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ZXMSG 5200
Multiplex Service Gateway
Operation Manual

Version 2.0.2

ZTE Plaza, Keji Road South,
Hi-Tech Industrial Park,
Nanshan District, Shenzhen,
P. R. China
Tel: (86) 755 26771900 800-9830-9830
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E-mail: doc@zte.com.cn 


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Revision History

Date Revision No. Serial No. Reason for Revision

04/19/2007 R1.2 Sjzl20070022 Product upgrading

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ZXMSG 5200 Multiplex Service Gateway Operation Manual

Document Revision
Product Version V2.0.2 R1.2

Equipment Installation Date

(Introductions, Procedures, Illustrations, Completeness, Level of Detail, Organization,
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  Improve the Contents   Add more step-by-step procedures/tutorials
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About this Manual.............................................................i 

Intended Audience .................................................................i 
Prerequisite Skill and Knowledge..............................................i 
What is in This Manual............................................................i 
Related Documentation.......................................................... ii 
Conventions........................................................................ iii 
How to Get in Touch............................................................. iv 

Chapter 1..........................................................................1 

Introduction .....................................................................1 
System Functions and Features ......................................... 1 
System Operations .......................................................... 3 
System Management ....................................................... 4 
Command Line Interface........................................................4 
NetNumen N31 System.......................................................... 7 

Chapter 2..........................................................................9 

System Configuration ......................................................9 

Login Modes ................................................................... 9 
Telnet ............................................................................... 13 
NetNumen N31 System........................................................ 14 

Configuring Management Mode ....................................... 16 

Adding Network Element ................................................ 19 
Configuring Trap Server ................................................. 22 
Synchronizing Data ....................................................... 24 
Configuring NTP Server Parameters ................................. 26 

Chapter 3........................................................................29 

Hardware Configuration ................................................29 


Configuring Rack........................................................... 29 

Configuring Control Shelf ............................................... 31 
Configuring Expansion Shelf ........................................... 35 
Adding a Card .............................................................. 39 

Chapter 4........................................................................43 

Narrowband Service Configuration ...............................43 

Configuring MGC ........................................................... 43 
Configuring MGC System......................................................43 
Connected MGC View ...........................................................46 

Configuring MG System.................................................. 47 

Configuring Modes...............................................................47 
Configuring Mode 1 .............................................................48 
Configuring Mode 2 .............................................................59 
Configuring Mode 3 .............................................................60 
Configuring Mode 4 .............................................................62 
Configuring Mode 5 .............................................................63 
Configuring Uplink Interface Enable .......................................64 

Configuring VOIP .......................................................... 65 

Configuring VOIP Resource ...................................................66 
Adding NAT ........................................................................68 
Configuring JITTER for MPRB.................................................69 
Configuring RTP ..................................................................70 
Configuring VOIP Quality of Service .......................................73 

Configuring V5 Protocol.................................................. 75 

PSTN Service................................................................ 81 
Configuring Area Parameters.................................................81 
Configuring Through V5 .......................................................83 
Configuring Through VOIP ....................................................85 

ISDN Service................................................................ 88 

Configuring Application Server ..............................................88 
Configuring Access Server Process .........................................91 
Configuring AS and ASP Relation ...........................................94 
Configuring Dlink Global.......................................................96 
Configuring Through V5 .......................................................98 
Configuring Through VOIP .................................................. 101 
Configuring VOIP Fax Service.............................................. 104 

Configuring Uplink Port Protection ................................. 106 


Configuring Selfexchange ............................................. 114 

Service Management ................................................... 115 
Managing VOIP Resources .................................................. 115 
Managing Ports Through VOIP............................................. 121 

Conducting 112 Test.................................................... 130 

Chapter 5......................................................................135 

Broadband Service Configuration................................135 

Basic Configuration ..................................................... 135 
Configuring VLAN.............................................................. 135 
Adding a Port to VLAN ....................................................... 137 
Configuring ATM PVC......................................................... 140 
Configuring ADSL/ADSL2+ Service ...................................... 143 
Configuring VDSL Service................................................... 148 
Configuring SHDSL Service................................................. 153 

