Facebook Ads For Amazon Product Launches Guide

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How to

Facebook Ads
for Amazon
Product Launches
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Why is knowing how to

communicate with would-be
customers on FB important?​
Marketing on Facebook is what’s referred to as
“Interruption Marketing.”​

What does that mean?​

People on Facebook aren’t there to shop. They’re their to socialize.

So your marketing is, essentially, interrupting them. ​

If you run an ad on Google, for example, you would target keywords like
“buy spatula” or “best spatula.”​

Facebook doesn’t work that way though.​

With Facebook, you have to interrupt people from whatever else it was
they were doing. You must convince them that they need to stop to come
look at and buy my product—preferably NOW!


How to effectively interrupt.​

The key is, you need to interrupt your would-be
buyers, without annoying or derailing them.​

This is done with a combination of eye-catching

creatives (images, video, etc), and an irresistible offer.​

It sounds a lot easier said than done, and that’s true, but this
doesn’t have to be an overly complex thing.​

Consider it intuitively. What would it take for you to stop
scrolling through your friends’ political memes and consider
a product?

In the next few slides, we’ll share a number of proven tactics

that have gotten amazing CPC (cost per click), CPA (cost
per acquisition) and done the job of ranking product listings
on Amazon!​

You’ll learn:
• How to create eye-catching imagery.
• How to craft an irresistible message.
• How to split test an optimize effectively.
• How to target the right audience.


Why is imagery
so Important?
A Facebook ad image is an awful lot like your Amazon
main image.

You want to stop the scroll? You have to grab attention.

The entire purpose is to stop the scroll.

Otherwise your ad will just get scrolled right past.

It’s not just about

grabbing attention, though.
You also get the opportunity to:

• Convey vital benefit information.

• Create an emotional connection.
• Create a first impression for your brand.


How to create
Create a brand or product image. “Image” is not just a
picture, but a personality. Much like your Amazon imag-
es, your Facebook ad imagery aims to inspire the same
type of response: Create a favorable image, lead the
would-be shopper over purchase hesitation, and earn a
new customer.


Tell a story
People love stories.
If your image or video can rope people into
a plot, they’ll stick around to hear it.

Here, your focus isn’t necessarily to feature

the product, but to display it as a supporting
cast member in a storyline. So long as the
product played an important role in resolving
the plot conflict, it’ll get the attention it needs.


Show the benefit

One of the best ways to make sure the right
person clicks on your ad is to show them
exactly what they will get.

By illustrating the benefits of your product,

not only will people better be able to envision
themselves using it, but it will only appeal to
people in need of what you have to offer.

Watch as the Yeti benefits are demonstrated.


Who could forget these attention
grabbing demonstration videos?
Similar to images/videos/gifs that show benefits, you can
also focus on specifically how the product is used. This
is especially good for technical or novel items.

Novel items doing things that people typically find

impossible are also great demonstrations.


Build trust
One of the best ways to build trust is to
be authentic.

It also doesn’t hurt to be a little vulnerable

This makes you (and your brand)

more relatable.

(actually me and my daughter)


Make the customer feel

like they belong.
This is where you show your would-be customer your tribe,
what you are about and what you stand for.

People typically only buy products they are interested in, but
many will make a purchase decision sooner than is typical if
they resonate with the brand.

Regardless of your political views, you have to agree no one

rallies a tribe quite like Trump. Imagine how many people
bought this hat that don’t even wear hats.


Stop the scroll

Aside from creating an authentic brand image,
there are tactics and media types you can use
that simply grab attention.

Examples that work well:

• Stop motion animations.
• Carousels that connect.
• Slideshows


Stop motion
Stop motion stops the scroll because it is
unique and unexpected.

The best part? It’s easy to make. Apps like

Lifelapse turn your phone into your own
personal Hollywood studio.


Carousels that connect

These are simply wide-photos or elongated graphics
that are chopped into smaller segments. Again, easy
to create with powerful results.

When they connect to either tell a story or reveal a

bigger picture, it really grabs attention.


Slideshow ads
Slideshows allow you to use a static image, but
then add elements (like text or emojis) that slightly shift or
move in every slide, giving it the illusion of animation.


Why is your hook/

offer important?
Once you’ve stopped the scroll, the engagement doesn’t end there.
In fact, it is only just starting.

Now it is important to “hook” your potential customer with a reason to

want to listen to your message or consider your offer.

Remember, they are not there to shop. So giving them a compelling

reason is crucial.

How to craft a compelling

hook & offer
Crafting a compelling hook and offer is necessary in order to get your
would-be customer to take action and make the purchase.

But it doesn’t have to be complicated.

In fact, it is quite simple.

You just give your audience WHAT THEY WANT.


The hook
Your offer is the deal you’re providing to customers—let’s say it’s a 100%
rebate on a somewhat unexciting garlic press.

Your hook is the reason why someone would want to buy your garlic
press. To put it another way, the hook conveys the benefit of using your
product, such as how it’s going to make their life easier, faster, smarter,
richer, healthier, better, etc.

A hook should be benefit-driven. As in, it should focus on what the

product does for the customer as opposed to just what it can do.

