Office. The designed capacity of CW Sump & Pump House is 80 m3/hr.

Design of Clear Water Sump & Pump House at 700 KL OHT - 5

Daily Water Demand for 2048 (Ultimate Stage) : 1.67 ML
Pumping Hours : 22 Hr
: 1.82 MLD
Total Discharge for 2048 (Ultimate Stage) : 21.09 LPS
: 76 Cum/Hr
Sump Capacity Calculation
Assumed Detention Time : 60 min of Flow Rate
: 76 Cum/Hr
: 80 Cum/Hr (Say)
Assumed Effective Water Depth : 3 m
Slit Pocket : 1 m
Outer Diameter of Inlet Pipe : 0.170 m
Assumed Free Board & Space Above Free Board : 1.0 m
Total Height of CW Sump & Pump House : 5.2 m
: 26.67 m2
Area Required Water Storage
: 26.70 m2 (Say)
: 5.83 m
Diameter (D) of Clear Water Sump
: 6.00 m (Say)
Hence provide Clear Water Sump – I of Diameter 6.0 m with Depth of 5.2 m
Ground Level of CW Sump & Pump House = 350.4 m
Height of CW Sump above GL = 1.0 m
RL of Pump Floor at CW Sump = 351.4 m
Bottom Level of CW Sump = 346.2 m
FSL of CW Sump = 350.2 m
LSL of Pumps at CW Sump = 347.2 m
Height of Pump House = 3.0 m
RL of Roof Slab of Pump House = 354.5 m
Hence provide Pump House beside CW Sump of size 4 m x 4 m & Height of 3.0 m.

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Detailed Project Report on “Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme”

Water from tube well TW-6 & TW-11 will be will be directly pumped to CW Sump & Pump
House – II and then the water will be pumped to 200 KL OHT at Chillod. The designed
capacity of CW Sump & Pump House is 20 m3/hr.

Design of Clear Water Sump & Pump House at 200 KL OHT - 2

Daily Water Demand for 2048 (Ultimate Stage) : 0.41 ML
Pumping Hours : 22 Hr
: 0.45 MLD
Total Discharge for 2048 (Ultimate Stage) : 5.18 LPS
: 19 Cum/Hr
Sump Capacity Calculation
Assumed Detention Time : 60 min of Flow Rate
: 19 Cum/Hr
: 20 Cum/Hr (Say)
Assumed Effective Water Depth : 3 m
Slit Pocket : 1 m
Outer Diameter of Inlet Pipe : 0.118 m
Assumed Free Board & Space Above Free Board : 1.0 m
Total Height of CW Sump & Pump House : 5.1 m
: 6.67 m2
Area Required Water Storage
: 6.70 m2 (Say)
: 2.92 m
Diameter (D) of Clear Water Sump
: 3.00 m (Say)
Hence provide Clear Water Sump - II of Diameter 3.0 m with Depth of 5.1 m
Ground Level of CW Sump & Pump House = 345.2 m
Height of CW Sump above GL = 1.0 m
RL of Pump Floor at CW Sump = 346.2 m
Bottom Level of CW Sump = 341.1 m
FSL of CW Sump = 345.1 m
LSL of Pumps at CW Sump = 342.1 m
Height of Pump House = 3.0 m
RL of Roof Slab of Pump House = 349.3 m
Hence provide Pump House beside CW Sump of size 3 m x 3 m& Height of 3.0 m.

It is being ensured and necessary care has been taken, during the selection of land for the
construction of CW Sump and Pump House that the selected land is either in the possession
of Nagar Parishad Bankhedi or under Revenue Department of Govt. of MP or any other Govt.
Department. Acquisition of land is not required for construction of CW Sump & Pump

Consultant:-DRA Consultants Pvt. Ltd., Nagpur 84

Detailed Project Report on “Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme”

Water Hammer Calculations for Clear Water Feeder Main - I

Clear Water Rising Main from Tube Well - 7 to Junction - 1
Input General Data Inut Data of Ductile Iron Pipes
Ultimate Stage Water Demand 0.42 ML/D Modulus of
Pipe Mat Nominal Shell Lining Bore Dia. HW Shell Dia. Shell Dia.
Pumping Hours 22.00 hrs. Sr.No. Elasticity of
& Class Dia.(ID) T hickness T hickness (Clear ID) constant 'C' for WH Ext.
Designed Discharge 0.46 MLD Pipe Mat
Length 100 m mm kg/sq.m mm mm mm mm mm mm
T otal Static Head Say 2.80 m 1 DI K-9 1.70E+10 100 6 3 100 140 106.0 118
Highest Level on Rising Main 350.20 m 2 DI K-9 1.70E+10 150 6 3 150 140 158.0 170
Lowest Level on Rising Main 349.40 m 3 DI K-9 1.70E+10 200 6.3 3 200 140 209.4 222
Static head 0.80 m 4 DI K-9 1.70E+10 250 6.8 3 250 140 260.4 274
Residual Head 2 m 5 DI K-9 1.70E+10 300 7.2 3 300 140 311.6 326
T otal Static Head 2.80 m 6 DI K-9 1.70E+10 350 7.7 5 350 140 362.6 378
Bulk Modulus of Water 2.07E+08 Kg/sq.m 7 DI K-9 1.70E+10 400 8.1 5 400 140 412.8 429
Gravitational Acceleration 9.81 m/s2 8 DI K-9 1.70E+10 450 8.6 5 450 140 462.8 480
Pipe Material DI K-9 9 DI K-9 1.70E+10 500 9 5 500 140 514.0 532
10 DI K-9 1.70E+10 600 9.9 5 600 140 615.2 635

Allowable Test
Cond. 1 Cond. 2
Bore Diameter

Water hammer

Maximum of

Other Losses
Pipe Material

Work. Press.
Condition 2


Static Lift


Sr. No.

Rate of


1.5 times

Field test

hf St Hmax (St+h f) (St+h f+Hmax ) 1.5x(St+hf) Safe/
mm m/1000m m/s m m m m
m m m m m m Unsafe
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
1 DI K-9 100 5.1 0.7 0.5 0.6 2.8 88.7 3.4 92.1 5.0 92.1 640 770 Safe
2 DI K-9 150 0.7 0.3 0.1 0.1 2.8 37.8 2.9 40.7 4.3 40.7 640 770 Safe
3 DI K-9 200 0.2 0.2 0.0 0.0 2.8 20.6 2.8 23.5 4.2 23.5 620 740 Safe
4 DI K-9 250 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 2.8 12.9 2.8 15.7 4.2 15.7 540 650 Safe
5 DI K-9 300 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 2.8 8.8 2.8 11.6 4.2 11.6 490 590 Safe
6 DI K-9 350 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 2.8 6.4 2.8 9.2 4.2 9.2 450 540 Safe
7 DI K-9 400 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.8 4.8 2.8 7.6 4.2 7.6 420 510 Safe
8 DI K-9 450 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.8 3.8 2.8 6.6 4.2 6.6 400 450 Safe
9 DI K-9 500 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.8 3.0 2.8 5.8 4.2 5.8 380 460 Safe
10 DI K-9 600 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.8 2.0 2.8 4.9 4.2 4.9 360 430 Safe
Crite ria for Se le ction of Pipe Mate rial
1) (Static+Frictional+Hmax ) 2) (Static + Friction) x 1.5
Condition.1 : (Static+Frictional) Head < Working Head Condition.2 :
Maximum of T hese T wo < Field T est Pressure

Consultant:-DRA Consultants Pvt. Ltd., Nagpur 85

Detailed Project Report on “Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme”

Design of Economical Size for Clear Water Feeder Main - I

Clear Water Rising Main from Tube Well - 7 to Junction - 1
Input General Data Input Data of Ductile Iron Pipes
Water Demand :- SOR Rate Pipe Nominal
Bore Dia (mm) HWC
A. Present Stage 2018 0.28 ML (Rs/m) Material Dia. (mm)
B. Intermidiate Stage 2033 0.36 ML 100 1102 DI K-9 140 100
C. Ultimate Stage 2048 0.42 ML 150 1621 DI K-9 140 150
2 Pumping M ain Length 100 m 200 2167 DI K-9 140 200
3 Static + Residual Head of Pump 2.80 m 250 2898 DI K-9 140 250
4 Design Period 30 Years 300 3664 DI K-9 140 300
5 Combined Eff. Of Pump Set 70 % 350 4860 DI K-9 140 350
6 Cost of Pumping Unit 20000 Rs / KW 400 5498 DI K-9 140 400
Standby Provision 450 6785 DI K-9 140 450
7 Stage - I 100 % 500 8145 DI K-9 140 500
Stage - II 100 % 600 10569 DI K-9 140 600
8 Interest Rate 10 % Pumping Machinery Data
9 Rate of Escalation in Power 4 % / Yr FSL of CW Sump 350.20 m
10 Life of Electric M otors 15 Years Lowest Level in Feeder M ain 349.40 m
11 Energy Charges 5 Rs / KW Static Head 0.80 m
12 Pumping Hours for Discharge at 1st stage 22 Hours Resedual / Velocity Head 2.00 m
Total Static Head on Pump 2.80 m
Calculations for Stage - I & Stage - II Flow
Sr. No. Parameter Stage - I Stage - II
1 Discharge at Installation 0.28 M LD 0.36 M LD
2 Discharge at the End of Stage 0.36 M LD 0.42 M LD
3 Average Discharge 0.32 M LD 0.39 M LD
4 Hours of Pumping for Discharge at 22 hrs. 22 hrs.
5 Average Hours of Pumping for Avg Discharge 19.60 hrs. 20.35 hrs.
6 KW required at Combined Eff. of Pumping Set 0.06 H1 0.074 H2
7 Average Annual Charges for Electrical Energy 35791 KW 1 37169 KW 2
Table # 1 :- Velocity & Headlosses for Different Pipes Sizes
Friction Head Loss / 1000 m Velocity (m/s) Total Head Loss (m)
Sr. Stage-I Flow Stage-II Flow
Size Stage-I Stage-II Stage-I Stage-II
No. Frictional Other Losses Total Frictional Other Losses Total
(mm) Flow Flow Flow Flow
Loss =10% Friction Head (H1) Loss =10% Friction Head (H2)
1 100 3.8 5.1 0.6 0.7 0.4 0.0 3 0.5 0.1 3
2 150 0.5 0.7 0.3 0.3 0.1 0.0 3 0.1 0.0 3
3 200 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.2 0.0 0.0 3 0.0 0.0 3
4 250 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 3 0.0 0.0 3

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Detailed Project Report on “Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme”

5 300 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 3 0.0 0.0 3

6 350 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 3 0.0 0.0 3
7 400 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3 0.0 0.0 3
8 450 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3 0.0 0.0 3
9 500 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3 0.0 0.0 3
10 600 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3 0.0 0.0 3
Table # 2 :- Kilowatts & Cost of Pump-sets Required for Different Pipes Sizes
Stage-I Flow Stage-II Flow
Pipe Cost of DI
Sr. Pipe Total Kw Required Total Kw Required Pipe Cost Nominal
Size Pump Cost Pump Cost Pipeline
No. Material Head (Working+ Head (Working+ (Rs./m) Dia. (ID)
(m) (Rs. 10^3) (Rs. 10^3) (Rs. 10^3)
H1 (m) Standby) H2 (m) Standby)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
1 100 DI K-9 3 0 8 3 0 10 1102 110 100
2 150 DI K-9 3 0 7 3 0 9 1621 162 150
3 200 DI K-9 3 0 7 3 0 8 2167 217 200
4 250 DI K-9 3 0 7 3 0 8 2898 290 250
5 300 DI K-9 3 0 7 3 0 8 3664 366 300
6 350 DI K-9 3 0 7 3 0 8 4860 486 350
7 400 DI K-9 3 0 7 3 0 8 5498 550 400
8 450 DI K-9 3 0 7 3 0 8 6785 679 450
9 500 DI K-9 3 0 7 3 0 8 8145 815 500
10 600 DI K-9 3 0 7 3 0 8 10569 1057 600
Table # 3 :- Comparative Statement of Overall Cost of Pumping Main For Different Pipes Sizes
Stage-I Flow Stage-II Flow Grand Total
Sr. Pipe Nominal Dia.
Pump Set Annual Energy Capitalised Capitalised Pump Set Annual Energy Capitalised Capitalised Capitalised
No. Size (m) Charges Energy Ch. Charges Energy Ch.
Cost Cost Stage I Cost Cost Stage II Cost StageI&II
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
1 100 8 7 55 173 10 9 70 19 193 100
2 150 7 6 49 218 9 8 60 16 235 150
3 200 7 6 48 272 8 8 59 16 288 200
4 250 7 6 48 345 8 8 59 16 361 250
5 300 7 6 48 421 8 8 59 16 438 300
6 350 7 6 48 541 8 8 59 16 557 350
7 400 7 6 48 605 8 8 59 16 621 400
8 450 7 6 48 734 8 8 59 16 750 450
9 500 7 6 48 870 8 8 59 16 886 500
10 600 7 6 48 1112 8 8 59 16 1128 600
The Economic Pipe Diameter is 100 mm (i.e. Nominal Dia.)
Coresponding Grand Total Capitalised Cost is Rs. 193 Rs. 10^3

Consultant:-DRA Consultants Pvt. Ltd., Nagpur 87

Detailed Project Report on “Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme”

Design of Clear Water Pumping Machinery - I

1) Pumping Hours & Flow Data (Intermediate Stage)
i) Pumping Hours 22 Hours
ii) Average Daily Demand 0.36 ML
0.39 MLD
iii) Designed Flow Through Pumping Main
4.50 LPS
2) Rising Main Data
i) Material DI K-9
ii) Bore Diameter (Clear I.D.) 100 mm
iii) Length 450 m
iv) H.W. constant 140
3) Static Head 59.20 m
LSL of Pump in Tube Well 291.00 m
FSL of CW Sump & Pump House 350.20 m
Design of Pumps
1) Frictional Headloss
i) Rate of Friction 3.79 m\1000m
ii) Frictional Head 1.70 m
iii) Losses due to Bends etc. (10%) 0.17 m
iv)Total Frictional Head 1.87 m
2) Residual / Velocity Head 2.00 m
63.07 m
3)Total Head (Say) 64.00 m
4) BHP Required
i) Water Horse Power 3.84 WHP
ii) Efficiency of pump & motor 70 %
iii) Total B.H.P. required 5.48 BHP
Total BKW 4.09 BKW
Number of Working Pumps 1.0 Nos
Number of Standby Pumps 0.0 Nos
B.H.P. of each pump 5.48 BHP
BKW of each pump 4.09 BKW
Multiplying Factor for margin as per CPHEEO Manual 1.30
KW of Drive Motor 5.32 KW
HP of Drive Motor 7.13 HP
7.50 HP
Hence Provide 1 Numbers of Pumps with below specification ( 1 Working / 0 Standby)
Discharging Capacity of Each Pump 4.50 LPS
Motor Capacity of Each Pump 7.5 Hp
Total Head of Each Pump 64 m
Total HP to be Installed Including Standby 7.5 Hp

Consultant:-DRA Consultants Pvt. Ltd., Nagpur 88

Detailed Project Report on “Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme”

Water Hammer Calculations for Clear Water Feeder Main - II

Clear Water Rising Main from Tube Well - 10 to CW Sump & Pump House - I
Input General Data Inut Data of Ductile Iron Pipes
Ultimate Stage Water Demand 0.24 ML/D Modulus of
Pipe Mat Nominal Shell Lining Bore Dia. HW constant Shell Dia. for Shell Dia.
Pumping Hours 22.00 hrs. Sr.No. Elasticity of
& Class Dia.(ID) Thickness Thickness (Clear ID) 'C' WH Ext.
Designed Discharge 0.26 MLD Pipe Mat
Length 200 m mm kg/sq.m mm mm mm mm mm mm
Total Static Head Say 2.10 m 1 DI K-9 1.70E+10 100 6 3 100 140 106.0 118
Highest Level on Rising Main 350.20 m 2 DI K-9 1.70E+10 150 6 3 150 140 158.0 170
Lowest Level on Rising Main 350.10 m 3 DI K-9 1.70E+10 200 6.3 3 200 140 209.4 222
Static head 0.10 m 4 DI K-9 1.70E+10 250 6.8 3 250 140 260.4 274
Residual Head 2 m 5 DI K-9 1.70E+10 300 7.2 3 300 140 311.6 326
Total Static Head 2.10 m 6 DI K-9 1.70E+10 350 7.7 5 350 140 362.6 378
Bulk Modulus of Water 2.07E+08 Kg/sq.m 7 DI K-9 1.70E+10 400 8.1 5 400 140 412.8 429
Gravitational Acceleration 9.81 m/s2 8 DI K-9 1.70E+10 450 8.6 5 450 140 462.8 480
Pipe Material DI K-9 9 DI K-9 1.70E+10 500 9 5 500 140 514.0 532
10 DI K-9 1.70E+10 600 9.9 5 600 140 615.2 635
Rate of friction

Allowable Test
Bore Diameter

Water hammer
Cond. 2
Pipe Material

Cond. 1

Maximum of
Other Losses

Work. Press.
Condition 2

Static Lift


Sr. No.


Field test

1.5 times


hf St Hmax (St+hf) (St+hf+Hmax) 1.5x(St+hf)
mm m/1000m m/s m m m m Safe/ Unsafe
m m m m m m
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
1 DI K-9 100 1.9 0.4 0.4 0.4 2.1 51.3 2.5 53.8 3.8 53.8 640 770 Safe
2 DI K-9 150 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.1 2.1 21.9 2.2 24.0 3.2 24.0 640 770 Safe
3 DI K-9 200 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 2.1 11.9 2.1 14.0 3.2 14.0 620 740 Safe
4 DI K-9 250 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 2.1 7.5 2.1 9.6 3.2 9.6 540 650 Safe
5 DI K-9 300 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.1 5.1 2.1 7.2 3.2 7.2 490 590 Safe
6 DI K-9 350 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.1 3.7 2.1 5.8 3.2 5.8 450 540 Safe
7 DI K-9 400 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.1 2.8 2.1 4.9 3.2 4.9 420 510 Safe
8 DI K-9 450 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.1 2.2 2.1 4.3 3.2 4.3 400 450 Safe
9 DI K-9 500 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.1 1.7 2.1 3.8 3.2 3.8 380 460 Safe
10 DI K-9 600 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.1 1.2 2.1 3.3 3.2 3.3 360 430 Safe
Criteria for Selection of Pipe Material
1) (Static+Frictional+Hmax) 2) (Static + Friction) x 1.5
Condition.1 : (Static+Frictional) Head < Working Head Condition.2 :
Maximum of These Two < Field Test Pressure

Consultant:-DRA Consultants Pvt. Ltd., Nagpur 89

Detailed Project Report on “Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme”

Consultant:-DRA Consultants Pvt. Ltd., Nagpur 90

Detailed Project Report on “Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme”

Design of Economical Size for Clear Water Feeder Main - II

Clear Water Rising Main from Tube Well - 10 to CW Sump & Pump House - I
Input General Data Input Data of Ductile Iron Pipes
Water Demand :- SOR Rate Pipe Nominal Dia.
Bore Dia (mm) HWC
A. Present Stage 2018 0.16 ML (Rs/m) Material (mm)
B. Intermidiate Stage 2033 0.21 ML 100 1102 DI K-9 140 100
C. Ultimate Stage 2048 0.24 ML 150 1621 DI K-9 140 150
2 Pumping Main Length 200 m 200 2167 DI K-9 140 200
3 Static + Residual Head of Pump 2.10 m 250 2898 DI K-9 140 250
4 Design Period 30 Years 300 3664 DI K-9 140 300
5 Combined Eff. Of Pump Set 70 % 350 4860 DI K-9 140 350
6 Cost of Pumping Unit 20000 Rs / KW 400 5498 DI K-9 140 400
Standby Provision 450 6785 DI K-9 140 450
7 Stage - I 100 % 500 8145 DI K-9 140 500
Stage - II 100 % 600 10569 DI K-9 140 600
8 Interest Rate 10 % Pumping Machinery Data
9 Rate of Escalation in Power 4 % / Yr FSL of CW Sump 350.20 m
10 Life of Electric Motors 15 Years Lowest Level in Feeder Main 350.10 m
11 Energy Charges 5 Rs / KW Static Head 0.10 m
12 Pumping Hours for Discharge at 1st stage 22 Hours Resedual / Velocity Head 2.00 m
Total Static Head on Pump 2.10 m
Calculations for Stage - I & Stage - II Flow
Sr. No. Parameter Stage - I Stage - II
1 Discharge at Installation 0.16 MLD 0.21 MLD
2 Discharge at the End of Stage 0.21 MLD 0.24 MLD
3 Average Discharge 0.18 MLD 0.22 MLD
4 Hours of Pumping for Discharge at 22 hrs. 22 hrs.
5 Average Hours of Pumping for Avg Discharge 19.60 hrs. 20.35 hrs.
6 KW required at Combined Eff. of Pumping Set 0.04 H1 0.043 H2
7 Average Annual Charges for Electrical Energy 35791 KW 1 37169 KW 2
Table # 1 :- Velocity & Headlosses for Different Pipes Sizes
Friction Head Loss / 1000 m Velocity (m/s) Total Head Loss (m)
Sr. Stage-I Flow Stage-II Flow
Size Stage-I Stage-II Stage-I Stage-II
No. Frictional Other Losses Total Frictional Other Losses Total
(mm) Flow Flow Flow Flow
Loss =10% Friction Head (H1) Loss =10% Friction Head (H2)
1 100 1.4 1.9 0.3 0.4 0.3 0.0 2 0.4 0.0 3
2 150 0.2 0.3 0.1 0.2 0.0 0.0 2 0.1 0.0 2
3 200 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 2 0.0 0.0 2
4 250 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 2 0.0 0.0 2

Consultant:-DRA Consultants Pvt. Ltd., Nagpur 91

Detailed Project Report on “Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme”

Consultant:-DRA Consultants Pvt. Ltd., Nagpur 92

Detailed Project Report on “Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme”

5 300 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2 0.0 0.0 2

6 350 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2 0.0 0.0 2
7 400 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2 0.0 0.0 2
8 450 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2 0.0 0.0 2
9 500 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2 0.0 0.0 2
10 600 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2 0.0 0.0 2
Table # 2 :- Kilowatts & Cost of Pump-sets Required for Different Pipes Sizes
Stage-I Flow Stage-II Flow
Pipe Cost of DI
Sr. Total Kw Required Total Kw Required Pipe Cost Nominal Dia.
Size Pipe Material Pump Cost Pump Cost Pipeline
No. Head (Working+ Head (Working+ (Rs./m) (ID)
(m) (Rs. 10^3) (Rs. 10^3) (Rs. 10^3)
H1 (m) Standby) H2 (m) Standby)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
1 100 DI K-9 2 0 3 3 0 4 1102 220 100
2 150 DI K-9 2 0 3 2 0 4 1621 324 150
3 200 DI K-9 2 0 3 2 0 4 2167 433 200
4 250 DI K-9 2 0 3 2 0 4 2898 580 250
5 300 DI K-9 2 0 3 2 0 4 3664 733 300
6 350 DI K-9 2 0 3 2 0 4 4860 972 350
7 400 DI K-9 2 0 3 2 0 4 5498 1100 400
8 450 DI K-9 2 0 3 2 0 4 6785 1357 450
9 500 DI K-9 2 0 3 2 0 4 8145 1629 500
10 600 DI K-9 2 0 3 2 0 4 10569 2114 600
Table # 3 :- Comparative Statement of Overall Cost of Pumping Main For Different Pipes Sizes
Stage-I Flow Stage-II Flow Grand Total
Sr. Pipe Nominal Dia.
Annual Energy Capitalised Capitalised Annual Energy Capitalised Capitalised Capitalised Cost
No. Size (m) Pump Set Cost Charges Energy Ch.
Pump Set Cost Charges Energy Ch.
Cost Stage I Cost Stage II StageI&II
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
1 100 3 3 24 248 4 4 30 8 256 100
2 150 3 3 21 349 4 3 26 7 356 150
3 200 3 3 21 457 4 3 26 7 464 200
4 250 3 3 21 604 4 3 25 7 610 250
5 300 3 3 21 757 4 3 25 7 764 300
6 350 3 3 21 996 4 3 25 7 1003 350
7 400 3 3 21 1123 4 3 25 7 1130 400
8 450 3 3 21 1381 4 3 25 7 1388 450
9 500 3 3 21 1653 4 3 25 7 1660 500
10 600 3 3 21 2138 4 3 25 7 2145 600
The Economic Pipe Diameter is 100 mm (i.e. Nominal Dia.)
Coresponding Grand Total Capitalised Cost is Rs. 256 Rs. 10^3

Consultant:-DRA Consultants Pvt. Ltd., Nagpur 93

Detailed Project Report on “Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme”

Design of Clear Water Pumping Machinery - II

1) Pumping Hours & Flow Data (Intermediate Stage)
i) Pumping Hours 22 Hours
ii) Average Daily Demand 0.21 ML
0.22 MLD
iii) Designed Flow Through Pumping Main
2.60 LPS
2) Rising Main Data
i) Material DI K-9
ii) Bore Diameter (Clear I.D.) 100 mm
iii) Length 200 m
iv) H.W. constant 140
3) Static Head 67.40 m
LSL of Pump in Tube Well 282.80 m
FSL of CW Sump & Pump House 350.20 m
Design of Pumps
1) Frictional Headloss
i) Rate of Friction 1.37 m\1000m
ii) Frictional Head 0.27 m
iii) Losses due to Bends etc. (10%) 0.03 m
iv)Total Frictional Head 0.30 m
2) Residual / Velocity Head 2.00 m
69.70 m
3)Total Head (Say) 70.00 m
4) BHP Required
i) Water Horse Power 2.43 WHP
ii) Efficiency of pump & motor 70 %
iii) Total B.H.P. required 3.47 BHP
Total BKW 2.59 BKW
Number of Working Pumps 1.0 Nos
Number of Standby Pumps 0.0 Nos
B.H.P. of each pump 3.47 BHP
BKW of each pump 2.59 BKW
Multiplying Factor for margin as per CPHEEO Manual 1.40
KW of Drive Motor 3.62 KW
HP of Drive Motor 4.85 HP
5.00 HP
Hence Provide 1 Numbers of Pumps with below specification ( 1 Working / 0 Standby)
Discharging Capacity of Each Pump 2.60 LPS
Motor Capacity of Each Pump 5.0 Hp
Total Head of Each Pump 70 m
Total HP to be Installed Including Standby 5.0 Hp

Consultant:-DRA Consultants Pvt. Ltd., Nagpur 94

Detailed Project Report on “Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme”

Water Hammer Calculations for Clear Water Feeder Main - III

Clear Water Rising Main from Tube Well - 9 to CW Sump & Pump House - I
Input General Data Inut Data of Ductile Iron Pipes
Ultimate Stage Water Demand 0.34 ML/D Modulus of
Pipe Mat Nominal Shell Lining Bore Dia. HW constant Shell Dia. for Shell Dia.
Pumping Hours 22.00 hrs. Sr.No. Elasticity of
& Class Dia.(ID) Thickness Thickness (Clear ID) 'C' WH Ext.
Designed Discharge 0.37 MLD Pipe Mat
Length 300 m mm kg/sq.m mm mm mm mm mm mm
Total Static Head Say 4.90 m 1 DI K-9 1.70E+10 100 6 3 100 140 106.0 118
Highest Level on Rising Main 350.20 m 2 DI K-9 1.70E+10 150 6 3 150 140 158.0 170
Lowest Level on Rising Main 347.30 m 3 DI K-9 1.70E+10 200 6.3 3 200 140 209.4 222
Static head 2.90 m 4 DI K-9 1.70E+10 250 6.8 3 250 140 260.4 274
Residual Head 2 m 5 DI K-9 1.70E+10 300 7.2 3 300 140 311.6 326
Total Static Head 4.90 m 6 DI K-9 1.70E+10 350 7.7 5 350 140 362.6 378
Bulk Modulus of Water 2.07E+08 Kg/sq.m 7 DI K-9 1.70E+10 400 8.1 5 400 140 412.8 429
Gravitational Acceleration 9.81 m/s2 8 DI K-9 1.70E+10 450 8.6 5 450 140 462.8 480
Pipe Material DI K-9 9 DI K-9 1.70E+10 500 9 5 500 140 514.0 532
10 DI K-9 1.70E+10 600 9.9 5 600 140 615.2 635
Rate of friction

Allowable Test
Bore Diameter

Water hammer
Cond. 2
Pipe Material

Cond. 1

Maximum of
Other Losses

Work. Press.
Condition 2

Static Lift


Sr. No.


Field test

1.5 times


hf St Hmax (St+hf) (St+hf+Hmax) 1.5x(St+hf)
mm m/1000m m/s m m m m Safe/ Unsafe
m m m m m m
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
1 DI K-9 100 3.4 0.5 1.0 1.1 4.9 71.3 6.0 77.3 9.0 77.3 640 770 Safe
2 DI K-9 150 0.5 0.2 0.1 0.2 4.9 30.4 5.1 35.4 7.6 35.4 640 770 Safe
3 DI K-9 200 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 4.9 16.6 4.9 21.5 7.4 21.5 620 740 Safe
4 DI K-9 250 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 4.9 10.4 4.9 15.3 7.4 15.3 540 650 Safe
5 DI K-9 300 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 4.9 7.1 4.9 12.0 7.4 12.0 490 590 Safe
6 DI K-9 350 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 4.9 5.1 4.9 10.0 7.4 10.0 450 540 Safe
7 DI K-9 400 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 4.9 3.9 4.9 8.8 7.4 8.8 420 510 Safe
8 DI K-9 450 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 4.9 3.0 4.9 7.9 7.4 7.9 400 450 Safe
9 DI K-9 500 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 4.9 2.4 4.9 7.3 7.4 7.4 380 460 Safe
10 DI K-9 600 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 4.9 1.6 4.9 6.5 7.4 7.4 360 430 Safe
Criteria for Selection of Pipe Material
1) (Static+Frictional+Hmax) 2) (Static + Friction) x 1.5
Condition.1 : (Static+Frictional) Head < Working Head Condition.2 :
Maximum of These Two < Field Test Pressure

Consultant:-DRA Consultants Pvt. Ltd., Nagpur 95

Detailed Project Report on “Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme”

Design of Economical Size for Clear Water Feeder Main - III

Clear Water Rising Main from Tube Well - 9 to CW Sump & Pump House - I
Input General Data Input Data of Ductile Iron Pipes
Water Demand :- SOR Rate Pipe Nominal Dia.
Bore Dia (mm) HWC
A. Present Stage 2018 0.22 ML (Rs/m) Material (mm)
B. Intermidiate Stage 2033 0.29 ML 100 1102 DI K-9 140 100
C. Ultimate Stage 2048 0.34 ML 150 1621 DI K-9 140 150
2 Pumping Main Length 300 m 200 2167 DI K-9 140 200
3 Static + Residual Head of Pump 4.90 m 250 2898 DI K-9 140 250
4 Design Period 30 Years 300 3664 DI K-9 140 300
5 Combined Eff. Of Pump Set 70 % 350 4860 DI K-9 140 350
6 Cost of Pumping Unit 20000 Rs / KW 400 5498 DI K-9 140 400
Standby Provision 450 6785 DI K-9 140 450
7 Stage - I 100 % 500 8145 DI K-9 140 500
Stage - II 100 % 600 10569 DI K-9 140 600
8 Interest Rate 10 % Pumping Machinery Data
9 Rate of Escalation in Power 4 % / Yr FSL of CW Sump 350.20 m
10 Life of Electric Motors 15 Years Lowest Level in Feeder Main 347.30 m
11 Energy Charges 5 Rs / KW Static Head 2.90 m
12 Pumping Hours for Discharge at 1st stage 22 Hours Resedual / Velocity Head 2.00 m
Total Static Head on Pump 4.90 m
Calculations for Stage - I & Stage - II Flow
Sr. No. Parameter Stage - I Stage - II
1 Discharge at Installation 0.22 MLD 0.29 MLD
2 Discharge at the End of Stage 0.29 MLD 0.34 MLD
3 Average Discharge 0.25 MLD 0.31 MLD
4 Hours of Pumping for Discharge at 22 hrs. 22 hrs.
5 Average Hours of Pumping for Avg Discharge 19.60 hrs. 20.35 hrs.
6 KW required at Combined Eff. of Pumping Set 0.05 H1 0.059 H2
7 Average Annual Charges for Electrical Energy 35791 KW 1 37169 KW 2
Table # 1 :- Velocity & Headlosses for Different Pipes Sizes
Friction Head Loss / 1000 m Velocity (m/s) Total Head Loss (m)
Sr. Stage-I Flow Stage-II Flow
Size Stage-I Stage-II Stage-I Stage-II
No. Frictional Other Losses Total Frictional Other Losses Total
(mm) Flow Flow Flow Flow
Loss =10% Friction Head (H1) Loss =10% Friction Head (H2)
1 100 2.5 3.4 0.5 0.5 0.8 0.1 6 1.0 0.1 6
2 150 0.3 0.5 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.0 5 0.1 0.0 5
3 200 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 5 0.0 0.0 5
4 250 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 5 0.0 0.0 5

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Detailed Project Report on “Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme”

5 300 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 5 0.0 0.0 5

6 350 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 5 0.0 0.0 5
7 400 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 5 0.0 0.0 5
8 450 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 5 0.0 0.0 5
9 500 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 5 0.0 0.0 5
10 600 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 5 0.0 0.0 5
Table # 2 :- Kilowatts & Cost of Pump-sets Required for Different Pipes Sizes
Stage-I Flow Stage-II Flow
Pipe Cost of DI
Sr. Total Kw Required Total Kw Required Pipe Cost Nominal Dia.
Size Pipe Material Pump Cost Pump Cost Pipeline
No. Head (Working+ Head (Working+ (Rs./m) (ID)
(m) (Rs. 10^3) (Rs. 10^3) (Rs. 10^3)
H1 (m) Standby) H2 (m) Standby)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
1 100 DI K-9 6 1 12 6 1 14 1102 331 100
2 150 DI K-9 5 1 10 5 1 12 1621 486 150
3 200 DI K-9 5 0 10 5 1 12 2167 650 200
4 250 DI K-9 5 0 10 5 1 12 2898 869 250
5 300 DI K-9 5 0 10 5 1 12 3664 1099 300
6 350 DI K-9 5 0 10 5 1 12 4860 1458 350
7 400 DI K-9 5 0 10 5 1 12 5498 1649 400
8 450 DI K-9 5 0 10 5 1 12 6785 2036 450
9 500 DI K-9 5 0 10 5 1 12 8145 2444 500
10 600 DI K-9 5 0 10 5 1 12 10569 3171 600
Table # 3 :- Comparative Statement of Overall Cost of Pumping Main For Different Pipes Sizes
Stage-I Flow Stage-II Flow Grand Total
Sr. Pipe Nominal Dia.
Annual Energy Capitalised Capitalised Annual Energy Capitalised Capitalised Capitalised Cost
No. Size (m) Pump Set Cost Charges Energy Ch.
Pump Set Cost Charges Energy Ch.
Cost Stage I Cost Stage II StageI&II
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
1 100 12 10 79 421 14 13 101 28 449 100
2 150 10 9 69 566 12 11 85 23 589 150
3 200 10 9 68 728 12 11 83 23 751 200
4 250 10 9 68 947 12 11 83 23 970 250
5 300 10 9 68 1177 12 11 83 23 1199 300
6 350 10 9 68 1535 12 11 82 23 1558 350
7 400 10 9 67 1727 12 11 82 23 1749 400
8 450 10 9 67 2113 12 11 82 23 2135 450
9 500 10 9 67 2521 12 11 82 23 2543 500
10 600 10 9 67 3248 12 11 82 23 3271 600
The Economic Pipe Diameter is 100 mm (i.e. Nominal Dia.)
Coresponding Grand Total Capitalised Cost is Rs. 449 Rs. 10^3

Consultant:-DRA Consultants Pvt. Ltd., Nagpur 97

Detailed Project Report on “Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme”

Design of Clear Water Pumping Machinery - III

1) Pumping Hours & Flow Data (Intermediate Stage)
i) Pumping Hours 22 Hours
ii) Average Daily Demand 0.29 ML
0.31 MLD
iii) Designed Flow Through Pumping Main
3.61 LPS
2) Rising Main Data
i) Material DI K-9
ii) Bore Diameter (Clear I.D.) 100 mm
iii) Length 300 m
iv) H.W. constant 140
3) Static Head 70.20 m
LSL of Pump in Tube Well 280.00 m
FSL of CW Sump & Pump House 350.20 m
Design of Pumps
1) Frictional Headloss
i) Rate of Friction 2.52 m\1000m
ii) Frictional Head 0.76 m
iii) Losses due to Bends etc. (10%) 0.08 m
iv)Total Frictional Head 0.83 m
2) Residual / Velocity Head 2.00 m
73.03 m
3)Total Head (Say) 74.00 m
4) BHP Required
i) Water Horse Power 3.56 WHP
ii) Efficiency of pump & motor 70 %
iii) Total B.H.P. required 5.09 BHP
Total BKW 3.80 BKW
Number of Working Pumps 1.0 Nos
Number of Standby Pumps 0.0 Nos
B.H.P. of each pump 5.09 BHP
BKW of each pump 3.80 BKW
Multiplying Factor for margin as per CPHEEO Manual 1.30
KW of Drive Motor 4.94 KW
HP of Drive Motor 6.62 HP
7.50 HP
Hence Provide 1 Numbers of Pumps with below specification ( 1 Working / 0 Standby)
Discharging Capacity of Each Pump 3.61 LPS
Motor Capacity of Each Pump 7.50 Hp
Total Head of Each Pump 74 m
Total HP to be Installed Including Standby 7.5 Hp

Consultant:-DRA Consultants Pvt. Ltd., Nagpur 98

Detailed Project Report on “Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme”

Water Hammer Calculations for Clear Water Feeder Main - IV

Clear Water Rising Main from Tube Well - 1 to CW Sump & Pump House - I
Input General Data Inut Data of Ductile Iron Pipes
Ultimate Stage Water Demand 0.34 ML/D Modulus of
Pipe Mat Nominal Shell Lining Bore Dia. HW constant Shell Dia. for Shell Dia.
Pumping Hours 22.00 hrs. Sr.No. Elasticity of
& Class Dia.(ID) Thickness Thickness (Clear ID) 'C' WH Ext.
Designed Discharge 0.37 MLD Pipe Mat
Length 325 m mm kg/sq.m mm mm mm mm mm mm
Total Static Head Say 2.00 m 1 DI K-9 1.70E+10 100 6 3 100 140 106.0 118
Highest Level on Rising Main 350.30 m 2 DI K-9 1.70E+10 150 6 3 150 140 158.0 170
Lowest Level on Rising Main 350.30 m 3 DI K-9 1.70E+10 200 6.3 3 200 140 209.4 222
Static head 0.00 m 4 DI K-9 1.70E+10 250 6.8 3 250 140 260.4 274
Residual Head 2 m 5 DI K-9 1.70E+10 300 7.2 3 300 140 311.6 326
Total Static Head 2.00 m 6 DI K-9 1.70E+10 350 7.7 5 350 140 362.6 378
Bulk Modulus of Water 2.07E+08 Kg/sq.m 7 DI K-9 1.70E+10 400 8.1 5 400 140 412.8 429
Gravitational Acceleration 9.81 m/s2 8 DI K-9 1.70E+10 450 8.6 5 450 140 462.8 480
Pipe Material DI K-9 9 DI K-9 1.70E+10 500 9 5 500 140 514.0 532
10 DI K-9 1.70E+10 600 9.9 5 600 140 615.2 635
Rate of friction

Allowable Test
Bore Diameter

Water hammer
Cond. 2
Pipe Material

Cond. 1

Maximum of
Other Losses

Work. Press.
Condition 2

Static Lift


Sr. No.


Field test

1.5 times


hf St Hmax (St+hf) (St+hf+Hmax) 1.5x(St+hf)
mm m/1000m m/s m m m m Safe/ Unsafe
m m m m m m
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
1 DI K-9 100 3.5 0.6 1.1 1.3 2.0 72.8 3.3 76.0 4.9 76.0 640 770 Safe
2 DI K-9 150 0.5 0.2 0.2 0.2 2.0 31.0 2.2 33.2 3.3 33.2 640 770 Safe
3 DI K-9 200 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 2.0 16.9 2.0 19.0 3.1 19.0 620 740 Safe
4 DI K-9 250 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 2.0 10.6 2.0 12.6 3.0 12.6 540 650 Safe
5 DI K-9 300 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 2.0 7.2 2.0 9.2 3.0 9.2 490 590 Safe
6 DI K-9 350 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.0 5.2 2.0 7.2 3.0 7.2 450 540 Safe
7 DI K-9 400 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.0 3.9 2.0 5.9 3.0 5.9 420 510 Safe
8 DI K-9 450 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.0 3.1 2.0 5.1 3.0 5.1 400 450 Safe
9 DI K-9 500 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.0 2.5 2.0 4.5 3.0 4.5 380 460 Safe
10 DI K-9 600 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.0 1.7 2.0 3.7 3.0 3.7 360 430 Safe
Criteria for Selection of Pipe Material
1) (Static+Frictional+Hmax) 2) (Static + Friction) x 1.5
Condition.1 : (Static+Frictional) Head < Working Head Condition.2 :
Maximum of These Two < Field Test Pressure

Consultant:-DRA Consultants Pvt. Ltd., Nagpur 99

Detailed Project Report on “Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme”

Design of Economical Size for Clear Water Feeder Main - IV

Clear Water Rising Main from Tube Well - 1 to CW Sump & Pump House - I
Input General Data Input Data of Ductile Iron Pipes
Water Demand :- SOR Rate Pipe Nominal Dia.
Bore Dia (mm) HWC
A. Present Stage 2018 0.23 ML (Rs/m) Material (mm)
B. Intermidiate Stage 2033 0.29 ML 100 1102 DI K-9 140 100
C. Ultimate Stage 2048 0.34 ML 150 1621 DI K-9 140 150
2 Pumping Main Length 325 m 200 2167 DI K-9 140 200
3 Static + Residual Head of Pump 2.00 m 250 2898 DI K-9 140 250
4 Design Period 30 Years 300 3664 DI K-9 140 300
5 Combined Eff. Of Pump Set 70 % 350 4860 DI K-9 140 350
6 Cost of Pumping Unit 20000 Rs / KW 400 5498 DI K-9 140 400
Standby Provision 450 6785 DI K-9 140 450
7 Stage - I 100 % 500 8145 DI K-9 140 500
Stage - II 100 % 600 10569 DI K-9 140 600
8 Interest Rate 14 % Pumping Machinery Data
9 Rate of Escalation in Power 4 % / Yr Highest Level on Rising Main / Delivery Lvl 350.30 m
10 Life of Electric Motors 15 Years Lowest Level on Rising Main / Suction Lvl 350.30 m
11 Energy Charges 5 Rs / KW Static Head 0.00 m
12 Pumping Hours for Discharge at 1st stage 22 Hours Resedual / Velocity Head 2.00 m
Total Static Head on Pump 2.00 m
Calculations for Stage - I & Stage - II Flow
Sr. No. Parameter Stage - I Stage - II
1 Discharge at Installation 0.23 MLD 0.29 MLD
2 Discharge at the End of Stage 0.29 MLD 0.34 MLD
3 Average Discharge 0.26 MLD 0.32 MLD
4 Hours of Pumping for Discharge at 22 hrs. 22 hrs.
5 Average Hours of Pumping for Avg Discharge 19.60 hrs. 20.35 hrs.
6 KW required at Combined Eff. of Pumping Set 0.05 H1 0.061 H2
7 Average Annual Charges for Electrical Energy 35791 KW 1 37169 KW 2
Table # 1 :- Velocity & Headlosses for Different Pipes Sizes
Friction Head Loss / 1000 m Velocity (m/s) Total Head Loss (m)
Sr. Stage-I Flow Stage-II Flow
Size Stage-I Stage-II Stage-I Stage-II
No. Frictional Other Losses Total Frictional Other Losses Total
(mm) Flow Flow Flow Flow
Loss =10% Friction Head (H1) Loss =10% Friction Head (H2)
1 100 2.6 3.5 0.5 0.6 0.9 0.1 3 1.1 0.1 3
2 150 0.4 0.5 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.0 2 0.2 0.0 2
3 200 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 2 0.0 0.0 2
4 250 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 2 0.0 0.0 2

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Detailed Project Report on “Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme”

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Detailed Project Report on “Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme”

5 300 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 2 0.0 0.0 2

6 350 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2 0.0 0.0 2
7 400 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2 0.0 0.0 2
8 450 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2 0.0 0.0 2
9 500 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2 0.0 0.0 2
10 600 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2 0.0 0.0 2
Table # 2 :- Kilowatts & Cost of Pump-sets Required for Different Pipes Sizes
Stage-I Flow Stage-II Flow
Pipe Cost of DI
Sr. Total Kw Required Total Kw Required Pipe Cost Nominal Dia.
Size Pipe Material Pump Cost Pump Cost Pipeline
No. Head (Working+ Head (Working+ (Rs./m) (ID)
(m) (Rs. 10^3) (Rs. 10^3) (Rs. 10^3)
H1 (m) Standby) H2 (m) Standby)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
1 100 DI K-9 3 0 6 3 0 8 1102 358 100
2 150 DI K-9 2 0 4 2 0 5 1621 527 150
3 200 DI K-9 2 0 4 2 0 5 2167 704 200
4 250 DI K-9 2 0 4 2 0 5 2898 942 250
5 300 DI K-9 2 0 4 2 0 5 3664 1191 300
6 350 DI K-9 2 0 4 2 0 5 4860 1580 350
7 400 DI K-9 2 0 4 2 0 5 5498 1787 400
8 450 DI K-9 2 0 4 2 0 5 6785 2205 450
9 500 DI K-9 2 0 4 2 0 5 8145 2647 500
10 600 DI K-9 2 0 4 2 0 5 10569 3435 600
Table # 3 :- Comparative Statement of Overall Cost of Pumping Main For Different Pipes Sizes
Stage-I Flow Stage-II Flow Grand Total
Sr. Pipe Nominal Dia.
Annual Energy Capitalised Capitalised Annual Energy Capitalised Capitalised Capitalised Cost
No. Size (m) Pump Set Cost Charges Energy Ch.
Pump Set Cost Charges Energy Ch.
Cost Stage I Cost Stage II StageI&II
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
1 100 6 5 33 398 8 7 45 7 405 100
2 150 4 4 24 555 5 5 30 5 560 150
3 200 4 4 23 732 5 5 28 5 736 200
4 250 4 4 23 969 5 5 28 5 973 250
5 300 4 4 23 1218 5 5 28 5 1222 300
6 350 4 4 23 1606 5 5 28 5 1611 350
7 400 4 4 23 1814 5 5 28 5 1818 400
8 450 4 4 23 2232 5 5 28 5 2237 450
9 500 4 4 23 2674 5 5 28 5 2679 500
10 600 4 4 23 3462 5 5 28 5 3466 600
The Economic Pipe Diameter is 100 mm (i.e. Nominal Dia.)
Coresponding Grand Total Capitalised Cost is Rs. 405 Rs. 10^3

Consultant:-DRA Consultants Pvt. Ltd., Nagpur 102

Detailed Project Report on “Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme”

Design of Clear Water Pumping Machinery IV

1) Pumping Hours & Flow Data (Intermediate Stage)
i) Pumping Hours 22 Hours
ii) Average Daily Demand 0.29 ML
0.32 MLD
iii) Designed Flow Through Pumping Main
3.69 LPS
2) Rising Main Data
i) Material DI K-9
ii) Bore Diameter (Clear I.D.) 100 mm
iii) Length 675 m
iv) H.W. constant 140
3) Static Head 67.50 m
LSL of Pump in Tube Well 282.70 m
FSL of CW Sump 350.20 m
Design of Pumps
1) Frictional Headloss
i) Rate of Friction 2.62 m\1000m
ii) Frictional Head 1.77 m
iii) Losses due to Bends etc. (10%) 0.18 m
iv)Total Frictional Head 1.95 m
2) Residual / Velocity Head 2.00 m
71.45 m
3)Total Head (Say) 72.00 m
4) BHP Required
i) Water Horse Power 3.54 WHP
ii) Efficiency of pump & motor 70 %
iii) Total B.H.P. required 5.06 BHP
Total BKW 3.77 BKW
Number of Working Pumps 1 Nos
Number of Standby Pumps 0 Nos
B.H.P. of each pump 5.06 BHP
BKW of each pump 3.77 BKW
Multiplying Factor for margin as per CPHEEO Manual 1.40
KW of Drive Motor 5.28 KW
HP of Drive Motor 7.08 HP
7.50 HP
Hence Provide 1 Numbers of Pumps with below specification ( 1 Working / 0 Standby)
Discharging Capacity of Each Pump 3.69 LPS
Motor Capacity of Each Pump 7.5 Hp
Total Head of Each Pump 72 m
Total HP to be Installed Including Standby 7.5 BHP

Consultant:-DRA Consultants Pvt. Ltd., Nagpur 103

Detailed Project Report on “Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme”

Water Hammer Calculations for Clear Water Feeder Main - V

Clear Water Rising Main from Tube Well - 8 to CW Sump & Pump House - I
Input General Data Inut Data of Ductile Iron Pipes
Ultimate Stage Water Demand 0.33 ML/D Modulus of
Pipe Mat Nominal Shell Lining Bore Dia. HW constant Shell Dia. for Shell Dia.
Pumping Hours 22.00 hrs. Sr.No. Elasticity of
& Class Dia.(ID) Thickness Thickness (Clear ID) 'C' WH Ext.
Designed Discharge 0.36 MLD Pipe Mat
Length 450 m mm kg/sq.m mm mm mm mm mm mm
Total Static Head Say 2.90 m 1 DI K-9 1.70E+10 100 6 3 100 140 106.0 118
Highest Level on Rising Main 350.20 m 2 DI K-9 1.70E+10 150 6 3 150 140 158.0 170
Lowest Level on Rising Main 349.30 m 3 DI K-9 1.70E+10 200 6.3 3 200 140 209.4 222
Static head 0.90 m 4 DI K-9 1.70E+10 250 6.8 3 250 140 260.4 274
Residual Head 2 m 5 DI K-9 1.70E+10 300 7.2 3 300 140 311.6 326
Total Static Head 2.90 m 6 DI K-9 1.70E+10 350 7.7 5 350 140 362.6 378
Bulk Modulus of Water 2.07E+08 Kg/sq.m 7 DI K-9 1.70E+10 400 8.1 5 400 140 412.8 429
Gravitational Acceleration 9.81 m/s2 8 DI K-9 1.70E+10 450 8.6 5 450 140 462.8 480
Pipe Material DI K-9 9 DI K-9 1.70E+10 500 9 5 500 140 514.0 532
10 DI K-9 1.70E+10 600 9.9 5 600 140 615.2 635
Rate of friction

Allowable Test
Bore Diameter

Water hammer
Cond. 2
Pipe Material

Cond. 1

Maximum of
Other Losses

Work. Press.
Condition 2

Static Lift


Sr. No.


Field test

1.5 times


hf St Hmax (St+hf) (St+hf+Hmax) 1.5x(St+hf)
mm m/1000m m/s m m m m Safe/ Unsafe
m m m m m m
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
1 DI K-9 100 3.3 0.5 1.5 1.6 2.9 69.7 4.5 74.3 6.8 74.3 640 770 Safe
2 DI K-9 150 0.5 0.2 0.2 0.2 2.9 29.7 3.1 32.9 4.7 32.9 640 770 Safe
3 DI K-9 200 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 2.9 16.2 3.0 19.2 4.4 19.2 620 740 Safe
4 DI K-9 250 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 2.9 10.2 2.9 13.1 4.4 13.1 540 650 Safe
5 DI K-9 300 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 2.9 6.9 2.9 9.8 4.4 9.8 490 590 Safe
6 DI K-9 350 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.9 5.0 2.9 7.9 4.4 7.9 450 540 Safe
7 DI K-9 400 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.9 3.8 2.9 6.7 4.4 6.7 420 510 Safe
8 DI K-9 450 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.9 3.0 2.9 5.9 4.4 5.9 400 450 Safe
9 DI K-9 500 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.9 2.4 2.9 5.3 4.4 5.3 380 460 Safe
10 DI K-9 600 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.9 1.6 2.9 4.5 4.4 4.5 360 430 Safe
Criteria for Selection of Pipe Material
1) (Static+Frictional+Hmax) 2) (Static + Friction) x 1.5
Condition.1 : (Static+Frictional) Head < Working Head Condition.2 :
Maximum of These Two < Field Test Pressure

Consultant:-DRA Consultants Pvt. Ltd., Nagpur 104

Detailed Project Report on “Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme”

Design of Economical Size for Clear Water Feeder Main - V

Clear Water Rising Main from Tube Well - 8 to CW Sump & Pump House - I
Input General Data Input Data of Ductile Iron Pipes
Water Demand :- SOR Rate Pipe Nominal Dia.
Bore Dia (mm) HWC
A. Present Stage 2018 0.22 ML (Rs/m) Material (mm)
B. Intermidiate Stage 2033 0.28 ML 100 1102 DI K-9 140 100
C. Ultimate Stage 2048 0.33 ML 150 1621 DI K-9 140 150
2 Pumping Main Length 450 m 200 2167 DI K-9 140 200
3 Static + Residual Head of Pump 2.90 m 250 2898 DI K-9 140 250
4 Design Period 30 Years 300 3664 DI K-9 140 300
5 Combined Eff. Of Pump Set 70 % 350 4860 DI K-9 140 350
6 Cost of Pumping Unit 20000 Rs / KW 400 5498 DI K-9 140 400
Standby Provision 450 6785 DI K-9 140 450
7 Stage - I 100 % 500 8145 DI K-9 140 500
Stage - II 100 % 600 10569 DI K-9 140 600
8 Interest Rate 14 % Pumping Machinery Data
9 Rate of Escalation in Power 4 % / Yr Highest Level on Rising Main / Delivery Lvl 350.20 m
10 Life of Electric Motors 15 Years Lowest Level on Rising Main / Suction Lvl 349.30 m
11 Energy Charges 5 Rs / KW Static Head 0.90 m
12 Pumping Hours for Discharge at 1st stage 22 Hours Resedual / Velocity Head 2.00 m
Total Static Head on Pump 2.90 m
Calculations for Stage - I & Stage - II Flow
Sr. No. Parameter Stage - I Stage - II
1 Discharge at Installation 0.22 MLD 0.28 MLD
2 Discharge at the End of Stage 0.28 MLD 0.33 MLD
3 Average Discharge 0.25 MLD 0.30 MLD
4 Hours of Pumping for Discharge at 22 hrs. 22 hrs.
5 Average Hours of Pumping for Avg Discharge 19.60 hrs. 20.35 hrs.
6 KW required at Combined Eff. of Pumping Set 0.05 H1 0.058 H2
7 Average Annual Charges for Electrical Energy 35791 KW 1 37169 KW 2
Table # 1 :- Velocity & Headlosses for Different Pipes Sizes
Friction Head Loss / 1000 m Velocity (m/s) Total Head Loss (m)
Sr. Stage-I Flow Stage-II Flow
Size Stage-I Stage-II Stage-I Stage-II
No. Frictional Other Losses Total Frictional Other Losses Total
(mm) Flow Flow Flow Flow
Loss =10% Friction Head (H1) Loss =10% Friction Head (H2)
1 100 2.4 3.3 0.5 0.5 1.1 0.1 4 1.5 0.1 5
2 150 0.3 0.5 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.0 3 0.2 0.0 3
3 200 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 3 0.1 0.0 3
4 250 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 3 0.0 0.0 3

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Detailed Project Report on “Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme”

Consultant:-DRA Consultants Pvt. Ltd., Nagpur 106

Detailed Project Report on “Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme”

5 300 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 3 0.0 0.0 3

6 350 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3 0.0 0.0 3
7 400 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3 0.0 0.0 3
8 450 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3 0.0 0.0 3
9 500 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3 0.0 0.0 3
10 600 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3 0.0 0.0 3
Table # 2 :- Kilowatts & Cost of Pump-sets Required for Different Pipes Sizes
Stage-I Flow Stage-II Flow
Pipe Cost of DI
Sr. Total Kw Required Total Kw Required Pipe Cost Nominal Dia.
Size Pipe Material Pump Cost Pump Cost Pipeline
No. Head (Working+ Head (Working+ (Rs./m) (ID)
(m) (Rs. 10^3) (Rs. 10^3) (Rs. 10^3)
H1 (m) Standby) H2 (m) Standby)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
1 100 DI K-9 4 0 8 5 1 11 1102 496 100
2 150 DI K-9 3 0 6 3 0 7 1621 729 150
3 200 DI K-9 3 0 6 3 0 7 2167 975 200
4 250 DI K-9 3 0 6 3 0 7 2898 1304 250
5 300 DI K-9 3 0 6 3 0 7 3664 1649 300
6 350 DI K-9 3 0 6 3 0 7 4860 2187 350
7 400 DI K-9 3 0 6 3 0 7 5498 2474 400
8 450 DI K-9 3 0 6 3 0 7 6785 3053 450
9 500 DI K-9 3 0 6 3 0 7 8145 3665 500
10 600 DI K-9 3 0 6 3 0 7 10569 4756 600
Table # 3 :- Comparative Statement of Overall Cost of Pumping Main For Different Pipes Sizes
Stage-I Flow Stage-II Flow Grand Total
Sr. Pipe Nominal Dia.
Annual Energy Capitalised Capitalised Annual Energy Capitalised Capitalised Capitalised Cost
No. Size (m) Pump Set Cost Charges Energy Ch.
Pump Set Cost Charges Energy Ch.
Cost Stage I Cost Stage II StageI&II
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
1 100 8 7 45 549 11 10 60 10 559 100
2 150 6 5 33 769 7 7 42 7 776 150
3 200 6 5 32 1013 7 6 39 6 1019 200
4 250 6 5 32 1342 7 6 39 6 1348 250
5 300 6 5 32 1686 7 6 39 6 1693 300
6 350 6 5 32 2224 7 6 39 6 2231 350
7 400 6 5 32 2511 7 6 39 6 2518 400
8 450 6 5 32 3091 7 6 39 6 3097 450
9 500 6 5 32 3703 7 6 39 6 3709 500
10 600 6 5 32 4793 7 6 39 6 4800 600
The Economic Pipe Diameter is 100 mm (i.e. Nominal Dia.)
Coresponding Grand Total Capitalised Cost is Rs. 559 Rs. 10^3

Consultant:-DRA Consultants Pvt. Ltd., Nagpur 107

Detailed Project Report on “Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme”

Design of Clear Water Pumping Machinery - V

1) Pumping Hours & Flow Data (Intermediate Stage)
i) Pumping Hours 22 Hours
ii) Average Daily Demand 0.28 ML
0.31 MLD
iii) Designed Flow Through Pumping Main
3.53 LPS
2) Rising Main Data
i) Material DI K-9
ii) Bore Diameter (Clear I.D.) 100 mm
iii) Length 450 m
iv) H.W. constant 140
3) Static Head 62.30 m
LSL of Pump in Tube Well 287.90 m
FSL of CW Sum 350.20 m
Design of Pumps
1) Frictional Headloss
i) Rate of Friction 2.42 m\1000m
ii) Frictional Head 1.09 m
iii) Losses due to Bends etc. (10%) 0.11 m
iv)Total Frictional Head 1.20 m
2) Residual / Velocity Head 2.00 m
65.50 m
3)Total Head (Say) 66.00 m
4) BHP Required
i) Water Horse Power 3.11 WHP
ii) Efficiency of pump & motor 70 %
iii) Total B.H.P. required 4.44 BHP
Total BKW 3.31 BKW
Number of Working Pumps 1 Nos
Number of Standby Pumps 0 Nos
B.H.P. of each pump 4.44 BHP
BKW of each pump 3.31 BKW
Multiplying Factor for margin as per CPHEEO Manual 1.30
KW of Drive Motor 4.31 KW
HP of Drive Motor 5.78 HP
6.00 HP
Hence Provide 1 Numbers of Pumps with below specification ( 1 Working / 0 Standby)
Discharging Capacity of Each Pump 3.53 LPS
Motor Capacity of Each Pump 6.00 Hp
Total Head of Each Pump 66 m
Total HP to be Installed Including Standby 6.0 BHP

Consultant:-DRA Consultants Pvt. Ltd., Nagpur 108

Detailed Project Report on “Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme”

Water Hammer Calculations for Clear Water Feeder Main - VI

Clear Water Rising Main from CW Sump & Pump House - I to 700 KL OHT - 5
Input General Data Inut Data of Ductile Iron Pipes
Ultimate Stage Water Demand 1.67 ML/D Modulus of
Pipe Mat Nominal Shell Lining Bore Dia. HW constant Shell Dia. for Shell Dia.
Pumping Hours 22.00 hrs. Sr.No. Elasticity of
& Class Dia.(ID) Thickness Thickness (Clear ID) 'C' WH Ext.
Designed Discharge 1.82 MLD Pipe Mat
Length 50 m mm kg/sq.m mm mm mm mm mm mm
Total Static Head Say 28.20 m 1 DI K-9 1.70E+10 100 6 3 100 140 106.0 118
Highest Level on Rising Main 373.40 m 2 DI K-9 1.70E+10 150 6 3 150 140 158.0 170
Lowest Level on Rising Main 347.20 m 3 DI K-9 1.70E+10 200 6.3 3 200 140 209.4 222
Static head 26.20 m 4 DI K-9 1.70E+10 250 6.8 3 250 140 260.4 274
Residual Head 2 m 5 DI K-9 1.70E+10 300 7.2 3 300 140 311.6 326
Total Static Head 28.20 m 6 DI K-9 1.70E+10 350 7.7 5 350 140 362.6 378
Bulk Modulus of Water 2.07E+08 Kg/sq.m 7 DI K-9 1.70E+10 400 8.1 5 400 140 412.8 429
Gravitational Acceleration 9.81 m/s2 8 DI K-9 1.70E+10 450 8.6 5 450 140 462.8 480
Pipe Material DI K-9 9 DI K-9 1.70E+10 500 9 5 500 140 514.0 532
10 DI K-9 1.70E+10 600 9.9 5 600 140 615.2 635
Rate of friction

Allowable Test
Bore Diameter

Water hammer
Cond. 2

Cond. 1
Pipe Material

Maximum of
Other Losses

Work. Press.
Condition 2

Static Lift


Sr. No.