Advanced Configuration ............................................... 159 

Configuring EPON ............................................................. 159 
Configuring StackVLAN ...................................................... 172 
Configuring Multicast ......................................................... 174 
Configuring IPTV............................................................... 180 
Configuring Link Aggregation.............................................. 186 
Configuring Forward Control ............................................... 187 
Configuring Uplink Port Protection ....................................... 191 
Configuring Spanning Tree Protocol ..................................... 196 
Configuring PPPoA/PPPoE Conversion ................................... 202 
Configuring Ethernet Uplink................................................ 204 

Security Management .................................................. 206 

Configuring VBAS.............................................................. 206 
Configuring PPPOE+ .......................................................... 208 
Configuring DHCP+ ........................................................... 210 

Chapter 6......................................................................213 

System Maintenance....................................................213 
Version Upgrade ......................................................... 213 
Upgrading ICS Card BOOT Program ..................................... 213 
Upgrading ICS Card Version and FPGA Version ...................... 215 
Upgrading Service Card Version .......................................... 223 
Upgrading CNIC and MPR/MPRB Version............................... 231 

Upgrading System Configuration Files .................................. 239 

Data Backup............................................................... 245 

Data Backup Through NetNumen N31 .................................. 245 

Environment Power Monitoring...................................... 250 

Appendix A ...................................................................267 

FTP Server ....................................................................267 

Abbreviations ...............................................................271 


Tables ...........................................................................289 

Index ............................................................................291 


 About this Manual

This manual provides procedures and guidelines that support the
operation of the ZXMSG 5200 Multiplex Service Gateway.

Intended Audience
This document is intended for engineers and technicians who
perform operation activities on the ZXMSG 5200 Multiplex
Service Gateway.

Prerequisite Skill and Knowledge

To use this document effectively, users should have a general
understanding of telecommunications technology. Familiarity
with the following is helpful:
   ZXMSG 5200 (V2.0.2) system and its various components
   User ports in ZXMSG 5200 (V2.0.2)
   Local operating procedures

What is in This Manual

This manual contains the following chapters:

T A B L E 1   –   C H A P T E R S U M M A R Y  

Chapter Summary
Chapter 1, Introduction Introduces the system functions, features,
operations and system management.
Chapter 2, System Introduces login modes, management
Configuration modes, adding network element, trap
server configuration, synchronizing data
and NTP server configuration.

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ZXMSG 5200 (V2.0.2) Multiplex Service Gateway Operation Manua l 

Chapter Summary
Chapter 3, Hardware Introduces the configuration related to
Configuration rack, control shelf, expansion shelf and
Chapter 4, Narrowband Introduces basic configuration such as
Service Configuration VOIP configuration, MGC configuration, MG
system configuration, and V5 protocol
configuration, subscriber configurations
such as PSTN, ISDN, Port Protection and
service management.
Chapter 5, Broadband Introduces broadband configurations such
Service Configuration as VLAN, ATM PVC, ADSL/ADSL2+, VDSL,
SHDSL, EPON, StackVLAN, Multicast, IPTV,
Link Aggregation, Forwarding Control,
Spanning Tree Protocol, PPPoA/PPPoE
conversion, Ethernet Uplink and security
management such as VBAS, DHCP and
Chapter 6, System Introduces version upgrade of ICS and
Maintenance service cards, upgrade MPR card version
and firmware, upgrade system
configuration files, data backup and
environment power monitoring.

Related Documentation
The following documentation is related to this manual:
  ZXMSG 5200 Multiplex Service Gateway Documentation
  ZXMSG 5200 Multiplex Service Gateway Technical Manual
  ZXMSG 5200 Multiplex Service Gateway Maintenance Manual
(Routine Maintenance)
  ZXMSG 5200 Multiplex Service Gateway Maintenance Manual
  ZXMSG 5200 Multiplex Service Gateway Command Manual
Vol I
  ZXMSG 5200 Multiplex Service Gateway Command Manual
Vol II
  ZXMSG 5200 Multiplex Service Gateway Hardware Manual
  ZXMSG 5200 Multiplex Service Gateway Hardware
Installation Manual (OUT30)
  ZXMSG 5200 Multiplex Service Gateway Hardware
Installation Manual (OUT50C/D)
  ZXMSG 5200 Multiplex Service Gateway Hardware
Installation Manual (19D06H20)

ii Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION


About this Manual

Typographical ZTE documents employ the following typographical conventions.
T A B L E 2   –   T Y P O G R A P H I C A L C O N V E N T I O N S  

