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2학년 반 번 이름: ( )

지도단원 1. Time to Start Again 영역 Vocabulary 2

성취기준 단어나 숙어의 뜻을 이해하고 읽을 수 있으며, 문장에서 적절하게 사용할 수 있다.

단어 단어 뜻 예시 문장

anyway 어쨌든, 그래도 This idea probably won’t work, but let’s try it anyway.

believe 믿다 They believe every word she says.

bell 종, 종소리 The lunch bell is ringing. Let's go!

brush 붓, 솔, 비 That brush looks very old.

bump 부딪치다 Be careful not to bump your head.

bump 부딪치다 Be careful not to bump your head.

cafeteria 식당 They went to the cafeteria to have lunch.

continue The rainy weather will continue for a few days.

corner 모서리, 모퉁이 Turn right at the corner.

cover 표지, 덮개; 덮다 There is an interesting picture on the cover of the book.

fan 팬 She is a big fan of the soccer player.

결승전; 결승의,
final Only the winners would go through to the final.

gym 체육관 The students play volleyball in the gym every day.

hallway 복도 There is a long hallway in our school.

hurry Hurry up, and you will arrive in time.
서둘러 가다

judge 판단하다; 판사 Don't judge people by their looks.

library 도서관 My friends like our school library.

lunch 점심 What would you like for lunch?

pay 지불하다 Can you pay for my ice cream?

post 게시하다 The teacher posted a sign on the wall.

realize 깨닫다 I realized my mistake.

reduce You must reduce your speed.

reply 대답하다 She only replied with a smile.

serious 심각한, 진지한 He had a serious look on his face.

shoot 쏘다 The hunter used his gun to shoot the bear.

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2학년 반 번 이름: ( )
단어 단어 뜻 예시 문장

size 사이즈, 크기 Our feet are the same size.

strict 엄격한 I went to a strict school.

ticket 입장권, 티켓 I have some free tickets to the show.

tidy 깔끔한 She always keeps her room very tidy.

trust 신뢰하다 You can trust me not to tell anyone.

waste 쓰레기 The trash can was full of food waste.

bump into ~와 부딪히다 Excuse me, I didn't mean to bump into you.

(줄, 대화에)
cut in But this young man came out of nowhere and cut in line.

find out 알아내다 How did you find out today is my birthday?

happen to The door happened to be unlocked.

look for ~을 찾다 I was looking for a new coat.

on one’s way 집으로 가는

My dad is on his way home now.
home 길에

pay back 돌려주다, I’ll pay back next week..

◆ 위 표의 단어 3개를 골라 그 단어가 쓰인 문장을 본문(교과서 p.14~17)에서 찾아 쓰고 해

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