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p =
ii). Plot the magnitude and phase frequency response and determine the type
1). Using the circuit shown in figure 1, below of filter represented From

T (s) = sCR1 +1
sC + R2

T ( jω) = k
p + jω

|T ( jω)| = p
p2 + ω 2

Figure 1: Q1 For
i). Determine the transfer function T(s) in terms of K, z and p
ω = 0; |T ( jω)| = 0
We know that ω = p; |T ( jω)| = √
T (s) = ω → ∞; |T ( jω)| → k
Z1 + Z2
1 The magnitude frequency response is as shown below and from it we can
Z1 = R1 +
sC see that the filter is a highpass filter.
sCR1 + 1
= To get the phase frequency response, we start with
Z2 = R2 jω
R2 T ( jω) = k
T (s) = sCR +1 p + jω
+ R2 ω
sC θ ( jω) = 90◦ − tan−1
sCR2 p
sCR1 + sCR2 + 1
" # For
CR2 s
C(R1 + R2 ) s + C(R 1+R ) ω = 0; θ ( jω) = 90◦
1 2
R2 ω = p; θ ( jω) = 45◦
= sCR1 +1
sC + R2 ω → ∞; θ ( jω) → 0◦

R2 and the network is a leading circuit since θ ( jω) is positive for all ω.
k =
R1 + R2 iii). Determine the frequency at which the magnitude of the transfer function
z = 0 will be √12
(a) Magnitude frequency re- (b) Phase frequency response

Equating the magnitude of the transfer function with √1 = −9.5424 dB


kω 1 which is a horizontal straight line at A = -9.5424 dB.

|T ( jω)| = p =√ squaring
p +ω 2 2 For
k2 ω 2 1
= A2 = 20 log ω
p + ω2
2 2
2k2 ω 2 = p2 + ω 2 is a straight line gradient 20dB/decade with horizontal intersection where A2
ω 2 (k2 − 1) = p2 =0
p2 0 = 20 log ω
ω2 =
k2 − 1 0 = log ω
ω = √ ω = 1 rad/sec
k −1
iv). Given that R1 = 2Ω, R2 = 4Ω, C = 12 F, sketch the bode magnitude and
phase plots. A3 = −20 log |1 + jω/2|
Given the values of the elements, T( jω) becomes = −20 log 1 + ω 2 /4
2 jω = −10 log(1 + ω 2 /4)
T ( jω) =
3 2 + jω
  For ω  1, A3 = 0 which is represented with a horizontal asymptote at A =
1 jω
= 0dB. For ω  1, A3 = -20log ω which is a straight line gradient 20dB/decade
3 1 + jω/2
with horizontal intersection at high frequencies where A3 = 0, giving
A = 20 log + 20 log |ω| − 20 log |1 + ω/2|
3 0 = 10 log(ω 2 /4)
= A1 + A2 − A3 0 = log(ω 2 /4)
ω = 2 rad/sec
For For the bode phase response
1 ω
A1 = 20 log θ = 90◦ − tan−1
3 2

(a) Bode magnitude response (b) Bode phase response

= θ1 − θ2
where θ1 = 90◦ is a straight line at θ = 90◦ . Similarly, θ2 is asymptotic with
as shown in figure 1 below
2). A network composed entirely of ideal resistors, capacitors and inductors has a
pair of input terminals to which a sinusoidal current source Is is connected and
a pair of open circuited output terminals at which a voltage Vo is defined. If Is
= 16 0◦ A at ω = 50 rad/sec, then Vo = 306 0◦ V. Specify Vo for each conditions
described below Figure 2: Q3
i. Is = 26 0◦ at ω = 50 rad/sec
Vo = 606 25. Branch current doubles leading to doubling of voltage drops.
The phase shift remains. Solution:
ii. Is = 26 40◦ at ω = 50 rad/sec Considering
Vo = 606 65. Branch current doubles leading to doubling of voltage drops. NODE A:
The phase of Is is 40◦ and the network shifts the phase of the signal by
25◦ , the resultant phase is the sum of the two i.e. 65◦ . V1 −VA
+ (V2 −VA )sC1 − (VA −VB )sC2 = 0
iii. The network is scaled by km = 30, Is = 26 40◦ at ω = 50 rad/sec R1
Vo = 18006 65. Branch currents doubles as well as the magnitude of the (V1 −VA ) + (V2 −VA )sC1 R1 − (VA −VB )sC2 R1 = 0
impedances is scaled leading to scaling in respective voltage drops by the V1 + sC1 R1V2 − (1 + sC1 R1 + sC2 R1 )VA + sC2 R1VB = 0 (1)
same factor. The phase of Is is 40◦ and the network shifts the phase of
the signal by 25◦ , the resultant phase is the sum of the two i.e. 65◦ . NODE B:
iv. The network is scaled by k f = 4, km = 30, Is = 26 40◦ at ω = 50 rad/sec.
V2 −VB
Vo = 18006 65. Branch currents doubles as well as the magnitude of the (VA −VB )sC2 + = 0
impedances is scaled leading to scaling in respective voltage drops by the R2
same factor. The phase of Is is 40◦ and the network shifts the phase of (VA −VB )sC2 R2 + (V2 −VB ) = 0
the signal by 25◦ , the resultant phase is the sum of the two i.e. 65◦ . sC2 R2VA − (1 + sC2 R2 )VB +V2 = 0 (2)
3). For the circuit shown in figure 2, Since the non-inverting terminal is grounded, virtual grounding implies
that VB = 0. Hence equation 1 and 2 becomes
i. Derive the transfer function and determine the type of biquad filter rep-
resented. V1 + sC1 R1V2 − (1 + sC1 R1 + sC2 R1 )VA = 0 (3)

sC2 R2VA +V2 = 0 hence
VA = − V2 (4)
sC2 R2
substituting 4 in 3
V1 + sC1 R1V2 + (1 + sC2 R1 + sC1 R1 ) V2 = 0
sC2 R2
sC2 R2V1 + s2C1C2 R1 R2V2 + (1 + sC2 R1 + sC1 R1 )V2 = 0
sC2 R2V1 + s2C1C1 R1 R2 + sR1 (C1 +C2 ) + 1 V2
= 0

Further manipulation gives

sC2 R2
T (s) = 2
s C1C2 R1 R2 + sR1 (C1 +C2 ) + 1
C1 R1
= (5)
s2 + s R12 ( C11 + C12 ) + C1C21R1 R2

Comparing this with the general Biquad transfer function

a2 s2 + a1 s1 + a0 s0
T (s) = (6)
s2 + s ωQ0 + ω02

This is a BANDPASS filter since in the numerator, the coefficients of s2

and s0 are both equal to zero
ii. In terms of R1 , R2 , C1 and C2 , derive the expressions for Q, ω0 and H.
Comparing 5 with the general Bandpass Biquad Transfer Function
s H0
C2 R1 Qs

s2 + s R12 ( C11 + C12 ) + C1C21R1 R2 s + s ωQ0 + ω02

ω0 = √
C1C2 R1 R2
1 C1C2 R2
Q =
C1 +C2 R1
1 C1 R2
H0 =
C1 +C2 R31C2

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