Typeface Meaning
Italics References to other Manuals and documents.
 “Quotes” Links on screens.
Bold Menus, menu options, function names, input
fields, radio button names, check boxes, drop-
down lists, dialog box names, window names.
CAPS Keys on the keyboard and buttons on screens
and company name.
Const ant wi dt h Text that you type, program code, files and
directory names, and function names.
[] Optional parameters.
{} Mandatory parameters.
| Select one of the parameters that are delimited
by it.
Note: Provides additional information about a
certain topic.
Checkpoint: Indicates that a particular step needs
to be checked before proceeding further.
Tip: Indicates a suggestion or hint to make things
easier or more productive for the reader.

Mouse T A B L E 3   –   M O U S E O P E R A T I O N C O N V E N T I O N S  

Conventions Typeface Meaning
Click Refers to clicking the primary mouse button (usually
the left mouse button) once.
Double-click Refers to quickly clicking the primary mouse button
(usually the left mouse button) twice.
Right-click Refers to clicking the secondary mouse button
(usually the right mouse button) once.
Drag Refers to pressing and holding a mouse button and
moving the mouse.

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Chapter 1 Introduction

ZTE CLI System differs from the typical CLI system in several
ways. Unique features available are as follows:
Command Intelligence: CLI interpreter applies an incomplete
command search method to keywords, interpreting partial
commands without conflict. For example enable command
keyword can be enabl e or ena.

Automatic keyword matching: CLI interpreter allows operator

to enter a keyword and press TAB to find the automatic
matching result, helping the user during command line

Command Help: CLI system help the user to identify specific

command parameters. Type ? after any command keyword
to view command parameters list.

Basic To get familiar with CLI system, basic operations are:

 Help: CLI system provides three types of command help.
  Type ? in any specific mode to get available commands.
For example:

  Press Spacebar + ? after entering an incomplete keyword

to get command help. For example:

  Press Spacebar + ? after entering a complete keyword to

get brief parameter help. For example:

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ZXMSG 5200 (V2.0.2) Multiplex Service Gateway Operation Manua l 

Note: CLI does not display ? character entered by the user.

  View route information using show r out e command.

  Command History: CLI system automatically saves command

entered by user. View command history by using hi s t or y 
command. Command records are only effective for the
current user. Once user logs out, system clears the
command history.

  Save Configurations: Save configurations using save 


6 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION


Chapter 1 Introduction

NetNumen N31 System

Function NetNumen N31 Management System software package provides
integrated management over a broad range of ZTE-developed
access devices and related transmission systems.
The following functions are included:
 Topology management: This function involves the
configuration management of telecom network devices such
as racks, shelves, cards, links and various services.
 Performance management: Involves the management of
network traffic, thresholds, performance reports and time
tables for such performance reports.
 Fault management: This function involves functions such as
fault detection, location, report and recovery of the telecom
network equipment.
 Security management: This function involves functions such
as the management of telecom network user’s right, the
management of illegal invasion and service recovery after
system break-down.
 System management: This function includes:
  NE layer link connectivity diagnosis and network layer
link connectivity diagnosis.
  Simple management of the database and operating
system including the remote restart of the operating
  Obtaining the basic parameters including memory, CPU
occupancy and hard disk space of the operating system.
  Basic maintenance such as data backup and recovery of
the database.
Features As an integrated Access Network (AN) management system,
NetNumen N31 provides an integrated management platform for
various access devices and corresponding transmission systems.
It has the following features:
 Management framework for AN product
 Simple, stable and user-friendly interfaces
 Integrated management capability
 Seamless integration of local maintenance with multi-level
Management System
 Compliant with the function specifications established by the
General Bureau of Telecom Administration
Structure NetNumen N31 is based on the client/server structure composed
of Server and Client. It provides the seamless integration of
multi-level Element Management Systems (EMS) by cascading
EMS servers. The Manager/Agent structure exists between the

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ZXMSG 5200 (V2.0.2) Multiplex Service Gateway Operation Manua l 

upper/lower level servers, and it also exists between the EMS

server directly connected to NE and NE, as shown in Figure 1.
NetNumen N31 works on various NEs via the EMS server.