Field test

1.5 times


hf St Hmax (St+hf) (St+hf+Hmax) 1.5x(St+hf)
mm m/1000m m/s m m m m Safe/ Unsafe
m m m m m m
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
1 DI K-9 100 66.1 2.7 3.3 3.6 28.2 353.8 31.8 385.6 47.8 385.6 640 770 Safe
2 DI K-9 150 9.2 1.2 0.5 0.5 28.2 150.8 28.7 179.5 43.1 179.5 640 770 Safe
3 DI K-9 200 2.3 0.7 0.1 0.1 28.2 82.3 28.3 110.6 42.5 110.6 620 740 Safe
4 DI K-9 250 0.8 0.4 0.0 0.0 28.2 51.5 28.2 79.8 42.4 79.8 540 650 Safe
5 DI K-9 300 0.3 0.3 0.0 0.0 28.2 35.1 28.2 63.3 42.3 63.3 490 590 Safe
6 DI K-9 350 0.1 0.2 0.0 0.0 28.2 25.4 28.2 53.6 42.3 53.6 450 540 Safe
7 DI K-9 400 0.1 0.2 0.0 0.0 28.2 19.1 28.2 47.4 42.3 47.4 420 510 Safe
8 DI K-9 450 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 28.2 15.0 28.2 43.2 42.3 43.2 400 450 Safe
9 DI K-9 500 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 28.2 12.0 28.2 40.2 42.3 42.3 380 460 Safe
10 DI K-9 600 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 28.2 8.2 28.2 36.4 42.3 42.3 360 430 Safe
Criteria for Selection of Pipe Material
1) (Static+Frictional+Hmax) 2) (Static + Friction) x 1.5
Condition.1 : (Static+Frictional) Head < Working Head Condition.2 :
Maximum of These Two < Field Test Pressure

Consultant:-DRA Consultants Pvt. Ltd., Nagpur 109

Detailed Project Report on “Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme”

Consultant:-DRA Consultants Pvt. Ltd., Nagpur 110

Detailed Project Report on “Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme”

Design of Economical Size for Clear Water Feeder Main - VI

Clear Water Rising Main from CW Sump & Pump House - I to 700 KL OHT - 5
Input General Data Input Data of Ductile Iron Pipes
Water Demand :- SOR Rate Pipe Nominal Dia.
Bore Dia (mm) HWC
A. Present Stage 2018 1.11 ML (Rs/m) Material (mm)
B. Intermidiate Stage 2033 1.42 ML 100 1102 DI K-9 140 100
C. Ultimate Stage 2048 1.67 ML 150 1621 DI K-9 140 150
2 Pumping Main Length 50 m 200 2167 DI K-9 140 200
3 Static + Residual Head of Pump 28.20 m 250 2898 DI K-9 140 250
4 Design Period 30 Years 300 3664 DI K-9 140 300
5 Combined Eff. Of Pump Set 80 % 350 4860 DI K-9 140 350
6 Cost of Pumping Unit 20000 Rs / KW 400 5498 DI K-9 140 400
Standby Provision 450 6785 DI K-9 140 450
7 Stage - I 100 % 500 8145 DI K-9 140 500
Stage - II 100 % 600 10569 DI K-9 140 600
8 Interest Rate 14 % Pumping Machinery Data
9 Rate of Escalation in Power 4 % / Yr FSL of OHT 373.40 m
10 Life of Electric Motors 15 Years LSL of Pump at Sump 347.20 m
11 Energy Charges 5 Rs / KW Static Head 26.20 m
12 Pumping Hours for Discharge at 1st stage 22 Hours Resedual / Velocity Head 2.00 m
Total Static Head on Pump 28.20 m
Calculations for Stage - I & Stage - II Flow
Sr. No. Parameter Stage - I Stage - II
1 Discharge at Installation 1.11 MLD 1.42 MLD
2 Discharge at the End of Stage 1.42 MLD 1.67 MLD
3 Average Discharge 1.27 MLD 1.55 MLD
4 Hours of Pumping for Discharge at 22 hrs. 22 hrs.
5 Average Hours of Pumping for Avg Discharge 19.60 hrs. 20.35 hrs.
6 KW required at Combined Eff. of Pumping Set 0.22 H1 0.258 H2
7 Average Annual Charges for Electrical Energy 35791 KW 1 37169 KW 2
Table # 1 :- Velocity & Headlosses for Different Pipes Sizes
Friction Head Loss / 1000 m Velocity (m/s) Total Head Loss (m)
Sr. Stage-I Flow Stage-II Flow
Size Stage-I Stage-II Stage-I Stage-II
No. Frictional Other Losses Total Frictional Other Losses Total
(mm) Flow Flow Flow Flow
Loss =10% Friction Head (H1) Loss =10% Friction Head (H2)
1 100 49.0 66.2 2.3 2.7 2.5 0.2 31 3.3 0.3 32
2 150 6.8 9.2 1.0 1.2 0.3 0.0 29 0.5 0.0 29
3 200 1.7 2.3 0.6 0.7 0.1 0.0 28 0.1 0.0 28
4 250 0.6 0.8 0.4 0.4 0.0 0.0 28 0.0 0.0 28

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5 300 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.0 0.0 28 0.0 0.0 28

6 350 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.0 0.0 28 0.0 0.0 28
7 400 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.0 0.0 28 0.0 0.0 28
8 450 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 28 0.0 0.0 28
9 500 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 28 0.0 0.0 28
10 600 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 28 0.0 0.0 28
Table # 2 :- Kilowatts & Cost of Pump-sets Required for Different Pipes Sizes
Stage-I Flow Stage-II Flow
Pipe Cost of DI
Sr. Total Kw Required Total Kw Required Pipe Cost Nominal Dia.
Size Pipe Material Pump Cost Pump Cost Pipeline
No. Head (Working+ Head (Working+ (Rs./m) (ID)
(m) (Rs. 10^3) (Rs. 10^3) (Rs. 10^3)
H1 (m) Standby) H2 (m) Standby)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
1 100 DI K-9 31 14 272 32 16 329 1102 55 100
2 150 DI K-9 29 13 251 29 15 297 1621 81 150
3 200 DI K-9 28 12 249 28 15 293 2167 108 200
4 250 DI K-9 28 12 248 28 15 292 2898 145 250
5 300 DI K-9 28 12 248 28 15 292 3664 183 300
6 350 DI K-9 28 12 248 28 15 292 4860 243 350
7 400 DI K-9 28 12 248 28 15 292 5498 275 400
8 450 DI K-9 28 12 248 28 15 292 6785 339 450
9 500 DI K-9 28 12 248 28 15 291 8145 407 500
10 600 DI K-9 28 12 248 28 15 291 10569 528 600
Table # 3 :- Comparative Statement of Overall Cost of Pumping Main For Different Pipes Sizes
Stage-I Flow Stage-II Flow Grand Total
Sr. Pipe Nominal Dia.
Annual Energy Capitalised Capitalised Annual Energy Capitalised Capitalised Capitalised Cost
No. Size (m) Pump Set Cost Charges Energy Ch.
Pump Set Cost Charges Energy Ch.
Cost Stage I Cost Stage II StageI&II
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
1 100 272 243 1492 1819 329 306 1878 309 2128 100
2 150 251 225 1380 1712 297 276 1693 279 1991 150
3 200 249 222 1367 1724 293 272 1671 275 1999 200
4 250 248 222 1364 1757 292 271 1666 274 2031 250
5 300 248 222 1363 1794 292 271 1665 274 2068 300
6 350 248 222 1362 1853 292 271 1664 274 2127 350
7 400 248 222 1362 1885 292 271 1664 274 2159 400
8 450 248 222 1362 1949 292 271 1664 274 2223 450
9 500 248 222 1362 2017 291 271 1664 274 2291 500
10 600 248 222 1362 2138 291 271 1664 274 2412 600
The Economic Pipe Diameter is 150 mm (i.e. Nominal Dia.)
Coresponding Grand Total Capitalised Cost is Rs. 1991 Rs. 10^3

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Detailed Project Report on “Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme”

Design of Clear Water Pumping Machinery - VI

1) Pumping Hours & Flow Data (Intermediate Stage)
i) Pumping Hours 22 Hours
ii) Average Daily Demand 1.42 ML
1.55 MLD
iii) Designed Flow Through Pumping Main
17.93 LPS
2) Rising Main Data
i) Material DI K-9
ii) Bore Diameter (Clear I.D.) 150 mm
iii) Length 50 m
iv) H.W. constant 140
3) Static Head 26.20 m
LSL of Pump in Clear Water Sump 347.20 m
FSL of Over Head Tank including Container Height 373.40 m
Design of Pumps
1) Frictional Headloss
i) Rate of Friction 6.81 m\1000m
ii) Frictional Head 0.34 m
iii) Losses due to Bends etc. (10%) 0.03 m
iv)Total Frictional Head 0.37 m
2) Residual / Velocity Head 2.00 m
28.57 m
3)Total Head (Say) 29.00 m
4) BHP Required
i) Water Horse Power 6.93 WHP
ii) Efficiency of pump & motor 80 %
iii) Total B.H.P. required 8.67 BHP
Total BKW 6.46 BKW
Number of Working Pumps 1 Nos
Number of Standby Pumps 1 Nos
B.H.P. of each pump 8.67 BHP
BKW of each pump 6.46 BKW
Multiplying Factor for margin as per CPHEEO Manual 1.30
KW of Drive Motor 8.37 KW
HP of Drive Motor 11.22 HP
12.5 HP
Hence Provide 2 Numbers of Pumps with below specification ( 1 Working / 1 Standby)
Discharging Capacity of Each Pump 17.93 LPS
Motor Capacity of Each Pump 12.5 Hp
Total Head of Each Pump 29 m
Total HP to be Installed Including Standby 25.0 BHP

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Water Hammer Calculations for Clear Water Feeder Main - VII

Clear Water Rising Main from Tube Well - 2 to 150 KL OHT - 6
Input General Data Inut Data of Ductile Iron Pipes
Ultimate Stage Water Demand 0.31 ML/D Modulus of
Pipe Mat Nominal Shell Lining Bore Dia. HW constant Shell Dia. for Shell Dia.
Pumping Hours 22.00 hrs. Sr.No. Elasticity of
& Class Dia.(ID) Thickness Thickness (Clear ID) 'C' WH Ext.
Designed Discharge 0.34 MLD Pipe Mat
Length 1700 m mm kg/sq.m mm mm mm mm mm mm
Total Static Head Say 7.80 m 1 DI K-9 1.70E+10 100 6 3 100 140 106.0 118
Highest Level on Rising Main 356.40 m 2 DI K-9 1.70E+10 150 6 3 150 140 158.0 170
Lowest Level on Rising Main 350.60 m 3 DI K-9 1.70E+10 200 6.3 3 200 140 209.4 222
Static head 5.80 m 4 DI K-9 1.70E+10 250 6.8 3 250 140 260.4 274
Residual Head 2 m 5 DI K-9 1.70E+10 300 7.2 3 300 140 311.6 326
Total Static Head 7.80 m 6 DI K-9 1.70E+10 350 7.7 5 350 140 362.6 378
Bulk Modulus of Water 2.07E+08 Kg/sq.m 7 DI K-9 1.70E+10 400 8.1 5 400 140 412.8 429
Gravitational Acceleration 9.81 m/s2 8 DI K-9 1.70E+10 450 8.6 5 450 140 462.8 480
Pipe Material DI K-9 9 DI K-9 1.70E+10 500 9 5 500 140 514.0 532
10 DI K-9 1.70E+10 600 9.9 5 600 140 615.2 635
Rate of friction

Allowable Test
Bore Diameter

Water hammer
Cond. 2
Pipe Material

Cond. 1

Maximum of
Other Losses

Work. Press.
Condition 2

Static Lift


Sr. No.


Field test

1.5 times


hf St Hmax (St+hf) (St+hf+Hmax) 1.5x(St+hf)
mm m/1000m m/s m m m m Safe/ Unsafe
m m m m m m
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
1 DI K-9 100 2.9 0.5 5.0 5.5 7.8 65.6 13.3 78.9 19.9 78.9 640 770 Safe
2 DI K-9 150 0.4 0.2 0.7 0.8 7.8 28.0 8.6 36.5 12.8 36.5 640 770 Safe
3 DI K-9 200 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.2 7.8 15.3 8.0 23.2 12.0 23.2 620 740 Safe
4 DI K-9 250 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.1 7.8 9.6 7.9 17.4 11.8 17.4 540 650 Safe
5 DI K-9 300 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 7.8 6.5 7.8 14.3 11.7 14.3 490 590 Safe
6 DI K-9 350 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.8 4.7 7.8 12.5 11.7 12.5 450 540 Safe
7 DI K-9 400 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.8 3.6 7.8 11.4 11.7 11.7 420 510 Safe
8 DI K-9 450 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.8 2.8 7.8 10.6 11.7 11.7 400 450 Safe
9 DI K-9 500 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.8 2.2 7.8 10.0 11.7 11.7 380 460 Safe
10 DI K-9 600 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.8 1.5 7.8 9.3 11.7 11.7 360 430 Safe
Criteria for Selection of Pipe Material
1) (Static+Frictional+Hmax) 2) (Static + Friction) x 1.5
Condition.1 : (Static+Frictional) Head < Working Head Condition.2 :
Maximum of These Two < Field Test Pressure

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Design of Economical Size for Clear Water Feeder Main - VII

Clear Water Rising Main from Tube Well - 2 to 150 KL OHT - 6
Input General Data Input Data of Ductile Iron Pipes
Water Demand :- SOR Rate Pipe Nominal Dia.
Bore Dia (mm) HWC
A. Present Stage 2018 0.21 ML (Rs/m) Material (mm)
B. Intermidiate Stage 2033 0.26 ML 100 1102 DI K-9 140 100
C. Ultimate Stage 2048 0.31 ML 150 1621 DI K-9 140 150
2 Pumping Main Length 1700 m 200 2167 DI K-9 140 200
3 Static + Residual Head of Pump 7.80 m 250 2898 DI K-9 140 250
4 Design Period 30 Years 300 3664 DI K-9 140 300
5 Combined Eff. Of Pump Set 70 % 350 4860 DI K-9 140 350
6 Cost of Pumping Unit 20000 Rs / KW 400 5498 DI K-9 140 400
Standby Provision 450 6785 DI K-9 140 450
7 Stage - I 100 % 500 8145 DI K-9 140 500
Stage - II 100 % 600 10569 DI K-9 140 600
8 Interest Rate 14 % Pumping Machinery Data
9 Rate of Escalation in Power 4 % / Yr Highest Level on Rising Main / Delivery Lvl 356.40 m
10 Life of Electric Motors 15 Years Lowest Level on Rising Main / Suction Lvl 350.60 m
11 Energy Charges 5 Rs / KW Static Head 5.80 m
12 Pumping Hours for Discharge at 1st stage 22 Hours Resedual / Velocity Head 2.00 m
Total Static Head on Pump 7.80 m
Calculations for Stage - I & Stage - II Flow
Sr. No. Parameter Stage - I Stage - II
1 Discharge at Installation 0.21 MLD 0.26 MLD
2 Discharge at the End of Stage 0.26 MLD 0.31 MLD
3 Average Discharge 0.23 MLD 0.29 MLD
4 Hours of Pumping for Discharge at 22 hrs. 22 hrs.
5 Average Hours of Pumping for Avg Discharge 19.64 hrs. 20.33 hrs.
6 KW required at Combined Eff. of Pumping Set 0.05 H1 0.055 H2
7 Average Annual Charges for Electrical Energy 35872 KW 1 37133 KW 2
Table # 1 :- Velocity & Headlosses for Different Pipes Sizes
Friction Head Loss / 1000 m Velocity (m/s) Total Head Loss (m)
Sr. Stage-I Flow Stage-II Flow
Size Stage-I Stage-II Stage-I Stage-II
No. Frictional Other Losses Total Frictional Other Losses Total
(mm) Flow Flow Flow Flow
Loss =10% Friction Head (H1) Loss =10% Friction Head (H2)
1 100 2.2 2.9 0.4 0.5 3.7 0.4 12 5.0 0.5 13
2 150 0.3 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.5 0.1 8 0.7 0.1 9
3 200 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.0 8 0.2 0.0 8
4 250 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 8 0.1 0.0 8

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5 300 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 8 0.0 0.0 8

6 350 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 8 0.0 0.0 8
7 400 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 8 0.0 0.0 8
8 450 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 8 0.0 0.0 8
9 500 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 8 0.0 0.0 8
10 600 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 8 0.0 0.0 8
Table # 2 :- Kilowatts & Cost of Pump-sets Required for Different Pipes Sizes
Stage-I Flow Stage-II Flow
Pipe Cost of DI
Sr. Total Kw Required Total Kw Required Pipe Cost Nominal Dia.
Size Pipe Material Pump Cost Pump Cost Pipeline
No. Head (Working+ Head (Working+ (Rs./m) (ID)
(m) (Rs. 10^3) (Rs. 10^3) (Rs. 10^3)
H1 (m) Standby) H2 (m) Standby)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
1 100 DI K-9 12 1 22 13 1 29 1102 1873 100
2 150 DI K-9 8 1 16 9 1 19 1621 2756 150
3 200 DI K-9 8 1 15 8 1 17 2167 3684 200
4 250 DI K-9 8 1 15 8 1 17 2898 4927 250
5 300 DI K-9 8 1 15 8 1 17 3664 6229 300
6 350 DI K-9 8 1 15 8 1 17 4860 8262 350
7 400 DI K-9 8 1 15 8 1 17 5498 9347 400
8 450 DI K-9 8 1 15 8 1 17 6785 11535 450
9 500 DI K-9 8 1 15 8 1 17 8145 13847 500
10 600 DI K-9 8 1 14 8 1 17 10569 17967 600
Table # 3 :- Comparative Statement of Overall Cost of Pumping Main For Different Pipes Sizes
Stage-I Flow Stage-II Flow Grand Total
Sr. Pipe Nominal Dia.
Annual Energy Capitalised Capitalised Annual Energy Capitalised Capitalised Capitalised Cost
No. Size (m) Pump Set Cost Charges Energy Ch.
Pump Set Cost Charges Energy Ch.
Cost Stage I Cost Stage II StageI&II
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
1 100 22 20 121 2017 29 27 166 27 2044 100
2 150 16 14 86 2857 19 17 107 18 2874 150
3 200 15 13 81 3780 17 16 100 16 3796 200
4 250 15 13 80 5022 17 16 98 16 5038 250
5 300 15 13 80 6323 17 16 98 16 6339 300
6 350 15 13 80 8356 17 16 98 16 8373 350
7 400 15 13 80 9441 17 16 98 16 9457 400
8 450 15 13 80 11629 17 16 97 16 11645 450
9 500 15 13 80 13941 17 16 97 16 13957 500
10 600 14 13 80 18062 17 16 97 16 18078 600
The Economic Pipe Diameter is 100 mm (i.e. Nominal Dia.)
Coresponding Grand Total Capitalised Cost is Rs. 2044 Rs. 10^3

Consultant:-DRA Consultants Pvt. Ltd., Nagpur 118

Detailed Project Report on “Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme”

Design of Clear Water Pumping Machinery - VII

1) Pumping Hours & Flow Data (Intermediate Stage)
i) Pumping Hours 22 Hours
ii) Average Daily Demand 0.26 ML
0.29 MLD
iii) Designed Flow Through Pumping Main
3.32 LPS
2) Rising Main Data
i) Material DI K-9
ii) Bore Diameter (Clear I.D.) 100 mm
iii) Length 1700 m
iv) H.W. constant 140
3) Static Head 97.40 m
LSL of Pump in Clear Water Sump 283.00 m
FSL of Over Head Tank including Container Height 380.40 m
Design of Pumps
1) Frictional Headloss
i) Rate of Friction 2.16 m\1000m
ii) Frictional Head 3.67 m
iii) Losses due to Bends etc. (10%) 0.37 m
iv)Total Frictional Head 4.03 m
2) Residual / Velocity Head 2.00 m
103.43 m
3)Total Head (Say) 104.00 m
4) BHP Required
i) Water Horse Power 4.60 WHP
ii) Efficiency of pump & motor 70 %
iii) Total B.H.P. required 6.57 BHP
Total BKW 4.90 BKW
Number of Working Pumps 1 Nos
Number of Standby Pumps 0 Nos
B.H.P. of each pump 6.57 BHP
BKW of each pump 4.90 BKW
Multiplying Factor for margin as per CPHEEO Manual 1.30
KW of Drive Motor 6.37 KW
HP of Drive Motor 8.54 HP
10.00 HP
Hence Provide 1 Numbers of Pumps with below specification ( 1 Working / 0 Standby)
Discharging Capacity of Each Pump 3.32 LPS
Motor Capacity of Each Pump 10 Hp
Total Head of Each Pump 104 m
Total HP to be Installed Including Standby 10 BHP

Consultant:-DRA Consultants Pvt. Ltd., Nagpur 119

Detailed Project Report on “Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme”

Water Hammer Calculations for Clear Water Feeder Main - VIII

Clear Water Rising Main from Tube Well - 5 to 100 KL OHT - 1
Input General Data Inut Data of Ductile Iron Pipes
Ultimate Stage Water Demand 0.16 ML/D Modulus of
Pipe Mat Nominal Shell Lining Bore Dia. HW constant Shell Dia. for Shell Dia.
Pumping Hours 22.00 hrs. Sr.No. Elasticity of
& Class Dia.(ID) Thickness Thickness (Clear ID) 'C' WH Ext.
Designed Discharge 0.17 MLD Pipe Mat
Length 50 m mm kg/sq.m mm mm mm mm mm mm
Total Static Head Say 3.00 m 1 DI K-9 1.70E+10 100 6 3 100 140 106.0 118
Highest Level on Rising Main 349.10 m 2 DI K-9 1.70E+10 150 6 3 150 140 158.0 170
Lowest Level on Rising Main 348.10 m 3 DI K-9 1.70E+10 200 6.3 3 200 140 209.4 222
Static head 1.00 m 4 DI K-9 1.70E+10 250 6.8 3 250 140 260.4 274
Residual Head 2 m 5 DI K-9 1.70E+10 300 7.2 3 300 140 311.6 326
Total Static Head 3.00 m 6 DI K-9 1.70E+10 350 7.7 5 350 140 362.6 378
Bulk Modulus of Water 2.07E+08 Kg/sq.m 7 DI K-9 1.70E+10 400 8.1 5 400 140 412.8 429
Gravitational Acceleration 9.81 m/s2 8 DI K-9 1.70E+10 450 8.6 5 450 140 462.8 480
Pipe Material DI K-9 9 DI K-9 1.70E+10 500 9 5 500 140 514.0 532
10 DI K-9 1.70E+10 600 9.9 5 600 140 615.2 635
Rate of friction

Allowable Test
Bore Diameter

Water hammer
Cond. 2
Pipe Material

Cond. 1

Maximum of
Other Losses

Work. Press.
Condition 2

Static Lift


Sr. No.


Field test

1.5 times


hf St Hmax (St+hf) (St+hf+Hmax) 1.5x(St+hf)
mm m/1000m m/s m m m m Safe/ Unsafe
m m m m m m
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
1 DI K-9 100 0.9 0.3 0.0 0.0 3.0 33.9 3.0 36.9 4.6 36.9 640 770 Safe
2 DI K-9 150 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 3.0 14.5 3.0 17.5 4.5 17.5 640 770 Safe
3 DI K-9 200 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 3.0 7.9 3.0 10.9 4.5 10.9 620 740 Safe
4 DI K-9 250 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.0 4.9 3.0 7.9 4.5 7.9 540 650 Safe
5 DI K-9 300 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.0 3.4 3.0 6.4 4.5 6.4 490 590 Safe
6 DI K-9 350 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.0 2.4 3.0 5.4 4.5 5.4 450 540 Safe
7 DI K-9 400 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.0 1.8 3.0 4.8 4.5 4.8 420 510 Safe
8 DI K-9 450 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.0 1.4 3.0 4.4 4.5 4.5 400 450 Safe
9 DI K-9 500 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.0 1.1 3.0 4.1 4.5 4.5 380 460 Safe
10 DI K-9 600 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.0 0.8 3.0 3.8 4.5 4.5 360 430 Safe
Criteria for Selection of Pipe Material
1) (Static+Frictional+Hmax) 2) (Static + Friction) x 1.5
Condition.1 : (Static+Frictional) Head < Working Head Condition.2 :
Maximum of These Two < Field Test Pressure

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Detailed Project Report on “Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme”

Design of Economical Size for Clear Water Feeder Main - VIII

Clear Water Rising Main from Tube Well - 5 to 100 KL OHT - 1
Input General Data Input Data of Ductile Iron Pipes
Water Demand :- SOR Rate Pipe Nominal Dia.
Bore Dia (mm) HWC
A. Present Stage 2018 0.11 ML (Rs/m) Material (mm)
B. Intermidiate Stage 2033 0.13 ML 100 1102 DI K-9 140 100
C. Ultimate Stage 2048 0.16 ML 150 1621 DI K-9 140 150
2 Pumping Main Length 50 m 200 2167 DI K-9 140 200
3 Static + Residual Head of Pump 3.00 m 250 2898 DI K-9 140 250
4 Design Period 30 Years 300 3664 DI K-9 140 300
5 Combined Eff. Of Pump Set 70 % 350 4860 DI K-9 140 350
6 Cost of Pumping Unit 20000 Rs / KW 400 5498 DI K-9 140 400
Standby Provision 450 6785 DI K-9 140 450
7 Stage - I 100 % 500 8145 DI K-9 140 500
Stage - II 100 % 600 10569 DI K-9 140 600
8 Interest Rate 14 % Pumping Machinery Data
9 Rate of Escalation in Power 4 % / Yr Highest Level on Rising Main / Delivery Lvl 349.10 m
10 Life of Electric Motors 15 Years Lowest Level on Rising Main / Suction Lvl 348.10 m
11 Energy Charges 5 Rs / KW Static Head 1.00 m
12 Pumping Hours for Discharge at 1st stage 22 Hours Resedual / Velocity Head 2.00 m
Total Static Head on Pump 3.00 m
Calculations for Stage - I & Stage - II Flow
Sr. No. Parameter Stage - I Stage - II
1 Discharge at Installation 0.11 MLD 0.13 MLD
2 Discharge at the End of Stage 0.13 MLD 0.16 MLD
3 Average Discharge 0.12 MLD 0.15 MLD
4 Hours of Pumping for Discharge at 22 hrs. 22 hrs.
5 Average Hours of Pumping for Avg Discharge 20.31 hrs. 19.94 hrs.
6 KW required at Combined Eff. of Pumping Set 0.02 H1 0.028 H2
7 Average Annual Charges for Electrical Energy 37086 KW 1 36410 KW 2
Table # 1 :- Velocity & Headlosses for Different Pipes Sizes
Friction Head Loss / 1000 m Velocity (m/s) Total Head Loss (m)
Sr. Stage-I Flow Stage-II Flow
Size Stage-I Stage-II Stage-I Stage-II
No. Frictional Other Losses Total Frictional Other Losses Total
(mm) Flow Flow Flow Flow
Loss =10% Friction Head (H1) Loss =10% Friction Head (H2)
1 100 0.6 0.9 0.2 0.3 0.0 0.0 3 0.0 0.0 3
2 150 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 3 0.0 0.0 3
3 200 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 3 0.0 0.0 3
4 250 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3 0.0 0.0 3

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Detailed Project Report on “Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme”

5 300 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3 0.0 0.0 3

6 350 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3 0.0 0.0 3
7 400 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3 0.0 0.0 3
8 450 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3 0.0 0.0 3
9 500 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3 0.0 0.0 3
10 600 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3 0.0 0.0 3
Table # 2 :- Kilowatts & Cost of Pump-sets Required for Different Pipes Sizes
Stage-I Flow Stage-II Flow
Pipe Cost of DI
Sr. Total Kw Required Total Kw Required Pipe Cost Nominal Dia.
Size Pipe Material Pump Cost Pump Cost Pipeline
No. Head (Working+ Head (Working+ (Rs./m) (ID)
(m) (Rs. 10^3) (Rs. 10^3) (Rs. 10^3)
H1 (m) Standby) H2 (m) Standby)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
1 100 DI K-9 3 0 3 3 0 3 1102 55 100
2 150 DI K-9 3 0 3 3 0 3 1621 81 150
3 200 DI K-9 3 0 3 3 0 3 2167 108 200
4 250 DI K-9 3 0 3 3 0 3 2898 145 250
5 300 DI K-9 3 0 3 3 0 3 3664 183 300
6 350 DI K-9 3 0 3 3 0 3 4860 243 350
7 400 DI K-9 3 0 3 3 0 3 5498 275 400
8 450 DI K-9 3 0 3 3 0 3 6785 339 450
9 500 DI K-9 3 0 3 3 0 3 8145 407 500
10 600 DI K-9 3 0 3 3 0 3 10569 528 600
Table # 3 :- Comparative Statement of Overall Cost of Pumping Main For Different Pipes Sizes
Stage-I Flow Stage-II Flow Grand Total
Sr. Pipe Nominal Dia.
Annual Energy Capitalised Capitalised Annual Energy Capitalised Capitalised Capitalised Cost
No. Size (m) Pump Set Cost Charges Energy Ch. Pump Set Cost Charges Energy Ch. (ID)
Cost Stage I Cost Stage II StageI&II
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
1 100 3 3 16 74 3 3 19 3 77 100
2 150 3 3 16 100 3 3 19 3 103 150
3 200 3 3 16 127 3 3 19 3 130 200
4 250 3 3 16 163 3 3 19 3 167 250
5 300 3 3 16 202 3 3 19 3 205 300
6 350 3 3 16 261 3 3 19 3 265 350
7 400 3 3 16 293 3 3 19 3 297 400
8 450 3 3 16 358 3 3 19 3 361 450
9 500 3 3 16 426 3 3 19 3 429 500
10 600 3 3 16 547 3 3 19 3 550 600
The Economic Pipe Diameter is 100 mm (i.e. Nominal Dia.)
Coresponding Grand Total Capitalised Cost is Rs. 77 Rs. 10^3

Consultant:-DRA Consultants Pvt. Ltd., Nagpur 124

Detailed Project Report on “Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme”

Design of Clear Water Pumping Machinery - VIII

1) Pumping Hours & Flow Data (Intermediate Stage)
i) Pumping Hours 22 Hours
ii) Average Daily Demand 0.13 ML
0.14 MLD
iii) Designed Flow Through Pumping Main
1.64 LPS
2) Rising Main Data
i) Material DI K-9
ii) Bore Diameter (Clear I.D.) 100 mm
iii) Length 50 m
iv) H.W. constant 140
3) Static Head 82.60 m
LSL of Pump in Tube Well 289.70 m
FSL of Over Head Tank including Container Height 372.30 m
Design of Pumps
1) Frictional Headloss
i) Rate of Friction 0.59 m\1000m
ii) Frictional Head 0.03 m
iii) Losses due to Bends etc. (10%) 0.00 m
iv)Total Frictional Head 0.03 m
2) Residual / Velocity Head 2.00 m
84.63 m
3)Total Head (Say) 85.00 m
4) BHP Required
i) Water Horse Power 1.86 WHP
ii) Efficiency of pump & motor 70 %
iii) Total B.H.P. required 2.66 BHP
Total BKW 1.98 BKW
Number of Working Pumps 1 Nos
Number of Standby Pumps 0 Nos
B.H.P. of each pump 2.66 BHP
BKW of each pump 1.98 BKW
Multiplying Factor for margin as per CPHEEO Manual 1.40
KW of Drive Motor 2.78 KW
HP of Drive Motor 3.72 HP
5.00 HP
Hence Provide 1 Numbers of Pumps with below specification ( 1 Working / 0 Standby)
Discharging Capacity of Each Pump 1.64 LPS
Motor Capacity of Each Pump 5 Hp
Total Head of Each Pump 85 m
Total HP to be Installed Including Standby 5 BHP

Consultant:-DRA Consultants Pvt. Ltd., Nagpur 125

Detailed Project Report on “Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme”

Water Hammer Calculations for Clear Water Feeder Main - IX

Clear Water Rising Main from Tube Well - 6 to CW Sump & Pump House - II
Input General Data Inut Data of Ductile Iron Pipes
Ultimate Stage Water Demand 0.18 ML/D Modulus of
Pipe Mat Nominal Shell Lining Bore Dia. HW constant Shell Dia. for Shell Dia.
Pumping Hours 22.00 hrs. Sr.No. Elasticity of
& Class Dia.(ID) Thickness Thickness (Clear ID) 'C' WH Ext.
Designed Discharge 0.20 MLD Pipe Mat
Length 130 m mm kg/sq.m mm mm mm mm mm mm
Total Static Head Say 2.90 m 1 DI K-9 1.70E+10 100 6 3 100 140 106.0 118
Highest Level on Rising Main 345.10 m 2 DI K-9 1.70E+10 150 6 3 150 140 158.0 170
Lowest Level on Rising Main 344.20 m 3 DI K-9 1.70E+10 200 6.3 3 200 140 209.4 222
Static head 0.90 m 4 DI K-9 1.70E+10 250 6.8 3 250 140 260.4 274
Residual Head 2 m 5 DI K-9 1.70E+10 300 7.2 3 300 140 311.6 326
Total Static Head 2.90 m 6 DI K-9 1.70E+10 350 7.7 5 350 140 362.6 378
Bulk Modulus of Water 2.07E+08 Kg/sq.m 7 DI K-9 1.70E+10 400 8.1 5 400 140 412.8 429
Gravitational Acceleration 9.81 m/s2 8 DI K-9 1.70E+10 450 8.6 5 450 140 462.8 480
Pipe Material DI K-9 9 DI K-9 1.70E+10 500 9 5 500 140 514.0 532
10 DI K-9 1.70E+10 600 9.9 5 600 140 615.2 635
Rate of friction

Allowable Test
Bore Diameter

Water hammer
Cond. 2
Pipe Material

Cond. 1

Maximum of
Other Losses

Work. Press.
Condition 2

Static Lift


Sr. No.


Field test

1.5 times


hf St Hmax (St+hf) (St+hf+Hmax) 1.5x(St+hf)
mm m/1000m m/s m m m m Safe/ Unsafe
m m m m m m
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
1 DI K-9 100 1.1 0.3 0.1 0.2 2.9 38.1 3.1 41.2 4.6 41.2 640 770 Safe
2 DI K-9 150 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 2.9 16.3 2.9 19.2 4.4 19.2 640 770 Safe
3 DI K-9 200 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 2.9 8.9 2.9 11.8 4.4 11.8 620 740 Safe
4 DI K-9 250 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.9 5.6 2.9 8.5 4.4 8.5 540 650 Safe
5 DI K-9 300 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.9 3.8 2.9 6.7 4.4 6.7 490 590 Safe
6 DI K-9 350 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.9 2.7 2.9 5.6 4.4 5.6 450 540 Safe
7 DI K-9 400 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.9 2.1 2.9 5.0 4.4 5.0 420 510 Safe
8 DI K-9 450 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.9 1.6 2.9 4.5 4.4 4.5 400 450 Safe
9 DI K-9 500 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.9 1.3 2.9 4.2 4.4 4.4 380 460 Safe
10 DI K-9 600 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.9 0.9 2.9 3.8 4.4 4.4 360 430 Safe
Criteria for Selection of Pipe Material
1) (Static+Frictional+Hmax) 2) (Static + Friction) x 1.5
Condition.1 : (Static+Frictional) Head < Working Head Condition.2 :
Maximum of These Two < Field Test Pressure

Consultant:-DRA Consultants Pvt. Ltd., Nagpur 126

Detailed Project Report on “Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme”

Design of Economical Size for Clear Water Feeder Main - IX

Clear Water Rising Main from Tube Well - 6 to CW Sump & Pump House - II
Input General Data Input Data of Ductile Iron Pipes
Water Demand :- SOR Rate Pipe Nominal Dia.
Bore Dia (mm) HWC
A. Present Stage 2018 0.12 ML (Rs/m) Material (mm)
B. Intermidiate Stage 2033 0.16 ML 100 1102 DI K-9 140 100
C. Ultimate Stage 2048 0.18 ML 150 1621 DI K-9 140 150
2 Pumping Main Length 130 m 200 2167 DI K-9 140 200
3 Static + Residual Head of Pump 2.90 m 250 2898 DI K-9 140 250
4 Design Period 30 Years 300 3664 DI K-9 140 300
5 Combined Eff. Of Pump Set 70 % 350 4860 DI K-9 140 350
6 Cost of Pumping Unit 20000 Rs / KW 400 5498 DI K-9 140 400
Standby Provision 450 6785 DI K-9 140 450
7 Stage - I 100 % 500 8145 DI K-9 140 500
Stage - II 100 % 600 10569 DI K-9 140 600
8 Interest Rate 14 % Pumping Machinery Data
9 Rate of Escalation in Power 4 % / Yr Highest Level on Rising Main / Delivery Lvl 345.10 m
10 Life of Electric Motors 15 Years Lowest Level on Rising Main / Suction Lvl 344.20 m
11 Energy Charges 5 Rs / KW Static Head 0.90 m
12 Pumping Hours for Discharge at 1st stage 22 Hours Resedual / Velocity Head 2.00 m
Total Static Head on Pump 2.90 m
Calculations for Stage - I & Stage - II Flow
Sr. No. Parameter Stage - I Stage - II
1 Discharge at Installation 0.12 MLD 0.16 MLD
2 Discharge at the End of Stage 0.16 MLD 0.18 MLD
3 Average Discharge 0.14 MLD 0.17 MLD
4 Hours of Pumping for Discharge at 22 hrs. 22 hrs.
5 Average Hours of Pumping for Avg Discharge 19.25 hrs. 20.78 hrs.
6 KW required at Combined Eff. of Pumping Set 0.03 H1 0.032 H2
7 Average Annual Charges for Electrical Energy 35154 KW 1 37944 KW 2
Table # 1 :- Velocity & Headlosses for Different Pipes Sizes
Friction Head Loss / 1000 m Velocity (m/s) Total Head Loss (m)
Sr. Stage-I Flow Stage-II Flow
Size Stage-I Stage-II Stage-I Stage-II
No. Frictional Other Losses Total Frictional Other Losses Total
(mm) Flow Flow Flow Flow
Loss =10% Friction Head (H1) Loss =10% Friction Head (H2)
1 100 0.9 1.1 0.3 0.3 0.1 0.0 3 0.1 0.0 3
2 150 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 3 0.0 0.0 3
3 200 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 3 0.0 0.0 3
4 250 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3 0.0 0.0 3

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Detailed Project Report on “Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme”

5 300 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3 0.0 0.0 3

6 350 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3 0.0 0.0 3
7 400 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3 0.0 0.0 3
8 450 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3 0.0 0.0 3
9 500 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3 0.0 0.0 3
10 600 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3 0.0 0.0 3
Table # 2 :- Kilowatts & Cost of Pump-sets Required for Different Pipes Sizes
Stage-I Flow Stage-II Flow
Pipe Cost of DI
Sr. Total Kw Required Total Kw Required Pipe Cost Nominal Dia.
Size Pipe Material Pump Cost Pump Cost Pipeline
No. Head (Working+ Head (Working+ (Rs./m) (ID)
(m) (Rs. 10^3) (Rs. 10^3) (Rs. 10^3)
H1 (m) Standby) H2 (m) Standby)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
1 100 DI K-9 3 0 3 3 0 4 1102 143 100
2 150 DI K-9 3 0 3 3 0 4 1621 211 150
3 200 DI K-9 3 0 3 3 0 4 2167 282 200
4 250 DI K-9 3 0 3 3 0 4 2898 377 250
5 300 DI K-9 3 0 3 3 0 4 3664 476 300
6 350 DI K-9 3 0 3 3 0 4 4860 632 350
7 400 DI K-9 3 0 3 3 0 4 5498 715 400
8 450 DI K-9 3 0 3 3 0 4 6785 882 450
9 500 DI K-9 3 0 3 3 0 4 8145 1059 500
10 600 DI K-9 3 0 3 3 0 4 10569 1374 600
Table # 3 :- Comparative Statement of Overall Cost of Pumping Main For Different Pipes Sizes
Stage-I Flow Stage-II Flow Grand Total
Sr. Pipe Nominal Dia.
Annual Energy Capitalised Capitalised Annual Energy Capitalised Capitalised Capitalised Cost
No. Size (m) Pump Set Cost Charges Energy Ch.
Pump Set Cost Charges Energy Ch.
Cost Stage I Cost Stage II StageI&II
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
1 100 3 3 18 165 4 4 23 4 169 100
2 150 3 3 18 232 4 4 22 4 235 150
3 200 3 3 18 303 4 4 22 4 306 200
4 250 3 3 18 398 4 4 22 4 401 250
5 300 3 3 18 497 4 4 22 4 501 300
6 350 3 3 18 653 4 4 22 4 656 350
7 400 3 3 18 736 4 4 22 4 739 400
8 450 3 3 18 903 4 4 22 4 907 450
9 500 3 3 18 1080 4 4 22 4 1083 500
10 600 3 3 18 1395 4 4 22 4 1399 600
The Economic Pipe Diameter is 100 mm (i.e. Nominal Dia.)
Coresponding Grand Total Capitalised Cost is Rs. 169 Rs. 10^3

Consultant:-DRA Consultants Pvt. Ltd., Nagpur 129

Detailed Project Report on “Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme”

Design of Clear Water Pumping Machinery - IX

1) Pumping Hours & Flow Data (Intermediate Stage)
i) Pumping Hours 22 Hours
ii) Average Daily Demand 0.16 ML
0.17 MLD
iii) Designed Flow Through Pumping Main
2.02 LPS
2) Rising Main Data
i) Material DI K-9
ii) Bore Diameter (Clear I.D.) 100 mm
iii) Length 130 m
iv) H.W. constant 140
3) Static Head 68.20 m
LSL of Pump in Tube Well 276.90 m
FSL of Clear Water Sump & Pump House - II 345.10 m
Design of Pumps
1) Frictional Headloss
i) Rate of Friction 0.86 m\1000m
ii) Frictional Head 0.11 m
iii) Losses due to Bends etc. (10%) 0.01 m
iv)Total Frictional Head 0.12 m
2) Residual / Velocity Head 2.00 m
70.32 m
3)Total Head (Say) 71.00 m
4) BHP Required
i) Water Horse Power 1.91 WHP
ii) Efficiency of pump & motor 70 %
iii) Total B.H.P. required 2.73 BHP
Total BKW 2.04 BKW
Number of Working Pumps 1 Nos
Number of Standby Pumps 0 Nos
B.H.P. of each pump 2.73 BHP
BKW of each pump 2.04 BKW
Multiplying Factor for margin as per CPHEEO Manual 1.40
KW of Drive Motor 2.85 KW
HP of Drive Motor 3.82 HP
5.00 HP
Hence Provide 1 Numbers of Pumps with below specification ( 1 Working / 0 Standby)
Discharging Capacity of Each Pump 2.02 LPS
Motor Capacity of Each Pump 5 Hp
Total Head of Each Pump 71 m
Total HP to be Installed Including Standby 5 BHP

Consultant:-DRA Consultants Pvt. Ltd., Nagpur 130

Detailed Project Report on “Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme”

Water Hammer Calculations for Clear Water Feeder Main - X

Clear Water Rising Main from Tube Well - 11 to CW Sump & Pump House - II
Input General Data Inut Data of Ductile Iron Pipes
Ultimate Stage Water Demand 0.22 ML/D Modulus of
Pipe Mat Nominal Shell Lining Bore Dia. HW constant Shell Dia. for Shell Dia.
Pumping Hours 22.00 hrs. Sr.No. Elasticity of
& Class Dia.(ID) Thickness Thickness (Clear ID) 'C' WH Ext.
Designed Discharge 0.24 MLD Pipe Mat
Length 350 m mm kg/sq.m mm mm mm mm mm mm
Total Static Head Say 2.90 m 1 DI K-9 1.70E+10 100 6 3 100 140 106.0 118
Highest Level on Rising Main 346.00 m 2 DI K-9 1.70E+10 150 6 3 150 140 158.0 170
Lowest Level on Rising Main 345.10 m 3 DI K-9 1.70E+10 200 6.3 3 200 140 209.4 222
Static head 0.90 m 4 DI K-9 1.70E+10 250 6.8 3 250 140 260.4 274
Residual Head 2 m 5 DI K-9 1.70E+10 300 7.2 3 300 140 311.6 326
Total Static Head 2.90 m 6 DI K-9 1.70E+10 350 7.7 5 350 140 362.6 378
Bulk Modulus of Water 2.07E+08 Kg/sq.m 7 DI K-9 1.70E+10 400 8.1 5 400 140 412.8 429
Gravitational Acceleration 9.81 m/s2 8 DI K-9 1.70E+10 450 8.6 5 450 140 462.8 480
Pipe Material DI K-9 9 DI K-9 1.70E+10 500 9 5 500 140 514.0 532
10 DI K-9 1.70E+10 600 9.9 5 600 140 615.2 635
Rate of friction

Allowable Test
Bore Diameter

Water hammer
Cond. 2

Cond. 1
Pipe Material

Maximum of
Other Losses

Work. Press.
Condition 2

Static Lift


Sr. No.


Field test

1.5 times


hf St Hmax (St+hf) (St+hf+Hmax) 1.5x(St+hf)
mm m/1000m m/s m m m m Safe/ Unsafe
m m m m m m
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
1 DI K-9 100 1.6 0.4 0.5 0.6 2.9 46.6 3.5 50.1 5.2 50.1 640 770 Safe
2 DI K-9 150 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 2.9 19.9 3.0 22.9 4.5 22.9 640 770 Safe
3 DI K-9 200 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 2.9 10.8 2.9 13.8 4.4 13.8 620 740 Safe
4 DI K-9 250 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 2.9 6.8 2.9 9.7 4.4 9.7 540 650 Safe
5 DI K-9 300 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.9 4.6 2.9 7.5 4.4 7.5 490 590 Safe
6 DI K-9 350 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.9 3.3 2.9 6.2 4.4 6.2 450 540 Safe
7 DI K-9 400 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.9 2.5 2.9 5.4 4.4 5.4 420 510 Safe
8 DI K-9 450 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.9 2.0 2.9 4.9 4.4 4.9 400 450 Safe
9 DI K-9 500 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.9 1.6 2.9 4.5 4.4 4.5 380 460 Safe
10 DI K-9 600 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.9 1.1 2.9 4.0 4.4 4.4 360 430 Safe
Criteria for Selection of Pipe Material
1) (Static+Frictional+Hmax) 2) (Static + Friction) x 1.5
Condition.1 : (Static+Frictional) Head < Working Head Condition.2 :
Maximum of These Two < Field Test Pressure

Consultant:-DRA Consultants Pvt. Ltd., Nagpur 131

Detailed Project Report on “Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme”

Design of Economical Size for Clear Water Feeder Main - X

Clear Water Rising Main from Tube Well - 11 to CW Sump & Pump House - II
Input General Data Input Data of Ductile Iron Pipes
Water Demand :- SOR Rate Pipe Nominal Dia.
Bore Dia (mm) HWC
A. Present Stage 2018 0.15 ML (Rs/m) Material (mm)
B. Intermidiate Stage 2033 0.19 ML 100 1102 DI K-9 140 100
C. Ultimate Stage 2048 0.22 ML 150 1621 DI K-9 140 150
2 Pumping Main Length 350 m 200 2167 DI K-9 140 200
3 Static + Residual Head of Pump 2.90 m 250 2898 DI K-9 140 250
4 Design Period 30 Years 300 3664 DI K-9 140 300
5 Combined Eff. Of Pump Set 70 % 350 4860 DI K-9 140 350
6 Cost of Pumping Unit 20000 Rs / KW 400 5498 DI K-9 140 400
Standby Provision 450 6785 DI K-9 140 450
7 Stage - I 100 % 500 8145 DI K-9 140 500
Stage - II 100 % 600 10569 DI K-9 140 600
8 Interest Rate 14 % Pumping Machinery Data
9 Rate of Escalation in Power 4 % / Yr Highest Level on Rising Main / Delivery Lvl 346.00 m
10 Life of Electric Motors 15 Years Lowest Level on Rising Main / Suction Lvl 345.10 m
11 Energy Charges 5 Rs / KW Static Head 0.90 m
12 Pumping Hours for Discharge at 1st stage 22 Hours Resedual / Velocity Head 2.00 m
Total Static Head on Pump 2.90 m
Calculations for Stage - I & Stage - II Flow
Sr. No. Parameter Stage - I Stage - II
1 Discharge at Installation 0.15 MLD 0.19 MLD
2 Discharge at the End of Stage 0.19 MLD 0.22 MLD
3 Average Discharge 0.17 MLD 0.21 MLD
4 Hours of Pumping for Discharge at 22 hrs. 22 hrs.
5 Average Hours of Pumping for Avg Discharge 19.68 hrs. 20.50 hrs.
6 KW required at Combined Eff. of Pumping Set 0.03 H1 0.039 H2
7 Average Annual Charges for Electrical Energy 35947 KW 1 37437 KW 2
Table # 1 :- Velocity & Headlosses for Different Pipes Sizes
Friction Head Loss / 1000 m Velocity (m/s) Total Head Loss (m)
Sr. Stage-I Flow Stage-II Flow
Size Stage-I Stage-II Stage-I Stage-II
No. Frictional Other Losses Total Frictional Other Losses Total
(mm) Flow Flow Flow Flow
Loss =10% Friction Head (H1) Loss =10% Friction Head (H2)
1 100 1.2 1.6 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.0 3 0.5 0.1 3
2 150 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.0 3 0.1 0.0 3
3 200 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 3 0.0 0.0 3
4 250 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 3 0.0 0.0 3

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Detailed Project Report on “Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme”

5 300 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3 0.0 0.0 3

6 350 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3 0.0 0.0 3
7 400 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3 0.0 0.0 3
8 450 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3 0.0 0.0 3
9 500 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3 0.0 0.0 3
10 600 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3 0.0 0.0 3
Table # 2 :- Kilowatts & Cost of Pump-sets Required for Different Pipes Sizes
Stage-I Flow Stage-II Flow
Pipe Cost of DI
Sr. Total Kw Required Total Kw Required Pipe Cost Nominal Dia.
Size Pipe Material Pump Cost Pump Cost Pipeline
No. Head (Working+ Head (Working+ (Rs./m) (ID)
(m) (Rs. 10^3) (Rs. 10^3) (Rs. 10^3)
H1 (m) Standby) H2 (m) Standby)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
1 100 DI K-9 3 0 5 3 0 5 1102 386 100
2 150 DI K-9 3 0 4 3 0 5 1621 567 150
3 200 DI K-9 3 0 4 3 0 5 2167 758 200
4 250 DI K-9 3 0 4 3 0 5 2898 1014 250
5 300 DI K-9 3 0 4 3 0 5 3664 1282 300
6 350 DI K-9 3 0 4 3 0 5 4860 1701 350
7 400 DI K-9 3 0 4 3 0 5 5498 1924 400
8 450 DI K-9 3 0 4 3 0 5 6785 2375 450
9 500 DI K-9 3 0 4 3 0 5 8145 2851 500
10 600 DI K-9 3 0 4 3 0 5 10569 3699 600
Table # 3 :- Comparative Statement of Overall Cost of Pumping Main For Different Pipes Sizes
Stage-I Flow Stage-II Flow Grand Total
Sr. Pipe Nominal Dia.
Annual Energy Capitalised Capitalised Annual Energy Capitalised Capitalised Capitalised Cost
No. Size (m) Pump Set Cost Charges Energy Ch.
Pump Set Cost Charges Energy Ch.
Cost Stage I Cost Stage II StageI&II
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
1 100 5 4 25 415 5 5 31 5 420 100
2 150 4 4 22 593 5 4 27 4 598 150
3 200 4 4 22 784 5 4 26 4 788 200
4 250 4 4 22 1040 5 4 26 4 1044 250
5 300 4 4 22 1308 5 4 26 4 1312 300
6 350 4 4 22 1726 5 4 26 4 1731 350
7 400 4 4 22 1950 5 4 26 4 1954 400
8 450 4 4 22 2400 5 4 26 4 2404 450
9 500 4 4 22 2876 5 4 26 4 2880 500
10 600 4 4 22 3725 5 4 26 4 3729 600
The Economic Pipe Diameter is 100 mm (i.e. Nominal Dia.)
Coresponding Grand Total Capitalised Cost is Rs. 420 Rs. 10^3

Consultant:-DRA Consultants Pvt. Ltd., Nagpur 133

Detailed Project Report on “Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme”

Design of Clear Water Pumping Machinery - X

1) Pumping Hours & Flow Data (Intermediate Stage)
i) Pumping Hours 22 Hours
ii) Average Daily Demand 0.19 ML
0.21 MLD
iii) Designed Flow Through Pumping Main
2.40 LPS
2) Rising Main Data
i) Material DI K-9
ii) Bore Diameter (Clear I.D.) 100 mm
iii) Length 350 m
iv) H.W. constant 140
3) Static Head 81.90 m
LSL of Pump in Tube Well 263.20 m
FSL of Clear Water Sump & Pump House - II 345.10 m
Design of Pumps
1) Frictional Headloss
i) Rate of Friction 1.18 m\1000m
ii) Frictional Head 0.41 m
iii) Losses due to Bends etc. (10%) 0.04 m
iv)Total Frictional Head 0.46 m
2) Residual / Velocity Head 2.00 m
84.36 m
3)Total Head (Say) 85.00 m
4) BHP Required
i) Water Horse Power 2.72 WHP
ii) Efficiency of pump & motor 70 %
iii) Total B.H.P. required 3.88 BHP
Total BKW 2.90 BKW
Number of Working Pumps 1 Nos
Number of Standby Pumps 0 Nos
B.H.P. of each pump 3.88 BHP
BKW of each pump 2.90 BKW
Multiplying Factor for margin as per CPHEEO Manual 1.40
KW of Drive Motor 4.06 KW
HP of Drive Motor 5.44 HP
6.00 HP
Hence Provide 1 Numbers of Pumps with below specification ( 1 Working / 0 Standby)
Discharging Capacity of Each Pump 2.40 LPS
Motor Capacity of Each Pump 6 Hp
Total Head of Each Pump 85 m
Total HP to be Installed Including Standby 6 BHP

Consultant:-DRA Consultants Pvt. Ltd., Nagpur 134

Detailed Project Report on “Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme”

Consultant:-DRA Consultants Pvt. Ltd., Nagpur 135

Detailed Project Report on “Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme”

Water Hammer Calculations for Clear Water Feeder Main - XI

Clear Water Rising Main from CW Sump & Pump House - II to 200 KL OHT - 2
Input General Data Inut Data of Ductile Iron Pipes
Ultimate Stage Water Demand 0.41 ML/D Modulus of
Pipe Mat Nominal Shell Lining Bore Dia. HW constant Shell Dia. for Shell Dia.
Pumping Hours 22.00 hrs. Sr.No. Elasticity of
& Class Dia.(ID) Thickness Thickness (Clear ID) 'C' WH Ext.
Designed Discharge 0.45 MLD Pipe Mat
Length 50 m mm kg/sq.m mm mm mm mm mm mm
Total Static Head Say 5.00 m 1 DI K-9 1.70E+10 100 6 3 100 140 106.0 118
Highest Level on Rising Main 345.10 m 2 DI K-9 1.70E+10 150 6 3 150 140 158.0 170
Lowest Level on Rising Main 342.10 m 3 DI K-9 1.70E+10 200 6.3 3 200 140 209.4 222
Static head 3.00 m 4 DI K-9 1.70E+10 250 6.8 3 250 140 260.4 274
Residual Head 2 m 5 DI K-9 1.70E+10 300 7.2 3 300 140 311.6 326
Total Static Head 5.00 m 6 DI K-9 1.70E+10 350 7.7 5 350 140 362.6 378
Bulk Modulus of Water 2.07E+08 Kg/sq.m 7 DI K-9 1.70E+10 400 8.1 5 400 140 412.8 429
Gravitational Acceleration 9.81 m/s2 8 DI K-9 1.70E+10 450 8.6 5 450 140 462.8 480
Pipe Material DI K-9 9 DI K-9 1.70E+10 500 9 5 500 140 514.0 532
10 DI K-9 1.70E+10 600 9.9 5 600 140 615.2 635
Rate of friction

Allowable Test
Bore Diameter

Water hammer
Cond. 2
Pipe Material

Cond. 1

Maximum of
Other Losses

Work. Press.
Condition 2

Static Lift


Sr. No.


