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Time: 3 Hrs) Marks: 70

Answer any five questions.
1. a) Solve the following problem.
Max Z = 2x1+3x2
Subject to +X2 S 20, + 8 and xt, 0
Verify the Kuhn-Tucker conditions hold for the minima you obtain
b) Explain separable programming algorithm
2. a) Explain wolfe's modified simplex method?
b) Explain General nonlinear programming problem and Canonical form of nonlinear
programming problem
3. a) Find the optimum integer solution to the following all integer programming
Max Z = +2X2
Subject to constraints xl+X2S7, 11, 7

0 and are integers

b) Explain Kuhn Tucker conditions on non negative constraints
4. a) Explain GomorVs all integer programming problem and sensitivity analysis
b) Explain sensitivity analysis
5. a) Consider a shop which produces thre items. The items are produced in lots. The
demand rate for each item is constant and can be assumed to be deterministic. No back
orders are to be allowed. The pertine-:t data for the items is given in the following table.
Items 1 2 20

Holding Cost (Rs.) 20 20 20

Set up cost (Rs.) 50 60

Cost per unit (Rs.) 6 7 5

Yearly Demand Rate 10,000 12,000 7,500

Determine approximately the Economic Order Quantities when the total value of
average inventory levels of these items is Rs 1,000/-.
b) Explain types of Inventory models
6. a)Explain operating characteristics of
Queueing system and concept of ÉOO with an
b) Explain a) Pre-emptive priority, Non pre-emptive priority, Service Mechanism
7. a) A T.V repair man finds that the time spend on his job has an exponential distribution
with mean 30 minutes. If he repairs sets in the order in which they came in and if the
arrival of sets is approximatelypoisson with an average rate of 10 per 8 hours a day,
what is repairs man expected idle time each day? How many jobs are ahead of the
average set just brought in
b) Explain Reliability and their properties, Reliability function
8. a) Explain Hazard rate function
G) Mean time to failure (MTTF) for exponential distribution.
9. a) Explain Canonical form of Nonlinear Programming Problem.

b) Explain Integer Programming.

10. What is Queueing problem and explain Queueing system.

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