F I G U R E 1   –   N E T N U M E N N 3 1   M A N A G E M E N T S Y S T E M S T R U C T U R E

DB Server   NM client


DB Server   NM client

Level-2 EMS

Server   NM client

DB Local EMS


EMS servers at all levels can be connected to EMS clients, while

the EMS client at a specific level can only manage the NEs under
the server at the same level. NEs under the same EMS server
are related, while those under different EMS servers are
independent from each other. All EMS servers have their own
user databases, which are independent from each other, without
a unified user account.
Only after logging into a specific server the client can manage
NEs and sub-servers. A server works in the same way whether a
user logs in from a local client or from an upper EMS client, and
the EMS server automatically saves the route information of the
user login. From the perspective of a client, it logs into different
servers with different identifies, so it has different management
authorities over different servers.

8 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION


Chapter 2 

System Configuration

This chapter covers the following topics:

   Login Modes
   Configuring Management Mode
   Adding Network Element (NE)
   Configuring Trap Server
   Synchronizing Data
   Configuring NTP Server Parameters

Login Modes
ZXA10 U300 (V3.1.2) adopts following maintenance modes for
   HyperTerminal
   Telnet Mode
   NetNumen N31 System Mode
For the daily maintenance, user can use NetNumen N31 System
mode. This document focuses on describing the configuration
through the network management interface. For details about
the commands, see ZXMSG 5200 (V2.0.2) Multiplex Service
Gateway Command Manual Vol I and Vol II.

Purpose Perform this procedure to configure HyperTerminal.
Preliminary Ensure HyperTerminal is installed in computer and working
Setup normally. ZXMSG 5200 (V2.0.2) should be able to ping the

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ZXMSG 5200 (V2.0.2) Multiplex Service Gateway Operation Manua l 

F I G U R E 1 8   –   C R E A T E G R O U P I N T E R F A C E

Select Parent group, input Group name, Group type and

Group description. 
4. Click OK to create the group as shown in Figure 19.

F I G U R E 1 9   –   G R O U P C R E A T E D I N T E R F A C E

5. Right-click on the group name created in Step 1 and select

Create Ne as shown in Figure 20.

20 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION


Chapter 2 System Configuration

F I G U R E 2 0   –   C R E A T E N E   S E L E C T I O N I N T E R F A C E

6. Create Ne interface appears as shown in Figure 21.

F I G U R E 2 1   –   C R E A T E M S A G 5 2 0 0   I N T E R F A C E

3. Select MSAG5200 and input IP address.

i. Specify Name and Version.
ii. Configure IP Address  to the actual in-band IP or out-
band IP of MSG5200 (V2.0.2).
Click Create to add a NE.

Result The added Network Element is shown in Figure 22.

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ZXMSG 5200 (V2.0.2) Multiplex Service Gateway Operation Manua l 

F I G U R E 2 2   –   A D D E D N E   I N T E R F A C E

Configuring Trap Server

Purpose Perform this procedure to configure Trap Server.
Preliminary Ensure the computer having NetNumen N31 installed is
Setup connected to ZXMSG 5200 (V2.0.2) and working normally.
Steps To configure Trap Server, perform the following steps:
1. In the management object tree, select MSG5200 NE. Right-
click and select System Control Config Trap Server
Config as shown in Figure 23.

22 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION


Chapter 2 System Configuration

F I G U R E 2 3   –   T R A P S E R V E R S E L E C T I O N I N T E R F A C E

2. Trap Server interface appears as shown in Figure 24.

F I G U R E 2 4   –   T R A P S E R V E R I N T E R F A C E

3. Click Create to enter an interface as shown in Figure 25.

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ZXMSG 5200 (V2.0.2) Multiplex Service Gateway Operation Manua l 

F I G U R E 2 5   –   C R E A T E T R A P S E R V E R I N T E R F A C E

4. Input Trap Server IP and click OK. Here Trap Server IP is

the IP address of the computer where NetNumen N31 is

Result Trap server is added as shown in Figure 26.

