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June, 2022

Organization Structure
and Compensation Study

Section I: Introduction..................................................................................................................... vi

Part I: Introduction ............................................................................................................................ 1

1.1 Background ................................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 General Objectives ........................................................................................................................ 3
1.3 Organization of the Study ............................................................................................................. 3

Section II: ................................................................................................................................................ 4

Job Classification & Grading ........................................................................................................ 4

Part II: Job classification and Grading .................................................................................... 5

2.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................................. 5
2.1.1 Background .................................................................................................................... 5

2.1.2 Objectives of the document .................................................................................. 5

2.1.3 Methodology of the Study ....................................................................................... 5

2.1.4 Scope of the study ...................................................................................................... 6

2.2 Theoretical Review........................................................................................................................ 6

2.2.1 Job Analysis ................................................................................................................... 6

2.2.2 Alternative Job Evaluation Methods ................................................................. 6

2.3 Empirical review .......................................................................................................................... 10

2.3.1 Gap identification and improvement .............................................................. 10

2.4 Job Analysis and Grading ............................................................................................................ 11
2.5 Job specification .......................................................................................................................... 12
2.6 Evaluation and Grading of the New Job Structure...................................................................... 30
2.7 Job Band and grade description.................................................................................................. 31

2.7.1 Executive Management ......................................................................................... 31

2.7.2 Senior Management ................................................................................................. 32

2.7.3 Middle Management and Supervisor ............................................................... 33

2.7.4 Professional and technical skill ........................................................................ 34

2.7.5 Routine Skills .............................................................................................................. 39

2.7.6 Primary Skills .............................................................................................................. 40

Section III: Salary and Compensation.................................................................................... 41

Part III: Pay and Compensation ................................................................................................. 42

3.1 Overview ..................................................................................................................................... 42
3.2 Pay and Compensation ............................................................................................................... 42

3.2.1 Statement of Compensation Philosophy of the Bank ............................ 42

3.2.2 Existing Salary Scale Review ............................................................................. 43

3.2.3 Analysis of Salary Distribution with Existing Job Grade ..................... 44

3.2.4 Results of Banking Industry Salary Survey ................................................. 46

3.2.5 DGB internal Situation ............................................................................................ 49

3.2.6 Construction of Alternative Salary Scale for Debub Global Bank ... 49

3.2.7 Cost Impact Analysis of all Alternative Salary Scales.......................... 54

3.2.8 The Recommended Salary Scale for DGB .................................................... 55

3.3 Benefit Package........................................................................................................................... 57
3.3.1 Overview ........................................................................................................................ 57

3.3.2 Objectives of the Benefits Scheme ................................................................. 57

3.3.3 Types of Employee Benefits ................................................................................ 58

3.3.4 Scope of Application of Benefits ...................................................................... 59

3.3.5 Detail of Employee Benefits ................................................................................ 59

3.3.6 Cost Impact Analysis of Major Benefits ........................................................ 81

Section IV: Implementation Guideline ................................................................................... 83

Part IV: Implementation guideline ........................................................................................... 84

4.1. Overall Manpower Plan (Three-Years) .................................................................................. 84
4.2. Determining Standard Branch Staff Size ............................................................................... 85
4.3. Determining Standard District Size ........................................................................................ 86
4.4. Implementation Action Plan .................................................................................................... 87
4.4.1 Organizational Structure Implementation Based on the New Job Classification ....... 87
4.4.2 Salary Scale and Benefit Determination for Existing Employees ................................. 88
4.4.3 Ethical Requirements, Responsibility and Accountability ................................................ 90
4.4.4 Employees Grievance Handling Procedure Vis-à-vis Revised Grade/Salary .................. 91

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4.4.5 Monitoring and Evaluating Success Indicators .............................................................. 91
4.4.6 General Provisions ............................................................................................................ 92

Section V: Annex ............................................................................................................................... 93

Part V: Annex....................................................................................................................................... 94
Annex I: Patterson’s Job Grading Criteria ............................................................................................... 94
Annex II: Detailed Criteria and Rating of Each Job.................................................................................. 96
Annex III: Three Years HO Manpower Plan of the Bank ....................................................................... 107
Annex IV: Detail Action Plan of District ................................................................................................. 118
Annex V: Banking Industry Salary Scale Data........................................................................................ 119
Annex VI: Sample Industry Data – Staff Loans ...................................................................................... 120

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List of Tables
Table 1: Patterson job evaluation criterion .................................................................................................. 9
Table 2: Gap identification and improvement ............................................................................................. 11
Table 3: Details of Job Specification ....................................................................................................... 13
Table 4: Statistical Distribution of Number of Jobs across Job Grades ..................................................... 30
Table 5: Executive Management Job grade and title .................................................................................. 31
Table 6: Senior Management Job grade and title ....................................................................................... 32
Table 7: Middle Management and Supervisor Job grade and title............................................................. 33
Table 8: Professional and technical skill Job grade and title ...................................................................... 34
Table 9: Routine Skills Job grade and title .................................................................................................. 39
Table 10: Primary skilled Job Grade and Title ............................................................................................. 40
Table 11: Existing Salary Structure of DGB ............................................................................................... 44
Table 12: statistical analysis of industry salary scale .................................................................................. 47
Table 13: Comparison with DGB salary with Industry salary scale ........................................................... 47
Table 14: Industry salary scale with inflation rate ...................................................................................... 48
Table 15: Three options of DGB salary scale ............................................................................................. 50
Table 16: Option one salary scale proposal ................................................................................................. 51
Table 17: option two salary scale proposal ................................................................................................ 52
Table 18: Option three Salary scale proposal ............................................................................................. 53
Table 19: Cost Impact Analysis of All Salary Scale Alternatives ............................................................... 55
Table 20: Transport allowance .................................................................................................................. 60
Table 21: Mobile Telephone Allowance ..................................................................................................... 61
Table 22: Housing Allowance ..................................................................................................................... 63
Table 23: representation Allowance ........................................................................................................... 64
Table 24: Cash indemnity allowance .......................................................................................................... 65
Table 25: periderm...................................................................................................................................... 66
Table 26: per diem rate of oversea travel ............................................................................................... 68
Table 27: Staff Loans .................................................................................................................................. 75
Table 29: Manpower Plan of Business Units .............................................................................................. 84
Table 30: Proposed Standard of Branch Staff Size ..................................................................................... 85
Table 31: District size standard .................................................................................................................. 86

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List of figures
Figure 1: Distribution of Number of Positions across Grades .................................................................... 31
Figure 2: Salary Scale Distribution per Grade............................................................................................. 45
Figure 3: Staff Distribution by Grade .......................................................................................................... 45
Figure 4: Monthly salary Distribution by Grade ......................................................................................... 46

Section I:

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Part I: Introduction

1.1 Background

The Bank has been working in the rapidly changing environment and dealing with multidimensional
complexity, emerging both from internal and external factors. Promptly responding and managing these
changes is not left for choice, rather it is mandatory, and to do so, the existence of effective alignment
between organizational design and environmental factors is of paramount importance. In order to bring
effective alignment between them, conducting organizational restructuring is, thus, a prerequisite.
Typically, there are several reasons why the Bank should currently embark on organizational restructuring.
Augment efficiency and effectiveness, effectively respond to competitive pressure, enhance organizational
effort to accomplish bank’s core objectives and aspiration, effectively utilize opportunities and lesson
manifold challenges and most importantly laydown effective organizational restructuring that should
correspond with its business model, operational excellence, are some of the forefront reasons for
undertaking organizational restructuring now.

A well-structured organization that designates roles, responsibilities and lines of command that could create
effective alignment of customer-oriented processes significantly allow to create a fast-growing, efficient,
profitable, adaptable and future-oriented organization through saving an organization’s time, effort and
making it more creative. Thus, restructuring the internal processes vividly provide an indispensable role in
the achievement of customer and financial objectives. Cognizant of this and as an ongoing effort to
implement the strategy more effectively, understanding of current underlying conditions within the core
functional areas of DGB such as customer related processes, core banking processes as well as
organizational enabling processes such as administrative and business planning processes and undertaking
the necessary adjustment, among other things, as fast as possible is worthwhile. Hence, restructuring the
existing units and establishing additional new functional lines to enhance service excellence further and
augment organizational capabilities to boost the Bank’s competitiveness shall be undertaken in the strategic
plan period.

Albite the committee proposed three options of organization structure for DGB in reference to the existing
condition of the bank, the strategic plan, and the experience of the banks that DGB shall reach in the
strategic plan period, this document discussed on the first and best option of organizational structure of

BOD DIRECTOR RISK Compliance mgt Division
MGT Operational risk mgt Division

DIRECTOR Operation and IT Audit Division

OFFICER Corporate audit Divsion
Legal advisory Division
Division SERVICE
Innovation & Research Division
Marketing & Branding
Division DIRECTOR MARKETING DIRECTOR CORPORATE Planning & Performance mgt.
PR & Comm.
Division Change Mgt Division


Assistance Chief Corporate DIRECTOR HCM FACILITY ADMIN.
DIRECTOR IT IT system Security Manager Digital DIRECTOR APP & & ACCOUNTS
Banking officer INFRA. MGT. Manager Banking Technical PROGRAM MGT HR Recruitment &
General Accounts Facility Mgt and
Promotion Division
Division property admin.
Network Mgt IT system Application Program mgt System & data Employee Admin. &
Retention Division Share Mgt Division
Division Mgt. Division Mgt Division Division base Mgt Outsourcing &
Division Training & Dev. Division
Treasury & Fund Mgt.
Director Customer Customer Acquisition Division
R/ship Managment Division Retention Division

Trade Service Remittance & Fx Assistance Chief Retail Banking

DIRECTOR IBD Division Exchange. Division
officer Branch Operation
Engineering Service Construction and Branch Performance &
Valuation Division MGT BANKING Stand. Division
Manager Design Division DIRECTORE Digital
Large scale credit District Office
mgt Division Banking Service (2) KYC Division
IFB Financing SME Credit mgt Digital Banking Branch Operation
Director IFB IFB Accounts &
Division Operation Division Division
Division Operation Division
Credit Followup Digital Banking Business expansion
Monitoring Division Business Division Division

1.2 General Objectives

The objective of the study was to create a classification and compensation plan that is externally competitive,
internally equitable, readily updated, easily understood and fiscally responsible. In addition, the study aims to
indicate the manpower need of the Bank for the coming three years inconsideration of the progress in the market
and within the Bank. It also draws an implementation guide for the whole output of this engagement.

1.3 Organization of the Study

The study has three major core components: Part I discusses about the Job Classification outlining the job grading
and evaluation methods along with manpower structure forecast for the coming three years. Part II discusses on the
compensation package including the construction of a new salary scale and revised benefit package. This explores
the market and internal parameters considered to design a compensation package and compute the impact of the
recommended salary scales on the cost standing of the Bank. Part III of the reports provides an abridged
implementation guideline to ease and facilitate the execution of the outputs from both phases of this study.

Section II:
Job Classification & Grading

Part II: Job classification and Grading

2.1 Introduction

2.1.1 Background
Job grading and evaluation is a systematic process for defining the relative worth or size of jobs within an
organization in order to establish internal relativities. Evaluating leads directly or indirectly to where a job is placed
in a level or grade within a hierarchy and can therefore determine how much someone is paid, Armstrong (2007).
Relative job size is assessed in terms of inputs like knowledge and skills, process (behavioral requirements involving
the use of competences) and outputs (the level of responsibility for results and the impact the job makes on team or
organizational performance). Grade structures contain a sequence or hierarchy of grades, bands or levels into which,
on the basis of job evaluation, groups of jobs which are broadly comparable in size are placed.

On the bases of this fact, building human capital is considered as one of the major themes of the five-year strategic
plan of DGB. Following this, to effectively implement the five-year strategic plan, the bank has to revise its
organizational design and job grading.

Even though, in the near past i.e., before two years, the bank had been exhaustively revised its job design; to absorb
the changes which will be happened due to the new strategic plan, the committee and the senior management
believed to revise the existing organizational design. Following this, the exercise on this document is related to the
review of all jobs across the width and breadth of the bank, recommend new jobs, determine the relative worth of
each job, and finally produce a holistic job grading and salary structure.

2.1.2 Objectives of the document

The general objective of this document is to indicate a workable job grade for all units of the Bank.

• To revise the existing job grading

• To revise the industry practice for the purpose of benchmarking
• To perform job evaluation and job grading and indicate options of job grading

2.1.3 Methodology of the Study

The study has taken all private commercial banks as total population. For this study, census data collection
was purposefully used with relatively higher focus on peer private banks; since the number of the total
population along with the data required was manageable and relevant as the bank competes with these
institutions on daily bases.

To identify and recommend the best options the committee used both primary as well as secondary sources
of data. The primary data was collected from key informant interviews and the secondary data was
collected through document review from the official website and organization structure document of
different banks. In addition to this, the committee reviewed the previous Organization Structure and
Compensation Study document of DGB as a reference.

2.1.4 Scope of the study

The study is delimited conceptually as well as methodologically. Conceptually, this study only focuses on
the first and best options of organizational structure of the bank Job Grading and Design.
Methodologically, it is limited to reviewing the private banking industry organizational structure, the
departments recommendation and former the survey undertaken before a year to prepare organizational
design and compensation study; while bearing the newly approved strategic plan in mind.

2.2 Theoretical Review

2.2.1 Job Analysis

Essentially, job analysis is conducted to understand the detailed tasks of each job aimed at matching with
the required human elements in terms of qualification and experience.

2.2.2 Alternative Job Evaluation Methods

Job evaluation is a technique used to develop a plan for comparing jobs in terms of compensable factors that an
organization considers important determinants of Job complexity and worth. It is a method that helps to establish a
justifiable rank order of jobs as a whole, being a foundation for the setting up of different salary rates. It is also
concerned with making decision on what employees should be paid for the work they do.

There are a number of techniques for undertaking job evaluation in an organization. The choice of a specific method
over another depends on a number of factors including size and nature of the organization. Moreover, to choose the
right technique among others requires understanding of the available techniques along with their merits and
demerits. Based on the foregoing prelude, comparison of the five traditionally known job evaluation methods is
briefly presented as follows;

✓ Job Ranking:
This is a simple method where jobs are compared with one another and ranked or graded according to their relative
complexity and importance.
✓ Factor Comparison
This method compares jobs on several factors to obtain a numerical value for each job and to arrive at a job structure.
Jobs are compared with each other (as in the ranking method), but on one factor at a time. The judgments permit
construction of a comparison scale of key jobs against which other jobs may be compared. The compensable factors
used are usually (1) Mental requirements, (2) Physical requirements, (3) Skill requirements, (4) Responsibility, and
(5) Working conditions. These are considered to be universal factors found in all jobs.

✓ Job Classification
This method is based on defining different classes of jobs. The classes are defined based on different criteria such
as education, experience, training, special skill, ability and level of responsibility.
✓ Point Rating
It assesses jobs in terms of the degree to which several specifically defined factors are present in the job being
evaluated. A factor by-factor assessment is carried out, each factor divided into degrees with as low-to-high scale
of point values. Jobs are assigned a degree and a corresponding point value for each factor, and their overall value
is determined by totaling the assigned points for all the factors. The jobs are then ranked based on the total mark
they obtain.

✓ Point /Factor System

This is Paterson’s model that classifies jobs by different bands or levels of six steps from A to F. When A represents
simple procedural works with low skill and F represents jobs that require Policy formulation and decision-making
knowledge and skill. In this method five or six factors; Complexity, Supervision given, Pressure of work,
Independence of operation, Consequences of Decision or Action and Competencies are applied to compare each
job in similar band/ level to assign jobs reliable value. This system is mixed system of the combination of job
classification, Factor rating and Point rating methods.

Summary of The Patterson’s six bands or levels of job classification are as follows:

• Level A (Predetermined Decisions: Primary Skills & Simple Procedural Work): The complexity varies
from a limited number of simple activities/tasks through to a cycle of activities/tasks, which require on-the-job
training of up to two months.

• Level B: (Operative Decisions: Routine Skills & Routine Works): Operative of clerical work that requiring
the application of practical skills and/or acquired knowledge to select and automatically implement the
appropriate operation/s from a variety of procedures/tasks in response to clear cues. Pre-approved Procedure and
instruction of work is always there but where change of procedures to meet unusual circumstances arise a worker
can request for authorization from the supervisor. However, training and experience ranges from on-the –job
training of up to 3 months through to training and experience gained over years, which provides a high level of
skill to make decisions by own capability for which there are needs to flexibility and no standard operating
procedures, standards or practice/guidelines.

• Level C: (Process Decisions: Professional and Technical Skills): These are skilled operational works of a
technical/professional nature where the incumbent has to understand the theory and the systems behind the job.
Complexity varies from relatively simple systems. The systems are interrelated to a number of complex
interrelated systems where the incumbent is required to understand these interrelationships and be able to make
a diagnosis and/or solve problems.
• Level D: (Interpretative Decisions: Management and Specialist Skills): Managerial and technical specialist
work at the operational level where the incumbent must interpret the long-term plan developed at Level E and F
for the Division for which he/she is responsible in order to achieve the objectives set. The complexity of the
work is the coordinated development of work design, organization, operational/business plans, budgets and the
management of day-to-day operations or in the case of Specialists the need for creativity required to develop
solutions in the absence of guiding precedent/s. complexity increases with the mix of disciplines managed or

• Level E: (Programming Decisions: Senior Management and Conceptual Skill): Managerial and Professional
work at the strategic/operational/coordinative level of the Bank. The complexity of work at this level arises from
the need as a management team, to optimize resource allocation/utilization across the Bank and to translate
strategy into action and performance. Teamwork and leadership are key components to effectiveness at the
Senior Management Level. Developing functional strategy and policies and giving guidance and direction in
respective managerial function is basic responsibility of jobs that fall in this level. Major decision of the function
is done fully by own capability, and cascaded down to lower level for establishment of action plan and its
execution accordingly.

• Level F: (Policy Making Decisions: Executive Management and Leadership Skill): Management at the
strategic level of the company where environmental scanning and market information play a key role in the
development of strategy both for the long-term and for contingencies due to change circumstances. The work
becomes more complex because of the interplay of forces e.g. Strategy, Contingencies whilst maintain
performance. Jobs in this level are responsible for outcome of generic strategic direction and policies of business
operation. Positioning the Bank within the industry is responsibility of the jobs of this band. Promoting the

Bank and upgrading its value in public so as to achieve its long-term goal (vision) is one of the responsibilities
of jobs of this level.

Table 1: Patterson job evaluation criterion

Sr. No Organization Level Criteria Weight/ Rank Allotted
Level A: Primary Skills Complexity 6
1 Accuracy/Tolerance 6
Pressure of Work 6
Independence of Operation 9
Competencies 9
2 Level B: Routine Skills Complexity 9
Pressure of Work 9
Independence of Operation 9
Supervision Given 9
Competencies 9
3 Level C: Professional and Technical Skills Complexity 9
Pressure of Work 9
Supervision Given 9
Independence of Operation 9
Consequence of Actions/Decisions 9
Competencies 9
4 Level D: Management and Specialist Skills Complexity 6
Pressure of Work 9
Supervision Given 9
Independence of Operation 9
Consequence of Actions/Decisions 9
Competencies 9
5 Level E: Senior Management Skills Complexity 6
Pressure of Work 9
Supervision Given 6
Independence of Operation 6
Consequence of Actions/Decisions 9
Competencies 6
6 Level F: Executive Management Skills Complexity 9
Pressure of Work 9
Consequence of Actions/Decisions 9
Competencies 6

There are plenty of choices when selecting a formal approach of job evaluation. Of the alternative methodologies
described above, Point/ factor or mixed method (Paterson’s model) is selected for DGB job valuation for the
following reasons:

• It is a contemporary and widely used job evaluation technique in the banking sector, including Ethiopian
banking Industry;
• The jobs of the Bank lend themselves well to classify different bands/ levels ( Level A- Level F) as the
characteristics of the jobs are easily comparable in accordance with five or six rating factors;
• The method results in acceptable salary grades as it focuses on complexity and outcomes of jobs when
performed correctly or wrongly;
• It is easily understood and likely to be acceptable by stakeholders more than other systems that use complex
and highly subjective judgment to different factors;
• The system allows to compare jobs even within similar bands and so that differentiating jobs in accordance
with their value and complexity is relatively reliable;
• Once the jobs in each band are compared against pre-defined factors makes the system more objective;
• New jobs could be slotted in the grade structure without difficulty; and
• Even if the system is more complex than Job Classification and ranking method, the result tends to be more
objective than other methods.

2.3 Empirical review

2.3.1 Gap identification and improvement

The restructuring and compensation study of DGB that had been undertaken and implemented before two
years had been carried out detail job evaluation and analysis that helps the bank to the smooth running of
the business of each unit. Moreover, considerations were made to accommodate aspects of employee
satisfaction or motivation by ensuring that each unit has balanced job ladder that allows career progression
for employees. And yet, to manage associated costs that may emanate from creating more posts, actual
staffing plan that matches available positions with experience of available employees is done and hence;
all positions may not be filled at the same time. Or, whenever an employee is promoted to a higher post,
the vacant post may not be filled immediately and shall be handled in accordance with the annual
manpower plan.

Accordingly, the previous restructuring and compensation study identified different gaps. The table below,
thus; presents problem which are addressed through the revised job classification;

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Table 2: Gap identification and improvement
Sr. no Major Gaps Identified on the Job Classification Improvements under the Proposed Job Classification
1. Some equivalent Jobs are place at different grade levels while All jobs under the same Department or Divisions are treated
they are under the same Department. equally;
2. Need for new positions due to emergent activities such as Adequate number of sections are created in consideration of
foreign currency registration for IBD and ECX under Finance emergent activities for the captioned Departments and others
and Accounts; as well;
3. Some positions such as IT Security, Engineering and District Under the revised job classification, all the captioned were
office and Physical Security function of the Bank were not given upgraded. IT security was raised at service level and
due attention; independently reporting to the Chief Information Technology
Officer. And engineering office and District office raised to
service level.
4. For all units, the current structure has been learning and limited The revised job classification has created new positions such
career progress of employees which ended up in creating Principal and Section Head (Named as appropriate) and for
dissatisfaction; all organs to have a uniform job classification from Junior
Officer, Officers, Senior Officers and Principals. Filling the
positions, however; shall be subject to need of business units
to be addressed under the implementation plan;

Regarding the report of the previous restructuring and compensation implementation and grievance
handling committee, two major complains are raised in relation to job evaluation and grading such as
Customer service officer and branch accountant job grade shall be differentiated and Issue main cashier
and casher III job grade shall be differentiated. Accordingly, the grievance committee believed on the
issues raised but only handle the complaint by adding one step salary increment for issue main cashier and
branch accountant. Therefore, this structure also solved this issues by rearranging job grades.

Consequently, this document will solve these issues of grading and other additional issues.

2.4 Job Analysis and Grading

So as to effectively respond for rapidly changing environment and stay competitive, it is highly imperative
to manage customers’ needs efficiently and effectively. Hence, for an organization to remain competitive
and profitable, it has to find ways to improve its processes. To this end, the Bank has already designed the
new strategic plan, which set its direction and business model to be pursued in the coming periods,
operational excellence, which would highly require to make the organization more customer-oriented. To
make this realistic, the existence of effective alignment between organizational design and environmental
factors is of paramount importance.

Cognizant of this and as an ongoing effort to implement the strategy more effectively, understanding of
current underlying condition within the core functional areas of DGB such as customer related processes,

11 | P a g e
core banking processes as well as organizational enabling processes such as administrative and business
planning processes and undertaking the necessary adjustment, among other things, as fast as possible is
worthwhile. Hence, restructuring the existing units and establishing additional new functional lines to
enhance service excellence further and augment organizational capabilities to boost bank’s
competitiveness shall be undertaken in the strategic plan period.

2.5 Job specification

The team has thoroughly carried out collection and analysis of data on the importance of each job for the
smooth and cost efficient running of businesses of each unit. Moreover, considerations were made to
accommodate aspects of employee satisfaction or motivation by ensuring that each unit has balanced job
ladder that allows career progression for employees. And yet, to manage associated costs that may emanate
from creating more posts, actual staffing plan that matches available positions with experience of available
employees is done and hence; all positions may not be filled at the same time. Or, whenever an employee
is promoted to a higher post, the vacant post may not be filled immediately and shall be handled in
accordance with the annual manpower plan. The list of detailed jobs with corresponding job specifications
are presented in the table below:

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Table 3: Details of Job Specification
S.No. Job Title Job Specification Remark
Education Required Year of Experience Required Existing New
1 Chief Executive Officer (CEO) MA/MBA/MSC or BA/BSc in Business Management/ Accounting/ Business 12/14 years of relevant banking √
Administration and Economics or related field experience; 5 of which in Senior
Executive Officer position

2 Chief Retail Banking Officer (CRBO) MA/MBA/MSC or BA/BSc in Business Management/ Accounting/ Business 10/12 years of relevant banking √
Administration and Economics or related field experience; 4 of which in managerial
position at department level or
3 Chief Finance & Support Service Officer MA/MBA/MSC or BA/BSc in Business Management/ Accounting/ Business 10/12 years of relevant banking √
(CFSSO) Administration and Economics or related field experience; 4 of which in managerial
position at department level or
4 Chief Corporate Banking Officer MA/MBA/MSC or BA/BSc in Business Management/ Accounting/ Business 10/12 years of relevant banking √
(CCBO) Administration and Economics or related field experience; 4 of which in managerial
position at department level or
5 Chief Information Technology Officer MSc or BSc in Computer Science/ Computer Engineering or related field 10/12 years of relevant banking √
(CITO) experience; 4 of which in managerial
position at department level or
6 Assistant Chief Corporate Banking MA/MBA/MSC or BA/BSc in Business Management/ Accounting/ Business 8/10 years of relevant banking √
Officer Administration and Economics or related field experience; 4 of which in managerial
position and 2 years department level
or equivalent.
7 Assistant Chief Retail Banking Officer MA/MBA/MSC or BA/BSc in Business Management/ Accounting/ Business 8/10 years of relevant experience; 4 of √
Administration and Economics or related field which in managerial position and 2 at
department level or equivalent.