Field test

1.5 times


hf St Hmax (St+hf) (St+hf+Hmax) 1.5x(St+hf)
mm m/1000m m/s m m m m Safe/ Unsafe
m m m m m m
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
1 DI K-9 100 4.9 0.7 0.2 0.3 5.0 86.9 5.3 92.1 7.9 92.1 640 770 Safe
2 DI K-9 150 0.7 0.3 0.0 0.0 5.0 37.0 5.0 42.1 7.6 42.1 640 770 Safe
3 DI K-9 200 0.2 0.2 0.0 0.0 5.0 20.2 5.0 25.2 7.5 25.2 620 740 Safe
4 DI K-9 250 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 5.0 12.7 5.0 17.7 7.5 17.7 540 650 Safe
5 DI K-9 300 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 5.0 8.6 5.0 13.6 7.5 13.6 490 590 Safe
6 DI K-9 350 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 5.0 6.2 5.0 11.2 7.5 11.2 450 540 Safe
7 DI K-9 400 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 5.0 4.7 5.0 9.7 7.5 9.7 420 510 Safe
8 DI K-9 450 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 5.0 3.7 5.0 8.7 7.5 8.7 400 450 Safe
9 DI K-9 500 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 5.0 2.9 5.0 7.9 7.5 7.9 380 460 Safe
10 DI K-9 600 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 5.0 2.0 5.0 7.0 7.5 7.5 360 430 Safe
Criteria for Selection of Pipe Material
1) (Static+Frictional+Hmax) 2) (Static + Friction) x 1.5
Condition.1 : (Static+Frictional) Head < Working Head Condition.2 :
Maximum of These Two < Field Test Pressure

Consultant:-DRA Consultants Pvt. Ltd., Nagpur 136

Detailed Project Report on “Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme”

Consultant:-DRA Consultants Pvt. Ltd., Nagpur 137

Detailed Project Report on “Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme”

Design of Economical Size for Clear Water Feeder Main - XI

Clear Water Rising Main from CW Sump & Pump House - II to 200 KL OHT - 2
Input General Data Input Data of Ductile Iron Pipes
Water Demand :- SOR Rate Pipe Nominal Dia.
Bore Dia (mm) HWC
A. Present Stage 2018 0.27 ML (Rs/m) Material (mm)
B. Intermidiate Stage 2033 0.35 ML 100 1102 DI K-9 140 100
C. Ultimate Stage 2048 0.41 ML 150 1621 DI K-9 140 150
2 Pumping Main Length 50 m 200 2167 DI K-9 140 200
3 Static + Residual Head of Pump 5.00 m 250 2898 DI K-9 140 250
4 Design Period 30 Years 300 3664 DI K-9 140 300
5 Combined Eff. Of Pump Set 80 % 350 4860 DI K-9 140 350
6 Cost of Pumping Unit 20000 Rs / KW 400 5498 DI K-9 140 400
Standby Provision 450 6785 DI K-9 140 450
7 Stage - I 100 % 500 8145 DI K-9 140 500
Stage - II 100 % 600 10569 DI K-9 140 600
8 Interest Rate 14 % Pumping Machinery Data
9 Rate of Escalation in Power 4 % / Yr Highest Level on Rising Main / Delivery Lvl 345.10 m
10 Life of Electric Motors 15 Years Lowest Level on Rising Main / Suction Lvl 342.10 m
11 Energy Charges 5 Rs / KW Static Head 3.00 m
12 Pumping Hours for Discharge at 1st stage 22 Hours Resedual / Velocity Head 2.00 m
Total Static Head on Pump 5.00 m
Calculations for Stage - I & Stage - II Flow
Sr. No. Parameter Stage - I Stage - II
1 Discharge at Installation 0.27 MLD 0.35 MLD
2 Discharge at the End of Stage 0.35 MLD 0.41 MLD
3 Average Discharge 0.31 MLD 0.38 MLD
4 Hours of Pumping for Discharge at 22 hrs. 22 hrs.
5 Average Hours of Pumping for Avg Discharge 19.49 hrs. 20.39 hrs.
6 KW required at Combined Eff. of Pumping Set 0.05 H1 0.063 H2
7 Average Annual Charges for Electrical Energy 35585 KW 1 37237 KW 2
Table # 1 :- Velocity & Headlosses for Different Pipes Sizes
Friction Head Loss / 1000 m Velocity (m/s) Total Head Loss (m)
Sr. Stage-I Flow Stage-II Flow
Size Stage-I Stage-II Stage-I Stage-II
No. Frictional Other Losses Total Frictional Other Losses Total
(mm) Flow Flow Flow Flow
Loss =10% Friction Head (H1) Loss =10% Friction Head (H2)
1 100 3.7 4.9 0.6 0.7 0.2 0.0 5 0.2 0.0 5
2 150 0.5 0.7 0.3 0.3 0.0 0.0 5 0.0 0.0 5
3 200 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.2 0.0 0.0 5 0.0 0.0 5
4 250 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 5 0.0 0.0 5

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Detailed Project Report on “Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme”

5 300 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 5 0.0 0.0 5

6 350 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 5 0.0 0.0 5
7 400 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 5 0.0 0.0 5
8 450 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 5 0.0 0.0 5
9 500 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 5 0.0 0.0 5
10 600 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 5 0.0 0.0 5
Table # 2 :- Kilowatts & Cost of Pump-sets Required for Different Pipes Sizes
Stage-I Flow Stage-II Flow
Pipe Cost of DI
Sr. Total Kw Required Total Kw Required Pipe Cost Nominal Dia.
Size Pipe Material Pump Cost Pump Cost Pipeline
No. Head (Working+ Head (Working+ (Rs./m) (ID)
(m) (Rs. 10^3) (Rs. 10^3) (Rs. 10^3)
H1 (m) Standby) H2 (m) Standby)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
1 100 DI K-9 5 1 11 5 1 13 1102 55 100
2 150 DI K-9 5 1 11 5 1 13 1621 81 150
3 200 DI K-9 5 1 11 5 1 13 2167 108 200
4 250 DI K-9 5 1 11 5 1 13 2898 145 250
5 300 DI K-9 5 1 11 5 1 13 3664 183 300
6 350 DI K-9 5 1 11 5 1 13 4860 243 350
7 400 DI K-9 5 1 11 5 1 13 5498 275 400
8 450 DI K-9 5 1 11 5 1 13 6785 339 450
9 500 DI K-9 5 1 11 5 1 13 8145 407 500
10 600 DI K-9 5 1 11 5 1 13 10569 528 600
Table # 3 :- Comparative Statement of Overall Cost of Pumping Main For Different Pipes Sizes
Stage-I Flow Stage-II Flow Grand Total
Sr. Pipe Nominal Dia.
Annual Energy Capitalised Capitalised Annual Energy Capitalised Capitalised Capitalised Cost
No. Size (m) Pump Set Cost Charges Energy Ch.
Pump Set Cost Charges Energy Ch.
Cost Stage I Cost Stage II StageI&II
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
1 100 11 10 62 128 13 12 76 13 141 100
2 150 11 10 60 151 13 12 73 12 163 150
3 200 11 10 59 178 13 12 73 12 190 200
4 250 11 10 59 215 13 12 73 12 227 250
5 300 11 10 59 253 13 12 73 12 265 300
6 350 11 10 59 313 13 12 73 12 325 350
7 400 11 10 59 345 13 12 73 12 357 400
8 450 11 10 59 409 13 12 73 12 421 450
9 500 11 10 59 477 13 12 73 12 489 500
10 600 11 10 59 598 13 12 73 12 610 600
The Economic Pipe Diameter is 100 mm (i.e. Nominal Dia.)
Coresponding Grand Total Capitalised Cost is Rs. 141 Rs. 10^3

Consultant:-DRA Consultants Pvt. Ltd., Nagpur 139

Detailed Project Report on “Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme”

Design of Clear Water Pumping Machinery - XI

1) Pumping Hours & Flow Data (Intermediate Stage)
i) Pumping Hours 22 Hours
ii) Average Daily Demand 0.35 ML
0.38 MLD
iii) Designed Flow Through Pumping Main
4.42 LPS
2) Rising Main Data
i) Material DI K-9
ii) Bore Diameter (Clear I.D.) 100 mm
iii) Length 50 m
iv) H.W. constant 140
3) Static Head 25.90 m
LSL of Pump in Clear Water Sump 342.10 m
FSL of Over Head Tank including Container Height 368.00 m
Design of Pumps
1) Frictional Headloss
i) Rate of Friction 3.67 m\1000m
ii) Frictional Head 0.18 m
iii) Losses due to Bends etc. (10%) 0.02 m
iv)Total Frictional Head 0.20 m
2) Residual / Velocity Head 2.00 m
28.10 m
3)Total Head (Say) 29.00 m
4) BHP Required
i) Water Horse Power 1.71 WHP
ii) Efficiency of pump & motor 80 %
iii) Total B.H.P. required 2.14 BHP
Total BKW 1.59 BKW
Number of Working Pumps 1 Nos
Number of Standby Pumps 1 Nos
B.H.P. of each pump 2.14 BHP
BKW of each pump 1.59 BKW
Multiplying Factor for margin as per CPHEEO Manual 1.40
KW of Drive Motor 2.23 KW
HP of Drive Motor 2.99 HP
3.00 HP
Hence Provide 2 Numbers of Pumps with below specification ( 1 Working / 1 Standby)
Discharging Capacity of Each Pump 4.42 LPS
Motor Capacity of Each Pump 3 Hp
Total Head of Each Pump 29 m
Total HP to be Installed Including Standby 6 BHP

Consultant:-DRA Consultants Pvt. Ltd., Nagpur 140

Detailed Project Report on “Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme”

Water Hammer Calculations for Clear Water Feeder Main - XII

Clear Water Rising Main from Tube Well - 3 to 80 KL OHT - 3
Input General Data Inut Data of Ductile Iron Pipes
Ultimate Stage Water Demand 0.28 ML/D Modulus of
Pipe Mat Nominal Shell Lining Bore Dia. HW constant Shell Dia. for Shell Dia.
Pumping Hours 22.00 hrs. Sr.No. Elasticity of
& Class Dia.(ID) Thickness Thickness (Clear ID) 'C' WH Ext.
Designed Discharge 0.31 MLD Pipe Mat
Length 50 m mm kg/sq.m mm mm mm mm mm mm
Total Static Head Say 4.00 m 1 DI K-9 1.70E+10 100 6 3 100 140 106.0 118
Highest Level on Rising Main 350.30 m 2 DI K-9 1.70E+10 150 6 3 150 140 158.0 170
Lowest Level on Rising Main 348.30 m 3 DI K-9 1.70E+10 200 6.3 3 200 140 209.4 222
Static head 2.00 m 4 DI K-9 1.70E+10 250 6.8 3 250 140 260.4 274
Residual Head 2 m 5 DI K-9 1.70E+10 300 7.2 3 300 140 311.6 326
Total Static Head 4.00 m 6 DI K-9 1.70E+10 350 7.7 5 350 140 362.6 378
Bulk Modulus of Water 2.07E+08 Kg/sq.m 7 DI K-9 1.70E+10 400 8.1 5 400 140 412.8 429
Gravitational Acceleration 9.81 m/s2 8 DI K-9 1.70E+10 450 8.6 5 450 140 462.8 480
Pipe Material DI K-9 9 DI K-9 1.70E+10 500 9 5 500 140 514.0 532
10 DI K-9 1.70E+10 600 9.9 5 600 140 615.2 635
Rate of friction

Allowable Test
Bore Diameter

Water hammer
Cond. 2

Cond. 1
Pipe Material

Maximum of
Other Losses

Work. Press.
Condition 2

Static Lift


Sr. No.


Field test

1.5 times


hf St Hmax (St+hf) (St+hf+Hmax) 1.5x(St+hf)
mm m/1000m m/s m m m m Safe/ Unsafe
m m m m m m
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
1 DI K-9 100 2.4 0.5 0.1 0.1 4.0 59.3 4.1 63.5 6.2 63.5 640 770 Safe
2 DI K-9 150 0.3 0.2 0.0 0.0 4.0 25.3 4.0 29.3 6.0 29.3 640 770 Safe
3 DI K-9 200 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 4.0 13.8 4.0 17.8 6.0 17.8 620 740 Safe
4 DI K-9 250 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 4.0 8.6 4.0 12.6 6.0 12.6 540 650 Safe
5 DI K-9 300 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 4.0 5.9 4.0 9.9 6.0 9.9 490 590 Safe
6 DI K-9 350 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 4.0 4.3 4.0 8.3 6.0 8.3 450 540 Safe
7 DI K-9 400 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 4.0 3.2 4.0 7.2 6.0 7.2 420 510 Safe
8 DI K-9 450 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 4.0 2.5 4.0 6.5 6.0 6.5 400 450 Safe
9 DI K-9 500 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 4.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 380 460 Safe
10 DI K-9 600 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 4.0 1.4 4.0 5.4 6.0 6.0 360 430 Safe
Criteria for Selection of Pipe Material
1) (Static+Frictional+Hmax) 2) (Static + Friction) x 1.5
Condition.1 : (Static+Frictional) Head < Working Head Condition.2 :
Maximum of These Two < Field Test Pressure

Consultant:-DRA Consultants Pvt. Ltd., Nagpur 141

Detailed Project Report on “Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme”

Design of Economical Size for Clear Water Feeder Main - XII

Clear Water Rising Main from Tube Well - 3 to 80 KL OHT - 3
Input General Data Input Data of Ductile Iron Pipes
Water Demand :- SOR Rate Pipe Nominal Dia.
Bore Dia (mm) HWC
A. Present Stage 2018 0.18 ML (Rs/m) Material (mm)
B. Intermidiate Stage 2033 0.24 ML 100 1102 DI K-9 140 100
C. Ultimate Stage 2048 0.28 ML 150 1621 DI K-9 140 150
2 Pumping Main Length 50 m 200 2167 DI K-9 140 200
3 Static + Residual Head of Pump 4.00 m 250 2898 DI K-9 140 250
4 Design Period 30 Years 300 3664 DI K-9 140 300
5 Combined Eff. Of Pump Set 70 % 350 4860 DI K-9 140 350
6 Cost of Pumping Unit 20000 Rs / KW 400 5498 DI K-9 140 400
Standby Provision 450 6785 DI K-9 140 450
7 Stage - I 100 % 500 8145 DI K-9 140 500
Stage - II 100 % 600 10569 DI K-9 140 600
8 Interest Rate 14 % Pumping Machinery Data
9 Rate of Escalation in Power 4 % / Yr Highest Level on Rising Main / Delivery Lvl 350.30 m
10 Life of Electric Motors 15 Years Lowest Level on Rising Main / Suction Lvl 348.30 m
11 Energy Charges 5 Rs / KW Static Head 2.00 m
12 Pumping Hours for Discharge at 1st stage 22 Hours Resedual / Velocity Head 2.00 m
Total Static Head on Pump 4.00 m
Calculations for Stage - I & Stage - II Flow
Sr. No. Parameter Stage - I Stage - II
1 Discharge at Installation 0.18 MLD 0.24 MLD
2 Discharge at the End of Stage 0.24 MLD 0.28 MLD
3 Average Discharge 0.21 MLD 0.26 MLD
4 Hours of Pumping for Discharge at 22 hrs. 22 hrs.
5 Average Hours of Pumping for Avg Discharge 19.25 hrs. 20.43 hrs.
6 KW required at Combined Eff. of Pumping Set 0.04 H1 0.050 H2
7 Average Annual Charges for Electrical Energy 35154 KW 1 37307 KW 2
Table # 1 :- Velocity & Headlosses for Different Pipes Sizes
Friction Head Loss / 1000 m Velocity (m/s) Total Head Loss (m)
Sr. Stage-I Flow Stage-II Flow
Size Stage-I Stage-II Stage-I Stage-II
No. Frictional Other Losses Total Frictional Other Losses Total
(mm) Flow Flow Flow Flow
Loss =10% Friction Head (H1) Loss =10% Friction Head (H2)
1 100 1.8 2.4 0.4 0.5 0.1 0.0 4 0.1 0.0 4
2 150 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.0 0.0 4 0.0 0.0 4
3 200 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 4 0.0 0.0 4
4 250 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 4 0.0 0.0 4

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5 300 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 4 0.0 0.0 4

6 350 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 4 0.0 0.0 4
7 400 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 4 0.0 0.0 4
8 450 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 4 0.0 0.0 4
9 500 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 4 0.0 0.0 4
10 600 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 4 0.0 0.0 4
Table # 2 :- Kilowatts & Cost of Pump-sets Required for Different Pipes Sizes
Stage-I Flow Stage-II Flow
Pipe Cost of DI
Sr. Total Kw Required Total Kw Required Pipe Cost Nominal Dia.
Size Pipe Material Pump Cost Pump Cost Pipeline
No. Head (Working+ Head (Working+ (Rs./m) (ID)
(m) (Rs. 10^3) (Rs. 10^3) (Rs. 10^3)
H1 (m) Standby) H2 (m) Standby)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
1 100 DI K-9 4 0 7 4 0 8 1102 55 100
2 150 DI K-9 4 0 7 4 0 8 1621 81 150
3 200 DI K-9 4 0 7 4 0 8 2167 108 200
4 250 DI K-9 4 0 7 4 0 8 2898 145 250
5 300 DI K-9 4 0 7 4 0 8 3664 183 300
6 350 DI K-9 4 0 7 4 0 8 4860 243 350
7 400 DI K-9 4 0 7 4 0 8 5498 275 400
8 450 DI K-9 4 0 7 4 0 8 6785 339 450
9 500 DI K-9 4 0 7 4 0 8 8145 407 500
10 600 DI K-9 4 0 7 4 0 8 10569 528 600
Table # 3 :- Comparative Statement of Overall Cost of Pumping Main For Different Pipes Sizes
Stage-I Flow Stage-II Flow Grand Total
Sr. Pipe Nominal Dia.
Annual Energy Capitalised Capitalised Annual Energy Capitalised Capitalised Capitalised Cost
No. Size (m) Pump Set Cost Charges Energy Ch.
Pump Set Cost Charges Energy Ch.
Cost Stage I Cost Stage II StageI&II
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
1 100 7 6 38 100 8 8 47 8 107 100
2 150 7 6 37 125 8 7 46 8 132 150
3 200 7 6 37 152 8 7 45 7 159 200
4 250 7 6 37 188 8 7 45 7 196 250
5 300 7 6 37 227 8 7 45 7 234 300
6 350 7 6 37 286 8 7 45 7 294 350
7 400 7 6 37 318 8 7 45 7 326 400
8 450 7 6 37 383 8 7 45 7 390 450
9 500 7 6 37 451 8 7 45 7 458 500
10 600 7 6 37 572 8 7 45 7 579 600
The Economic Pipe Diameter is 100 mm (i.e. Nominal Dia.)
Coresponding Grand Total Capitalised Cost is Rs. 107 Rs. 10^3

Consultant:-DRA Consultants Pvt. Ltd., Nagpur 143

Detailed Project Report on “Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme”

Design of Clear Water Pumping Machinery - XII

1) Pumping Hours & Flow Data (Intermediate Stage)
i) Pumping Hours 22 Hours
ii) Average Daily Demand 0.24 ML
0.26 MLD
iii) Designed Flow Through Pumping Main
3.03 LPS
2) Rising Main Data
i) Material DI K-9
ii) Bore Diameter (Clear I.D.) 100 mm
iii) Length 50 m
iv) H.W. constant 140
3) Static Head 131.70 m
LSL of Pump in Tube Well 235.60 m
FSL of Over Head Tank including Container Height 367.30 m
Design of Pumps
1) Frictional Headloss
i) Rate of Friction 1.82 m\1000m
ii) Frictional Head 0.09 m
iii) Losses due to Bends etc. (10%) 0.01 m
iv)Total Frictional Head 0.10 m
2) Residual / Velocity Head 2.00 m
133.80 m
3)Total Head (Say) 134.00 m
4) BHP Required
i) Water Horse Power 5.41 WHP
ii) Efficiency of pump & motor 70 %
iii) Total B.H.P. required 7.73 BHP
Total BKW 5.77 BKW
Number of Working Pumps 1 Nos
Number of Standby Pumps 0 Nos
B.H.P. of each pump 7.73 BHP
BKW of each pump 5.77 BKW
Multiplying Factor for margin as per CPHEEO Manual 1.30
KW of Drive Motor 7.47 KW
HP of Drive Motor 10.02 HP
10.00 HP
Hence Provide 1 Numbers of Pumps with below specification ( 1 Working / 0 Standby)
Discharging Capacity of Each Pump 3.03 LPS
Motor Capacity of Each Pump 10 Hp
Total Head of Each Pump 134 m
Total HP to be Installed Including Standby 10 BHP

Consultant:-DRA Consultants Pvt. Ltd., Nagpur 144

Detailed Project Report on “Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme”

Water Hammer Calculations for Clear Water Feeder Main - XIII

Clear Water Rising Main from Tube Well - 12 to 200 KL OHT - 4
Input General Data Inut Data of Ductile Iron Pipes
Ultimate Stage Water Demand 0.48 ML/D Modulus of
Pipe Mat Nominal Shell Lining Bore Dia. HW constant Shell Dia. for Shell Dia.
Pumping Hours 22.00 hrs. Sr.No. Elasticity of
& Class Dia.(ID) Thickness Thickness (Clear ID) 'C' WH Ext.
Designed Discharge 0.52 MLD Pipe Mat
Length 50 m mm kg/sq.m mm mm mm mm mm mm
Total Static Head Say 3.00 m 1 DI K-9 1.70E+10 100 6 3 100 140 106.0 118
Highest Level on Rising Main 356.20 m 2 DI K-9 1.70E+10 150 6 3 150 140 158.0 170
Lowest Level on Rising Main 355.20 m 3 DI K-9 1.70E+10 200 6.3 3 200 140 209.4 222
Static head 1.00 m 4 DI K-9 1.70E+10 250 6.8 3 250 140 260.4 274
Residual Head 2 m 5 DI K-9 1.70E+10 300 7.2 3 300 140 311.6 326
Total Static Head 3.00 m 6 DI K-9 1.70E+10 350 7.7 5 350 140 362.6 378
Bulk Modulus of Water 2.07E+08 Kg/sq.m 7 DI K-9 1.70E+10 400 8.1 5 400 140 412.8 429
Gravitational Acceleration 9.81 m/s2 8 DI K-9 1.70E+10 450 8.6 5 450 140 462.8 480
Pipe Material DI K-9 9 DI K-9 1.70E+10 500 9 5 500 140 514.0 532
10 DI K-9 1.70E+10 600 9.9 5 600 140 615.2 635
Rate of friction

Allowable Test
Bore Diameter

Water hammer
Cond. 2
Pipe Material

Cond. 1

Maximum of
Other Losses

Work. Press.
Condition 2

Static Lift


Sr. No.


Field test

1.5 times


hf St Hmax (St+hf) (St+hf+Hmax) 1.5x(St+hf)
mm m/1000m m/s m m m m Safe/ Unsafe
m m m m m m
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
1 DI K-9 100 6.6 0.8 0.3 0.4 3.0 101.7 3.4 105.0 5.0 105.0 640 770 Safe
2 DI K-9 150 0.9 0.3 0.0 0.1 3.0 43.4 3.1 46.4 4.6 46.4 640 770 Safe
3 DI K-9 200 0.2 0.2 0.0 0.0 3.0 23.6 3.0 26.7 4.5 26.7 620 740 Safe
4 DI K-9 250 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 3.0 14.8 3.0 17.8 4.5 17.8 540 650 Safe
5 DI K-9 300 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 3.0 10.1 3.0 13.1 4.5 13.1 490 590 Safe
6 DI K-9 350 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 3.0 7.3 3.0 10.3 4.5 10.3 450 540 Safe
7 DI K-9 400 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.0 5.5 3.0 8.5 4.5 8.5 420 510 Safe
8 DI K-9 450 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.0 4.3 3.0 7.3 4.5 7.3 400 450 Safe
9 DI K-9 500 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.0 3.4 3.0 6.4 4.5 6.4 380 460 Safe
10 DI K-9 600 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.0 2.3 3.0 5.3 4.5 5.3 360 430 Safe
Criteria for Selection of Pipe Material
1) (Static+Frictional+Hmax) 2) (Static + Friction) x 1.5
Condition.1 : (Static+Frictional) Head < Working Head Condition.2 :
Maximum of These Two < Field Test Pressure

Consultant:-DRA Consultants Pvt. Ltd., Nagpur 145

Detailed Project Report on “Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme”

Design of Economical Size for Clear Water Feeder Main - XIII

Clear Water Rising Main from Tube Well - 12 to 200 KL OHT - 4
Input General Data Input Data of Ductile Iron Pipes
Water Demand :- SOR Rate Pipe Nominal Dia.
Bore Dia (mm) HWC
A. Present Stage 2018 0.32 ML (Rs/m) Material (mm)
B. Intermidiate Stage 2033 0.41 ML 100 1102 DI K-9 140 100
C. Ultimate Stage 2048 0.48 ML 150 1621 DI K-9 140 150
2 Pumping Main Length 50 m 200 2167 DI K-9 140 200
3 Static + Residual Head of Pump 3.00 m 250 2898 DI K-9 140 250
4 Design Period 30 Years 300 3664 DI K-9 140 300
5 Combined Eff. Of Pump Set 70 % 350 4860 DI K-9 140 350
6 Cost of Pumping Unit 20000 Rs / KW 400 5498 DI K-9 140 400
Standby Provision 450 6785 DI K-9 140 450
7 Stage - I 100 % 500 8145 DI K-9 140 500
Stage - II 100 % 600 10569 DI K-9 140 600
8 Interest Rate 14 % Pumping Machinery Data
9 Rate of Escalation in Power 4 % / Yr Highest Level on Rising Main / Delivery Lvl 356.20 m
10 Life of Electric Motors 15 Years Lowest Level on Rising Main / Suction Lvl 355.20 m
11 Energy Charges 5 Rs / KW Static Head 1.00 m
12 Pumping Hours for Discharge at 1st stage 22 Hours Resedual / Velocity Head 2.00 m
Total Static Head on Pump 3.00 m
Calculations for Stage - I & Stage - II Flow
Sr. No. Parameter Stage - I Stage - II
1 Discharge at Installation 0.32 MLD 0.41 MLD
2 Discharge at the End of Stage 0.41 MLD 0.48 MLD
3 Average Discharge 0.37 MLD 0.45 MLD
4 Hours of Pumping for Discharge at 22 hrs. 22 hrs.
5 Average Hours of Pumping for Avg Discharge 19.59 hrs. 20.40 hrs.
6 KW required at Combined Eff. of Pumping Set 0.07 H1 0.085 H2
7 Average Annual Charges for Electrical Energy 35767 KW 1 37247 KW 2
Table # 1 :- Velocity & Headlosses for Different Pipes Sizes
Friction Head Loss / 1000 m Velocity (m/s) Total Head Loss (m)
Sr. Stage-I Flow Stage-II Flow
Size Stage-I Stage-II Stage-I Stage-II
No. Frictional Other Losses Total Frictional Other Losses Total
(mm) Flow Flow Flow Flow
Loss =10% Friction Head (H1) Loss =10% Friction Head (H2)
1 100 4.9 6.6 0.7 0.8 0.2 0.0 3 0.3 0.0 3
2 150 0.7 0.9 0.3 0.3 0.0 0.0 3 0.0 0.0 3
3 200 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.0 0.0 3 0.0 0.0 3
4 250 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 3 0.0 0.0 3

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Detailed Project Report on “Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme”

5 300 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 3 0.0 0.0 3

6 350 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 3 0.0 0.0 3
7 400 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3 0.0 0.0 3
8 450 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3 0.0 0.0 3
9 500 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3 0.0 0.0 3
10 600 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3 0.0 0.0 3
Table # 2 :- Kilowatts & Cost of Pump-sets Required for Different Pipes Sizes
Stage-I Flow Stage-II Flow
Pipe Cost of DI
Sr. Total Kw Required Total Kw Required Pipe Cost Nominal Dia.
Size Pipe Material Pump Cost Pump Cost Pipeline
No. Head (Working+ Head (Working+ (Rs./m) (ID)
(m) (Rs. 10^3) (Rs. 10^3) (Rs. 10^3)
H1 (m) Standby) H2 (m) Standby)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
1 100 DI K-9 3 0 9 3 1 11 1102 55 100
2 150 DI K-9 3 0 9 3 1 10 1621 81 150
3 200 DI K-9 3 0 9 3 1 10 2167 108 200
4 250 DI K-9 3 0 9 3 1 10 2898 145 250
5 300 DI K-9 3 0 9 3 1 10 3664 183 300
6 350 DI K-9 3 0 9 3 1 10 4860 243 350
7 400 DI K-9 3 0 9 3 1 10 5498 275 400
8 450 DI K-9 3 0 9 3 1 10 6785 339 450
9 500 DI K-9 3 0 9 3 1 10 8145 407 500
10 600 DI K-9 3 0 9 3 1 10 10569 528 600
Table # 3 :- Comparative Statement of Overall Cost of Pumping Main For Different Pipes Sizes
Stage-I Flow Stage-II Flow Grand Total
Sr. Pipe Nominal Dia.
Annual Energy Capitalised Capitalised Annual Energy Capitalised Capitalised Capitalised Cost
No. Size (m) Pump Set Cost Charges Energy Ch. Pump Set Cost Charges Energy Ch. (ID)
Cost Stage I Cost Stage II StageI&II
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
1 100 9 8 52 117 11 11 65 11 127 100
2 150 9 8 48 138 10 10 59 10 148 150
3 200 9 8 48 165 10 10 58 10 175 200
4 250 9 8 48 201 10 9 58 10 211 250
5 300 9 8 48 240 10 9 58 10 249 300
6 350 9 8 48 299 10 9 58 10 309 350
7 400 9 8 48 331 10 9 58 10 341 400
8 450 9 8 48 396 10 9 58 10 405 450
9 500 9 8 48 464 10 9 58 10 473 500
10 600 9 8 48 585 10 9 58 10 595 600
The Economic Pipe Diameter is 100 mm (i.e. Nominal Dia.)
Coresponding Grand Total Capitalised Cost is Rs. 127 Rs. 10^3

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Detailed Project Report on “Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme”

Design of Clear Water Pumping Machinery - XIII

1) Pumping Hours & Flow Data (Intermediate Stage)
i) Pumping Hours 22 Hours
ii) Average Daily Demand 0.41 ML
0.45 MLD
iii) Designed Flow Through Pumping Main
5.18 LPS
2) Rising Main Data
i) Material DI K-9
ii) Bore Diameter (Clear I.D.) 100 mm
iii) Length 50 m
iv) H.W. constant 140
3) Static Head 107.80 m
LSL of Pump in Tube Well 271.40 m
FSL of Over Head Tank including Container Height 379.20 m
Design of Pumps
1) Frictional Headloss
i) Rate of Friction 4.91 m\1000m
ii) Frictional Head 0.25 m
iii) Losses due to Bends etc. (10%) 0.02 m
iv)Total Frictional Head 0.27 m
2) Residual / Velocity Head 2.00 m
110.07 m
3)Total Head (Say) 110.00 m
4) BHP Required
i) Water Horse Power 7.59 WHP
ii) Efficiency of pump & motor 70 %
iii) Total B.H.P. required 10.85 BHP
Total BKW 8.09 BKW
Number of Working Pumps 1 Nos
Number of Standby Pumps 0 Nos
B.H.P. of each pump 10.85 BHP
BKW of each pump 8.09 BKW
Multiplying Factor for margin as per CPHEEO Manual 1.15
KW of Drive Motor 9.31 KW
HP of Drive Motor 12.47 HP
12.50 HP
Hence Provide 1 Numbers of Pumps with below specification ( 1 Working / 0 Standby)
Discharging Capacity of Each Pump 5.18 LPS
Motor Capacity of Each Pump 12.5 Hp
Total Head of Each Pump 110 m
Total HP to be Installed Including Standby 13 BHP

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Detailed Project Report on “Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme”

13.4 Transmission Mains & Clear Water Pumping Machinery

Submersible Bore Well pumps are proposed to be installed in tube wells and Centrifugal Mono-block pumps are for CW Sump & Pump House.
Details are given in below mentioned table. Ductile Iron (K-9) pipes are used for 13 numbers of transmission mains in Bankhedi WSS from
respective tube well and CW sump having diameters 100 mm & 150 mm. The cumulative length of all transmission mains are 4155 m.

While deciding the alignment of the pumping maim necessary care has been taken in a such way that the pipeline is not passing through forest area,
railway crossing, National Highway and farm land or any private land.

Table 25 :- Details of Transmission Mains & Pumping Machinery

Sr. Transmission TM Starts Pipe Diameter of Length of No of No of Discharge Motor
TM Upto Type of Pump Head (m)
No. Main From Material TM (mm) TM (m) Working Standby (LPS) Cap (Hp)
1 TM - 1 TW - 7 Junction J1 DI K-9 100 100 Bore Well Pump 1 0 4.50 7.5 64
2 TM - 2 TW - 10 CW Sump-I DI K-9 100 200 Bore Well Pump 1 0 2.60 5 70
3 TM - 3 TW - 9 CW Sump-I DI K-9 100 300 Bore Well Pump 1 0 3.61 7.5 74
4 TM - 4 TW - 1 Junction J1 DI K-9 100 325 Bore Well Pump 1 0 3.69 7.5 72
5 TM - 5 TW - 8 Junction J1 DI K-9 100 450 Bore Well Pump 1 0 3.53 6 66
6 TM - 6 Junction J1 700 KL OHT-5 DI K-9 150 400 Centrifugal Pump 1 1 17.93 12.5 29
7 TM - 7 TW - 2 150 KL OHT-6 DI K-9 100 1700 Bore Well Pump 1 0 3.32 10 104
8 TM - 8 TW-5 100 KL OHT-1 DI K-9 100 50 Bore Well Pump 1 0 1.64 5 85
9 TM - 9 TW-6 CW Sump-II DI K-9 100 130 Bore Well Pump 1 0 2.02 5 71
10 TM - 10 TW-11 CW Sump-II DI K-9 100 350 Bore Well Pump 1 0 2.40 6 85
11 TM - 11 CW Sump - II 200 KL OHT-2 DI K-9 100 50 Centrifugal Pump 1 1 4.42 3 29
12 TM - 12 TW-3 80 KL OHT-3 DI K-9 100 50 Bore Well Pump 1 0 3.03 10 134
13 TM - 13 TW-12 200 KL OHT-4 DI K-9 100 50 Bore Well Pump 1 0 5.18 12.5 110

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Detailed Project Report on “Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme”

13.5 Storage Requirements & Over Head Tanks

Water storage requirement of Bankhedi town till year 2033 is 1350 KL. Presently 4 OHT’s
are available in the town having capacities total capacities 430 KL. Out of these 1 OHT
having capacities 80 KL at Rahatwada was constructed in year 2012. Hence we have
proposed to use this OHT in new scheme.

Apart from these 1 OHT, we have proposed to construct additional 5 OHT’s is the town due
to the small-small settlements at a distance apart in the Bankhedi town. The total capacities of
proposed OHT’s are 1350. The total OHT’s used in new WSS are 6 numbers (1 existing & 5

Wherever tube well water is directly pump into the OHT, the chlorination will be done in
OHT and wherever Sump is provided before OHT, the chlorination will be done in sump and
then the water will be pumped to OHT.
The location of proposed OHT are designed in such a way that there should require less
pumping energy of Clearwater as well as distribution losses can be minimised.
Table 26 :- Storage Requirements
Sr. No. Particular Quantity Unit
1 Intermediate Stage Gross Demand 2.80 ML/Day
Total Storage Required @ 50% of Daily Demand 1.33 ML
Considering 5% losses. 13.30 Lac Liters
13.50 Lac Liters
3 Total Required Storage Capacity of OHT's
1350 Kilo Liters
4 Number of Existing OHT's in Town 4.00 Nos
5 Capacity of Existing OHT's in Town 430 Kilo Liters
6 Number of Existing OHT's Considered in New Scheme 1 Nos
7 Capacity of Existing OHT's Considered in New Scheme 80 Kilo Liters
8 Number of New OHT's Proposed in New Scheme 5 Nos
8 Capacity of Proposed OHT's in Town 1350 Kilo Liters
9 Total Storage Capacity in New Scheme 1430 Kilo Liters

It is being ensured and necessary care has been taken, during the selection of land for the
construction of proposed OHT that the selected land is either in the possession of Nagar
Parishad Bankhedi or under Revenue Department of Govt. of MP or any other Govt.
Department. Acquisition of land is not required for construction of proposed OHT.

Consultant:-DRA Consultants Pvt. Ltd., Nagpur 150

Detailed Project Report on “Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme”

Mass Curve of 100 KL Over Head Tank

Over Head Tank No OHT-1 Zone Water Demand 0.13 MLD
Over Head Tank Capacity (KL) 100 1.5 LPS
Rate of Pumping
Zone Zone A 5652 Ltr/Hr
Demand Pattern
Start End Multiplying Water Water Cumulative Cumulative Surplus /
Time Time Factor Inflow Outflow Inflow Outflow Deficit
(Ltr/Hr) (Ltr/Hr) (Ltr/Hr) (Ltr/Hr)
0 1 0.2 5652 1083 5652 1083 4569
1 2 0.2 5652 1083 11304 2167 9138
2 3 0.2 5652 1083 16957 3250 13707
3 4 0.2 5652 1083 22609 4333 18275
4 5 0.4 5652 2167 28261 6500 21761
5 6 1 5652 5417 33913 11917 21996
6 7 2 5652 1083339565 22750 16815
7 8 3 1625039565 39000 565
8 9 2.5 5652 1354245217 52542 -7324
9 10 2 5652 1083350870 63375 -12505
10 11 2 5652 1083356522 74208 -17687
11 12 1 5652 5417 62174 79625 -17451
12 13 0.4 5652 2167 67826 81792 -13966
13 14 0.6 5652 3250 73478 85042 -11563
14 15 1 5652 5417 79130 90458 -11328
15 16 1.3 5652 7042 84783 97500 -12717

Water Demand
16 17 1 5652 5417 90435 102917 -12482
17 18 1.5 5652 8125 96087 111042 -14955
18 19 1.2 5652 6500101739 117542 -15803
19 20 0.7 5652 3792107391 121333 -13942
20 21 0.6 5652 3250113043 124583 -11540
21 22 0.4 5652 2167118696 126750 -8054
22 23 0.4 5652 2167124348 128917 -4569
23 24 0.2 5652 1083130000 130000 0
Total 24 130000 130000 Total Surplus 21996
Total Deficit -17687
Total Storage Capacity 39683
Hence Provide 100 KL Over Head Tank for Zone A

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Detailed Project Report on “Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme”

Mass Curve of 200 KL Over Head Tank

Over Head Tank No OHT-2 Zone Water Demand 0.35 MLD
Over Head Tank Capacity (KL) 200 4.1 LPS
Rate of Pumping
Zone Zone B 15217 Ltr/Hr
Demand Pattern
Start End Multiplying Water Water Cumulative Cumulative Surplus /
Time Time Factor Inflow Outflow Inflow Outflow Deficit
(Ltr/Hr) (Ltr/Hr) (Ltr/Hr) (Ltr/Hr)
0 1 0.2 15217 2917 15217 2917 12301
1 2 0.2 15217 2917 30435 5833 24601
2 3 0.2 15217 2917 45652 8750 36902
3 4 0.2 15217 2917 60870 11667 49203
4 5 0.4 15217 5833 76087 17500 58587
5 6 1 15217 14583 91304 32083 59221
6 7 2 15217 29167 106522 61250 45272
7 8 3 43750 106522 105000 1522
8 9 2.5 15217 36458 121739 141458 -19719
9 10 2 15217 29167 136957 170625 -33668
10 11 2 15217 29167 152174 199792 -47618
11 12 1 15217 14583 167391 214375 -46984
12 13 0.4 15217 5833 182609 220208 -37600
13 14 0.6 15217 8750 197826 228958 -31132
14 15 1 15217 14583 213043 243542 -30498
15 16 1.3 15217 18958 228261 262500 -34239

Water Demand
16 17 1 15217 14583 243478 277083 -33605
17 18 1.5 15217 21875 258696 298958 -40263
18 19 1.2 15217 17500 273913 316458 -42545
19 20 0.7 15217 10208 289130 326667 -37536
20 21 0.6 15217 8750 304348 335417 -31069
21 22 0.4 15217 5833 319565 341250 -21685
22 23 0.4 15217 5833 334783 347083 -12301
23 24 0.2 15217 2917 350000 350000 0
Total 24 350000 350000 Total Surplus 59221
Total Deficit -47618
Total Storage Capacity 106839
Hence exisiting 200 KL Over Head Tank is capable to fulfill demand of Zone B

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Detailed Project Report on “Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme”

Mass Curve of 80 KL Over Head Tank

Over Head Tank No OHT-3 Zone Water Demand 0.24 MLD
Over Head Tank Capacity (KL) 80 2.7 LPS
Rate of Pumping
Zone Zone C 10223 Ltr/Hr
Demand Pattern
Start End Multiplying Water Water Cumulative Cumulative Surplus /
Time Time Factor Inflow Outflow Inflow Outflow Deficit
(Ltr/Hr) (Ltr/Hr) (Ltr/Hr) (Ltr/Hr)
0 1 0.2 10223 1959 10223 1959 8263
1 2 0.2 10223 1959 20445 3919 16527
2 3 0.2 10223 1959 30668 5878 24790
3 4 0.2 10223 1959 40890 7837 33053
4 5 0.4 10223 3919 51113 11756 39357
5 6 1 10223 9797 61336 21553 39783
6 7 2 10223 19593 71558 41146 30412
7 8 3 29390 71558 70536 1022
8 9 2.5 10223 24492 81781 95028 -13247
9 10 2 10223 19593 92004 114621 -22618
10 11 2 10223 19593 102226 134215 -31988
11 12 1 10223 9797 112449 144011 -31562
12 13 0.4 10223 3919 122671 147930 -25258
13 14 0.6 10223 5878 132894 153808 -20914
14 15 1 10223 9797 143117 163605 -20488
15 16 1.3 10223 12736 153339 176340 -23001

Water Demand
16 17 1 10223 9797 163562 186137 -22575
17 18 1.5 10223 14695 173785 200832 -27047
18 19 1.2 10223 11756 184007 212588 -28581
19 20 0.7 10223 6858 194230 219446 -25216
20 21 0.6 10223 5878 204452 225324 -20871
21 22 0.4 10223 3919 214675 229242 -14567
22 23 0.4 10223 3919 224898 233161 -8263
23 24 0.2 10223 1959 235120 235120 0
Total 24 235120 235120 Total Surplus 39783
Total Deficit -31988
Total Storage Capacity 71771
Hence exisiting 80 KL Over Head Tank is capable to fulfill demand of Zone C

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Detailed Project Report on “Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme”

Mass Curve of 200 KL Over Head Tank

Over Head Tank No OHT-4 Zone Water Demand 0.41 MLD
Over Head Tank Capacity (KL) 200 4.7 LPS
Rate of Pumping
Zone Zone D 17632 Ltr/Hr
Demand Pattern
Start End Multiplying Water Water Cumulative Cumulative Surplus /
Time Time Factor Inflow Outflow Inflow Outflow Deficit
(Ltr/Hr) (Ltr/Hr) (Ltr/Hr) (Ltr/Hr)
0 1 0.2 17632 3379 17632 3379 14252
1 2 0.2 17632 3379 35263 6759 28505
2 3 0.2 17632 3379 52895 10138 42757
3 4 0.2 17632 3379 70527 13518 57009
4 5 0.4 17632 6759 88158 20276 67882
5 6 1 17632 16897
105790 37173 68617
6 7 2 17632 33794
123422 70968 52454
7 8 3 50691
123422 121659 1763
8 9 2.5 17632 42243
141053 163901 -22848
9 10 2 17632 33794
158685 197695 -39010
10 11 2 17632 33794
176317 231489 -55172
11 12 1 17632 16897
193948 248386 -54438
12 13 0.4 17632 6759211580 255145 -43565
13 14 0.6 17632 10138
229212 265283 -36071
14 15 1 17632 16897
246844 282180 -35337
15 16 1.3 17632 21966
264475 304146 -39671

Water Demand
16 17 1 17632 16897
282107 321043 -38937
17 18 1.5 17632 25346
299739 346389 -46650
18 19 1.2 17632 20276
317370 366665 -49295
19 20 0.7 17632 11828
335002 378493 -43491
20 21 0.6 17632 10138
352634 388632 -35998
21 22 0.4 17632 6759370265 395390 -25125
22 23 0.4 17632 6759387897 402149 -14252
23 24 0.2 17632 3379405529 405529 0
Total 24 405529 405529 Total Surplus 68617
Total Deficit -55172
Total Storage Capacity 123789
Hence Provide 200 KL Over Head Tank for Zone D

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Detailed Project Report on “Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme”

Mass Curve of 700 KL Over Head Tank

Over Head Tank No OHT-5 Zone Water Demand 1.42 MLD
Over Head Tank Capacity (KL) 700 16.4 LPS
Rate of Pumping
Zone Zone E 61739 Ltr/Hr
Demand Pattern
Start End Multiplying Water Water Cumulative Cumulative Surplus /
Time Time Factor Inflow Outflow Inflow Outflow Deficit
(Ltr/Hr) (Ltr/Hr) (Ltr/Hr) (Ltr/Hr)
0 1 0.2 61739 11833 61739 11833 49906
1 2 0.2 61739 11833 123478 23667 99812
2 3 0.2 61739 11833 185217 35500 149717
3 4 0.2 61739 11833 246957 47333 199623
4 5 0.4 61739 23667 308696 71000 237696
5 6 1 61739 59167 370435 130167 240268
6 7 2 61739 118333 432174 248500 183674
7 8 3 177500 432174 426000 6174
8 9 2.5 61739 147917 493913 573917 -80004
9 10 2 61739 118333 555652 692250 -136598
10 11 2 61739 118333 617391 810583 -193192
11 12 1 61739 59167 679130 869750 -190620
12 13 0.4 61739 23667 740870 893417 -152547
13 14 0.6 61739 35500 802609 928917 -126308
14 15 1 61739 59167 864348 988083 -123736
15 16 1.3 61739 76917 926087 1065000 -138913

Water Demand
16 17 1 61739 59167 987826 1124167 -136341
17 18 1.5 61739 88750 1049565 1212917 -163351
18 19 1.2 61739 71000 1111304 1283917 -172612
19 20 0.7 61739 41417 1173043 1325333 -152290
20 21 0.6 61739 35500 1234783 1360833 -126051
21 22 0.4 61739 23667 1296522 1384500 -87978
22 23 0.4 61739 23667 1358261 1408167 -49906
23 24 0.2 61739 11833 1420000 1420000 0
Total 24 1420000 1420000 Total Surplus 240268
Total Deficit -193192
Total Storage Capacity 433460
Hence Provide 700 KL Over Head Tank for Zone E

Consultant:-DRA Consultants Pvt. Ltd., Nagpur 155

Detailed Project Report on “Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme”

Mass Curve of 150 KL Over Head Tank

Over Head Tank No OHT-6 Zone Water Demand 0.26 MLD
Over Head Tank Capacity (KL) 150 3.0 LPS
Rate of Pumping
Zone Zone F 11425 Ltr/Hr
Demand Pattern
Start End Multiplying Water Water Cumulative Cumulative Surplus /
Time Time Factor Inflow Outflow Inflow Outflow Deficit
(Ltr/Hr) (Ltr/Hr) (Ltr/Hr) (Ltr/Hr)
0 1 0.2 11425 2190 11425 2190 9235
1 2 0.2 11425 2190 22851 4380 18471
2 3 0.2 11425 2190 34276 6570 27706
3 4 0.2 11425 2190 45701 8759 36942
4 5 0.4 11425 4380 57126 13139 43987
5 6 1 11425 10949 68552 24088 44463
6 7 2 11425 21898 79977 45987 33990
7 8 3 32848 79977 78834 1143
8 9 2.5 11425 27373 91402 106208 -14805
9 10 2 11425 21898102828 128106 -25278
10 11 2 11425 21898114253 150004 -35752
11 12 1 11425 10949125678 160954 -35276
12 13 0.4 11425 4380 137103 165333 -28230
13 14 0.6 11425 6570 148529 171903 -23374
14 15 1 11425 10949159954 182852 -22898
15 16 1.3 11425 14234171379 197086 -25707

Water Demand
16 17 1 11425 10949182805 208035 -25231
17 18 1.5 11425 16424194230 224459 -30229
18 19 1.2 11425 13139205655 237598 -31943
19 20 0.7 11425 7664 217080 245263 -28182
20 21 0.6 11425 6570 228506 251832 -23327
21 22 0.4 11425 4380 239931 256212 -16281
22 23 0.4 11425 4380 251356 260592 -9235
23 24 0.2 11425 2190 262782 262782 0
Total 24 262782 262782 Total Surplus 44463
Total Deficit -35752
Total Storage Capacity 80215
Hence Provide 150 KL Over Head Tank for Zone F

Consultant:-DRA Consultants Pvt. Ltd., Nagpur 156

Detailed Project Report on “Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme”

13.6 Water Supply Distribution System (DMA)

Based on topography and spatial distribution of the town, water supply distribution system is considered in six district metering area (DMA i.e.
zone). The details of zones like population, water demand, feeding OHT and it capacity, location of tube well etc are given in below tables:
Table 27 :- Zone wise Population, OHT Details & Water Demand
Required Considered
Sr. Ward OHT Staging Existing / Gross Water Demand
Village Zone Storage OHT Zone wise Population
No. No. Number Height Proposed of Zone (ML)
Capacity Capacity
KL KL m 2018 2033 2048 2018 2033 2048
1 Nayakheda Zone A 64 OHT-1 100 18 Proposed 1219 1550 1881 0.11 0.13 0.16
2 1 Chillod
3 Bandar Jilla Zone B 165 OHT-2 200 18 Proposed 3142 3996 4850 0.27 0.35 0.41
4 2 Theni
5 3 Rahatwada Zone C 74 OHT-3 80 12 Existing 2133 2712 3292 0.18 0.24 0.28
6 4 Dahalwada Kala
Zone D 193 OHT-4 200 18 Proposed 3679 4678 5677 0.32 0.41 0.48
7 5 Bankhedi
8 6 Bankhedi
9 7 Bankhedi
10 11 Bankhedi
11 12 Bankhedi
Zone E 673 OHT-5 700 18 Proposed 12843 16332 19821 1.11 1.42 1.67
12 13 Bankhedi
13 8 Bankhedi
14 9 Bankhedi
15 10 Bankhedi
16 14 Kalkuhi
17 Kemdhana Zone F 125 OHT-6 150 18 Proposed 2384 3031 3679 0.21 0.26 0.31
18 Andhyarbawdi
Total 1430 25400 32300 39200 2.20 2.80 3.30

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Detailed Project Report on “Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme”

Table 28 :- Zonewise Details of OHT's, Tube Well & Capacity Analysis of Tube Wells
Gross Water OHT OHT Staging Tube Wellwise GL of LSL of Water
Tube Well Details GL LSL FSL
Sr. Demand of ZoneNumbe Capacity Height Water Deamnd TW Pump Transfered
No. KL m Existing / Yield Pumping Discharge Discharge Sufficient
m m m m
2018 2033 2048 Number
(KL/Hr) Hours (Hrs) (ML/Day) (ML/Day) / Not
2018 2033 2048 to m
1 Zone A 0.11 0.13 0.16 OHT-1 100 18 TW-5 Existing 18.05 22 0.40 0.40 Sufficient 0.11 0.13 0.16 349.1 289.7 OHT-1 349.3 367.3 372.3
2 TW-6 Existing 12.24 22 0.27 0.12 0.16 0.18 345.2 276.9 CW Sump
Zone B 0.27 0.35 0.41 OHT-2 200 18 0.60 Sufficient 345.0 342.1 345.1
3 TW-11 Proposed 15.00 22 0.33 0.15 0.19 0.22 347 263.2 & PH - II
4 Zone C 0.18 0.24 0.28 OHT-3 80 12 TW-3 Existing 20.17 22 0.44 0.44 Sufficient 0.18 0.24 0.28 349.9 235.6 OHT-3 350.3 362.3 367.3
5 Zone D 0.32 0.41 0.48 OHT-4 200 18 TW-12 Proposed 18.00 22 0.40 0.40 Sufficient 0.32 0.41 0.48 355.2 271.4 OHT-4 356.2 374.2 379.2
6 TW-9 Existing 18.65 22 0.41 0.22 0.29 0.34 348.4 280.0
7 TW-10 Existing 13.42 22 0.30 0.16 0.21 0.24 351.1 282.8
CW Sump
8 Zone E 1.11 1.42 1.67 OHT-5 700 18 TW-7 Existing 23.22 22 0.51 2.04 Sufficient 0.28 0.36 0.42 350.4 291.0 350.4 347.2 350.2
& PH - I
9 TW-8 Existing 18.25 22 0.40 0.22 0.28 0.33 350.3 287.9
10 TW-1 Existing 19.04 22 0.42 0.23 0.29 0.34 351.3 282.7
11 Zone F 0.21 0.26 0.31 OHT-6 150 18 TW-2 Existing 19.58 22 0.43 0.43 Sufficient 0.21 0.26 0.31 351.6 283.0 OHT-6 357.4 375.4 380.4
Total 2.20 2.80 3.30 4.30 4.30