F I G U R E 2 6   –   T R A P S E R V E R I P   I N T E R F A C E

Synchronizing Data
Purpose Perform this procedure to synchronize the NE data on the server,
that is to write the NE data (mainly subscriber data and physical
configuration data) in the server database.
Preliminary Ensure the computer having NetNumen N31 installed is
Setup connected to ZXMSG 5200 (V2.0.2) and working normally.
Steps To synchronize the data, perform the following steps:

24 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION


Chapter 2 System Configuration

1. In the management object tree, select MSG5200 NE, right-

click, and select Sync Data by XML as shown in Figure 27.

F I G U R E 2 7   –   S Y N C H R O N I Z E D A T A I N T E R F A C E

2. After selecting Synchronize Data, an interface appears as

shown in Figure 28.

F I G U R E 2 8   –   S Y N C H R O N I Z E I N T E R F A C E

3. Click Synchronize to start the update and the data updating

completes as shown in Figure 29.

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ZXMSG 5200 (V2.0.2) Multiplex Service Gateway Operation Manua l 

F I G U R E 2 9   –   F I N A L I N T E R F A C E  

Result Right-click MSG5200 (V2.0.2) node in the network topology and
select Chassis View to enter the rack-view interface as shown
in Figure 30.

F I G U R E 3 0   –   M S G 5 2 0 0   R A C K V I E W I N T E R F A C E

Configuring NTP Server

Purpose Perform this procedure to configure NTP Server parameters.
Preliminary Ensure ICS and broadband cards are plugged in ZXMSG 5200
Setup (V2.0.2) and working normally.
Steps To configure NTP server parameters, perform the following steps:
1. Open the rack-view map, right click ICS  card and select
System Control Config System Config  as shown in
Figure 31.

26 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION


Chapter 2 System Configuration

F I G U R E 3 1   –   S Y S T E M C O N F I G S E L E C T I O N I N T E R F A C E

2. System Config interface appears as shown in Figure 32.

F I G U R E 3 2   –   S Y S T E M C O N F I G I N T E R F A C E

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Chapter 3 Hardware Configuration

4. Select Rack Type from the pull-down menu and click Ok.
Rack Type includes:
  MSAG5200 Control Rack
  ONU100 Control Rack
  OUT50C Control Rack
  OUT50D Control Rack
5. The added rack is shown in Figure 37.

F I G U R E 3 7   –   R A C K I N T E R F A C E

Result The rack is configured successfully.

Configuring Control Shelf

Purpose Perform this procedure to configure control shelf.
Preliminary Control shelf should be present in the rack.

Steps To configure control shelf, perform the following steps:

1. Select MSG5200  from Network Topology map, right-click it
and select Device Config as shown in Figure 38.

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ZXMSG 5200 (V2.0.2) Multiplex Service Gateway Operation Manua l 

F I G U R E 3 8   –   D E V I C E C O N F I G S E L E C T I O N I N T E R F A C E

2. Device Config interface appears as shown in Figure 39.

F I G U R E 3 9   –   C O N T R O L S H E L F D E V I C E C O N F I G I N T E R F A C E

3. Select Rack and click Add to enter an interface as shown in

Figure 40.

32 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION


Chapter 3 Hardware Configuration

F I G U R E 4 0   –   A D D C O N T R O L S H E L F I N T E R F A C E

4. Select Shelf No. and Shelf Type from the pull-down menu

and click Ok.
Shelf Type includes:
  MSAG5200 Control Shelf
  MSAG5200 Multi-Battery Control Shelf
5. The added control shelf is shown in Figure 41.

F I G U R E 4 1   –   A D D E D C O N T R O L S H E L F I N T E R F A C E

6. Select Shelf_0 as shown in Figure 42.

F I G U R E 4 2   –   S H E L F _ 0   S E L E C T I O N I N T E R F A C E

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ZXMSG 5200 (V2.0.2) Multiplex Service Gateway Operation Manua l 

7. Click Add to enter an interface as shown in Figure 43.

F I G U R E 4 3   –   A D D C A R D I N T E R F A C E

8. Input Card No. and select Card Type  from the pull-down
menu and click OK.
Reset the system. The added card is shown in Figure 44.

F I G U R E 4 4   –   A D D E D C A R D I N T E R F A C E

Result The control shelf is configured successfully. The control shelf is
shown in Figure 45.