8 Director, IT Application & Program MSc or BSc in Computer Science/ Computer Engineering or related field 8/10 years of relevant banking √
Management Department experience; 3 of which in managerial
9 Director, Branch Banking Department MA/MBA/MSC or BA/BSc in Business Management/ Accounting/ Business 8/10 years of relevant banking √
Administration and Economics or related field experience; 3 of which in managerial

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S.No. Job Title Job Specification Remark
Education Required Year of Experience Required Existing New
10 Director, Corporate Strategy & MA/MBA/MSC or BA/BSc in Business Management/ Accounting/ Business 8/10 years of relevant banking √
Transformation Department Administration and Economics or related field experience; 3 of which in managerial

11 Director, Credit Management MA/MBA/MSC or BA/BSc in Business Management/ Accounting/ Business 8/10 years of relevant banking √
Department Administration and Economics or related field experience; 3 of which in managerial

12 Director, Customer R/ship Management MA/MBA/MSC or BA/BSc in Business Management/ Accounting/ Business 8/10 years of relevant banking √
Department Administration and Economics or related field experience; 3 of which in managerial

13 Director, Digital Banking Department MA/MBA/MSC or BA/BSc in Business Management/ Accounting/ Business 8/10 years of relevant banking √
Administration and Economics or related field experience; 3 of which in managerial

14 Director, Finance & Accounts MA/MBA/MSC or BA/BSc in Accounting/Business Management/ Management or 8/10 years of relevant banking √
Department related field experience; 3 of which in managerial
15 Director, Human Capital Mgt. MA/MBA/MSC or BA/BSc in Management/ Business Management or related field 8/10 years of relevant experience; 3 of √
Department which in managerial position
16 Director, Interest Free Banking MA/MBA/MSC or BA/BSc in Business Management/ Accounting/ Business 8/10 years of relevant banking √
Department Administration and Economics or related field experience; 3 of which in managerial

17 Director, Internal Audit Department MA/MBA/MSC or BA/BSc in Accounting/Business Management/ Management or 8/10 years of relevant banking √
related field experience; 3 of which in managerial
18 Director, International Banking MA/MBA/MSC or BA/BSc in Business Management/ Accounting/ Business 8/10 years of relevant banking √
Department Administration and Economics or related field experience; 3 of which in managerial

19 Director, IT Infrastructure Management MSc or BSc in Computer Science/ Computer Engineering or related field 8/10 years of relevant banking √
Department experience; 3 of which in managerial
20 Director, Legal Services Department LLM Degree or LLB Degree 8/10 years of relevant experience; 3 of √
which in managerial position

14 | P a g e
S.No. Job Title Job Specification Remark
Education Required Year of Experience Required Existing New
21 Director, Marketing & Communication MA/MBA/MSC or BA/BSc in Marketing/Business Management/ Accounting/ 8/10 years of relevant experience; 3 of √
Department Economics and Business Administration or related field which in managerial position

22 Director, Property and Facility Admin. MA/MBA/MSC or BA/BSc in Business Management/ Accounting/ Business 8/10 years of relevant experience; 3 of √
Department Administration and Economics or related field which in managerial position

23 Director, Risk & Compliance MA/MBA/MSC or BA/BSc in Business Management/ Accounting/ Business 8/10 years of relevant banking √
Department Administration and Economics or related field experience; 3 of which in managerial

24 Advisor & Assistant to the CEO MA/MBA/MSC or BA/BSc in Business Management/ Accounting/ Business 8/10 years of relevant banking √
Administration and Economics or related field experience; 3 of which in managerial

25 Bank Secretary MA/LLM/MBA/MSC or BA/BSc/LLB in Business Management/ Accounting/ 8/10 years of relevant banking √
Business Administration/ Economics/Law or related field experience; 3 of which in managerial

26 Manager, District Office MA/BA in Accounting/Business Management/ Management or related field 8/10 years of relevant banking √
experience; 2 of which in managerial
27 Manager, Engineering Service MSc/BSc in Civil Engineering /Architecture/ Construction Management 8/10 years of relevant engineering √
experience; 2 of which in managerial
28 Manager, IT System Security Service MSc or BSc in Computer Science/ Computer Engineering or related field 8/10 years of relevant experience; 2 of √
which in managerial position
29 Manager, Corporate Audit Division MA/BA in Accounting/Business Management/ Management or related field 6/8 years of relevant banking √
experience; 3 of which in senior position
30 Manager, Operations & IT Audit MA/BA/MSc/BSc in Accounting/Business Management/ Management/Computer 6/8 years of relevant banking √
Division Science or related field experience; 3 of which in senior position
31 Manager, Branch Operation Division MA/BA in Accounting/Business Management/ Management or related field 6/8 years of relevant banking √
experience; 3 of which in senior position
32 Manager, Branch Performance & MA/BA in Accounting/Business Management/ Management or related field 6/8 years of relevant banking √
Stand. Division experience; 3 of which in senior position

15 | P a g e
S.No. Job Title Job Specification Remark
Education Required Year of Experience Required Existing New
33 Manager, KYC Division MA/BA in Accounting/Business Management/ Management or related field /8 years of relevant banking √
experience; 3 of which in senior position
34 Manager, Change Management MA/BA in Economics/ Management or related field 6/8 years of relevant experience; 3 of √
Division which in senior position
35 Manager, Innovation and Research MA/BA in Economics/ Management or related field 6/8 years of relevant experience; 3 of √
Division which in senior position
36 Manager, Planning & Perf. Mgt. Division MA/BA in Economics/ Management or related field 6/8 years of relevant experience; 3 of √
which in senior position
37 Manager, Credit Follow-up & Monitoring MA/BA in Accounting/Business Management/ Management or related field 6/8 years of relevant banking √
Division experience; 3 of which in senior position
38 Manager, Large Scale Credit MA/BA in Accounting/Business Management/ Management or related field 6/8 years of relevant banking √
Management Division experience; 3 of which in senior position
39 Manager, SME Credit Mgt. Division MA/BA in Accounting/Business Management/ Management or related field 6/8 years of relevant banking √
experience; 3 of which in senior position
40 Manager, Customer Acquisition MA/BA in Accounting/Business Management/ Management or related field 6/8 years of relevant banking √
Division experience; 3 of which in senior position
41 Manager, Customer Retention Division MA/BA in Accounting/Business Management/ Management or related field 6/8 years of relevant banking √
experience; 3 of which in senior position
42 Manager, Digital Banking Business MA/BA in Accounting/Business Management/ Management or related field 6/8 years of relevant banking √
Division experience; 3 of which in senior position
43 Manager, Digital Banking Operation MA/BA Accounting/Business Management/ Management or related field 6/8 years of relevant banking √
Division experience; 3 of which in senior position
44 Manager, Business Expansion Division MA/BA in Accounting/Business Management/ Management or related field /8 years of relevant banking √
experience; 3 of which in senior position
45 Manager, Construction and Design MSc/BSc in Civil Engineering /Architecture/ Construction Management 6/8 years of relevant engineering √
Division experience; 3 of which in senior position
46 Manager, Property Valuation Division MSc/BSc in Civil Engineering /Architecture/ Construction Management 6/8 years of relevant engineering √
experience; 3 of which in senior position
47 Manager, Accounts Division MA/BA in Accounting/Business Management/ Management or related field 6/8 years of relevant banking √
experience; 3 of which in senior position

16 | P a g e
S.No. Job Title Job Specification Remark
Education Required Year of Experience Required Existing New
48 Manager, Share Management Division MA/BA in Accounting/Business Management/ Management or related field 6/8 years of relevant banking √
experience; 3 of which in senior position
49 Manager, Treasury & Fund MA/BA in Accounting/Business Management/ Management or related field 6/8 years of relevant banking √
Management Division experience; 3 of which in senior position
50 Manager, Employee Adm. and MA/BA in Management or related field 6/8 years of relevant experience; 3 of √
Retention Division which in senior position
51 Manager, HR Recruitment & Promotion MA or BA in Management or related field 6/8 years of relevant experience; 3 of √
Division which in senior position
52 Manager, Training & Development MA or BA in Management or related field 6/8 years of relevant experience; 3 of √
Division which in senior position
53 Manager, Remittance & FX Exchange MA/BA in Accounting/Business Management/ Management or related field 6/8 years of relevant banking √
Division experience; 3 of which in senior position
54 Manager, Trade Service Division MA/BA in Accounting/Business Management/ Management or related field 6/8 years of relevant banking √
experience; 3 of which in senior position
55 Manager, IFB Accounts & Operation MA/BA in Accounting/Business Management/ Management or related field /8 years of relevant banking √
Division experience; 3 of which in senior position
56 Manager, IFB Financing Division MA/BA in Accounting/Business Management/ Management or related field /8 years of relevant banking √
experience; 3 of which in senior position
57 Manager, IT Application Management MSc/BSc in Computer Science/ Computer Engineering or related field 6/8 years of experience in IT jobs; 2 of √
Division which in senior position
58 Manager, Digital Banking Technical MSc or BSc in Computer Science or Computer Engineering or related field 6/8 years of relevant experience; 2 of √
Division which in managerial position
59 Manager, IT System Management MSc or BSc in Computer Science or Computer Engineering or related field 6/8 years of experience in IT jobs; 2 of √
Division which in senior position
60 Manager, IT Network Management MSc or BSc in Computer Science or Computer Engineering or related field 6/8 years of experience in IT jobs; 2 of √
Division which in senior position
61 Manager, IT Program Management MSc or BSc in Computer Science or Computer Engineering or related field 6/8 years of experience in IT jobs; 2 of √
Division which in senior position
62 Manager, IT System and Database Mgt. MSc or BSc in Computer Science or Computer Engineering or related field 6/8 years of experience in IT jobs; 2 of √
Division which in senior position

17 | P a g e
S.No. Job Title Job Specification Remark
Education Required Year of Experience Required Existing New
63 Manager, Legal Advisory Division LLM / LLB Degree 6/8 years of relevant experience; 3 of √
which in senior position
64 Manager, Litigation & Foreclosure LLM / LLB Degree 6/8 years of relevant experience; 3 of √
Division which in senior position
65 Manager, Marketing & Branding MA/BA in Marketing or Business Management or related field 6/8 years of relevant experience; 3 of √
Division which in senior position
66 Manager, PR and Communication MA/BA in Marketing/ Journalism/Business Management or related field 6/8 years of relevant experience; 3 of √
Division which in senior position
67 Manager, Facility & Property Admin. MA/BA in Procurement and Supply Chain Management or Management or related 6/8 years of relevant experience; 3 of √
Division field which in senior position
68 Manager, Outsourcing & Procurement MA/BA in Procurement and Supply Chain Management or Management or related 6/8 years of relevant experience; 3 of √
Division field which in senior position
69 Manager, Security and Safety Division MA/BA in Management or related field 6/8 years of security management √
experience; 4 of which in managerial
position (military and police experience
is needed)
70 Manager, Compliance Division MA/BA in Accounting/Business Management/ Management or related field 6/8 years of relevant banking √
experience; 3 of which in senior position
71 Manager, Risk Division MA/BA in Accounting/Business Management/ Management or related field 6/8 years of relevant banking √
experience; 3 of which in senior position
72 Branch Manager III BA in Accounting/Business Management/ Management or related field 8 years of banking experience; 3 of √
which in senior positions
73 Branch Manager II/ Premium BA in Accounting/Business Management/ Management or related field 7 years of banking experience; 3 of √
which in senior positions
74 Head, Board and President Office BA in Accounting/Business Management/ Management or related field 7 years of relevant experience; 3 of √
which in senior position
75 Assistant Branch Manager III BA in Accounting/Business Management/ Management or related field 7 years of banking experience; 3 of √
which in senior positions
76 Head, Reporting & Reconciliation BA in Accounting/Business Management/ Management or related field 6 years of relevant banking experience; √
Section 2 of which in senior position
77 Head, Cheque Clearance & Settlement BA in Accounting/Business Management/ Management or related field 6 years of relevant banking experience;
Section 2 of which in senior position
18 | P a g e
S.No. Job Title Job Specification Remark
Education Required Year of Experience Required Existing New
78 Head, Store and Supply Section BA in Procurement and Supply Chain Management or Management or related 6 years of relevant experience; 2 of √
field which in senior position
79 Head, Transport & Maintenance BSc in Mechanical Engineering / Auto Mechanics/General Mechanics or related 6 years of relevant experience; 2 of √
Section field which in senior position
80 Head, Issue Cash Section BA in Accounting/Business Management/ Management or related field 6 years of relevant banking experience; √
2 of which in senior position
81 Branch Manager I BA in Accounting/Business Management/ Management or related field 5 years of banking experience; 2 of √
which in accountant positions
82 Principal Internal Auditor BA in Accounting/Business Management/ Management or related field 5 years of relevant banking experience; √
1 of which in senior position
83 Principal Operation Auditor BA in Accounting/Business Management/ Management or related field 5 years of relevant banking experience; √
1 of which in senior position
84 Principal IT Auditor BA/BSc in Accounting/Business Management/ Management/Computer Science or 5 years of relevant experience; 1 of √
related field which in senior position
85 Principal Branch Operation Officer BA in Accounting/Business Management/ Management or related field 5 years of relevant banking experience; √
1 of which in senior position
86 Principal Performance & BA in Accounting/Business Management/ Management or related field 5 years of relevant banking experience; √
Standardization Officer 1 of which in senior position
87 Principal KYC Officer BA in Accounting/Business Management/ Management or related field 5 years of relevant banking experience; √
1 of which in senior position
88 Accountant III (Branch & HO) BA in Accounting/Business Management/ Management or related field 5 years of relevant banking work √
89 Customer Service Manager BA in Accounting/Business Management/ Management or related field 4 years of relevant banking experience; √
1 of which in accountant or cashier
90 Principal Change Management Officer BA in Economics or Management or related field 5 years of relevant experience; 1 of √
which in senior position
91 Principal Planning & Perf. Mgt. Officer BA in Economics or Management or related field 5 years of relevant experience; 1 of √
which in senior position
92 Principal Innovation and Research BA in Economics or Management or related field 5 years of relevant banking work √
Officer experience; 1 of which in senior position

19 | P a g e
S.No. Job Title Job Specification Remark
Education Required Year of Experience Required Existing New
93 Principal Credit Analyst BA in Accounting/Business Management/ Management or related field 5 years of relevant banking experience; √
1 of which in senior position
94 Principal, Credit Follow up and BA in Accounting/Business Management/ Management or related field 5 years of relevant banking experience; √
Monitoring Officer 1 of which in senior position
95 Principal Customer Acquisition officer BA in Accounting/Business Management/ Management or related field 5 years of relevant banking experience; √
1 of which in senior position
96 Principal Customer Retention officer BA in Accounting/Business Management/ Management or related field 5 years of relevant banking experience; √
1 of which in senior position
97 Principal Digital Banking Business BA in Accounting/Business Management/ Management or related field 5 years of relevant banking experience; √
Officer 1 of which in senior position
98 Principal Digital Banking Operation BA in Accounting/Business Management/ Management or related field 5 years of relevant banking experience; √
Officer 1 of which in senior position
99 Principal Business Expansion Officer BA in Accounting/Business Management/ Management or related field 5 years of relevant banking experience; √
1 of which in senior position
100 Principal Construction & Design Officer BSc in Civil Engineering / Construction Management 5 years of relevant experience; 1 of √
which in senior position
101 Principal Property Valuation Officer BSc in Civil Engineering /Architecture/ Construction Management 5 years of relevant experience; 1 of √
which in senior position
102 Main Cashier (Issue) BA in Accounting/Business Management/ Management or related field 5 years of relevant banking experience; √
1 of which in senior position
103 Principal HR Recruitment and BA in Management or related field 5 years of relevant experience; 1 of √
Promotion Officer which in senior position
104 Principal Training & Development BA in Management or related field 5 years of relevant experience; 1 of √
Officer which in senior position
105 Principal Employee Admin. and BA in Management or related field 5 years of relevant experience; 1 of √
retention officer which in senior position
106 Principal Trade Service Officer BA in Accounting/Business Management/ Management or related field 5 years of relevant banking experience; √
1 of which in senior position
107 Principal Remittance and FX Exchange BA in Accounting/Business Management/ Management or related field 5 years of relevant banking experience; √
Officer 1 of which in senior position

20 | P a g e
S.No. Job Title Job Specification Remark
Education Required Year of Experience Required Existing New
108 Principal IFB Accounts & Operation BA in Accounting/Business Management/ Management or related field 5 years of relevant banking experience; √
Officer 1 of which in senior position
109 Principal IFB Financing Officer BA in Accounting/Business Management/ Management or related field 5 years of relevant banking experience; √
1 of which in senior position
110 Principal IT Network Management BSc in Computer Science or Computer Engineering or related field 5 years of relevant experience in IT √
Officer jobs
111 Principal Digital Banking Technical BSc in Computer Science or Computer Engineering or related field 5 years of relevant experience in IT √
Officer jobs
112 Principal IT System Management BSc in Computer Science or Computer Engineering or related field 5 years of relevant experience in IT √
Officer jobs
113 Principal IT Program Management BSc in Computer Science or Computer Engineering or related field 5 years of relevant experience in IT √
Officer jobs
114 Principal IT System Security Officer BSc in Computer Science or Computer Engineering or related field 5 years of relevant experience in IT √
115 Principal IT Network and Cyber Security BSc in Computer Science or Computer Engineering or related field 5 years of relevant experience in IT √
Officer jobs
116 Principal IT System and Database Mgt. BSc in Computer Science or Computer Engineering or related field 5 years of relevant experience in IT √
Officer jobs
117 Principal IT Application Mgt Officer BSc in Computer Science or Computer Engineering or related field 5 years of relevant experience in IT √
118 Principal Attorney LLB Degree 5 years of relevant experience; 1 of
which in senior position
119 Principal Marketing and Branding BA in Marketing or Business Management or related field 5 years of relevant experience; 1 of √
Officer which in senior position
120 Principal PR & Communications officer BA in Marketing/ Journalism/Business Management or related field 5 years of relevant experience; 1 of √
which in senior position
121 Principal Outsourcing & Procurement BA in Procurement and Supply Chain Management or Management or related 5 years of relevant experience; 1 of √
Officer field which in senior position
122 Principal Store Keeper & Supply Mgt BA in Procurement and Supply Chain Management or Management or related 5 years of relevant experience; 1 of √
Officer field which in senior position

21 | P a g e
S.No. Job Title Job Specification Remark
Education Required Year of Experience Required Existing New
123 Principal Transport Coordinator BSc in Mechanical Engineering / Auto Mechanics/General Mechanics or related 5 years of relevant experience; 1 of √
field which in senior position
124 Principal Compliance Officer BA in Accounting/Business Management/ Management or related field 5 years of relevant banking experience; √
1 of which in senior position
125 Principal Risk Officer BA in Accounting/Business Management/ Management or related field 5 years of relevant banking experience; √
1 of which in senior position
126 Principal Ethics Officer BA in Accounting/Business Management/ Management or related field 5 years of relevant experience; 1 of √
which in senior position
127 Executive Secretary (CEO) BA in Secretarial Science and Office Management 6 years of experience in secretarial jobs √
128 Senior Internal Auditor BA in Accounting/Business Management/ Management or related field 4 years of relevant banking experience; √
2 of which in auditing
129 Senior Operation Auditor BA in Accounting/Business Management/ Management or related field 4 years of relevant banking experience; √
2 of which in auditing
130 Senior IT Auditor BA/BSc in Accounting/Business Management/ Management/Computer Science or 4 years of relevant experience; 2 of √
related field which in IT auditing
131 Senior Branch Operation Officer BA in Accounting/Business Management/ Management or related field 4 years of relevant banking experience √

132 Senior Performance & Standardization BA in Accounting/Business Management/ Management or related field 4 years of relevant banking experience √
133 Senior KYC Officer BA in Accounting/Business Management/ Management or related field 4 years of relevant banking experience √

134 Senior Planning & Perf Mgt. Officer BA in Economics or Management or related field 4 years of relevant experience √

135 Senior Innovation and Research Officer BA in Economics or Management or related field 4 years of relevant experience √

136 Senior Change Management Officer BA in Economics or Management or related field 4 years of relevant experience √

137 Senior Credit Information & Portfolio BA in Accounting/Business Management/ Management or related field 4 years of relevant banking experience √
Mgt. Officer
138 Senior Credit Analyst BA in Accounting/Business Management/ Management or related field 4 years of relevant banking experience √

22 | P a g e
S.No. Job Title Job Specification Remark
Education Required Year of Experience Required Existing New
139 Senior Credit Follow Up & Monitoring BA in Accounting/Business Management/ Management or related field 4 years of relevant banking experience √
140 Senior Customer Acquisition officer BA in Accounting/Business Management/ Management or related field 4 years of relevant banking experience √
141 Senior Customer Retention officer BA in Accounting/Business Management/ Management or related field 4 years of relevant banking experience √
142 Senior Digital Banking Business Officer BA in Accounting/Business Management/ Management or related field 4 years of relevant banking experience √
143 Senior Digital Banking Operation BA in Accounting/Business Management/ Management or related field 4 years of relevant banking experience √
144 Senior Business Expansion Officer BA in Accounting/Business Management/ Management or related field 4 years of relevant banking experience √
145 Senior Construction and Design Officer BSc in Civil Engineering /Architecture/ Construction Management 4 years of relevant engineering √
146 Senior Vehicle & Machinery Valuation BSc in Mechanical Engineering or related field 4 years of relevant experience √
147 Senior Cashier (Issue) BA in Accounting/Business Management/ Management or related field 4 years of relevant banking experience √
148 Senior HR Requirement and Promotion BA in Management or related field 4 years of relevant experience √
149 Senior Training & Development Officer BA in Management or related field 4 years of relevant experience √

150 Senior Employee Admin and Retention BA in Management or related field 4 years of relevant experience √
151 Senior Remittance & FX Exchange BA in Accounting/Business Management/ Management or related field 4 years of relevant banking experience √
152 Senior Trade Service Officer BA in Accounting/Business Management/ Management or related field 4 years of relevant banking experience √
153 Senior IFB Accounts & Operation BA in Accounting/Business Management/ Management or related field 4 years of relevant banking experience √
154 Senior IFB Financing Officer BA in Accounting/Business Management/ Management or related field 4 years of relevant banking experience √
155 Senior IT Network Management Officer BSc in Computer Science/ Computer Engineering or related field 4 years of experience in IT jobs √
156 Senior IT System and Database Mgt BSc in Computer Science/ Computer Engineering or related field 4 years of experience in IT jobs √
157 Senior IT Program Management Officer BSc in Computer Science/ Computer Engineering or related field 4 years of experience in IT jobs √
158 Senior IT Application Management BSc in Computer Science/ Computer Engineering or related field 4 years of experience in IT jobs √
159 Senior Digital Banking Technical Officer BSc in Computer Science/ Computer Engineering or related field 4 years of experience in IT jobs √
160 Senior IT system Mgt Officer BSc in Computer Science/ Computer Engineering or related field 4 years of experience in IT jobs √

23 | P a g e
S.No. Job Title Job Specification Remark
Education Required Year of Experience Required Existing New
161 Senior IT System Security Officer BSc in Computer Science/ Computer Engineering or related field 4 years of experience in IT jobs √
162 Senior IT Network and Cyber Security BSc in Computer Science/ Computer Engineering or related field 4 years of experience in IT jobs √
163 Senior Attorney LLB Degree 4 years of relevant experience √
164 Senior Marketing & Branding Officer BA in Marketing and Business Management or related field 4 years of relevant experience √
165 Senior PR and Communication Officer BA in Marketing/ Journalism/Business Management or related field 4 years of relevant experience √
166 Senior Property Valuation Officer BSc in Civil Engineering /Architecture/ Construction Management 4 years of relevant engineering √
167 Senior General Service Officer BA in Procurement and Supply Chain Management/Management or related field 4 years of relevant experience √
168 Senior Property Administration Officer BA in Procurement and Supply Chain Management/Management or related field 4 years of relevant experience √
169 Senior Outsourcing & Procurement BA in Procurement and Supply Chain Management/Management or related field 4 years of relevant experience √
170 Senior Store keeper & Supply Mgt BA in Procurement and Supply Chain Management/Management or related field 4 years of relevant experience √
171 Senior Auto Mechanic BSc in Mechanical Engineering / Auto Mechanics/ General Mechanics or related 4 years of relevant experience √
172 Senior Transport Coordinator BSc in Mechanical Engineering / Auto Mechanics/General Mechanics or related 4 years of relevant experience √
173 Senior Compliance Officer BA in Accounting/Business Management/ Management or related field 4 years of relevant banking experience √
174 Senior Risk Officer BA in Accounting/Business Management/ Management or related field 4 years of relevant banking experience √