The length of distribution system is 79503 m. Design of Distribution System will be done on EPNET / WATERGEMS. During the design it is ensured
that the water pressure will be 10 m at ferrule and 7 m at consumer tap. HDPE PE100 pipe having PN 10 pressure class and PE 100 grader up to 300
mm dia and DI K-7 for above 300 mm diameter will be used in used in distribution of water.
Table 29 :- Water Supply Distribution System
Diameter of Pipe (mm) Zone
Sr. No. Zone Pipe Material
75 90 110 140 160 180 200 250 Length (m)
1 A HDPE PE100 PN10 7093 30 7 73 7202
2 B HDPE PE100 PN10 11177 265 556 341 592 18 12949
3 C HDPE PE100 PN10 5005 647 277 70 5999
4 D HDPE PE100 PN10 2887 517 13 915 37 35 319 4721
5 E-1 HDPE PE100 PN10 13792 668 1057 297 206 526 10 138 16693
6 E-2 HDPE PE100 PN10 14168 467 961 519 717 193 401 17425
7 F HDPE PE100 PN10 9597 1888 1106 1743 178 14513
Pipe Length Total (m) 63719 2594 4759 3319 3258 933 62 858 79503

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Detailed Project Report on “Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme”

Design of Water Supply Distribution for Zone - A

Zone Name A Capacity of OHT / GSR (KL) 100
No. of Outlets 1 Ground Level (m) 349.32
Resi. Head at Consumer Tap 7M Lower Supply Level (m) 367.32
Residual Head at Ferrule Point 10 M Full Tank Level (m) 372.32
Zonal Population 1881 Pipe Material & Pressure Class HDPE HDPE PE100 PN 10
Ward Covered 1 C Value of Pipe Material 145 145
Rate of Outer
Design True Design Pipe Velocity Head Total Design Dia
Label From To Head Loss Dia
Length (m) Length Flow (L/s) Mat. (m/s) Loss (m) Loss (m) (mm)
(m/km) (mm)
P-1 R-1 J-1 13.097 11.906 5.74 HDPE 0.52 2.477 0.0025 0.032 118.1 140
P-2 J-1 J-2 66.744 60.676 5.706 HDPE 0.52 2.449 0.0024 0.163 118.1 140
P-3 J-2 J-3 33.065 30.059 2.1 HDPE 0.47 3.334 0.0033 0.110 75.8 90
P-4 J-3 J-4 64.992 59.084 0.064 HDPE 0.02 0.013 0.0000 0.001 63.1 75
P-5 J-4 J-5 27.599 25.09 0.01 HDPE 0 0 0.0000 0.000 63.1 75
P-6 J-4 J-6 27.66 25.145 0.01 HDPE 0 0 0.0000 0.000 63.1 75
P-7 J-3 J-7 47.275 42.977 1.984 HDPE 0.63 7.33 0.0073 0.347 63.1 75
P-8 J-7 J-8 49.253 44.775 0.018 HDPE 0.01 0.001 0.0000 0.000 63.1 75
P-9 J-7 J-9 17.905 16.277 1.924 HDPE 0.62 6.928 0.0069 0.124 63.1 75
P-10 J-9 J-10 42.67 38.791 0.015 HDPE 0 0.001 0.0000 0.000 63.1 75
P-11 J-9 J-11 63.584 57.804 1.864 HDPE 0.6 6.532 0.0065 0.415 63.1 75
P-12 J-11 J-12 67.365 61.241 0.024 HDPE 0.01 0.002 0.0000 0.000 63.1 75
P-13 J-11 J-13 44.672 40.611 1.776 HDPE 0.57 5.972 0.0060 0.267 63.1 75
P-14 J-13 J-14 66.56 60.509 0.024 HDPE 0.01 0.002 0.0000 0.000 63.1 75
P-15 J-13 J-15 34.404 31.276 1.699 HDPE 0.54 5.503 0.0055 0.189 63.1 75
P-16 J-15 J-16 123.052 111.865 0.045 HDPE 0.01 0.006 0.0000 0.001 63.1 75
P-17 J-15 J-17 35.666 32.424 1.584 HDPE 0.51 4.834 0.0048 0.172 63.1 75
P-18 J-17 J-18 30.018 27.289 0.011 HDPE 0 0.001 0.0000 0.000 63.1 75
P-19 J-17 J-19 21.061 19.146 1.542 HDPE 0.49 4.599 0.0046 0.097 63.1 75
P-20 J-19 J-20 29.962 27.238 0.011 HDPE 0 0.001 0.0000 0.000 63.1 75
P-21 J-19 J-21 90.177 81.979 1.48 HDPE 0.47 4.262 0.0043 0.384 63.1 75
P-22 J-21 J-22 181.895 165.359 0.066 HDPE 0.02 0.014 0.0000 0.003 63.1 75
P-23 J-21 J-23 217.942 198.129 0.282 HDPE 0.09 0.198 0.0002 0.043 63.1 75
P-24 J-23 J-24 236.229 214.754 0.086 HDPE 0.03 0.022 0.0000 0.005 63.1 75

Consultant:-DRA Consultants Pvt. Ltd., Nagpur 159

Detailed Project Report on “Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme”

P-25 J-23 J-25 44.592 40.538 0.016 HDPE 0.01 0.001 0.0000 0.000 63.1 75
P-26 J-21 J-26 1,317.20 1,197.45 0.477 HDPE 0.15 0.524 0.0005 0.690 63.1 75
P-27 J-2 J-27 7.588 6.898 3.568 HDPE 0.53 3.32 0.0033 0.025 92.8 110
P-28 J-27 J-28 70.211 63.828 1.662 HDPE 0.53 5.282 0.0053 0.371 63.1 75
P-29 J-28 J-29 17.642 16.038 0.006 HDPE 0 0 0.0000 0.000 63.1 75
P-30 J-28 J-30 252.346 229.405 1.532 HDPE 0.49 4.544 0.0045 1.147 63.1 75
P-31 J-27 J-31 129.701 117.91 1.831 HDPE 0.59 6.318 0.0063 0.819 63.1 75
P-32 J-31 J-32 23.389 21.263 0.91 HDPE 0.29 1.731 0.0017 0.040 63.1 75
P-33 J-32 J-33 114.345 103.95 0.359 HDPE 0.11 0.31 0.0003 0.035 63.1 75
P-34 J-33 J-34 4.852 4.411 0.316 HDPE 0.1 0.245 0.0002 0.001 63.1 75
P-35 J-34 J-35 79.156 71.96 0.029 HDPE 0.01 0.003 0.0000 0.000 63.1 75
P-36 J-34 J-36 44.279 40.254 0.241 HDPE 0.08 0.148 0.0001 0.007 63.1 75
P-37 J-36 J-37 88.163 80.148 0.193 HDPE 0.06 0.098 0.0001 0.009 63.1 75
P-38 J-37 J-38 38.231 34.755 0.014 HDPE 0 0.001 0.0000 0.000 63.1 75
P-39 J-37 J-39 27.078 24.616 0.01 HDPE 0 0 0.0000 0.000 63.1 75
P-40 J-37 J-40 82.044 74.585 0.084 HDPE 0.03 0.021 0.0000 0.002 63.1 75
P-41 J-40 J-41 74.946 68.133 0.027 HDPE 0.01 0.002 0.0000 0.000 63.1 75
P-42 J-31 J-42 61.976 56.342 0.843 HDPE 0.27 1.503 0.0015 0.093 63.1 75
P-43 J-42 J-43 9.174 8.34 0.003 HDPE 0 0 0.0000 0.000 63.1 75
P-44 J-42 J-44 19.846 18.042 0.807 HDPE 0.26 1.385 0.0014 0.027 63.1 75
P-45 J-44 J-45 4.38 3.982 0.798 HDPE 0.26 1.359 0.0014 0.006 63.1 75
P-46 J-45 J-46 47.488 43.171 0.327 HDPE 0.1 0.261 0.0003 0.012 63.1 75
P-47 J-46 J-47 86.863 78.966 0.031 HDPE 0.01 0.003 0.0000 0.000 63.1 75
P-48 J-45 J-48 50.179 45.617 0.434 HDPE 0.14 0.438 0.0004 0.022 63.1 75
P-49 J-48 J-49 32.999 29.999 -0.191 HDPE 0.06 0.096 0.0001 0.003 63.1 75
P-50 J-49 J-50 14.011 12.737 0.005 HDPE 0 0.003 0.0000 0.000 63.1 75
P-51 J-49 J-46 47.705 43.368 -0.23 HDPE 0.07 0.135 0.0001 0.006 63.1 75
P-52 J-48 J-51 38.481 34.983 0.58 HDPE 0.19 0.752 0.0008 0.029 63.1 75
P-53 J-51 J-52 34.876 31.705 0.291 HDPE 0.09 0.21 0.0002 0.007 63.1 75
P-54 J-52 J-53 48.567 44.152 0.018 HDPE 0.01 0.001 0.0000 0.000 63.1 75
P-55 J-52 J-54 21.908 19.916 0.235 HDPE 0.08 0.141 0.0001 0.003 63.1 75
P-56 J-54 J-55 60.454 54.958 0.022 HDPE 0.01 0.002 0.0000 0.000 63.1 75
P-57 J-51 J-56 17.072 15.52 0.256 HDPE 0.08 0.166 0.0002 0.003 63.1 75
P-58 J-56 J-57 98.485 89.532 0.214 HDPE 0.07 0.119 0.0001 0.012 63.1 75

Consultant:-DRA Consultants Pvt. Ltd., Nagpur 160

Detailed Project Report on “Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme”

P-59 J-54 J-58 93.834 85.304 0.15 HDPE 0.05 0.061 0.0001 0.006 63.1 75
P-60 J-58 J-59 82.801 75.274 0.249 HDPE 0.08 0.158 0.0002 0.013 63.1 75
P-61 J-59 J-60 44.948 40.862 0.097 HDPE 0.03 0.027 0.0000 0.001 63.1 75
P-62 J-60 J-61 41.328 37.571 0.015 HDPE 0 0.001 0.0000 0.000 63.1 75
P-63 J-60 J-62 48.043 43.675 0.034 HDPE 0.01 0.004 0.0000 0.000 63.1 75
P-64 J-62 J-59 81.049 73.681 -0.076 HDPE 0.02 0.017 0.0000 0.001 63.1 75
P-65 J-62 J-63 87.536 79.578 0.032 HDPE 0.01 0.003 0.0000 0.000 63.1 75
P-66 J-57 J-58 20.507 18.643 0.171 HDPE 0.05 0.078 0.0001 0.002 63.1 75
P-67 J-32 J-64 63.884 58.076 0.477 HDPE 0.15 0.524 0.0005 0.033 63.1 75
P-68 J-64 J-65 2.453 2.23 0.066 HDPE 0.02 0.015 0.0000 0.000 63.1 75
P-69 J-65 J-66 39.217 35.652 0.014 HDPE 0 0.001 0.0000 0.000 63.1 75
P-70 J-65 J-67 51.047 46.406 0.018 HDPE 0.01 0.001 0.0000 0.000 63.1 75
P-71 J-64 J-68 13.078 11.889 0.382 HDPE 0.12 0.347 0.0003 0.005 63.1 75
P-72 J-68 J-69 95.579 86.89 0.035 HDPE 0.01 0.004 0.0000 0.000 63.1 75
P-73 J-68 J-70 53.628 48.753 0.289 HDPE 0.09 0.207 0.0002 0.011 63.1 75
P-74 J-70 J-71 30.943 28.13 0.011 HDPE 0 0 0.0000 0.000 63.1 75
P-75 J-70 J-72 29.202 26.547 0.236 HDPE 0.08 0.143 0.0001 0.004 63.1 75
P-76 J-72 J-73 83.773 76.157 0.075 HDPE 0.02 0.016 0.0000 0.001 63.1 75
P-77 J-73 J-74 33.246 30.224 -0.016 HDPE 0.01 0.001 0.0000 0.000 63.1 75
P-78 J-74 J-72 43.322 39.384 -0.105 HDPE 0.03 0.031 0.0000 0.001 63.1 75
P-79 J-74 J-75 84.369 76.699 0.031 HDPE 0.01 0.004 0.0000 0.000 63.1 75
P-80 J-73 J-76 23.28 21.164 0.04 HDPE 0.01 0.005 0.0000 0.000 63.1 75
P-81 J-76 J-77 17.829 16.208 0.006 HDPE 0 0.002 0.0000 0.000 63.1 75
P-82 J-76 J-78 26.01 23.645 0.009 HDPE 0 0.001 0.0000 0.000 63.1 75
P-83 J-30 J-79 3.676 3.342 0.073 HDPE 0.02 0.02 0.0000 0.000 63.1 75
P-84 J-79 J-80 43.516 39.56 0.016 HDPE 0.01 0.001 0.0000 0.000 63.1 75
P-85 J-79 J-81 54.892 49.902 0.02 HDPE 0.01 0.001 0.0000 0.000 63.1 75
P-86 J-30 J-82 49.81 45.282 1.349 HDPE 0.43 3.589 0.0036 0.179 63.1 75
P-87 J-82 J-83 41.237 37.488 0.015 HDPE 0 0.001 0.0000 0.000 63.1 75
P-88 J-82 J-84 99.734 90.667 1.265 HDPE 0.4 3.185 0.0032 0.318 63.1 75
P-89 J-84 J-85 34.194 31.085 0.012 HDPE 0 0.001 0.0000 0.000 63.1 75
P-90 J-84 J-86 54.157 49.234 1.184 HDPE 0.38 2.82 0.0028 0.153 63.1 75
P-91 J-86 J-87 34.19 31.082 0.012 HDPE 0 0.001 0.0000 0.000 63.1 75
P-92 J-86 J-88 374.3 340.273 1.004 HDPE 0.32 2.078 0.0021 0.778 63.1 75

Consultant:-DRA Consultants Pvt. Ltd., Nagpur 161

Detailed Project Report on “Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme”

P-93 J-88 J-89 75.82 68.927 0.027 HDPE 0.01 0.002 0.0000 0.000 63.1 75
P-94 J-88 J-90 398.581 362.346 0.669 HDPE 0.21 0.98 0.0010 0.391 63.1 75
P-95 J-90 J-91 61.432 55.847 0.198 HDPE 0.06 0.104 0.0001 0.006 63.1 75
P-96 J-91 J-92 94.681 86.074 0.034 HDPE 0.01 0.004 0.0000 0.000 63.1 75
P-97 J-91 J-93 148.286 134.805 0.054 HDPE 0.02 0.009 0.0000 0.001 63.1 75
P-98 J-90 J-94 94.807 86.188 0.27 HDPE 0.09 0.183 0.0002 0.017 63.1 75
P-99 J-94 J-95 58.791 53.446 0.021 HDPE 0.01 0.001 0.0000 0.000 63.1 75
P-100 J-94 J-96 266.616 242.378 0.097 HDPE 0.03 0.027 0.0000 0.007 63.1 75

Consultant:-DRA Consultants Pvt. Ltd., Nagpur 162

Detailed Project Report on “Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme”

Design of Water Supply Distribution for Zone - B

Zone Name B Capacity of OHT / GSR (KL) 200
No. of Outlets 1 Ground Level (m) 345.0
Resi. Head at Consumer Tap 7M Lower Supply Level (m) 363.0
Residual Head at Ferrule Point 10 M Full Tank Level (m) 368.0
Zonal Population 4850 Pipe Material & Pressure Class HDPE HDPE PE100 PN 10
Ward Covered 1&2 C Value of Pipe Material 145 145
Rate of Outer
Design True Design Pipe Velocity Head Total Design Dia
Label From To Head Loss Dia
Length (m) Length Flow (L/s) Mat. (m/s) Loss (m) Loss (m) (mm)
(m/km) (mm)
P-1 R-1 J-1 8.9 8.1 14.8 HDPE 0.66 2.509 0.00251 0.022 168.8 200
P-2 J-1 J-2 10.9 9.9 14.6 HDPE 0.65 2.449 0.00245 0.027 168.8 200
P-3 J-2 J-3 202.3 183.9 8.5 HDPE 0.59 2.646 0.00265 0.535 135 160
P-4 J-3 J-4 118.7 107.9 0.3 HDPE 0.1 0.222 0.00022 0.026 63.1 75
P-5 J-4 J-5 120.8 109.8 0.1 HDPE 0.02 0.011 0.00001 0.001 63.1 75
P-6 J-4 J-6 117.5 106.8 0.1 HDPE 0.02 0.011 0.00001 0.001 63.1 75
P-7 J-3 J-7 363.8 330.8 7.8 HDPE 0.55 2.284 0.00228 0.831 135 160
P-8 J-7 J-8 24.4 22.2 0.0 HDPE 0 0 0.00000 0.000 63.1 75
P-9 J-7 J-9 85.4 77.6 7.6 HDPE 0.53 2.15 0.00215 0.184 135 160
P-10 J-9 J-10 64.5 58.6 0.5 HDPE 0.16 0.591 0.00059 0.038 63.1 75
P-11 J-10 J-11 47.9 43.5 0.0 HDPE 0.01 0.002 0.00000 0.000 63.1 75
P-12 J-10 J-12 100.4 91.3 0.4 HDPE 0.12 0.34 0.00034 0.034 63.1 75
P-13 J-12 J-13 24.5 22.2 0.0 HDPE 0 0.002 0.00000 0.000 63.1 75
P-14 J-12 J-14 14.2 12.9 0.3 HDPE 0.09 0.217 0.00022 0.003 63.1 75
P-15 J-14 J-15 148.5 135.0 0.1 HDPE 0.02 0.017 0.00002 0.003 63.1 75
P-16 J-14 J-16 137.5 125.0 0.1 HDPE 0.02 0.015 0.00002 0.002 63.1 75
P-17 J-9 J-17 82.0 74.5 6.9 HDPE 0.63 3.514 0.00351 0.288 118.1 140
P-18 J-17 J-18 55.8 50.7 1.4 HDPE 0.46 4.006 0.00401 0.223 63.1 75
P-19 J-18 J-19 137.2 124.7 0.7 HDPE 0.23 1.084 0.00108 0.149 63.1 75
P-20 J-19 J-20 32.6 29.6 0.3 HDPE 0.1 0.262 0.00026 0.009 63.1 75
P-21 J-20 J-21 5.1 4.6 0.2 HDPE 0.05 0.08 0.00008 0.000 63.1 75
P-22 J-21 J-22 130.5 118.6 0.1 HDPE 0.02 0.013 0.00001 0.002 63.1 75
P-23 J-21 J-23 35.0 31.8 0.0 HDPE 0.01 0.001 0.00000 0.000 63.1 75
P-24 J-20 J-24 110.2 100.2 0.1 HDPE 0.03 0.021 0.00002 0.002 63.1 75

Consultant:-DRA Consultants Pvt. Ltd., Nagpur 163

Detailed Project Report on “Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme”

Design of Water Supply Distribution for Zone - B

P-25 J-19 J-25 50.4 45.8 0.3 HDPE 0.09 0.179 0.00018 0.009 63.1 75
P-26 J-25 J-26 49.4 44.9 0.1 HDPE 0.04 0.035 0.00004 0.002 63.1 75
P-27 J-26 J-27 24.2 22.0 0.0 HDPE 0 0 0.00000 0.000 63.1 75
P-28 J-26 J-24 89.2 81.1 0.0 HDPE 0.01 0.001 0.00000 0.000 63.1 75
P-29 J-25 J-28 43.0 39.1 0.1 HDPE 0.03 0.022 0.00002 0.001 63.1 75
P-30 J-28 J-29 208.0 189.1 -0.1 HDPE 0.02 0.012 0.00001 0.002 63.1 75
P-31 J-29 J-28 178.9 162.6 0.1 HDPE 0.02 0.014 0.00001 0.003 63.1 75
P-32 J-18 J-29 298.2 271.1 0.5 HDPE 0.15 0.524 0.00052 0.156 63.1 75
P-33 J-17 J-30 186.2 169.3 5.3 HDPE 0.49 2.166 0.00217 0.403 118.1 140
P-34 J-30 J-31 107.6 97.8 0.1 HDPE 0.02 0.009 0.00001 0.001 63.1 75
P-35 J-30 J-32 67.2 61.1 5.1 HDPE 0.58 3.467 0.00347 0.233 105.4 140
P-36 J-32 J-33 280.6 255.1 2.0 HDPE 0.44 3 0.00300 0.842 75.8 90
P-37 J-33 J-34 31.9 29.0 1.8 HDPE 0.58 6.288 0.00629 0.200 63.1 75
P-38 J-34 J-35 320.6 291.4 0.2 HDPE 0.05 0.071 0.00007 0.023 63.1 75
P-39 J-34 J-36 155.5 141.3 1.4 HDPE 0.45 3.888 0.00389 0.605 63.1 75
P-40 J-36 J-37 219.4 199.4 0.6 HDPE 0.18 0.681 0.00068 0.149 63.1 75
P-41 J-37 J-38 110.6 100.6 0.1 HDPE 0.02 0.01 0.00001 0.001 63.1 75
P-42 J-37 J-39 51.2 46.5 0.3 HDPE 0.1 0.225 0.00023 0.012 63.1 75
P-43 J-39 J-40 129.4 117.6 0.1 HDPE 0.02 0.013 0.00001 0.002 63.1 75
P-44 J-39 J-41 144.6 131.4 0.1 HDPE 0.02 0.016 0.00002 0.002 63.1 75
P-45 J-36 J-42 664.1 215.3 0.3 HDPE 0.11 0.272 0.00027 0.181 63.1 75
P-46 J-32 J-43 195.5 177.7 2.8 HDPE 0.42 2.186 0.00219 0.427 92.8 110
P-47 J-43 J-44 156.0 141.8 0.8 HDPE 0.27 1.456 0.00146 0.227 63.1 75
P-48 J-44 J-45 207.1 188.3 0.1 HDPE 0.03 0.031 0.00003 0.006 63.1 75
P-49 J-44 J-46 23.5 21.4 0.5 HDPE 0.17 0.634 0.00063 0.015 63.1 75
P-50 J-46 J-47 94.9 86.3 0.2 HDPE 0.07 0.124 0.00012 0.012 63.1 75
P-51 J-47 J-48 110.2 100.1 0.1 HDPE 0.02 0.01 0.00001 0.001 63.1 75
P-52 J-47 J-49 48.8 44.4 0.0 HDPE 0.01 0.005 0.00001 0.000 63.1 75
P-53 J-49 J-50 124.1 112.8 0.1 HDPE 0.02 0.012 0.00001 0.001 63.1 75
P-54 J-46 J-49 135.4 123.1 0.2 HDPE 0.06 0.088 0.00009 0.012 63.1 75
P-55 J-43 J-51 26.8 24.3 1.8 HDPE 0.58 6.294 0.00629 0.168 63.1 75
P-56 J-51 J-52 84.5 76.8 0.8 HDPE 0.27 1.501 0.00150 0.127 63.1 75

Consultant:-DRA Consultants Pvt. Ltd., Nagpur 164

Detailed Project Report on “Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme”

Design of Water Supply Distribution for Zone - B

P-57 J-52 J-53 24.3 22.1 0.1 HDPE 0.05 0.055 0.00006 0.001 63.1 75
P-58 J-53 J-54 88.8 80.7 0.0 HDPE 0.01 0.002 0.00000 0.000 63.1 75
P-59 J-54 J-55 69.2 62.9 0.0 HDPE 0 0.001 0.00000 0.000 63.1 75
P-60 J-55 J-53 13.3 12.1 -0.1 HDPE 0.02 0.008 0.00001 0.000 63.1 75
P-61 J-55 J-56 80.8 73.5 0.0 HDPE 0.01 0.005 0.00001 0.000 63.1 75
P-62 J-56 J-54 34.2 31.1 0.1 HDPE 0.02 0.013 0.00001 0.000 63.1 75
P-63 J-52 J-57 9.8 8.9 0.6 HDPE 0.2 0.903 0.00090 0.009 63.1 75
P-64 J-57 J-58 92.2 83.9 0.2 HDPE 0.06 0.104 0.00010 0.010 63.1 75
P-65 J-58 J-59 26.9 24.4 0.2 HDPE 0.06 0.084 0.00008 0.002 63.1 75
P-66 J-59 J-60 189.1 171.9 0.0 HDPE 0.01 0.006 0.00001 0.001 63.1 75
P-67 J-57 J-61 23.2 21.1 0.4 HDPE 0.12 0.339 0.00034 0.008 63.1 75
P-68 J-61 J-58 86.3 78.4 0.1 HDPE 0.03 0.02 0.00002 0.002 63.1 75
P-69 J-61 J-62 28.6 26.0 0.2 HDPE 0.07 0.13 0.00013 0.004 63.1 75
P-70 J-62 J-59 109.2 99.3 0.0 HDPE 0.01 0.003 0.00000 0.000 63.1 75
P-71 J-62 J-60 40.8 37.1 0.1 HDPE 0.03 0.034 0.00003 0.001 63.1 75
P-72 J-60 J-63 33.7 30.7 0.0 HDPE 0.01 0.001 0.00000 0.000 63.1 75
P-73 J-51 J-64 315.1 286.5 0.2 HDPE 0.05 0.068 0.00007 0.021 63.1 75
P-74 J-51 J-65 190.4 173.1 0.5 HDPE 0.16 0.602 0.00060 0.115 63.1 75
P-75 J-65 J-66 147.0 133.6 0.1 HDPE 0.02 0.017 0.00002 0.002 63.1 75
P-76 J-65 J-56 111.2 101.1 0.2 HDPE 0.07 0.119 0.00012 0.013 63.1 75
P-77 J-2 J-67 39.3 35.7 6.0 HDPE 0.55 2.698 0.00270 0.106 118.1 140
P-78 J-67 J-68 416.1 378.2 4.1 HDPE 0.61 4.36 0.00436 1.814 92.8 110
P-79 J-68 J-69 687.5 625.0 0.3 HDPE 0.11 0.29 0.00029 0.199 63.1 75
P-80 J-68 J-70 11.1 10.1 3.2 HDPE 0.71 7.379 0.00738 0.082 75.8 90
P-81 J-70 J-71 350.2 318.4 1.0 HDPE 0.33 2.132 0.00213 0.747 63.1 75
P-82 J-71 J-72 70.9 64.4 0.0 HDPE 0.01 0.004 0.00000 0.000 63.1 75
P-83 J-71 J-73 27.5 25.0 0.8 HDPE 0.24 1.23 0.00123 0.034 63.1 75
P-84 J-73 J-74 103.1 93.7 0.1 HDPE 0.02 0.009 0.00001 0.001 63.1 75
P-85 J-73 J-75 68.0 61.8 0.6 HDPE 0.19 0.812 0.00081 0.055 63.1 75
P-86 J-75 J-76 85.2 77.5 0.0 HDPE 0.01 0.006 0.00001 0.001 63.1 75
P-87 J-75 J-77 46.0 41.8 0.5 HDPE 0.15 0.491 0.00049 0.023 63.1 75
P-88 J-77 J-78 76.8 69.9 0.0 HDPE 0.01 0.005 0.00001 0.000 63.1 75

Consultant:-DRA Consultants Pvt. Ltd., Nagpur 165

Detailed Project Report on “Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme”

Design of Water Supply Distribution for Zone - B

P-89 J-77 J-79 68.6 62.4 0.3 HDPE 0.1 0.258 0.00026 0.018 63.1 75
P-90 J-79 J-80 49.1 44.6 0.0 HDPE 0.01 0.002 0.00000 0.000 63.1 75
P-91 J-79 J-81 239.9 218.1 0.1 HDPE 0.04 0.041 0.00004 0.010 63.1 75
P-92 J-70 J-82 285.7 259.7 1.9 HDPE 0.6 6.636 0.00664 1.896 63.1 75
P-93 J-82 J-83 436.6 396.9 0.2 HDPE 0.07 0.125 0.00013 0.055 63.1 75
P-94 J-82 J-84 1285.1 1168.3 0.6 HDPE 0.21 0.923 0.00092 1.186 63.1 75
P-95 J-67 J-85 50.1 45.5 1.6 HDPE 0.52 5.067 0.00507 0.254 63.1 75
P-96 J-85 J-86 67.9 61.7 0.0 HDPE 0.01 0.004 0.00000 0.000 63.1 75
P-97 J-1 J-87 10.6 9.7 0.2 HDPE 0.06 0.08 0.00008 0.001 63.1 75
P-98 J-87 J-88 10.4 9.5 0.0 HDPE 0 0 0.00000 0.000 63.1 75
P-99 J-87 J-89 74.1 67.4 0.0 HDPE 0.01 0.005 0.00001 0.000 63.1 75
P-100 J-87 J-90 23.2 21.1 0.1 HDPE 0.02 0.016 0.00002 0.000 63.1 75
P-101 J-90 J-91 43.7 39.7 0.0 HDPE 0.01 0.002 0.00000 0.000 63.1 75
P-102 J-90 J-92 16.9 15.3 0.0 HDPE 0 0.002 0.00000 0.000 63.1 75
P-103 J-85 J-93 27.1 24.7 1.5 HDPE 0.49 4.465 0.00447 0.121 63.1 75
P-104 J-93 J-94 86.1 78.2 0.7 HDPE 0.24 1.181 0.00118 0.102 63.1 75
P-105 J-94 J-95 45.3 41.2 0.2 HDPE 0.08 0.154 0.00015 0.007 63.1 75
P-106 J-95 J-96 3.4 3.1 -0.2 HDPE 0.06 0.11 0.00011 0.000 63.1 75
P-107 J-96 J-93 112.0 101.8 -0.7 HDPE 0.21 0.966 0.00097 0.108 63.1 75
P-108 J-94 J-97 116.9 106.3 0.4 HDPE 0.12 0.325 0.00033 0.038 63.1 75
P-109 J-97 J-98 78.4 71.2 0.1 HDPE 0.04 0.037 0.00004 0.003 63.1 75
P-110 J-98 J-99 117.6 106.9 0.1 HDPE 0.02 0.011 0.00001 0.001 63.1 75
P-111 J-97 J-100 17.0 15.5 0.1 HDPE 0.05 0.061 0.00006 0.001 63.1 75
P-112 J-100 J-101 16.3 14.8 0.2 HDPE 0.05 0.073 0.00007 0.001 63.1 75
P-113 J-101 J-98 44.7 40.7 0.1 HDPE 0.02 0.014 0.00001 0.001 63.1 75
P-114 J-101 J-102 66.6 60.5 0.0 HDPE 0.01 0.004 0.00000 0.000 63.1 75
P-115 J-100 J-103 95.4 86.7 -0.1 HDPE 0.03 0.02 0.00002 0.002 63.1 75
P-116 J-103 J-95 88.0 80.0 -0.4 HDPE 0.12 0.342 0.00034 0.030 63.1 75
P-117 J-96 J-104 137.2 124.7 0.3 HDPE 0.11 0.272 0.00027 0.037 63.1 75
P-118 J-104 J-103 115.8 105.2 -0.1 HDPE 0.05 0.059 0.00006 0.007 63.1 75
P-119 J-104 J-105 351.2 319.3 0.2 HDPE 0.06 0.083 0.00008 0.029 63.1 75

Consultant:-DRA Consultants Pvt. Ltd., Nagpur 166

Detailed Project Report on “Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme”

Design of Water Supply Distribution for Zone - C

Zone Name C Capacity of OHT / GSR (KL) 80
No. of Outlets 1 Ground Level (m) 350.26
Resi. Head at Consumer Tap 7M Lower Supply Level (m) 362.26
Residual Head at Ferrule Point 10 M Full Tank Level (m) 367.26
Zonal Population 3292 Pipe Material & Pressure Class HDPE HDPE PE100 PN 10
Ward Covered 3 C Value of Pipe Material 145 145
Rate of Outer
Design True Design Pipe Velocity Head Total Design Dia
Label From To Head Loss Dia
Length (m) Length Flow (L/s) Mat. (m/s) Loss (m) Loss (m) (mm)
(m/km) (mm)
P-1 R-1 J-1 26.3 23.9 10.0 HDPE 0.7 3.635 0.00364 0.096 135 160
P-2 J-1 J-2 43.4 39.5 5.4 HDPE 0.49 2.204 0.00220 0.096 118.1 140
P-3 J-2 J-3 90.4 82.2 1.4 HDPE 0.46 4.077 0.00408 0.369 63.1 75
P-4 J-3 J-4 86.1 78.3 0.0 HDPE 0 0 0.00000 0.000 63.1 75
P-5 J-4 J-2 101.3 92.1 -3.7 HDPE 0.55 3.641 0.00364 0.369 92.8 110
P-6 J-3 J-5 119.1 108.3 1.2 HDPE 0.38 2.884 0.00288 0.343 63.1 75
P-7 J-5 J-6 128.1 116.5 1.0 HDPE 0.32 2.03 0.00203 0.260 63.1 75
P-8 J-6 J-7 14.4 13.1 1.8 HDPE 0.56 5.834 0.00583 0.084 63.1 75
P-9 J-7 J-8 299.6 272.3 0.9 HDPE 0.29 1.726 0.00173 0.517 63.1 75
P-10 J-8 J-9 24.4 22.2 -0.6 HDPE 0.2 0.865 0.00087 0.021 63.1 75
P-11 J-9 J-10 238.9 217.1 -1.2 HDPE 0.27 1.181 0.00118 0.282 75.8 90
P-12 J-10 J-11 253.0 230.0 0.2 HDPE 0.07 0.116 0.00012 0.029 63.1 75
P-13 J-9 J-12 211.4 192.2 0.2 HDPE 0.06 0.083 0.00008 0.018 63.1 75
P-14 J-8 J-13 72.3 65.7 1.2 HDPE 0.38 2.9 0.00290 0.210 63.1 75
P-15 J-13 J-14 54.2 49.2 0.6 HDPE 0.18 0.694 0.00069 0.038 63.1 75
P-16 J-14 J-15 105.7 96.1 0.1 HDPE 0.03 0.023 0.00002 0.002 63.1 75
P-17 J-14 J-16 68.8 62.6 0.3 HDPE 0.09 0.189 0.00019 0.013 63.1 75
P-18 J-16 J-17 153.7 139.7 0.1 HDPE 0.04 0.046 0.00005 0.007 63.1 75
P-19 J-13 J-18 106.1 96.4 0.5 HDPE 0.14 0.474 0.00047 0.050 63.1 75
P-20 J-18 J-16 25.7 23.3 0.1 HDPE 0.02 0.011 0.00001 0.000 63.1 75
P-21 J-18 J-19 168.1 152.8 0.1 HDPE 0.04 0.055 0.00006 0.009 63.1 75
P-22 J-4 J-10 280.8 255.3 2.1 HDPE 0.46 3.211 0.00321 0.902 75.8 90
P-23 J-4 J-6 249.6 226.9 1.1 HDPE 0.35 2.418 0.00242 0.604 63.1 75
P-24 J-7 J-20 39.0 35.5 0.5 HDPE 0.18 0.68 0.00068 0.027 63.1 75

Consultant:-DRA Consultants Pvt. Ltd., Nagpur 167

Detailed Project Report on “Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme”

Design of Water Supply Distribution for Zone - C

P-25 J-20 J-21 308.8 280.7 0.3 HDPE 0.08 0.168 0.00017 0.052 63.1 75
P-26 J-1 J-22 97.0 88.2 4.5 HDPE 0.57 3.564 0.00356 0.346 92.8 110
P-27 J-22 J-23 133.4 121.2 1.4 HDPE 0.45 3.807 0.00381 0.508 63.1 75
P-28 J-23 J-24 307.0 279.1 0.3 HDPE 0.08 0.166 0.00017 0.051 63.1 75
P-29 J-23 J-25 458.3 416.7 0.4 HDPE 0.12 0.35 0.00035 0.160 63.1 75
P-30 J-22 J-26 69.8 63.4 2.8 HDPE 0.42 2.182 0.00218 0.152 92.8 110
P-31 J-26 J-27 145.8 132.6 0.1 HDPE 0.04 0.042 0.00004 0.006 63.1 75
P-32 J-26 J-28 9.1 8.3 2.5 HDPE 0.37 1.762 0.00176 0.016 92.8 110
P-33 J-28 J-29 389.0 353.6 0.3 HDPE 0.1 0.258 0.00026 0.100 63.1 75
P-34 J-28 J-30 127.7 116.1 1.8 HDPE 0.39 2.425 0.00243 0.310 75.8 90
P-35 J-30 J-31 126.7 115.2 0.6 HDPE 0.2 0.845 0.00085 0.107 63.1 75
P-36 J-31 J-32 14.5 13.2 0.0 HDPE 0 0 0.00000 0.000 63.1 75
P-37 J-31 J-30 65.4 59.4 -0.9 HDPE 0.28 1.638 0.00164 0.107 63.1 75
P-38 J-31 J-33 101.4 92.2 1.2 HDPE 0.39 3.029 0.00303 0.307 63.1 75
P-39 J-33 J-34 35.9 32.6 0.0 HDPE 0.01 0.003 0.00000 0.000 63.1 75
P-40 J-33 J-35 30.2 27.5 1.1 HDPE 0.34 2.299 0.00230 0.069 63.1 75
P-41 J-35 J-36 179.7 163.3 0.2 HDPE 0.05 0.062 0.00006 0.011 63.1 75
P-42 J-35 J-37 109.8 99.8 0.6 HDPE 0.21 0.91 0.00091 0.100 63.1 75
P-43 J-37 J-38 130.4 118.5 0.1 HDPE 0.03 0.034 0.00003 0.004 63.1 75
P-44 J-37 J-39 198.8 180.8 0.2 HDPE 0.05 0.074 0.00007 0.015 63.1 75

Consultant:-DRA Consultants Pvt. Ltd., Nagpur 168

Detailed Project Report on “Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme”

Design of Water Supply Distribution for Zone - D

Zone Name D Capacity of OHT / GSR (KL) 200
No. of Outlets 1 Ground Level (m) 356.2
Resi. Head at Consumer Tap 7M Lower Supply Level (m) 374.2
Residual Head at Ferrule Point 10 M Full Tank Level (m) 379.2
Zonal Population 5677 Pipe Material & Pressure Class HDPE HDPE PE100 PN 10
Ward Covered 4&5 C Value of Pipe Material 145 145
Rate of Outer
Design True Design Pipe Velocity Head Total Design Dia
Label From To Head Loss Dia
Length (m) Length Flow (L/s) Mat. (m/s) Loss (m) Loss (m) (mm)
(m/km) (mm)
P-2 R-1 J-1 350.8 318.9 17.3 HDPE 0.61 1.888 0.00189 0.662 190 250
P-3 J-1 J-2 82.6 75.1 0.1 HDPE 0.04 0.052 0.00005 0.004 63.1 75
P-4 J-1 J-3 38.3 34.8 15.8 HDPE 0.71 2.838 0.00284 0.109 168.8 200
P-5 J-3 J-4 20.8 18.9 0.0 HDPE 0.01 0.004 0.00000 0.000 63.1 75
P-6 J-3 J-5 14.0 12.7 4.5 HDPE 0.67 5.108 0.00511 0.071 92.8 110
P-7 J-5 J-6 167.1 151.9 1.1 HDPE 0.36 2.566 0.00257 0.429 63.1 75
P-8 J-6 J-7 85.9 78.1 0.1 HDPE 0.05 0.057 0.00006 0.005 63.1 75
P-9 J-6 J-8 168.1 152.8 0.3 HDPE 0.09 0.196 0.00020 0.033 63.1 75
P-10 J-5 J-9 72.9 66.3 3.0 HDPE 0.65 6.268 0.00627 0.457 75.8 90
P-11 J-9 J-10 94.9 86.3 0.2 HDPE 0.05 0.068 0.00007 0.006 63.1 75
P-12 J-9 J-11 164.3 149.3 1.0 HDPE 0.32 2.097 0.00210 0.344 63.1 75
P-13 J-11 J-12 171.1 155.5 0.3 HDPE 0.09 0.202 0.00020 0.035 63.1 75
P-14 J-11 J-13 142.5 129.5 -0.1 HDPE 0.02 0.016 0.00002 0.002 63.1 75
P-15 J-9 J-14 168.8 153.5 1.0 HDPE 0.3 1.875 0.00188 0.317 63.1 75
P-16 J-14 J-15 27.8 25.3 0.0 HDPE 0.01 0.007 0.00001 0.000 63.1 75
P-17 J-14 J-13 44.6 40.5 0.5 HDPE 0.16 0.574 0.00057 0.026 63.1 75
P-18 J-13 J-16 35.1 31.9 0.1 HDPE 0.02 0.01 0.00001 0.000 63.1 75
P-19 J-3 J-17 40.6 36.9 11.1 HDPE 0.61 2.457 0.00246 0.100 151.9 180
P-20 J-17 J-18 34.1 31.0 2.9 HDPE 0.64 6.035 0.00604 0.206 75.8 90
P-21 J-18 J-19 68.4 62.2 0.1 HDPE 0.04 0.037 0.00004 0.003 63.1 75
P-22 J-18 J-20 433.6 394.2 1.9 HDPE 0.6 6.671 0.00667 2.892 63.1 75
P-23 J-20 J-21 45.3 41.2 0.6 HDPE 0.19 0.753 0.00075 0.034 63.1 75
P-24 J-21 J-22 60.1 54.6 0.1 HDPE 0.03 0.029 0.00003 0.002 63.1 75
P-25 J-21 J-23 23.2 21.1 0.3 HDPE 0.09 0.177 0.00018 0.004 63.1 75

Consultant:-DRA Consultants Pvt. Ltd., Nagpur 169

Detailed Project Report on “Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme”

Design of Water Supply Distribution for Zone - D

P-26 J-23 J-24 30.1 27.4 0.1 HDPE 0.02 0.008 0.00001 0.000 63.1 75
P-27 J-23 J-25 38.1 34.7 0.1 HDPE 0.02 0.013 0.00001 0.000 63.1 75
P-28 J-20 J-26 151.8 138.0 0.3 HDPE 0.08 0.162 0.00016 0.025 63.1 75
P-29 J-17 J-27 400.9 364.4 7.4 HDPE 0.52 2.064 0.00206 0.827 135 140
P-30 J-27 J-28 28.6 26.0 0.0 HDPE 0.02 0.007 0.00001 0.000 63.1 75
P-31 J-27 J-29 605.3 550.3 5.6 HDPE 0.51 2.384 0.00238 1.443 118.1 140
P-32 J-29 J-30 429.1 390.1 0.7 HDPE 0.23 1.109 0.00111 0.476 63.1 75
P-33 J-29 J-31 461.3 419.4 2.4 HDPE 0.54 4.319 0.00432 1.992 75.8 90
P-34 J-31 J-32 37.6 34.1 1.6 HDPE 0.51 4.827 0.00483 0.181 63.1 75
P-35 J-32 J-33 28.5 25.9 0.0 HDPE 0.02 0.007 0.00001 0.000 63.1 75
P-36 J-32 J-34 49.5 45.0 1.3 HDPE 0.43 3.56 0.00356 0.176 63.1 75
P-37 J-34 J-35 76.2 69.3 0.1 HDPE 0.04 0.045 0.00005 0.003 63.1 75
P-38 J-34 J-36 117.7 107.0 0.8 HDPE 0.26 1.396 0.00140 0.164 63.1 75
P-39 J-36 J-37 29.8 27.1 0.1 HDPE 0.02 0.008 0.00001 0.000 63.1 75
P-40 J-36 J-38 65.3 59.4 0.1 HDPE 0.03 0.034 0.00003 0.002 63.1 75
P-41 J-36 J-39 89.0 80.9 0.1 HDPE 0.05 0.06 0.00006 0.005 63.1 75

Consultant:-DRA Consultants Pvt. Ltd., Nagpur 170

Detailed Project Report on “Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme”

Design of Water Supply Distribution for Zone - E1

Zone Name E Capacity of OHT / GSR (KL) 450
No. of Outlets 1 Ground Level (m) 350.4
Resi. Head at Consumer Tap 7M Lower Supply Level (m) 368.4
Residual Head at Ferrule Point 10 M Full Tank Level (m) 373.4
Zonal Population 12826 Pipe Material & Pressure Class HDPE HDPE PE100 PN 10
Ward Covered 6,7,11,12,13 C Value of Pipe Material 145 145
Rate of Outer
Design True Design Pipe Velocity Head Total Design Dia
Label From To Head Loss Dia
Length (m) Length Flow (L/s) Mat. (m/s) Loss (m) Loss (m) (mm)
(m/km) (mm)
P-1 R-1 J-1 43.4 39.5 39.1 HDPE 1.12 5.113 0.00511 0.222 211.1 250
P-2 J-1 J-2 31.1 28.2 25.4 HDPE 0.73 2.302 0.00230 0.072 211.1 250
P-3 J-2 J-3 77.5 70.5 25.3 HDPE 0.72 2.283 0.00228 0.177 211.1 250
P-4 J-3 J-4 10.5 9.5 20.2 HDPE 0.9 4.454 0.00445 0.047 168.8 200
P-5 J-4 J-5 93.6 85.1 4.9 HDPE 0.72 5.959 0.00596 0.558 92.8 110
P-6 J-5 J-6 68.7 62.4 0.1 HDPE 0.02 0.016 0.00002 0.001 63.1 75
P-7 J-5 J-7 11.1 10.1 4.6 HDPE 0.69 5.394 0.00539 0.060 92.8 110
P-8 J-7 J-8 60.6 55.1 4.1 HDPE 0.61 4.375 0.00438 0.265 92.8 110
P-9 J-8 J-9 139.2 126.5 0.1 HDPE 0.05 0.06 0.00006 0.008 63.1 75
P-10 J-8 J-10 103.2 93.8 2.2 HDPE 0.49 3.647 0.00365 0.376 75.8 90
P-11 J-10 J-11 162.4 147.6 2.5 HDPE 0.56 4.626 0.00463 0.751 75.8 90
P-12 J-11 J-12 57.6 52.4 0.1 HDPE 0.02 0.012 0.00001 0.001 63.1 75
P-13 J-11 J-13 211.8 192.5 2.0 HDPE 0.44 3.003 0.00300 0.636 75.8 90
P-14 J-13 J-14 102.2 92.9 0.1 HDPE 0.03 0.034 0.00003 0.003 63.1 75
P-15 J-13 J-15 406.7 369.7 1.1 HDPE 0.35 2.491 0.00249 1.013 63.1 75
P-16 J-15 J-16 10.8 9.8 0.4 HDPE 0.11 0.296 0.00030 0.003 63.1 75
P-17 J-16 J-17 70.5 64.1 0.1 HDPE 0.02 0.017 0.00002 0.001 63.1 75
P-18 J-16 J-18 89.1 81.0 0.1 HDPE 0.03 0.027 0.00003 0.002 63.1 75
P-19 J-15 J-19 145.8 132.5 0.2 HDPE 0.05 0.066 0.00007 0.010 63.1 75
P-20 J-8 J-20 82.2 74.7 1.4 HDPE 0.44 3.731 0.00373 0.307 63.1 75
P-21 J-20 J-21 64.7 58.9 0.6 HDPE 0.2 0.847 0.00085 0.055 63.1 75
P-22 J-21 J-10 18.1 16.5 0.6 HDPE 0.19 0.813 0.00081 0.015 63.1 75
P-23 J-20 J-22 78.1 71.0 0.5 HDPE 0.17 0.613 0.00061 0.048 63.1 75
P-24 J-22 J-21 89.9 81.8 0.2 HDPE 0.05 0.077 0.00008 0.007 63.1 75

Consultant:-DRA Consultants Pvt. Ltd., Nagpur 171

Detailed Project Report on “Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme”

Design of Water Supply Distribution for Zone - E1

P-25 J-22 J-23 79.7 72.5 0.1 HDPE 0.03 0.021 0.00002 0.002 63.1 75
P-26 J-4 J-24 64.3 58.4 15.1 HDPE 0.83 4.355 0.00436 0.280 151.9 180
P-27 J-24 J-25 44.9 40.8 0.0 HDPE 0.02 0.007 0.00001 0.000 63.1 75
P-28 J-24 J-26 176.5 160.4 14.7 HDPE 0.81 4.169 0.00417 0.736 151.9 180
P-29 J-26 J-27 61.8 56.2 0.1 HDPE 0.02 0.013 0.00001 0.001 63.1 75
P-30 J-7 J-28 33.9 30.8 0.4 HDPE 0.12 0.345 0.00035 0.012 63.1 75
P-31 J-28 J-29 48.9 44.4 0.1 HDPE 0.02 0.009 0.00001 0.000 63.1 75
P-32 J-28 J-30 113.0 102.7 0.1 HDPE 0.04 0.041 0.00004 0.005 63.1 75
P-33 J-26 J-31 171.5 155.9 14.2 HDPE 0.79 3.909 0.00391 0.670 151.9 180
P-34 J-31 J-32 40.5 36.9 0.0 HDPE 0.01 0.006 0.00001 0.000 63.1 75
P-35 J-31 J-33 10.4 9.4 14.0 HDPE 0.77 3.769 0.00377 0.039 151.9 180
P-36 J-33 J-34 32.6 29.7 0.0 HDPE 0.01 0.003 0.00000 0.000 63.1 75
P-37 J-33 J-35 29.8 27.0 13.8 HDPE 0.76 3.712 0.00371 0.110 151.9 180
P-38 J-35 J-36 20.4 18.6 4.3 HDPE 0.64 4.767 0.00477 0.097 92.8 110
P-39 J-36 J-37 38.9 35.4 4.1 HDPE 0.6 4.241 0.00424 0.165 92.8 110
P-40 J-36 J-38 24.1 21.9 0.2 HDPE 0.06 0.082 0.00008 0.002 63.1 75
P-41 J-38 J-39 41.7 37.9 0.0 HDPE 0.01 0.006 0.00001 0.000 63.1 75
P-42 J-37 J-40 77.8 70.8 3.9 HDPE 0.57 3.891 0.00389 0.303 92.8 110
P-43 J-40 J-41 38.4 34.9 1.3 HDPE 0.41 3.234 0.00323 0.124 63.1 75
P-44 J-41 J-42 35.7 32.5 0.0 HDPE 0.01 0.004 0.00000 0.000 63.1 75
P-45 J-41 J-43 21.7 19.7 1.1 HDPE 0.36 2.605 0.00261 0.057 63.1 75
P-46 J-43 J-44 30.3 27.5 0.0 HDPE 0.01 0.004 0.00000 0.000 63.1 75
P-47 J-43 J-45 16.7 15.1 1.0 HDPE 0.33 2.176 0.00218 0.036 63.1 75
P-48 J-45 J-46 11.7 10.7 0.0 HDPE 0 0 0.00000 0.000 63.1 75
P-49 J-45 J-47 40.1 36.4 0.0 HDPE 0.01 0.006 0.00001 0.000 63.1 75
P-50 J-45 J-48 15.3 13.9 0.9 HDPE 0.28 1.642 0.00164 0.025 63.1 75
P-51 J-48 J-49 28.0 25.4 0.0 HDPE 0.01 0.004 0.00000 0.000 63.1 75
P-52 J-48 J-50 62.8 57.1 0.7 HDPE 0.24 1.187 0.00119 0.075 63.1 75
P-53 J-50 J-51 51.0 46.3 -2.3 HDPE 0.5 3.871 0.00387 0.197 75.8 90
P-54 J-51 J-40 26.7 24.3 -2.5 HDPE 0.54 4.466 0.00447 0.119 75.8 90
P-55 J-51 J-52 46.8 42.5 0.1 HDPE 0.02 0.008 0.00001 0.000 63.1 75
P-56 J-50 J-53 81.9 74.4 0.9 HDPE 0.3 1.851 0.00185 0.152 63.1 75

Consultant:-DRA Consultants Pvt. Ltd., Nagpur 172

Detailed Project Report on “Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme”

Design of Water Supply Distribution for Zone - E1

P-57 J-53 J-54 65.6 59.6 -0.5 HDPE 0.15 0.519 0.00052 0.034 63.1 75
P-58 J-54 J-50 18.3 16.6 -1.8 HDPE 0.59 6.425 0.00643 0.117 63.1 75
P-59 J-54 J-55 46.7 42.5 1.2 HDPE 0.39 3.038 0.00304 0.142 63.1 75
P-60 J-55 J-56 23.1 21.0 0.3 HDPE 0.1 0.247 0.00025 0.006 63.1 75
P-61 J-56 J-57 23.7 21.6 0.0 HDPE 0.01 0.003 0.00000 0.000 63.1 75
P-62 J-56 J-58 114.2 103.8 0.1 HDPE 0.04 0.042 0.00004 0.005 63.1 75
P-63 J-55 J-59 59.7 54.3 0.8 HDPE 0.25 1.289 0.00129 0.077 63.1 75
P-64 J-59 J-53 64.7 58.8 -1.2 HDPE 0.38 2.855 0.00286 0.185 63.1 75
P-65 J-59 J-60 16.6 15.1 1.8 HDPE 0.58 6.237 0.00624 0.104 63.1 75
P-66 J-60 J-61 16.3 14.8 0.4 HDPE 0.13 0.386 0.00039 0.006 63.1 75
P-67 J-61 J-62 11.8 10.7 0.0 HDPE 0 0 0.00000 0.000 63.1 75
P-68 J-61 J-63 14.8 13.5 0.0 HDPE 0.01 0 0.00000 0.000 63.1 75
P-69 J-61 J-64 155.2 141.1 0.2 HDPE 0.05 0.074 0.00007 0.011 63.1 75
P-70 J-60 J-65 144.0 131.0 1.2 HDPE 0.39 3.001 0.00300 0.432 63.1 75
P-71 J-65 J-66 244.8 222.6 0.3 HDPE 0.08 0.171 0.00017 0.042 63.1 75
P-72 J-65 J-67 257.6 234.2 0.3 HDPE 0.09 0.188 0.00019 0.048 63.1 75
P-73 J-37 J-68 28.5 25.9 0.0 HDPE 0.01 0.003 0.00000 0.000 63.1 75
P-74 J-35 J-69 48.2 43.8 9.4 HDPE 0.66 3.221 0.00322 0.155 135 160
P-75 J-69 J-70 184.6 167.9 3.4 HDPE 0.51 3.097 0.00310 0.572 92.8 110
P-76 J-70 J-71 155.9 141.7 0.2 HDPE 0.05 0.074 0.00007 0.012 63.1 75
P-77 J-70 J-72 44.0 40.0 2.9 HDPE 0.63 5.906 0.00591 0.260 75.8 90
P-78 J-69 J-73 139.1 126.5 5.6 HDPE 0.51 2.345 0.00235 0.326 118.1 140
P-79 J-73 J-74 28.8 26.2 0.0 HDPE 0.01 0.003 0.00000 0.000 63.1 75
P-80 J-73 J-75 5.7 5.2 5.4 HDPE 0.49 2.177 0.00218 0.012 118.1 140
P-81 J-75 J-76 30.1 27.4 0.0 HDPE 0.01 0.004 0.00000 0.000 63.1 75
P-82 J-75 J-77 96.6 87.9 5.2 HDPE 0.77 6.637 0.00664 0.641 92.8 110
P-83 J-77 J-78 36.5 33.2 0.3 HDPE 0.09 0.216 0.00022 0.008 63.1 75
P-84 J-78 J-79 50.1 45.5 0.1 HDPE 0.02 0.009 0.00001 0.000 63.1 75
P-85 J-77 J-80 13.5 12.3 4.7 HDPE 0.7 5.605 0.00561 0.076 92.8 110
P-86 J-80 J-81 53.2 48.3 0.1 HDPE 0.02 0.01 0.00001 0.001 63.1 75
P-87 J-80 J-82 30.8 28.0 4.6 HDPE 0.68 5.257 0.00526 0.162 92.8 110
P-88 J-82 J-83 134.3 122.0 0.9 HDPE 0.29 1.702 0.00170 0.228 63.1 75

Consultant:-DRA Consultants Pvt. Ltd., Nagpur 173

Detailed Project Report on “Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme”