“With our garlic press, you don’t even have to peel the “Spend less time in the kitchen doing prep work using
garlic, it’ll peel it for you.” our garlic press—it peels the garlic for you.”

Here’s an example:

Notice the distinction in the BENEFIT-BASED example?

It focuses on the time saved in the kitchen. That’s what this garlic press does FOR the customer.


More hook examples


The offer
After you’ve stopped the scroll, and then managed to
hook your would-be buyer’s attention, it’s time to seal the
deal with an irresistible OFFER!

Your offer may vary depending on what type of launch you

are going after. But the reason it needs to be irresistible
is because, again, people aren’t on Facebook to shop. So
you have to tempt them into taking action…NOW.

Offer vs. Hook

The stronger the offer, the less the hook will need to
be convincing.

In other words, if you are offering a “FREE” product,

for example, you won’t have to sell it as much.

On the flip side, if you are only doing a small discount,

you may need to sell it a little harder.

But there are a number of offer types you may decide

to try:

• Heavy discount
• Light discount
• Buy one get one
• Buy one item get a different one free
• Discount on items bought together


Why is split-testing important?

Split-testing, otherwise known as A/B testing, is when you run two versions of an ad to see which one performs better.

This is crucial because without it, how will you know that the imagery you used could perform better? Or the copy? Or the offer?

If the goal is a SUCCESSFUL product launch, then you’ll need to split-test to ensure your ads are the best they can be.

Challenges of split-testing.
One of the reasons many sellers don’t run
split-tests is because it seems intimidating, complex
and expensive.

And sure, the way big agency run them, it is

complex and expensive. But in the following slides
you’ll learn how to find the perfect launch ad with
just $80!


How to split-test ads effectively (on a low budget).

First let us define what segments of an ad need to be tested.

(the copy at the top)

(the picture/video/gif)

(the copy at the bottom)


How to split-test ads effectively (on a low budget).

The formula

H= Headline 1 Campaign
8 Ad sets
T= Text 1 Ad per ad set
M= Media 2 Versions of each


How to split-test ads effectively (on a low budget).

Your eight ads/ad sets look like this. 1 Campaign, 8 Ad sets, 8 Ads

H1T1M1 H1T1M2
H2T1M1 H2T1M2
H1T2M1 H1T2M2
H2T2M1 H2T2M2
• Headline one should be straight to the point.
Exactly what is being offered.
• Headline two should be more benefit focused.
• Text one should be straight to the point. Exactly what is being offered.
• Text two should be more benefit focused.
Ask questions if possible here.
• Media one should depict only the product.
• Media two should depict the target audience.
• Set each ad set to $5 per day budget. Schedule for 48 hours
(two days).
• Total spend will be $80.


Setting up all those ad sets.

The easiest way to do this is to create the first ad set and then ad (the H1T1M1) and then duplicate the
ad set. Then rename the ad set and ad and change the ad accordingly.


Campaign objective
One of the easiest campaign objectives for a FB ad product launch
is “messages” since through FB Messenger you can deliver coupon
codes, search and find instructions, super URLs, rebate instructions
and more.



Ad examples
H1 & T1 are to the point
M1 focuses on the product H2T1M1
H2 & T2 are more benefit-driven
M2 focuses on the people



Split-test results
After two days, whichever ad got the best results WINS.
Results depend on your objective. Here are a couple examples:
• Lowest cost per click.
• Most engagement.
• Lowest cost per message.

Run your ad
Now you know which creative works best, which copy text
works best and which headline works best. Use that to run
your launch campaign.


Why Is Audience Targeting Important?

Being able to create the perfect launch ads is critical, but you’ve still
got to show those ads to the right people.

If you are launching a butcher knife and your ads are showing to
vegans, your message may fall on deaf ears.

So it is super important that your audience targeting is spot on.


How to target the

perfect audience
Facebook offers a number of targeting
options to choose from (at the ad set level).
The best audience to target is the one that
has as many of your target market in it
as possible.


Custom audiences
The best audience to target for a product launch would most likely be a list of existing customers.
If you have your customers’ first name, last name, city, state, zip code, then you can create a
“Custom Audience” and Facebook will find those users and create an audience from them.


Lookalike audience
The next best audience to one that consists of current customers, is one that looks just like
them. When you create a “lookalike” audience (or LAA) Facebook finds users with similar
interests and traits to populate the audience with.


“Interest based” audience

If you don’t have an email list or customer list to build off of, then your best bet is to narrow down your
audience by interest.

Under “detailed targeting” you can search keywords related to your niche and FB will serve interest
groups related to those keywords.


“Interest based” audience

If an audience is TOO broad or big, you run the risk of not being targeted enough
(remember, we don’t want vegans being served our butcher knife ad).

FB also gives you the ability to narrow your audience further, and even exclude certain people.

Split-testing audiences
Just like the strategy shown for split-testing ads, you can also split-test
your audiences.

Just remember to have a different audience in each ad set. The one

performs the best, WINS.

FB product launch ads checklist

Figure out Figure out your split-test text/media

Create Create a campaign in the Facebook ads manager

Create Create 8 ad sets, each with a single ad

Run Run your split-test for two days

Target Target the audience closest to your buyers

RUN Run your winning ad to that audience during your launch.


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