176 Senior Customer Service officer III BA in Accounting/Business Management/ Management or related field 4 years of relevant banking experience √
177 Controller II (Branch) BA in Accounting/Business Management/ Management or related field 4 years of relevant banking experience √
178 Controller II (HO) BA in Accounting/Business Management/ Management or related field 4 years of relevant banking experience √
179 Senior Loan Officer BA in Accounting/Business Management/ Management or related field 4 years of relevant banking experience √
180 Accountant II (Branch & HO) BA in Accounting/Business Management/ Management or related field 4 years of relevant banking experience √
181 Senior Security and Safety Supervisor BA in Management or related field 4 years of security management √
experience; 2 of which in supervisory
position (military and police experience
is needed)
182 Executive Secretary (Deputy CEO) BA in Secretarial Science and Office Management or related field 5 years of relevant experience √

24 | P a g e
S.No. Job Title Job Specification Remark
Education Required Year of Experience Required Existing New
183 Senior Office Technician BA /College Diploma in Mechanical Engineering or Electrical or related technical 4/6 years of relevant experience √
184 Senior Customer service officer II BA in Management or Accounting or related fields 3 years of relevant banking experience √
185 Accountant I (Branch) BA in Accounting/Business Management/ Management or related field 3 years of relevant banking experience √
186 Internal Auditor BA in Accounting/Business Management/ Management or related field 2 years of relevant banking experience √
187 Operation Auditor BA in Accounting/Business Management/ Management or related field 2 years of relevant banking experience √
188 IT Auditor BA/BSc in Accounting/Business Management/ Management/Computer Science or 2 years of relevant experience √
related field
189 Branch Operation Officer BA in Accounting/Business Management/ Management or related field 2 years of relevant banking experience √
190 Performance & Standardization Officer BA in Accounting/Business Management/ Management or related field 2 years of relevant banking experience √
191 KYC Officer BA in Accounting/Business Management/ Management or related field 2 years of relevant banking experience √
192 Planning & Performance Management BA in Economics or Management or related field 2 years of relevant experience √
193 Innovation and Research Officer BA in Economics or Management or related field 2 years of relevant experience √
194 Change Management Officer BA in Economics or Management or related field 2 years of relevant experience √
195 Credit Information & Portfolio Mgt officer BA in Accounting/Business Management/ Management or related field 2 years of relevant banking experience √
196 Credit Analyst BA in Accounting/Business Management/ Management or related field 2 years of relevant banking experience √
197 Credit Follow Up & Monitoring officer BA in Accounting/Business Management/ Management or related field 2 years of relevant banking experience √
198 Customer Acquisition Officer BA in Accounting/Business Management/ Management or related field 2 years of relevant banking experience √
199 Customer Retention Officer BA in Accounting/Business Management/ Management or related field 2 years of relevant banking experience √
200 Digital Banking Business Officer BA in Accounting/Business Management/ Management or related field 2 years of relevant banking experience √
201 Digital Banking Operation Officer BA in Accounting/Business Management/ Management or related field 2 years of relevant banking experience √
202 Business Expansion Officer BA in Accounting/Business Management/ Management or related field 2 years of relevant banking experience √
203 Property Valuation Officer BSc in Civil Engineering /Architecture/ Construction Management 2 years of relevant Engineering √
204 Construction and Design Officer BSc in Civil Engineering /Architecture/ Construction Management 2 years of relevant engineering √
205 Cashier (Issue) BA in Accounting/Business Management/ Management or related field 2 years of relevant banking experience √

206 Accountant I (HO) BA in Accounting/Business Management/ Management or related field 2 years of relevant banking experience √
207 Training & Development Officer BA in Management or related field 2 years of relevant experience √
208 HR Recruitment & Promotion Officer BA in Management or related field 2 years of relevant experience √
209 Employee Admin & Retention Officer BA in Management or related fields 2 years of relevant experience √
25 | P a g e
S.No. Job Title Job Specification Remark
Education Required Year of Experience Required Existing New
210 Trade Service Officer BA in Accounting/Business Management/ Management or related field 2 years of relevant banking experience √
211 Remittance & FX Exchange Officer BA in Accounting/Business Management/ Management or related field 2 years of relevant banking experience √
212 SWIFT Operator BA in Accounting/Business Management/ Management or related field 2 years of relevant banking experience √
213 IFB Accounts & Operation Officer BA in Accounting/Business Management/ Management or related field 2 years of relevant banking experience √
214 IFB Financing Officer BA in Accounting/Business Management/ Management or related field 2 years of relevant banking experience √
215 IT Network Mgt Officer BSc in Computer Science or Computer Engineering or related field 2 years of experience in IT jobs √
216 IT Application Mgt Officer BSc in Computer Science or Computer Engineering or related field 2 years of experience in IT jobs √
217 Digital Banking Technical Officer BSc in Computer Science or Computer Engineering or related field 2 years of experience in IT jobs √
218 IT System and Database Mgt Officer BSc in Computer Science or Computer Engineering or related field 2 years of experience in IT jobs √
219 IT Program Mgt Officer BSc in Computer Science or Computer Engineering or related field 2 years of experience in IT jobs √
220 IT System Mgt Officer BSc in Computer Science or Computer Engineering or related field 2 years of experience in IT jobs √
221 IT System Security Officer BSc in Computer Science or Computer Engineering or related field 2 years of experience in IT jobs √
222 IT Network and Cyber Security Officer BSc in Computer Science or Computer Engineering or related field 2 years of experience in IT jobs √
223 Help Desk Officer BSc in Computer Science or related fields 2 years of experience in IT jobs √
224 Attorney LLB Degree 2 years of relevant experience √
225 Marketing & Branding Officer BA in Marketing or Business Management or related field 2 years of relevant experience √
226 PR and Communication Officer BA in Marketing/ Journalism/Business Management or related field 2 years of relevant experience √
227 Property Administration Officer BA in Procurement and Supply Chain Management/Management or related field 2 years of relevant experience √
228 Outsourcing & Procurement Officer BA in Procurement and Supply Chain Management/Management or related field 2 years of relevant experience √
229 General Service Officer BA in Procurement and Supply Chain Management or Management or related 2 years of relevant experience √
230 Store Keeper & Supply Mgt Officer BA in Procurement and Supply Chain Management or Management or related 2 years of relevant experience √
231 Transport Coordinator BSc/Diploma in Mechanical Engineering / Auto Mechanics/General Mechanics or 2/4 years of relevant experience √
related field
232 Auto Mechanic BSc/Diploma in Mechanical Engineering / Auto Mechanics/ General Mechanics 2/4 years of relevant experience √
or related field
233 Auto Electrician BSc/Diploma in Electrical Engineering or Auto Electricity or related field 2/4 years of relevant experience √
234 Office Technician BA /College Diploma in Mechanical Engineering or Electrical or related technical 2/4 years of relevant experience √
235 Risk Officer BA in Accounting/Business Management/ Management or related field 2 years of relevant banking experience √
236 Compliance Officer BA in Accounting/Business Management/ Management or related field 2 years of relevant banking experience √
26 | P a g e
S.No. Job Title Job Specification Remark
Education Required Year of Experience Required Existing New
237 Senior Customer Service Officer I BA in Accounting/Business Management/ Management or related field 2 years of relevant banking experience √
238 Loan Officer BA in Accounting/Business Management/ Management or related field 2 years of relevant banking experience √
239 Controller I (Branch) BA in Accounting/Business Management/ Management or related field 2 years of relevant banking experience √
240 Advisory Officer BA in Accounting/Business Management/ Management or related field 2 years of relevant banking experience √
241 Senior Administrative Assistant BA in Office Management/BSc in Computer science or related field 4 years of experience in Office √
242 Senior Driver (CEO) 10th grade complete +3rd Grade Driving License 7 years of relevant experience √
243 Customer Service Officer BA in Accounting/Business Management/ Management or related field 1 years of relevant banking experience √
244 Junior Internal Auditor BA in Accounting/Business Management/ Management or related field None √
245 Junior Operation Auditor BA in Accounting/Business Management/ Management or related field None √
246 Junior IT Auditor BA/BSc in Accounting/Business Management/ Management/Computer Science or None √
related field
247 Junior Branch Operation Officer BA in Accounting/Business Management/ Management or related field None √
248 Junior Branch Performance and Stand. BA in Accounting/Business Management/ Management or related field None √
249 Junior KYC Officer BA in Accounting/Business Management/ Management or related field None √
250 Junior Innovation and research Officer BA in Economics or Management or related field None √
251 Junior Planning & Perf. Mgt. Officer BA in Economics or Management or related field None √

252 Junior Change Management officer BA in Economics or Management or related field None √
253 Junior Credit Information & Portfolio Mgt BA in Accounting/Business Management/ Management or related field None √
254 Junior Credit Analyst BA in Accounting/Business Management/ Management or related field None √
255 Junior Credit Follow Up & Monitoring BA in Accounting/Business Management/ Management or related field None √
256 Junior Customer Acquisition officer BA in Accounting/Business Management/ Management or related field None √
257 Junior Customer Retention officer BA in Accounting/Business Management/ Management or related field None √
258 Junior Digital Banking Business Officer BA in Accounting/Business Management/ Management or related field None √
259 Junior Digital Banking Operation Officer BA in Accounting/Business Management/ Management or related field None √
260 Junior Business Expansion Officer BA in Accounting/Business Management/ Management or related field None √
261 Junior Property Valuation Officer BSc in Civil Engineering /Architecture/ Construction Management None √
262 Junior Construction & Design Officer BSc in Civil Engineering /Architecture/ Construction Management None √
263 Junior Accountant (HO) BA in Accounting/Business Management/ Management or related field None √

27 | P a g e
S.No. Job Title Job Specification Remark
Education Required Year of Experience Required Existing New
264 Junior Cashier (Issue) BA in Accounting/Business Management/ Management or related field None √
265 Junior HR Recruitment & Promotion BA in Management or related fields None √
266 Junior Training & Development Officer BA in Management or related fields None √
267 Junior Employee Admin & Retention BA in Management or related fields None √
268 Junior Trade Service Officer BA in Accounting/Business Management/ Management or related field None √
269 Junior Remittance & FX Exchange BA in Accounting/Business Management/ Management or related field None √
270 Junior IFB Accounts & Operation Officer BA in Accounting/Business Management/ Management or related field None √
271 Junior IFB Financing Officer BA in Accounting/Business Management/ Management or related field None √
272 Junior IT Network Mgt Officer BSc in Computer Science and Computer Engineering or related field None √
273 Junior IT Application Mgt Officer BSc in Computer Science and Computer Engineering or related field None √
274 Junior Digital Banking Technical Officer BSc in Computer Science and Computer Engineering or related field None √
275 Junior IT System Mgt Officer BSc in Computer Science and Computer Engineering or related field None √
276 Junior IT System Security Officer BSc in Computer Science and Computer Engineering or related field None √
277 Junior IT System & Database Mgt BSc in Computer Science and Computer Engineering or related field None √
278 Junior IT Program Mgt Officer BSc in Computer Science and Computer Engineering or related field None √
279 Junior Attorney LLB Degree None √
280 Junior Marketing & Branding Officer BA in Management and Business Management or related fields None √
281 Junior PR and communication Officer BA in Marketing/ Journalism/ Business Management or related fields None √
282 Junior General Service Officer BA in Procurement and Supply Chain Management/Management or related field None √
283 Junior Store Keeper & Supply Mgt BA in Procurement and Supply Chain Management/Management or related field None √
284 Junior Outsourcing & Procurement BA in Procurement and Supply Chain Management/Management or related field None √
285 Junior Compliance Officer BA in Accounting/Business Management/ Management or related field None √
286 Junior Risk Officer BA in Accounting/Business Management/ Management or related field None √
287 Junior Customer Service Officer BA in Accounting/Business Management/ Management or related field None √
288 Signatory Officer BA/Diploma in Office Management or BSc in Computer science or related field 0/ 2 years of relevant experience √
289 Legal Aid LLB / College Diploma in Law 2/4 years of relevant experience √
290 Administrative Assistant BA / Diploma in Office Management or BSc in Computer science or related field 2/ 4 years of experience in secretarial √

28 | P a g e
S.No. Job Title Job Specification Remark
Education Required Year of Experience Required Existing New
291 Security and Safety Supervisor Grade 10th Complete + Military or Police Training Certificate 6 years of relevant security √
experience, 2 of which as Security
Team Leader
292 Security Team Leader Grade 10th Complete + Military or Police Training Certificate 6 years of relevant experience √
293 Senior Driver 10th grade complete +3rd Grade Driving License 6 years of relevant experience √
294 Senior Post officer Grade 10th Complete + 1st Grade Driving License 6 years of relevant experience √
295 Cash Office Assistant (Issue) 10th Grade complete 4 years of experience √
296 Driver 10th grade complete +3rd Grade Driving License 4 years of relevant experience √
297 Cash Office Assistant (Branch) 10th Grade complete 2 years of experience √
298 Post Officer 10th Grade Complete & Motor license (1st grade driving license) 2 year of relevant experience √
299 Senior Security Guard 10th grade complete 4 years of relevant experience
300 Senior Frisker 10th grade complete 4 years of relevant experience
301 Security Guard 10th grade complete 2 years of relevant experience √
302 Frisker 10th grade complete 2 years of relevant experience √
303 Cleaner/Messenger 10th Grade Complete None √
304 Janitor 10th Grade Complete None √
305 Messenger 10th Grade Complete None √

29 | P a g e
2.6 Evaluation and Grading of the New Job Structure

Based on criteria established under the Patterson’s model, the committee has evaluated and graded the relative worth of
each job by assigning a score for each attribute with some moderation to adjust it to the context of Debub Global Bank.
Accordingly, the result shows that the Bank shall have a total number of jobs that are distributed across 19 layers or
known as grades that starts from the President at the apex to the Janitor at the lower end of the scale. As can be seen from
Table 3 below, distribution of number of jobs is such that Professional/technical jobs (70%) have taken the lion’s share
followed by middle level management (17%) which gives the impression that adequate number of positions are created
to coach, guide and supervise professional/technical level staff that helps to support smooth day to day running of
business and creates adequate pool for succession planning.

Table 4: Statistical Distribution of Number of Jobs across Job Grades

Description of Hierarchy Band Sub-Band Grade Number of Jobs Share
Executive Management F F3 19 1 2%
F2 18 4
F1 17 2
Senior Management E E2 16 18 7%
E1 15 3
Middle Management & D D3 14 44 17%
Supervisors D2 13 2
D1 12 7
Professional and Technical C C6 11 46 70%
Skills C5 10 56
C4 9 2
C3 8 57
C2 7 5
C1 6 46
B B3 5 2 2%
B2 4 2
B1 3 3
Primary Skills A A2 2 3 2%
A1 1 2
Total 305

The chart below also substantiates the fact that the relationship between numbers of jobs against the corresponding grade
formed a normal distribution. The implication is that for an organization that delivers standard products and services, the
presence of a relatively larger number of jobs at the professional and technical level, and non-clerical and senior
management level in smaller number at the lower end and apex, respectively, looks statistically justifiable.

30 | P a g e
Figure 1: Distribution of Number of Positions across Grades

No. of Jobs





0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

2.7 Job Band and grade description

2.7.1 Executive Management

Management at this level play a key role in the development of strategy both for the long-term and for contingencies due
to change circumstances. The work becomes more complex because of the interplay of forces. Jobs in this level are
responsible for outcome of generic strategic direction and policies of business operation. Positioning the Bank within
the industry is responsibility of the jobs of this band. Promoting the Bank and upgrading its value in public so as to
achieve its long-term goal (vision) is one of the responsibilities of jobs of this level. Parameters are wide and they are
usually only restricted by the law, shareholders requirement, social and economic conditions. There is often considerable
uncertainty through lack of information and time pressure and decisions are often made with no certain knowledge of
their outcomes and probabilities. Attention has to be constantly focused on the global, national and regional environment
and the Bank’s capability and response to the environment as it is and as it is likely to be over time.
While making decision, taking relatively high risk is characteristics of the jobs of this level due to uncertainty and sudden
change in global arena. Decisions may only impact the Bank many years in the future and in an adverse decision may
threaten the future well-being of the entire Bank.

Table 5: Executive Management Job grade and title

Job Band Job Sub Band Job Grade Job Title Point Range
F F3 19 Chief Executive Officer (CEO) 32 24-33
F2 18 Chief Retail Banking Officer (CRBO) 26 19-33
Chief Corporate Banking Officer (CCBO) 26
Chief Finance and Support Officer (CFSO) 26
Chief Information Technology Officer (CITO) 26
F1 17 Assistance Chief Corporate Banking Officer 17 4-18
Assistance Chief Retail Banking Officer 17
31 | P a g e
2.7.2 Senior Management

Managerial and Professional work at the strategic/operational/coordinative level of the Bank. The complexity of work at
this level arises from the need as a management team, to optimize resource allocation/utilization across the Bank and to
translate strategy into action and performance. Teamwork and leadership are key components to effectiveness at the
Senior Management Level. Developing functional strategy and policies and giving guidance and direction in respective
managerial function is basic responsibility of jobs fall in this level. Major decisions of the function are done fully by own
capability and passes the decisions to lower level (LD) for establishment of action plan and execution of it timely. Failure
to conduct good decision may affect the health of the whole Bank; and so that jobs in this level are highly responsible
for the outcome of decision they made. Data are many, varied and often complicated. Decisions may be made under
conditions of considerable uncertainty of information and with no possible knowledge of their outcome or probabilities.
Surrounding conditions cannot be fully anticipated in advance and incumbents must be able to incorporate unforeseen
circumstances into their plans/programs. The impact of certain decisions may only become apparent in the long term (5+

Table 6: Senior Management Job grade and title

Job Band Job Sub Band Job Grade Job Title Point Range
Director, IT Application & Program Management Department 37 24-42
Director, Branch Banking Department 37
Director, Corporate Strategy & Transformation Dep't 37
Director, Credit Management Department 37
Director, Customer R/Ship Mgt Department 37
Director, Digital Banking Department 37
Director, Finance & Accounts Department 37
Director, Human Capital Management Department 37
E E2 16 Director, Interest Free Banking Department 37
Director, Internal Audit Department 37
Director, International Banking Department 37
Director, IT Infrastructure Mgt Department 37
Director, Legal Service Department 37
Director, Marketing & Communication Department 37
Director, Property & Facility Admin. Department 37
Director, Risk & Compliance Department 37
Advisor & Assistant to the CEO 36
Bank Secretary 36
E1 15 Manager, Engineering Service 22 6-23
Manger, IT System Security Service 22
Manger, District Office 22

32 | P a g e
2.7.3 Middle Management and Supervisor

Decisions involve determining the means by which the long-term plan can be translated into operational plans and
schedules for implementation. i. e. “what to do” decisions are taken to choose the best option from a range of possible
courses of action. Decisions determine optimal utilization of allocated resources-money, employees, and machines etc.
to achieve the targets set out in the plan. Many decisions may be regarded as setting precedent and some may be
probabilistic in nature. This seemingly implies that incumbents should be responsible for division. However,
interpretative and probabilistic decisions as well as those which set a precedent about how work is done, also come from
the need in particular jobs.

Table 7: Middle Management and Supervisor Job grade and title

Job Band Job Sub Band Job Grade Job Title Point Range
D D3 14 Manager, Digital Banking Technical Division 47 37-51
Manager, Credit Follow up and Monitoring Division 47
Manager, Facility & Property Administration Division 47
Manager, IT Application Mgt Division 47
Manager, Branch Operation Division 47
Manager, Branch Performance & Stand. Division 47
Manager, Business Expansion Division 47
Manager, Change Management Division 47
Manager, Compliance Division 47
Manager, Construction & Design Division 47
Manager, Corporate Audit Division 47
Manager, Customer Acquisition Division 47
Manager, Customer Retention Division 47
Manager, Digital Banking Business Division 47
Manager, Digital Banking Operation Division 47
Manager, Employee Admin and Retention Division 47
Manager, Accounts Division 47
Manager, HR Recruitment & Promotion Division 47
Manager, IFB Accounts & Operation Division 47
Manager, IFB Financing Division 47
Manager, Innovation and Research Division 47
Manager, IT System Mgt Division 47
Manager, KYC Division 47
Manager, Large Scale Credit Mgt. Division 47
Manager, Legal Advisory Division 47
Manager, Litigation & Foreclosure Division 47
Manager, Marketing & Branding Division 47
Manager, IT Network Mgt Division 47
Manager, Risk Division 47
Manager, Operations & IT Audit Division 47
Manager, Planning & Perf. Mgt. Division 47
Manager, PR & Communication Division 47
Manager, IT Program Management Division 47
Manager, Property Valuation Division 47

33 | P a g e
Job Band Job Sub Band Job Grade Job Title Point Range
Manager, Remittance & FX Exchange Division 47
Manager, Share Management Division 47
Manager, SME Credit Mgt. Division 47
Manager, IT System & Database Mgt Division 47
Manager, Trade Service Division 47
Manager, Training & Development Division 47
Manager, Treasury & Fund Management Division 47
Manager, Outsourcing & Procurement Division 47
Manager, Security & Safety Division 47
Branch Manager III 47
D2 13 Branch Manager II (Premium) 34 24-36
Board Secretary 31
D1 12 Head, Cheque Clearance & Settlement Section 21 9-23
Head, Reporting & Reconciliation Section 21
Head, Store & Supply Section 21
Head, Transport & Maintenance Section 21
Head, Issue Cash Section 21
Branch Manager I 20
Assistant Branch Manager III 20
2.7.4 Professional and technical skill

These are skilled operational works of a technical/professional nature where the incumbent has to understand the theory
and the systems behind the job. Complexity varies from relatively simple systems. The systems are interrelated to a
number of complex interrelated systems where the incumbent is required to understand these interrelationships and be
able to make a diagnosis and/or solve problems. A supervisor diagnoses and solves detailed method problems for lesser
skilled employees, in most cases employee handles routine method problems and takes unusual problems to superiors
for solutions.