Design of Water Supply Distribution for Zone - E1

P-89 J-83 J-84 26.5 24.1 0.0 HDPE 0.01 0.003 0.00000 0.000 63.1 75
P-90 J-83 J-85 37.1 33.7 0.7 HDPE 0.21 0.962 0.00096 0.036 63.1 75
P-91 J-82 J-86 41.3 37.5 3.5 HDPE 0.51 3.123 0.00312 0.129 92.8 110
P-92 J-86 J-87 50.1 45.5 3.4 HDPE 0.5 2.961 0.00296 0.148 92.8 110
P-93 J-87 J-88 36.8 33.5 1.9 HDPE 0.59 6.464 0.00646 0.238 63.1 75
P-94 J-88 J-89 25.3 23.0 0.2 HDPE 0.07 0.11 0.00011 0.003 63.1 75
P-95 J-89 J-90 38.1 34.6 0.0 HDPE 0.01 0.006 0.00001 0.000 63.1 75
P-96 J-89 J-91 2.1 1.9 0.1 HDPE 0.03 0.036 0.00004 0.000 63.1 75
P-97 J-91 J-92 18.8 17.1 1.6 HDPE 0.51 4.976 0.00498 0.093 63.1 75
P-98 J-92 J-93 26.9 24.4 0.7 HDPE 0.23 1.123 0.00112 0.030 63.1 75
P-99 J-93 J-94 48.0 43.7 0.1 HDPE 0.02 0.009 0.00001 0.000 63.1 75
P-100 J-93 J-95 20.9 19.0 0.6 HDPE 0.18 0.72 0.00072 0.015 63.1 75
P-101 J-95 J-96 34.2 31.1 0.0 HDPE 0.01 0.004 0.00000 0.000 63.1 75
P-102 J-95 J-97 37.9 34.5 0.4 HDPE 0.14 0.435 0.00044 0.016 63.1 75
P-103 J-92 J-98 52.9 48.1 0.8 HDPE 0.25 1.314 0.00131 0.069 63.1 75
P-104 J-91 J-99 37.6 34.1 -1.6 HDPE 0.5 4.789 0.00479 0.180 63.1 75
P-105 J-99 J-87 16.0 14.6 -1.4 HDPE 0.44 3.797 0.00380 0.061 63.1 75
P-106 J-99 J-100 71.6 65.1 -0.3 HDPE 0.1 0.249 0.00025 0.018 63.1 75
P-107 J-100 J-101 8.3 7.5 -0.2 HDPE 0.08 0.144 0.00014 0.001 63.1 75
P-108 J-101 J-102 63.3 57.6 -0.5 HDPE 0.16 0.591 0.00059 0.037 63.1 75
P-109 J-102 J-85 21.8 19.8 -0.6 HDPE 0.19 0.799 0.00080 0.017 63.1 75
P-110 J-101 J-100 13.3 12.1 0.2 HDPE 0.06 0.089 0.00009 0.001 63.1 75
P-111 J-88 J-103 9.2 8.4 1.6 HDPE 0.5 4.768 0.00477 0.044 63.1 75
P-112 J-103 J-104 23.8 21.6 0.0 HDPE 0.01 0.002 0.00000 0.000 63.1 75
P-113 J-103 J-105 54.3 49.3 1.5 HDPE 0.46 4.121 0.00412 0.224 63.1 75
P-114 J-105 J-106 43.9 39.9 0.8 HDPE 0.25 1.268 0.00127 0.056 63.1 75
P-115 J-106 J-107 28.1 25.6 0.0 HDPE 0.01 0.003 0.00000 0.000 63.1 75
P-116 J-105 J-108 16.5 15.0 0.6 HDPE 0.18 0.709 0.00071 0.012 63.1 75
P-117 J-108 J-98 77.0 70.0 -0.8 HDPE 0.27 1.474 0.00147 0.114 63.1 75
P-118 J-98 J-97 51.1 46.5 -0.2 HDPE 0.08 0.151 0.00015 0.008 63.1 75
P-119 J-97 J-109 43.6 39.7 0.0 HDPE 0.01 0.007 0.00001 0.000 63.1 75
P-120 J-108 J-110 57.7 52.4 0.1 HDPE 0.02 0.012 0.00001 0.001 63.1 75

Consultant:-DRA Consultants Pvt. Ltd., Nagpur 174

Detailed Project Report on “Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme”

Design of Water Supply Distribution for Zone - E1

P-121 J-108 J-111 37.5 34.1 1.1 HDPE 0.36 2.602 0.00260 0.098 63.1 75
P-122 J-111 J-106 69.5 63.2 -0.6 HDPE 0.19 0.772 0.00077 0.054 63.1 75
P-123 J-111 J-112 25.5 23.2 1.6 HDPE 0.51 4.817 0.00482 0.123 63.1 75
P-124 J-112 J-113 60.5 55.0 1.5 HDPE 0.48 4.311 0.00431 0.261 63.1 75
P-125 J-113 J-114 78.1 71.0 0.1 HDPE 0.03 0.021 0.00002 0.002 63.1 75
P-126 J-113 J-115 590.3 536.7 0.6 HDPE 0.2 0.874 0.00087 0.516 63.1 75
P-127 J-72 J-116 54.8 49.8 1.4 HDPE 0.46 3.972 0.00397 0.218 63.1 75
P-128 J-116 J-117 41.2 37.4 0.4 HDPE 0.13 0.371 0.00037 0.015 63.1 75
P-129 J-117 J-118 39.0 35.5 -1.1 HDPE 0.34 2.337 0.00234 0.091 63.1 75
P-130 J-118 J-72 43.3 39.3 -1.3 HDPE 0.41 3.272 0.00327 0.142 63.1 75
P-131 J-118 J-119 58.8 53.4 0.1 HDPE 0.02 0.012 0.00001 0.001 63.1 75
P-132 J-117 J-120 76.5 69.5 0.1 HDPE 0.03 0.02 0.00002 0.002 63.1 75
P-133 J-117 J-121 20.3 18.4 1.2 HDPE 0.38 2.874 0.00287 0.058 63.1 75
P-134 J-121 J-122 89.0 80.9 0.6 HDPE 0.19 0.787 0.00079 0.070 63.1 75
P-135 J-122 J-123 24.1 21.9 0.5 HDPE 0.15 0.519 0.00052 0.013 63.1 75
P-136 J-123 J-124 16.3 14.8 0.0 HDPE 0.01 0 0.00000 0.000 63.1 75
P-137 J-123 J-125 42.3 38.5 0.4 HDPE 0.12 0.324 0.00032 0.014 63.1 75
P-138 J-125 J-126 36.7 33.3 0.1 HDPE 0.03 0.029 0.00003 0.001 63.1 75
P-139 J-126 J-127 19.3 17.5 0.0 HDPE 0.01 0.006 0.00001 0.000 63.1 75
P-140 J-127 J-125 12.7 11.6 -0.2 HDPE 0.05 0.076 0.00008 0.001 63.1 75
P-141 J-126 J-128 15.4 14.0 0.1 HDPE 0.02 0.014 0.00001 0.000 63.1 75
P-142 J-128 J-129 16.9 15.3 0.0 HDPE 0.01 0 0.00000 0.000 63.1 75
P-143 J-129 J-127 17.1 15.6 -0.1 HDPE 0.02 0.02 0.00002 0.000 63.1 75
P-144 J-128 J-130 27.6 25.1 0.0 HDPE 0.01 0 0.00000 0.000 63.1 75
P-145 J-130 J-131 25.0 22.8 0.0 HDPE 0 0 0.00000 0.000 63.1 75
P-146 J-131 J-129 5.2 4.8 0.0 HDPE 0.01 0 0.00000 0.000 63.1 75
P-147 J-130 J-132 77.3 70.3 -0.1 HDPE 0.04 0.05 0.00005 0.004 63.1 75
P-148 J-132 J-133 60.5 55.0 -0.2 HDPE 0.07 0.108 0.00011 0.007 63.1 75
P-149 J-133 J-134 3.9 3.6 -0.3 HDPE 0.09 0.181 0.00018 0.001 63.1 75
P-150 J-134 J-135 91.5 83.2 -0.5 HDPE 0.15 0.539 0.00054 0.049 63.1 75
P-151 J-135 J-136 6.9 6.3 -1.2 HDPE 0.38 2.895 0.00290 0.020 63.1 75
P-152 J-136 J-121 37.2 33.8 -0.4 HDPE 0.14 0.461 0.00046 0.017 63.1 75

Consultant:-DRA Consultants Pvt. Ltd., Nagpur 175

Detailed Project Report on “Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme”

Design of Water Supply Distribution for Zone - E1

P-153 J-134 J-137 52.1 47.4 0.1 HDPE 0.02 0.01 0.00001 0.001 63.1 75
P-154 J-116 J-136 57.6 52.3 0.9 HDPE 0.28 1.577 0.00158 0.091 63.1 75
P-155 J-135 J-138 63.8 58.0 0.5 HDPE 0.17 0.67 0.00067 0.043 63.1 75
P-156 J-138 J-139 47.1 42.9 0.1 HDPE 0.02 0.008 0.00001 0.000 63.1 75
P-157 J-138 J-132 57.0 51.9 0.3 HDPE 0.1 0.243 0.00024 0.014 63.1 75
P-158 J-132 J-140 83.1 75.5 0.1 HDPE 0.03 0.023 0.00002 0.002 63.1 75
P-159 J-3 J-141 116.1 105.6 4.9 HDPE 0.45 1.862 0.00186 0.216 118.1 140
P-160 J-141 J-142 91.1 82.8 4.7 HDPE 0.7 5.536 0.00554 0.504 92.8 110
P-161 J-142 J-143 124.1 112.8 1.8 HDPE 0.57 5.926 0.00593 0.735 63.1 75
P-162 J-143 J-144 37.0 33.6 0.0 HDPE 0.01 0.005 0.00001 0.000 63.1 75
P-163 J-143 J-145 16.0 14.6 1.5 HDPE 0.49 4.588 0.00459 0.074 63.1 75
P-164 J-145 J-146 20.0 18.2 0.5 HDPE 0.17 0.617 0.00062 0.012 63.1 75
P-165 J-146 J-147 29.9 27.2 0.0 HDPE 0.01 0.004 0.00000 0.000 63.1 75
P-166 J-146 J-148 25.1 22.8 0.4 HDPE 0.13 0.395 0.00040 0.010 63.1 75
P-167 J-148 J-149 23.1 21.0 0.0 HDPE 0.01 0.002 0.00000 0.000 63.1 75
P-168 J-148 J-150 49.0 44.5 0.3 HDPE 0.09 0.204 0.00020 0.010 63.1 75
P-169 J-150 J-151 48.4 44.0 0.1 HDPE 0.02 0.008 0.00001 0.000 63.1 75
P-170 J-145 J-152 6.3 5.7 1.0 HDPE 0.31 1.965 0.00197 0.012 63.1 75
P-171 J-152 J-153 20.2 18.3 0.5 HDPE 0.15 0.478 0.00048 0.010 63.1 75
P-172 J-153 J-148 29.9 27.1 0.0 HDPE 0.01 0.005 0.00001 0.000 63.1 75
P-173 J-153 J-154 37.2 33.8 0.3 HDPE 0.1 0.256 0.00026 0.010 63.1 75
P-174 J-154 J-155 34.5 31.4 0.1 HDPE 0.04 0.039 0.00004 0.001 63.1 75
P-175 J-155 J-156 15.8 14.4 0.0 HDPE 0 0 0.00000 0.000 63.1 75
P-176 J-156 J-157 36.2 32.9 0.0 HDPE 0.01 0.005 0.00001 0.000 63.1 75
P-177 J-156 J-150 21.0 19.1 -0.1 HDPE 0.03 0.034 0.00003 0.001 63.1 75
P-178 J-152 J-158 34.1 31.0 0.5 HDPE 0.15 0.479 0.00048 0.016 63.1 75
P-179 J-158 J-159 19.2 17.4 0.2 HDPE 0.06 0.091 0.00009 0.002 63.1 75
P-180 J-159 J-160 22.7 20.6 0.1 HDPE 0.05 0.054 0.00005 0.001 63.1 75
P-181 J-160 J-158 38.5 35.0 -0.2 HDPE 0.05 0.077 0.00008 0.003 63.1 75
P-182 J-160 J-161 22.9 20.8 0.1 HDPE 0.03 0.031 0.00003 0.001 63.1 75
P-183 J-161 J-154 36.7 33.4 -0.1 HDPE 0.03 0.023 0.00002 0.001 63.1 75
P-184 J-161 J-162 35.1 31.9 0.1 HDPE 0.02 0.015 0.00002 0.001 63.1 75

Consultant:-DRA Consultants Pvt. Ltd., Nagpur 176

Detailed Project Report on “Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme”

Design of Water Supply Distribution for Zone - E1

P-185 J-162 J-155 41.8 38.0 0.0 HDPE 0 0.001 0.00000 0.000 63.1 75
P-186 J-160 J-163 43.5 39.6 0.1 HDPE 0.02 0.016 0.00002 0.001 63.1 75
P-187 J-163 J-161 23.6 21.4 0.0 HDPE 0 0 0.00000 0.000 63.1 75
P-188 J-142 J-164 21.3 19.4 2.7 HDPE 0.59 5.242 0.00524 0.112 75.8 90
P-189 J-164 J-165 89.2 81.1 0.1 HDPE 0.03 0.026 0.00003 0.002 63.1 75
P-190 J-164 J-166 68.1 61.9 2.4 HDPE 0.53 4.255 0.00426 0.290 75.8 90
P-191 J-166 J-167 12.5 11.4 1.3 HDPE 0.41 3.25 0.00325 0.041 63.1 75
P-192 J-167 J-168 49.4 44.9 0.1 HDPE 0.02 0.008 0.00001 0.000 63.1 75
P-193 J-166 J-169 17.9 16.3 1.0 HDPE 0.32 2.109 0.00211 0.038 63.1 75
P-194 J-169 J-170 13.5 12.2 0.3 HDPE 0.08 0.169 0.00017 0.002 63.1 75
P-195 J-170 J-171 9.1 8.2 0.0 HDPE 0 0 0.00000 0.000 63.1 75
P-196 J-170 J-172 23.1 21.0 0.2 HDPE 0.06 0.103 0.00010 0.002 63.1 75
P-197 J-172 J-173 59.9 54.5 0.1 HDPE 0.02 0.013 0.00001 0.001 63.1 75
P-198 J-172 J-174 22.4 20.4 0.0 HDPE 0.01 0.003 0.00000 0.000 63.1 75
P-199 J-169 J-175 28.9 26.3 0.7 HDPE 0.22 1.035 0.00104 0.030 63.1 75
P-200 J-175 J-176 13.3 12.1 0.5 HDPE 0.17 0.667 0.00067 0.009 63.1 75
P-201 J-176 J-167 13.5 12.3 -1.1 HDPE 0.37 2.65 0.00265 0.036 63.1 75
P-202 J-175 J-177 47.5 43.2 0.1 HDPE 0.02 0.009 0.00001 0.000 63.1 75
P-203 J-176 J-178 26.2 23.8 1.6 HDPE 0.52 5.106 0.00511 0.134 63.1 75
P-204 J-178 J-179 84.5 76.8 0.7 HDPE 0.23 1.121 0.00112 0.095 63.1 75
P-205 J-179 J-180 92.7 84.3 0.1 HDPE 0.03 0.028 0.00003 0.003 63.1 75
P-206 J-179 J-181 47.2 42.9 0.4 HDPE 0.12 0.346 0.00035 0.016 63.1 75
P-207 J-181 J-182 29.4 26.7 0.3 HDPE 0.09 0.21 0.00021 0.006 63.1 75
P-208 J-182 J-183 45.5 41.3 0.0 HDPE 0.02 0.008 0.00001 0.000 63.1 75
P-209 J-182 J-184 76.5 69.5 0.1 HDPE 0.03 0.02 0.00002 0.002 63.1 75
P-210 J-178 J-185 65.5 59.6 0.7 HDPE 0.23 1.135 0.00114 0.074 63.1 75
P-211 J-185 J-186 63.3 57.6 0.1 HDPE 0.02 0.014 0.00001 0.001 63.1 75
P-212 J-185 J-187 81.5 74.1 0.4 HDPE 0.14 0.437 0.00044 0.036 63.1 75
P-213 J-187 J-181 71.8 65.2 0.1 HDPE 0.02 0.014 0.00001 0.001 63.1 75
P-214 J-187 J-188 94.5 85.9 0.1 HDPE 0.03 0.03 0.00003 0.003 63.1 75
P-215 J-1 J-189 117.7 107.0 13.4 HDPE 0.74 3.516 0.00352 0.414 151.9 180
P-216 J-189 J-190 90.0 81.8 0.1 HDPE 0.03 0.027 0.00003 0.002 63.1 75

Consultant:-DRA Consultants Pvt. Ltd., Nagpur 177

Detailed Project Report on “Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme”

Design of Water Supply Distribution for Zone - E1

P-217 J-189 J-191 8.1 7.4 13.1 HDPE 0.72 3.362 0.00336 0.027 151.9 180
P-218 J-191 J-192 15.7 14.3 2.1 HDPE 0.46 3.257 0.00326 0.051 75.8 90
P-219 J-192 J-193 67.5 61.4 0.2 HDPE 0.06 0.101 0.00010 0.007 63.1 75
P-220 J-193 J-194 11.9 10.8 0.0 HDPE 0 0 0.00000 0.000 63.1 75
P-221 J-193 J-195 46.3 42.1 0.0 HDPE 0.02 0.007 0.00001 0.000 63.1 75
P-222 J-192 J-196 95.4 86.7 1.7 HDPE 0.54 5.43 0.00543 0.518 63.1 75
P-223 J-196 J-197 27.1 24.7 0.8 HDPE 0.25 1.294 0.00129 0.035 63.1 75
P-224 J-197 J-198 12.4 11.3 0.3 HDPE 0.11 0.276 0.00028 0.003 63.1 75
P-225 J-198 J-199 44.2 40.2 0.0 HDPE 0.02 0.008 0.00001 0.000 63.1 75
P-226 J-198 J-200 108.3 98.5 0.1 HDPE 0.04 0.038 0.00004 0.004 63.1 75
P-227 J-197 J-201 108.8 98.9 0.3 HDPE 0.09 0.196 0.00020 0.021 63.1 75
P-228 J-196 J-202 21.6 19.6 0.8 HDPE 0.24 1.228 0.00123 0.027 63.1 75
P-229 J-202 J-203 41.8 38.0 0.0 HDPE 0.01 0.007 0.00001 0.000 63.1 75
P-230 J-202 J-204 33.0 30.0 0.6 HDPE 0.19 0.822 0.00082 0.027 63.1 75
P-231 J-204 J-205 16.9 15.4 0.3 HDPE 0.11 0.288 0.00029 0.005 63.1 75
P-232 J-205 J-206 54.9 49.9 0.1 HDPE 0.02 0.011 0.00001 0.001 63.1 75
P-233 J-205 J-207 98.5 89.6 0.1 HDPE 0.03 0.032 0.00003 0.003 63.1 75
P-234 J-204 J-201 34.6 31.5 0.2 HDPE 0.06 0.081 0.00008 0.003 63.1 75
P-235 J-201 J-208 141.4 128.5 0.2 HDPE 0.05 0.062 0.00006 0.009 63.1 75
P-236 J-191 J-209 7.7 7.0 11.0 HDPE 0.77 4.313 0.00431 0.033 135 160
P-237 J-209 J-210 98.4 89.4 0.1 HDPE 0.03 0.032 0.00003 0.003 63.1 75
P-238 J-209 J-211 24.0 21.8 10.8 HDPE 0.75 4.141 0.00414 0.099 135 160
P-239 J-211 J-212 105.7 96.1 0.1 HDPE 0.04 0.036 0.00004 0.004 63.1 75
P-240 J-211 J-213 23.1 21.0 10.5 HDPE 0.73 3.947 0.00395 0.091 135 160
P-241 J-213 J-214 100.2 91.1 0.1 HDPE 0.03 0.033 0.00003 0.003 63.1 75
P-242 J-213 J-215 23.4 21.2 10.2 HDPE 0.71 3.764 0.00376 0.088 135 160
P-243 J-215 J-216 85.6 77.9 0.1 HDPE 0.03 0.025 0.00003 0.002 63.1 75
P-244 J-215 J-217 25.4 23.1 10.0 HDPE 0.7 3.607 0.00361 0.092 135 160
P-245 J-217 J-218 90.3 82.1 0.1 HDPE 0.03 0.027 0.00003 0.002 63.1 75
P-246 J-217 J-219 23.0 20.9 9.8 HDPE 0.68 3.447 0.00345 0.079 135 160
P-247 J-219 J-220 61.1 55.5 0.1 HDPE 0.02 0.013 0.00001 0.001 63.1 75
P-248 J-219 J-221 22.3 20.3 9.6 HDPE 0.67 3.328 0.00333 0.074 135 160

Consultant:-DRA Consultants Pvt. Ltd., Nagpur 178

Detailed Project Report on “Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme”

Design of Water Supply Distribution for Zone - E1

P-249 J-221 J-222 47.7 43.4 0.1 HDPE 0.02 0.009 0.00001 0.000 63.1 75
P-250 J-221 J-223 29.7 27.0 9.4 HDPE 0.66 3.23 0.00323 0.096 135 160
P-251 J-223 J-224 158.2 143.8 3.5 HDPE 0.52 3.252 0.00325 0.514 92.8 110
P-252 J-224 J-225 24.3 22.1 0.0 HDPE 0.01 0.002 0.00000 0.000 63.1 75
P-253 J-224 J-226 21.4 19.4 3.3 HDPE 0.49 2.848 0.00285 0.061 92.8 110
P-254 J-226 J-227 46.8 42.5 1.5 HDPE 0.48 4.439 0.00444 0.208 63.1 75
P-255 J-227 J-228 19.2 17.5 0.0 HDPE 0.01 0.002 0.00000 0.000 63.1 75
P-256 J-227 J-229 36.4 33.1 0.6 HDPE 0.19 0.783 0.00078 0.028 63.1 75
P-257 J-226 J-230 38.5 35.0 1.7 HDPE 0.53 5.258 0.00526 0.202 63.1 75
P-258 J-230 J-229 45.0 40.9 0.6 HDPE 0.19 0.75 0.00075 0.034 63.1 75
P-259 J-230 J-231 16.6 15.1 1.0 HDPE 0.31 1.956 0.00196 0.032 63.1 75
P-260 J-231 J-232 44.8 40.8 0.3 HDPE 0.11 0.262 0.00026 0.012 63.1 75
P-261 J-232 J-229 16.8 15.3 -0.5 HDPE 0.17 0.619 0.00062 0.010 63.1 75
P-262 J-232 J-233 20.4 18.6 0.3 HDPE 0.11 0.286 0.00029 0.006 63.1 75
P-263 J-233 J-234 44.4 40.3 -0.1 HDPE 0.04 0.044 0.00004 0.002 63.1 75
P-264 J-234 J-231 22.8 20.7 -0.6 HDPE 0.18 0.688 0.00069 0.016 63.1 75
P-265 J-234 J-235 167.9 152.6 0.2 HDPE 0.06 0.085 0.00009 0.014 63.1 75
P-266 J-233 J-236 41.4 37.7 0.4 HDPE 0.11 0.302 0.00030 0.013 63.1 75
P-267 J-236 J-237 267.0 242.7 0.3 HDPE 0.09 0.201 0.00020 0.054 63.1 75
P-268 J-236 J-238 21.3 19.3 -0.3 HDPE 0.09 0.198 0.00020 0.004 63.1 75
P-269 J-238 J-232 42.4 38.6 -0.4 HDPE 0.12 0.333 0.00033 0.014 63.1 75
P-270 J-238 J-239 18.5 16.9 0.0 HDPE 0 0 0.00000 0.000 63.1 75
P-271 J-239 J-229 43.0 39.1 -0.5 HDPE 0.16 0.571 0.00057 0.025 63.1 75
P-272 J-239 J-240 31.3 28.5 0.4 HDPE 0.13 0.363 0.00036 0.011 63.1 75
P-273 J-240 J-241 28.4 25.8 0.0 HDPE 0.01 0.004 0.00000 0.000 63.1 75
P-274 J-240 J-242 54.6 49.7 0.2 HDPE 0.08 0.146 0.00015 0.008 63.1 75
P-275 J-242 J-243 71.3 64.8 0.2 HDPE 0.08 0.156 0.00016 0.011 63.1 75
P-276 J-243 J-244 28.6 26.0 0.0 HDPE 0.01 0.004 0.00000 0.000 63.1 75
P-277 J-243 J-245 52.3 47.6 0.1 HDPE 0.02 0.01 0.00001 0.001 63.1 75
P-278 J-239 J-246 35.0 31.8 0.0 HDPE 0.01 0.001 0.00000 0.000 63.1 75
P-279 J-246 J-227 44.6 40.5 -0.7 HDPE 0.24 1.189 0.00119 0.053 63.1 75
P-280 J-246 J-247 19.7 18.0 0.6 HDPE 0.2 0.835 0.00084 0.016 63.1 75

Consultant:-DRA Consultants Pvt. Ltd., Nagpur 179

Detailed Project Report on “Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme”

Design of Water Supply Distribution for Zone - E1

P-281 J-247 J-242 33.7 30.6 0.2 HDPE 0.06 0.086 0.00009 0.003 63.1 75
P-282 J-247 J-248 177.5 161.4 0.2 HDPE 0.06 0.095 0.00010 0.017 63.1 75
P-283 J-223 J-249 65.3 59.3 5.6 HDPE 0.51 2.381 0.00238 0.155 118.1 140
P-284 J-249 J-250 84.7 77.0 1.3 HDPE 0.4 3.133 0.00313 0.265 63.1 75
P-285 J-250 J-251 28.3 25.8 0.5 HDPE 0.17 0.641 0.00064 0.018 63.1 75
P-286 J-251 J-252 47.9 43.5 0.1 HDPE 0.02 0.009 0.00001 0.000 63.1 75
P-287 J-251 J-253 75.2 68.3 0.3 HDPE 0.1 0.25 0.00025 0.019 63.1 75
P-288 J-253 J-250 55.8 50.7 -0.5 HDPE 0.17 0.662 0.00066 0.037 63.1 75
P-289 J-253 J-254 13.7 12.4 0.7 HDPE 0.23 1.083 0.00108 0.015 63.1 75
P-290 J-254 J-255 30.1 27.3 0.0 HDPE 0.01 0.004 0.00000 0.000 63.1 75
P-291 J-254 J-256 23.6 21.4 0.6 HDPE 0.19 0.809 0.00081 0.019 63.1 75
P-292 J-256 J-257 86.3 78.4 0.1 HDPE 0.03 0.025 0.00003 0.002 63.1 75
P-293 J-256 J-258 69.0 62.7 0.1 HDPE 0.02 0.016 0.00002 0.001 63.1 75
P-294 J-256 J-259 50.2 45.6 0.2 HDPE 0.06 0.099 0.00010 0.005 63.1 75
P-295 J-259 J-260 25.6 23.3 0.0 HDPE 0.01 0.003 0.00000 0.000 63.1 75
P-296 J-259 J-261 40.1 36.5 0.0 HDPE 0.01 0.006 0.00001 0.000 63.1 75
P-297 J-249 J-262 67.1 61.0 4.1 HDPE 0.61 4.366 0.00437 0.293 92.8 110
P-298 J-262 J-263 105.5 95.9 4.0 HDPE 0.58 4.014 0.00401 0.423 92.8 110
P-299 J-263 J-264 30.3 27.6 2.2 HDPE 0.49 3.718 0.00372 0.113 75.8 90
P-300 J-264 J-265 45.7 41.6 1.1 HDPE 0.35 2.479 0.00248 0.113 63.1 75
P-301 J-265 J-266 113.2 102.9 0.5 HDPE 0.15 0.48 0.00048 0.054 63.1 75
P-302 J-266 J-267 41.5 37.7 0.0 HDPE 0.01 0.007 0.00001 0.000 63.1 75
P-303 J-266 J-268 25.1 22.8 0.2 HDPE 0.07 0.126 0.00013 0.003 63.1 75
P-304 J-268 J-269 33.7 30.6 0.0 HDPE 0.01 0.003 0.00000 0.000 63.1 75
P-305 J-268 J-270 56.9 51.7 0.1 HDPE 0.02 0.011 0.00001 0.001 63.1 75
P-306 J-264 J-271 56.0 50.9 1.0 HDPE 0.31 1.992 0.00199 0.112 63.1 75
P-307 J-271 J-272 35.0 31.8 0.0 HDPE 0.01 0.005 0.00001 0.000 63.1 75
P-308 J-271 J-265 36.6 33.2 0.1 HDPE 0.04 0.05 0.00005 0.002 63.1 75
P-309 J-265 J-273 62.6 56.9 0.5 HDPE 0.16 0.586 0.00059 0.037 63.1 75
P-310 J-273 J-274 139.0 126.4 0.1 HDPE 0.05 0.06 0.00006 0.008 63.1 75
P-311 J-271 J-275 29.1 26.4 0.6 HDPE 0.21 0.914 0.00091 0.027 63.1 75
P-312 J-275 J-276 23.2 21.1 0.2 HDPE 0.06 0.106 0.00011 0.002 63.1 75

Consultant:-DRA Consultants Pvt. Ltd., Nagpur 180

Detailed Project Report on “Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme”

Design of Water Supply Distribution for Zone - E1

P-313 J-276 J-277 20.1 18.3 0.0 HDPE 0.01 0.002 0.00000 0.000 63.1 75
P-314 J-276 J-278 62.9 57.2 0.1 HDPE 0.02 0.014 0.00001 0.001 63.1 75
P-315 J-275 J-279 48.0 43.6 0.3 HDPE 0.11 0.274 0.00027 0.013 63.1 75
P-316 J-279 J-273 43.8 39.9 -0.1 HDPE 0.03 0.028 0.00003 0.001 63.1 75
P-317 J-279 J-280 63.9 58.1 0.3 HDPE 0.09 0.179 0.00018 0.011 63.1 75
P-318 J-280 J-281 53.2 48.3 0.1 HDPE 0.02 0.01 0.00001 0.001 63.1 75
P-319 J-280 J-282 40.2 36.5 0.0 HDPE 0.01 0.006 0.00001 0.000 63.1 75
P-320 J-263 J-283 192.4 174.9 1.4 HDPE 0.44 3.719 0.00372 0.715 63.1 75
P-321 J-283 J-284 40.4 36.7 0.5 HDPE 0.16 0.547 0.00055 0.022 63.1 75
P-322 J-284 J-285 17.4 15.8 0.2 HDPE 0.08 0.15 0.00015 0.003 63.1 75
P-323 J-285 J-286 11.3 10.3 0.0 HDPE 0 0 0.00000 0.000 63.1 75
P-324 J-283 J-287 5.9 5.4 0.6 HDPE 0.2 0.877 0.00088 0.005 63.1 75
P-325 J-287 J-288 49.4 44.9 0.1 HDPE 0.02 0.009 0.00001 0.000 63.1 75
P-326 J-287 J-289 32.3 29.4 0.5 HDPE 0.16 0.541 0.00054 0.017 63.1 75
P-327 J-289 J-290 28.6 26.0 0.1 HDPE 0.04 0.051 0.00005 0.001 63.1 75
P-328 J-290 J-284 32.2 29.3 -0.2 HDPE 0.05 0.062 0.00006 0.002 63.1 75
P-329 J-289 J-291 22.2 20.1 0.3 HDPE 0.08 0.175 0.00018 0.004 63.1 75
P-330 J-291 J-292 29.2 26.5 0.0 HDPE 0.01 0.001 0.00000 0.000 63.1 75
P-331 J-292 J-290 24.9 22.6 -0.2 HDPE 0.06 0.099 0.00010 0.002 63.1 75
P-332 J-291 J-293 74.8 68.0 0.1 HDPE 0.04 0.034 0.00003 0.003 63.1 75
P-333 J-293 J-294 28.5 25.9 -0.1 HDPE 0.04 0.047 0.00005 0.001 63.1 75
P-334 J-294 J-292 26.8 24.4 -0.1 HDPE 0.04 0.044 0.00004 0.001 63.1 75
P-335 J-294 J-285 64.6 58.7 -0.1 HDPE 0.04 0.047 0.00005 0.003 63.1 75
P-336 J-293 J-295 60.3 54.8 0.1 HDPE 0.02 0.013 0.00001 0.001 63.1 75
P-337 J-38 J-296 31.7 28.8 0.0 HDPE 0.01 0.004 0.00000 0.000 63.1 75
P-338 J-78 J-297 77.5 70.5 0.1 HDPE 0.02 0.021 0.00002 0.002 63.1 75

Consultant:-DRA Consultants Pvt. Ltd., Nagpur 181

Detailed Project Report on “Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme”

Design of Water Supply Distribution for Zone - E-2

Zone Name F Capacity of OHT / GSR (KL) 700
No. of Outlets 1 Ground Level (m) 350.4
Resi. Head at Consumer Tap 7M Lower Supply Level (m) 368.4
Residual Head at Ferrule Point 10 M Full Tank Level (m) 373.4
Zonal Population 4192 Pipe Material & Pressure Class HDPE HDPE PE100 PN 10
Ward Covered 8,9 C Value of Pipe Material 145 145
Rate of Outer
Design True Design Pipe Velocity Head Total Design Dia
Label From To Head Loss Dia
Length (m) Length Flow (L/s) Mat. (m/s) Loss (m) Loss (m) (mm)
(m/km) (mm)
P-198 R-1 J-471a 267.4 243.1 21.3 HDPE 0.61 1.668 0.00167 0.446 211 250
P-199 J-471a J-471 173.7 157.9 21.3 HDPE 0.61 1.668 0.00167 0.290 211 250
P-339 J-298 J-299 125.0 113.6 -0.1 HDPE 0.03 0.025 0.00003 0.003 63.1 75
P-340 J-299 J-300 107.9 98.1 1.2 HDPE 0.38 2.798 0.00280 0.302 63.1 75
P-341 J-300 J-301 55.2 50.1 0.2 HDPE 0.05 0.076 0.00008 0.004 63.1 75
P-342 J-301 J-302 10.3 9.3 0.0 HDPE 0 0 0.00000 0.000 63.1 75
P-343 J-301 J-303 71.7 65.2 0.1 HDPE 0.03 0.027 0.00003 0.002 63.1 75
P-344 J-303 J-304 32.1 29.2 0.0 HDPE 0.01 0.001 0.00000 0.000 63.1 75
P-345 J-303 J-305 30.7 27.9 0.0 HDPE 0 0.001 0.00000 0.000 63.1 75
P-346 J-300 J-306 53.6 48.7 0.0 HDPE 0.01 0.002 0.00000 0.000 63.1 75
P-347 J-300 J-307 33.5 30.5 0.9 HDPE 0.28 1.57 0.00157 0.053 63.1 75
P-348 J-307 J-308 51.8 47.1 0.0 HDPE 0.01 0.002 0.00000 0.000 63.1 75
P-349 J-307 J-309 54.9 49.9 0.0 HDPE 0.01 0.002 0.00000 0.000 63.1 75
P-350 J-307 J-310 34.7 31.5 0.7 HDPE 0.23 1.139 0.00114 0.039 63.1 75
P-351 J-310 J-311 158.0 143.6 0.1 HDPE 0.02 0.018 0.00002 0.003 63.1 75
P-352 J-310 J-312 52.3 47.5 0.0 HDPE 0.01 0.003 0.00000 0.000 63.1 75
P-353 J-310 J-313 18.3 16.7 0.5 HDPE 0.16 0.562 0.00056 0.010 63.1 75
P-354 J-313 J-314 199.9 181.7 0.1 HDPE 0.03 0.028 0.00003 0.006 63.1 75
P-355 J-313 J-315 14.2 12.9 0.3 HDPE 0.09 0.201 0.00020 0.003 63.1 75
P-356 J-315 J-316 32.8 29.8 0.0 HDPE 0.01 0.001 0.00000 0.000 63.1 75
P-357 J-315 J-317 8.8 8.0 0.2 HDPE 0.08 0.152 0.00015 0.001 63.1 75
P-358 J-317 J-318 24.7 22.4 0.0 HDPE 0 0 0.00000 0.000 63.1 75
P-359 J-317 J-319 60.5 55.0 0.2 HDPE 0.06 0.089 0.00009 0.005 63.1 75
P-360 J-319 J-320 40.2 36.6 0.0 HDPE 0.01 0.002 0.00000 0.000 63.1 75

Consultant:-DRA Consultants Pvt. Ltd., Nagpur 182

Detailed Project Report on “Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme”

Design of Water Supply Distribution for Zone - E-2

P-361 J-319 J-321 40.0 36.3 0.1 HDPE 0.03 0.027 0.00003 0.001 63.1 75
P-362 J-321 J-322 26.2 23.8 0.0 HDPE 0 0.001 0.00000 0.000 63.1 75
P-363 J-321 J-323 52.4 47.6 0.0 HDPE 0.01 0.003 0.00000 0.000 63.1 75
P-364 J-299 J-324 34.5 31.3 -1.4 HDPE 0.45 3.857 0.00386 0.133 63.1 75
P-365 J-324 J-325 100.7 91.5 0.0 HDPE 0.02 0.008 0.00001 0.001 63.1 75
P-366 J-324 J-326 79.9 72.6 -1.6 HDPE 0.5 4.676 0.00468 0.373 63.1 75
P-367 J-326 J-327 117.0 106.4 0.1 HDPE 0.02 0.01 0.00001 0.001 63.1 75
P-368 J-326 J-328 8.4 7.7 -1.7 HDPE 0.55 5.587 0.00559 0.047 63.1 75
P-369 J-328 J-329 44.9 40.9 0.0 HDPE 0.01 0.002 0.00000 0.000 63.1 75
P-370 J-328 J-330 124.6 113.2 -1.8 HDPE 0.58 6.261 0.00626 0.780 63.1 75
P-371 J-330 J-331 35.2 32.0 0.3 HDPE 0.1 0.237 0.00024 0.008 63.1 75
P-372 J-331 J-332 66.3 60.3 0.0 HDPE 0.01 0.003 0.00000 0.000 63.1 75
P-373 J-331 J-333 25.9 23.5 0.2 HDPE 0.07 0.121 0.00012 0.003 63.1 75
P-374 J-333 J-334 114.7 104.2 0.1 HDPE 0.02 0.01 0.00001 0.001 63.1 75
P-375 J-333 J-335 94.1 85.5 0.0 HDPE 0.01 0.007 0.00001 0.001 63.1 75
P-376 J-330 J-336 108.4 98.5 -2.3 HDPE 0.5 3.829 0.00383 0.415 75.8 90
P-377 J-336 J-337 48.7 44.2 0.0 HDPE 0.01 0.002 0.00000 0.000 63.1 75
P-378 J-336 J-338 152.0 138.2 -2.4 HDPE 0.54 4.392 0.00439 0.667 75.8 90
P-379 J-338 J-339 90.9 82.6 -7.9 HDPE 0.55 2.338 0.00234 0.213 135 160
P-380 J-339 J-340 39.0 35.5 0.0 HDPE 0.01 0.002 0.00000 0.000 63.1 75
P-381 J-339 J-341 97.8 88.9 0.0 HDPE 0.02 0.007 0.00001 0.001 63.1 75
P-382 J-339 J-342 174.2 158.4 -8.2 HDPE 0.57 2.484 0.00248 0.433 135 160
P-383 J-342 J-343 50.9 46.3 0.0 HDPE 0.01 0.002 0.00000 0.000 63.1 75
P-384 J-342 J-344 8.8 8.0 -8.3 HDPE 0.58 2.564 0.00256 0.023 135 160
P-385 J-344 J-345 46.8 42.5 0.0 HDPE 0.01 0.002 0.00000 0.000 63.1 75
P-386 J-344 J-346 20.3 18.5 -8.4 HDPE 0.58 2.596 0.00260 0.053 135 160
P-387 J-346 J-347 171.8 156.2 0.1 HDPE 0.03 0.021 0.00002 0.004 63.1 75
P-388 J-346 J-348 53.9 49.0 -8.6 HDPE 0.6 2.715 0.00272 0.146 135 160
P-389 J-348 J-349 46.2 42.0 2.1 HDPE 0.66 7.811 0.00781 0.361 63.1 75
P-390 J-349 J-350 38.1 34.6 0.0 HDPE 0.01 0.001 0.00000 0.000 63.1 75
P-391 J-349 J-351 68.3 62.1 2.0 HDPE 0.63 7.169 0.00717 0.490 63.1 75
P-392 J-351 J-352 36.2 32.9 0.0 HDPE 0.01 0.001 0.00000 0.000 63.1 75

Consultant:-DRA Consultants Pvt. Ltd., Nagpur 183

Detailed Project Report on “Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme”

Design of Water Supply Distribution for Zone - E-2

P-393 J-351 J-353 16.9 15.4 1.9 HDPE 0.6 6.657 0.00666 0.113 63.1 75
P-394 J-353 J-354 51.7 47.0 0.0 HDPE 0.01 0.002 0.00000 0.000 63.1 75
P-395 J-353 J-355 13.6 12.4 1.8 HDPE 0.58 6.235 0.00624 0.085 63.1 75
P-396 J-355 J-356 54.9 50.0 0.0 HDPE 0.01 0.003 0.00000 0.000 63.1 75
P-397 J-355 J-357 115.8 105.2 1.7 HDPE 0.54 5.516 0.00552 0.639 63.1 75
P-398 J-357 J-358 115.2 104.7 0.6 HDPE 0.19 0.773 0.00077 0.089 63.1 75
P-399 J-358 J-359 48.8 44.4 -0.1 HDPE 0.03 0.027 0.00003 0.001 63.1 75
P-400 J-357 J-360 34.5 31.3 1.0 HDPE 0.31 1.999 0.00200 0.069 63.1 75
P-401 J-360 J-361 19.3 17.5 0.6 HDPE 0.18 0.713 0.00071 0.014 63.1 75
P-402 J-361 J-359 39.2 35.7 0.2 HDPE 0.07 0.127 0.00013 0.005 63.1 75
P-403 J-361 J-362 24.9 22.7 0.3 HDPE 0.1 0.222 0.00022 0.006 63.1 75
P-404 J-362 J-359 65.1 59.1 -0.1 HDPE 0.02 0.009 0.00001 0.001 63.1 75
P-405 J-360 J-363 167.6 152.4 0.3 HDPE 0.1 0.238 0.00024 0.040 63.1 75
P-406 J-363 J-364 40.5 36.9 0.4 HDPE 0.12 0.348 0.00035 0.014 63.1 75
P-407 J-363 J-362 139.9 127.2 -0.2 HDPE 0.08 0.147 0.00015 0.021 63.1 75
P-408 J-364 J-365 195.3 177.6 0.3 HDPE 0.09 0.179 0.00018 0.035 63.1 75
P-409 J-365 J-366 46.1 41.9 0.0 HDPE 0.01 0.001 0.00000 0.000 63.1 75
P-410 J-366 J-367 31.5 28.6 -0.2 HDPE 0.06 0.103 0.00010 0.003 63.1 75
P-411 J-367 J-368 39.3 35.7 -0.5 HDPE 0.15 0.53 0.00053 0.021 63.1 75
P-412 J-368 J-369 48.0 43.6 0.0 HDPE 0.01 0.002 0.00000 0.000 63.1 75
P-413 J-368 J-358 60.4 54.9 -0.6 HDPE 0.18 0.742 0.00074 0.045 63.1 75
P-414 J-367 J-370 12.3 11.2 0.2 HDPE 0.08 0.148 0.00015 0.002 63.1 75
P-415 J-370 J-371 44.8 40.7 0.0 HDPE 0.01 0.002 0.00000 0.000 63.1 75
P-416 J-370 J-372 48.7 44.3 0.2 HDPE 0.05 0.076 0.00008 0.004 63.1 75
P-417 J-372 J-373 57.1 51.9 0.0 HDPE 0.01 0.003 0.00000 0.000 63.1 75
P-418 J-372 J-374 8.3 7.6 0.1 HDPE 0.03 0.018 0.00002 0.000 63.1 75
P-419 J-374 J-375 106.1 96.5 0.1 HDPE 0.02 0.009 0.00001 0.001 63.1 75
P-420 J-365 J-376 25.3 23.0 0.2 HDPE 0.05 0.065 0.00007 0.002 63.1 75
P-421 J-376 J-377 108.1 98.2 0.1 HDPE 0.02 0.009 0.00001 0.001 63.1 75
P-422 J-376 J-378 51.4 46.7 0.0 HDPE 0 0 0.00000 0.000 63.1 75
P-423 J-366 J-378 37.1 33.7 0.1 HDPE 0.04 0.045 0.00005 0.002 63.1 75
P-424 J-378 J-374 73.8 67.1 0.1 HDPE 0.02 0.011 0.00001 0.001 63.1 75

Consultant:-DRA Consultants Pvt. Ltd., Nagpur 184

Detailed Project Report on “Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme”

Design of Water Supply Distribution for Zone - E-2

P-425 J-348 J-379 63.5 57.7 -10.7 HDPE 0.59 2.306 0.00231 0.146 151.9 180
P-426 J-380 J-381 33.2 30.2 0.0 HDPE 0.01 0.001 0.00000 0.000 63.1 75
P-427 J-380 J-382 46.8 42.5 1.0 HDPE 0.32 2.011 0.00201 0.094 63.1 75
P-428 J-382 J-383 36.1 32.8 0.2 HDPE 0.07 0.131 0.00013 0.005 63.1 75
P-429 J-383 J-384 38.4 34.9 0.0 HDPE 0.01 0.002 0.00000 0.000 63.1 75
P-430 J-383 J-385 102.5 93.1 0.1 HDPE 0.04 0.041 0.00004 0.004 63.1 75
P-431 J-385 J-379 68.4 62.2 -0.8 HDPE 0.25 1.297 0.00130 0.089 63.1 75
P-432 J-385 J-386 54.0 49.1 0.8 HDPE 0.25 1.332 0.00133 0.072 63.1 75
P-433 J-386 J-387 167.6 152.4 0.2 HDPE 0.07 0.129 0.00013 0.022 63.1 75
P-434 J-386 J-388 225.8 205.3 0.3 HDPE 0.11 0.292 0.00029 0.066 63.1 75
P-435 J-382 J-387 104.6 95.1 0.7 HDPE 0.21 0.98 0.00098 0.103 63.1 75
P-436 J-387 J-388 37.3 33.9 0.7 HDPE 0.24 1.187 0.00119 0.044 63.1 75
P-437 J-388 J-389 58.9 53.6 0.9 HDPE 0.3 1.815 0.00182 0.107 63.1 75
P-438 J-389 J-390 54.9 49.9 0.0 HDPE 0.01 0.002 0.00000 0.000 63.1 75
P-439 J-389 J-391 38.8 35.3 0.8 HDPE 0.27 1.468 0.00147 0.057 63.1 75
P-440 J-391 J-392 113.6 102.7 0.1 HDPE 0.02 0.01 0.00001 0.001 63.1 75
P-441 J-391 J-393 38.6 35.1 0.7 HDPE 0.22 1.02 0.00102 0.039 63.1 75
P-442 J-393 J-394 115.2 104.7 0.1 HDPE 0.02 0.01 0.00001 0.001 63.1 75
P-443 J-393 J-395 32.6 29.6 0.5 HDPE 0.17 0.652 0.00065 0.021 63.1 75
P-444 J-395 J-396 116.0 105.5 0.1 HDPE 0.02 0.01 0.00001 0.001 63.1 75
P-445 J-395 J-397 73.9 67.1 0.4 HDPE 0.12 0.331 0.00033 0.024 63.1 75
P-446 J-397 J-398 121.0 110.0 0.1 HDPE 0.02 0.011 0.00001 0.001 63.1 75
P-447 J-397 J-399 64.9 59.0 0.2 HDPE 0.06 0.092 0.00009 0.006 63.1 75
P-448 J-399 J-400 159.4 144.9 0.1 HDPE 0.02 0.018 0.00002 0.003 63.1 75
P-449 J-338 J-401 6.6 6.0 5.4 HDPE 0.49 2.177 0.00218 0.014 118.1 140
P-450 J-401 J-402 79.8 72.6 0.0 HDPE 0.01 0.005 0.00001 0.000 63.1 75
P-451 J-401 J-403 151.7 137.9 5.2 HDPE 0.47 2.061 0.00206 0.313 118.1 140
P-452 J-403 J-404 20.6 18.8 0.0 HDPE 0 0 0.00000 0.000 63.1 75
P-453 J-403 J-405 47.3 43.0 5.1 HDPE 0.46 1.976 0.00198 0.094 118.1 140
P-454 J-405 J-406 92.2 83.8 0.0 HDPE 0.01 0.006 0.00001 0.001 63.1 75
P-455 J-405 J-407 67.8 61.6 4.9 HDPE 0.45 1.872 0.00187 0.127 118.1 140
P-456 J-407 J-408 144.9 131.8 0.1 HDPE 0.02 0.015 0.00002 0.002 63.1 75

Consultant:-DRA Consultants Pvt. Ltd., Nagpur 185

Detailed Project Report on “Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme”

Design of Water Supply Distribution for Zone - E-2

P-457 J-407 J-409 141.9 129.0 4.7 HDPE 0.69 5.516 0.00552 0.783 92.8 110
P-458 J-409 J-410 44.0 40.0 0.5 HDPE 0.15 0.501 0.00050 0.022 63.1 75
P-459 J-410 J-411 87.5 79.5 0.0 HDPE 0.01 0.006 0.00001 0.001 63.1 75
P-460 J-410 J-412 16.3 14.8 0.4 HDPE 0.11 0.297 0.00030 0.005 63.1 75
P-461 J-412 J-413 79.3 72.1 0.0 HDPE 0.01 0.005 0.00001 0.000 63.1 75
P-462 J-412 J-414 32.8 29.8 0.3 HDPE 0.08 0.158 0.00016 0.005 63.1 75
P-463 J-414 J-415 95.9 87.1 0.0 HDPE 0.01 0.007 0.00001 0.001 63.1 75
P-464 J-414 J-416 22.9 20.8 0.1 HDPE 0.04 0.047 0.00005 0.001 63.1 75
P-465 J-416 J-417 10.9 9.9 0.0 HDPE 0 0 0.00000 0.000 63.1 75
P-466 J-416 J-418 110.5 100.5 0.1 HDPE 0.02 0.009 0.00001 0.001 63.1 75
P-467 J-409 J-419 58.4 53.1 4.1 HDPE 0.61 4.311 0.00431 0.252 92.8 110
P-468 J-419 J-420 43.7 39.7 0.3 HDPE 0.09 0.18 0.00018 0.008 63.1 75
P-469 J-420 J-421 34.1 31.0 0.0 HDPE 0.01 0.001 0.00000 0.000 63.1 75
P-470 J-420 J-422 65.8 59.9 0.2 HDPE 0.06 0.088 0.00009 0.006 63.1 75
P-471 J-422 J-423 111.6 101.5 0.1 HDPE 0.02 0.009 0.00001 0.001 63.1 75
P-472 J-422 J-424 42.0 38.2 0.0 HDPE 0.01 0.002 0.00000 0.000 63.1 75
P-473 J-419 J-425 131.0 119.1 3.7 HDPE 0.55 3.598 0.00360 0.471 92.8 110
P-474 J-425 J-426 148.2 134.7 0.5 HDPE 0.16 0.604 0.00060 0.090 63.1 75
P-475 J-426 J-427 32.6 29.6 0.2 HDPE 0.06 0.106 0.00011 0.003 63.1 75
P-476 J-427 J-428 18.3 16.7 0.0 HDPE 0 0 0.00000 0.000 63.1 75
P-477 J-425 J-429 138.5 125.9 3.0 HDPE 0.67 6.483 0.00648 0.898 75.8 90
P-479 J-430 J-431 59.6 54.2 0.0 HDPE 0.01 0.003 0.00000 0.000 63.1 75
P-480 J-430 J-432 24.2 22.0 -0.1 HDPE 0.03 0.026 0.00003 0.001 63.1 75
P-481 J-432 J-433 45.9 41.7 0.0 HDPE 0.01 0.002 0.00000 0.000 63.1 75
P-482 J-432 J-434 19.4 17.7 -0.2 HDPE 0.05 0.071 0.00007 0.001 63.1 75
P-483 J-434 J-426 80.4 73.1 -0.2 HDPE 0.06 0.092 0.00009 0.007 63.1 75
P-484 J-434 J-435 38.3 34.8 0.0 HDPE 0.01 0.006 0.00001 0.000 63.1 75
P-485 J-435 J-427 82.2 74.7 -0.1 HDPE 0.04 0.045 0.00005 0.004 63.1 75
P-486 J-435 J-436 28.2 25.6 0.0 HDPE 0 0.001 0.00000 0.000 63.1 75
P-487 J-429 J-437 98.4 89.5 2.9 HDPE 0.64 5.933 0.00593 0.584 75.8 90
P-488 J-437 J-438 85.9 78.1 1.1 HDPE 0.36 2.632 0.00263 0.226 63.1 75
P-489 J-438 J-439 22.3 20.3 0.6 HDPE 0.18 0.683 0.00068 0.015 63.1 75

Consultant:-DRA Consultants Pvt. Ltd., Nagpur 186

Detailed Project Report on “Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme”

Design of Water Supply Distribution for Zone - E-2

P-490 J-439 J-440 57.5 52.3 0.0 HDPE 0.01 0.003 0.00000 0.000 63.1 75
P-491 J-439 J-441 18.9 17.1 0.5 HDPE 0.15 0.519 0.00052 0.010 63.1 75
P-492 J-438 J-442 53.2 48.3 0.5 HDPE 0.16 0.595 0.00060 0.032 63.1 75
P-493 J-442 J-443 171.7 156.1 0.1 HDPE 0.03 0.021 0.00002 0.004 63.1 75
P-494 J-442 J-444 15.3 13.9 0.3 HDPE 0.1 0.238 0.00024 0.004 63.1 75
P-495 J-444 J-445 28.4 25.8 0.1 HDPE 0.03 0.029 0.00003 0.001 63.1 75
P-496 J-445 J-446 18.6 16.9 0.0 HDPE 0 0 0.00000 0.000 63.1 75
P-497 J-445 J-447 23.4 21.3 0.1 HDPE 0.02 0.01 0.00001 0.000 63.1 75
P-498 J-444 J-448 41.2 37.5 0.2 HDPE 0.05 0.077 0.00008 0.003 63.1 75
P-499 J-448 J-449 51.3 46.6 0.0 HDPE 0 0.001 0.00000 0.000 63.1 75
P-500 J-448 J-450 123.9 112.6 0.1 HDPE 0.02 0.011 0.00001 0.001 63.1 75
P-501 J-437 J-451 41.7 37.9 1.6 HDPE 0.52 5.013 0.00501 0.209 63.1 75
P-502 J-451 J-452 58.5 53.2 0.6 HDPE 0.18 0.717 0.00072 0.042 63.1 75
P-503 J-452 J-453 167.0 151.8 0.5 HDPE 0.16 0.557 0.00056 0.093 63.1 75
P-504 J-452 J-441 15.7 14.2 0.0 HDPE 0.01 0.007 0.00001 0.000 63.1 75
P-505 J-441 J-454 22.7 20.6 0.4 HDPE 0.13 0.381 0.00038 0.009 63.1 75
P-506 J-454 J-455 233.8 212.5 0.1 HDPE 0.04 0.037 0.00004 0.009 63.1 75
P-507 J-454 J-447 52.3 47.6 0.1 HDPE 0.04 0.052 0.00005 0.003 63.1 75
P-508 J-447 J-449 41.5 37.7 0.1 HDPE 0.04 0.052 0.00005 0.002 63.1 75
P-509 J-449 J-456 98.0 89.1 0.0 HDPE 0.02 0.007 0.00001 0.001 63.1 75
P-510 J-451 J-457 26.1 23.7 1.0 HDPE 0.32 2.02 0.00202 0.053 63.1 75
P-511 J-457 J-458 49.6 45.1 0.0 HDPE 0.01 0.002 0.00000 0.000 63.1 75
P-512 J-457 J-459 17.1 15.5 0.9 HDPE 0.29 1.765 0.00177 0.030 63.1 75
P-513 J-459 J-460 51.8 47.1 0.2 HDPE 0.06 0.089 0.00009 0.005 63.1 75
P-514 J-460 J-461 51.5 46.8 0.0 HDPE 0.01 0.002 0.00000 0.000 63.1 75
P-515 J-460 J-462 110.9 100.8 0.1 HDPE 0.02 0.009 0.00001 0.001 63.1 75
P-516 J-459 J-463 47.2 42.9 0.7 HDPE 0.22 1.007 0.00101 0.048 63.1 75
P-517 J-463 J-464 169.6 154.2 0.1 HDPE 0.03 0.02 0.00002 0.003 63.1 75
P-518 J-463 J-453 8.2 7.5 0.5 HDPE 0.16 0.547 0.00055 0.004 63.1 75
P-519 J-453 J-465 72.3 65.7 0.9 HDPE 0.27 1.559 0.00156 0.113 63.1 75
P-520 J-465 J-466 66.5 60.5 0.0 HDPE 0.01 0.003 0.00000 0.000 63.1 75
P-521 J-465 J-467 193.3 175.7 0.7 HDPE 0.21 0.97 0.00097 0.187 63.1 75

Consultant:-DRA Consultants Pvt. Ltd., Nagpur 187

Detailed Project Report on “Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme”

