3차시 듣기, 말하기 (학생용)

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2학년 반 번 이름: ( )

지도단원 1. Time to Start Again 영역 Listen & Talk 3

활동목표 상대방의 의견을 묻거나 희망·기대를 표현하는 듣기 및 말하기 활동을 수행할 수 있다.

Key Expressions 1

의견 묻기
A: What do you think of your new English teacher?
B: I think she’s kind to everyone.

Key Expressions 2

희망 · 기대 표현하기
A: This baseball game cap is for you.
B: Thanks. I can’t wait for the baseball game.

A. Get Ready2 (p.8~9)

(1) G: Hey, what do you think of this notebook?
B: It looks great! Is it for science?
G: Yes. This year I'm going to study science harder with this notebook.
(2) B: Look at the teachers. Who's going to be our new homeroom teacher?
G: We'll find out in 10 minutes.
B: I’m very excited. I can’t wait !
(3) M: Hello, everyone! My name is Yun Kihun. I'm your English teacher.
G & B: Glad to meet you, Mr. Yun.
M: What do you think of English?
G: It’s interesting. I like English a lot .

B. Listen & Talk A (p.10)

1 B: This club looks good for you. What do you think of it?
G: The health club? I think it's boring .
B: Then which club do you want to join?
G: I’ll join the soccer club. I like playing soccer.

2 G: What do you think of the magic club?

B: I think it's the right club for me. I want to learn many interesting tricks .
G: I'll join it, too. When is the first meeting?
B: Next Wednesday. I can't wait for the first meeting!

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2학년 반 번 이름: ( )
오늘의 과제

새 학년이 되어 즐거웠던 수업에 대해서 생각하면서 자신의 상황에 맞게 각색하여

완성하시오. (p.12 Real-life Scene 참고)

I Can't Wait for Class

What do you think of ?

The new teacher?

He/She looks very strict and serious.

Don’t judge a book by its cover.

What do you mean?

My first class with was great.

He/She was and his/her class was .

During the first class, we did .

Wow! I can’t wait for his/her class tomorrow.

It's my first class this year.

<Draw your emoji>

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