Table 8: Professional and technical skill Job grade and title

Job Band Job Sub Band Job Grade Job Title Point Range
C6 11 Main Cashier (Issue) 45 44-47
Principal IT Network Mgt Officer 47
Principal IT Application Mgt Officer 47
Principal Branch Operation Officer 47
Principal Business Expansion Officer 47
Principal Change Management Officer 47
Principal Compliance Officer 47
Principal Construction & Design Officer 47
Principal Credit Analyst 47
Principal Credit Follow up and Monitoring Officer 47
Principal Customer acquisition Officer 47
Principal Customer Retention Officer 47
Principal Digital Banking Business Officer 47
Principal Digital Banking Operation Officer 47

34 | P a g e
Job Band Job Sub Band Job Grade Job Title Point Range
Principal Digital Banking Technical Officer 47
Principal Employee Admin & Retention Officer 47
Principal HR Recruitment & Promotion Officer 47
Principal IFB Accounts & Operation Officer 47
Principal IFB Financing Officer 47
Principal Innovation and Research Officer 47
Principal Internal Auditor 47
Principal Operation Auditor 47
Principal IT Auditor 47
Principal IT System Mgt Officer 47
Principal IT System Security Officer 47
Principal IT Network and Cyber Security Officer 47
Principal KYC Officer 47
Principal Marketing & Branding Officer 47
Principal Risk Officer 47
Principal Performance & Standardization Officer 47
Principal Planning & Perf. Mgt. Officer 47
Principal PR & Communication Officer 47
Principal Outsourcing & Procurement Officer 47
Principal Store Keeper & Supply Mgt Officer 47
Principal Transport Coordinator 47
Principal IT Program Mgt Officer 47
Principal Property Valuation Officer 47
Principal Remittance & FX Exchange Officer 47
Principal IT System & Database Mgt Officer 47
Principal Trade Service Officer 47
Principal Training & Development Officer 47
Principal Ethics Officer 47
Principal Attorney 47
Customer Service Manager 47
Accountant III (HO & Branch) 47
Executive Secretary (CEO) 43
C5 10 Senior Marketing & Branding Officer 40 38-43
Senior PR & Communication Officer 40
Senior IT Application Mgt Officer 40
Senior Attorney 40
Senior Auto Mechanic 40
Senior Branch Operation Officer 40
Senior Business Expansion Officer 40
Senior Change Management Officer 40
Senior Compliance Officer 40
Senior Construction & Design Officer 40
Senior Credit Analyst 40
Senior Credit Follow up and Monitoring Officer 40
Senior Credit Information & Portfolio Mgt Officer 40
Senior Customer acquisition Officer 40

35 | P a g e
Job Band Job Sub Band Job Grade Job Title Point Range
Senior Customer Retention Officer 40
Senior Digital Banking Business Officer 40
Senior Digital Banking Operation Officer 40
Senior Digital Banking Technical Officer 40
Senior General Service Officer 40
Senior HR Recruitment & Promotion Officer 40
Senior IFB Accounts & Operation Officer 40
Senior IFB Financing Officer 40
Senior Innovation and Research Officer 40
Senior Internal Auditor 40
Senior Operation Auditor 40
Senior IT Auditor 40
Senior IT System Mgt Officer 40
Senior IT System Security Officer 40
Senior IT Network and Cyber Security Officer 40
Senior KYC Officer 40
Senior Layout Renovation & Maintenance Officer 40
Senior Vehicle and Machinery Valuation Officer 40
Senior Loan Officer 40
Senior IT Network Mgt Officer 40
Senior Risk Officer 40
Senior Performance & Standardization Officer 38
Senior Planning & Perf. Mgt. Officer 40
Senior Outsourcing & Procurement officer 40
Senior IT Program Mgt Officer 40
Senior Property Administration Officer 40
Senior Property Valuation Officer 40
Senior Remittance & FX Exchange Officer 40
Senior Store Keeper & Supply Mgt Officer 40
Senior IT System & Database Mgt Officer 40
Senior Trade Service Officer 40
Senior Training & Development Officer 40
Senior Transport Coordinator 40
Senior Employee Admin & Retention Officer 40
Senior Cashier (Issue) 40
Senior Customer Service Officer III 40
Accountant II (Branch & HO) 40
Controller II (Branch and HO) 40
Senior Office Technician 39
Executive Secretary (deputy CEO) 39
Senior Security and Safety Supervisor 39
C4 9 Senior Customer Service officer II 36 35-37
Accountant I (Branch) 36
C3 8 Branch Operation Officer 31 26-34
Change Management Officer 31
Credit Analyst 31
Innovation and Research Officer 31
Planning & Perf. Mgt. Officer 31

36 | P a g e
Job Band Job Sub Band Job Grade Job Title Point Range
Cashier (Issue) 31
Application Mgt Officer 31
Attorney 31
Auto Mechanic 31
Transport Coordinator 31
Business Expansion Officer 31
Senior Customer Service Officer I 31
Compliance Officer 31
Construction & Design Officer 31
Controller I (Branch) 31
Credit Follow Up and Monitoring Officer 31
Credit Information & Portfolio Mgt Officer 31
Customer acquisition Officer 31
Customer Retention Officer 31
Digital Banking Business Officer 31
Digital Banking Operation Officer 31
Digital Banking Technical Officer 31
Employee Admin & Retention Officer 31
General Service Officer 31
HR Recruitment & Promotion Officer 31
IFB Accounts & Operation Officer 31
IFB Financing Officer 31
Internal Auditor 31
Operation Auditor 31
IT Auditor 31
IT System Mgt Officer 31
IT System Security Officer 31
IT Network and Cyber Security Officer 31
KYC Officer 31
Loan Officer 31
Marketing & Branding Officer 31
IT Network Mgt Officer 31
Auto Electrician 31
Office Technician 31
Risk Officer 31
Performance & Standardization Officer 31
PR & Communication Officer 31
Outsourcing & Procurement Officer 31
IT Program Mgt Officer 31
Property Administration Officer 31
Property Valuation Officer 31
Remittance & FX Exchange Officer 31
Store Keeper & Supply Mgt Officer 31
SWIFT Operator 31
IT System & Database Mgt Officer 31
Trade Service Officer 31
Training & Development Officer 31
Accountant I (HO) 31
37 | P a g e
Job Band Job Sub Band Job Grade Job Title Point Range
Advisory Officer 31
Help Desk Officer 30
Senior Administrative Assistant 30
Security and Safety Supervisor 30
C2 7 Customer Service Officer 25 22-27
Administrative Assistant 23
Senior Driver (CEO) 23
Legal Aid 25
Security Team Leader 23
C1 6 Junior Accountant (HO) 18 6-21
Junior IT Application Mgt Officer 18
Junior Attorney 18
Junior Branch Operation Officer 18
Junior Branch Performance and Standardization Officer 18
Junior Business Expansion Officer 18
Junior Cashier (Issue) 18
Junior Compliance Officer 18
Junior Construction & Design Officer 18
Junior Credit Follow Up and Monitoring Officer 18
Junior Credit Information & Portfolio Mgt Officer 18
Junior Customer acquisition Officer 18
Junior Customer Retention Officer 18
Junior Customer Service Officer 18
Junior Digital Banking Business Officer 18
Junior Digital Banking Operation Officer 18
Junior Digital Banking Technical Officer 18
Junior Employee Admin & Retention Officer 18
Junior General Service Officer 17
Junior HR Recruitment & Promotion Officer 18
Junior IFB Accounts & Operation Officer 18
Junior IFB Financing Officer 18
Junior Internal Auditor 18
Junior Operation Auditor 18
Junior IT Auditor 18
Junior IT System Mgt Officer 18
Junior IT System Security Officer 18
Junior KYC Officer 18
Junior Marketing & Branding Officer 18
Junior IT Network Mgt Officer 18
Junior Risk Officer 18
Junior PR & Communication Officer 18
Junior Outsourcing & Procurement Officer 18
Junior IT Program Mgt Officer 18
Junior Property Valuation Officer 18
Junior Remittance & Fx Exchange Officer 18
Junior Store Keeper & Supply Mgt officer 18
38 | P a g e
Job Band Job Sub Band Job Grade Job Title Point Range
Junior IT System & Database Mgt Officer 18
Junior Trade Service Officer 18
Junior Training & Development Officer 18
Junior Change Management Officer 18
Junior Credit Analyst 18
Junior Innovation and Research Officer 18
Junior Planning & Perf. Mgt. Officer 18
Senior Driver 17
Signatory Officer 17

2.7.5 Routine Skills

Operative of clerical work that requiring the application of practical skills and/or acquired knowledge to select and
automatically implement the appropriate operation/s from a variety of procedures/tasks in response to clear cues. Pre-
approved Procedure and instruction of work is always there but where change of procedures to meet unusual
circumstances arise, a worker can request for authorization from the supervisor. However, training and experience ranges
from on-the –job training of up to 3 months through to training and experience gained over years, which provides a high
level of skill to make decisions by own capability for which there are needs to flexibility and no standard operating
procedures, standards or practice/guidelines.

Table 9: Routine Skills Job grade and title

Job Band Job Sub Band Job Grade Job Title Point Range
B3 5 Senior Post officer 26 21-28
Driver 24
B2 4 Cash Office Assistant (Issue) 17 13-20
Post Officer 19
B1 3 Cash Office Assistant (Branch) 9 5-12
Senior Security Guard 11
Senior Frisker 9

39 | P a g e
2.7.6 Primary Skills

Fully identified jobs which are bounded by procedure. Close supervision and, worker are fully dependent on the
supervisor’s instruction. Decisions made in this level do not cause material impact on the Bank’s business. Handling
some small machines and conducting few arithmetical calculations. Very short-time training is required, after completing
secondary or vocational education

Table 10: Primary skilled Job Grade and Title

Job Band Job Sub Band Job Grade Job Title Point Range
A A2 2 Security Guard 23 21-36
Frisker 25
Cleaner/Messenger 22
A1 1 Janitor 19 5-20
Messenger 20

40 | P a g e
Section III: Salary and

41 | P a g e
Part III: Pay and Compensation

3.1 Overview
Benefit and Compensation play a vital role in attracting, motivating and retaining talented employees.
According to Ibrahim and Boerhaneoddin, compensation encourage effective employees to remain in
employment for longer periods of time and ultimately lead to job satisfaction, commitment and loyalty.

As a strategy, DGB picks operational excellence for the coming five years which have a basic feature
effective and efficient work process. To effectively implement this strategy, the bank has to retain the best
employees, attract well equipped and qualified employees from the market and also maximize the
satisfaction of employees. One of the major tools that excel employee satisfaction is pay and compensation.

Even though, in the near past i.e., before two years, the bank had been exhaustively revised its job design;
pay and compensation structure, to absorb the changes which will be happened due to the new strategic
plan, the committee and the senior management believed to revise the existing pay and compensation

Following this, the exercise on this document is related to create a unified, consolidated compensation
system that will facilitate the Bank’s ability to attract and retain highly qualified employees to effectively
and efficiently implement the strategy of DGB.

3.2 Pay and Compensation

3.2.1 Statement of Compensation Philosophy of the Bank

The Organization Structure and Compensation Study that have been undertaken before three years set a
statement of compensation philosophy of the bank which says the bank offers a competitive compensation’.
Even if this remains to be vague, the team is cognizant the fact that there is an expressed desire for the Bank
to attract, reward and retain highly qualified employees who can help it to achieve its mission.

In support of this statement, the team’s recommendation is based on the philosophy that Debub Global
strives to provide a total compensation program that enables to:

• attract and retain high-quality and diverse applicants,

• reward and retain qualified employees,
• provide a fair and consistent framework for assigning pay grades to jobs,

42 | P a g e
• maintain the salary structure at market competitiveness,
• ensure fair and consistent pay practices,
• comply with applicable laws and regulations,
• operate within the constraints of fiscal resources, and
• be an employer that inspires excellence.
Therefore from such philosophy, it has extracted the following actions:

• The Bank strives to provide a total compensation program that is competitive among all peer and
competitor Banks in the defined marketplace.
• Benchmarking of classifications is used as a best practice for compensation of similar positions.
• Competitive ranges are established, based on a combination of market conditions and internal
relationships, for classifications to provide the flexibility needed to address the changing needs of
the Bank.
This this philosophy exactly matches with the five years strategic plan of the bank and the strategy of
operational excellence, this pay and compensation study also endorse this philosophy.

3.2.2 Existing Salary Scale Review

The existing salary scale is constructed almost in uniform principle: as grade increases the difference
between pay grades, step coefficient and width decreases. This remains appropriate as the base salary at
lower job grades is relatively small, hence; it requires setting a reasonable amount of percentage increase
so as to keep them coup up with the cost of living. In addition, it will allow the Bank to pay employees at
a rate that makes it less likely for them to leave during the early years of their employment, makizaSng the
Bank a “training ground” for peer and competitors.

The range width for each grade is also to the recommended target (above 60%) in order to mitigate issues
that may arise from the title consolidation and overlapping of salaries. The distance between grades is
designed to again mitigate issues that may arise as a result of the title consolidation. This combination of a
relatively wide range/grade width and significant distance between grades should facilitate effective
maintenance of the structure and minimize the opportunity for recurrence of title proliferation(extension)
and grade creep (employee make more money than what the scope and nature of the work of the position
would warrant). A large jump between grades matches the popular philosophy of lean and mean, and a self-
directed/self-managed workforce. This works well in an organization that wants to reduce its levels and
have more flexibility in its jobs.

43 | P a g e
Even if the step coefficient is on descending direction against the job grades, it remains low to be in line
with the living situation in the country e.g. double digit inflation. This might be one of the reasons to seek
for repetitive salary adjustments and to witness the lag against the industry scenario.

The teams review on the current salary scale witness the fact that the Bank currently uses more than 198
individual pay grades in 16 pay plans (see table below). There is consistent structure regarding range width
or distance between grades in most of these pay plans. In addition, as shown above and when viewed as a
whole there is discernible overall structural consistency in pay levels across job grades.

Table 11: Existing Salary Structure of DGB

Job Base Ceiling Step
Grade Salary 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Salary Coef.
I 3,035 3,399 3,807 4,264 4,776 5,349 5,991 6,710 7,515 8,417 9,427 10,558 12%
II 3,642 4,079 4,569 5,117 5,731 6,419 7,189 8,052 9,018 10,100 11,312 12,670 12%
III 4,371 4,895 5,482 6,140 6,877 7,702 8,627 9,662 10,822 12,120 13,575 15,204 12%
IV 5,872 6,577 7,366 8,250 9,240 10,349 11,591 12,982 14,539 16,284 18,238 20,427 12%
V 6,705 7,509 8,410 9,419 10,549 11,815 13,233 14,821 16,600 18,592 20,823 23,322 12%
VI 7,537 8,441 9,453 10,588 11,859 13,282 14,876 16,661 18,660 20,899 23,407 26,216 12%
VII 13,732 15,379 17,225 19,292 21,607 24,199 27,103 30,356 33,999 38,078 42,648 47,766 12%
VIII 18,188 20,370 22,815 25,553 28,619 32,054 35,900 40,208 45,033 50,437 56,490 63,269 12%
IX 21,029 23,552 26,378 29,543 33,089 37,059 41,506 46,487 52,066 58,314 65,311 73,149 12%
X 23,869 26,255 28,881 31,769 34,946 38,441 42,285 46,513 51,165 56,281 61,910 68,101 12%
XI 31,346 34,480 37,928 41,721 45,893 50,482 55,531 61,084 67,192 73,911 81,303 89,433 10%
XII 38,823 42,704 46,975 51,672 56,840 62,524 68,776 75,654 83,219 91,541 100,696 110,765 10%
XIII 44,159 48,574 53,432 58,775 64,653 71,118 78,230 86,053 94,658 104,124 114,537 125,990 10%
XIV 51,275 56,402 62,043 68,247 75,072 82,579 90,837 99,920 109,913 120,904 132,994 146,294 10%
XV 87,667 96,433 106,076 116,684 128,352 141,188 155,306 170,837 187,921 206,713 227,384 250,123 10%
XVI 116,667 128,333 141,166 155,283 170,811 187,892 206,682 227,350 250,085 275,093 302,603 332,863 10%

3.2.3 Analysis of Salary Distribution with Existing Job Grade

As shown in the chart below the amount of salary paid is set in line with the level of job/job grade. This
witnesses the fact that the Bank has an enduring norm of slotting remuneration in accordance with the
classification of jobs/position. This is in fact supported by the industry practice. The chart also shows that
the variation in pay across each job grade is not that much significant.

44 | P a g e
Figure 2: Salary Scale Distribution per Grade

Salary Scale Distribution









The distribution of the aggregate salary level of the Bank by grade shows that the gross payment is large
around the midpoint point of the grades. The distribution is close to normal where the low grade and high
graded jobs in aggregate have minimal contribution to the overall salary expense of the Bank.

Figure 3: Staff Distribution by Grade

Staff Distribution by Grade

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18

45 | P a g e
Figure 4: Monthly salary Distribution by Grade

monthly salaryDistribution by grade


3.2.4 Results of Banking Industry Salary Survey

In this salary survey, fourteen banks salary structures are identified but some such as Abay Bank, Addis
International Bank and Berhan Bank are revising their salary scale and the existing one are too old to
consider in this study, they are not included in this study. Therefore, a total of 11 banks including DGB pay
and compensation is considered in the study.

The salary structure developed for DGB consists of a base, a maximum salary or ceiling and a series of
salary steps. This is known as a closed range salary scale. All the organizations surveyed use this system in
formulating their salary scale as it provides predetermined step increases as opposed to variable and
subjective salary increases that open range salary scale entails. In open range salary scales only base and
ceilings salaries are determined with annual increases left open for case by case decision of the
management. Therefore, there remains similarity in setting salary levels as well as in the classification of
jobs across the industry. This eases comparison to be made as well as to produce a reliable result.

As shown in the below table, even if there is homogeneity in the classification of jobs and approach of
salary scale building, there is a notable difference among the surveyed banks in terms of salary levels at
each job grades. Sometimes the distribution is erratic and is difficult to establish a meaningful statistical
conclusion out of the data compiled. This indicates the fact that salary decisions are more of bank specific
decisions and are not a direct derivation of the market situation. Bank specific factors such as internal
capacity to pay, philosophy of banks as well as salary scales driven by strategy formulations seem to have
significant implications.

Regarding the competitive compensation philosophy, DGB was paying within the range of above average
and around maximum payer. The existing salary scale was built in the bases of this concept. In addition to

46 | P a g e
this, those banks that have competitive compensation philosophy are concentrated on the maximum pay

Table 12: statistical analysis of industry salary scale

Benchmark Jobs Average Max Min Median Mode SD range

Chief officer 136,162.63 170,074.00 92,000.00 143,593.00 150,000 24,931.60 78,074.00
Director 78,899.73 87,912.00 62,043.05 82,537.00 #N/A 8,814.13 25,868.95
Service 53,432.39 53,432.39 53,432.39 53,432.39 #N/A #DIV/0! -
Division Manager 51,794.34 63,319.00 46,306.26 50,521.00 #N/A 5,287.50 17,012.74
Branch Manger III 51,832.01 62,000.00 41,255.00 52,819.50 #N/A 6,663.41 20,745.00
Branch Manger II 41,724.21 49,250.00 34,480.42 42,676.50 #N/A 4,686.54 14,769.58
Branch Manger I 37,341.65 54,254.00 28,881.49 35,992.50 #N/A 7,657.19 25,372.51
Customer Service Manager 35,069.61 54,254.00 24,167.00 33,082.00 #N/A 8,932.96 30,087.00
Senior Officer 27,548.19 30,137.00 22,815.45 27,522.00 #N/A 2,541.25 7,321.55
Officer 19,373.92 23,500.00 15,379.47 18,989.00 #N/A 2,637.67 8,120.53
Accountant 18,721.24 23,500.00 15,379.47 18,105.00 #N/A 2,436.27 8,120.53
Junior Officer 11,300.36 14,000.00 7,858.00 11,286.00 #N/A 2,115.28 6,142.00
Secretary/Clericals 11,208.34 14,881.00 6,378.00 12,911.00 #N/A 3,272.41 8,503.00
Driver 8,461.58 11,566.00 5,555.00 8,526.21 #N/A 2,121.86 6,011.00
Security Officer 6,644.82 9,690.00 3,642.00 6,302.00 #N/A 2,083.76 6,048.00
Cash Office Girl/Boy 6,666.48 10,340.00 3,619.00 6,495.50 #N/A 2,239.24 6,721.00
Messenger/Cleaner 5,477.50 9,427.00 3,035.00 5,321.00 #N/A 2,064.69 6,392.00

On the other hand, with the current pay structure DGB pays too much lower than average with almost all
position (both managerial position and nonmanagerial). Except some positions like Director, Branch
manager III, Customer service managers, and Cash officer assistance, all positions are equivalent with the
industry minimum salary. In other words, DGB pay is almost equivalent with the industry minimum pay
disregarding of its philosophy. As a competitive pay philosophy, it needs attention to revise the existing
pay structure.

Table 13: Comparison with DGB salary with Industry salary scale

Deviation of DGB Salary Scale in Birr Deviation of DGB Salary Scale in %

Benchmark Jobs Deviation Deviation Deviation Deviation Deviation Deviation
from from max. Deviation from from from max. Deviation from
average from min. median average from median
Chief officer (30,085.96) (63,997.33) 14,076.67 (37,516.33) -28% -60% 13% -35%
Director (16,856.68) (25,868.95) - (20,493.95) -27% -42% 0% -33%
Service - - - - 0% 0% 0% 0%
Division Manager (4,818.91) (16,343.57) 669.17 (3,545.57) -10% -35% 1% -8%
Branch Manger III (4,856.58) (15,024.57) 5,720.43 (5,844.07) -10% -32% 12% -12%
Branch Manger II (7,243.79) (14,769.58) - (8,196.08) -21% -43% 0% -24%

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Branch Manger I (8,460.16) (25,372.51) - (7,111.01) -29% -88% 0% -25%
Customer Service
Manager (8,691.25) (27,875.64) 2,211.36 (6,703.64) -33% -106% 8% -25%
Senior Officer (4,732.74) (7,321.55) - (4,706.55) -21% -32% 0% -21%
Officer (3,994.45) (8,120.53) - (3,609.53) -26% -53% 0% -23%
Accountant (3,341.77) (8,120.53) - (2,725.53) -22% -53% 0% -18%
Junior Officer (2,890.17) (5,589.81) 552.19 (2,875.81) -34% -66% 7% -34%
Secretary/Clericals (4,503.34) (8,176.00) 327.00 (6,206.00) -67% -122% 5% -93%
Driver (2,589.58) (5,694.00) 317.00 (2,654.21) -44% -97% 5% -45%
Security Officer (3,002.82) (6,048.00) - (2,660.00) -82% -166% 0% -73%
Cash Office
Girl/Boy (1,183.65) (4,857.17) 1,863.83 (1,012.67) -22% -89% 34% -18%
Messenger/Cleaner (2,442.50) (6,392.00) - (2,286.00) -80% -211% 0% -75%

Beside this the current salary of DGB deviate by -33% from the average, -76% from the maximum, 5%
from the minimum and -33% percent from the median. As a competitive pay philosophy, the bank salary
his highly less than the average and almost equal to the minimum, there fore it shall be revised.

It is important to be note that, according to the key informant interview most of the industry salary structure
is old and will be revised in the near future. Therefore, the committee assumed that considering the new
entrants, the inflation rate and other related condition in the coming budget year the industry salary scale
will be increased by at a minimum of 20% through salary revision or step increment. Accordingly, the
industry average, maximum and minimum will be increased by 20%. There fore the industry salary and pay
structure is forecasted in the table below.

Table 14: Industry salary scale with inflation rate

Benchmark Jobs Average Max Min Median range

Chief officers 163,395.16 204,088.80 110,400.00 172,311.60 93,688.80
Director 94,679.67 105,494.40 74,451.66 99,044.40 31,042.74
Service 64,118.87 64,118.87 64,118.87 64,118.87 -
Division Manager 62,153.20 75,982.80 55,567.51 60,625.20 20,415.29
Branch Manger III 62,198.42 74,400.00 49,506.00 63,383.40 24,894.00
Branch Manger II 50,069.05 59,100.00 41,376.50 51,211.80 17,723.50
Branch Manger I 44,809.98 65,104.80 34,657.79 43,191.00 30,447.01
Customer Service Manager 42,083.53 65,104.80 29,000.40 39,698.40 36,104.40
Senior Officer 33,057.82 36,164.40 27,378.54 33,026.40 8,785.86
Officer 23,248.70 28,200.00 18,455.36 22,786.80 9,744.64
Accountant 22,465.49 28,200.00 18,455.36 21,726.00 9,744.64
Junior Officer 13,560.44 16,800.00 9,429.60 13,543.20 7,370.40
Secretary/Clericals 13,450.01 17,857.20 7,653.60 15,493.20 10,203.60
Driver 10,153.89 13,879.20 6,666.00 10,231.45 7,213.20
Security Officer 7,973.78 11,628.00 4,370.40 7,562.40 7,257.60
Cash Office Girl/Boy 7,999.77 12,408.00 4,342.80 7,794.60 8,065.20
Messenger/Cleaner 6,573.00 11,312.40 3,642.00 6,385.20 7,670.40

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3.2.5 DGB internal Situation

As service provider institution, the bank has to retain qualified and well-trained staffs through providing
good working environment, and workable salary and benefit package. Regarding this concept, the bank
follows competitive pay. Which means the bank salary and pay shall fall between average and maximum
salary range of the industry.
According to the industry analysis, the current salary scale is below average and almost equivalent with the
industry minimum. This causes high staffs’ dissatisfaction that will also have large impact on customer
dissatisfaction and staff turnover.
According to Human Resource development may 30 2022 report, 238 employees resigned from the bank
within 11-month period of the fiscal year. And referring the exist interview undertaken by HR department,
most of them are resigned due to low salary scale coupled with the job opportunity in the industry.
The table below indicates, from the total turnover 13% are branch managers 3% are division managers and
56% of them are clerical staffs. This implies branch managers and other clerical branch staff turnover took
higher share from the total turnover of the bank.
No Position Resigned Percent
1 Directors 3 1%
2 Division Managers 8 3%
3 Branch Managers 31 13%
5 Clerical Staffs 134 56%
6 None Clerical Staffs 62 26%
Total 238 100%

3.2.6 Construction of Alternative Salary Scale for Debub Global


As outlined in the draft HR policy, the compensation philosophy of the bank relies on establishing a
competitive pay plan that encourages strong recruitment and employee retention. The construction of the
salary scale for Debub Global Bank therefore takes such premise as stepping stone and looks forward the
following factors:
• Information gained from the market analyses is used in conjunction with the internal equity
analysis, i.e., the results of the classification analysis and the Bank’s desired position in the market
so that the compensation structure would place it in a strong position to remain competitive in the
banking market.

49 | P a g e
• Internal factors such as capacity to pay and cost implications is considered in formulating the salary
scale. It’s assumed that the Bank cannot reach the maximum pay scale in the industry in near term
• A three options salary structure is built- the main premise (to be competitive or wishing to “attract
and retain highly qualified” employees) in mind. The team is cognizant to the fact that the Bank
cannot immediately adjust to the maximum of the industry pay level within a short period but there
should be an attempt to consider the move of the large payers to set a competitive salary base.
Therefore, the three scenarios are base on:
o Option 1- A salary scale which is one third of the way into the range between the industry
maximum and average salary scale
o Option 2: A salary scale which is half of the way into the range between the industry
maximum and the average salary scale
o Option 3: A salary scale which is three fourth of the way into the range between the industry
maximum and average salary scale
• For non-benchmarked jobs a salary scale that takes in to account the difference among pay grades
is done

Table 15: Three options of DGB salary scale

19 Chief Executive Officers 141,166 290,828 296,645 302,577
18 Chief officer 106,076 147,466 153,118 161,596
17 Assistant Chief 105,966 109,559 116,610
16 Director 62,043 85,658 87,912 94,945
15 Service 53,432 71,397 73,484 77,201
14 Division Manager 46,975 57,136 59,057 62,225
13 Branch Manager II and equivalent 34,480 50,057 52,427 55,772
12 Branch Manager I 28,881 42,979 45,798 49,852
11 Customer Service Manager 26,378 35,995 37,620 40,058
10 Senior Officer 18,188 29,011 30,443 30,090
9 Accountant I 15,379 25,313 26,127 26,848
8 Officer 15,379 21,614 22,411 23,605
7 customers service officer 13,723 17,023 17,728 18,784
6 Junior Officer 8,410 12,433 13,045 14,115
5 driver and equivalent 6,705 9,810 11,005 11,790
4 Cash officer assistant Branch 4,371 8,694 9,159 9,816
3 Security Officer 4,371 7,601 8,103 8,552
2 Cleaner Messenger 3,662 6,704 7,052 7,540
1 Janitor/messenger 3,035 5,254 5,492 5,731

50 | P a g e
Option 1: The Lowest Alternative
The salary levels under this alternative are based on the lowest average salaries paid by comparator banks. In addition to this it has a slight difference
with the already available salary scale if the employees have got two step salary increment upon the performance of the fiscal year. The salary scale
is believed to lack capacity to attract best talented candidates and retaining best performers. This alternative is believed to have a little chance of
remaining competitive.

