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2학년 반 번 이름:

지도단원 1. Time to Start Again 영역 reading 6

학습목표 본문을 읽고 세부내용을 파악할 수 있다.

A> 본문의 주요 구문에 유의하며 읽어봅시다.

Seho and Jihun were talking in the hallway when Dami came over.

(when 의미) ~할 때, 다미가 다가왔을때

"Happy birthday!” she said to Seho. "Here. They're from my dad.“
⤷They가 지칭하는 것: two KBL tickets
“Wow, two KBL tickets! Thanks!”
“Who are you going to take with you?” Dami asked.
⤷ (take의 의미) 데려가다, (시간이)걸리다, (탈것을)이용하다, (자
리를) 차지하다, (행동을 취하다 take a walk, bath, look)

“Minjun. He took me to a soccer game before.

⤷take … to ~ : …를 ~로 데려가다
So, it’s time to pay him back.
⤷to부정사의 형용사적 용법, (의미) 그에게 보답할(pay back: 갚아주다)

“You know what?” Jihun cut in. “Minjun isn't a fan of basketball. But I am!”
⤷cut in : (대화에) 끼어들다 (과거형)

“Well, I’ll ask him first anyway,” replied Seho.

“He won’t go with you. Trust me,” said Jihun.

“Who is this guy?” Dami thought to herself, "He wants Minjun’s ticket.”
⤷think to oneself : 혼자 속으로 생각하다
"Oh! There’s the bell. See you later," said Dami. She hurried to class.
“Come on, Jihun,” said Seho, and he started to run.
⤷to부정사의 명사적 용법, (의미) 뛰어가기 시작했다(=started running)
At the corner, Seho bumped into someone.

⤷bump into~: ~와 부딪치다 /~와 우연히 만나다 (이 의미도 소개하기)

“Sorry!” he said and continued to run.

⤷to부정사의 명사적 용법, (의미) ~를 계속하다(=continued running)

Just then, Jihun saw something on the floor. “Wait, Seho!” he said, but Seho was
not there.

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2학년 반 번 이름:

After class, Seho went to Dami and said, "I can't find one of my tickets.
⤷one of 복수명사: ~중에 하나

Did you happen to see it?”

⤷happen to 동사원형 : 혹시(우연히,어쩌다가)--하다
“No,” she answered. “Isn't it in your bag?”

“No, it’s not there. I think ( that )I lost it,” said Seho.
⤷ (의미) 내가 그것을 잃어버린 것 같아
On her way home, Dami saw Jihun. He had the ticket in his hand. Dami got
angry and said, “Hey! Why do you ...?”

Just then, Jihun saw Seho and shouted, “Seho! I found a ticket in the hallway. I
think ( that ) it’s yours.”
⤷(의미) 네 것인거 같아. (yours= your ticket )

“Thanks! I was looking for that!" said Seho.

“He's not so bad,” Dami thought.

"So, what were you saying? Do you have something to say, Dami?" asked Jihun.

⤷to부정사의 형용사적 용법, (의미) 뭔가 할 말이 있니?

"Um, how about going to the school basketball game with me this Friday? It’s
the finals.”

Jihun looked really pleased. “I’d love to!”

B> Comprehension Check Questions 직접 만들기!

1.( T or F )

2.(Yes/No question)

3.(WH question)

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