34 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION


Chapter 3 Hardware Configuration

F I G U R E 4 5   –   C O N T R O L S H E L F I N T E R F A C E

Configuring Expansion Shelf

Purpose Perform this procedure to configure expansion shelf.
Preliminary Expansion shelf should be present in the rack.

Steps To configure an expansion shelf, perform the following steps:

1. Select MSG5200  from Network Topology map, right-click it
and select Device Config as shown in Figure 46.

F I G U R E 4 6   –   D E V I C E C O N F I G S E L E C T I O N I N T E R F A C E

2. Device Config interface appears as shown in Figure 47.

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Chapter 4 Narrowband Service Configuration

F I G U R E 1 1 1   –   C R E A T E V 5   L I N K I N T E R F A C E

ii. Input V5 Link ID and V5 Link E1 No.

iii. Select V5 Link Slot from the pull-down menu.
Click OK to add V5 Link information as shown in Figure 112.

F I G U R E 1 1 2   –   A D D E D V 5   L I N K I N T E R F A C E

4. Select V5 Link Physical C Channel  tab to enter an

interface as shown in Figure 113.

F I G U R E 1 1 3   –   V 5   L I N K P H Y S I C A L C   C H A N N E L T A B I N T E R F A C E

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ZXMSG 5200 (V2.0.2) Multiplex Service Gateway Operation Manua l 

i. Select V5 Link from the left-section and click Create to

enter an interface as shown in Figure 114.

F I G U R E 1 1 4   –   C R E A T E V 5   L I N K P H Y S I C A L C   C H A N N E L I N T E R F A C E

ii. Input Time Slot and click OK to add V5 Link Physical C

Channel information as shown in Figure 115.

F I G U R E 1 1 5   –   A D D E D V 5   L I N K P H Y S I C A L C   C H A N N E L I N T E R F A C E

5. Select V5 Link Logical C Channel tab to enter an interface

as shown in Figure 116.

F I G U R E 1 1 6   –   V 5   L I N K L O G I C A L C   C H A N N E L T A B I N T E R F A C E

78 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION


Chapter 4 Narrowband Service Configuration

i. Select Physical C Channel  from the left-section and

click Create to enter an interface as shown in Figure 117.

F I G U R E 1 1 7   –   C R E A T E V 5   L O G I C A L C   C H A N N E L I N T E R F A C E

ii. Input V5 Link Logical C Channel ID  and click OK  to

add V5 Link Logic C Channel information as shown in
Figure 118.

F I G U R E 1 1 8   –   A D D E D V 5   L I N K L O G I C C   C H A N N E L I N T E R F A C E

Result V5 Protocol configured successfully.
Follow-up After configuring V5 Protocol, select V5 interface  as shown in
Action Figure 119.

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ZXMSG 5200 (V2.0.2) Multiplex Service Gateway Operation Manua l 

F I G U R E 1 1 9   –   F O L L O W - U P  A C T I O N I N T E R F A C E

Select V5 Interface  and click Activate. A pop-up interface

appears as shown in Figure 120.

F I G U R E 1 2 0   –   C O N F I R M A T I O N I N T E R F A C E

Click OK to activate V5 Interface. The activated V5 Interface is

shown in Figure 121.

F I G U R E 1 2 1   –   A C T I V A T E D V 5   I N T E R F A C E

80 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION


Chapter 4 Narrowband Service Configuration

PSTN Service
PSTN Service configuration includes:
  Configuring Area Parameters
  Configuring Through V5
  Configuring Through VOIP

Configuring Area Parameters

Purpose Perform this procedure to configure area parameters.
Preliminary Ensure ICS card is plugged in ZXMSG 5200 (V2.0.2) and working
Setup normally.
Steps To configure area parameter, perform the following steps:
1. Open the rack-view map, right-click ICS  card, and select
System Control Config System Config as shown in
Figure 122.

F I G U R E 1 2 2   –   S Y S T E M C O N F I G S E L E C T I O N I N T E R F A C E  –   P S T N   S E R V I C E

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ZXMSG 5200 (V2.0.2) Multiplex Service Gateway Operation Manua l 

2. System Config interface appears as shown in Figure 123.

Input Time Zone and Tone Area from pull-down menus and
click Set.