Step progression- 10% from Grade 1-10 and 8% from Grade 11-19

Table 16: Option one salary scale proposal

Grade B S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 S9 S10 C
1 5,254 5,779 6,357 6,993 7,692 8,461 9,307 10,238 11,262 12,388 13,626 14,989
2 6,704 7,374 8,112 8,923 9,815 10,797 11,877 13,064 14,371 15,808 17,388 19,127
3 7,601 8,361 9,197 10,117 11,129 12,241 13,466 14,812 16,293 17,923 19,715 21,687
4 8,694 9,563 10,519 11,571 12,728 14,001 15,401 16,942 18,636 20,499 22,549 24,804
5 9,810 10,791 11,870 13,057 14,363 15,799 17,379 19,117 21,029 23,131 25,445 27,989
6 12,433 13,676 15,043 16,548 18,203 20,023 22,025 24,228 26,650 29,315 32,247 35,472
7 17,023 18,726 20,598 22,658 24,924 27,416 30,158 33,174 36,491 40,140 44,154 48,570
8 21,614 23,776 26,153 28,768 31,645 34,810 38,291 42,120 46,332 50,965 56,062 61,668
9 25,313 27,844 30,628 33,691 37,060 40,766 44,843 49,327 54,260 59,686 65,654 72,220
10 29,011 31,912 35,103 38,614 42,475 46,723 51,395 56,534 62,188 68,407 75,247 82,772
11 35,995 38,875 41,985 45,343 48,971 52,889 57,120 61,689 66,624 71,954 77,711 83,928
12 42,979 46,417 50,131 54,141 58,473 63,150 68,202 73,659 79,551 85,915 92,789 100,212
13 50,057 54,062 58,387 63,058 68,103 73,551 79,435 85,790 92,653 100,065 108,070 116,716
14 57,136 61,707 66,643 71,975 77,733 83,951 90,667 97,921 105,755 114,215 123,352 133,220
15 71,397 77,109 83,277 89,940 97,135 104,906 113,298 122,362 132,151 142,723 154,141 166,472
16 85,658 92,511 99,911 107,904 116,537 125,860 135,928 146,803 158,547 171,231 184,929 199,724
17 105,966 114,443 123,598 133,486 144,165 155,698 168,154 181,606 196,135 211,826 228,772 247,074
18 147,466 159,264 172,005 185,765 200,626 216,677 234,011 252,732 272,950 294,786 318,369 343,838
19 290,828 314,094 339,222 366,360 395,668 427,322 461,507 498,428 538,302 581,367 627,876 678,106

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Option 2:the Medium Alternative

The salary levels of this alternative falls in the middle range of salaries paid by comparator banks. The alternative will place the Bank
among its peers in the mid range in terms of employee remuneration. The Committee believes that this alternative could assist the Bank
to attract and retain employees with the required qualification and competencies

Step progression- 10% from Grade 1-10 and 8% from Grade 11-19

Table 17: option two salary scale proposal

Grade B S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 S9 S10 C
1 5,492 6,151 6,890 7,716 8,642 9,679 10,841 12,142 13,599 15,231 17,059 19,106
2 7,052 7,898 8,846 9,908 11,096 12,428 13,919 15,590 17,460 19,556 21,902 24,531
3 8,103 9,075 10,164 11,384 12,750 14,280 15,994 17,913 20,063 22,470 25,167 28,187
4 9,159 10,258 11,489 12,868 14,412 16,141 18,078 20,248 22,677 25,399 28,446 31,860
5 11,005 12,326 13,805 15,461 17,317 19,395 21,722 24,329 27,248 30,518 34,180 38,281
6 13,045 14,610 16,363 18,327 20,526 22,989 25,748 28,838 32,298 36,174 40,515 45,377
7 17,728 19,855 22,238 24,906 27,895 31,242 34,991 39,190 43,893 49,160 55,059 61,666
8 22,411 25,100 28,112 31,485 35,264 39,495 44,235 49,543 55,488 62,146 69,604 77,956
9 26,127 29,262 32,774 36,707 41,111 46,045 51,570 57,758 64,689 72,452 81,146 90,884
10 30,443 34,096 38,188 42,770 47,903 53,651 60,089 67,300 75,376 84,421 94,551 105,897
11 37,620 41,382 45,520 50,072 55,080 60,588 66,646 73,311 80,642 88,706 97,577 107,335
12 45,798 50,378 55,415 60,957 67,053 73,758 81,134 89,247 98,172 107,989 118,788 130,667
13 52,427 57,670 63,437 69,781 76,759 84,435 92,878 102,166 112,382 123,621 135,983 149,581
14 59,057 64,962 71,459 78,604 86,465 95,111 104,622 115,085 126,593 139,253 153,178 168,496
15 73,484 80,833 88,916 97,808 107,588 118,347 130,182 143,200 157,520 173,272 190,599 209,659
16 87,912 96,703 106,374 117,011 128,712 141,583 155,741 171,316 188,447 207,292 228,021 250,823
17 109,559 120,515 132,567 145,823 160,406 176,446 194,091 213,500 234,850 258,335 284,168 312,585
18 153,118 168,430 185,273 203,800 224,181 246,599 271,258 298,384 328,223 361,045 397,149 436,864
19 296,645 326,309 358,940 394,834 434,317 477,749 525,524 578,076 635,884 699,472 769,420 846,362

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Option 3: The Highest Alternative

The salary scale in this alternative is based on the higher average salary commercial banks pay to their employees. Since this alternative
is at the higher average of the pay rate range in the sector, it may have strong capacity to attract and retain qualified employees for long
period. Thus, the life span of this alternative is likely to be longer.

Step progression- 12% from Grade 1-10 and 10% from Grade 11-19

Table 18: Option three Salary scale proposal

Grade B S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 S9 S10 C
1 5,731 6,419 7,189 8,052 9,018 10,100 11,312 12,670 14,190 15,893 17,800 19,936
2 7,540 8,445 9,458 10,593 11,864 13,288 14,883 16,669 18,669 20,909 23,418 26,228
3 8,552 9,578 10,728 12,015 13,457 15,072 16,880 18,906 21,174 23,715 26,561 29,749
4 9,816 10,994 12,313 13,791 15,446 17,299 19,375 21,700 24,304 27,221 30,487 34,145
5 11,790 13,205 14,789 16,564 18,552 20,778 23,271 26,064 29,192 32,695 36,618 41,012
6 14,115 15,809 17,706 19,831 22,210 24,875 27,861 31,204 34,948 39,142 43,839 49,100
7 18,784 21,038 23,563 26,390 29,557 33,104 37,076 41,526 46,509 52,090 58,340 65,341
8 23,605 26,438 29,611 33,164 37,143 41,601 46,593 52,184 58,446 65,459 73,315 82,112
9 26,848 30,069 33,678 37,719 42,245 47,315 52,992 59,351 66,474 74,450 83,384 93,391
10 30,090 33,701 37,745 42,274 47,347 53,029 59,392 66,519 74,501 83,441 93,454 104,669
11 40,058 44,064 48,470 53,317 58,649 64,514 70,965 78,061 85,868 94,454 103,900 114,290
12 49,852 54,837 60,321 66,353 72,988 80,287 88,316 97,147 106,862 117,548 129,303 142,234
13 55,772 61,349 67,484 74,233 81,656 89,821 98,804 108,684 119,552 131,507 144,658 159,124
14 62,225 68,448 75,292 82,821 91,104 100,214 110,235 121,259 133,385 146,723 161,396 177,535
15 77,201 84,922 93,414 102,755 113,031 124,334 136,767 150,444 165,488 182,037 200,241 220,265
16 94,945 104,439 114,883 126,372 139,009 152,910 168,201 185,021 203,523 223,875 246,263 270,889
17 116,610 128,271 141,098 155,207 170,728 187,801 206,581 227,239 249,963 274,959 302,455 332,701
18 161,596 177,756 195,531 215,084 236,593 260,252 286,277 314,905 346,396 381,035 419,139 461,053
19 302,577 332,835 366,119 402,731 443,004 487,304 536,034 589,638 648,602 713,462 784,808 863,289

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3.2.7 Cost Impact Analysis of all Alternative Salary Scales

The Committee has estimated the additional cost associated with the adoption of each of the three alternative
salary scales. The estimation is based on existing staff and the grade and salary level of the nineteen grades
under each alternative. The additional cost will thus be a function of the alternative salary scale chosen and
the salary adjustment mechanisms to be adopted.

Additional salary is calculated by considering adjustment of existing salary to the revised salary scales. It
does not envisage an increment of any sort in implementing the revised salary scales. The existing salaries
are adjusted as follows:

• Existing salaries that fall below the base salaries of their respective grades in the revised salary
scales are to be adjusted to the base salary level.

• Salaries of positions that fall within the revised salary scales, in their respective grade, are to be
adjusted upward to the higher step.

On the other hand, the adjustment to the revised salary scale as well as provision of a step increment if the
adjustment results an increment less than 50% of the first step of the grade. Thus, the salaries of positions
are implemented as follows:

• Existing salaries that are below base salaries of their corresponding grades are to be adjusted to
the base salary level. If in so doing the adjustment (increase) is less than 50% of the first step
increment of the grade, a further increase to the first step will be made.

• Salaries of positions that fall within the revised salary scale, in their respective grade, are adjusted
upward to the higher step. If in so doing the adjustment (increase) is less than 50% of the first step
increment of the grade, a further increase to the next step will be made.

The exact amount of the additional cost can only be calculated after each employee is assigned based on
their new grade classification. Nevertheless, the estimates provided here can be taken as realistic as the
margin of estimation error is likely to be very low.

Summaries of the financial implications of the three alternatives under the two implementation options are
shown below.

Table 19: Cost Impact Analysis of All Salary Scale Alternatives

Existing Scale Option 1 Option 2 Option 3

Total Monthly Salary 24,942,268 34,645,689 35,569,193 37,781,947
Total Annual Salary 299,307,214 415,748,265 426,830,316 453,383,362
Annual Pension 32,923,794 45,732,309 46,951,335 49,872,170
Total Annual Salary + Annual Pension 332,231,007 461,480,574 473,781,651 503,255,532
Difference in Absolute Amount Per Year 129,249,566.11 141,550,643.02 171,024,525
% Difference 39% 43% 51%

As can be noted from the above table, additional cost of the revised salary scales is not only limited to the
resulting salary increment, but also increases the employee pension fund to be contributed by the Bank.
Accordingly, the additional pension contribution by the Bank has been estimated and included in the cost
impacts of the proposed alternative salary scales.

The Bank is assumed to cover the increased cost of salary and related expensed through aggressively
increasing its income from lending and international banking operations. Moreover, as the revised
salary scale is expected to motivate existing employees and enable recruitment of competent employees,
cost efficiency through increased productivity of the human resources is expected to be improved. The
last year aggressive expansion of branches will also show great result in resource mobilization. In addition
to this, the bank will revise upward the existing terms and tariffs since it has been above two years after
the last pricing revision.

Furthermore, the bank is investing on different big projects like temporary Head Quarter purchase and
Digital banking, so source of income will be increased and general expense like rent expense will be
minimized. Therefore, the bank could achieve the pre-settled target of the bank without affected by the
additional salary expense.

3.2.8 The Recommended Salary Scale for DGB

The committee recommends Option-II based on the following reasons:

• This salary scale helps the Bank retain talented employees as well as attract better candidates from
external labor market.
• The scale is believed to be active for reasonable period so that it avoids the repetitive request from
management on salary amendment.
• The scale can boost employees’ job satisfaction and morale so as to increase their loyalty to the

• The scale allows the Bank to be competitive in the labor market and increase its image in the
• The scale can ensure the Bank’s sustainable growth and multilateral success.
• The scale can help the Bank to increase its competitive advantage by developing distinctive
competencies through psychological and mental enhancement of its employees.
• The scale increases the Bank’s public trust and image so as to attract more customers and
• The scale is believed to increase shareholders’ value by escalating return on HR investment.

3.3 Benefit Package

3.3.1 Overview

In addition to compensation in the form of salaries and wages, organizations provide employees with
various services and programs known as employee benefits. Nowadays employee benefits are regarded as
an important tool to retain employees and to improve the bottom-line of the organization.

Benefit programs play a vital role to maintaining an employee’s standard of living when he suffers from
health problem. The organizations that provide these benefits to their employees have improved image of
caring employer. These benefits are the advantages that accrue to an employee apart from salary. They are
not related to performance.
In connection with this, the management of the Bank has perceived the urgency of revising the benefits
packages in the face of inability of the Bank to attract competent employees for some critical positions.

Knowing of this reality the Bank has issued these benefits adjustments to address the above-mentioned

3.3.2 Objectives of the Benefits Scheme

Organizations require long term membership from most of their employees. Otherwise the resources of an
organization would constantly be expended in recruitment, selection, training and development of human
resources. Therefore, the management of Debub Global Bank S.C. (DGB) has realized that it must fulfill
the needs of its employees in order to channel their energies towards attaining its objectives.

Establishing competitive benefits scheme would enable DGB to retain its existing employees and attract
new ones. Thus, retaining productive employees for a long period is the desired outcome of the employee
benefits provided by the bank.

Benefits scheme is designed and established to achieve the following objectives: -

• to acquire, retain and motivate qualified and competent workforce;

• to provide for the needs of employees and to protect them against certain hazards of life;

• to increase and improve employee productivity and gain their loyalty;

• to defer rising prices and cost of living; and

• to be competitive in the labor market.

3.3.3 Types of Employee Benefits

There are different types of benefits accorded to employees to induce changes in their commitment,
organizational loyalty and belongingness. Employee’s benefits that are included in this manual consist of
the followings:
▪ Medical Benefits
▪ Benefits Upon Death (Funeral Support)
▪ Group Personal Accident Insurance
▪ Transportation/Fuel Allowance
▪ Mobile Telephone Allowance
▪ Hardship Allowance
▪ Education Assistance/Support
▪ Housing Allowance
▪ Cash Indemnity Allowance
▪ Staff Loans (Emergency, Personal and Mortgage Loans)
▪ Disturbance Allowance
▪ Responsibility/Representation Allowance
▪ Acting Allowance
▪ Per diem/Daily Subsistence Allowance
▪ Retirement Gift
▪ Service Year Award
▪ Bonus
▪ Annual Salary Increment
▪ Pension Contribution
▪ Severance Pay
▪ Recreational Facilities
▪ Wedding Gift
▪ Funeral Support
▪ Different Types of Leaves
✓ Annual Leave
✓ Sick Leave
✓ Maternity Leave
✓ Paternity Leave
✓ Mourning Leave

✓ Marriage Leave
✓ Examination/Study Leave

3.3.4 Scope of Application of Benefits

The benefits described in this manual are applicable only to permanent employees of DGB. Permanent
employees are those employed by DGB for indefinite period of time until their retirement age. Temporary
or contract employees are entitled only to the benefits included in the contract agreement.

3.3.5 Detail of Employee Benefits

1. Medical Benefits
i. 100%, and 50% cost of examination, medical treatment, hospitalization and medicine will be covered
by the Bank for the staff, and his/her spouse respectively.

ii. The cost of medical card shall be covered by the employees or his/her spouse.

iii. The Bank shall cover 100% cost of eye glass and 70% cost of frame; but the total maximum contribution
of the bank shall not exceed Birr 6,000. The Bank will not cover cost for replacement of eye glass lost
or broken because of negligence.

iv. 70% of dental treatment and extraction expenses shall be covered by the Bank. The Bank will not cover
cost of artificial teeth replacement.

v. An employee of the bank will qualify for medical allowance up to USD 15,000 yearly for all expenses,
including round trip air tickets, cost of hospitalization and prescribed medicines, related to medication
abroad so long as the ailment merits the recommendation of the Ethiopian Medical Board for the needed
medical attention.

vi. If the cost is more than USD 15,000, it will require special approval of the Board of Directors of the

vii. The Bank shall cover pregnancy related treatments and delivery expenses.

viii. The Bank shall arrange credit facilities with hospital, clinics and pharmacies to strengthen employees’
access to highly competent medical treatments.

ix. Hospitalization is only possible in hospitals and clinics approved by the Bank.

x. Depending on the severity of illness or injury designated hospitals and clinics can refer the employees
to other medical centers.

xi. Employees shall purchase medicines from designated pharmacies. However, showing evidence the
medicines are out of stock in the designated pharmacies they can purchase prescribed medicine
anywhere available.

xii. For employees outside Addis Ababa, the Branch Manager, shall arrange local medical care and
reimburse medical expense incurred by an employee under their domain.

xiii. Illegal abortion, cosmetics surgery, sunglass and cost of treatment of self-induced injuries shall not be
covered by the Bank.

2. Contribution to Funeral Expense

Upon the death of an employee of the Bank, DGB shall give Birr 10,000.00 (Ten Thousand) to the family
of the deceased as contribution to funeral expense.

3. Group Personal Accident Insurance

i. The bank shall provide, at its own expense, 24 hours group accident insurance, Group Personal
Accident policy (GPA).
ii. The maximum benefit obtainable in case of death of the insured shall be the sum equivalent to the
deceased’s 5 years’ salary calculated on the last payment just before the death of the employee.
iii. When an accident occurs to an employee, the Finance and Accounts Department of the Bank should
immediately be notified.
iv. The Bank shall immediately notify the insurer about any accident or loss incurred and gets proper
4. Transport and Fuel Allowance

The Bank shall provide company cars with monthly fuel and pay a monthly transport allowances as
indicated below: -
Table 20: Transport allowance
No. Job Title/Grade Existing Allowance Proposed Allowance Difference
1 Chief Executive Officer Car with unlimited fuel Car with unlimited fuel -
2 Chief officers Car with unlimited fuel Car with unlimited fuel -
3 Assistant chief officers Car with unlimited fuel
3 Directors Car with 200 LF Car with 200 LF -
4 Service Level Car with 200 LF Car with 200 LF -
5 Division Manager and Equivalents 150 LF 150 LF -
6 Branch Manager GIII- GI Car with 200 LF Car with 200 LF -
7 Assistant Branch Manager III and Section Head 100 LF 100 LF -
8 Customer Service Manager 75 LF 75 LF -
9 Principal Officer and Equivalents 75 LF 75 LF -

No. Job Title/Grade Existing Allowance Proposed Allowance Difference
10 Senior Officers and Equivalents 75 LF 75 LF -
11 Grade VI – IX 60 LF 60 LF -
12 Job Grade I – V Birr 600 Birr 600 -
▪ The above allowances shall cease after 30 calendar days on account of leave of any kind.

▪ Fuel allowance in liters shall be paid in Birr with monthly salary converted based on the
prevailing fuel market price.

5. Mobile Telephone Allowance

i. The Bank shall provide a onetime smart mobile apparatus and a SIM card for the president & vice
presidents and onetime smart mobile apparatus for Directors.

ii. A monthly mobile telephone allowance shall be provided for the following position holders:
Table 21: Mobile Telephone Allowance

S. Existing Proposed
Job Grade Difference
No. Allowance Allowance

1 Chief Executive Officer As Used As Used -

2 Chief Officers As Used As Used -
3 Assistant Chief Officers As Used As Used
3 Directors Birr 500 Birr 800 Birr 300
4 Service level Birr 500 Birr 700 Birr 200
5 Division Manager and Equivalents Birr 300 Birr 500 Birr 200
6 Branch Manager GIII- GI Birr 400 Birr 600 Birr 200

7 Assistant Branch Manager III and Section Head Birr 200 Birr 300 Birr 100

8 Customer Service Manager Birr 200 Birr 300 Birr 100

9 All IT staffs Birr 200 Birr 300 Birr 100
10 All Procurement and facility staffs Birr 200 Birr 300 Birr 100

iii. The mobile telephone allowance for others positions are determined by the management of the bank on
need basis case by case.

6. Hardship Allowance

i. An employee shall be eligible for a hardship allowance if he/she is assigned to such defined areas.

ii. Hardship areas shall be categorized based on adverse climatic and socio-economic conditions as
follows (a) serious hardship (b) medium hardship, and (c) low hardship

iii. The monthly hardship allowance shall be as follows: -

− Serious hardship areas: 40% of the employee’s basic monthly salary.

− Medium hardship areas: 20% of the employee’s basic monthly salary.

− Low hardship areas: 10% of the employee’s basic monthly salary.

iv. The management of the Bank shall designate a location as a hardship area and determine the category
when the Bank opens a new branch.

v. DGB shall pay hardship allowance to its employees in outlaying branches at a rate that other
commercial banks pay to their employees.

vi. Hardship allowance shall be waived when employee transfers to the non-hardship areas whoever takes
the initiative.
7. Educational Assistance

i. Any employee below 10th grade shall get full coverage of his/her tuition fee provided that he/she is in
an academic stream.

ii. Any employee who intend to pursue or are pursuing (prior to employment) undergraduate studies for
the first time at local universities, colleges or any other higher education institution shall get full
coverage of his/her tuition fee.

iii. Employees who intend to pursue or are pursuing (prior to employment) graduate or above studies at
local universities, colleges or any other higher education institutions should submit their applications
to HCM Department. Only employee whose application has been accepted by the Bank will be entitled
to full or partial coverage of the tuition fee by the Bank.

iv. Correspondence studies from local higher institution shall get full coverage only if approved.

v. The application for graduate studies and above educational assistance shall be approved by the
Executive Management Committee based on the proposal of HCM Department.

vi. The employee shall be refunded the tuition and registration fee upon producing payment receipts. The
bank will not cover the cost for repeated courses.

vii. In addition, an employee shall sign service commitment of half of the number of years/period the
education attended or refund the equivalent cost incurred in proportion to his/her service if his/her
employment contract is terminated.
8. Housing Allowance

Housing allowance shall be paid to the positions indicated as follows:

Table 22: Housing Allowance

Job Grade Existing Allowance Proposed Allowance Difference
1 Chief Executive Officer 6,000 9000 3,000
2 Chief Officer 4,000 6000 2,000
3 Assistant Chief Officers 4500 0
4 Directors 2,500 3750 1,250
5 Service Level 2,000 3000 1,000
6 Division Manager and Equivalents 1,500 2250 750
7 Branch Manager GIII- GI 1,500 2250 750
8 Assistant Branch Manager III and Section Head 1,000 1500 500
9 Customer Service Manager and equivalent 800 1200 400
10 Senior Officers and Equivalents 600 900 300
11 Job Grade VI – IX 500 750 250
12 Job Grade I – V 300 450 150

9. Transfer /Disturbance Allowance

i. Lump sum payment of Birr 5,000.00 (five thousand) shall be paid to the staff as disturbance allowance
as well as per diem during the travel time.

ii. All expenses related to the transportation of the employee, spouse, children under 18 and household
goods and personal effects shall be covered by the Bank.

iii. Transportation to be arranged from departure to destination by the Bank as follows:

▪ Managerial staffs make use of air transport or Bank vehicle depending on availability. Families
(spouse, children and other dependents) with up to 300kg of personal effects shall be transported
by land public transport in the absence of Bank vehicle.
▪ Other employees with their family including 300kg of personal effects shall be transported by
land public transport.
▪ In both cases, the employee may use other means and be refunded at the rate of current land
public transport fare.

iv. When an employee initiates transfer, involving change of duty station, the Bank shall not pay
disturbance allowance.

v. Benefits specific to initial locality shall be waived when transfer is to the center, Addis Ababa, whoever
takes the initiative.

10. Acting Allowance

i. To be entitled to acting allowance only when assigned to higher supervisory or managerial positions
which means Branch Manager and above positions by concerned organ of the Bank in writing.

ii. The period for which an employee is assigned to act shall not be more than six months for a permanently
vacated position unless postponed by concerned organ for another six months and one year for positions
vacated due to the position holder’s overseas training unless approved otherwise by the president of the
Bank or his designate.

iii. An employee shall be entitled to an acting allowance of 50% of the salary difference of the two positions
or 15% of his/her salary whichever is higher. He/she also will be entitled to other fringe benefits and
allowances of the new post.

iv. Acting allowance is applicable only for managerial and supervisory job positions which means Branch
Manager and above positions.
11. Representation Allowance
The Bank shall provide a monthly representation allowance to holders of the following positions:
Table 23: representation Allowance
S. Job Grade Existing Proposed Difference
No. Allowance Allowance
1 Chief Executive Office 5,000 5,000 -
2 Chief Officers 3,000 3,000 -
Assistant officer -
3 Directors 1,500 1,500 -
4 Service Level 1,200 1,200 -
5 Division Manager and Equivalents 1,000 1,000 -
6 Branch Manager GIII 1,000 1,000 -
7 Branch Manager GII/premium 900.00 900.00 -
8 Branch Manager GI 800.00 800.00 -
9 Assistant Branch Manager III 900.00 900.00 -
10 Customer Service Manager & Section Head 800 800 -

12. Cash Indemnity Allowance

i. Employees, who are assigned to handle cash as normal duty shall be entitled to a cash indemnity
allowance as follows:-
Table 24: Cash indemnity allowance

S. Existing Proposed
Job Grade Difference
No. Allowance Allowance

1 Main cashier 1500 1500

1 Cashier III/ Senior Cashier (Issue) 1,200 1200 -
2 Cashier II/Cashier (Issue) 1,100 1100 -
3 Customer Service Officer/Cashier I 1,000 1000 -
Junior Customers Service Officer/Junior
4 900 900 -

ii. Cash indemnity allowance shall be deposited in the name of the employee until it accumulates to Birr
10,000.00 and shall be released after six months of termination or transfer of the employee to another

iii. Casual and /or eventual shortages shall be indemnified from the accumulated deposit in the account.

iv. Allowances above the indemnity account limit shall be partly (50%) paid to the employee along with
his/her salary and partly continue being credited to the indemnity account. However, if the balance falls
below the limit, such payment will be discontinued until the balance is restored to Birr 10,000.00.

v. Employees on leave of any form shall not be entitled to cash indemnity allowance during leave periods.
Accordingly, the allowance shall be paid proportionally for days worked during the applicable month.