Design of Water Supply Distribution for Zone - E-2

P-522 J-467 J-468 190.4 173.0 0.5 HDPE 0.15 0.527 0.00053 0.100 63.1 75
P-523 J-468 J-469 350.2 318.3 0.2 HDPE 0.05 0.078 0.00008 0.027 63.1 75
P-524 J-468 J-470 46.3 42.1 0.0 HDPE 0.01 0.002 0.00000 0.000 63.1 75
P-525 J-379 J-471 199.7 134.9 -11.6 HDPE 0.64 2.695 0.00270 0.538 151.9 180
P-526 J-471 J-380 199.7 46.7 1.1 HDPE 0.36 2.623 0.00262 0.524 63.1 75
P-528 J-430a J-430 51.3 44.2 0.0 HDPE 0 0 0.00000 0.000 63.1 75

Consultant:-DRA Consultants Pvt. Ltd., Nagpur 188

Detailed Project Report on “Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme”

Design of Water Supply Distribution for Zone - E2

Zone Name G Capacity of OHT / GSR (KL) 700
No. of Outlets 1 Ground Level (m) 350.4
Resi. Head at Consumer Tap 7M Lower Supply Level (m) 368.4
Residual Head at Ferrule Point 10 M Full Tank Level (m) 373.4
Zonal Population 2803 Pipe Material & Pressure Class HDPE HDPE PE100 PN 10
Ward Covered 10 C Value of Pipe Material 145 145
Rate of Outer
Design True Design Pipe Velocity Head Total Design Dia
Label From To Head Loss Dia
Length (m) Length Flow (L/s) Mat. (m/s) Loss (m) Loss (m) (mm)
(m/km) (mm)
P-96 J-482 J-90 115.357 104.87 0 HDPE 0 0 0.00000 0.000 63.1 75
P-98 J-490 J-491 31.017 28.197 6.784 HDPE 0.47 1.76 0.00176 0.055 135 160
P-529 J-472 J-473 27.878 25.344 0.254 HDPE 0.08 0.163 0.00016 0.005 63.1 75
P-530 J-473 J-474 61.827 56.206 0.047 HDPE 0.01 0.007 0.00001 0.000 63.1 75
P-531 J-473 J-475 92.3 83.909 0.07 HDPE 0.02 0.015 0.00002 0.001 63.1 75
P-532 J-472 J-476 22.136 20.124 -0.33 HDPE 0.11 0.266 0.00027 0.006 63.1 75
P-533 J-476 J-477 120.66 109.691 0.091 HDPE 0.03 0.024 0.00002 0.003 63.1 75
P-534 J-476 J-478 35.02 31.836 -0.556 HDPE 0.18 0.695 0.00070 0.024 63.1 75
P-535 J-478 J-479 77.667 70.606 0.059 HDPE 0.02 0.011 0.00001 0.001 63.1 75
P-536 J-478 J-480 27.959 25.417 -0.721 HDPE 0.23 1.126 0.00113 0.031 63.1 75
P-537 J-480 J-481 57.235 52.032 0.043 HDPE 0.01 0.006 0.00001 0.000 63.1 75
P-538 J-480 J-482 37.15 33.773 -0.857 HDPE 0.27 1.549 0.00155 0.058 63.1 75
P-539 J-482 J-483 47.575 43.25 -1.03 HDPE 0.33 2.179 0.00218 0.104 63.1 75
P-540 J-483 J-484 59.21 53.827 -0.31 HDPE 0.1 0.236 0.00024 0.014 63.1 75
P-541 J-484 J-485 9.633 8.757 0.007 HDPE 0 0 0.00000 0.000 63.1 75
P-542 J-484 J-486 115.09 104.627 -0.456 HDPE 0.15 0.482 0.00048 0.055 63.1 75
P-543 J-483 J-486 46.826 42.569 -0.837 HDPE 0.27 1.482 0.00148 0.069 63.1 75
P-544 J-486 J-487 32.112 29.193 -1.44 HDPE 0.46 4.048 0.00405 0.130 63.1 75
P-545 J-487 J-488 29.558 26.871 0.022 HDPE 0.01 0.001 0.00000 0.000 63.1 75
P-546 J-487 J-489 94.031 85.673 -8.479 HDPE 0.59 2.659 0.00266 0.250 135 160
P-547 J-487 J-490 76.24 69.309 6.841 HDPE 0.48 1.786 0.00179 0.136 135 160
P-549 J-491 J-492 59.927 54.479 0.045 HDPE 0.01 0.006 0.00001 0.000 63.1 75
P-550 J-491 J-493 27.488 24.989 6.563 HDPE 0.46 1.654 0.00165 0.045 135 160
P-551 J-493 J-494 56.72 51.564 0.043 HDPE 0.01 0.006 0.00001 0.000 63.1 75

Consultant:-DRA Consultants Pvt. Ltd., Nagpur 189

Detailed Project Report on “Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme”

Design of Water Supply Distribution for Zone - E2

P-552 J-493 J-495 17.17 15.609 6.444 HDPE 0.45 1.599 0.00160 0.027 135 160
P-553 J-495 J-496 53.805 48.914 0.041 HDPE 0.01 0.006 0.00001 0.000 63.1 75
P-554 J-495 J-497 187.429 170.39 6.207 HDPE 0.43 1.492 0.00149 0.280 135 160
P-555 J-497 J-498 83.326 75.751 0.063 HDPE 0.02 0.013 0.00001 0.001 63.1 75
P-556 J-497 J-499 47.037 42.761 5.904 HDPE 0.54 2.609 0.00261 0.123 118.1 140
P-557 J-499 J-500 67.949 61.772 0.051 HDPE 0.02 0.009 0.00001 0.001 63.1 75
P-558 J-499 J-501 42.483 38.621 5.734 HDPE 0.52 2.471 0.00247 0.105 118.1 140
P-559 J-501 J-502 71.95 65.409 0.054 HDPE 0.02 0.01 0.00001 0.001 63.1 75
P-560 J-501 J-503 23.74 21.582 5.575 HDPE 0.51 2.346 0.00235 0.056 118.1 140
P-561 J-503 J-504 52.834 48.031 0.04 HDPE 0.01 0.006 0.00001 0.000 63.1 75
P-562 J-503 J-505 52.27 47.518 5.437 HDPE 0.5 2.239 0.00224 0.117 118.1 140
P-563 J-505 J-506 49.727 45.206 0.038 HDPE 0.01 0.005 0.00001 0.000 63.1 75
P-564 J-505 J-507 43.021 39.11 5.29 HDPE 0.48 2.128 0.00213 0.092 118.1 140
P-565 J-507 J-508 24.108 21.916 0.183 HDPE 0.06 0.09 0.00009 0.002 63.1 75
P-566 J-508 J-509 35.69 32.445 0.027 HDPE 0.01 0.003 0.00000 0.000 63.1 75
P-567 J-508 J-510 73.438 66.762 0.056 HDPE 0.02 0.01 0.00001 0.001 63.1 75
P-568 J-507 J-511 49.234 44.758 5.019 HDPE 0.46 1.931 0.00193 0.095 118.1 140
P-569 J-511 J-512 88.842 80.765 0.067 HDPE 0.02 0.014 0.00001 0.001 63.1 75
P-570 J-511 J-513 39.266 35.696 4.817 HDPE 0.44 1.79 0.00179 0.070 118.1 140
P-571 J-513 J-514 82.705 75.186 0.063 HDPE 0.02 0.012 0.00001 0.001 63.1 75
P-572 J-513 J-515 43.139 39.217 4.63 HDPE 0.68 5.381 0.00538 0.232 92.8 110
P-573 J-515 J-516 91.651 83.319 0.069 HDPE 0.02 0.015 0.00002 0.001 63.1 75
P-574 J-515 J-517 58.198 52.907 4.414 HDPE 0.65 4.927 0.00493 0.287 92.8 110
P-575 J-517 J-518 31.24 28.4 0.024 HDPE 0.01 0.001 0.00000 0.000 63.1 75
P-576 J-517 J-519 83.25 75.682 4.26 HDPE 0.63 4.613 0.00461 0.384 92.8 110
P-577 J-519 J-520 110.787 100.715 0.084 HDPE 0.03 0.021 0.00002 0.002 63.1 75
P-578 J-519 J-521 37.818 34.38 4.001 HDPE 0.59 4.107 0.00411 0.155 92.8 110
P-579 J-521 J-522 108.62 98.745 0.082 HDPE 0.03 0.02 0.00002 0.002 63.1 75
P-580 J-521 J-523 32.087 29.17 3.784 HDPE 0.56 3.702 0.00370 0.119 92.8 110
P-581 J-523 J-524 60.465 54.968 0.046 HDPE 0.01 0.007 0.00001 0.000 63.1 75
P-582 J-523 J-525 20.269 18.426 3.653 HDPE 0.54 3.469 0.00347 0.070 92.8 110
P-583 J-525 J-526 60.112 54.647 0.045 HDPE 0.01 0.007 0.00001 0.000 63.1 75

Consultant:-DRA Consultants Pvt. Ltd., Nagpur 190

Detailed Project Report on “Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme”

Design of Water Supply Distribution for Zone - E2

P-584 J-525 J-527 36.054 32.776 3.519 HDPE 0.52 3.238 0.00324 0.117 92.8 110
P-585 J-527 J-528 67.91 61.736 0.051 HDPE 0.02 0.008 0.00001 0.001 63.1 75
P-586 J-527 J-529 72.404 65.822 3.334 HDPE 0.49 2.93 0.00293 0.212 92.8 110
P-587 J-529 J-530 33.48 30.436 0.729 HDPE 0.23 1.149 0.00115 0.038 63.1 75
P-588 J-530 J-531 21.17 19.245 0.016 HDPE 0.01 0.002 0.00000 0.000 63.1 75
P-589 J-530 J-532 17.384 15.804 0.659 HDPE 0.21 0.952 0.00095 0.017 63.1 75
P-590 J-532 J-533 19.487 17.715 0.015 HDPE 0 0.002 0.00000 0.000 63.1 75
P-591 J-532 J-534 45.08 40.982 0.034 HDPE 0.01 0.004 0.00000 0.000 63.1 75
P-592 J-532 J-535 33.631 30.574 0.523 HDPE 0.17 0.621 0.00062 0.021 63.1 75
P-593 J-535 J-529 16.323 14.839 -2.513 HDPE 0.56 4.65 0.00465 0.076 75.8 90
P-594 J-535 J-536 149.606 136.005 2.884 HDPE 0.43 2.24 0.00224 0.335 92.8 110
P-595 J-536 J-537 31.731 28.846 0.585 HDPE 0.19 0.763 0.00076 0.024 63.1 75
P-596 J-537 J-538 52.872 48.065 0.04 HDPE 0.01 0.006 0.00001 0.000 63.1 75
P-597 J-537 J-539 30.466 27.696 0.458 HDPE 0.15 0.486 0.00049 0.015 63.1 75
P-598 J-539 J-540 31.709 28.826 -0.352 HDPE 0.11 0.298 0.00030 0.009 63.1 75
P-599 J-540 J-536 22.862 20.784 -2.145 HDPE 0.32 1.294 0.00129 0.030 92.8 110
P-600 J-539 J-541 504.328 458.48 0.381 HDPE 0.12 0.346 0.00035 0.174 63.1 75
P-601 J-540 J-542 170.178 154.707 1.623 HDPE 0.24 0.772 0.00077 0.131 92.8 110
P-602 J-542 J-543 43.437 39.488 0.033 HDPE 0.01 0.003 0.00000 0.000 63.1 75
P-603 J-542 J-544 44.683 40.621 1.395 HDPE 0.45 3.817 0.00382 0.171 63.1 75
P-604 J-544 J-545 68.032 61.847 0.051 HDPE 0.02 0.009 0.00001 0.001 63.1 75
P-605 J-544 J-546 5.009 4.554 1.254 HDPE 0.4 3.142 0.00314 0.016 63.1 75
P-606 J-546 J-547 40.763 37.057 0.593 HDPE 0.19 0.784 0.00078 0.032 63.1 75
P-607 J-547 J-548 61.171 55.61 0.144 HDPE 0.05 0.057 0.00006 0.003 63.1 75
P-608 J-548 J-549 21.316 19.378 0.016 HDPE 0.01 0 0.00000 0.000 63.1 75
P-609 J-548 J-550 43.267 39.334 0.033 HDPE 0.01 0.003 0.00000 0.000 63.1 75
P-610 J-547 J-551 25.986 23.624 0.353 HDPE 0.11 0.299 0.00030 0.008 63.1 75
P-611 J-551 J-552 83.085 75.532 0.063 HDPE 0.02 0.012 0.00001 0.001 63.1 75
P-612 J-551 J-553 62.18 56.527 0.16 HDPE 0.05 0.069 0.00007 0.004 63.1 75
P-613 J-546 J-554 35.088 31.898 0.599 HDPE 0.19 0.798 0.00080 0.028 63.1 75
P-614 J-554 J-555 78.345 71.223 0.059 HDPE 0.02 0.011 0.00001 0.001 63.1 75
P-615 J-554 J-556 34.664 31.513 0.428 HDPE 0.14 0.429 0.00043 0.015 63.1 75

Consultant:-DRA Consultants Pvt. Ltd., Nagpur 191

Detailed Project Report on “Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme”

Design of Water Supply Distribution for Zone - E2

P-616 J-556 J-557 98.542 89.584 0.075 HDPE 0.02 0.017 0.00002 0.002 63.1 75
P-617 J-556 J-558 6.775 6.159 0.248 HDPE 0.08 0.154 0.00015 0.001 63.1 75
P-618 J-558 J-553 50.269 45.699 0.027 HDPE 0.01 0.002 0.00000 0.000 63.1 75
P-619 J-553 J-559 67.488 61.353 0.051 HDPE 0.02 0.008 0.00001 0.001 63.1 75
P-620 J-558 J-560 117.577 106.888 0.089 HDPE 0.03 0.023 0.00002 0.003 63.1 75
P-621 R-1 J-489 0.211 5.866 8.55 HDPE 0.6 2.641 0.00264 0.001 135 160

Consultant:-DRA Consultants Pvt. Ltd., Nagpur 192

Detailed Project Report on “Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme”

Design of Water Supply Distribution for Zone - F

Zone Name H Capacity of OHT / GSR (KL) 150
No. of Outlets 1 Ground Level (m) 357.4
Resi. Head at Consumer Tap 7M Lower Supply Level (m) 375.4
Residual Head at Ferrule Point 10 M Full Tank Level (m) 380.4
Zonal Population 3679 Pipe Material & Pressure Class HDPE HDPE PE100 PN 10
Ward Covered 14,15 C Value of Pipe Material 145 145
Rate of Outer
Design True Design Pipe Velocity Head Total Design Dia
Label From To Head Loss Dia
Length (m) Length Flow (L/s) Mat. (m/s) Loss (m) Loss (m) (mm)
(m/km) (mm)
P-1 R-1 J-1 6.853 6.23 11.221 HDPE 0.62 2.514 0.00251 0.017 151.9 180
P-2 J-1 J-2 26.56 24.145 0.009 HDPE 0 0 0.00000 0.000 63.1 75
P-3 J-1 J-3 75.8 68.909 11.171 HDPE 0.62 2.494 0.00249 0.189 151.9 180
P-4 J-3 J-4 113.431 103.119 11.104 HDPE 0.61 2.467 0.00247 0.280 151.9 180
P-5 J-4 J-5 73.014 66.376 3.265 HDPE 0.48 2.818 0.00282 0.206 92.8 110
P-6 J-5 J-6 214.823 195.294 1.162 HDPE 0.37 2.721 0.00272 0.585 63.1 75
P-7 J-6 J-7 150.126 136.478 0.318 HDPE 0.1 0.248 0.00025 0.037 63.1 75
P-8 J-7 J-8 112.989 102.717 0.04 HDPE 0.01 0.005 0.00001 0.001 63.1 75
P-9 J-6 J-9 35.464 32.24 0.703 HDPE 0.22 1.072 0.00107 0.038 63.1 75
P-10 J-9 J-10 106.73 97.027 0.153 HDPE 0.05 0.064 0.00006 0.007 63.1 75
P-11 J-10 J-7 198.328 180.298 -0.117 HDPE 0.04 0.039 0.00004 0.008 63.1 75
P-12 J-9 J-11 12.497 11.361 0.496 HDPE 0.16 0.563 0.00056 0.007 63.1 75
P-13 J-11 J-12 109.828 99.844 0.094 HDPE 0.03 0.026 0.00003 0.003 63.1 75
P-14 J-12 J-10 55.789 50.717 -0.142 HDPE 0.05 0.056 0.00006 0.003 63.1 75
P-15 J-12 J-13 254.059 230.963 0.089 HDPE 0.03 0.024 0.00002 0.006 63.1 75
P-16 J-11 J-14 63.876 58.069 0.336 HDPE 0.11 0.273 0.00027 0.017 63.1 75
P-17 J-14 J-15 114.067 103.697 0.101 HDPE 0.03 0.029 0.00003 0.003 63.1 75
P-18 J-15 J-16 12.375 11.25 0.004 HDPE 0 0 0.00000 0.000 63.1 75
P-19 J-15 J-17 132.305 120.277 0.005 HDPE 0 0 0.00000 0.000 63.1 75
P-20 J-17 J-14 51.235 46.577 -0.154 HDPE 0.05 0.065 0.00007 0.003 63.1 75
P-21 J-17 J-18 135.588 123.262 0.048 HDPE 0.02 0.007 0.00001 0.001 63.1 75
P-22 J-5 J-19 985.959 896.326 1.656 HDPE 0.53 5.247 0.00525 5.173 63.1 75
P-23 J-19 J-20 207.312 188.465 0.073 HDPE 0.02 0.016 0.00002 0.003 63.1 75
P-24 J-19 J-21 148.469 134.972 1.112 HDPE 0.36 2.508 0.00251 0.372 63.1 75

Consultant:-DRA Consultants Pvt. Ltd., Nagpur 193

Detailed Project Report on “Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme”

Design of Water Supply Distribution for Zone - F

P-25 J-21 J-22 227.501 206.819 0.08 HDPE 0.03 0.019 0.00002 0.004 63.1 75
P-26 J-21 J-23 85.605 77.823 0.869 HDPE 0.28 1.591 0.00159 0.136 63.1 75
P-27 J-23 J-24 100.361 91.237 0.393 HDPE 0.13 0.365 0.00037 0.037 63.1 75
P-28 J-24 J-25 80.101 72.819 0.028 HDPE 0.01 0.003 0.00000 0.000 63.1 75
P-29 J-24 J-26 428.343 389.403 0.151 HDPE 0.05 0.062 0.00006 0.027 63.1 75
P-30 J-23 J-27 160.941 146.31 0.355 HDPE 0.11 0.303 0.00030 0.049 63.1 75
P-31 J-27 J-28 152.438 138.58 0.054 HDPE 0.02 0.009 0.00001 0.001 63.1 75
P-32 J-27 J-29 271.997 247.27 0.096 HDPE 0.03 0.027 0.00003 0.007 63.1 75
P-33 J-4 J-30 127.831 116.21 7.729 HDPE 0.54 2.239 0.00224 0.286 135 160
P-34 J-30 J-31 64.064 58.24 0.496 HDPE 0.16 0.563 0.00056 0.036 63.1 75
P-35 J-31 J-32 330.02 300.018 0.116 HDPE 0.04 0.038 0.00004 0.013 63.1 75
P-36 J-31 J-33 140.493 127.721 0.192 HDPE 0.06 0.097 0.00010 0.014 63.1 75
P-37 J-33 J-34 52.896 48.087 0.019 HDPE 0.01 0.001 0.00000 0.000 63.1 75
P-38 J-33 J-35 150.022 136.384 0.053 HDPE 0.02 0.009 0.00001 0.001 63.1 75
P-39 J-30 J-36 249.124 226.476 7.078 HDPE 0.49 1.903 0.00190 0.474 135 160
P-40 J-36 J-37 113.497 103.179 0.04 HDPE 0.01 0.005 0.00001 0.001 63.1 75
P-41 J-36 J-38 172.926 157.205 6.85 HDPE 0.48 1.79 0.00179 0.310 135 160
P-42 J-38 J-39 70.248 63.862 0.025 HDPE 0.01 0.002 0.00000 0.000 63.1 75
P-43 J-38 J-40 52.6 47.818 6.721 HDPE 0.47 1.729 0.00173 0.091 135 160
P-44 J-40 J-41 134.94 122.673 0.047 HDPE 0.02 0.007 0.00001 0.001 63.1 75
P-45 J-40 J-42 1,314.85 1,195.32 6.146 HDPE 0.43 1.465 0.00147 1.926 135 160
P-46 J-42 J-43 154.415 140.377 0.054 HDPE 0.02 0.01 0.00001 0.002 63.1 75
P-47 J-42 J-44 122.459 111.326 0.043 HDPE 0.01 0.006 0.00001 0.001 63.1 75
P-48 J-42 J-45 453.8 412.545 5.329 HDPE 0.49 2.158 0.00216 0.979 118.1 140
P-49 J-45 J-46 190.001 172.728 0.067 HDPE 0.02 0.014 0.00001 0.003 63.1 75
P-50 J-45 J-47 128.076 116.433 0.045 HDPE 0.01 0.006 0.00001 0.001 63.1 75
P-51 J-45 J-48 318.643 289.675 4.834 HDPE 0.44 1.802 0.00180 0.574 118.1 140
P-52 J-48 J-49 147.778 134.344 0.854 HDPE 0.27 1.541 0.00154 0.228 63.1 75
P-53 J-49 J-50 44.266 40.242 0.016 HDPE 0 0.001 0.00000 0.000 63.1 75
P-54 J-49 J-51 21.736 19.76 0.764 HDPE 0.24 1.252 0.00125 0.027 63.1 75
P-55 J-51 J-52 86.928 79.025 0.031 HDPE 0.01 0.003 0.00000 0.000 63.1 75
P-56 J-51 J-53 105.467 95.879 0.658 HDPE 0.21 0.95 0.00095 0.100 63.1 75

Consultant:-DRA Consultants Pvt. Ltd., Nagpur 194

Detailed Project Report on “Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme”

Design of Water Supply Distribution for Zone - F

P-57 J-53 J-54 83.837 76.215 0.029 HDPE 0.01 0.003 0.00000 0.000 63.1 75
P-58 J-53 J-55 294.631 267.846 0.458 HDPE 0.15 0.486 0.00049 0.143 63.1 75
P-59 J-55 J-56 42.05 38.227 0.176 HDPE 0.06 0.083 0.00008 0.003 63.1 75
P-60 J-56 J-57 37.693 34.266 0.013 HDPE 0 0.001 0.00000 0.000 63.1 75
P-61 J-56 J-58 51.597 46.906 0.117 HDPE 0.04 0.039 0.00004 0.002 63.1 75
P-62 J-58 J-59 35.384 32.167 0.012 HDPE 0 0 0.00000 0.000 63.1 75
P-63 J-58 J-60 104.821 95.292 0.037 HDPE 0.01 0.004 0.00000 0.000 63.1 75
P-64 J-55 J-61 233.33 212.118 0.082 HDPE 0.03 0.02 0.00002 0.005 63.1 75
P-65 J-48 J-62 444.335 403.941 3.66 HDPE 0.33 1.076 0.00108 0.478 118.1 140
P-66 J-62 J-63 1,293.80 1,176.18 3.049 HDPE 0.45 2.483 0.00248 3.213 92.8 110
P-67 J-63 J-64 189.061 171.874 0.066 HDPE 0.02 0.014 0.00001 0.003 63.1 75
P-68 J-63 J-65 153.971 139.974 0.054 HDPE 0.02 0.009 0.00001 0.001 63.1 75
P-69 J-63 J-66 710.294 645.722 2.104 HDPE 0.31 1.248 0.00125 0.886 92.8 110
P-70 J-66 J-67 129.285 117.532 0.792 HDPE 0.25 1.338 0.00134 0.173 63.1 75
P-71 J-67 J-68 251.889 228.99 0.089 HDPE 0.03 0.023 0.00002 0.006 63.1 75
P-72 J-66 J-69 22.087 20.079 1.009 HDPE 0.32 2.096 0.00210 0.046 63.1 75
P-73 J-69 J-70 63.862 58.056 0.022 HDPE 0.01 0.002 0.00000 0.000 63.1 75
P-74 J-69 J-71 65.304 59.367 0.933 HDPE 0.3 1.815 0.00182 0.119 63.1 75
P-75 J-71 J-72 96.447 87.679 0.202 HDPE 0.06 0.107 0.00011 0.010 63.1 75
P-76 J-72 J-67 2.833 2.575 -0.568 HDPE 0.18 0.722 0.00072 0.002 63.1 75
P-77 J-72 J-73 58.243 52.948 0.715 HDPE 0.23 1.107 0.00111 0.064 63.1 75
P-78 J-71 J-74 5.798 5.271 0.672 HDPE 0.22 0.988 0.00099 0.006 63.1 75
P-79 J-74 J-75 112.422 102.202 0.04 HDPE 0.01 0.005 0.00001 0.001 63.1 75
P-80 J-74 J-76 71.501 65.001 0.566 HDPE 0.18 0.719 0.00072 0.051 63.1 75
P-81 J-76 J-77 142.617 129.652 0.05 HDPE 0.02 0.008 0.00001 0.001 63.1 75
P-82 J-76 J-78 56.744 51.585 0.421 HDPE 0.13 0.415 0.00042 0.024 63.1 75
P-83 J-78 J-79 29.984 27.258 0.127 HDPE 0.04 0.045 0.00005 0.001 63.1 75
P-84 J-79 J-73 149.008 135.462 -0.133 HDPE 0.04 0.049 0.00005 0.007 63.1 75
P-85 J-73 J-80 170.167 154.697 0.17 HDPE 0.05 0.078 0.00008 0.013 63.1 75
P-86 J-80 J-81 131.954 119.958 0.046 HDPE 0.01 0.007 0.00001 0.001 63.1 75
P-87 J-73 J-82 79.518 72.289 0.251 HDPE 0.08 0.16 0.00016 0.013 63.1 75
P-88 J-82 J-80 145.022 131.838 0.033 HDPE 0.01 0.004 0.00000 0.001 63.1 75

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Detailed Project Report on “Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme”

Design of Water Supply Distribution for Zone - F

P-89 J-82 J-83 86.743 78.857 0.109 HDPE 0.03 0.034 0.00003 0.003 63.1 75
P-90 J-83 J-84 16.086 14.624 0.17 HDPE 0.05 0.079 0.00008 0.001 63.1 75
P-91 J-84 J-85 21.242 19.311 0.079 HDPE 0.03 0.017 0.00002 0.000 63.1 75
P-92 J-85 J-86 75.783 68.894 0.027 HDPE 0.01 0.003 0.00000 0.000 63.1 75
P-93 J-84 J-85 137.122 124.656 0.03 HDPE 0.01 0.003 0.00000 0.000 63.1 75
P-94 J-79 J-83 141.04 128.218 0.147 HDPE 0.05 0.059 0.00006 0.008 63.1 75
P-95 J-78 J-87 11.345 10.314 0.26 HDPE 0.08 0.17 0.00017 0.002 63.1 75
P-96 J-87 J-88 163.71 148.827 0.058 HDPE 0.02 0.011 0.00001 0.002 63.1 75
P-97 J-87 J-89 199.948 181.771 0.07 HDPE 0.02 0.015 0.00002 0.003 63.1 75

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13.7 Electrical Transformers, Sub-Stations & Transmission Lines

Three electrical transformers have to be provided having capacities of 25 KVA at each

proposed tube wells and sump. Electrical power supply will be taken from 11 KV Electrical
Transmission Line and the cumulative length of electrical transmission line will be 1000 m.
Details of transformers is given below
Table 30 :- Design of Transformer & Capacity Calculations
Description Quantity Unit
1 Transformer at Chillod 25 KVA
2 Electrical Transmission Line at Chillod 300 m
3 Transformer at Dahalwada Kala 25 KVA
4 Electrical Transmission Line at Dahalwada Kala 400 m
5 Transformer at CW Sump & Pump House - I 25 KVA
6 Electrical Transmission Line at CW Sump & Pump House - I 300 m

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Detailed Project Report on “Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme”

13.8 PLC &SCADA System for Scheme Monitoring

Objective of the Project
The project is undertaken to provide a complete, efficient and effective Central Monitoring
System (CMS) for the water supply system (WSS) of 20 towns in Madhya Pradesh. The
implementation of CMS covers monitoring of water supply from raw water source to the inlet
of over-head tanks (OHT) including the water treatment plant (WTP) in between. For this
purpose the important elements of water supply like flow rate, pressure, chlorine content,
level measurement at tanks and a continuous monitoring and display of this information is
considered. The proposed central monitoring system will not only provide real time details of
important parameters in the water supply system but also improve the energy efficiency of
the system along with reduction in water losses.
Brief System Architecture
The system architecture consists of installation of instruments for measurement of all
important parameters like flow, pressure, level and chlorine content and relaying this data to
the CMS situated at the WTP. Following section elaborates each component of the system
architecture in brief.
Flow Measurement
Flow measurement will be carried out at important points like raw water outlet, WTP inlet,
WTP outlet and OHT/GSR inlet using full bore electromagnetic flowmeters.
Energy Measurement
Energy measurement will be carried out for all the motors in raw water and clear water pump
houses using power analysers.
Pressure Measurement
Pressure will be measured at the suction and delivery side of all pumps installed at raw water
pump houses and clear water pump houses and inlet pipe of all OHTs and GSRs.
Level Measurement
Level measurement will be carried out at clear water sump in WTP and all OHTs/GSRs.
Chlorine Measurement
Chlorine will be measured in clear water sump in the WTP.
Remote Terminal Units
Remote Terminal Units (RTUs) will be installed at all the pumping stations and OHTs/GSRs
for the purpose of aggregating the data from field instruments and relaying it to the CMS.
Data Communication
Data communication will be performed by using a GSM based setup.
Central Monitoring System
Central Monitoring System will consist of a central server PC with CMS software to take the
field measurements relayed from the RTUs and convert it into meaningful data to be
displayed on the screen.

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Concept plan for monitoring system of water supply scheme is given below:

Raw Water Source Raw Water Pump House

Instruments Instruments
Pressure Indicators

Power Analysers
Pumps +
Gravity UPS UPS
Main Surge Protection Surge Protection
Instrumentation Cable Instrumentation Cable
GSM Datalogger GSM Datalogger
Outlet Flowmeter Outlet Flowmeter


Communication Communication
Pressure Indicators
Sump Level Indicator
Power Analysers
Surge Protection
Chlorine Analyzer
Pumps Instrumentation Cable
GSM Datalogger
Outlet Flowmeter
Central Monitoring System
Central Monitoring System
Central Server PC with Display
CMS Software

FLOW Communication

Pressure Indicators
OHT Level Indicators
Over Head
Surge Protection
Instrumentation Cable
GSM Dataloggers
Inlet Flowmeters


For achieving desired efficiency water management for 24 x 7 water supplies to stakeholders
in the town, below mechanism is envisaged. This mechanism will ensure the water supply
system to work at minimum water losses. This will leads to the considerable revenue will be
saved that to the maximum efficiency.

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Instrumentation required for establishment of SCADA System during the operation, for monitoring of water supply scheme is given below:

Instrumentation Location
1 each at raw water rising mains, raw water gravity mains, clear water
Flow Meters (Electromagnetic)
rising mains and clear water gravity mains
Diameter Nos
100 2
150 1
200 1
Total 4
Instrumentation Location Nos Length (m)

Pressure point Interfacing at flow meter 1 each at RWPH CWPH 2

Pressure Sensor 1 each at Pump Suction + Delivery and 1 each at OHT inlet 14
Level Measurement 1 at WTP and each OHTs 3
PLC / Control Panels - 0
Chlorine Analyser 1 for WTP 1
Instrumentation Cable At RWPH, WTP and OHT as Applicable 500
RTU 1 each at RWPH, WTP and OHTs 4
GSM Data loggers 1 each at RWPH, WTP and OHTs 4
Local Monitoring PC 1 at Central Station 1
Monitoring Display Unit 1 at Central Station 1
Power Analyser 1 for each motor at RWPH and CWPH 6
UPS 1 each at RWPH, WTP and OHTs 4
Surge Protector 1 each at RWPH, WTP and OHTs 4

Consultant:-DRA Consultants Pvt. Ltd., Nagpur 200

Final Detailed Project Report on
Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme
Madhya Pradesh Urban Services Improvement Program, UDED, Bhopal Dist – Hoshangabad, Madhya Pradesh
Urban Water Supply Improvement Project in Tier II Cities of M.P.

Volume III – Estimates

Project Director, Project Uday, Project Management Unit,

Estimated Cost : Rs. 1416.12 Lacs

August - 2016
DRA Consultants Pvt. Ltd.
58, Ingole Nagar, Opp. Airport, Behind
Hotel Pride, Wardha Road, Nagpur – 05
Email –
Detailed Project Report on “Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme”

Volume - III
Data for Materials and Works, Detailed
Estimates of Quantities and Cost

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Detailed Project Report on “Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme”

Cost Estimates of
Water Supply Scheme

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Detailed Project Report on “Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme”

14. Cost Estimates of Water Supply Scheme Components

14.1 Abstracts of Project Cost

Table 14 :- Abstract of Cost

Sr. Estimate
Description of Sub-Estimate Amount (Rs.)
No. Number
1 E-1 Confirmative Survey 1034559
2 E-2 Tube well Installation 333566
3 E-3 Clear Water Pumping Machinery 1685960
4 E-4 Clear Water Feeder Main 8758359
5 E-5 Sump cum Pump House 1650000
6 E-6 Over Head Tank 16700000
7 E-7 Distribution System of Bankhedi 93799550
Electrical Sub-Station / Transformer & Transmission
8 E-8 1650857
9 E-9 PLC And SCADA For Scheme Monitoring 4000000
Statutory payments to water resources, National
Highways, State Highways, Indian Railways, Forest
Department, Archaeological Survey of India and similar
Payments to electricity company for sanction and
extension of dedicated power supply to various 1500000
infrastructure locations
Provision towards costs associated with social
Provision towards costs associated with environmental
Network expansions if required beyond the present
Nalla crossings, shifting of utilities and miscellaneous works 1500000
Asset Replacement Fund 1000000
Net Cost of Scheme 141612851
Contingencies Charges (3% of Project Cost) 4248386
Supervision Charges (5%) 7080643
Operations & Maintenance of Scheme (10 Years) 64720594
Grand Cost of Scheme 217662474

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14.2 E1 - Estimate of Confirmative Survey

Sub Estimate for Confirmative Survey E-1

Measurement & Abstract Sheet
Breadth Depth /
Sr. No. SOR Details Description of Item Unit No Length Qty Rate Amount
/ Dia Height
Carrying out necessary Confirmative Survey, collecting
field data and preparing working plans, good for
construction drawings and stationery articles, etc all
1 Non SOR
Topographical survey work using Total Station,
preparation and finalization of survey drawings and
Km 84 - - 84 3500 292802
CADD files, preparation of working drawing as directed
by the Employer’s Representative.
Conducting customer door to door survey for
establishing the location, type of property, number of
2 Household 5430 5430 100 543000
households, families, population, use of water,
customer water demand
Develop, up-date and maintain calibrated strategic
and DMA network models using compatible
software (EPANET, WaterCAD, etc.) and, in
accordance with the Specifications, design / establish
District Meter Areas (DMAs) using the models, Site
3 survey data and any necessary additional Site Km 80 - - 80 2500 198757
investigations to confirm pipe condition, valve and
pipe sizes, valve locations; identify (under-sized,
incrustation) pipe replacement requirements; prepare
and submit DMA design reports; hand over models to
Employer regularly and at the end of contract
Grand Total for Confirmative Survey 1034559

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14.3 E2- Estimate of Tube Well Installation

Sub Estimate for Tube well Installation E-2

Measurement & Abstract Sheet
Sr. SOR Breadth Depth /
Description of Item Unit No Length Qty Rate Amount
No. Details / Dia Height
Drilling of perfectly Vertical Bore Holes Of a diameter
for construction of gravel packed tube well upto desired
depth in alluvial formation consisting of soil, clay,
ISSR 12-13
Sand, Gravel, moorum, boulder Etc. and retaining
1 P. No. - 175
the bore hole by using suitable drilling mud or foam or
I. No. -
temporary housing pipe including all works pertaining
to drilling such as transportation, installation and
removal of drilling machine etc. complete
300mm Dia.(300 feet) meter 2 91.44 - - 183 481 87965
ISSR 12-13
I.S.I marked UPVC casing pipes conforming to
2 P. No. - 178 0
IS4985/1988 (with upto date amendments)
I. No. -
Screen pipes with ribs 100mm Dia meter 351 0
Screen pipes with ribs 125mm Dia meter 554 0
Screen pipes with ribs 150mm Dia meter 731 0
Screen pipes with ribs 200mm Dia meter 2 50 100 1287 128700
CM casing pipes 100mm dia meter 0 249 0
CM casing pipes 125mm dia meter 0 398 0
CM casing pipes 150mm dia meter 0 487 0
CM casing pipes 200mm dia meter 2 41.44 83 1024 84869
CS casing pipes 150mm dia meter 0 430 0
CS casing pipes 200mm dia meter 0 818 0

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Sub Estimate for Tube well Installation E-2

Measurement & Abstract Sheet
Sr. SOR Breadth Depth /
Description of Item Unit No Length Qty Rate Amount
No. Details / Dia Height
Labour Charges Of assembling, centering and lowering
of properly designed casing pipes and assembly inside
ISSR 12-13
the bore hole drilled for construction of gravel packed
3 P. No. - 176 0
tube well including the cost of providing and fixing of
I. No. -
centraliser and transportation of casing assemblies.
Casing assembly composed of 100mm dia blank and
meter 36 0
slotted GI. Casing pipes
Casing assembly composed of 150mm dia blank and
meter 55 0
slotted GI. Casing pipes
Casing assembly composed of 200mm dia blank and
meter 67 0
slotted GI. Casing pipes
Casing assembly composed of 100mm dia UPVC blank
meter 26 0
and screen pipe
Casing assembly composed of 150mm dia UPVC blank
meter 31 0
and screen pipe
Casing assembly composed of 200mm dia UPVC blank
meter 2 91.44 183 40 7315
and screen pipe
Providing gravel packing with uniformly graded gravel
UADD as per IS 4097of 1999 ( revised upto date) in the
ISSR 12-13 annular space between outer wall of casing pipe
4 P. No. - 176 assembly and inner wall of bore hole including cost of Cum 2 - 0.1 91.44 1.44 607 871
I. No. - gravel ,transportation stacking washing and packing in
17.12 layer of suitable thickness including all lead and lifts
Providing and fixing of well cap on the top of the tube
ISSR 12-13
5 well for protection 0
P. No. - 175
M.S. Caps
I. No. - 17.9
100mm Dia Each 178 0

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Sub Estimate for Tube well Installation E-2

Measurement & Abstract Sheet
Sr. SOR Breadth Depth /
Description of Item Unit No Length Qty Rate Amount
No. Details / Dia Height
125mm Dia Each 197 0
150mm Dia Each 229 0
200mm Dia. Each 2 2 271 542
Development of gravel packed tube well by Air
ISSR 12-13
compressor of suitable capacity including hire charges Per
6 P. No. - 177 2 16 445 7120
for all the required tool and plants etc. complete for Hours
I. No. -
maximum duration of eight hours
ISSR 12-13
Providing and fixing of MS bail plug as per
7 P. No. - 176
I.s2800(part-I) 2001 in the bottom of casing assembly
I. No. -
100mm Dia Each 292 0
150mm Dia Each 368 0
200mm Dia. Each 2 2 450 900
ISSR 12-13 Disinfection of tube well by using bleaching powder Each
8 P. No. - 179 solution as per direction of Engineer-in-charge tube 2 2 24 48
I. No. - including Cost of all material & labour well
ISSR 12-13 Construction of concrete block Over dry tube wells for
9 P. No. - 179 protection of size 0.45x0.45x0.45m in M-15 cement
I. No. - concrete mix
For 2 proposed And 9 Existing tube well Each 11 11 378 4158

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Sub Estimate for Tube well Installation E-2

Measurement & Abstract Sheet
Sr. SOR Breadth Depth /
Description of Item Unit No Length Qty Rate Amount
No. Details / Dia Height
Labour charges for installation of submersible pumping
sets at 50m or more depth temporarily in the tube well
ISSR 12-13
for a maximum of eight hours for the purpose of
10 P. No. - 177 0
conducting yield test for tube well. (Any one of the
I. No. -
below depending on the approximate yield observed
during drilling operation).
Submersible pumping Set Above 7.5KW Each 11 11 1007 11077
Grand Total for Tube well Installation 333566

Consultant:-DRA Consultants Pvt. Ltd., Nagpur 208

Detailed Project Report on “Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme”

14.4 E3 – Estimate of Clear Water Pumping Machinery

Sub Estimate for Clear Water Pumping Machinery E-3

Measurement & Abstract Sheet
Sr. SOR Breadth Depth /
Description of Item Unit No Length Qty Rate Amount
No. Details / Dia Height
Centrifugal Pumps:-
Providing, erecting and giving test and trial of
Centrifugal Monoblock pump set conforming to IS
9079 operating at 2900 RPM with priming funnel, cock,
suitable flanges at suction and delivery side. Pump shall
have common shaft for pump and motor. Motor shall be
suitable for working on 415 V ± 10%, 3 Ph, 50 Hz A.C.
supply. Motor shall be TEFC type. Pump set shall be
suitable for working at various discharge and head
requirements. Pump shall be erected on provided C.C.
1 foundation block with suitable foundation bolts grouted
in C.C. foundation block for the following pumps sets.
Including motors, starters, necessary cabling, panel
board, valves specials etc. complete.
Bore well Pump-I
Discharge = 4.50 LPS
Motor Power = 7.5 Hp
i Kw 1 - - - 5.595 20000 111900
Head = 64 m.
Motor Rating = 2900 Rpm
1 Nos ( 1 Working & 0 Standby)
Bore well pumps-II
Discharge = 2.60 LPS
Motor Power = 5 Hp
ii Kw 1 - - - 3.73 20000 74600
Head = 70 m.
Motor Rating = 2900 Rpm
1 Nos ( 1 Working & 0 Standby)

Consultant:-DRA Consultants Pvt. Ltd., Nagpur 209

Detailed Project Report on “Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme”

Sub Estimate for Clear Water Pumping Machinery E-3

Measurement & Abstract Sheet
Sr. SOR Breadth Depth /
Description of Item Unit No Length Qty Rate Amount
No. Details / Dia Height
Bore well pumps-III
Discharge = 3.61 LPS
Motor Power = 7.5 Hp
iii Kw 1 - - - 5.595 20000 111900
Head = 74 m.
Motor Rating = 2900 Rpm
1 Nos ( 1 Working & 0 Standby)
Bore well pumps-IV
Discharge = 3.69 LPS
Motor Power = 7.5 Hp
iv Kw 1 - - - 5.595 20000 111900
Head = 72 m.
Motor Rating = 2900 Rpm
1Nos ( 1 Working & 0 Standby)
Bore well pumps-V
Discharge = 3.53LPS
Motor Power = 6 Hp
v Kw 1 - - - 4.476 20000 89520
Head = 66 m.
Motor Rating = 2900 Rpm
1 Nos ( 1 Working & 0 Standby)
Centrifugal Pumps-VI
Discharge = 17.93 LPS
Motor Power = 12.5 Hp
vi Kw 2 - - - 18.65 20000 373000
Head = 29 m.
Motor Rating = 1450 Rpm
2 Nos ( 1 Working & 1 Standby)
Bore Well Pumps-VII
Discharge = 3.32 LPS
Motor Power = 10 Hp
vii Kw 1 - - - 7.46 20000 149200
Head = 104 m.
Motor Rating = 2900 Rpm
1 Nos ( 1 Working & 0 Standby)

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Sub Estimate for Clear Water Pumping Machinery E-3

Measurement & Abstract Sheet
Sr. SOR Breadth Depth /
Description of Item Unit No Length Qty Rate Amount
No. Details / Dia Height
Bore well pumps-VIII
Discharge = 1.64 LPS
Motor Power = 05 Hp
viii Kw 1 - - - 3.73 20000 74600
Head = 85 m.
Motor Rating = 2900 Rpm
1 Nos ( 1 Working & 0 Standby)
Bore well pumps-IX
Discharge = 2.02LPS
Motor Power = 05 Hp
ix Kw 1 - - - 3.73 20000 74600
Head = 71 m.
Motor Rating = 2900 Rpm
1 Nos ( 1 Working & 0 Standby)
Bore well pumps-X
Discharge = 2.40 LPS
Motor Power = 06 Hp
x Kw 1 - - - 4.476 20000 89520
Head = 85 m.
Motor Rating = 2900 Rpm
1 Nos ( 1 Working & 0 Standby)
Centrifugal Pumps-XI
Discharge = 4.42 LPS
Motor Power = 03 Hp
xi Kw 2 - - - 4.476 20000 89520
Head = 29 m.
Motor Rating = 1450 Rpm
2 Nos ( 1 Working & 1 Standby)
Bore well Pumps-XII
Discharge = 3.03 LPS
Motor Power = 10 Hp
xii Kw 1 - - - 7.46 20000 149200
Head = 134 m.
Motor Rating = 2900 Rpm
1 Nos ( 1 Working & 0 Standby)

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Sub Estimate for Clear Water Pumping Machinery E-3

Measurement & Abstract Sheet
Sr. SOR Breadth Depth /
Description of Item Unit No Length Qty Rate Amount
No. Details / Dia Height
Bore well Pumps_XIII
Discharge = 5.18 LPS
Motor Power = 12.5 Hp
xiii Kw 1 - - - 9.325 20000 186500
Head = 110 m.
Motor Rating = 2900 Rpm
1 Nos ( 1 Working & 0 Standby)
Grand Total for Clear Water Pumping Machinery 1685960

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Detailed Project Report on “Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme”

14.5 E4 Clear Water Transmission Main

Sub-Estimate Clear Water Transmission Main E-4

Measurement & Abstract Sheet
Sr. Breadth Depth /
SOR Details Description of Item Unit No Length Qty Rate Amount
No. / Dia Height

Earth work in excavation for pipe trench in all kinds of soil

and WBM in area including drssing, watering and ramming
ISSR 12-13
1 and disposal of Excavated earth lead upto 50 meters and lift
P. No. - 151
upto 1.5m, disposal earth to be levelled, neatly dressed.
I. No. - 15.1
All kind of Soil

100 mm Dia Cum - 3342 0.75 1.21 3038 129 392184

150 mm Dia Cum - 400 0.75 1.27 381 129 49187
UADD Earth work in excavation for pipe trench in all kinds of
ISSR 12-13, rocks in areas including dressing, stacking of useful
P.No. - 151 material and disposal of unserviceable one up to 50m lead
I.No.-15.3 and lift up to 1.5m.

(a) Soft rock with or without blasting or bituminous pavement Cum - 376 0.75 1.21 341 206 70314
(b) Hard Rock requiring Blasting Cum - 0 0.75 1.21 0 342 0
(c) Hard Rock requiring Chiseling/where blasting is prohibited Cum - 38 0.75 1.21 34 408 13926

ISSR 12-13, Filling with moorum for pipe bedding or over the pipe
P.No. - 151 including supply of moorum
10 cm will be depth of moorum bedding Cum - 4155 0.75 0.1 311.63 625 194766

UADD Dismantling of flexible pavements and disposal of

ISSR 12-13 dismantled materials up to a lead of 1000 meter, stacking
P.N. 15 serviceable and unserviceable materials separately and as
I.No.2.4 per relevant clauses of section-200.

(a) Bituminous courses Cum - 1126.5 0.75 0.10 84.5 358 30247

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Sub-Estimate Clear Water Transmission Main E-4

Measurement & Abstract Sheet
Sr. Breadth Depth /
SOR Details Description of Item Unit No Length Qty Rate Amount
No. / Dia Height
(b) Granular courses Cum - 1126.5 0.75 0.20 169.0 247 41737
Construction of granular sub base by providing coarse
UADD graded material, spreading in uniform layer with on
ISSR12-13 prepared surface , mixing by mix in place method at OMC ,
P.N.51 and compacting with vibratory roller to achieve the desired
I.No5.2.2 density complete in all respect and as per relevant clause of
section -400.
For grading-l Material Road Cum - 1126.5 0.75 0.15 126.7 604 76546
In case compaction is not possible by 8 - 10 Tons roller the
required compaction will be achieved as given below:
a) For width less than 50 cm, proper hand ramming with
this is
watering will be carried out in layers nor exceeding 15 cm
for Sr.
b) For width more than 50 cm but less than 2.00 m the
Nos.5 to 7
ramming will be done with plate vibrators with watering in
AND 12
layers nor did exceeding 15 cm (compact).
No extra payment will be made.

Providing and Laying sperading and compaction stone

aggregate of specific size to water bound macadam
specification including spreading in uniform thickness hand
12-13 P.N.
6 packing rolling with vibratory roller 8-10 tonnes in stages
30 I.No.
to proper grade and camber applying and brooming
requisite type to screening/binding materials to fill up the
interstices of coarse aggregate . G-I Road
Cum - 1126.5 0.75 0.15 126.7 899 113931

UADD ISSR providing and applying tack coat with bitumen emulsion
12-13P.N. using emulsion pressure distributor prepare
7 bituminous/granular surface cleaned with mechanical
51 Item No.
5.2.i broom and as per relevant clauses of sction-503
(@0.25kg/Sqm (Normal Bituminous surface)

Consultant:-DRA Consultants Pvt. Ltd., Nagpur 214

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Sub-Estimate Clear Water Transmission Main E-4

Measurement & Abstract Sheet
Sr. Breadth Depth /
SOR Details Description of Item Unit No Length Qty Rate Amount
No. / Dia Height
Sqm - 1126.5 0.75 - 844.9 9 7604

providing and laying bituminous macadam with hot mix

plant using crushed aggregates of specified grading
premixed with bituminous binder , transported to site laid
ISSR12-13 over a previously prepared surface with mechanical paver
P.N. 51 Item finisher to the required grade level and alignment and rolled
No. 5.3
as per clauses 501.6 and 501.7 to achieve the desired
compaction complete in all respect and as per relevant
clauses of section-504
For grading I (50-75mm Thk bitumen content 3.4%) Cum - 1126.5 0.75 0.05 42.2 5726 241888
If required the restoration of concrete pavement can be
NOTE:- done by flexible pavement or appropriate paver block
(where suitable) with appropriate design.
UADD ISSR Providing nod laying seal coat sealing the voids in a
12-13P.N. Butimenus surface laid to the specified levels, grade and
52 Item No. cross fall using Type A and Type B Seal Coats and as per
5.14 (A) ii) relevant Clause of Section 513 with bitumen
Type B ( Premixed Seal Coat with hot mixed plant and Sqm - 1127 0.75 - 844.9 45 38019
paver finisher)
Dismantling of cement concrete pavement i/c breaking to
UADD pieces not exceeding 0.02 cum in volume and stock piling
ISSR12-13 at designated locations and disposal of dismantled materials
P.N. 15 Item up to a lead upto 1000 meter, stacking serviceable and
No. 2.5 unserviceable materials separately and as per relevant
clauses of section-200.
Cum - 375.5 0.75 0.2 56.3 716 40329

Consultant:-DRA Consultants Pvt. Ltd., Nagpur 215

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Sub-Estimate Clear Water Transmission Main E-4

Measurement & Abstract Sheet
Sr. Breadth Depth /
SOR Details Description of Item Unit No Length Qty Rate Amount
No. / Dia Height

Construction of granular sub base by providing coarse

UADD ISSR graded material, spreading in uniform layer with on
12-133P.N. prepared surface , mixing by mix in place method at OMC ,
30 Item No. and compacting with vibratory roller to achieve the desired
4.1 density complete in all respect and as per relevant clause of
section -400.
For grading-l Material Cum - 375.5 0.75 0.15 42.2 604 25515

Construction of dry lean cement concrete Sub-base over a

prepared sub-grade with coarse and fine aggregate
conforming to IS: 383, the size of coarse aggregate
not exceeding 25mm, aggregate cement ratio not to exceed
UADD ISSR 15:1, aggregate gradation after blending to be as per table
12 P.N. 60 of MORTH Specifications 600-1, cement content not to be
Item No. 6.1 less than 200 kg/cum, optimum moisture content to be
determined during trial length construction, concrete
strength not to be less than 10 Mpa at 7 days, mixed in a
batching plant, transported to site, laid with paver with
electronic sensor/mechanical paver, compacting with 8-10
tonnes vibratory roller, finishing and curing and as per
relevant clauses of section-603.
Cum - 375.5 0.75 0.1 28.2 2715 76461

Consultant:-DRA Consultants Pvt. Ltd., Nagpur 216

Detailed Project Report on “Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme”

Sub-Estimate Clear Water Transmission Main E-4

Measurement & Abstract Sheet
Sr. Breadth Depth /
SOR Details Description of Item Unit No Length Qty Rate Amount
No. / Dia Height

Construction of dowel jointed, plain cement concrete

pavement in M-30 grade concrete over a prepared sub base
with 43 grade cement maximum size of coarse aggregate
not exceeding 25 mm, mixed in a batching and mixing
plant as per approved mix design, transported to site, laid
UADD ISSR with a fixed form or slip form paver with spreading the
12-13 P.N. concrete by shovels, rakes compacted using needle, screed
13 and plate vibrator and finished in a continuous operation
60 Item No.
6.5 including provision of contraction, expansion, and
longitudinal joints, joint filler, separation membrane,
sealant primer, joint sealant, deboning strip, placing of
dowel bar, tie rod admixtures as approved, curing
compound, finishing to lines and grades as per approved
drawings as per IRC-15 2002 and as per relevant clauses of
section-602 of specifications complete but excluding cost
of steel in dowel ber & tie rod etc
Cum - 375.5 0.75 0.2 56.3 4698 264615

Providing and laying factory made cokoured charmed

edged Cement Concrete paver blocks of required strength
thickness and size/shape made by table vibratory method
using PU mould laid in required coloured and pattern over
fifty mm thick compacted stone sust compacting and proper
14 embedding laying interlocking paver block into the bedding
layer through vibratory compection by using laid vibrator
filling the joints and sand and cutting of paver blocks as per
required size and pattern, finishing ans sweeping extra sand
including locking edge with M15 cement concrete in footh
path, light traffic, parking et all compete as per direction of

Consultant:-DRA Consultants Pvt. Ltd., Nagpur 217

Detailed Project Report on “Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme”

Sub-Estimate Clear Water Transmission Main E-4

Measurement & Abstract Sheet
Sr. Breadth Depth /
SOR Details Description of Item Unit No Length Qty Rate Amount
No. / Dia Height
100 mm thick CC Paver block of M-35 grade with Sqm 0 0.75 0.0 940 0
approved colour, design and pattern
80 mm thick CC Paver block of M-35 grade with approved Sqm 0 0.75 0.0 840 0
colour, design and pattern
If required the restoration of concrete pavment can be done
by fiexible pavment or appropriate paver blocks (where
suitable) with appropriate design.
Carriage of excavated material by mechanical transport
15 including loading unloading and stacking etc beyond 1000
Upto distance 2000 m
Upto distance 3000 m
Upto distance 4000 m Cum 346.8 112 38837
Upto distance 5000 m
Providing laying and jointing socket & spigot centrifugally
UADD cast (Spun) Ductile Iron pressure pipes with inside cement
ISSR 12-13 mortar lining (Class K-9) conforming to IS 8329/2000 with
P. No.-50/51 suitable Rubber Gasket (push on) Joints as per IS:5382/85
I. No.- 4.3 including testing of joint (Laying conforming to
100 mm dia DI K-9 pipes RMT 1 3755 - - 3755 1102 4138010
150 mm dia DI K-9 pipes RMT 1 400 - - 400 1621 648400
Providing Laying Ductile Iron Double Socket 90o, 45o and
22.5o Bends conforming to IS-9523-2000 having dimension
ISSR 12-13
17 as per table 15 of IS 9523-2000 in the following Nominal
P. No. - 55
sizes with external bitumen coating and internal cement
I. No. - 4.13
mortar lining. (laying conforming to IS 12288:1987)
Kg - - - - 3419 70.00 239321

Consultant:-DRA Consultants Pvt. Ltd., Nagpur 218

Detailed Project Report on “Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme”

Sub-Estimate Clear Water Transmission Main E-4

Measurement & Abstract Sheet
Sr. Breadth Depth /
SOR Details Description of Item Unit No Length Qty Rate Amount
No. / Dia Height
Providing and fixing of cast iron double flanged sluice
valves as per I.S.14846-2000 fitted with cast iron cap
ISSR 12-13
18 including jointing material such as bolts, nuts, rubber
P. No. - 79
insertions etc. all complete. PN 1.6 without bypass
I. No. - 6.1
50 mm dia No - - - 0 2288 0
65 mm dia No - - - 0 2414 0
80 mm dia No - - - 0 3121 0
100 mm dia No 12 - - - 12 4115 49380
150 mm dia No 2 - - - 2 6415 12830
UADD Providing and fixing of cast iron double flanged single door
ISSR 12-13 non return valves including jointing and testing with cost of
19 P. No. - 80 jointing material such as bolts, nuts, rubber insertions etc.
I. No. - all complete. As per IS 5312 (Part-I)
6.4(a) PN 1.0 without bypass arrangement
100 mm dia No 12 - - - 12 2625 31500
150 mm dia No 1 - - - 1 4186 4186