F I G U R E 1 2 3   –   V 5   P S T N   U S E R M A N A G E M E N T I N T E R F A C E

Result: Message dialog box appears as shown in Figure 124.

F I G U R E 1 2 4   –   S E T T I N G S Y S T E M I N F O R M A T I O N M E S S A G E D I A L O G B O X

Result Area parameter configuration is completed successfully

82 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION


Chapter 4 Narrowband Service Configuration

Configuring Through V5
Purpose Perform this procedure to configure PSTN user through V5.
Preliminary Ensure V5 is configured; ICS, ALC, and DTI cards are plugged in
Setup ZXMSG 5200 (V2.0.2) and working normally.
Steps To configure V5 PSTN user, perform the following steps:
1. Open the rack-view map, right-click ALC card, and select V5
User Management PSTN User Management  as shown
in Figure 125.

F I G U R E 1 2 5   –   P S T N   U S E R M A N A G E M E N T S E L E C T I O N I N T E R F A C E

2. V5 PSTN User Management interface appears as shown in

Figure 126. Select Create radio button, input the required
fields, and click Set.

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ZXMSG 5200 (V2.0.2) Multiplex Service Gateway Operation Manua l 

F I G U R E 1 2 6   –   V 5   P S T N   U S E R M A N A G E M E N T I N T E R F A C E

Result: Message dialog box appears as shown in Figure 127.

F I G U R E 1 2 7   –   C R E A T I N G V 5   U S E R M E S S A G E D I A L O G B O X

3. To delete the user, select Delete radio button and click Set 
in V5 PSTN User Management interface. Message dialog
box appears as shown in Figure 128.

F I G U R E 1 2 8   –   D E L E T I N G V 5   U S E R M E S S A G E D I A L O G B O X

84 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION


Chapter 4 Narrowband Service Configuration

Result PSTN service configuration through V5 is completed successfully.

Configuring Through VOIP

Purpose Perform this procedure to configure PSTN service through VOIP.
Preliminary Ensure MG and MGC system is configured; ICS, ALC, and MPR
Setup cards are plugged in ZXMSG 5200 (V2.0.2) and working
Steps To configure PSTN service through VOIP, perform the following
1. Open the rack-view map, right-click ALC  card, and select
Port Manager as shown in Figure 129.

F I G U R E 1 2 9   –   P O R T M A N A G E R S E L E C T I O N I N T E R F A C E  –   V O I P  

2. Port Manager interface appears as shown in Figure 130. To

configure termination ID, select VOIP  tab, and click Set
Termination ID Prefix in the Port Manager interface.

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ZXMSG 5200 (V2.0.2) Multiplex Service Gateway Operation Manua l 

F I G U R E 1 3 0   –   P O R T M A N A G E R I N T E R F A C E

3. Set Termination ID Prefix  interface appears as shown in

Figure 131. Input Termination ID Prefix, select
Termination ID Type and click OK.
User can select following Termination ID types:
i. Termination ID Type  1 is generally used when
MSG5200 is connected to ZTESS10.
  First three digits indicate unit No.
  Next three digits indicate sub unit No.
  Next five digits indicate range of subscribers in one sub
  If MGCP protocol is used and MSG5200 is connected to
ZTE’s SoftSwitch (SS) then Termination ID Prefix must
be in small letters.
ii. Termination ID Type  2 is generally used when
MSG5200 is connected to Huawei SS.
iii. In Termination ID Type  3,  user is free to create any
type of ID.

86 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION


Chapter 4 Narrowband Service Configuration

F I G U R E 1 3 1   –   S E T T E R M I N A T I O N I D   P R E F I X I N T E R F A C E

Result: Message dialog box appears as shown in Figure 132.

F I G U R E 1 3 2   –   S E T T I N G T E R M I N A T I O N I D   M E S S A G E D I A L O G B O X  

NOTE: The  length  of   Termination ID Type must be within

64 characters.
4. To delete termination ID, click Delete Termination ID  in
the Port Manager  interface. Delete Termination ID 
interface appears as shown in Figure 133. Input Begin
Circuit and Count and click OK.

F I G U R E 1 3 3   –   D E L E T E T E R M I N A T I O N I D   I N T E R F A C E

Result: Message dialog box appears as shown in Figure 134.