13. Per Diem (Daily Accommodation Allowance)
a) Local Travel
Staff members, who are required to make travels for more than 25 kilometers outside the duty station and
stay on filed work shall be paid per-die, based on job grades of the employees as indicated below.
Table 25: periderm
Existing Daily per-diem and Proposed Daily per-diem and Difference Daily per-diem and
Accommodation Accommodation Accommodation
S. Daily
Job Title/Grade Daily Rate
No Accommodation Daily Rate of Accommodation Accommodation
Rate of of
Payment Per-diem Payment Payment
Per-diem Per-
1 Board Members & CEO 600 Per receipt 1000 Per receipt 200 -
2 Chief Officers 500 Per receipt 800 Per receipt 200 -
Assistant Chief Officers 700 Per receipt 700 -
Per receipt up to Birr Birr 1500 Per
3 Department Directors 400
Per receipt up to Birr Birr 1500 Per
4 Service level 400

Division Managers, Per receipt up to Birr Birr 1400 Per

5 Branch Managers
50 150

Section Head, Principal Per receipt up to Birr 400 and remove the
6 Officers and Equivalent
300 Birr 1200 -
requirement of receipt
Senior Officers and
7 Equivalents, Auditors, 800 Inclusive 1000 Inclusive 200
Engineers and Attorneys
Job Grade VIII – IX and 200
8 Junior Engineers
700 Inclusive 900 Inclusive

9 Job Grade VI-VII 600 Inclusive 800 Inclusive 200

10 Job Grade I -V 500 Inclusive 600 Inclusive 150

▪ The above figures consider that the Bank’s higher management staff will have special entertainment
budget to cover expenses related to invitation of customers on different endeavors of marketing.

▪ Taxes related to per-diem Allowance & Accommodation is covered by the Bank.

▪ Per-diem shall be paid according to the following procedures:

i. Breakfast (25%)
• An employee who travels for a field trip before 7:00 AM is entitled to 25% of daily per-
diem rate for breakfast.
ii. Lunch (37.5%)
• When the staff is on the field trip is out of his base/duty station during the lunch time
he/she is entitled to 37.5% of his/her daily per diem rate for lunch.
iii. Dinner (37.5%)

• When an employee by virtue of the field work, must be outside of duty station after
6:00PM, shall be entitled to claim 37.5% of his/her daily rate of per-diem for dinner.
iv. The trip to field work should be dully approved by the concerned bodies. The work to be
done and the expected deliverables have to be clearly scheduled with time bounded. The
amount of per-diem and accommodation fee the field trip requires has to be estimated and
advanced to the staff after approval.
v. After the field trip, an employee is required to settle his/her outstanding payment of per-
diem and accommodation. Before settling the per-diem and accommodation, the employee
that was on field trip is required to present the field work report.
vi. All necessary formats for requisition of field trip and settlement of a payment will be
utilized properly. The formats shall encompass:
• Starting date and time of the filed
• Return date and time of return from the field trip
• The deliverables of the field trips
• The amount of advance payment
b) Overseas Travel

The amount of per diem to be paid for overseas travel is as indicated in table below. In addition to this
the following specific provisions shall be applicable for overseas travel.

i. For BOD Members, President, Vice President, 50 USD shall be added for accommodation and
breakfast, and 50% shall be added for Lunch and Dinner allowances in addition to the provision
stated in the table and, under sub article, a
ii. For other Management staffs, 25 USD and 25% shall be added for accommodation & breakfast;
and Lunch & Dinner respectively in addition to the provision stated in the table.
iii. If all the expenses are covered by the hosting country or any other organ, and the allowances are
not paid in cash, not to leave the staff totally relied on others; the Bank shall pay 30% of what
is indicated in the table. However, if the sponsoring country partially covers the allowances or
expenses, the remaining shall be paid according to this guideline.
iv. For any staff that makes travel to abroad, 25% of his/her daily per-diem rate shall be paid as
reserve to cover any unexpected expenses. If the cost of accommodation and breakfast in the
country to which the staff has travelled, higher than the limit set in this procedure, the difference
shall be covered from the reserve. However, the difference shall not exceed the reserved
amount unless and otherwise there is specific enforcing condition which could be permitted
and justified by the group leader of the travelers or concerned official of the Bank.

v. 25 USD shall be paid per day for good service for all staffs for miscellaneous expenses.
vi. All expenses are not be required to be settled by receipt; but, when a traveler uses money allocated
for reserve, he/she is required to present receipt upon his/her return to home country. If a
traveler doesn’t utilize reserve money, he/she is required to return reserve money in foreign
currency, in which the Bank provided for a trip, upon his/her return to home country. A traveler
shall use the money provided for reserve purpose for accommodation & breakfast expenses.
The team or individual who went abroad shall deliver and settle the expenses of reserve money
for accommodation and breakfast, in foreign currency by providing the relevant receipts within
7 days after returning to home country.
vii. The allowances may be paid in USD, EURP, GBP, Swiss Franc, Canada Dollar, Swedish Kroner,
and South African Rand.
viii. For all staff’s transportation expenses (air tickets and others) shall be handled by the Bank.
ix. Flight shall be of business class rate for BOD, President and Vice Presidents.

Table 26: per diem rate of oversea travel

S/N Name of the Country Daily Daily Lunch & Dinner Total Remark
Accommodation & Allowance
breakfast allowance
1 Afghanistan 1 150 3 90 240
2 Air land 7 375 7 150 525
3 Albania 2 187 2 75 262
4 Algeria 3 225 7 150 375
5 American Samoa 1 150 1 60 210
6 Angola 3 225 6 135 360
7 Angelina 3 225 6 135 360
8 Antigua 4 262 7 150 412
9 Argentina 4 262 3 90 352
10 Armenia 2 187 3 90 277
11 Aruba 3 225 6 135 360
12 Austria 3 225 7 150 375
13 Azerbaijan 3 225 7 150 375
14 Bahrain 2 187 4 105 292
15 Bangladesh 4 262 4 105 367
16 Barbados 1 150 1 60 210
17 Bahamas 3 225 5 120 345
18 Belarus 5 300 6 135 435
19 Belgium 2 187 2 75 262
20 Belize 7 375 7 150 525
21 Benin 2 187 3 90 277
22 Bermuda 1 150 3 90 210
23 Bolivia 3 225 3 90 315
24 Bosnia 1 150 1 60 210

25 Herzegovina 1 150 2 75 225
26 Botswana 2 187 2 75 262
27 Brazil 7 375 4 105 480
28 British Virgin Islands 4 262 7 150 412
29 Brunei 3 225 4 105 260
30 Bulgaria 3 225 2 75 300
31 Burkina Faso 1 150 4 105 255
32 Burundi 3 225 3 90 315
33 Bhutan 1 150 1 60 210
34 Cambodia 1 150 1 60 210
35 Cameroon 2 187 3 90 277
36 Canada 5 300 7 150 450
37 Canary Islands 2 187 4 105 292
38 Cape Verdi 2 187 7 150 337
39 Kazakhstan 3 225 4 105 330
40 Cent Kites & Nevis 2 187 4 105 292
41 Cent Lucia 2 187 3 90 277
42 Cent Vainest & Grenades 3 225 4 105 330
43 Central Republic of 1 150 4 105 255
44 Chand 5 300 5 120 420
45 Cheek Republic 6 337 5 120 457
46 Chili 1 150 4 105 255
47 China 1 150 5 120 270
48 Kiribati 4 262 6 135 397
49 Colombia 3 225 2 75 300
50 Comoros 1 150 3 90 240
51 Congo Republic 1 150 5 120 370
52 Cook Island 3 225 2 75 300
53 Cyprus 3 225 5 120 345
54 Costa Rica 1 150 1 60 210
55 Cote Devour 3 225 6 135 360
56 Cuba 3 225 5 120 345
57 Democratic Republic of 2 187 1 60 247
58 Denmark 6 337 7 150 487
59 Gibraltar 1 150 2 75 225
60 Djibouti 1 150 2 75 225
61 Dominica 1 150 4 105 255
62 Dominican Republic 2 187 3 90 277
63 East Timor 1 150 2 75 225
64 Egypt 2 187 3 90 277
65 Elisa Vidor 2 187 3 90 277
66 Indonesia 1 150 3 90 240
67 Ecuador 1 150 4 105 255
68 Equatorial Guinea 3 225 7 150 375
69 Eritrea 1 150 1 60 210
70 Estonia 3 225 7 150 375
71 Fiji 2 187 7 150 337

72 Finland 6 337 4 105 442
73 French 5 300 7 150 450
74 French Guyana 2 187 5 120 307
75 French Polynesia 4 262 4 105 367
76 Gambia 3 225 4 105 330
77 German 5 300 6 135 435
78 Ghana 1 150 1 60 210
79 Guadalupe 1 150 6 135 285
80 Guatemala 1 150 4 105 255
81 Greece 7 375 7 150 525
82 Greenland 6 337 4 105 442
83 Grenada 4 262 4 105 367
84 Guam 3 225 3 90 317
85 Guinea Bissau 3 225 4 105 330
86 Hyman Islands 5 300 3 90 390
87 Humdrums 1 150 2 75 225
88 Hong Kong 6 337 4 105 442
89 Hungary 5 300 5 120 420
90 Uzbekistan 1 150 1 60 210
91 India 6 337 3 90 427
92 Iran 4 262 3 90 352
93 Iraq 1 150 1 60 210
94 Israel 5 300 6 135 435
95 Italy 6 337 7 150 487
96 Jamaica 3 225 3 90 315
97 Japan 4 262 7 150 412
98 Jorge 2 187 3 90 277
99 Kenya 3 225 3 90 315
100 Kyrgyzstan 1 150 4 105 255
101 Croatia 2 187 6 135 322
102 Kuwait 7 375 6 135 510
103 Laos 1 150 1 60 210
104 Latvia 2 187 3 90 277
105 Lebanon 3 225 5 120 345
106 Lesotho 1 150 120 270
107 Liberia 3 225 7 150 375
108 Libya 2 187 3 90 277
109 Luxemburg 4 262 6 135 397
110 Madagascar 1 150 3 90 240
111 Macedonia 2 187 1 60 247
112 Malawi 1 150 1 60 210
113 Malaysia 1 150 3 90 240
114 Mali 3 225 7 150 375
115 Malta 4 262 7 150 412
116 Mariana Islands 1 150 7 150 300
117 Marshal islands 2 187 5 120 307
118 Martinique 2 187 6 135 322
119 Mayan mar 1 150 1 60 210
120 Mexico 5 300 6 135 435

121 Micronesia 2 187 6 135 322
122 Moldova 2 187 3 90 277
123 Monaco 4 262 7 150 412
124 Mongolia 1 150 1 60 210
125 Montenegro 5 300 5 120 420
126 Morocco 2 187 3 90 277
127 Marshes 3 225 4 105 330
128 Mauritania 3 225 4 105 330
129 Mozambique 1 150 4 105 255
130 Nauru 1 150 4 105 255
131 Namibia 2 187 2 75 262
132 Nayu 1 150 2 75 225
133 Netherlands 5 300 7 150 450
134 Netherlands Atlas 4 262 4 105 367
135 Nepal 1 150 1 60 210
136 New Caledonia 2 187 5 120 307
137 New Zealand 3 225 7 150 375
138 Niger 2 187 2 75 262
139 Nigeria 1 150 2 75 225
140 Nicaragua 1 150 2 75 225
141 Norway 7 375 6 135 510
142 North Korea 1 150 1 60 210
143 Oman 5 300 6 135 435
144 Pakistan 1 150 1 60 210
145 Panama 1 150 4 105 255
146 Papua New Guinea 3 225 3 90 315
147 Paraguay 1 150 1 60 210
148 Peru 2 187 5 120 307
149 Palau 4 262 5 120 382
150 Philippines 1 150 2 75 225
151 Poland 5 300 4 105 405
152 Portugal 5 300 7 150 450
153 Photonic 7 375 7 150 525
154 Qatar 5 300 6 135 435
155 Re-union 2 187 5 120 307
156 Rumania 3 225 3 90 315
157 Russia 7 375 7 150 525
158 Rwanda 2 187 2 75 262
159 Samoa 4 262 2 75 337
160 Saudi Arabia 3 225 4 105 330
161 Saw tome & Principe 1 150 1 60 210
162 Senegal 3 225 5 120 345
163 Sera lion 1 150 3 90 240
164 Serbia 2 187 4 105 292
165 Seashells 1 150 2 75 225
166 Slovak Republic 6 337 5 105 442
167 Singapore 6 337 7 150 487
168 Sir lank 1 150 1 60 210
169 Slovenia 5 300 4 105 405

170 Solomon Islands 1 150 3 90 240
171 Somalia 1 150 1 60 210
172 Syria 2 187 2 75 262
173 South Africa 2 187 3 90 277
174 South Korea 5 300 7 150 450
175 Spain 6 337 7 150 487
176 Sudan 2 187 2 75 262
177 Surinam 2 187 2 75 262
178 Switzerland 4 187 7 150 337
179 Sweden 7 375 4 105 480
180 Swath land 2 187 1 60 247
181 Tajikistan 1 150 3 90 240
182 Tanzania 1 150 1 60 210
183 Thailand 3 225 4 105 330
184 Togo 2 187 6 135 322
185 Toke law 1 150 1 60 210
186 Tonga 2 187 3 90 277
187 Trinidad & Tobago 5 300 4 135 435
188 Tunisia 1 150 4 105 255
189 Turkmenistan 1 150 5 120 270
190 Turks & Ciaos Islands 4 262 3 90 352
191 Turkey 1 150 2 75 225
192 Tuvalu 2 187 3 90 277
193 Uganda 3 225 2 75 300
194 Ukraine 2 187 3 90 277
195 United Arab Emirates 7 375 6 135 510
196 United Kingdom 7 375 7 150 525
197 United State 6 337 5 120 457
198 Uruguay 2 187 2 75 262
199 Vanuatu 5 300 7 150 450
200 Venezuela 3 225 4 105 330
201 Virgin Island 2 187 7 150 337
202 Vietnam 1 150 1 60 210
203 Wallis & Fortuna Islands 1 150 4 105 255
204 West Bank 1 150 1 60 210
205 Yemen 1 150 2 75 225
206 Jordan 3 225 3 90 315
207 Zambia 1 150 2 75 225
208 Zimbabwe 2 187 5 105 292

Countries with allowance Payment in other currencies other than American Dollar with the current rate of

S/N Countries Currency Countries Currency

1 Austria Euro Martinique Euro
2 Belgium “ Monaco “
3 Canary Islands “ Montenegro “
4 Finland “ Netherlands “
5 French “ Portugal “
6 French Guyana “ Re-union “
7 German “ Slovenia “
8 Greece “ Spain “
9 Guadeloupe “ Canada Canada Dollar
10 Air land “ Switzerland Swish Frank
11 Italy “ South Africa Rand
12 Luxembourg Euro Sweden Sweden Chronic
13 Martinique “ United Kingdom Pound

14. Pension Contribution

The Bank shall contribute to the employees’ pension fund as per the Private Organization Employees’
Pension Proclamation.
15. Recreational Facilities
▪ The Bank may cover water and electricity expenses and where necessary provides housing for the
workers club within the Banks compound if it has a building of its own or has extra rooms in a
rented building.
▪ The Bank may arrange and covers expense for sporting and gymnastic facilities for managerial
posts including and above Department Directors. Upper limit of the cost of this item will be
approved by the BOD with the annual budget.
▪ For group recreational tour on weekends once in every one year the Bank may provide vehicle with
driver and fuel and covers other related expenses up to 50%. The recreational tour is arranged in a
way that does not affect the work or operation of the Bank. Recreational facility is arranged for
branch employees at their respective areas.

Severance Pay

▪ The provisions of prevailing Labor Law relating to severance pay shall be applicable to employees
of the Bank at all levels (applicable to both management and non-management staffs) of the Bank.
▪ An employee who resigns from the Bank due to retirement program shall be treated as per the labor

▪ Employee, who is forced by the Bank to leave the Bank other than legal or disciplinary matter,
shall be entitled to his/her 12 months of compensation pay.

Retirement Benefit

The Bank gives two months basic salary as a token of appreciation at the time of separation of employee
working more than five years in the Bank, due to the retirement age. Other retirement benefit will be handled
in line with Private Organization Employees’ Pension Proclamation.

16. Wedding Gift

When an employee marries for the first time, DGB gives Birr 5,000.00(five Thousand) as gift to the
employee concerned as an expression of its pleasure to the occasion up on the presence of marriage
certificate. This applies only for a first marriage.

17. Maternity gift

When an employee gives a birth for the first time, DGB gives Birr 1,000.00(one Thousand) as gift to the
employee concerned as an expression of its pleasure to the occasion up on the presence of birth certificate.

18. Staff loan

Table 27: Staff Loans

Type of Loans Eligibility Capacity Repayment Equity Grace Interest Interest After Resignation Collateral
Duration Contribution period Rate
- Fully paid at resignation time, but if resigned 1 personal Guarantee
employees can’t settle the payment at with sufficient
Emergency Staff Greater than 6 6 months Free of resignation time, the loan shall be income or
36 months NA
Loan months Salary interest changed and treated similarly as a acceptable
Personal/Consumer Loan. collateral on
- 1-3 years of service in DGB= Saving + 4 Sufficient acceptable
3-6 years of service in DGB = Saving + 3 collateral or
1 year 1-year Salary 36 months NA Saving + 1 6-10 years of service in DGB = Saving + 2 personal
mer Loan
> 10 years of service in DGB = Saving +1 Guarantee with
sufficient income
60 days for ½ salary for - 1-3 years of service in the Bank= Saving + 4
Staff Vehicle Bank staff & 1/2 3-6 years of service in DGB = Saving + 3
Loan Experience for spouse 10% 6-10 years of service in DGB = Saving + 2
and 6
10 years Saving + 1 Property Itself
months for

Type of Loans Eligibility Capacity Repayment Equity Grace Interest Interest After Resignation Collateral
Duration Contribution period Rate
Interest free 1-year work ½ salary for 10 years 10% Free 1-3 years of service in the Bank= Saving + 7
Vehicle loan experience in staff and 1/2 3-6 years of service in DGB = Saving + 5
(branch the bank for spouse 6-10 years of service in DGB = Saving + 3
managers only)
60 days for - 1-3 years of service in DGB = Saving + 4
Bank ½ salary for 3-6 years of service in DGB = Saving + 3
Mortgage Loan I Experience and staff and 1/2 25 years 5% Saving + 1 6-10 years of service in DGB = Saving + 2
6 months for for spouse Above 10 years of in DGB = Saving +1
Mortgage Loan II Above 2 years CEO = 45 25 years 5% 1 year Saving + 1 The loan shall be changed to external The property itself or
work Million loan equivalent collateral
Experience at Chief officers
the Bank = 30 Million
Chief Officers
= 25 Million
Directors = 20

19. Leaves

19.1 Annual Leave

i. Accrued Leave means accumulated leave entitlements in working days earned in the previous year(s)
and carried over to the current year for utilization by the employee.

ii. Postponed annual leave is leave entitlement that should have been taken in the current fiscal year but
put on to the succeeding fiscal year with the approval of the concerned higher official. However,
postponement would not be allowed for more than 2 consecutive years.

iii. A non-management employee is entitled to leave with pay of 16 working days for the first one year of
service plus one working day of every additional two year of service. Management employees shall be
entitled to leave with pay of 20 working days for the first one year of service plus one working day of
every two additional year. 30% of years of service of employee in other acceptable organizations shall
be considered for calculation of annual leave.

iv. The maximum leave entitlement shall be 35 working days

v. An employee shall be granted his/her first period of leave after one year of service in the Bank and his
next and subsequent period of leave each year.

vi. If an employee has worked for less than one year and leaves the bank, he/she will be entitled to
proportional payment of the leave of service period.

vii. An employee may be granted annual leave entitlement of the current fiscal year for emergency cases
on that same year only if his/her supervisor consents.

viii. If an employee requests and his/her supervisor agrees, annual leave can be split into two parts.

ix. In the event an employee is given a sick leave by an authorized medical Doctor while she/he is on
annual leave, the annual leave will be extended by the period of the sick leave.

x. If a female employee on an annual leave gives birth, she will be entitled to maternity leave and her
annual leave will be accordingly adjusted.

xi. Saturday (half day), Sunday and public Holidays shall not be counted in the calculation of annual leave.

xii. All organs of the Bank should document annual leave requisitions and schedules and matters related
thereto in the following procedural sequences.

▪ On the month of July of every fiscal year, each supervisor distributes Leave Request form to be
filled by the employees.

77 | P a g e
▪ After thoroughly verifying the request, the supervisor prepares annual leave schedule on the same
month considering place of assignment of the employee vis-à-vis season of workloads to insure the
minimum disruption of the Bank’s service.

▪ At the beginning of August, the supervisor dispatches the schedule with a copy of the request of
employees to the HCM Department.

▪ The person in charge, at the Head Office consolidates the schedules of each Branch and Head Office
organs and follows-up the implementation of the schedules.

▪ For overall follow-up, a copy of a consolidated leave schedule of all organs of the Bank should be
submitted to HCM Department.

xiii. If the Supervisor believes that postponement of scheduled leave to the next fiscal year is mandatory,
convincing justifications should be given and forwarded for the approvals of respective Department
Directors two months prior to the elapse of that fiscal year.

xiv. If postponement is either approved or rejected, the decision shall be notified to the requesting organ
within a month.

xv. A permanent employee whose contract of employment with the Bank is terminated he/she shall be
entitled to his/her pay for the accumulated leave not taken.

xvi. When contract of employment is interrupted, regardless of the reason, the Bank shall cease accruing
annual leave. However, leave entitlement shall be reactivated from the date of reinstatement and the
period of interruption shall not be considered for leave computation purpose.

xvii. The annual leave of employees who are on educational leave for over six months shall cease to accrue.

xviii. It is prohibited to make payment in lieu of the annual leave. However, when the conditions of labor
proclamation No. 1156/2019, Article 80 are fulfilled, an employee can be entitled to a payment covering
the remainder of his/her leave.

19.2 Leave without Pay

i. An employee applying for unpaid leave shall submit his/her request using leave without pay application
form in four (4) copies prior to the unpaid leave commencement.

ii. The request application shall comprise reasons for the request and supervisor’s comment.

iii. Where there is an additional written evidence for the request, it shall be attached to the application for
the review of the approving office.

iv. The Director of HCM after consulting with relevant work unit shall notify the employee whether the
request is approved or not within seven (7) days from the date the application is submitted to the office.
And if approved, the copies shall be distributed to the:

▪ Applicant,
▪ Unit where the applicant is working,
▪ Payroll section,
▪ HR Office.
19.3 Maternity and Paternity Leave

i. A female employee shall be granted a period of 30 consecutive days of leave with pay preceding
the presumed date of confinement and a period of 90 consecutive days of leave after her

ii. When a pregnant employee does not deliver within the 30 days of her prenatal leave she is entitled
to an additional leave until her confinement. If delivery takes place before the elapse of 30 days
period, the post-natal leave shall commence.

iii. Public holidays & Sunday shall be considered as part of maternity leave.

iv. A pregnant woman shall be granted leave with pay at any time before her delivery for medical care
if recommended by the Doctor from a Hospital or Clinic with which the Bank has staff medical-
care arrangement.

v. Paternity leave of five working days shall be granted to male employees.

19.4 Sick Leave

i. Upon presentation of medical certificate the Bank grants a paid sick leave to the ill or injured employee.

ii. Employees must report their absence due to illness or injury within twenty four (24) hours by any mode
of communication to their supervisors. If the area is too far to pass the message within the period of
twenty four (24) hours, the supervisor may wait for another 24 hours.

iii. Paid sick leave shall be granted in a calendar year as follows:

▪ The first two months with 100% of salary
▪ The next two months with 50% of salary
▪ The next three months 25% of salary
▪ The next five months without pay.

iv. When days of sick leave fall on non-working days, sick leave shall never accrue to the next working

v. When an employee is given sick leave during vacation leave, or annual leave the vacation or annual
leave shall extend by the number of days of sick leave.

vi. An employee whose place of work is outside Addis Ababa and who leaves his/her working area by
referral from a hospital or a health center for higher medical care is entitled to sick leave in accordance
with this policy and the cost of his/her transportation shall be covered by the Bank.

vii. Except in an extreme emergency case, authorization to get medical care must be obtained from the
Bank’s doctor; unauthorized sick leave and medical expenses from any other source will not be

19.5 Leave for Family Events

i. An employee shall be entitled to mourning leave with pay for five (5) working days for the death of a
spouse, child, grandparent, parent and sibling of the employee.

ii. An employee shall be entitled to five (5) working days paid leave for his/her legal marriage.
19.6 Leave for Special Purposes

i. An employee who is summoned to appear at court of law or other legal bodies shall be granted leave
with pay for the time spent for the purpose.

ii. A worker who exercises his civil rights or duties shall be granted leave with pay, for the time utilized
for the said purpose.
19.7 Examination Leave

i. An employee who takes academic examination shall be granted leave with pay only when the subject
/course the employee takes is considered important to the Bank’s operation.

ii. Leave is allowed only for the time utilized for sitting the examination.

iii. An employee wishing to take leave in accordance with the provisions of this manual shall notify the
Bank in advance and present the necessary supporting evidence when the Bank requests.