Providing and Fixing Cast Iron Double air valves, flanged

without in-built isolating valve as per IS: 14845-2000
ISSR 12-13
20 including jointing and testing with cost of jointing material
P. No. - 82
and rubber insertion all complete as per IS: 13095-1991.
I. No. - 6.12
Pressure rating PN - 1.0

40 mm dia No 2 - - - 2 1768 3536

ISSR 12-13, Providing and laying mechanically mixed cement concrete
21 P.No. - 154 with crushed stone aggregate excluding centering and
I.No.-15.20- shuttering (with 40mm nominal size grade stone aggregate)
R.C.C.- M20

Consultant:-DRA Consultants Pvt. Ltd., Nagpur 219

Detailed Project Report on “Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme”

Sub-Estimate Clear Water Transmission Main E-4

Measurement & Abstract Sheet
Sr. Breadth Depth /
SOR Details Description of Item Unit No Length Qty Rate Amount
No. / Dia Height
For bends Cum 15 1 0.7 0.5 5.3
For Nalla crossing Cum 5 3 0.7 0.5 5.3
Pipe Volume Cum 5 3 0.11 - 0.1
Cum 10.4 5668 58677
UADD Providing and placing in position cold twisted or un-coated
ISSR 12-13, HYSD steel bar and hot rolled deformed steel
P.No. - 155 reinforcement for R.C.C work i/c cutting, bending, binding
I.No.-15.22a etc. complete i/c cost of binding wire and wastage.
1.1 % of total of R.C.C. Qty Kg 1 - - - 894 55 49166
Constructing one brick masonry chamber 90x90x100 cm
inside, with 25 class designation modular brick work in
cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand) for sluice
valve with C.I. surface box 100 mm. top diameter, 160 mm
bottom diameter and 180 mm deep (inside) with chained
lid. RCC
ISSR 12-13,
top slab cement concrete grade M-20 (Nominal Mix with
21 Building
20mm maximum size of stone aggregate) along with
P.No. - 232
necessary excavation, 100mm thick foundation concrete
grade M-7.5 (Nominal Mix with 40mm maximum size of
stone aggregate) and inside plastering with cement mortar
1:3 (1
cement: 3 coarse sand) 12 mm thick finished with a floating
coat of neat cement complete as per standard design. :
For Air Valve+ Sluice Valve No 12 - - - 12 9751 117012

UADD Filling available excavated earth in trenches, plinth sides of

ISSR 12-13, foundation in layers not exceeding 20cm. In depth
P.No. - 151 including consolidation of each layer by ramming watering,
I.No.-15.8 lead up to 50m and lift up to 1.5m in all kinds of soils

Excavated Quantity Cum - - - - 3419

Consultant:-DRA Consultants Pvt. Ltd., Nagpur 220

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Sub-Estimate Clear Water Transmission Main E-4

Measurement & Abstract Sheet
Sr. Breadth Depth /
SOR Details Description of Item Unit No Length Qty Rate Amount
No. / Dia Height
Pipe volume Cum 1 3755 0.112 - 36.98
Chamber Cum 12 0.9 0.9 1 9.7
For Concrete Cum 10.4
For Murum bedding Cum 311.63
Total Filling Quantity Cum 3050.16 29 88455
Electromagnetic Bulk Flow Meters
Supply of Electromagnetic full bore meter complete as per
specification including transportation to site, storage,
safety, installation, testing, commissioning, making
connections with existing pipe line, including excavation at
site, cuts in the existing pipe system, dewatering and
UADD reinstating the same after completion of installation as per
ISSR 12-13, specification and drawings including all taxes. Accuracy of
23 P.No. - 168 meter + 0.3% of measured value, Flange connection as per
& 169 AWWA & IS, Liner: Hard Rubber, Fully welded sensor
I.No.-16.17 housing complying to IP 68 standard, Electrodes SS 316,
Sensor housing SS 304, Cable gland 1/2" NPT, Sensor
housing fully welded SS 304 housing with protective
Polyurethane paint, Flow Transmitter/ Converter :
Microprocessor based, modular design display 2 line back
lit LCD for indication of actual flow rate, forward, reverse,
sumtotalizer, Perfection category : IP 65
100 mm Dia No 13 - - - 13 113948 1481324
150 mm Dia No 1 - - - 1 120457 120457
Grand Total for Clear Water Transmission Main 8758359

Consultant:-DRA Consultants Pvt. Ltd., Nagpur 221

Detailed Project Report on “Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme”

14.6 E5 Sump cum Pump House

Sub Estimate for Sump cum Pump House E-5

Measurement & Abstract Sheet
Sr. SOR Breadth Depth /
Description of Item Unit No Length Qty Rate Amount
No. Details / Dia Height
Construction of sump including pump house as per
UADD Non guidance of Engineer-in charge which consist
SOR Item inspection man hole and manhole cover at sump. Doors
and window in pump house Etc. All complete
Clear Water Sump-I KL 1 - - - 80 16500 1320000
Clear Water Sump-II KL 1 - - - 20 16500 330000
Grand Total for Sump cum Pump House 1650000

Consultant:-DRA Consultants Pvt. Ltd., Nagpur 222

Detailed Project Report on “Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme”

14.7 E6 - Over Head Tank

Sub Estimate for Over Head Tank E-6

Measurement & Abstract Sheet
Sr. Breadth Depth /
SOR Details Description of Item Unit No Length Qty Rate Amount
No. / Dia Height

Designing (aesthetically) and constructing RCC

elevated service reservoirs of following capacity with
RCC staging consisting of columns, internal and
external bracings spaced vertically not more than 4.5
metres centre to centre for ESR having capacity upto
500 cum and not more than 6 m c/c for ESR's having
capacity above 500 Cum including excavation in all
types of strata, foundation concrete, cement plaster with
water proofing compound to the inside face of the
container including refilling disposing off the surplus
stuff within a lead of 50 metres, all labour and material
charges including lowering, laying, erecting, hoisting
and jointing of pipe assembly of inlet, outlet, washout,
UADD overflow and bypass arrangements as per approved
1 Non SOR designs, providing and fixing accessories such as M.S.
Items ladder, C.I. manhole frame and covers, water level
indicators, lightening conductor, G.I. pipe railing
around walk way and top slab, providing spiral stair
case from ground level to roof level, M.S. grill gate of 2
M height with locking arrangement of approved design,
B.B. masonry chambers for all valves, ventilating
shafts, providing and applying three coats of cement
paint to the structure including roof slab, epoxy painting
to internal surface and anti-termite treatment for
underground parts of the structure and giving
satisfactory water tightness test as per I.S. code. The job
to include painting the name of the scheme and other
details on the reservoir as per the directions of

Consultant:-DRA Consultants Pvt. Ltd., Nagpur 223

Detailed Project Report on “Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme”

Sub Estimate for Over Head Tank E-6

Measurement & Abstract Sheet
Sr. Breadth Depth /
SOR Details Description of Item Unit No Length Qty Rate Amount
No. / Dia Height
Proposed OHT-I with Staging height 18m Liters 1 - - - 100000 12 1200000
Proposed OHT-II with Staging height 18m Liters 1 - - - 200000 12 2400000
Proposed OHT-IV with Staging height with 18m Liters 1 - - - 200000 12 2400000
Proposed OHT-V with Staging height with 18m Liters 1 - - - 700000 12 8400000
Proposed OHT-VI with Staging Height with 18m Liters 1 - - - 150000 12 1800000
Rehabilitation Of Existing OHT/GSR including
2 Non SOR Item plastering ,painting, repairing / replacement of MS
ladder/ lightening conductor fencing work etc complete
01 Nos of OHT Each 1 1 500000 500000
Grand Total for Over Head Tank 16700000

Consultant:-DRA Consultants Pvt. Ltd., Nagpur 224

Detailed Project Report on “Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme”

14.8 E7 - Estimate of Water Supply Distribution System of All Zones

Sub Estimate for Water Supply Distribution System of All Zones E-7
Measurement & Abstract Sheet
Sr. SOR Breadth Depth /
Description of Item Unit No Length Qty Rate Amount
No. Details / Dia Height
ISSR 12- Earth work in excavation for pipe trench in all kinds
13 of soil and WBM in area including drssing, watering
1 P. No. - and ramming and disposal of Excavated earth lead
151 upto 50 meters and lift upto 1.5m, disposal earth to be
I. No. - levelled, neatly dressed.
75 mm dia 10 kg/ pipes Cum - 54161 0.75 1.18 47729 129 6161873
90 mm dia 10 kg/ pipes Cum - 2205 0.75 1.19 1968 129 254026
110 mm dia 10 kg/ pipes Cum - 4045 0.75 1.21 3671 129 473936
140 mm dia 10 kg/ pipes Cum - 2821 0.75 1.24 2624 129 338711
160 mm dia 10 kg/ pipes Cum - 2769 0.75 1.26 2617 129 337859
180 mm dia 10 kg/ pipes Cum - 793 0.75 1.28 762 129 98336
200 mm dia 10 kg/ pipes Cum - 53 0.75 1.30 52 129 6675
250 mm dia 10 kg/ pipes Cum - 729 0.75 1.35 738 129 95337
Earth work in excavation for pipe trench in all kinds
ISSR 12-
of rocks in areas including dressing, stacking of
2 13, P.No. -
useful material and disposal of unserviceable one up
to 50m lead and lift up to 1.5m.
Soft rock with or without blasting or bituminous
75 mm dia 10 kg/ pipes Cum - 6372 0.75 1.18 5615 206 1156737
90 mm dia 10 kg/ pipes Cum - 259 0.75 1.19 231 206 47687
110 mm dia 10 kg/ pipes Cum - 476 0.75 1.21 432 206 88970
140 mm dia 10 kg/ pipes Cum - 332 0.75 1.24 309 206 63584

Consultant:-DRA Consultants Pvt. Ltd., Nagpur 225

Detailed Project Report on “Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme”

Sub Estimate for Water Supply Distribution System of All Zones E-7
Measurement & Abstract Sheet
Sr. SOR Breadth Depth /
Description of Item Unit No Length Qty Rate Amount
No. Details / Dia Height
160 mm dia 10 kg/ pipes Cum - 326 0.75 1.26 308 206 63424
180 mm dia 10 kg/ pipes Cum - 93 0.75 1.28 90 206 18460
200 mm dia 10 kg/ pipes Cum - 6 0.75 1.30 6 206 1253
250 mm dia 10 kg/ pipes Cum - 86 0.75 1.35 87 206 17897
(b) Hard Rock requiring Blasting
75 mm dia 10 kg/ pipes Cum - 0 0.75 1.18 0 342 0
90 mm dia 10 kg/ pipes Cum - 0 0.75 1.19 0 342 0
110 mm dia 10 kg/ pipes Cum - 0 0.75 1.21 0 342 0
125 mm dia 10 kg/ pipes Cum - 0 0.75 1.23 0 342 0
140 mm dia 10 kg/ pipes Cum - 0 0.75 1.24 0 342 0
160 mm dia 10 kg/ pipes Cum - 0 0.75 1.26 0 342 0
180 mm dia 10 kg/ pipes Cum - 0 0.75 1.28 0 342 0
200 mm dia 10 kg/ pipes Cum - 0 0.75 1.30 0 342 0
225 mm dia 10 kg/ pipes Cum - 0 0.75 1.33 0 342 0
250 mm dia 10 kg/ pipes Cum - 0 0.75 1.35 0 342 0
Hard Rock requiring Chiseling/where blasting is
75 mm dia 10 kg/ pipes Cum - 3186 0.75 1.18 2808 408 1145507
90 mm dia 10 kg/ pipes Cum - 130 0.75 1.19 116 408 47224
110 mm dia 10 kg/ pipes Cum - 238 0.75 1.21 216 408 88106
140 mm dia 10 kg/ pipes Cum - 166 0.75 1.24 154 408 62967
160 mm dia 10 kg/ pipes Cum - 163 0.75 1.26 154 408 62809
180 mm dia 10 kg/ pipes Cum - 47 0.75 1.28 45 408 18281
200 mm dia 10 kg/ pipes Cum - 3 0.75 1.30 3 408 1241
250 mm dia 10 kg/ pipes Cum - 43 0.75 1.35 43 408 17723
Dismantling of flexible pavements and disposal of
ISSR 12-
dismantled materials up to a lead of 1000 meter,
3 13
stacking serviceable and unserviceable materials
P.N. 15
separately and as per relevant clauses of section-200.

Consultant:-DRA Consultants Pvt. Ltd., Nagpur 226

Detailed Project Report on “Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme”

Sub Estimate for Water Supply Distribution System of All Zones E-7
Measurement & Abstract Sheet
Sr. SOR Breadth Depth /
Description of Item Unit No Length Qty Rate Amount
No. Details / Dia Height
(a) Bituminous courses Cum - 15901 0.75 0.10 1193 358 426930
(b) Granular courses Cum - 15901 0.75 0.20 2385 247 589115
Construction of granular sub base by providing coarse
UADD graded material, spreading in uniform layer with on
ISSR12-13 prepared surface , mixing by mix in place method at
P.N.51 OMC , and compacting with vibratory roller to
I.No5.2.2 achieve the desired density complete in all respect
and as per relevant clause of section -400.
For grading-l Material Road Cum - 15901 0.75 0.15 1789 604 1080442
Providing and Laying sperading and compaction
stone aggregate of specific size to water bound
UADD macadam specification including spreading in
ISSR 12- uniform thickness hand packing rolling with vibratory
13 P.N. 30 roller 8-10 tonnes in stages to proper grade and
I.No. 4.3.1 camber applying and brooming requisite type to
screening/binding materials to fill up the interstices of
coarse aggregate . G-I Road
Cum - 15901 0.75 0.10 1193 899 1072094
UADD providing and applying tack coat with bitumen
ISSR 12- emulsion using emulsion pressure distributor prepare
7 13P.N. 51 bituminous/granular surface cleaned with mechanical
Item No. broom and as per relevant clauses of sction-503
5.2.i (@0.25kg/Sqm (Normal Bituminous surface)
Sqm - 15901 0.75 - 11925 9 107329

Consultant:-DRA Consultants Pvt. Ltd., Nagpur 227

Detailed Project Report on “Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme”

Sub Estimate for Water Supply Distribution System of All Zones E-7
Measurement & Abstract Sheet
Sr. SOR Breadth Depth /
Description of Item Unit No Length Qty Rate Amount
No. Details / Dia Height
providing and laying bituminous macadam with hot
mix plant using crushed aggregates of specified
UADD grading premixed with bituminous binder ,
ISSR12-13 transported to site laid over a previously prepared
8 P.N. 51 surface with mechanical paver finisher to the required
Item No. grade level and alignment and rolled as per clauses
5.3 501.6 and 501.7 to achieve the desired compaction
complete in all respect and as per relevant clauses of
For grading I (50-75mm Thk bitumen content 3.4%) Cum - 15901 0.75 0.05 596 5726 3414244
UADD Providing and laying seal coat sealing the voids in a
ISSR 12- Butimenus surface laid to the specified levels, grade
9 13P.N. 52 and cross fall using Type A and Type B Seal Coats
Item No. and as per relevant Clause of Section 513 with
5.14 (A) ii) bitumen
Type B ( Premixed Seal Coat with hot mixed plant Sqm - 15901 0.75 - 11925 45 536643
and paver finisher)

UADD Dismantling of cement concrete pavement i/c

ISSR12-13 breaking to pieces not exceeding 0.02 cum in volume
10 P.N. 15 and stock piling at designated locations and disposal
Item No. of dismantled materials up to a lead upto 1000 meter,
2.5 stacking serviceable and unserviceable materials
separately and as per relevant clauses of section-200.
Cum - 23851 0.75 0.2 3578 716 2561577

UADD Construction of granular sub base by providing coarse

ISSR 12- graded material, spreading in uniform layer with on
11 133P.N. prepared surface , mixing by mix in place method at
30 Item OMC , and compacting with vibratory roller to
No. 4.1 achieve the desired density complete in all respect
and as per relevant clause of section -400.
For grading-l Material Cum - 23851 0.75 0.15 2683 604 1620663

Consultant:-DRA Consultants Pvt. Ltd., Nagpur 228

Detailed Project Report on “Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme”

Sub Estimate for Water Supply Distribution System of All Zones E-7
Measurement & Abstract Sheet
Sr. SOR Breadth Depth /
Description of Item Unit No Length Qty Rate Amount
No. Details / Dia Height
Construction of dry lean cement concrete Sub-base
over a prepared sub-grade with coarse and fine
aggregate conforming to IS: 383, the size of coarse
aggregate not exceeding 25mm, aggregate cement
ratio not to exceed 15:1, aggregate gradation after
UADD blending to be as per table of MORTH Specifications
ISSR P.N. 600-1, cement content not to be less than 200 kg/cum,
60 Item optimum moisture content to be determined during
No. 6.1 trial length construction, concrete strength not to be
less than10 Mpa at 7 days, mixed in a batching plant,
transported to site, laid with paver with electronic
sensor/mechanical paver, compacting with 8-10
tonnes vibratory roller, finishing and curing and as
per relevant clauses of section-603.
Cum - 14310 0.75 0.1 1073 2715 2913973
Construction of dowel jointed, plain cement concrete
pavement in M-30 grade concrete over a prepared sub
base with 43 grade cement maximum size of coarse
aggregate not exceeding 25 mm, mixed in a batching
and mixing plant as per approved mix design,
transported to site, laid with a fixed form or slip form
UADD paver with spreading the concrete by shovels, rakes
ISSR 12- compacted using needle, screed and plate vibrator and
13 13 P.N. 60 finished in a continuous operation including provision
Item No. of contraction, expansion, and longitudinal joints,
6.5 joint filler, separation membrane, sealant primer, joint
sealant, deboning strip, placing of dowel bar, tie rod
admixtures as approved, curing compound, finishing
to lines and grades as per approved drawings as per
IRC-15 2002 and as per relevant clauses of section-
602 of specifications complete but excluding cost of
steel in dowel ber & tie rod etc
Cum - 14310 0.75 0.2 2147 4698 10084600

Consultant:-DRA Consultants Pvt. Ltd., Nagpur 229

Detailed Project Report on “Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme”

Sub Estimate for Water Supply Distribution System of All Zones E-7
Measurement & Abstract Sheet
Sr. SOR Breadth Depth /
Description of Item Unit No Length Qty Rate Amount
No. Details / Dia Height
Providing and laying factory made cokoured charmed
edged Cement Concrete paver blocks of required
strength thickness and size/shape made by table
vibratory method using PU mould laid in required
coloured and pattern over fifty mm thick compacted
stone sust compacting and proper embedding laying
interlocking paver block into the bedding layer
through vibratory compection by using laid vibrator
filling the joints and sand and cutting of paver blocks
as per required size and pattern, finishing ans
sweeping extra sand including locking edge with M15
cement concrete in footh path, light traffic, parking et
all compete as per direction of Engineer-in-Charge.
100 mm thick CC Paver block of M-35 grade with Sqm 4770 0.75 3577.6 940 3362965
approved colour, design and pattern
80 mm thick CC Paver block of M-35 grade with Sqm 4770 0.75 3577.6 840 3005202
approved colour, design and pattern
If required the restoration of concrete pavment can be
done by fiexible pavment or appropriate paver blocks
(where suitable) with appropriate design.
Carriage of excavated material by mechanical
transport including loading unloading and stacking
etc beyond 1000 m
Upto distance 4000 m Cum 10616.6 112 1189059
ISSR 12-
Filling with moorum for pipe bedding or over the
14 13, P.No. -
pipe including supply of moorum
10 cm will be depth of moorum bedding Cum - 79503 0.75 0.1 5962.70 625 3726689

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Detailed Project Report on “Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme”

Sub Estimate for Water Supply Distribution System of All Zones E-7
Measurement & Abstract Sheet
Sr. SOR Breadth Depth /
Description of Item Unit No Length Qty Rate Amount
No. Details / Dia Height
Providing, Laying, Jointing & field testing of high
density Polyethylene pipes, (HDPE) conforming to IS
4984/14151/12786/13488 with necessary jointing
material like mechanical connector or jointing pipes
heating to the ends of pipes with the help of Teflon
ISSR 12-
coated electric mirror/ heater to the required
16 13
temperature and pressing the ends together against the
P. No. - 96
each other, to form a monolithic & leak proof joint by
I. No. - 8.1
thermosetting presses. It may be required to be done
with Jacks/Hydraulic Jacks/ but fusion machine. (50
mm and above fusion jointed & below 50 mm
mechanical jointed)
a) 75 mm dia 10 kg/ pipes RMT - 63719 - - 63719 233 14846510
b) 90 mm dia 10 kg/ pipes RMT - 2594 - - 2594 326 845557
c) 110 mm dia 10 kg/ pipes RMT - 4759 - - 4759 478 2274865
a) 140 mm dia 10 kg/ pipes RMT - 3319 - - 3319 763 2532359
b) 160 mm dia 10 kg/ pipes RMT - 3258 - - 3258 998 3251535
c) 180 mm dia 10 kg/ pipes RMT - 933 - - 933 1270 1185495
d) 200 mm dia 10 kg/ pipes RMT - 62 - - 62 1560 97321
f) 250 mm dia 10 kg/ pipes RMT - 858 - - 858 2414 2071379
ISSR 12-
13 Providing and Laying pipe end, Reducer, bends,
P. No. - 50 confirming to IS specifications
I. No. - 8.2
to 8.8
10% of Pipe Cost Kg - - - - 64042 50 3202077

Consultant:-DRA Consultants Pvt. Ltd., Nagpur 231

Detailed Project Report on “Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme”

Sub Estimate for Water Supply Distribution System of All Zones E-7
Measurement & Abstract Sheet
Sr. SOR Breadth Depth /
Description of Item Unit No Length Qty Rate Amount
No. Details / Dia Height
UADD Providing and fixing of cast iron double flanged
ISSR 12- sluice valves as per I.S.14846-2000 fitted with cast
20 13 iron cap including jointing material such as bolts,
P. No. - 79 nuts, rubber insertions etc. all complete.
I. No. - 6.1 PN 1.0 without bypass arrangement
80 mm dia No 53 - - - 53 2891 153223
100 mm dia No 7 - - - 7 3938 27566
200 mm dia No 20 - - - 20 10173 203460
250 mm dia No 3 - - - 3 17101 51303
300 mm dia No 4 - - - 4 19397 77588
ISSR 12- Providing and laying mechanically mixed cement
13, P.No. - concrete with crushed stone aggregate excluding
154 centering and shuttering (with 40mm nominal size
I.No.- grade stone aggregate)
R.C.C.- M20
For bends Cum 30 1 0.7 0.5 10.5
For Nalla crossing Cum 6 3 0.7 0.5 6.3
Pipe volume Cum 6 3 0.7855 0.0121 0.2
Cum 16.6 5668 94253
Providing and placing in position cold twisted or un-
ISSR 12-
coated HYSD steel bar and hot rolled deformed steel
13, P.No. -
23 reinforcement for R.C.C work i/c cutting, bending,
binding etc. complete i/c cost of binding wire and
1.1% of total of R.C.C. Qty Kg 1 - - - 1436 55 78975

Consultant:-DRA Consultants Pvt. Ltd., Nagpur 232

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Sub Estimate for Water Supply Distribution System of All Zones E-7
Measurement & Abstract Sheet
Sr. SOR Breadth Depth /
Description of Item Unit No Length Qty Rate Amount
No. Details / Dia Height
Constructing one brick masonry chamber 90x90x100
cm inside, with 25 class designation modular brick
work in cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand)
for sluice valve with C.I. surface box 100 mm. top
diameter, 160 mm bottom diameter and 180 mm deep
ISSR 12-
(inside) with chained lid. RCC top slab cement
concrete grade M-20 (Nominal Mix with 20mm
24 Building
maximum size of stone aggregate) along with
P.No. - 232
necessary excavation, 100mm thick foundation
concrete grade M-7.5 (Nominal Mix with 40mm
maximum size of stone aggregate) and inside
plastering with cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement: 3 coarse
sand) 12 mm thick finished with a floating coat of
neat cement complete as per standard design. :
For Air Valve/Sluice Valve No 87 - - - 87 9751 848337
UADD Filling available excavated earth in trenches, plinth
ISSR 12- sides of foundation in layers not exceeding 20cm. In
25 13, P.No. - depth including consolidation of each layer by
151 ramming watering, lead up to 50m and lift up to 1.5m
I.No.-15.8 in all kinds of soils
Excavated Quantity Cum - - - - 60161
Pipe volume Cum 527.87
Chamber Cum 87 1.2 1.0 1.0 104.4
For Concrete Cum 16.63
For Murum bedding Cum 5962.70
Total Filling Quantity Cum 53549.1 29 1552925

Consultant:-DRA Consultants Pvt. Ltd., Nagpur 233

Detailed Project Report on “Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme”

Sub Estimate for Water Supply Distribution System of All Zones E-7
Measurement & Abstract Sheet
Sr. SOR Breadth Depth /
Description of Item Unit No Length Qty Rate Amount
No. Details / Dia Height
Supply & Installation of Domestic Water Meters of
inferential type, multijet, magnetically coupled,
UADD having dry dial, straight reading Class B conforming
ISSR 12- to is: 779/1994, ISO and EEC approved, including
13, P.No. - transportation to site, storage, safety, installation,
169 testing, commissioning, making connections with
I.No.- existing pipeline, including excavation at site,
16.18 dewatering and reinstating the same after completion
of installation as per specifications including all
15 mm size connection No 5380 - - - 5380 1152 6197760
Woltman Turbine Bulk Meters Supply of Woltman
Turbine Bulk meters class B, multijet, magnetically
UADD coupled as per specifications conforming to is
ISSR 12- 770/1994, ISO 4064/1 and EEC approved, including
13, P.No. - transportation to site, storage, safety, installation,
169 testing, commissioning, making connections with
I.No.- existing pipeline, including excavation at site,
16.19 dewatering and reinstating the same after completion
of installation as per specifications and drawings
including all taxes.
50 mm size connection No 50 - - - 50 9608 480400

Consultant:-DRA Consultants Pvt. Ltd., Nagpur 234

Detailed Project Report on “Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme”

Sub Estimate for Water Supply Distribution System of All Zones E-7
Measurement & Abstract Sheet
Sr. SOR Breadth Depth /
Description of Item Unit No Length Qty Rate Amount
No. Details / Dia Height
Providing and Supplying Blue MDPE pipes
conforming to ISO 4427:1996 manufactured from
virgin resin PE 80Food grade compounded Raw
Material having Blue Colour only with quality
ISSR 12-
assurance certificate from quality agencies like WRC/
13, P.No. -
27 CIPET (India)/ DVGM/KIWA/SPGN etc. for usage
in Drinking Water System The cost shall include
testing of all materials, all taxes Central, State,
And 8.11.1
Municipal, Inspection charges, transportation upto
site, transit insurance, loading, unloading, stacking
etc. complete.
PN 16 (SDR 9)
15 mm Dia Rmt 5380 10 - - 53800 33 1775400
50 mm size connection Rmt 50 10 - - 500 97 48500
Providing & Supply of Electro Fusion Tapping
Ferrule (Branch Tapping Saddle) female BSP
Threaded with SS 304 insert fittings in accordance
UADD with BS EN 12201 : Part-3 suitable for drinking
ISSR 12- water with in black/blue colour manufactured from
13, P.No. - compounded PE80/PE 100 virgin polymer and
103 compatible with PE80/PE100 pipes, in pressure rating
I.No.-8.12 SDR 11 with min PN 12.5 rated for water
And 8.12.1 application and shall be inclusive of all cost such as
testing, all taxes related to central, state & municipal,
inspection charges transportation upto site, transit
insurance, loading, unloading, stacking etc. complete.
75x15mm Each 4352 - - - 4352 999 4347623
90x15mm Each 177 - - - 177 999 176974
90x50mm Each 59 - - - 59 999 58547
110x15mm Each 325 - - - 325 999 324722
110x50mm Each 4 - - - 4 999 4257
160x15mm Each 227 - - - 227 999 226456

Consultant:-DRA Consultants Pvt. Ltd., Nagpur 235

Detailed Project Report on “Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme”

Sub Estimate for Water Supply Distribution System of All Zones E-7
Measurement & Abstract Sheet
Sr. SOR Breadth Depth /
Description of Item Unit No Length Qty Rate Amount
No. Details / Dia Height
200x15mm Each 223 - - - 223 1410 313758
160x50mm Each 64 - - - 64 1416 90277
Grand Total for Distribution System of Bankhedi 93799550

Consultant:-DRA Consultants Pvt. Ltd., Nagpur 236

Detailed Project Report on “Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme”

14.9 E8- Estimate of Electrical Sub-Station / Transformer & Transmission Line

Sub Estimate for Electrical Sub-Station / Transformer & Transmission Line E-8
Measurement & Abstract Sheet
Sr. SOR Bredth Depth /
Description of Item Unit No Length Qty Rate Amount
No. Details / Dia Height
Electrical Sub Station / Transformer:-
Providing, Constructing, erecting, commissioning, testing
& trial for electrical substation, including all material &
UADD Labour required for the job as per rules & regulations of
1 Non SOR MP electricity board & as directed by the Engineer-In-
Item Charge etc complete
for Tube Well No - 11 & 12 KVA 2 - - - 25 10000 500000
for Clear Water Sump & Pump House - I KVA 1 - - - 25 10000 250000

2 Electrical Transmission Line :-

RS Joist 175X85 mm.19.6 kg/mtr. ,9 Mtr. long No. 1 - - - 42 9788 411096
L.T. four pin cross arm 50x50x6 mm angle No. 1 - - - 42 569 23898
L.T. shackle insulator (90X75mm.) including cut
No. 1 - - - 210 9 1890
point/angle location
Hardware for 90X75 mm. shackle insulator No. 1 - - - 210 42 8820
Earth knob (aluminium bobbin) No. 1 - - - 42 26 1092
AAAC conductor including 3 % sag 1 - - -
i) 50 Al. Eq.(Rabbit) Km. 1 - - - 8 28100 224800
ii) 30 Al. Eq.(Weasel) Km. 1 - - - 2 18240 36480
Stay set 16 mm. complete with back clamps, stay wire
7/3.15 mm. (5.5 kg.stay wire per stay set ) and turn Set 1 - - - 10 937 9370
Split insulator for guarding Pair 1 - - - 40 4 160
Back filling of pole pit with boulder No. 1 - - - 7 110 770
Binding wire and tape Kg. 1 - - - 3 280 840

Consultant:-DRA Consultants Pvt. Ltd., Nagpur 237

Detailed Project Report on “Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme”

Sub Estimate for Electrical Sub-Station / Transformer & Transmission Line E-8
Measurement & Abstract Sheet
Sr. SOR Bredth Depth /
Description of Item Unit No Length Qty Rate Amount
No. Details / Dia Height
Concreting (1:3:6) of stay and base pad for poles @ 0.2
Cmt. 1 - - - 11 3540 37170
cmt. per stay and @ 0.05 cmt. for base pad
Nuts and bolts Kg. 1 - - - 10 80 800
Red oxide paint Ltr. 1 - - - 42 85 3570
Aluminium paint Ltr. 1 - - - 42 170 7140
G.I. wire 4 mm. for Diamond guarding Kg. 1 - - - 60 63 3799
Earthing set (coil earth ) No. 1 - - - 7 130 910
Labour & Transportation charges on cost of material 1 - - - - - 77260
Supervision Charges 1 - - - - - 50992
Cost of Per Kilometer Electrical Transmission Line 900857
Cost of 0.3 Km Electrical Tansmission Line At Chillod Km 1 0.3 - - 0.3 900857 270257
Cost of 0.4 Km Electrical Tansmission Line At
Km 1 0.4 0.4 900857 360343
Cost of 0.3 Km Electrical Tansmission Line At Sump Km 1 0.3 0.3 900857 270257
Grand Total Cost for Electrical Sub-Station / Transformer & Transmission Line 1650857

Consultant:-DRA Consultants Pvt. Ltd., Nagpur 238

Detailed Project Report on “Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme”

14.10 E9- Estimate of PLC and SCADA for Scheme Monitoring

Sub Estimates for PLC And SCADA For Scheme Monitoring E-9
Measurement & Abstract Sheet
SOR Bredth Depth /
Sr. No. Description of Item Unit No Length Qty Rate Amount
Details / Dia Height
Supply, delivery, installation, testing, training and
commissioning of SCADA System sufficient to monitor
UADD discharge flow & efficiency of pumps, pressure in the
1 Non SOR pipeline, level of water in the OHT's & Clear Water Sump,
Item Surge Pressure etc and display digitally all information in
the centralized monitoring unit complete water supply
scheme etc all complete.
For OHT Nos. 6 - - - 6 500000 3000000
For Sump Nos. 2 - - - 2 500000 1000000
Grand Total for PLC And SCADA For Scheme Monitoring 4000000

Consultant:-DRA Consultants Pvt. Ltd., Nagpur 239

Detailed Project Report on “Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme”


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Detailed Project Report on “Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme”

15. Annexures

15.1 List of ULB Officials Attending Meeting and Site Visit

List of ULB officials attended meeting and remained during site visit are given below:

Consultant:-DRA Consultants Pvt. Ltd., Nagpur 241

Detailed Project Report on “Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme”

Discussion with President and Nagar Parishad

Selection of WTP / 700 KL OHT site
Officials at nagar Parishad office

Intake well Site at Narmada River Taking Water sample for testing

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Detailed Project Report on “Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme”

15.2 Water Sample Test Report of Existing Tube Wells

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Detailed Project Report on “Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme”

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Detailed Project Report on “Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme”

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Detailed Project Report on “Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme”

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Detailed Project Report on “Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme”

12.3 Yield Test Reports of Existing Tube Wells

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Detailed Project Report on “Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme”

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Detailed Project Report on “Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme”

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Detailed Project Report on “Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme”

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Detailed Project Report on “Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme”

15.4 Resistivity Survey

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Detailed Project Report on “Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme”

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Detailed Project Report on “Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme”

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Detailed Project Report on “Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme”

15.5 Khasra Map &Khasra-Khatoni Record for OHT at Chillod

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Detailed Project Report on “Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme”

15.6 Khasra Map &Khasra-Khatoni Record for OHT at Dahalwada Kala

Consultant:-DRA Consultants Pvt. Ltd., Nagpur 259

Detailed Project Report on “Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme”

15.7 Activity Chart for Execution of Scheme

Activity Bar Chart for Execution of Scheme
Sub Work M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M7 M8 M9 M10 M11 M12 M13 M14 M15 M16 M17 M18
Confirmirmative Survey, Submission & Approval of
Drawings & Designs
Civil Work
Head Works Components
Mechanical Work
Electrical Work
Pipe Supply
Raw Water Rising Main
Laying & Jointing
Hydraulic Testing
Civil Work
Water Treatment Plant
Mechanical Work
Civil Work
Raw Water Pumping Procurment
Machinery Mechanical Work
Electrical Work
Civil Work
Clear Water Pumping Procurment
Machinery Mechanical Work
Electrical Work
Pipe Supply
Clear Water Feeder Main Laying & Jointing
Hydraulic Testing
Distribution Laying & Jointing
Hydraulic Testing
Sub Stations & Electric
Eriction & Commissioning
Transmission Lines
Testing & Approvals
Civil Work
R.C.C. Over Head Tanks Procurment
Commissioning & Testing
It is necessary to get prior mandatary actvities /sanctions before start of Works at sites :Resolution from ULB for sanction of water rates,Budgt provisions to for maintaining flow of funds ,Sanctioned from competent authority for use of water
source as per requirement, if source is irrigation tank then sanction from Water Resource Dept.,Sanction required from forest Dept. ,if laying of pipes to be done in forest area or construction sites for WTP and WPH ,Land availability such as
Note: Revenue land, owners land requiring Acquisition,If if required NOC/clearances for transfer of lands if any.

Consultant:-DRA Consultants Pvt. Ltd., Nagpur 260

Detailed Project Report on “Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme”

15.8 Investigation Report for Water Table

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Detailed Project Report on “Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme”

15.9 Major Levels of Various Water Supply Scheme Components:-

Below table shows the major levels of various water supply scheme components:
Table 23 :- Details Levels of Water Supply Scheme Components
Depth / St.
Sr. Existing / OHT GL LSL FSL
Description Proposed
Location Height
No. Capacity (m) (m) (m)
1 Tube Well - 1 Existing - 76.2 351.3 282.7 -
2 Tube Well - 2 Existing - 76.2 351.6 283.0 -
3 Tube Well - 3 Existing - 122 349.9 235.6 -
4 Tube Well - 4 Existing - 70 348.3 285.9 -
5 Tube Well - 5 Existing - 67 349.1 289.7 -
6 Tube Well - 6 Existing - 76 345.2 276.9 -
7 Tube Well - 7 Existing - 67 350.4 291.0 -
8 Tube Well - 8 Existing - 70 350.3 287.9 -
9 Tube Well - 9 Existing - 76 348.3 280.0 -
10 Tube Well - 10 Existing - 76 351.1 282.8 -
11 Tube Well - 11 Proposed Chillod - 91 347.0 263.2 -
12 Tube Well - 12 Proposed Dahalwada Kala - 91 355.2 271.4 -
13 Zone A - OHT Proposed Nayakheda 100 18 349.3 367.3 372.3
14 Zone B - OHT Proposed Chillod 200 18 345.0 363.0 368.0
15 Zone C - OHT Existing Rahatwada 80 12 350.3 362.3 367.3
16 Zone D - OHT Proposed Dahalwada Kala 200 18 356.2 374.2 379.2
17 Zone E - OHT Proposed Behind Nagar Parishad Office 450 18 350.4 368.4 373.4
18 Zone F - OHT Proposed Kalkuhi 150 18 357.4 375.4 380.4
19 CW Sump & Pump House - I Proposed Near Nagar Parishad Office - - 349.2 - -
20 CW Sump & Pump House - II Proposed Chillod - - 345.2 - -

Consultant:-DRA Consultants Pvt. Ltd., Nagpur 262

Detailed Project Report on “Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme”

15.10 Compliance to the MPUDC Observations

Name of Scheme Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme

Observation Letter No.
MPUDC Observation on Compliance to the Observations Raised by
Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme MPUDC, Bhopal
Page No. 197 Table 14.4- Motor
Design calculations for motor power are
power calculation in correct
1 checked. We have considered multiplying
accordingly change KW of bore well
factor as given in the CPHHEEO Manual.
We have mentioned in the Chapter 1 -
Executive Summary, Page No 17, that
presently in Bankhedi town 10 numbers of tube
There are 10 Nos existing tube well
well are available and out of that we are using
and 2 Nos tube well proposed. For
2 9 tube wells in the proposed scheme. Due to
total 12 Nos Tube well only 11 Nos
the topography of Bankhedi town, we have
pump set proposed for tube well.
proposed additional 2 tube wells in Chillod &
Dahalwada Kala apart from these 9 existing
tube wells.
Page No - 11, showing details of the existing
10 numbers of tube wells.
Page No - 12 showing the details of the tube
Page No.11 Vol-II Page No.11 Nos of
well considered in new scheme.
Tube well written 10 Nos and on Page
In nut shekel:-
No.12 showing 11Nos Tube wells
Existing tube wells in Bankhedi town = 10 nos
3 with yield and location than why 2
Tube wells using from existing tube wells in
Nos Tube well proposed instead of 1
Bankhedi WSS = 9 nos
No, when 11Nos Tube wells are
Additional tube wells proposed in Bankhedi
already available.
WSS = 2 nos
Hence Bankhedi WSS is based on 11 nos of
tube wells (9 Existing + 2 New)
It was a typing mistake. The actual capacity of
Page No 13 There is 1 No existing
OHT for Zone E (E1+E2) is 700 KL. We have
and 5 Nos OHT proposed but in
made the necessary corrections in the drawing
drawing no.12, in Bore E-2 1 Nos
4 D12 and mentioned the capacity of OHT as
450KL OHT extra proposed for
700 KL in place of 450 KL. We have
which no provision made in estimate.
considered the cost of 700 KL OHT in
Check and verify.
By mistake we gave the test reports of Tube
Only 8 Nos Tube well water test Well No 6 & 8 were inserted twice. Now we
report enclosed out of 10 Nos. have inserted the test reports of tube well no 5
& 7. Please refer clause no 13.2
Revenue Generation Plan was given in Clause
Revenue generation plan not
6 No 11.2 and was already submitted in the draft

Consultant:-DRA Consultants Pvt. Ltd., Nagpur 263

Detailed Project Report on “Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme”

Size of house connection as 15 mm was

Provide 20 mm dia HDPE pipe house decided in "Working Committee" meeting.
connection in place of 15 mm dia. Hence we have provided the house service
connection size as 15 mm instead of 20 mm.
Details and utility of existing pump
8 Compliance not required.
machinery enclosed.
Enclosed Infra-structure detail details
like (i) Road (ii) Nos of Schools
Details are given in the Environmental (IEE) &
9 (iii) Nos of Hospital (iv)Cultural
Social (IR & IP) Safeguard Reports.
importance of town (v)
Religious temples etc.
Enclose Stake holder and local people
consultation with (i) Attendance sheet Details are given in the Environmental (IEE) &
(ii) Photograph (iii) minutes of Social (IR & IP) Safeguard Reports.
Enclosed base line town profile (i)
Details are given in the Environmental (IEE) &
11 Literacy rate (ii) Sex ratio (iii) ST/SC
Social (IR & IP) Safeguard Reports.
population (iv) slum area.
Enclose Google map/survey of India Details are given in the Environmental (IEE) &
map with & without components. Social (IR & IP) Safeguard Reports.
Environmental (IEE) & Social (IR & IP)
Environments and safe guard reports
13 Safeguard Reports will be submitted
submit as ADB's guide line.

Consultant:-DRA Consultants Pvt. Ltd., Nagpur 264

Final Detailed Project Report on
Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme
Madhya Pradesh Urban Services Improvement Program, UDED, Bhopal Dist – Hoshangabad, Madhya Pradesh
Urban Water Supply Improvement Project in Tier II Cities of M.P.

Volume IV - Drawings
Project Director, Project Uday, Project Management Unit,

Estimated Cost : Rs. 1416.12 Lacs

August - 2016
DRA Consultants Pvt. Ltd.
58, Ingole Nagar, Opp. Airport, Behind
Hotel Pride, Wardha Road, Nagpur – 05
Email –
Detailed Project Report on “Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme”

Volume - IV
Drawings of Water Supply Scheme

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Detailed Project Report on “Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme”

Drawings of Water Supply
Scheme Components

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Detailed Project Report on “Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme”

16 Drawings of Water Supply Scheme Components

16.1 D1 – Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme at a Glance

16.2 D2 - Key Elevation Plan of Bankhedi WSS

16.3 D3 - Location Map of Bankhedi WSS

16.4 D4 – Schematic Drawing of Clear Water Sump & Pump House

16.5 D5 – Schematic Drawings of 100 KL & 150 KL OHT’s

16.6 D6 – Schematic Drawings of 200 KL, 200 KL & 450 KL OHT’s

16.7 D7 – Drawing for Water Supply Distribution System of Bankhedi Town Zone-A

16.8 D8 – Drawing for Water Supply Distribution System of Bankhedi Town Zone-B

16.9 D9 – Drawing for Water Supply Distribution System of Bankhedi Town Zone-C

16.10 D10 – Drawing for Water Supply Distribution System of Bankhedi Town Zone-D

16.11 D11 - Drawing for Water Supply Distribution System of Bankhedi Town Zone-

16.12 D12 - Drawing for Water Supply Distribution System of Bankhedi Town Zone-

16.13 D13 – Drawing for Water Supply Distribution System of Bankhedi Town Zone-F

16.14 D14 – Digital Elevation Model of Bankhedi Town

Consultant:-DRA Consultants Pvt. Ltd., Nagpur 267

BAnder Jilla Proposed Tube well TB

Existing Tube well TB

Over Head Tank


Hand Pump

ZONE-B School / College


Mata Mandir


Zone Map / DMA -A


Zone Map / DMA -B

Nayakheda Zone Map / DMA -C

Chillod Zone Map / DMA -D

TB-4 Zone Map / DMA -E

Zone Map / DMA -F

Zone Map / DMA -G

ZONE-C Zone Map / DMA -G


Seal & Signature of Officials

TB-9 Rahatwada

TB-3 Engineer in Chief



Chief Engineer

Superintending Engineer


Executive Engineer

Chief Municipal Officer


Assistant . Engineer


Dahalwada Kala
Sub- Engineer


Project :-
Urban Water Supply Improvement Project in Tier-II Cities of Madhya Pradesh
Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme, Dist - Hoshangabad, M.P.

Kemdhana ZONE-F Client:-

Project Director,Project Uday, Project Management Unit
Andhyarbabdi M.P. Urban Services Improvement Program, UDED, Bhopal.

Beej Bhawan, II Floor Arera Hills, Bhopal-462011, Tel.0755-2763060,62 Fax 0755-2763868

DRA Consultants Pvt. Ltd.
58, Ingole Nagar, Opp. Airport, Behind Hotel Pride ,Warda Road, Nagpur-440 005 (M.S) India.
Ph:-0712-3027575 , F:+91-712-3025227, Mo:- 090391 23300 ,
Email:- ,

Drawing Name:
Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme at a Glance
Drawn By:- Checked By :- Approved By:- Cluster-A
Sheet Size :- A1 Scale :-N.T.S. Date: 20.07.2016 Pages : 1 of 1
Key -Elevation Plan of Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme


Pipe flow


Tube Well



Clear Water Sump

Pump House D

Inlet Pipe

345.20 M.

Top-RL 349.20 M.
3.00 V
0.30 M. RCC

0.30 M. PCC

Pump House
Brick Wall 1.50

Open To Sky Half Circular
Area Wired Mash P-1 D
P-1 P-2
RL 346.20 M. FRL 346.20 m.
RL 345.70 M. RCC Slab RCC Slab Stair Case
GL 345.20 M. FSL 345.10 M. GL 345.20 M.

LSL 342.10 M
1.00 m. Silt Pocket
0.15 0.15
0.15 0.30 M. RCC 0.15 RL 341.10M
RL 340.65 M
0.15 M. PCC
Clear Water Sump & Pump house -II
Near Mata mandir chillod

Seal & Signature of Officials

Engineer in Chief

Chief Engineer

Superintending Engineer

Executive Engineer

Chief Municipal Officer

Assistant . Engineer

Top-RL 354.40 M.
3.00 V
Brick Wall Pump House

Open To Sky Half Circular
Area Wired Mash P-1
P-1 P-2
D Sub- Engineer
RL 351.40 M. FRL 351.40 m.
RL 350.90 M. RCC Slab RCC Slab Stair Case
GL 350.40 M. FSL 352.20 M. GL 350.40 M.

Project :-
LSL 347.20 M
Urban Water Supply Improvement Project in Tier-II Cities of Madhya Pradesh

1.00 m. Silt Pocket
0.30 M. RCC
0.15 RL 346.20M
RL 345.75 M
0.15 M.6.00
Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme, Dist - Hoshangabad, M.P.
Clear Water Sump & Pump house -I
Near Nagar Parishad Office
Project Director,Project Uday, Project Management Unit
M.P. Urban Services Improvement Program, UDED, Bhopal.
Beej Bhawan, II Floor Arera Hills, Bhopal-462011, Tel.0755-2763060,62 Fax 0755-2763868

DRA Consultants Pvt. Ltd.
58, Ingole Nagar, Opp. Airport, Behind Hotel Pride ,Warda Road, Nagpur-440 005 (M.S) India.
Ph:-0712-3027575 , F:+91-712-3025227, Mo:- 090391 23300 ,
Email:- ,

Drawing Name:
Key -Elevation Plan of Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme
Drawn By:- Checked By :- Approved By:- Cluster-A
Sheet Size :- A1 Scale :-N.T.S. Date: 20.07.2016 Pages : 1 of 1
BAnder Jilla
Proposed Tube well TB

Existing Tube well TB

Over Head Tank


Hand Pump
Mata Mandir
School / College


TB-6 Road

Nayakheda Ward Boundry

Ward -02

Chillod Theni River


Railway Track

Railway Track

Railway Track

Railway Track

Railway Track


Ward -03

TB-9 Rahatwada


Seal & Signature of Officials


TB-1 Engineer in Chief

Ward -14 Ward -05

Chief Engineer


Superintending Engineer


Executive Engineer

Chief Municipal Officer

Dahalwada Kala
Ward -04
Assistant . Engineer



Sub- Engineer

Project :-
Urban Water Supply Improvement Project in Tier-II Cities of Madhya Pradesh
Kemdhana Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme, Dist - Hoshangabad, M.P.
Andhyarbabdi Client:-

Project Director,Project Uday, Project Management Unit


M.P. Urban Services Improvement Program, UDED, Bhopal.

Beej Bhawan, II Floor Arera Hills, Bhopal-462011, Tel.0755-2763060,62 Fax 0755-2763868

DRA Consultants Pvt. Ltd.
58, Ingole Nagar, Opp. Airport, Behind Hotel Pride ,Warda Road, Nagpur-440 005 (M.S) India.
Ph:-0712-3027575 , F:+91-712-3025227, Mo:- 090391 23300 ,
Email:- ,

Drawing Name:
Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme at Layout drawing.
Drawn By:- Checked By :- Approved By:- Cluster-A
Sheet Size :- A1 Scale :-0.080000 Date: 20.07.2016 Pages : 1 of 1

Top-RL 354.40 M. Top-RL 349.20 M.

V 3.00 V V 3.00 V
Brick Wall Pump House Brick Wall Pump House
W 1.50 W 1.50

W 1.00
W 1.00

Seal & Signature of Officials

Open To Sky Half Circular P-1 D Open To Sky Half Circular P-1 D
Area Wired Mash P-1 P-2 Area Wired Mash P-1 P-2
Engineer in Chief
RL 351.40 M. FRL 351.40 m. RL 346.20 M. FRL 346.20 m.

RCC Slab RCC Slab RCC Slab RCC Slab

RL 350.90 M. Stair Case RL 345.70 M. Stair Case
Chief Engineer
GL 350.40 M. FSL 352.20 M. GL 350.40 M. GL 345.20 M. FSL 345.10 M. GL 345.20 M.

Superintending Engineer
Inlet Pipe Inlet Pipe

Executive Engineer

Chief Municipal Officer

LSL 347.20 M LSL 342.10 M

1.00 m. Silt Pocket Impeller Impeller

1.00 m. Silt Pocket
Assistant . Engineer
0.15 0.15RL 346.20M 0.15 0.15RL 341.10M
0.30 M. RCC 0.30 M. RCC
0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15
RL 345.75 M RL 340.65 M
0.15 M. PCC 0.15 M. PCC
6.00 3.00 Sub- Engineer
6.50 3.50
6.80 3.80
7.10 4.10

Project :-
Urban Water Supply Improvement Project in Tier-II Cities of Madhya Pradesh
Clear Water Sump & Pump house -I Clear Water Sump & Pump house -II Scheme:-
Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme, Dist - Hoshangabad, M.P.
Near Nagar Parishad Office Near Mata mandir chillod
Project Director,Project Uday, Project Management Unit
M.P. Urban Services Improvement Program, UDED, Bhopal.
Beej Bhawan, II Floor Arera Hills, Bhopal-462011, Tel.0755-2763060,62 Fax 0755-2763868

DRA Consultants Pvt. Ltd.
58, Ingole Nagar, Behind Hotel Pride ,Warda Road, Nagpur-440 005 (M.S) India.
Ph:-0712-3027575 , F:+91-712-3025227, Mo:- 090391 23300 ,
Email:- ,
Drawing Name:
Schematic Drawing of Clear Water Sump & Pump House I & II
Drawn By:- Checked By :- Approved By:- Cluster-A
Sheet Size :- A2 Scale :-N.T.S. Date: 20.07.2016 Pages : 1 of 1



FSL 372.30 m.


WALL 220 FSL 380.00 m.
THK (M-300)

WALL 220
H THK (M-300)

LSL 367.30 m.

LSL 375.00 m.



RL 362.80 m.
Seal & Signature of Officials

RL 370.50 m.
Engineer in Chief

RL 358.30 m. GALLERY 1000

GALLERY 1000 Chief Engineer

0.6 RL 366.00 m.


RL 353.80 m.
RL 361.50 m.


Chief Municipal

GL 349.30 m.

GL 357.00 m. Assistant . Engineer
1.35 1.35
3.47 3.47 3.47
1.35 1.35
3.47 3.47 3.47
ELEVATION Sub- Engineer

Nayakheda (100 KL OHT)

Kalkohi (150 KL OHT) Project :-
Urban Water Supply Improvement Project in Tier-II Cities of Madhya Pradesh
PLAN PLAN Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme, Dist - Hoshangabad, M.P.

Project Director,Project Uday, Project Management Unit
M.P. Urban Services Improvement Program, UDED, Bhopal.
Beej Bhawan, II Floor Arera Hills, Bhopal-462011, Tel.0755-2763060,62 Fax 0755-2763868

DRA Consultants Pvt. Ltd.
58, Ingole Nagar, Behind Hotel Pride ,Warda Road, Nagpur-440 005 (M.S) India.
Ph:-0712-3027575 , F:+91-712-3025227, Mo:- 090391 23300 ,
Email:- ,

Drawing Name:
Schematic Drawings of 150 KL & 150 KL Over Head Tanks
Drawn By:- Checked By :- Approved By:- Cluster-A
Sheet Size :- A2 Scale :-N.T.S. Date: 20.07.2016 Pages : 1 of 1














FSL 379.20 m. FSL 368.00 m. FSL 373.40 m.

WALL 220 WALL 220 WALL 220

THK (M-300) THK (M-300) THK (M-300)


LSL 374.20 m. LSL 363.00 m. LSL 368.40 m.

Seal & Signature of Officials


Engineer in Chief
0.6 0.6 0.6

Chief Engineer

RL 369.70 m. RL 358.50 m. RL 363.90 m.

Superintending Engineer
0.6 0.6 0.6

Executive Engineer

0.6 0.6 0.6

Chief Municipal Officer

RL 365.20 m. RL 354.00 m. RL 359.40 m.

Assistant . Engineer

0.6 0.6 0.6


Sub- Engineer




RL 360.70 m. RL 349.50 m. RL 354.90 m.

Project :-
Urban Water Supply Improvement Project in Tier-II Cities of Madhya Pradesh
0.6 0.6 0.6 Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme, Dist - Hoshangabad, M.P.

Project Director,Project Uday, Project Management Unit
M.P. Urban Services Improvement Program, UDED, Bhopal.
Beej Bhawan, II Floor Arera Hills, Bhopal-462011, Tel.0755-2763060,62 Fax 0755-2763868

GL 356.20 m. GL 345.00 m. GL 350.40 m. Consultant:

DRA Consultants Pvt. Ltd.
0.15 0.15 0.15
58, Ingole Nagar, Opp. Airport, Behind Hotel Pride ,Warda Road, Nagpur-440 005 (M.S) India.
0.5 0.5 0.5 Ph:-0712-3027575 , F:+91-712-3025227, Mo:- 090391 23300 ,
Email:- ,
1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35
Drawing Name:
3.47 3.47 3.47 3.47 3.47 3.47 3.47 3.47 3.47
Schematic Drawings of 200 KL, 200 KL & 700 KL Over Head Tanks
ELEVATION ELEVATION ELEVATION Drawn By:- Checked By :- Approved By:- Cluster-A
Sheet Size :- A2 Scale :-N.T.S. Date: 20.07.2016 Pages : 1 of 1
Dahalwada Kala (200 KL OHT) Chillod (200 KL OHT) Nagar Parishad Office
(700 KL OHT)
349.36 m
15.61 m
348.79 m
16.18 m
(Drawing for Water Supply Distribution System of Bankhedi Town Zone-A) D7



34 .95 m
15 J-23
54 m

53 m
19 2

348.66 m
16.36 m

348.99 m 165.359 m
Over Head Tank
16.03 m

Pipe Flow

Sluice Valve

349.29 m
16.38 m

349.37 m 16.1
16.04 m J- 19
J-20 P-20


65 m
J-17 m
5m 349.1.355m
349.0.45 m 8 16
16 -18 P-1
J 89 m

J-15 6 m
349.41 m
349.41 m
16.46 m



J-13.58 m
349 8 m

40.611 m
349.56 m
16.57 m

349.74 m
16 m

Seal & Signature of Officials


m P-1
349.83 m
Engineer in Chief
349.996m 1m 16.72 m
16.5 .79
J-9 38

16 7

349.91 m P-8

16.76 m
J-8 44.775

Zone-A Chief Engineer


349.87 m
17.14 m

P- 3
6 174. 9.95
5m J-4 6 m m

P-4 J-3 8 m
350.8.13 m
59.084 m 16
25 -5


Superintending Engineer



349.99 m

17.02 m 350.09 m
17.20 m m
J-1 350.27
350.09 m S.V 16.85 m
16.06 m P-2 J-2 350.25 m 350.25 m
16.48 m

J-47 60.676 m S.V P-28 16.48 m

J-28 P-29 J-29

S.V J-27 9 m 63.828 m

11.906 m m 350.21 m
6.898 S.V 16.8 16.038 m
Prop. OHT-1 (100 KL)

Executive Engineer


Chief Municipal Officer

1 J-46
.43 m

350.39 m

15.74 m
350.33 m J-50 P-5
15.77 m
J-53 68 m



9 m

J-450.45 m

3 5.69
71 m

5 m 8.340 m
Assistant . Engineer
44.152 m


m 315.54 m

0 . 62 mm 350.63m 8m
350.50 m
2 J-43.65 m
99 m

5 4

3 5.54 -

1 J-45 15.54 P-44 J 0 P-42 S.V 15.71
43 355.53 m

-4 P - J-3

P-48 J m
P-45 1 56.342 S.V

350.42 m 350.54 m

45.617 m m
15.65 m 15.56 m P-52 18.042

J-660.64 m

35 .56 m

J-61 J-51 J-48


J-63 P-65 P-53

350.36 m 34.983 m 350.58 m

15.55 m
15.520 m

15.71 m 31.705 m


m 5

3m P-5 J-5250 m
0.5 6 m
m . J-32.54 m

3 6 50
1550.49 35 5.5 54 .91 315.59 m 350 7 0 m
. 1 J- 19 15.
J-659 m m 350.6J-56
3505.41 m


1 J-65

15.500 m J-75
Sub- Engineer


P-63 m 350.6 076

15.58 0 m 58 . 350.89 m

m 14.04 m

43.67 m J-87
5 m 6 350.76 m 2.230
35 5.51 0

P-5 15.45 m P-68 J-640.81 m

1 J-6

350.59 m
0.5 m

15.51 m m J-67
958 P-70 35 .40 m

J-55 54. 15


46.406 m
1 -68
0.8 m



31.082 m


85.304 m


350.84 m
81 m



15.35 m
Project :-
89.532 m





26.547 m m
351.053m P-90 J-86
50 m

14.0 4 350.99 m
m 13.94 m
Urban Water Supply Improvement Project in Tier-II Cities of Madhya Pradesh
J- 0.918 m
35 5.2

350.8 J-8
70 m

15.335 m
J m

35 -59

15.30.71 m

28.130 m

90 m



5m 90.66
351.45 m

75.274 18.6 13.982



43 J-
Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme, Dist - Hoshangabad, M.P.




6 m
350. J-58 3.342

15.284 m 3
1 50 351.00 m P-83 45.282

5m 35 J J-75.30.88 m 351.03 m 3m P-85 J-30.98 m J-85

15.0.88-57 7 m J-73 15.16 m 15.19 m
350.85 m J-79 349.60 m 351.03 m
21 m 14.71
4.411 m 2m 350.626 m 15
m 350.90 m 49.90 14.05 m

80 J-8 14 m

P- 15.28 m
m P-34
15.3 3

16.208 m P-36 J-34 J-530.83 m

24.616 m


39.560 m

21.164 m 350.846 m

3505.9.244 m P-37 J-360 m
4m 15.3 m 15
.37 m
Project Director,Project Uday, Project Management Unit
350.99 m J-96
M.P. Urban Services Improvement Program, UDED, Bhopal.

