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Biletul nr.

I.Read the text and circle the correct answer
“Mowgli is playing with some stones while Father Wolf and Bagheera are talking.”
“Father Wolf:Bagheera,Mowgli must learn about the jungle.Who can be his teacher?”
“Bagheera:Baloo,the bear,is a good teacher.He can teach the baby the Law of the Jungle.I can
help him, of course.”
1.Who is Mowgli’s teacher?
a.Father Wolf b.Bagheera c.Baloo
2.What is Mowgli doing?
a.He is plaing with some stones. b.He is sleeping c.He is eating
3.Who can help Mowgli’s teacher?
a.Baloo b.Bagheera c.Father Wolf

II.”To Be” singular and plural.

Biletul nr.2
I.Read the text and circle the correct answer
“The Jungle Book is the story of a boy, Mowgli, who grows up with the Wolf Family in the
jungle. His Mother Wolf and Father Wolf protect him and he likes to play all day long with
his seven brothers and sisters.”
1.How many brothers and sisters has Mowgli got? b.two c.twenty
2.What does Mowgli like to do all day long? b.sing
3.Who protects Mowgli?
a.Baloo b.the Wolf Family c.the Monkey Family

II.The days of the week

Biletul nr.3
I.Read the text and circle the correct answer
“Mowgli meets a group of very funny monkeys.”
“Mowgli: Hurray! We can dance. Hip!Hip!Hurray!”
“Baloo is dancing . He is very funny. He has got a banana belt.”
1.Who does Mowgli meet?
a.Baloo b.Shere Kan c.a group of monkeys
2.What is Mowgli doing?
a.He is dancing. b.He is singing. c.He is crying
3.What does Baloo have got?
a.a pen b.a banana belt c.a chair

II.”To have got” singular and plural.

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