20. Service year award

The bank appreciates the loyalty and faithful service of its employees. Each permanent employee will be
officially honored on specific millstones in his/her career. Therefore, it is the policy of the bank to recognize

the length of service through award of honor to those employees who have demonstrated their
commensurate loyalty to the bank.

• The bank awards service pins (made of gold) that vary in grams for employees who have served
the bank for 10, 15 and 25 years
• In addition to the above award, the bank shall give a monetary award who served the bank above
25 years at any special ceremony for their honor
• Retirement award- the bank shall give an amount of 10,000 birr (ten thousand birr) as token of
appreciation at the time of separation at the age of retirement

21. Other Employee Benefits

Employee benefits that are provided in the labor law of the country but not covered in this manual shall be
dealt in accordance with the relevant labor laws.

3.3.6 Cost Impact Analysis of Major Benefits

The Committee has estimated the additional cost associated with the benefit package revision. The
estimation is based on existing staff and the grade. The additional cost will thus be a function of the
adjustment of benefit package with the existing staff of the bank.

Cost Impact Analysis for Relevant Benefit Adjustments

Sr. Difference
Benefit Existing Proposed
No. Amt %
1 Transportation 3,068,900.00 3,068,900.00 - 0%
2 Telephone 82,500.00 128,200.00 45,700.00 55%
3 Housing 992,200.00 1,488,300.00 496,100.00 50%
4 Representation 191,200.00 191,200.00 - 0%
5 Cash Indemnity 443,500.00 443,500.00 - 5%

Section IV: Implementation

Part IV: Implementation guideline
4.1. Overall Manpower Plan (Three-Years)

Now that all jobs, existing as well as newly created, are identified and graded according to their relative
worth as compared to each other. The next step of the whole exercise is to determine the appropriate time
to put in place or fill the required jobs with a view to match expected work volume expansion.

Thorough count of the number of employees (I.e. managerial, professional, and clerical) based of currently
available jobs stood at 769. It is planned that the Bank may bring on board additional number of staff to the
tune of 317 in the first year, 249 in the second year and 247 in the third year which is expected to raise the
total count to 1092 as at end of the third year. It is worth noting here that while count of existing and
estimated number of staff includes branches and districts manpower.

Table 28: Manpower Plan of Business Units

Sr . No Department/Branch Existing 1st Year 2nd year 3rd Year Total

1 Chief Executive Officer (CEO) 4 2 0 0 6
2 Chief Corporate Banking Officer (CCBO) 3 0 0 0 3
3 Assistant Chief Corporate Banking Officer 0 3 0 0 3
4 Chief Finance and Support Service Officer 3 0 0 0 3
5 Chief Information Technology Officer (CITO) 0 3 0 0 3
6 Chief Retail Banking Officer (CRBO) 0 3 0 0 3
7 Assistant Retail Banking Officer 0 3 0 0 3
8 Advisor & Assistant to the CEO 0 0 0 4 4
9 Director, IT Application & Program Mgt 11 2 5 6 24
10 Director, IT Infrastructure Mgt Department 5 3 3 1 12
11 Manger, IT System Security Service 2 2 1 4 9
12 Manager, Digital Banking Technical Division 6 0 2 3 11
13 Bank Secretary 0 4 0 0 4
15 Director, Branch Banking Department 18 4 5 7 34
16 Director, Corporate Strategy & 11 4 3 5 23
Transformation Dep't
17 Director, Credit Management Department 16 6 6 5 33
18 Director, Customer R/Ship Mgt Department 5 0 6 2 13
19 Director, Digital Banking Department 4 0 7 3 14
20 Manager, Engineering Service 5 3 2 7 17
21 Director, Finance & Accounts Department 35 2 9 5 51
22 Director, Human Capital Mgt. Department 15 5 6 6 32

Sr . No Department/Branch Existing 1st Year 2nd year 3rd Year Total
23 Director, Interest Free Banking Department 3 7 2 5 17
24 Director, Internal Audit Department 14 5 5 1 25
25 Director, International Banking Department 19 2 7 7 35
26 Director, Legal Service Department 8 1 1 1 11
27 Director, Marketing & Communication 5 1 2 6 14
28 Director, Property & Facility Admin. 66 12 11 17 106
29 Director, Risk & Compliance Department 13 1 2 3 19
Total 271 78 85 98 532

4.2. Determining Standard Branch Staff Size

For quite a while now, it has been a practice of the Bank that whenever a new branch is opened, a five-man
principle has been pursued in order to place control over unnecessary or excess staff size. When there is
need to add an additional staff at a branch, proposals had to be summited to the Board for approval.
Although the practice had its own merits in controlling presence of idle staff in general, the relative rigid
and centralized nature of the approach created undue hurdle to the smooth and flexible running of business
at branches which has been identified as gap during the first phase of the organizational structure review

Table 29: Standard of Branch Staff Size

Job Titles Grade I Grade II Grade III

1 Branch Manager (I, II, III) 1 1 1
2 Assistant Branch Manager - - 1
3 Accountant III - - 1
4 Customer Service Manager (CSM) - 1 -
5 Accountant II - 1 -
6 Senior Loan Officer - - 1
7 Senior Branch Auditor - - 1
8 Loan Officer - 1 -
9 Branch Auditor - 1 -
10 Accountant I 1 - -
11 Casher (I, II, III) 1 1 1
12 Customer Service Officer 1 2 4
13 Junior Customer service officer 1 2 3
14 Cash Office Assistant (Cash Office Boy/Girl) - - 1
16 Security Guard 7 7 7
17 Frisker (Searcher) 1 1 2

Job Titles Grade I Grade II Grade III
18 Cleaner/Messenger 1 1 2
Total 14 19 25

4.3. Determining Standard District Size

The bank recently introduced the concept of district. Currently it has 1 district called south district and will
establish additional two districts according to the updated structure. To meet the purpose of district
establishment as well as manage the cost related with salary and benefit expense, it is important to set strict
standard. The following table indicates the standard district size.

Table 30: District size standard

Standard of District Office Staff Size
S.No. Job Positions Proposed Standard
Clerical Staff
1 Manger, District service Office 1
2 Manager, Branch Operation Division 1
3 Manager, Business Expansion Division 1
4 Principal Branch Operation Officer 1
5 Principal Business Expansion Officer 1
6 Senior Branch Operation Officer 1
7 Senior Business Expansion Officer 1
8 Senior loan follows up and monitoring officer 1
9 Senior KYC Officer 1
10 Branch Operation Officer 1
11 Business Expansion Officer 1
12 Senior Property Valuation Officer 1
11 Junior Branch Operation Officer 1
12 Junior Business Expansion Officer 1
13 Junior KYC Officer 1
14 Administrative Assistant 1
15 Driver 1
Non Clerical Staff
16 Security and Safety Supervisor 1
17 Security Team Leader 1
18 Security Guard 6
19 Cleaner/Messenger 1
Total 26

4.4. Implementation Action Plan
4.4.1 Organizational Structure Implementation Based on the New Job Classification

1. The CEO of the Bank has established “Organizational Structure Implementation Committee”
composed of five members from different top management functions to come up with guidelines for
assignment of employees below grade 16 (Departmental Directors). The implementing proposal
shall be presented after approval of the whole document by the Board of Directors. The final
implementing proposal shall be approved by the CEO;

2. Assignment of Grades 16 and 17 shall be assigned and approved by the CEO. However, the
assignment of Audit & Risk Directors shall be approved by the Board of Directors and final
approval shall be obtained from National Bank of Ethiopia, if there is any change.

3. The assignment of Chief Officers shall be proposed by the CEO and approved by the Board of
Directors; and final approval shall be obtained from National Bank of Ethiopia (NBE) (if there is a

4. The Human Capital Management Department shall avail current profile and bio-data of all
employees for the Committee to carry out its task in an informed, fair, transparent and timely

5. An employee is assigned to a position only when he/she fulfills the minimum job requirement.
However, if a position is already occupied by an employee who does not meet the specified minimum
requirement, the committee may propose and the management of the Bank may allow the employee
to continue occupying the position based on past experience and performance records;

6. An employee shall be subjected to demotion or layoff, transfer and promotion due to

implementation of this newly developed Organizational Structure; if there is there is deficiency in
performance or behavioral aspects of an employee;

7. When the number of staff approved in the staff plan falls short due to fast growth of the Bank or
the standard number of staff set for Branches needs modification, Human Capital Management
Department, in consultation with pertinent work units, shall propose recruitment of additional
employee to the CEO for approval. If approved, the recruitment process shall be handled in
accordance with the Bank’s HR Policy and Procedure;

8. If current position of an employee is cancelled or changed due to various reasons, he/ she is eligible
to be assigned on another vacant position on similar job grade provided that he/ she fulfills the

criteria of the new job specification. If there is no other proper position in the same grade, Human
Capital Management Department launches advertisement notice of competition for promotion and
assign the employee on other vacant posts created;

9. The assignment of employees as per the new job grade shall be carried out starting for all positions;

10. Positions may be reclassified to a different classification if there have been significant changes in
the actual duties and responsibilities, the changes are of a permanent nature and intended by
management and the reclassification is based upon new or added elements in the job;

11. If the job holder in current position is short of desired education and work experience; and he/she
is not competent to desired level, the immediate supervisor can propose transfer assignment of
employee on similar Job grade in which the employee fits best.

12. If employee holding current position is short in desired educational and work experience
requirement and he/she is highly competent in his/her performance, the assignment shall be done
in exceptional cases.

13. Some Jobs like “Cash Assistant” shall be filled with employee provided that the Branch is at least
one year old. However, if the situation compels to fill the vacant post due to high cash transaction,
Human Capital Management Department in consultation with pertinent work units shall present
proposal to the CEO of the Bank for approval of the assignment;

14. Employee Assignment shall be done in accordance with staff plan of this document. If a Situation
requires to fill the position urgently, Human Capital Department Presents a proposal to the CEO of
the Bank for the immediate action;

15. All Junior Officers with zero years of experience shall first be assigned as a Trainee Banker for four
months with base salary of the Grade of the position. Then, the employee shall be assigned to the
position of Junior Officer with increment to the first step of the grade;
4.4.2 Salary Scale and Benefit Determination for Existing Employees

1. No employee of the Bank shall be subjected to salary decrement as a result of implementation of the
new salary scale. However, it is important to note that jobs of some employees could be upgraded or
downgraded because of the reclassification process;

2. When an employee moves from one position to a different position in the same pay grade, regardless
of title, there shall be no adjustment in base salary. A lateral transfer is considered neither a
reclassification nor a promotion.

3. In order to protect integrity of the salary scale, all salary increments shall be as per the revised salary

4. A new employee’s salary shall be set at the base of the salary scale in which the job he/she has applied
for is found. However, depending on the labor market condition for the particular job (qualification,
experience, availability…etc.), the Bank may negotiate a higher salary amount by moving a number
of steps upwards to the right. But the difference between the highest current salary that is currently
paid for Job position and new comers shall not be more than 2 (two) steps of the Job Grade;

5. The hiring rate for an entry level employee with no experience is at the entry level (basic salary) of the
salary range to which the classification is assigned.
6. If the adjustment of salary scale results an increment less than 50% of the first step increment of the
grade, the following situations will be applied:

a. Existing salaries that are below base salaries of their corresponding grades are to be adjusted
to the base salary level. If in so doing the adjustment (increase) is less than 50% of the first
step increment of the grade, a further increase to the first step will be made. If the adjustment
to the base salary is more than 50% of the 1st step increment, the base salary of the job holder
will be maintained.

b. Salaries of positions that fall within the revised salary scale steps, in their respective grade, are
adjusted rightward to the higher step. If in so doing the adjustment (increase) is less than 50%
of the first step increment of the grade, a further increase to the next step will be made.

7. If the salary of an employee reaches or exceeds the ceiling salary of the grade, he/she shall be
entitled to the last step increment of the grade regardless of that the salary of an employee is higher
than the base salaries of following higher graders.

8. This salary increment is made due to scale adjustment and is not subjected to employees’
performance appraisal result. However, the annual salary increment owed to employees is in
accordance with the Bank’s annual performance result and employees’ performance appraisal result
as specified in the Benefit Package portion of this document;

9. The new classification structure should go into effect up on approval by the Board of Directors
along with the recommended salary and benefit adjustments starting from July 1,2022. It is critical
that this classification/compensation structures be implemented as a whole rather than in a
piecemeal fashion. Only by implementing the entire proposed structure will the Bank has the solid
overall foundation from which to move forward in attracting and retaining quality employees.

10. Although the revised benefit package shall be applicable starting from July 1, 2022 in parallel to
the salary adjustment, if there are forced deliance of salary adjustment (implementation) due to
different reasons, cumulative salary can be claimed backward. But, the benefits that drived by the
job grade or/and paid salary, cannot be claimed back to be paid as cumulative effect.

4.4.3 Ethical Requirements, Responsibility and Accountability

1. The committee members shall be equipped with legislative, regulatory, and general moral
responsibilities while conducting implementation (assigning) duties in order to promote the Bank’s
ethical or/and cultural values.
2. The Members of Implementation Committee must act in good faith and the best interest of the
3. The Members of Implementation Committee should avoid conflicts of interest. In the cases where
conflict of interest cannot be avoided, it should be disclosed to the CEO in full at the earliest
opportunity, and be proactive by manage as determined by the code of Ethics.
4. Members of Implementation Committee should act ethically beyond mere legal compliance. They
shall not disclose any information regarding organizational structure and salary implementation to
any body except a person of concern.
5. Members of Implementation Committee should set the tone for an ethical organizational culture
and values. They shall act fairly and shall consider a sense of equity.
6. The Implementation Committee should follow objective routes rather than intuitional and
subjective Judgment in order to demonstrate transparency in its duties.
7. Members of implementation committee should take steps to ensure that they have sufficient
working knowledge of the Bank & Human Capital, its legislative environment and mandate,
context within the Bank operates as precondition to fulfil the committee’s responsibility.
8. Members of Implementation Committee must act with due care, diligence, and take responsibility
diligent steps to become informed about matters for decisions.
9. Members of Implementation Committee should assume collective responsibility for assigning an
employ in a given position.
10. Members of Implementation Committee should exercise courage in taking risks and exploiting
opportunities, but do so in a responsible manner and in the best interests of the Bank.
11. The Committee Members shall regularly attend the meeting unless otherwise the member faces
forced majeure.
12. The Committee Members participate in discussion freely and demonstrate democratic approach in
the session.

13. The meeting is being lead by a chair person in a very participatory and entertaining manner.
14. Members of Implementation Committee should take responsibility for negative outcomes due to
wrong assignment of employees.
15. Members of Implementation Committee should willing and capable to answer for execution of their
16. Members of Implementation Committee should avoid any bias when executing their
17. The Implementation Committee should embody the all mentioned ethical characteristics in order
to offer sound and practicable proposal at the end of the process so as to contribute towards the
strategy execution of the Bank.
4.4.4 Employees Grievance Handling Procedure Vis-à-vis Revised Grade/Salary

1. Requests for changes to name/title of positions only, and nothing else, must be submitted by the
Department Director, in writing, to the Human Capital Management Department. If the change is
approved by the CEO or Designee, the Human Capital Management Department will place the new
title in the official Classification and Pay structure. A title change does not result in any change in
salary or compensation for an incumbent.
2. Requests to reclassify (upgrade) existing positions are to be made with the CEO’S approval. If the
action is approved by the CEO, the decision is to be forwarded to the Human Capital Management
Department for review for classification or reclassification.
3. The CEO establishes an ad hoc Grievance Handling Committee (GHC) composed of three or more
directors. The implementation committee members can’t be members to this committee. The GHC
drafts its own charter (TOR) and establishes mechanisms to handle formal employee grievances
related to the implementation of the new organizational structure.
4. Grievances should be presented in writing and need to be responded in writing after they are
carefully reviewed by the Committee and endorsed by the CEO.
4.4.5 Monitoring and Evaluating Success Indicators

1. It is important to note that for this new scale structure to maintain internal equity and external
competitiveness, it is necessary for there to be a central control (gatekeeper) that will retain an
objective overall organizational perspective. The team recommends that this function reside with
the Human Capital Management Department.
2. Measuring the success of the scale/or and benefit study, especially one such as this with its
sweeping consolidation effort and complete revision of the salary structure, will be of necessity.
Some of the areas where improvement could be observed are:

a. Turnover –there should be a reduction in compensation related turnover among employees
at all levels of the Bank.
b. Quality of Applicants – the ability to attract more highly qualified applicants during the
recruitment process.
c. Rate of Offer Declination –the likelihood of quality applicants declining an offer of
employment for salary related reasons should decrease.
d. Title Proliferation – Request for title change should decrease and less likely requests to
establish new salary scale to provide an employee or employees a higher compensation.
Again, the success of a project such as this lies more in the ongoing administration and
maintenance of the scale and compensation structures than in the initial creation of these
e. Greater Internal Equity –less grievance rate from employees related to equity
f. Improved productivity (Marginal value of an employee recruited).
g. Employee efficiency and profitability.
h. Improved customer satisfaction rate.
i. Improved staff satisfaction rate.
3. In order to retain validity of staffing plan, the Human Capital Management Department reviews
requests for new scale; conduct spot surveys for market sensitive positions; provide ongoing
maintenance, such as database updates, reflecting current salaries, terminations and new-hires; and
develop or change class specifications.
4.4.6 General Provisions

1. When the situation demands for new job positions to be opened, HC Management Department
forwards proposal for approval by the CEO. Job evaluation, job specification, job grading, and
salary scale and benefit package are established by benchmarking already existed similar jobs
in the Bank. This determined by the Director, HC Management.
2. The Human Capital Management Department conducts a comprehensive classification and
compensation study (market survey) every two years.
3. This guidelines serves as Term of Reference (TOR) to implementation committee for assigning
employees according to the structure, and there will not be needing extra Team of Reference
or Charter.
4. These guidelines shall be part of Job evaluation, Job grading, Job specification and salary scale
and benefit package document.

Section V: Annex

Part V: Annex

Annex I: Patterson’s Job Grading Criteria

Sr. Organization Level Criteria Weight/
No Rank Allotted
Level A: Primary Skills
1 Complexity 6
Accuracy/Tolerance 6
Pressure of Work 6
Independence of Operation 9
Competencies 9
2 Level B: Routine Skills
Complexity 9
Pressure of Work 9
Independence of Operation 9
Supervision Given 9
Competencies 9
3 Level C: Professional and Technical Skills
Complexity 9
Pressure of Work 9
Supervision Given 9
Independence of Operation 9
Consequence of 9
Competencies 9
4 Level D: Management and Specialist Skills
Complexity 6
Pressure of Work 9
Supervision Given 9
Independence of Operation 9
Consequence of 9
Competencies 9
5 Level E: Senior Management Skills
Complexity 6
Pressure of Work 9
Supervision Given 6

Independence of Operation 6
Consequence of 9
Competencies 6
6 Level F: Executive Management Skills
Complexity 9
Pressure of Work 9
Consequence of 9
Competencies 6

Annex II: Detailed Criteria and Rating of Each Job

Supervision Pressure Independence Consequence

Job Grade Job Title Point Range Complexity Given of Work of Operation Competency of Action
19 Chief Executive Officer (CEO) 32 24-33 8 7 9 8
Chief Corporate Banking Officer (CCBO) 26 5 9 6 6
Chief Finance and Support Service Officer (CFSSO) 26 5 9 6 6
Chief Information Technology Officer (CITO) 26 5 9 6 6
18 Chief Retail Banking Officer (CRBO) 26 19-33 5 9 6 6
Assistant Chief Corporate Banking Officer 17 4 5 8
17 Assistant Chief Retail Banking Officer 17 4-18 4 5 8
Director, IT Application & Program Management
Department 37 6 5 8 5 5 8
Director, Branch Banking Department 37 6 5 8 5 5 8
Director, Corporate Strategy & Transformation Dep't 37 6 5 8 5 5 8
Director, Credit Management Department 37 6 5 8 5 5 8
Director, Customer R/Ship Mgt Department 37 6 5 8 5 5 8
Director, Digital Banking Department 37 6 5 8 5 5 8
Director, Finance & Accounts Department 37 6 5 8 5 5 8
Director, Human Capital Management Department 37 6 5 8 5 5 8
Director, Interest Free Banking Department 37 6 5 8 5 5 8
Director, Internal Audit Department 37 6 5 8 5 5 8
Director, International Banking Department 37 6 5 8 5 5 8
Director, IT Infrastructure Mgt Department 37 6 5 8 5 5 8
Director, Legal Service Department 37 6 5 8 5 5 8
Director, Marketing & Communication Department 37 6 5 8 5 5 8
Director, Property & Facility Admin. Department 37 6 5 8 5 5 8
Director, Risk & Compliance Dep't 37 6 5 8 5 5 8
16 Advisor & Assistant to the CEO 37 24-42 6 5 8 5 5 8

96 | P a g e
Supervision Pressure Independence Consequence
Job Grade Job Title Point Range Complexity Given of Work of Operation Competency of Action
Bank Secretary 37 6 5 8 5 5 8
Manager, Engineering Service 22 4 3 3 4 4 4
Manager, District Offices 22 3 4 3 4 4 4
15 Manager, IT Security System 22 6-23 3 3 3 4 4 5
Manager, Digital Banking Technical Division 47 6 8 9 8 8 8
Manager, Credit Follow up and Monitoring Division 47 6 8 8 8 9 8
Manager, Facility & Property Administration Division 47 6 8 8 8 9 8
Manager, IT Application Mgt Division 47 6 8 8 8 9 8
Manager, Branch Operation Division 47 6 8 8 8 9 8
Manager, Branch Performance & Stand. Division 47 6 8 8 8 9 8
Manager, Business Expansion Division 47 6 8 8 8 9 8
Manager, Change Management Division 47 6 8 8 8 9 8
Manager, Compliance Division 47 6 8 8 8 9 8
Manager, Construction & Design Division 47 6 8 8 8 9 8
Manager, Corporate Audit Division 47 6 8 8 8 9 8
Manager, Customer Acquisition Division 47 6 8 8 8 9 8
Manager, Customer Retention Division 47 6 8 8 8 9 8
Manager, Digital Banking Business Division 47 6 8 8 8 9 8
Manager, Digital Banking Operation Division 47 6 9 8 8 8 8
Manager, Employee Admin and Retention Division 47 6 8 8 8 9 8
Manager, Accounts Division 47 6 8 8 8 9 8
Manager, HR Recruitment & Promotion Division 47 6 8 8 8 9 8
Manager, IFB Accounts & Operation Division 47 6 8 8 8 9 8
Manager, IFB Financing Division 47 6 8 8 8 9 8
Manager, Innovation and Research Division 47 6 8 8 8 9 8
Manager, IT System Mgt Division 47 6 8 8 8 9 8
Manager, KYC Division 47 6 8 8 8 9 8
14 Manager, Large Scale Credit Mgt. Division 47 37-51 6 8 8 8 9 8

Supervision Pressure Independence Consequence
Job Grade Job Title Point Range Complexity Given of Work of Operation Competency of Action
Manager, Legal Advisory Division 47 6 8 8 8 9 8
Manager, Litigation & Foreclosure Division 47 6 8 8 8 9 8
Manager, Marketing & Branding Division 47 6 8 8 8 9 8
Manager, IT Network Mgt Division 47 6 8 8 8 9 8
Manager, Risk Division 47 6 8 8 8 9 8
Manager, Operations & IT Audit Division 47 6 8 8 8 9 8
Manager, Planning & Perf. Mgt. Division 47 6 8 8 8 9 8
Manager, PR & Communication Division 47 6 8 8 8 9 8
Manager, IT Program Management Division 47 6 8 8 8 9 8
Manager, Property Valuation Division 47 6 8 8 8 9 8
Manager, Remittance & FX Exchange Division 47 6 8 8 8 9 8
Manager, Share Management Division 47 6 8 8 8 9 8
Manager, SME Credit Mgt. Division 47 6 8 8 8 9 8
Manager, IT System & Database Mgt Division 47 6 8 8 8 9 8
Manager, Trade Service Division 47 6 8 8 8 9 8
Manager, Training & Development Division 47 6 8 8 8 9 8
Manager, Treasury & Fund Management Division 47 6 8 8 8 9 8
Manager, Outsourcing & Procurement Division 47 6 8 8 8 9 8
Manager, Security & Safety Division 47 6 8 8 8 9 8
Branch Manager III 47 6 8 8 8 9 8
Board Secretary
13 Branch Manager II(Premium) 34 6 4 4 8 5 7
Head, Cheque Clearance & Settlement Section 21 24-36 3 3 4 4 3 4
Head, Reporting & Reconciliation Section 21 2 4 4 4 5 2
Head, Store & Supply Section 21 3 3 3 4 5 3
Head, Transport & Maintenance Section 21 3 4 4 3 4 3
Head, Issue Cash Section 21 2 4 4 4 5 2
12 Branch Manager I 21 9-23 3 3 3 3 4 5

