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RUAS Department of Management Studies (2020-21)

Laboratory Manual for

Computer Applications-II



Department: Management
Name of the student Tanaz Raisa Hoque
University Reg. No 20MCMS017109

Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences

of University
Established in Karnataka and Commerce
State by Act No. 15 of 2013

University House, New BEL Road, MSR Nagar, Bangalore – 560054

Computer Applications- II (19BML112B)
RUAS Department of Management Studies (2020-21)

Faculty Management and Commerce

Program BBA
Year/semester I/II
Course Computer Applications- II
Course code 19BML112B

Computer Applications-I
Instructions for Computer Applications-I

 The objective of the laboratory is learning. The lab experiments are designed to
illustrate phenomena in different areas of office automation.
 Come well prepared for the lab experiments.
 All presentations of data, tables and graphs calculations should be neatly and
carefully done.

Computer Applications- II (19BML112B)
RUAS Department of Management Studies (2020-21)

Declaration sheet
Student Name Tanaz Raisa Hoque
Register Number 20MCMS017109
Programme BBA II/I
Course Code 19BML112A
Course Title Computer Applications- II
Subject Date 8th April 2021 To 16th July 2021
Course Leader Nisha Francis
The laboratory report submitted herewith is a result of my own
investigations and that I have conformed to the guidelines against plagiarism
as laid out in the Student Handbook. All sections of the text and results,
which have been obtained from other source, are fully referenced. I
understand that cheating and plagiarism constitute a breach of university
regulations and will be dealt with accordingly.

Date 05-06-2021
Signature of the Student

Submission date stamp

Signature of the Course
Leader and date
Final Marks Obtained Remarks

Computer Applications- II (19BML112B)
RUAS Department of Management Studies (2020-21)

List of Laboratory Activities

1. Performing basic arithmetic, statistical and financial functions

2. Constructing and inserting pivot tables, pivot charts and analysing data by using
what-if analysis
3. Performing basic statistical operations using SPSS

Name: Tanaz Raisa Hoque Reg. Number: 20MCMS017109

Computer Applications- II (19BML112B)
RUAS Department of Management Studies (2020-21)

Index Sheet

Exp. No Lab Experiment Marks Obtained

1 Performing basic arithmetic, statistical and financial
2 Constructing and inserting pivot tables, pivot charts and
analysing data by using what-if analysis
3 Performing basic statistical operations using SPSS
Lab Internal Test conducted along the lines of SEE for 25
marks each and average of all lab experiments will be
considered for evaluation

Total Marks

Component 1 (Lab Internal Marks) = x


Signature of the Staff In-charge

Tabulation Sheet
No Activity Obtained Marks
1 Performing basic arithmetic, statistical and financial functions

Computer Applications- II (19BML112B)
RUAS Department of Management Studies (2020-21)

2 Constructing and inserting pivot tables, pivot charts and analysing data by using
what-if analysis
3 Performing basic statistical operations using SPSS
Total Marks
Scaled down to 25 Marks

Signature of Staff in-charge

Signature of HOD

Computer Applications- II (19BML112B)
RUAS Department of Management Studies (2020-21)

Laboratory Activity 1
Title of the Laboratory Exercise:

Performing basic arithmetic, statistical, logical, lookup, text and financial functions and
creating charts
1. Introduction and Purpose of Experiment

Microsoft Excel allows to create professional spreadsheets and charts. In this laboratory
exercise, students get familiar to perform basic arithmetic, statistical, logical, lookup,
text and financial functions on the given data.

2. Aim and Objectives


 To perform basic arithmetic, statistical and financial functions using MS Excel


At the end of this lab, the student will be able to:

 Perform basic arithmetic, statistical and financial functions on the given data

3. Experimental Procedure
Students are expected to use the appropriate functions based on the questions
provided to you

4. Write up on Steps Followed

For question 1,
 Gross salary can be calculated by adding the cells which contains the values of
Basic Salary + DA + HRA using the formula bar. Can be calculated for all by just
dragging down and selecting the cells.
 DA can be calculated by calculating (=basic pay*75/100) in the formula and
again for all the employees, it can be calculated by dragging down and
selecting the cells.
 HRA is calculated in a similar way but instead the formula is (=basic

Computer Applications- II (19BML112B)
RUAS Department of Management Studies (2020-21)

 The three grades for the employees are showed using the if function which can
be found in the add function option in the home tab.
 Bar chart is created using the chart option in the insert tab. The bar design can
be chosen from various options available.
 Total, Average, Maximum and Minimum gross salary are calculated using SUM,
AVERAGE, MAX, MIN functions repectively which are found in the add function

For Question 2 (a),

 Can be calculated using PMT function which can be found in the add function
option in the Home tab.
For Question 2 (b),
 Can be calculated using IPMT function which can be found in the add function
option in the Home tab.

For Question 3,
 A table is created using the table option from the Insert option.
 The drop down list can be created by clicking data validation option under the
data tab, and set list under the allow option and for source should select the
range of cells for which the drop down list should be created.
 VLOOKUP function is used to find the price of different products.

5. Presentation of Results

For Calculating DA,

Computer Applications- II (19BML112B)
RUAS Department of Management Studies (2020-21)

For HRA,

For Gross Salary,

Using the IF Function,

Computer Applications- II (19BML112B)
RUAS Department of Management Studies (2020-21)

To calculate Gross Total, Average, Maximum, Minimum

Computer Applications- II (19BML112B)
RUAS Department of Management Studies (2020-21)

Computer Applications- II (19BML112B)
RUAS Department of Management Studies (2020-21)

Computer Applications- II (19BML112B)
RUAS Department of Management Studies (2020-21)

For Creating Table,

For Question 2(a),


For Question 2(b),

 IPMT Function,

Computer Applications- II (19BML112B)
RUAS Department of Management Studies (2020-21)

For Drop Down list,

For using VLOOKUP Function,

Computer Applications- II (19BML112B)
RUAS Department of Management Studies (2020-21)

6. Results and Outcomes

Question 1

Computer Applications- II (19BML112B)
RUAS Department of Management Studies (2020-21)

For Question 2(a) and (b),

For Question 3,

Computer Applications- II (19BML112B)
RUAS Department of Management Studies (2020-21)

Maximum Actual
Conduction Of Experiment 08
Procedures/Steps /Write up 05
Perform and Record 04
Viva+ Class Participation 08
Total 25

Signature of Staff in-charge


Computer Applications- II (19BML112B)
RUAS Department of Management Studies (2020-21)

Computer Applications- II (19BML112B)

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