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Scenario A – Prior Arrival anchorage

1) What actions will you take upon receiving these instructions.

- Draw a passage plan towards the anchorage area
- A detailed risk assessment of the anchoring operation to be reviewed
- Tool box talk to be carried out prior anchoring
- Bridge team composition watch level 4

2)What information will you review and consider?

- Compliance with Checklist no.6 Bridge Anchoring Checklist
- Time to stay at anchorage
- Proximity of navigational hazards
- The immediate and predicted weather condition
- The available depth and type of holding ground
- Tide, direction and strength of the current
- Length of cable to be paid out
- Safety swinging circle of the vessel
- The anchor to be used, method of anchoring and condition of
windlass and fittings
- Engine status, operation mode
- Implementation of appropriate security measures

Scenario B – When vessel is at Anchor(Position 51 49N, 003 22E)

1) Vessel in anchored in the South-East part of Schouwenbank

Anchorage. Distance to grounding line – 1.3NM. Distance to nearest
vessel – 0.8NM to the West of own position. What actions will you
take upon anchoring?
- Approach the anchorage at slow speed just before By MW5 turn
vessel to S’ly direction passing E of Racon MT10 then pass west and
then south of the anchored vessel (as per given: Distance to nearest
vessel – 0.8NM to the West of own position) keeping clear of the
shallow patch SE of the anchorage outer border. Try out both
windlass, when own vessel is south of the anchored vessel, if no
abnormalities prepare port anchor walk back to about 5-10 meters
from seabed and ready for let go on the brake. Speed to be adjusted
accordingly, proceed to anchoring position on a NW direction and
once vessel is the designated anchoring coordinates let go port
anchor making sure that the astern moment is about <0.3 knots and
payout up 8 shackles in the water. Once vessel is brought up, secure
port anchor.
- Continue with the remaining parts of Checklist no.6 - Bridge
Anchoring Checklist

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