Goodness of The Heart (Wojtyla)

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Every human being is created by God with a heart and heart is the symbol that is

used to represented the anatomically inaccurate shape, the heart symbol is often

used to represent the center of emotion, including affection and love, especially

romantic love. As we all know that human being was created out of God’s love and

we were formed out of our parents’ love for each other. And love has a lot of

meanings. It can mean being affectionate towards a person, and the affection

reciprocated. Love is a set of emotions that we experience. Love could also mean

beliefs or behaviors that show your affection towards someone. And when we say

goodness of the heart it’s not only about romantic love but about the goodness of

our heart that we can show to other people.

In most aspects of our lives, we are tested of how the goodness of our

hearts will direct us to some of the most heartbreaking decisions and even place us

in situations where we will be having a hard time choosing between what the

hearts feel and what our minds tell. It is always a dilemma. Although, science would

tell us that what we feel through the representation of our heart is still part of the

respective functions of our minds and of our brains.

There are a lot of things in life that will test the goodness of our hearts and

may the goodness of it will always prevail if we would want to come up with a

decision that is out of love. Several times in our lives that we would be in a

condition where we would be haunted by our conscience. It would be a hard time

for us to rationalize and to make ourselves believe that what we would be siding is

true, factual, and relevant. The world is tough and sometimes when someone

knows that our heart is soft, they abuse us. But still, we choose to be kind no matter

how tough the world is then it means that we choose to follow our heart. That’s

why I can say that despite of the bitterness of others there will always be a kind

heart that remains.

We need to remind ourselves that there would always be one party who will get

advantage out of the decision that we would be making and there would always be another

who will take advantage a little or even none at all. As the line says, “we cannot please

everybody.” What’s important, we get to decide on the basis of truth and righteous

principles. On that case, we become kind enough for ourselves and to those who would be

affected by resolving complex or simple issues on the basis of fact. We need to weigh the

situation rightly especially in cases where parties involved are acquaintance or worst,

family members who are close to us. The thing is, be it acquaintance or not, family member

or not, those who understand us, those who know us, and those who really love us, would

never judge us with the kind of decision we choose on the basis of either getting a

favorable outcome or not. It’s crucial but if we know that we have done something in

accordance to what we believe is factual, it would not matter. Those who would want to

stay, may stay. Those who would wish to leave, may leave.

As humans, our hearts indicate the soft part of us. I would always remember

one of Mother Theresa’s famous lines, “This is the meaning of true love, to give

until it hurts.” We tend to give by not expecting something in return. We tend to

share by not expecting something like appreciation. We just give because it would

just be the language that our hearts desired to manifest. We give too much that

even a single portion of us, the only thing left to us, we tend to still give. We could

feel the necessity to give as our hearts dictate us to do. It is a human nature.

Admittedly, we have this soft part of us. We have this part where the goodness of

our hearts can be found. At some point, when everything we have were already

given, when the moment comes that we already felt the pain it caused us, it is

exactly the time when we could say that we have truly loved that we have already

poured out in all its capacity the goodness of our hearts. In reality, it may not be

that easy for along the process, several misunderstanding, struggles, heartaches,

and disappointments might come in but as human’s goodness is reactivated, no

amount of negative vibes or energy would hinder to show how ultimate humans

As society is comprised of different social classes, lucky are those who

belong to the upper ones for they will not experience on how to struggle every day

of your life just to have something to be prepared and to be eaten on their table. As

life on earth is never fair, praises belong to those who have the courage to share

their blessings to those who are badly needed. Anyway, whatever status we have

right now, just like the context of one of the religious songs, no poor who cannot

give, no rich who do not need.

Finally, out of personal generosity and not because he or she wanted to get

anything for himself or herself He offered help out of goodness of his heart. But still

man’s goodness is not measured on the amount of material things or money that

he has given to others but rather it is measured on how sincere he is with the kind

of thoughts and actions that he has shared and manifested with people. If you do

something that your hear desires then you do something enjoyable for as long as

you want to do it and as long as it is kind.


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