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ZXMSG 5200 (V2.0.2) Multiplex Service Gateway Operation Manua l 

F I G U R E 1 3 4   –   D E L E T I N G T E R M I N A T I O N I D   M E S S A G E D I A L O G B O X  

Result PSTN service configuration through VOIP is completed

ISDN Service
ISDN Service configuration includes:
  Configuring Application Server (AS)
  Configuring Application Server Process (ASP)
  Configuring AS and ASP Relation
 Configuring Dlink Global
  Configuring Through V5
  Configuring Through VOIP

Configuring Application Server

Purpose Perform this procedure to configure Application Server (AS).
Preliminary Ensure ICS and DLC cards are plugged in ZXMSG 5200 (V2.0.2)
Setup and working normally.
Steps To configure AS, perform the following steps:
1. Open the rack-view map, right-click DLC  card, and select
ISDN Config AS Config as shown in Figure 135.

88 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION


ZXMSG 5200 (V2.0.2) Multiplex Service Gateway Operation Manua l 

F I G U R E 1 5 2   –   V 5   I S D N   U S E R M A N A G E M E N T I N T E R F A C E

Result: Message dialog box appears as shown in Figure 153.

F I G U R E 1 5 3   –   C R E A T I N G V 5   I S D N   U S E R M E S S A G E D I A L O G B O X

3. To delete the user, select the Delete radio button, and click

Set  in V5 ISDN User Management  interface. Message 
dialog box appears as shown in Figure 154.

F I G U R E 1 5 4   –   D E L E T I N G V 5   I S D N   U S E R M E S S A G E D I A L O G B O X

100 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION


Chapter 4 Narrowband Service Configuration

Result ISDN service configuration through V5 is completed successfully.

Configuring Through VOIP

Purpose Perform this procedure to configure ISDN service through VOIP.
Preliminary Ensure MG and MGC system is configured; ICS, DLC, and MPR
Setup cards are plugged in ZXMSG 5200 (V2.0.2) and working
Steps To configure ISDN service through VOIP, perform the following
1. Open the rack-view map, right-click DLC  card, and select
Port Manager as shown in Figure 155.

F I G U R E 1 5 5   –   P O R T M A N A G E R S E L E C T I O N I N T E R F A C E

2. Port Manager interface appears as shown in Figure 156. To

configure termination ID, click Set Termination ID Prefix.

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ZXMSG 5200 (V2.0.2) Multiplex Service Gateway Operation Manua l 

F I G U R E 1 5 6   –   P O R T M A N A G E R I N T E R F A C E

3. Set Termination ID Prefix  interface appears as shown in

Figure 157. Input Termination ID Prefix, select
Termination ID Type, and click OK.
User can select following Termination ID types:
i. Termination ID Type  1 is generally used when
MSG5200 is connected to ZTESS10.
  First three digits indicate unit No.
  Next three digits indicate sub unit No.
  Next five digits indicate range of subscribers in one sub
  If MGCP protocol is used and MSG5200 is connected to
ZTE’s SoftSwitch (SS) then Termination ID Prefix must
be in small letters.
ii. Termination ID Type  2 is generally used when
MSG5200 is connected to Huawei SS.
iii. In Termination ID Type  3,  user is free to create any
type of ID.

F I G U R E 1 5 7   –   S E T T E R M I N A T I O N I D   P R E F I X I N T E R F A C E

102 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION


Chapter 4 Narrowband Service Configuration

Result: Message dialog box appears as shown in Figure 158.

F I G U R E 1 5 8   –   S E T T I N G T E R M I N A T I O N I D   P R E F I X M E S S A G E D I A L O G B O X  

4. To delete termination ID, click Delete Termination ID  in

the Port Manger  interface. Delete Termination ID 
interface appears as shown in Figure 159. Input Begin
Circuit, Count and click OK.

F I G U R E 1 5 9   –   D E L E T E T E R M I N A T I O N I D   I N T E R F A C E

Result: Message dialog box appears as shown in Figure 160.

F I G U R E 1 6 0   –   D E L E T I N G T E R M I N A T I O N I D   M E S S A G E D I A L O G B O X  

Result ISDN service configuration Through VOIP is completed

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION  103 

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