80.148 m 15.2 347.10 m

5m J-83
23.64 P-40 J-37 m 351.05 m 16.64 m
m 351.00 14.35 m
3515.15 m8
1 J- 7
74.585 m
15.19 m
Beej Bhawan, II Floor Arera Hills, Bhopal-462011, Tel.0755-2763060,62 Fax 0755-2763868
350.92 m
71.960 m
34.755 m


J-4005 m 14.66 m
3515.14 m
1 Consultant:
DRA Consultants Pvt. Ltd.

350.61 m
58, Ingole Nagar, Opp. Airport, Behind Hotel Pride ,Warda Road, Nagpur-440 005 (M.S) India.
15.58 m
Ph:-0712-3027575 , F:+91-712-3025227, Mo:- 090391 23300 ,
350.67 m
Email:- ,
15.53 m

Drawing Name:
351.25 m
14.93 m
Drawing for Water Supply Distribution System of Bankhedi Town Zone-A
Drawn By:- Checked By :- Approved By:- Cluster-A
Sheet Size :- A1 Scale :-N.T.S. Date: 20.07.2016 Pages : 1 of 1
345.40 m
12.47 m

(Drawing for Water Supply Distribution System of Bankhedi Town Zone-B) D8


347.43 m
11.57 m

347.24 m
15.09 m


106.907 m

15.3.95 m
J-1054 m
12.097 m
15 46.
J-9.96 37 m
8 m

P-119 3
Over Head Tank
P- 9m
319.311 m 346.23 m
m 0 .66
346.24 m 16.09 m 346.32 m
16.09 m J-102 16.01101
J-104 J-


P-112 J

Pipe Flow

60.516 m 14.814

346.01 m
16 -100
P-11 P-115

105 346.31 m

.2 34 m 16.03 m 86.742 m

80 m


33 m
6. 0

34 6.0



Railway Track

6.2 8

259.688 m

P-1 m
34 J
6. -
15 76 6 9
.60 m J-9
m 34 5
15. 6.77
59 m
41.1 5
34 94
2 mm

Sluice Valve

101.810 m
346.83 m
348.50 m 13.03 m


11.67 m J-64



348.62 m 347.13 m
11.58 m 12.63 m
J-72 J-66
347.33 m

.31 m
318.377 m 15.26 m

3 J-93

348.54 m J-86
11.58 m

93.709 m

J- .01



346.63 m

16.21 m 15
64.420 m
77.457 m

J-67 S.V 346.82 m P-96


P-95 16.16 m

346.71 m S.V 45.511 m m

14.24 m 10.0 m J-92 61.692

348.37 m 15.318 m



11.72 m 346.82
16.15 mm


J-78 P-78 35.746 m

Prop. OHT-2 (200 KL) J-90

346.71 m P-101

14.32 m 378.244 m

21.051 m m
8.129 m S.V 9.672 m J-91
S.V 347.09 m

1 m
J-7.8 P-2 9.473
P-8 3 J-2 P-97 m 15.89 m
8 P-85 24.979
m 348.37 m 346.70 m S.V P-98 1346.90 m
.85 J-73 11 16.25 m J-1 S.V 6.0
9m P-87 348.79 m 346.77 J-87 J-88 8 m
61.790 m 11.38 m 16.21 m 346.83 m 347.67 m
J-75 9.915 m m 16.14 m 12.12 m
41.778 m 348.67 m J-49
11.44 m
Seal & Signature of Officials

65 m m
348.61 m

J- .32.44
11.48 m




56 m





347.88 m
11 J-47



346.74 m
16.24 m
Engineer in Chief

34 11. J-4
38 m

101.051 m
J-79 44.595

8.0 77 6


348.72 m 86.28

4 mm

11.35 m

183.881 m
348.84 m


11.23 m P


21 -49 34

11 8.10

J-4 .72 m m




348.32 m
346.63 m 11.48 m

15.76 m



Chief Engineer

106.79 J-48
8m 348.40 m P-
347.10 m 11.39 m 47 1
15.29 m 14 P-6
J-5 03 m

P-5 71

m 73.4
109.7 3
1 48

89 m
J-4 P-48 1 mm

346.57 m
15.82 m 55

188.27 P- m
0m 30

348.50 m

24 11.25 m P-59


P-5 m
6 12.107 m 62.939

4 m

11 48 -43

.3 .71


3 J
J-45 348.66 m
9m 11.10 m
348.55 m J-53
11.26 m P-58

80.722 m

346.05 m


16.37 m

.90 m
3480.85 -52
1 J 8.91
Superintending Engineer

3408.81 m

1 J-57
83.851 m

348.91 m
10.83 m

55 m
J-58 P-68
78.436 m


3490.0.74 m





99 m
348.98 m
10.75 m P-70 2
99.251 m 3490.1.64 m
Executive Engineer

59 m

J-6m 73 m


32 m m
4 m 30.6

J- .34 14
1 .49

171.898 m

11 49


348.56 m

12.15 m S.V

.36 m J

m 1 -33
9.3 m

P-3 P-



79 m

Chief Municipal Officer



349.96 m
345.86 m m

9 -34
15.47 m

346.50 m 346.69 m

J-13 14.83 m 14.64 m


3 m

J-12 P-14 J-14

11 49. 30
.5 18
65 m

3 J-
22.242 m 12.931 m


348.70 m
m 12.03 m


16 0

J- 3.0
91.285 m

Assistant . Engineer

134.970 m







118.612 m



346.57 m
14.79 m P-11 J-10 m
J-11 347.30
43.500 m 14.06 m

7.8 m
34 3.24 7
1 J-1 348.13 m
P -10 12.60 m
5m J-23
.64 m
58 347.28
350.06 m
199.422 m
Sub- Engineer
8.77 m


47 m
348.62 m 349.60 m 349.61 m

74.5 12.11 m P-24 11.13 m 9.80 m

J-21 J-24 J-35

J-9 6 m 100.176 m
P-9 347.2.14 m 4.642 m J-20
14 348.45 m
77.645 12.28 m

J-1.48 m

29.596 m

.174 m 346.54mm

J-8 22

346.12 m 15.04
15.46 m
12.55 m
348.19 m


Project :-


45.805 m

349.95 m
10.88 m
347.72 m
13.01 m
Urban Water Supply Improvement Project in Tier-II Cities of Madhya Pradesh
J-28 P-29 P-26 P-27
J-26 22.044
39.091 m J-25
347.71 m
13.02 m
44.916 m
347.96 m
12.77 m
349.50 m Scheme:-

11.23 m

Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme, Dist - Hoshangabad, M.P.

00 m

Project Director,Project Uday, Project Management Unit


M.P. Urban Services Improvement Program, UDED, Bhopal.

189.087 m

Beej Bhawan, II Floor Arera Hills, Bhopal-462011, Tel.0755-2763060,62 Fax 0755-2763868

349.43 m
9.22 m
DRA Consultants Pvt. Ltd.
347.80 m
12.93 m 58, Ingole Nagar, Opp. Airport, Behind Hotel Pride ,Warda Road, Nagpur-440 005 (M.S) India.
Ph:-0712-3027575 , F:+91-712-3025227, Mo:- 090391 23300 ,
Email:- ,

Drawing Name:
Drawing for Water Supply Distribution System of Bankhedi Town Zone-B
Drawn By:- Checked By :- Approved By:- Cluster-A
Sheet Size :- A1 Scale :-N.T.S. Date: 20.07.2016 Pages : 1 of 1
350.99 m
10.20 m

350.70 m
8 10.60 m



352.06 m
9.29 m



J- 6 m60
2 .

.96 m
350.7 -32
10 3J-28 P

99 m
8.298 J-26 .78 m
350.93 m
P-33 10 Junction
350.06 m 00 m
11.53 m 353.6
J-29 Exis. OHT-3
(80 KL)
Over Head Tank

J-1 2 m m

.0 8
12 50.1

61 m S.V 23.9
116.0 20 m
Pipe Flow

352.13 m


9.25 m m
J-30 P- 6

3 2.
350.38 m
11.73 m

9.05 m
352.22 m
Sluice Valve
13 36
.19 3
8m 8 52
J-3.99 .28

1 m m


115.177 m

352.51 m
9.19 m

350.75 m
10.99 m
P-4 350.78 m
10.96 m
78.286 m J-4

P-40 352.81 m
P-39 8.09 m
27.470 m
J-34 32.607 m J-33
352.90 m 352.61 m
8.36 m
8.07 m




16 3

Seal & Signature of Officials
352.71 m
8.07 m 35 J
J-39 10 0.52 -36
.37 m J-5
m 350
10 .52
Engineer in Chief

226.915 m
.88 m

351.84 m
9.00 m
P-44 J-37
351.44 m
180.7 9.36 m
66 m

88 m
2 Chief Engineer


351.10 m
35 J 9.93 m
1 - J-20
9.6 .10 38
9 mm P-2
351.12 m
9.93 m
13.132 m
Superintending Engineer
72 m J-7 P-

351.13 m
10.01 m
351.25 m
9.56 m

39 m
Executive Engineer


Chief Municipal Officer

352.04 m

8.52 m
J-9 Assistant . Engineer
280.686 m


352.0 m
22.156 m

J-8 3 m
192.180 m

Sub- Engineer

P-15 351.44 m
9.10 m
39 m

35 .88 m
J-1.45 m
Project :-

35 .65
J-1 .64
1 m
4 m
351.60 m
8.69 m
Urban Water Supply Improvement Project in Tier-II Cities of Madhya Pradesh
96.092 m


09 m
Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme, Dist - Hoshangabad, M.P.




351.94 m
8.33 m

-16 m
m J 1.85 m
35 .42
Project Director,Project Uday, Project Management Unit
23 8
M.P. Urban Services Improvement Program, UDED, Bhopal.


J-106 m
1. m
351.85 m

9.12 m
Beej Bhawan, II Floor Arera Hills, Bhopal-462011, Tel.0755-2763060,62 Fax 0755-2763868

DRA Consultants Pvt. Ltd.
58, Ingole Nagar, Opp. Airport, Behind Hotel Pride ,Warda Road, Nagpur-440 005 (M.S) India.

(Drawing for Water Supply Distribution System of Bankhedi Town Zone-C) Ph:-0712-3027575 , F:+91-712-3025227, Mo:- 090391 23300 ,
Email:- ,


Drawing Name:
Drawing for Water Supply Distribution System of Bankhedi Town Zone-C
Drawn By:- Checked By :- Approved By:- Cluster-A

Sheet Size :- A1 Scale :-N.T.S. Date: 20.07.2016 Pages : 1 of 1
351.61 m
8.66 m
(Drawing for Water Supply Distribution System of Bankhedi Town Zone-D) 357.40 m
11.14 m

358.39 m 354.69 m
10.49 m 13.85 m
J-33 357.60 m J-39
10.94 m P-41
80.904 m

76 m

27.100 m
8 m 106.9

9.8 4

358.34 m J-3
10.73 m P-36
J-31 P-34
45.005 m
34.140 m J-32
358.49 m
10.39 m
357.50 m
11.04 m

358.78 m
9.93 m


Over Head Tank

Pipe Flow

Sluice Valve

90 m
358.92 m
13.64 m

Seal & Signature of Officials



1 J

J-221 m m
9.10 m

. 5

40 17
.5 0
3m 13359
J-1.55 03 m
4 m
Engineer in Chief
25.309 m

358.76 m
13.82 m
129.529 m

Zone-D Chief Engineer




J-27 26
358.71 m .009 m J-28
P-12 13.79 m 358.75 m
13.75 m
Superintending Engineer

359.00 m
13.52 m
J-12 J-11
P-13 359.49 m
13.07 m 358.81 m
14.09 m
155.514 m J-9

Executive Engineer
66.270 m



152 P-29


364.413 m

359.12 m
13.78 m
P-7 359.38 m
J-6 14.05 m
359.55 m 151.881 J-4
13.38 m m

390.101 m

18.913 m

359.34 m
14.09 m

151.9 mm
359.23 m
13.66 m
J-10 S.V
Chief Municipal Officer
J-5 S.V
359.45 m 359.40 m 36.912 m
14.08 m 13.96 m S.V
J-2 J-17 P -2
359.23 m 0
12.718 m 14.10 m 30
78.088 m

. 96
34.840 m


P-21 359.24 m
P-3 359.35 m 13.89 m
14.19 m m
75. J-1 62.211
m J-19
359.35 m
13.77 m
Assistant . Engineer

359.60 m
13.32 m

Sub- Engineer

22 Project :-

Urban Water Supply Improvement Project in Tier-II Cities of Madhya Pradesh

358.73 m
Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme, Dist - Hoshangabad, M.P.
11.85 m

318.916 m


Project Director,Project Uday, Project Management Unit

M.P. Urban Services Improvement Program, UDED, Bhopal.
Beej Bhawan, II Floor Arera Hills, Bhopal-462011, Tel.0755-2763060,62 Fax 0755-2763868
358.43 m
11.77 m
J-22 3
11 58.4
J-2 .78 5 m
0 m
DRA Consultants Pvt. Ltd.
4 3
m .15
8m 58, Ingole Nagar, Opp. Airport, Behind Hotel Pride ,Warda Road, Nagpur-440 005 (M.S) India.

1 m
Ph:-0712-3027575 , F:+91-712-3025227, Mo:- 090391 23300 ,
25 J-2.42 m
8.4 m
. 0 6 1
3 m 351.78 Email:- ,
35 1.74-23 21
1 J
6 13
P-2 8.0
Prop. OHT-4 27
.36 m
Drawing Name:

(200 KL)


J-24 358.33 m
11.88 m

358.46 m
11.73 m
Drawing for Water Supply Distribution System of Bankhedi Town Zone-D
S.V 358.39 m
11.80 m
Drawn By:- Checked By :- Approved By:- Cluster-A
Sheet Size :- A1 Scale :-N.T.S. Date: 20.07.2016 Pages : 1 of 1
347.52 m
17.95 m

Drawing forWater Supply Distribution System of Zone-E1 Bankhedi Town.

54.841 m
348.20 m
18.01 m

348.44 m
17.03 m
348.26 m
17.21 m
25.902 m
347.94 m
17.53 m


79 m






348.44 m
17.03 m 348.45 m
15.825 17.02 m P-331 J-292
m 348.45 m


P-328 J-290 17.02 m

P- 3

J-284 22.646
29.291 m

68 .
26.508 m
348.57 m

348.07 m HDPE 75 mm PN-10

26.004 m
18.15 m 16.90 m

J-243 P-2

36.728 m

m 9
P-32 J-291 HDPE 90 mm PN-10
347.77 m 43 m 348.40 m
18.45 m 6 20.1 17.07 m
P-32 J-289

62 m 348.34
17.13 m
29.3 HDPE 110 mm PN-10
8m 7
5.35 J-288.36 m

34 .13 m

J-283 17
348.76 m 348.34 m
17.48 m 17.16 m
J-241 HDPE 140 mm PN-10


26 m
HDPE 160 mm PN-10

25.797 m

34 7.4 78
1 J-2
8. 9 m

348.14 m
49.668 m 18.09 m HDPE 180 mm PN-10
348.78 m J-288

30.609 m
17.46 m 348.32 m

314 17.17 m
P- 2m

HDPE 200 mm PN-10




348.47 m 348.34 m

17.77 m 17.60 m

J-246 P-280 J-282



P-270 348.47m P-319


17.950 m 348.24 17.47 0 HDPE 250 mm PN-10

P-268 31.801 m m

J-236 J-239 J-28 36.535

17.99 m
348.90 m
P- P-317

17.35 m J-272

16 28
16.862 m 1.3 2

19.343 m m
58.132 Temple

348.92 m
56 17.07 m

40.527 m



39.063 m
38.567 m

07 11 J-2 .77 m P-318

37.658 m

.78 P- 8 m 348.19 m

4m .41 17 48.33
5m River

348.81 m 2 6
17.49 m 348.76 m
17.19 m
15.302 m P-255 J-228

242.691 m

349.45 m

16.81 m
Over Head Tank


J-227 6
33.078 m 30

39.857 m
18.574 m J-232 m J-229
348.96 m 348.81 m 17.460 m P- m

349.18 17.32 m 17.49 m
.9 14

33.248 m
17.09 m 50

349.51 m

40.759 m
17.06 m
J-225 Road

42.519 m

40.938 m

40.322 m

22.093 m

41.583 m P-309

J-264 S.V

349.51 m 56.877 m
16.59 m


.64 7
J-188 P-257 P-253

3 J-
P-264 P-259
351.18 m J- J-224
15.30 m 351.25 m
14.94 m 349.3823m4 J-231 34.982 m J-226 19.439 m 350.17 m P-310
16.88 m 20.689 m 349.63 J-230
m 349.63 m 349.37 m 16.40 m
16.64 m 16.68 m 17.13 m 126.362 m



34 267 P-30 P-3
16.89.06 2 6m
J-266 .87
65 7 mm 37.7
09 m 102
350.69 m 152

22.818 m
15.83 m .61

85.947 m


26 m m
349.25 m

J- 7.16 .48
349.52 m 16.69 m

1 49
17.07 m


P-305 4 J-258
J-268 30.6

57.572 m
348.73 m
51.710 07 m

J-270 17.20 m
J-177 348.97 m
350.44 m 16.96 m J-269

143.781 m
16.30 m 349.50 m

16.43 m



43.171 m


350.79 m

15.70 m 74.126 m

8.2 -195
P-200 348.98 m 349.25 m

12.115 m 17.63 m 17.34 m

350.34 m J-255 4m P-296 J-261
16.18 m P-2 349.3.25 m
59. 10 350.81 m 17 59 5m
571 350.93 m 15.96 m P-197 J-2 36.48
m P-203 15.81 m 349.96 m

27.344 m
350.90 m J-171 5m J-173 16.28 m 4
23.777 m J-175 15.87 m 54.45 350.63 m J-235 P-29
P-1 J-170 P 16.13 m 94 m

26. 99 20. -196

65.248 m

279 970

m m 1

11 m
J-172 P-29 6

J-285.67 m

8 m

J-176 350.61 m 19 4

J-178 P- 0.37 39 m 34 .92 m

P-204 351.02 m 350.85 m 16.15 m

21.4 17

351.09 m 15.71 m 15.92 m J-169 2 89

m 15.50 m J-167 350.80 m 349.95 m 4
J-25.09 m J-2610 m

P- .238

17.23 m

15.97 m

19 m
4 8 m 348.78 m

3 8.52


.29 01
1 17.8

P-193 J-218 350.47 m

12 P-2


J-174 350.78 m 16.78 m

.40 91

16.297 m 350.67 m 16.55 m J-220 m



34 m
16.10 m m
P-206 J-166 3 .37 50.
J-181 J-179
351.24 m
J-223 1849. 3497.29 m
42.932 m 350.67 m 349.32 m J-2.0506 m 1 250

P- 92 m
350.97 m 15.26 m


44 192
16.14 m 17.77 m J-

15.51 m 07 m



350.88 m



350.60 m 16.54 m 7

16.91 m J-216 P-


55 2 4m


26.693 m
53 47

. .34


J-168 P- 7 68


350.54 m 350.51 m 82 24 m J-221

61 m
16.23 m 17.09 m 69 5 24
8 349.37 m
17.81 m .23
J-212 m P- m 346.41 m
P-208 J-182 6 20 -252
29 J-251
351.09 m
2 0. 346.40 m
41.348 m 15.39 m

84.285 m
J-219 20.25 m 86
J-183 77 P-2 6 348.18 m P-2

350.38 m 88 m 24 349.54 m
350.84 m 16.72 m P-1.390 .8 43 P- m 17.72 m 18.93 m m
15.64 m 19 350.76 m 57 64 J-206 34
J-164 m .8 43.5 J-257

89.558 m
16.94 m
J-210 91 20 347.14 m
19.45 m

.0 J-217


4 4 350.00 m
350.76 m m 24 m 17.33 m
J-142 17.00 m P- 35
350.76 m
16.45 m
J-190 96 P-23 23
.1 9 348.74 m

69.547 m
09 18.40 m



J-215 J-203

350.48 m

350.86 m 89 P-2 2 m
P- 6 16.94 m

15.64 m .4 37 3


J-180 m 21

P 350.34 m
0 17.17 m 345.28 m

81 -21

24 m

39.554 m

38.010 m

18 48.105
P- 1.0

.97 4
.8 6 21.82 m

21.445 m
350.88 m 38

3 -2
J-184 15.48 m 2 15.379 m 348.21 m P-235 J-208

m 18.90 m

351.06 m J-211 J-201

P-1 827

15.41 m 350.14 m P-234 128.529 m


75 m

60 m
23 m 17.46 m

P-184 J-161 351.48 m P- .835

P- 978
J-162 351.13 m P-230

15.61 m P-218 m

23 m
351.10 m 31.872 m P-182 15.24 m 348.98 m
J-209 2 1
14.302 J-204

15.27 m 351.09 m J-160 J-165 18.19 m P-228 1 m 348.15mm
15.27 m 20.817 m P-1 350.37 m J-196 30.04 18.96
20.6 80 17.33 m P-222 J-20281 m
13 m J-159 350.37 m 19.647 m 348.
18.33 m

24.668 m
351.47 m 17.39 m

38.009 m
J-192 86.696 m


14.90 m J-189 J-191

350.37 m 350.37 m
P-18 17.37 m 17.32 m
1 P-1
34.9 17.4 79 350.96 m
88 m 42 m 16.75 m 7 P-227
J-141 P-21 m
33.791 m
J-158 7.395 J-197 98.891 m
351.28 m
351.51 m 15.09 m
P-175 14.86 m P-174 11.263 m

14.405 J-155 J-154
m 351.46 m P-178

61.396 m
31.388 m 14.91 m 31.007 m P-225 J-198
J-157 P-176 351.43 m 348.45 m
351.29 m 32.922 m J-153 P-171 14.96 m P-215 40.223 m 18.68 m
15.08 m 351.72 m 18.332 m J-152
J-156 14.66 m 107.043 m
351.65 m P-163 351.17 m 349.14 m 348.76 m

18.54 m

15.30 m 18.92 m

14.72 m 351.43 m 14.5 J-193

J-143 P-221 J-195

P-177 14.97 m 74 m

36 m
19.061 m

P-162 350.94 m 42.102 m

27.1 2
33.598 m 15.53 m 10.788 m

J-150 P-165 J-144
353.96 m P-168 16.57
12.41 m P-166 J-146 4m J-194
44.546 m J-148 349.14 m
22.795 m 351.24 m
15.15 m 18.54 m P-226
351.97 m
14.41 m
98.494 m

44.027 m

27.193 m

62 m
J-1 m


20.955 m J-149
351.47 m J-147 39.458
14.91 m 350.95 m m
15.44 m
9.501 m Pr.. OHT-VI (700 KL) J-200
J-151 P-3

47 m
351.47 m J-3 348.82 m
351.22 m 350.70 m

16.13 m 70.4 18.30 m
15.15 m P-26 17.23 m

J-24 62 m
58.411 m 350.70 m
S.V 17.18 m
349.82 m
J-9 18.29 m
349.76 m
17.23 m

160.441 m




85.0 -5
350.60 m

17.00 m

350.60 m P-6

16.72 m 62.4


35 m

P-7 350.31 m
17.02 m
10.128 m J-7 350.31 m
16.96 m

30 -30
55. P-8

J-29 P-31
351.14 m 44.449 130
16.11 m m m
350.25 m
17.00 m J-8
J-27 350.35 m
351.85 m P-29 16.65 m
15.02 m
56.171 J-26
m 351.18 m
15.69 m

43 m




J-20 J-12
350.14 m 349.52 m
16.55 m 2 16.35 m
P-11 J-14
P-1 m 350.11 m
147.593 m 57 P-14 m 15.12 m
1 349.79 m 5 2.3 1
58.8 16.83 m 92.90
53 J-10
J-30 m
351.26 m 2
15.99 m P-2 76 m

4 J-11 J-13

71.0 3
349.09 m 350.15 m

J-21 16.78 m 15.08 m
350.13 m
16.51 m P-13

155.893 m
4 m
P-2 767


350.28 m
16.37 m

351.83 m 351.22 m 25
14.37 m 15.43 m P- m
J-32 50
P-34 72
351.08 m 36.858 351.55 m
14.19 m m 14.65 m
J-47 351 J-31
14.3.81 m P-35
351.03 m
14.28 m
J-42 4m
J-33 9.441 m
351.11 m
J-44 14.25 m
351.21 m
27.523 m
36.413 m

14.03 m P-41 351 29.6 6


J-49 J-39 14.5.3 8

7 m 76 m

351.65 m
14.30 m 37.88 J-38 m 3 J-
35 34


135.91.98 m
46 m


J-367 m 14.21.90 m
15.140 m


25.413 m 6m

P-40 18.5
71 m
21.935 m
Seal & Signature of Officials
P-50 J-41 352.53 m
351.18 m 13.883 m J-45
351.11 m
19.721 m 350.94 m
14.42 m
28.787 m P-39 13.52 m
14.06 m 14.16 m 7m 35.396 m
3505.6 8m
1 .2
23 m

J-46 J-43
43.8 4

351.03 m

351.13 m
34.906 m

14.14 m 14.27 m J-37


352.54 m 2 P-7 Engineer in Chief

P-48 13.24 m 5. 3
57.114 m

10.660 m 8
.76 2

m P-1


35 5
351.11 m 12 2.9 J-6 369
1 m

14.37 m .8 6 m 8 .696
.0 88
13 52. 9

2 m
3 -6

J-40 m


74.446 m
Chief Engineer

351.56 m
13.45 m P-53
353.11 m P-57 J-50 46.322 m 351.28 m

9.77 m 351.21 m 14.08 m

16 -58

J-115 59.647 13.95 m


58.832 m 35 54 350.63 m
J-66 13.71.26 m 13.59 m
J-65 8m
352.75 m
Superintending Engineer

P-5 2 m

11.50 m 352.15 m 351.19 m

67 m


83 m 12.14 m 13.71 m

222.5 P-70 J-16


J-57 P-16 J-19

9.815 m 350.63 m

351.08 m

130.9 13.59 m

50 m 13.13 m



351.18 m 132.5
29 m
351.68 m 14.18 m
13.05 m

J-60 P-6 351.56 m

5 13.27 m
J-59 P-63
Executive Engineer
50 m

J-55 20 P-62
54.259 m 351.26 m .981 m J-56

14.8 m

350.71 m

64.132 m
P-67 P-6 13.65 m 351.10 m 103.843 m


14.19 m

10.712 m 15.115 13.80 m


J-62 J-61 350.89 m
351.82 m 351.74 m 4 14.02 m
12.90 m 12.98 m P-8 1 m
J-63 45.5
351.79 m
78 m m
J- .72 19

12.93 m P-68 Chief Municipal Officer

13 51.

13.455 m

J-17 J-18
350.71 m 350.93 m

P-80 P-79 13.51 m 13.29 m




J-75 350.63 m 26.190 m



P-82 350.66 m 14.94 m 350.51 m


87.851 m 14.89 m 15.05 m


27.407 m
63 m

12.305 m J-77 348.75 m Assistant . Engineer

351.18 m 16.56 m
13.73 m 351.03 m J-76 J-71
13.81 m 350.78 m P-76
10 m

J-8 P-86 J-81 14.77 m

35 0 349.35 m 6m
13.51.25 m 141.73

48.342 m 350.82 m 15.97 m


8m 13.63 m J-70


39.990 m

351.40 m

13.50 m

P-91 J-82
351.43 m 350.83 m Sub- Engineer
351.85 m 37.507 m 13.24 m 13.62 m
12.86 m J-86 J-83
92 m 351.65 m
J-64 12.90 m
P- 502
. 88 m J-119 P-13
45 P- 6 1
04 350.83 m
.68 -90

2. 53.4

14.09 m 21 m 349.37 m

15.55 m
351.02 m J-118 J-72

352.02 m 13.39 m 349.15 m

12.38 m
m 351.02 m
13.37 m
J-85 39.339 m 15.91 m
Project :-
3m 1 51.9 J-102 P-109
J-67 2.2 m P-1 J-92.40 3 m P-108 00 m J-120

Urban Water Supply Improvement Project in Tier-II Cities of Madhya Pradesh


352.38 m 35 1.88 04 93
05 9 m 19.8

11.87 m 1 J-1 P- m m 351.02 m


5 5 1 J-124 13.81 m


9m .45 351.02 m P-

7.527 m
P- 626

33 13.67 m 69. 132


2.2 m

34 -104
11 m


35 1.8788 351.68 m 501


P-1 14.77 m

P-126 12.67 m m

1 J- 06 349.37 m
536.679 m 7m P-115 J-100 J-101 351.61 m 15.46 m
352.4.36 m P-96 65.
079 351.63 m 13.06 m P-137
7 m

11 06 12.72 m 351.05 m J-117

107 m
P- 77

1.899 m J-125
Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme, Dist - Hoshangabad, M.P.

.7 5

J-1 25.587 m J-52.29 m m 75 13.64 m P-1

94 m

11 2.3


3 .55 28

P-97 37.
21.910 m

11 P-110


12.104 m P-140

J-89 17.0 351.97 m m


33.3 m P-133
56 m 12.06 m P-134

352.19 m J-127 11.56 m


J-91 351.61 m 351.60 m

18.441 m J-116

11.96 m P-9 8 J-93 P -9 9 12.42 m 13.07 m 351.05 m


352.18 m J-92 349.34 m


J-126 J-94 P-139


13.62 m
11.98 m 24.428 m 80.930 m

352.32 m 352.07 m 43.659 17.526 m P-143 J-122 15.50 m




11.08 m 11.99 m 19 100 350.43 m 349.55 m


J-113 .0 15.557 m 14.27 m 15.22 m

78 m

14 350.98 m
Project Director,Project Uday, Project Management Unit

14.004 m
34 P-95

m 13.69 m J-129 P-149 349.94 m 349.45 m


52 -154



4 .335 m 350.98 m 3.555 m 14.74 m 15.23 m


J-95 15 13.69 m J-134 J-137

M.P. Urban Services Improvement Program, UDED, Bhopal.

33.815 m


54.9 3 345.38 m
95 m 1152.40 P-102 18.64 m 350.98 m
13.04 m
J-131 J-133 47.404 m
J-1 .50 m m 350.49 m
14.18 m P-146 349.94 m
14.74 m
05 J-90
352.44 m 34.476 m 4.767 m Beej Bhawan, II Floor Arera Hills, Bhopal-462011, Tel.0755-2763060,62 Fax 0755-2763868
15 6

35J-11 P-101

11.72 m

23.16 31.10 m P-144

0m 4m P-121 P-117 P-145
J 25.101 m 349.54 m
35 -111 22.767 m
11.42.39 m
m J-108 70.041 m J-130 P-150
15.21 m
J-136 Consultant:
54.977 m
71.035 m

352.44 m P-119 350.48 m

DRA Consultants Pvt. Ltd.

11.44 m 14.19 m J-135


J-98 83.153 m 349.74 m P-151

352.25 m 46.460 m J-97 39.670 m J-109 14.99 m 6.285 m
11.74 m 351.00 m 350.48 m
13.00 m 13.52 m
58, Ingole Nagar, Opp. Airport, Behind Hotel Pride ,Warda Road, Nagpur-440 005 (M.S) India.



70. 7
258 Ph:-0712-3027575 , F:+91-712-3025227, Mo:- 090391 23300 ,


Email:- ,


352.05 m J-132
11.35 m
J-114 J-110
352.22 m
11.66 m
349.95 m
14.73 m
60 m
Drawing Name:
349.55 m
15.14 m
J-138 Drawing for Water Supply Distribution System of Zone-E1
Drawn By:- Checked By :- Approved By:- Cluster-A


39 m

350.09 m
14.60 m
Sheet Size :- A1 Scale :-N.T.S. Date: 20.07.2016 Pages : 1 of 1

350.28 m
14.39 m
(Drawing for Water Supply Distribution System of Bankhedi Town Zone-E2) D12
350.67 m
15.12 m
J-404 351.32 m
13.70 m

18.763 m
351.30 m P-375
13.45 m m
J-417 350.64 m
15.05 m P-453 S.V 85.528
350.58 m J-405

9.916 m
14.99 m
J-407 P-455 43.020 m
P-466 350.80 m
J-416 61.635 m S.V 14.99 m
351.33 m S.V
100.475 m 13.42 m

20.834 m
351.30 m 351.05 m
13.44 m 13.97 m
P-374 J-333
J-414 351.27 m
351.37 m 104.246 m 13.75 m

87.147 m

23.544 m
13.38 m


351.13 m

13.12 m



98 m



351.20 m P-372


351.47 m2 P- m

13.82 m J-331

13 J-41

J-415 351.08 m J-332 351.27 m

14.36 m 60.308 m

351.46 m J-337 13.75 m

13.29 m


72.113 m


32.004 m

40.863 m


351.50 m

13 1
13.25 m 0 3
P-459 J-414 m 1 50
3530.82 m J-44.68.88 m

44.238 m
08 m

m 1 P-370 350.65 m
79.535 P-367
13.55 m

J-411 J-330 J-314 113.239 m P-3 J-327

351.54 m J-325 106.370 m

J-406 351.21 m 350.91 m

13.22 m J-328
350.61 m 13.82 m 12.38 m 350.96 m 26 m
351.03 m J-351.03 m

15.08 m 12.87 m
5m 13.22 m 3 3.17
m 98.51 1
S.V .16 m
351.94 7.677 m
S.V 14-401

.82 6 m

13 50.9 9
3 J-40

S.V J-3306 m

P-378 351.3.15 m

S.V 14
m m

J-313.30 m
50 82

35 .81 m
P-4 5.9


72.604 m
02 m



P-3 91.535 m
J-402 350.93 m
351.02 m 12.76 m

J-4.4211 m
15.08 m J-298

19 m




12.83 m
35 5.08340

1 J-

1. m


181.701 m
691 3



J-4.73 m9 m
20 0
3 38
1351.0 P- m
P-469 81

31.326 m
. 8m

J-444 m 35
31.003 21
m 9m S.V
1.4 4 m
3514.8 -339
J 39

351.18 m
3 3 m

12.52 m
P- 4


J-426 mm 351.00 m 59

12.39 m 3.


351.07 m J-306

12.27 m

350.96 m J-309

12.34 m


81 J-312

89 8m
Over Head Tank


3 mm

48.728 m
3 J



3 -422
135.11.40 m

47.528 m

101.453 m

351.99 m 3
Pipe Flow

98.099 m
351.50 m 98mm

11.97 m 1351.4 14.82 m 350.
J-428 P J-3.68 m5 m 12.410
352.02 m -476 1315.91.99 73 P-347 J-30
10.29 m m
J-443 J-428 m P-474 351.13 m 1m
350.6.70 m

7 351.29 m 12.16 m

P-475 351.38 m 45 m 11.99 m J-318 P-3 m 12 10 P-350 30.498 m

134.7 12.929 J-3

16.679 m 12.59 m S.V 351.52 m J-322 58 12.29 7
29.627 J-426 J-313 J-310.01 m

13.62 m 31.526 m

12.71.30 m
m S.V 22.425 m P-357 P-355 352.33 m



P-353 1

J-317 J-31 5

351.10 m m

35 1. 05
12.19 m 12.24 m
Sluice Valve

23.805 m

351.18 m

50.142 m
12.10 m


47.069 m

29.790 m

3 P-361

40.732 m
J-3 .82 m 37mm

m m
351. P-363 .319 m 54.955

75 11.9213 36

351.50 m J-3 J-321

P-419 13.63 m 47.608 m

73.123 m
J-374 351.26 m
351.69 m 12.02 m

350.97 m

3 96.477 m P-416 15.14 m 12.42 m
1251. J-347

36.588 m
J-316 J-301

J-4.5145 m J-372 44.302 m 350.89 m
31 m 351.46 m
7.566 m 12.40 m

9.345 m
13.67 m J-370 3m
9 J-308
351.61 m 11.1 351.71 m 350.83 m
13.45 m

13.53 m 3 12.52 m

65.154 m
P-413 135.41.76 m




P-411 .23
J-354 m 3551.53 m 351.19 m J-302


54.891 m 8 1 342 15.59 m 350.88 m
J-367 35.731 m 351.46 m P-385

J-345 12.51 m
P-486 351.66 m 15.30 m S.V J- m J-320


P-383 351.19 m

67.078 m
J- J-343 6m

352.1436 13.48 m 8.0

25.64 17.677 m 42.52 12.09 m



11.8 6 6m P-484
0 mm

46.313 m


143.643 m
3551.46 m


28.603 m



34.80 48 3 S.V
12.0 2 4mm 2 125. 1.5

44 m

J-434 J-439 m 7m

44.378 m
43.618 m
351.65 m 350.97 m

352.36 m 32 350.61 m

351.75 m

9.95 m 13.48 m 12.78 m 12.42 m
12.21 m

3551.62 6
P-4 J-305

1 J-34
J-450 80 J-378 P-423 m J-304 P-344 P-345
489 S.V

.21 m
22. J-366
032 33.700 m 351.70 m 18. 27.927 m

m 13.43 m 29.225 m J-303

3 -430 P-387 350.79 m
125.51.42 m

41.733 m
12.60 m


24 m
P-5 156.212 m
28 35
44. 12. 1.39

46.720 m
J-457 m m


41.927 m
112.625 m




59.149 m
30a 351.85 m

351.95 m


13.31 m

13.26 m

11.71.39 m

35 -429

35.675 m



1 J-3
J-433 P-420 351.33 m
351.56 m 15.28 m

.09 m
3 12.40 m 351.61 m P-389 S.V
9.9532.38 J-376 23.025 m 351.67 m 351.66 m 14.52 m J-349

J-44 m m 351.83 m J-365 14.26 m 14.36 m P-391
13.30 m 351.89 m 17.542 m J-355 J-351 42.008 m
P-498 35 13.25 m P-395 J-353 P-393
9.925.37 m P-403 62.103 m
P-401 P-397
J-444m P- 3
4m 49 4 1051.96 m J-362 P-400

07 m
J-4.3 6 22.668 m J-361 105.248 m
42 m 352.04 m
13.16 m 352.04 m 15.370 m J-311
31.341 m


34.638 m
13.17 m J-357

350.88 m

P-4 J-360


32.901 m
352.06 m


352.52 m 12.42 m

37 m


13.935 92 352.14 m 13.23 m


9.79 m

13.08 m



J-456 3


48 m

9.8528.43 m

47.007 m
3 J-431 mm
105.22.09 m



J-44 m P-496 J-445 m 8 351.85 m
6 0 13.28 m
10.2.09 m




m m

39 m
89.068 P-49

0 J-350

351.78 m9
13 m

15 J-37
P-4 351.46 m

177.569 m

52.2 88 351.60 m 15.16 m



87 m 14.53 m 351.57 m
78.0 351.64 m S.V

15.39 m

J-4 P-508 71 m 14.38 m J-386
3 49 J-439 J-354 351.51 m P-431
9.8532.48 m 37.70 17.144 351.84 P-432 15.52 m
m 7m m 10.50 mm J-385 1m
J-356 49.069 m 62.22

J- P-50

09 m
7 14.24 351.67 m

115. 1.49 7
14.26 m

3 J-43
10.0 3 8m
9 mm 47.5 20.596 m 3
65 m 105.51.76 m
Seal & Signature of Officials

352.63 m

9.68 m P-505 P-50
4 J-457 m
J-455 J-441 2
3 -45

105. 1.948 351.76 m

34 m 10.57 m
m P-5



105. 1.94

P-506 J-438 m m
0 mm


58 10.71.55 m
3 J-4

0m J-463 m

P-5 1
J-4 .62 m m



10 1.70






352.22 m
14.42 m
Engineer in Chief



152.403 m
J-459 m m



105. 1.70

m J-392 m Prop. OHT- 5


J- 351. 86
P-406 14.88 m

351.96 mm 4
J-39.9 351.37 m (700 KL)


P-5 352.05 m m 351 9 m 16.04 m

13.20 64 36.857 2m


14.60 m J-3 14.7 351.43 m J-488


47.0 15.781
78 J-398 J-396 J-3


351.97 m


14.71 m

26.871 m
J 6
3 1-4

105.6.660m J-38343 m

2m 351.47 m P-429 351. S.V
15.57 m
J-384 15.62 m
352.09 m 46.690 m
10.19 m 34.915 m P-198

3 100.843 m J-462 351.37 m S.V 350.95 m
1051.92 351.81 m
m 16.29 m P-547 S.V 157.896 m
17.01 m 243.090 m
J-4 .32 m 14.98 m m 15.84 1m J-471 P-199
63 m 15.609 P-526 P-546 S.V S.V

J-390 J-471a

P-517 J-49 69.309 m

P-55 0 S.V J-490 J-487

29 m P-9 8 J-90 351.35 m S.V 85.673 m J-489 P-621
7.4 154.18 42.5 7 351.37 m

78 4m m 351 .36 m 15.90 m 16.06 m 351.22 m

J- P-42 .9


3 453 m 28.197 m 15.75 m 16.44 m 5.866 m

29.193 m
352.05 m
105.12.11 m J-493 351. 5 m


10.18 m
351.39 m
Chief Engineer

2m J-464 J-495 15.7

15.79 m

J-382 m 351.39 m
40 15.75 m
351. m



15.96 2mm
144.896 m



49.926 m


m P-542

54.479 m
351.71 m 95.097



15.23 m 0

51.564 m
352.65 m 170.3 104.627 m

48.914 m



9.47 m 351.76 m
J-466 15.14 m P-436

84 m 6m
351. 33.92

42.569 m
P-520 14.95 m P-437

0m 35.306
m J-389 P-556 J-497 m

5 m 351.8.94 m 53.574 m 351.789m
14 91 P-439 42.761 m


m 35.08 J-3 J-499 m

351.95 m 351.85
14.753 41 P-5 58 14.89 m J-492
J-39 P-560 P-4 J-496 J-494 351.33 m
J-501 m
m4 m

5 m 351.35 m 351.34 m 15.89 m 351.29 m

352.62 m 46 .582 m 351. 91 38.621 15.80 m 15.83 m 15.92 m
J- P-443
98 .1

2m P-562 J-50321m 14.73 m


9.19 m 352.4.05 m J-483

J-469 14 505 m 35 1.9 5
J- m 29.602 14.64 m P-540
14.55 m
J-3959 m
351.6.98 m
1 4
53.827 m
15.59 3 m Superintending Engineer

61.772 m

75.751 m
J-397 0m 9
J-484 m

39.11 53

P-568 J-50708 m P- 0m
P-447 352. .25

48.031 m
6m P-570 44.758 m 14.30 m 43 8.757 m
3532.9.25 m .037 m

65.409 m
59J-511 351.27 m

P-523 1 -513 J-485
35.696 m

45.206 m

J 352.16 m 15.83 m 351.63 m
8m P-572 14.12 m J-482
318.321 m 352.6.30 m J-399 15.59 m

13 15 7m 352.23 m 352.15 m
J-5 39.21 14.41 m
14.23 m P-566 J-508 m
m P-574 J-509 352.09

352.31m 32.445
14.29 m

13.38 7
J-51 52 .907 m
351.97 m 351.89 m
14.62 m 14.86 m
P-576 J-506 J-504 J-500
78 m 352.04 m 351.83 m

351. m 15.04 m

3m 75.682 14.43 m 351.24 m


J- 9 J-498 15.80 m
75.186 m

351.95 m
80.765 m
28.400 m



5m P-578 14.69 m 351.95 m

351.4.70 m

J-502 15.10 m
13 521 m 351.26 m 52.032

66.762 m
9m J- 34.380 m J-481


25.417 m
351.94 m P-580 15.76 m
Executive Engineer

13.0523 J-479
1m 0m
352.8.15 m P-582 J- 29.17
83.319 m

12 525

J- 6m J-518
m P-584 18.42 352.37 m
353.39 m 352.08
6m 13.32 m P-535
12.752 6m
10.44 m J- 7 32.77 J-478
J-557 70.606 m 351.22 m
P-586 15.79 m
353.39 m m
10.45 m 62 m 65.822
354.22 m 353.07 m 352. 593
J-555 8.86 m 11.94 5m P-

31.836 m
7.61 m

J-529 m


353.38 m J-468 2 J-467 J-53

P-52 m 352.62

10.51 m 14.839 J-512 J-510

54.647 m

12.01 m J-514

68 m

J-545 49 m 352.40 m 352.30 m 352.15 m


13.81 m 13.98 m 14.22 m


P-59 351.19 m

05 m

15.80 m

353.38 m 136.0

10.68 m J-476

45 m

42.093 m


353.23 J-516 P-533

10.99 m


26 m 352.53 m

353..9 J-536

20.124 m
m P-599 13.45 m 109.69

10 4 0
89.584 m

352.80 m J-530 m 1m
J-54 P-589
71.223 m

m 11.78 m P-591 352.57 J-524
4 m 12.02 m

47 m

15.80 352.09 m

J-53m2 J-526
40.982 m 12.94 m J-477
Chief Municipal Officer

352.371 m 352.09 m J-472


351.26 m

28.826 m

12.87 m 351.18 m
39.488 m

28.846 m



15.73 m

15.81 m


P-601 J-528

352.08 m


154.707 J-531 12.76 m

J-470 353.28 m J-533 352.34 m

44 m
353.35 m 10.92 m 352.59 m
8.48 m P-597 J-537 11.99 m
12.25 m
353.27 m 3
353.51 m P-603
J-539 27.696 m 10.93 m J-520 J-417.15 m
2 353.31 m J-538 35 .83 m
10.37 m m J-54 5 m 10.87 m J-522 352.32 m 15
353.57 m P-613 J-546 40.621 3503.6.41 m P-596 352.15 m 12.98 m
10.26 m P-615
6.159 m 1 13.00 m
P-620 J-556
J-554 31.898 m J-544
353.50mm 48.065 m
31.513 m 353.54 m P-605 10.39
J-558 P-617
106.888 m 353.58 m 10.31 m m
10.25 m 4.554

56.206 m

45.699 m


Assistant . Engineer


0 353.26 m
61 10.58 m
353.26 m P- 4 m
J-553 P-612 10.57 m
. 6 2
J-551 23 J-474
353.27 m 56.527 m 351.11 m
10.56 m 15.87 m

10 m

351.43 m
15.55 m
61.353 m

353.32 m
75.532 m

10.52 m

19.378 m


Sub- Engineer

353.39 m
J-559 10.45 m
353.48 m
10.35 m
353.38 m
J-552 10.46 m P-600
353.39 m
10.44 m 0m
353.11 m
10.90 m

Project :-
Urban Water Supply Improvement Project in Tier-II Cities of Madhya Pradesh
Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme, Dist - Hoshangabad, M.P.

Project Director,Project Uday, Project Management Unit
M.P. Urban Services Improvement Program, UDED, Bhopal.
Beej Bhawan, II Floor Arera Hills, Bhopal-462011, Tel.0755-2763060,62 Fax 0755-2763868

DRA Consultants Pvt. Ltd.
58, Ingole Nagar, Opp. Airport, Behind Hotel Pride ,Warda Road, Nagpur-440 005 (M.S) India.
Ph:-0712-3027575 , F:+91-712-3025227, Mo:- 090391 23300 ,
Email:- ,

Drawing Name:
Drawing for Water Supply Distribution System of Bankhedi Town Zone-E2
Drawn By:- Checked By :- Approved By:- Cluster-A
Sheet Size :- A1 Scale :-N.T.S. Date: 20.07.2016 Pages : 1 of 1
352.13 m

(Drawing for Water Supply Distribution System of Bankhedi Town Zone-F)

16.80 m



352.06 m
16.88 m


7 m
354.43 m J-2 .27 m
14.50 m 2
J-26 35 6.67

351.66 m
17.30 m

30 m
P- 10


389.403 m

354.58 m
14.37 m
91.237 m

.96 m
14 54.033
3 J-2
Over Head Tank


356.66 m

17.37 m

4.6 m
35 4.51 1
1 J-2
Pipe Flow

206.819 m
Sluice Valve

356.20 m
17.82 m
J-16 355.18 m
14.32 m
11.250 m J-20

J-15 188.465 m
356.18 m
17.84 m
9 m
J-1 .00 m
35 4.50
1 J-22
353.11 m
16.01 m

103.697 m


77 m


356.70 m

17.34 m
44 m

50.717 m
356.58 m

17.46 m
P-16 P-20

58.069 m P-21
m J-14 46.577 m 35

11.361 356.99 m J-17
356.89 m 123.262 m 17 6.38
P-10 J-9 17.04 m .64 m
356.69 m 17.13 m J-1 m
97.027 m 17.36 m 8

32.240 m
356.87 m

17.17 m

J-6 P-6
356.79 m
17.30 m 195.294


17 56.6 5
.98 9
3 J-
136.478 m

357.07 m
17.81 m


Prop. OHT-6 Seal & Signature of Officials
P-4 (150 KL)




m 17.17.35

J-3 9 m
357 J-
17.8.35 35 P-3
35 J-7
16.67.39 1 mm
6mm 68.909 m 6.230 m

S.V S.V P-2
359.71 m 24.145 m J-2
12.08 m J-1 357.37 m
J-43 357.36 m 17.98 m
17.99 m
357.93 m P-8
15.78 m 10
J-41 2

Engineer in Chief
357.28 m
J-54 76.215 m 16.77 m
353.75 m 35
16.13 m 15.54.38 J-8 S.V
m J-3
J-5 0 m 357 0
17.3.28 m

355.86 m
14.95 m

136.384 m
P-5 P-4

6 0

95.8 10


79 3.1

m J-37 79
357.35 m
16.77 m P-39
76 m

77 m
145.35.65 226.4

J-5 3 m m




J-3 5 m m
P-5 3
4 1356.13

19.7 J-4 .88 m m


60 m 9

Chief Engineer
40.242 m


J-36 127.72

357.40 m

16.72 m


267.846 m 357.32 m

J-50 17.22 m
355.95 m P-41

48.087 m
14.06 m m
66 m 357.68 m .205

360..13m P-45 P-43 16.13 m
11 J- 42 J-40 J-38
357.92 m 47.818 m
1,195.320 m
15.80 m
J-52 .545
355.71 m 412
14.27 m
J-45 74 m J-34
357. 7 m 358.02 m

Superintending Engineer

63.862 m
13.0 16.52 m

353.72 m
16.01 m m
J-57 289.675


111.326 m
3 357.79 m
155.04.73 12.45 m
J-5 1 m m
66 m

J-5 4 m m


P-59 J-39
67 m

357.80 m

38.2 16.01 m
27 m

35 J-56 P-61

16.63.05 m

8m 46.906

35 J-58
14.65.07 m


Executive Engineer



358.99 m
12.80 m

P-6 1 m
355.74 m 4
13.99 m 40
212.118 m

353.66 m
12.89 m

Chief Municipal Officer
357.54 m
13.27 m

354.81 m
19.73 m

3544.81 m1
1 J-6
Assistant . Engineer
353.55 m
11.89 m 2
J-77 J-6 .92 m
3544.84 m
353.55 m
11.94 m
6 1m
353.55 m 1,1
12.07 m

355.7 9m
10.7 J-63

353.55 m
11.86 m
02 m


52 m


Sub- Engineer

22 m

P-72 6 m
J-6 3.55 m
79 m 35 .11
20.0 12
J-6.594 m
5 3 m
6 P-74 3 2.08
148 67 m
.82 59.3
m 8
1 P-7 -71 4 m
J 3.5 m
35 .96
J-74 11
353.54 m
P-80 11.95 m


32 m

Project :-

2 353.53 m

11.91 m
10.314 m 85 m
P-95 51.5
87.679 m

J-87 J-738.53 m
353.53 m 351.89 m

Urban Water Supply Improvement Project in Tier-II Cities of Madhya Pradesh

11.88 m 1

P-97 2.5

71 m
353.35 m
12.07 m

11 3.5 J-7
.96 3 m 2
1 53.
J- 1.9 53
P-7 67 6 m m
13 84
Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme, Dist - Hoshangabad, M.P.

353.52 m

11.88 m J-64

J-86 357.61 m

8.94 m
J-83.54 m
35 .87

353.52 m

9 m

11.90 m

68.894 m


.2 89
m 228

Project Director,Project Uday, Project Management Unit
353.51 m
11.90 m
3513.90 2
1 J-8
.51 m M.P. Urban Services Improvement Program, UDED, Bhopal.
353.51 m
11.90 m
Beej Bhawan, II Floor Arera Hills, Bhopal-462011, Tel.0755-2763060,62 Fax 0755-2763868


0 J-83
P-9 P-89

11 m


78.857 m


J-853.590 m

3 1.

4 1m



356.21 m
9.27 m
DRA Consultants Pvt. Ltd.
13 8 8
58, Ingole Nagar, Opp. Airport, Behind Hotel Pride ,Warda Road, Nagpur-440 005 (M.S) India.
Ph:-0712-3027575 , F:+91-712-3025227, Mo:- 090391 23300 ,
354.93 m
10.48 m Email:- ,

Drawing Name:
Drawing for Water Supply Distribution System of Bankhedi Town Zone-F


Drawn By:- Checked By :- Approved By:- Cluster-A

353.54 m
11.87 m

Sheet Size :- A1 Scale :-N.T.S. Date: 20.07.2016 Pages : 1 of 1

Digital Elevation Model of Bankhedi Town N

Seal & Signature of Officials

Engineer in Chief

Chief Engineer

Superintending Engineer

Executive Engineer

Chief Municipal Officer

Assistant . Engineer

Sub- Engineer

Project :-
Urban Water Supply Improvement Project in Tier-II Cities of Madhya Pradesh
Bankhedi Water Supply Scheme, Dist - Hoshangabad, M.P.

Project Director,Project Uday, Project Management Unit
M.P. Urban Services Improvement Program, UDED, Bhopal.
Beej Bhawan, II Floor Arera Hills, Bhopal-462011, Tel.0755-2763060,62 Fax 0755-2763868

DRA Consultants Pvt. Ltd.
58, Ingole Nagar, Opp. Airport, Behind Hotel Pride ,Warda Road, Nagpur-440 005 (M.S) India.
Ph:-0712-3027575 , F:+91-712-3025227, Mo:- 090391 23300 ,
Email:- ,

Drawing Name:
Digital Elevation Model of Bankhedi Town
Drawn By:- Checked By :- Approved By:- Cluster-A
Sheet Size :- A1 Scale :-N.T.S. Date: 20.07.2016 Pages : 1 of 1

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