Supervision Pressure Independence Consequence
Job Grade Job Title Point Range Complexity Given of Work of Operation Competency of Action
Assistant Branch Manager III 21 3 3 4 4 4 3
Main Cashier (Issue) 43 8 8 9 7 5 6
Principal IT Network Mgt Officer 43 8 8 9 7 5 6
Principal IT Application Mgt Officer 43 8 8 9 7 5 6
Principal Branch Operation Officer 43 8 8 9 7 5 6
Principal Business Expansion Officer 47 8 8 9 7 7 8
Principal Change Management Officer 47 8 8 9 7 7 8
Principal Compliance Officer 47 8 8 9 7 7 8
Principal Construction & Design Officer 47 8 8 9 7 7 8
Principal Credit Analyst 47 8 8 9 7 7 8
Principal Credit Follow up and Monitoring Officer 47 8 8 9 7 7 8
Principal Customer acquisition Officer 47 8 8 8 7 8 8
Principal Customer Retention Officer 47 8 8 8 7 8 8
Principal Digital Banking Business Officer 47 8 8 8 7 8 8
Principal Digital Banking Operation Officer 47 8 8 8 7 8 8
Principal Digital Banking Technical Officer 47 8 8 8 7 8 8
Principal Employee Admin & Retention Officer 47 8 8 8 7 8 8
Principal HR Recruitment & Promotion Officer 47 8 8 8 7 8 8
Principal IFB Accounts & Operation Officer 47 8 8 8 7 8 8
Principal IFB Financing Officer 47 8 8 8 7 8 8
Principal Innovation and Research Officer 47 8 8 8 7 8 8
Principal Internal Auditor 47 8 8 8 7 8 8
Principal Operation Auditor 47 8 8 8 7 8 8
Principal IT Auditor 47 8 8 8 7 8 8
Principal IT System Mgt Officer 47 8 8 8 7 8 8
Principal IT System Security Officer 47 8 8 8 7 8 8
Principal IT Network and Cyber Security Officer 47 8 8 8 7 8 8
11 Principal KYC Officer 47 44-47 8 8 8 7 8 8

Supervision Pressure Independence Consequence
Job Grade Job Title Point Range Complexity Given of Work of Operation Competency of Action
Principal Marketing & Branding Officer 47 8 8 8 7 8 8
Principal Risk Officer 47 8 8 8 7 8 8
Principal Performance & Standardization Officer 47 8 8 8 7 8 8
Principal Planning & Perf. Mgt. Officer 47 8 8 8 7 8 8
Principal PR & Communication Officer 47 8 8 8 7 8 8
Principal Outsourcing & Procurement Officer 47 8 8 8 7 8 8
Principal Store Keeper & Supply Mgt Officer 47 8 8 8 7 8 8
Principal Transport Coordinator 47 8 8 8 7 8 8
Principal IT Program Mgt Officer 47 8 8 7 8 8 8
Principal Property Valuation Officer 47 8 8 7 8 8 8
Principal Remittance & FX Exchange Officer 47 8 8 7 8 8 8
Principal IT System & Database Mgt Officer 46 8 8 7 8 8 7
Principal Trade Service Officer 46 8 8 7 8 8 7
Principal Training & Development Officer 46 8 8 7 8 8 7
Principal Ethics Officer 46 8 8 7 8 8 7
Principal Attorney 46 8 8 7 8 8 7
Customer Service Manager 46 8 8 7 8 8 7
Accountant III (HO & Branch) 46 8 8 7 8 8 7
Executive Secretary (CEO) 46 8 8 7 8 8 7
Senior Marketing & Branding Officer 40 6 6 7 6 8 7
Senior PR & Communication Officer 40 6 6 7 6 8 7
Senior IT Application Mgt Officer 40 6 6 7 6 8 7
Senior Attorney 40 6 6 7 6 8 7
Senior Auto Mechanic 40 6 6 7 6 8 7
Senior Branch Operation Officer 40 6 6 7 6 8 7
Senior Business Expansion Officer 40 6 6 7 6 8 7
Senior Change Management Officer 40 6 6 7 6 8 7
10 Senior Compliance Officer 40 38-43 6 6 7 6 8 7

Supervision Pressure Independence Consequence
Job Grade Job Title Point Range Complexity Given of Work of Operation Competency of Action
Senior Construction & Design Officer 40 6 6 7 6 8 7
Senior Credit Analyst 40 6 6 7 6 6 7
Senior Credit Follow up and Monitoring Officer 40 6 6 7 6 8 7
Senior Credit Information & Portfolio Mgt Officer 40 6 6 7 6 8 7
Senior Customer acquisition Officer 40 6 6 7 6 8 7
Senior Customer Retention Officer 40 6 6 7 6 8 7
Senior Digital Banking Business Officer 40 6 6 7 6 8 7
Senior Digital Banking Operation Officer 40 6 6 7 6 8 7
Senior Digital Banking Technical Officer 40 6 6 7 6 8 7
Senior General Service Officer 40 6 6 7 6 8 7
Senior HR Recruitment & Promotion Officer 40 6 6 7 6 8 7
Senior IFB Accounts & Operation Officer 40 6 6 7 6 8 7
Senior IFB Financing Officer 40 6 6 7 6 8 7
Senior Innovation and Research Officer 40 6 6 7 6 8 7
Senior Internal Auditor 40 6 6 7 6 8 7
Senior Operation Auditor 40 6 6 7 6 8 7
Senior IT Auditor 40 6 6 7 6 8 7
Senior IT System Mgt Officer 40 6 6 7 6 8 7
Senior IT System Security Officer 40 6 6 7 6 8 7
Senior IT Network and Cyber Security Officer 40 6 6 7 6 8 7
Senior KYC Officer 40 6 6 7 6 8 7
Senior Layout Renovation & Maintenance Officer 40 6 6 7 6 8 7
Senior Vehicle and Machinery Valuation Officer 40 6 6 7 6 8 7
Senior Loan Officer 40 6 6 7 6 8 7
Senior IT Network Mgt Officer 40 6 6 7 6 8 7
Senior Risk Officer 40 6 6 7 6 8 7
Senior Performance & Standardization Officer 38 6 6 7 6 8 7
Senior Planning & Perf. Mgt. Officer 40 6 6 7 6 8 7

Supervision Pressure Independence Consequence
Job Grade Job Title Point Range Complexity Given of Work of Operation Competency of Action
Senior Outsourcing & Procurement officer 40 6 6 7 6 8 7
Senior IT Program Mgt Officer 40 6 6 7 6 8 7
Senior Property Administration Officer 40 6 6 7 6 8 7
Senior Property Valuation Officer 40 6 6 7 6 8 7
Senior Remittance & FX Exchange Officer 40 6 6 7 6 8 7
Senior Store Keeper & Supply Mgt Officer 40 6 6 7 6 8 7
Senior IT System & Database Mgt Officer 40 6 6 7 6 8 7
Senior Trade Service Officer 40 6 6 7 6 8 7
Senior Training & Development Officer 40 6 6 7 6 8 7
Senior Transport Coordinator 40 6 6 7 6 8 7
Senior Employee Admin & Retention Officer 40 6 6 7 6 8 7
Senior Bank Coordination Officer 40 6 6 7 6 8 7
Senior Cashier (Issue) 40 6 6 7 6 8 7
Cashier III 40 6 6 7 6 8 7
Accountant II (Branch & HO) 40 6 6 7 6 8 7
Controller II (Branch and HO) 40 6 6 7 6 8 7
Senior Office Technician 40 6 6 7 6 8 7
Executive Secretary (deputy CEO) 40 6 6 7 6 8 7
Senior Security and Safety Supervisor 39 6 6 7 6 8 6
Cashier II (Branch) 36 5 5 6 6 6 8
9 Accountant I (Branch) 36 35-37 5 5 6 6 6 8
Branch Operation Officer 31 5 5 6 4 6 5
Change Management Officer 31 5 5 6 4 6 5
Credit Analyst 31 5 5 6 4 6 5
Innovation and Research Officer 31 5 5 6 4 6 5
Planning & Perf. Mgt. Officer 31 5 5 6 4 6 5
Cashier (Issue) 31 5 5 6 4 6 5
8 Application Mgt Officer 31 26-34 5 5 6 4 6 5

Supervision Pressure Independence Consequence
Job Grade Job Title Point Range Complexity Given of Work of Operation Competency of Action
Attorney 31 5 5 6 4 6 5
Auto Mechanic 31 5 5 6 4 6 5
Transport Coordinator 31 5 5 6 4 6 5
Business Expansion Officer 31 5 5 6 4 6 5
Cashier I (Branch) 31 4 5 5 4 7 6
Compliance Officer 31 4 5 5 4 7 6
Construction & Design Officer 31 4 5 5 4 7 6
Controller I (Branch) 31 5 5 6 4 6 5
Credit Follow Up and Monitoring Officer 31 5 5 6 4 6 5
Credit Information & Portfolio Mgt Officer 31 5 5 6 4 6 5
Customer acquisition Officer 31 5 5 6 4 6 5
Customer Retention Officer 31 5 5 6 4 6 5
Digital Banking Business Officer 31 5 5 6 4 6 5
Digital Banking Operation Officer 31 5 5 6 4 6 5
Digital Banking Technical Officer 31 4 5 5 5 6 6
Employee Admin & Retention Officer 31 5 5 6 4 6 5
General Service Officer 31 5 5 6 4 6 5
HR Recruitment & Promotion Officer 31 4 5 6 5 5 6
IFB Accounts & Operation Officer 31 4 6 5 7 7 2
IFB Financing Officer 31 4 6 5 7 7 2
Internal Auditor 31 4 6 5 7 7 2
Operation Auditor 31 4 6 5 7 7 2
IT Auditor 31 4 6 5 7 7 2
IT System Mgt Officer 31 4 6 5 7 7 2
IT System Security Officer 31 4 6 5 7 7 2
IT Network and Cyber Security Officer 31 4 6 5 7 7 2
KYC Officer 31 4 6 5 7 7 2
Loan Officer 31 4 6 5 7 7 2

Supervision Pressure Independence Consequence
Job Grade Job Title Point Range Complexity Given of Work of Operation Competency of Action
Marketing & Branding Officer 31 4 6 5 7 7 2
IT Network Mgt Officer 31 4 6 5 7 7 2
Auto Electrician 31 4 6 5 7 7 2
Office Technician 31 4 6 5 7 7 2
Risk Officer 31 4 6 5 7 7 2
Performance & Standardization Officer 31 4 6 5 7 7 2
PR & Communication Officer 31 4 6 5 7 7 2
Outsourcing & Procurement Officer 31 4 6 5 7 7 2
IT Program Mgt Officer 31 4 6 5 7 7 2
Property Administration Officer 31 4 6 5 7 7 2
Property Valuation Officer 31 4 6 5 7 7 2
Remittance & FX Exchange Officer 31 4 6 5 7 7 2
Store Keeper & Supply Mgt Officer 31 4 6 5 7 7 2
SWIFT Operator 31 4 6 5 7 7 2
IT System & Database Mgt Officer 31 4 6 5 7 7 2
Trade Service Officer 31 4 6 5 7 7 2
Training & Development Officer 31 4 6 5 7 7 2
Accountant I (HO) 31 4 6 5 7 7 2
Advisory Officer 31 4 6 5 7 7 2
Help Desk Officer 31 4 6 5 7 7 2
Senior Administrative Assistant 31 4 6 5 7 7 2
Security and Safety Supervisor 31 4 6 5 7 7 2
Customer Service Officer 25 4 4 4 5 5 3
Administrative Assistant 25 4 4 4 5 5 3
Senior Driver (CEO) 25 4 4 4 5 5 3
Legal Aid 25 4 4 4 5 5 3
7 Security Team Leader 25 22-27 4 4 4 5 5 3
6 Junior Accountant (HO) 19 6-15 4 4 4 3 2 2

Supervision Pressure Independence Consequence
Job Grade Job Title Point Range Complexity Given of Work of Operation Competency of Action
Junior IT Application Mgt Officer 19 4 4 4 3 2 2
Junior Attorney 19 4 4 4 3 2 2
Junior Branch Operation Officer 19 4 4 4 3 2 2
Junior Branch Performance and Standardization Officer 19 4 4 4 3 2 2
Junior Business Expansion Officer 19 4 4 4 3 2 2
Junior Cashier (Issue) 19 4 4 4 3 2 2
Junior Compliance Officer
Junior Construction & Design Officer 19 4 4 4 3 2 2
Junior Credit Follow Up and Monitoring Officer 19 4 4 4 3 2 2
Junior Credit Information & Portfolio Mgt Officer 19 4 4 4 3 2 2
Junior Customer acquisition Officer 19 4 4 4 3 2 2
Junior Customer Retention Officer 19 4 4 4 3 2 2
Junior Customer Service Officer 19 4 4 4 3 2 2
Junior Digital Banking Business Officer 19 4 4 4 3 2 2
Junior Digital Banking Operation Officer 19 4 4 4 3 2 2
Junior Digital Banking Technical Officer 19 4 4 4 3 2 2
Junior Employee Admin & Retention Officer 19 4 4 4 3 2 2
Junior General Service Officer 19 4 4 4 3 2 2
Junior HR Recruitment & Promotion Officer 17 3 3 4 3 2 2
Junior IFB Accounts & Operation Officer 17 3 3 4 3 2 2
Junior IFB Financing Officer 17 3 3 4 3 2 2
Junior Internal Auditor 17 3 3 4 3 2 2
Junior Operation Auditor 17 3 3 4 3 2 2
Junior IT Auditor 17 3 3 4 3 2 2
Junior IT System Mgt Officer 17 3 3 4 3 2 2
Junior IT System Security Officer 17 3 3 4 3 2 2
Junior KYC Officer 17 3 3 4 3 2 2
Junior Marketing & Branding Officer 17 3 3 4 3 2 2

Supervision Pressure Independence Consequence
Job Grade Job Title Point Range Complexity Given of Work of Operation Competency of Action
Junior IT Network Mgt Officer 17 3 3 4 3 2 2
Junior Risk Officer 17 3 3 4 3 2 2
Junior PR & Communication Officer 17 3 3 4 3 2 2
Junior Outsourcing & Procurement Officer 17 3 3 4 3 2 2
Junior IT Program Mgt Officer 17 3 3 4 3 2 2
Junior Property Valuation Officer 17 3 3 4 3 2 2
Junior Remittance & Fx Exchange Officer 17 3 3 4 3 2 2
Junior Store Keeper & Supply Mgt officer 17 3 3 4 3 2 2
Junior IT System & Database Mgt Officer 17 3 3 4 3 2 2
Junior Trade Service Officer 17 3 3 4 3 2 2
Junior Training & Development Officer 17 3 3 4 3 2 2
Junior Change Management Officer 17 3 3 4 3 2 2
Junior Credit Analyst 17 3 3 4 3 2 2
Junior Innovation and Research Officer 17 3 3 4 3 2 2
Junior Planning & Perf. Mgt. Officer 17 3 3 4 3 2 2
Senior Driver 17 3 3 4 3 2 2
Signatory Officer 16 3 3 3 3 2 2
Senior Post officer 26 5 5 6 4 4 2
5 Driver 24 21-28 5 5 4 4 4 2
Cash Office Assistant (Issue) 17 3 3 4 3 2 2
4 Post Officer 19 13-20 5 3 4 3 2 2
Cash Office Assistant (Branch) 9 2 2 2 3
Senior Security Guard 11 2 3 3 3
3 Senior Frisker 9 5-12 2 2 2 3
Security Guard 23 2 5 5 3 4 4
Frisker 25 4 5 5 3 4 4
2 Cleaner/Messenger 22 21-36 4 5 5 3 3 2
Janitor 19 4 4 2 3 3 3
1 Messenger 20 5-20 4 4 4 4 2 2

Annex III: Three Years HO Manpower Plan of the Bank

Year Year Year

S.No. Job Positions Work Units Existing 1 2 3 Total
1 Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Chief Executive Officer Office 1 1
2 Chief Executive Officer Office 1 1
Principal Ethics Officer
3 Chief Executive Officer Office 1 1
Executive Secretary (CEO)
4 Chief Executive Officer Office 1 1
Senior Administrative Assistant
5 Chief Executive Officer Office 1 1
6 Chief Executive Officer Office 1 1
Senior Driver (CEO)
7 Chief Corporate Banking Officer (CCBO) Chief Corporate Banking Office 1 1
8 Executive Secretary (Deputy CEO) Chief Corporate Banking Office 1 1
9 Messenger Chief Corporate Banking Office 1 1
7 Assistant Chief Corporate Banking Officer Assistant Chief Corporate Banking Office 1 1
8 Assistant Chief Corporate Banking Office 1 1
Senior Administrative Assistant
9 Assistant Chief Corporate Banking Office 1 1
10 Chief Finance and Support Service Officer (CFSSO) Chief Finance and Support Service Office 1 1
11 Executive Secretary (Deputy CEO) Chief Finance and Support Service Office 1 1
12 Messenger Chief Finance and Support Service Office 1 1
13 Chief Information Technology Officer (CITO) Chief Information Technology Office 1 1
14 Executive Secretary (Deputy CEO) Chief Information Technology Office 1 1
15 Messenger Chief Information Technology Office 1 1
16 Chief Retail Banking Officer (CRBO) Chief Retail Banking Office 1 1
17 Executive Secretary (Deputy CEO) Chief Retail Banking Office 1 1
18 Messenger Chief Retail Banking Office 1 1
17 Assistant Chief Retail Banking Officer Assistant Chief Retail Banking Office 1 1

18 Assistant Chief Retail Banking Office 1 1
Senior Administrative Assistant
19 Assistant Chief Retail Banking Office 1 1
20 Advisor & Assistant to the CEO Advisor & Assistant to the CEO 1 1
21 Advisory Officer Advisor & Assistant to the CEO 1 1
22 Administrative Assistant Advisor & Assistant to the CEO 1 1
23 Messenger Advisor & Assistant to the CEO 1 1
24 Director, IT Application & Program Mgt Department IT Application & Program Mgt Department 1 1
25 Manager, IT Application Mgt Division IT Application & Program Mgt Department 1 1
26 Manager, IT Program Mgt Division IT Application & Program Mgt Department 1 1
27 Manager, IT System & Data base Mgt Division IT Application & Program Mgt Department 1 1
28 Principal IT Application Mgt Officer IT Application & Program Mgt Department 1 1
29 Principal IT Program Mgt Officer IT Application & Program Mgt Department 1 1
30 Principal IT System & Data base Mgt Officer IT Application & Program Mgt Department 1 1
31 Senior IT Application Mgt Officer IT Application & Program Mgt Department 2 1 1 4
32 Senior IT Program Mgt Officer IT Application & Program Mgt Department 1 1
33 Senior IT System & Data base Mgt Officer IT Application & Program Mgt Department 1 1 2
34 IT Application Mgt Officer IT Application & Program Mgt Department 1 1 2
35 IT Program Mgt Officer IT Application & Program Mgt Department 1 1 2
36 IT System & Data base Mgt Officer IT Application & Program Mgt Department 1 1 2
37 Help Desk Officer IT Application & Program Mgt Department 1 1
38 Junior IT Application Mgt Officer IT Application & Program Mgt Department 1 1
39 Junior IT Program Mgt Officer IT Application & Program Mgt Department 1 1
40 Junior IT System & Data base Mgt Officer IT Application & Program Mgt Department 1 1
41 Director, IT Infrastructure Mgt Department IT Infrastructure Mgt Department 1 1
42 Manager, IT System Mgt Division IT Infrastructure Mgt Department 1 1
43 Manager, IT Network Mgt Division IT Infrastructure Mgt Department 1 1
44 Principal IT Network Mgt Officer IT Infrastructure Mgt Department 1 1
45 Principal IT System Mgt Officer IT Infrastructure Mgt Department 1 1
46 Senior IT System Mgt Officer IT Infrastructure Mgt Department 1 1
47 Senior IT Network Mgt Officer IT Infrastructure Mgt Department 1 1

48 IT System Mgt Officer IT Infrastructure Mgt Department 1 1
49 IT Network Mgt Officer IT Infrastructure Mgt Department 2 2
50 Junior IT System Mgt Officer IT Infrastructure Mgt Department 1 1
51 Junior IT Network Mgt Officer IT Infrastructure Mgt Department 1 1
52 Manger, IT System Security Service IT System Security Service 1 1
53 Principal IT System Security Officer IT System Security Service 1 1
54 Principal IT Network and Cyber Security Officer IT System Security Service 1 1
55 Senior IT System Security Officer IT System Security Service 1 1
56 Senior IT Network and Cyber Security Officer IT System Security Service 1 1 2
57 IT System Security Officer IT System Security Service 1 1
58 IT Network and Cyber Security Officer IT System Security Service 1 1
59 Junior IT System Security Officer IT System Security Service 1 1
60 Manager, Digital Banking Technical Division Digital Banking Technical Division 1 1
61 Principal Digital Banking Technical Officer Digital Banking Technical Division 1 1
62 Senior Digital Banking Technical Officer Digital Banking Technical Division 2 1 3
63 Digital Banking Technical Officer Digital Banking Technical Division 2 1 1 4
64 Junior Digital Banking Technical Officer Digital Banking Technical Division 1 1 2
65 Bank Secretary Bank Secretary Office 1 1
66 Head, Board and President Office Bank Secretary Office 1 1
67 Administrative Assistant Bank Secretary Office 1 1
68 Messenger Bank Secretary Office 1 1
69 Director, Branch Banking Department Branch Banking Department 1 1
70 Manager, Branch Operation Division Branch Banking Department 1 1
71 Manager, Branch Performance & Stand. Division Branch Banking Department 1 1
72 Manager, KYC Division Branch Banking Department 1 1
73 Principal Branch Operation Officer Branch Banking Department 1 1
74 Principal Branch Performance & Standardization Officer Branch Banking Department 1 1
75 Principal KYC Officer Branch Banking Department 1 1
76 Senior Branch Operation Officer Branch Banking Department 2 1 3
77 Senior KYC Officer Branch Banking Department 1 1 2

78 Senior Branch Performance & Standardization Officer Branch Banking Department 2 1 1 4
79 Branch Operation Officer Branch Banking Department 1 1 1 3
80 KYC Officer Branch Banking Department 2 1 1 1 5
81 Branch Performance & Standardization Officer Branch Banking Department 2 1 3
82 Junior Branch Operation Officer Branch Banking Department 1 1
83 Junior KYC Officer Branch Banking Department 2 1 3
84 Junior Branch Performance & Standardization Officer Branch Banking Department 1 1
85 Administrative Assistant Branch Banking Department 1 1
86 Messenger Branch Banking Department 1 1
87 Director, Corporate Strategy & Transformation Dep't Corporate Strategy & Transformation Dep't 1 1
88 Manager, Change Management Division Corporate Strategy & Transformation Dep't 1 1
89 Manager, Innovation and Research Division Corporate Strategy & Transformation Dep't 1 1
90 Manager, Planning & Perf. Mgt. Division Corporate Strategy & Transformation Dep't 1 1
91 Principal Change Management Officer Corporate Strategy & Transformation Dep't 1 1
92 Principal Innovation and Research Officer Corporate Strategy & Transformation Dep't 1 1
93 Principal Planning & Perf. Mgt. Officer Corporate Strategy & Transformation Dep't 1 1
94 Senior Change Management Officer Corporate Strategy & Transformation Dep't 1 1 2
95 Senior Innovation and Research Officer Corporate Strategy & Transformation Dep't 1 1 1 3
96 Senior Planning & Perf. Mgt. Officer Corporate Strategy & Transformation Dep't 2 1 3
97 Change Management Officer Corporate Strategy & Transformation Dep't 1 1
98 Innovation and Research Officer Corporate Strategy & Transformation Dep't 2 2
99 Planning & Perf. Mgt. Officer Corporate Strategy & Transformation Dep't 1 1 2
100 Junior Change Management Officer Corporate Strategy & Transformation Dep't 1 1
101 Junior Innovation and Research Officer Corporate Strategy & Transformation Dep't 1 1
102 Junior Planning & Perf. Mgt. Officer Corporate Strategy & Transformation Dep't 1 1
103 Director, Credit Management Department Credit Management Department 1 1
104 Manager Credit Follow up and Monitoring Division Credit Management Department 1 1
105 Manager, Large Scale Credit Mgt. Division Credit Management Department 1 1
106 Manager, SME Credit Mgt. Division Credit Management Department 1 1
107 Principal Credit Analyst Credit Management Department 2 1 3

108 Principal Credit Follow up and Monitoring Officer Credit Management Department 1 1
109 Senior Credit Analyst Credit Management Department 2 1 1 1 5
110 Senior Credit Follow up and Monitoring Officer Credit Management Department 2 1 3
111 Senior Credit Information & Portfolio Mgt Officer Credit Management Department 1 1
112 Credit Analyst Credit Management Department 1 1 1 1 4
113 Credit Follow up and Monitoring Officer Credit Management Department 1 1
114 Credit Information & Portfolio Mgt Officer Credit Management Department 1 1
115 Junior Credit Follow up and Monitoring Officer Credit Management Department 1 1 2
116 Junior Credit Information & Portfolio Mgt Officer Credit Management Department 1 1 2
117 Junior Credit Analyst Credit Management Department 1 1 1 1 4
118 Administrative Assistant Credit Management Department 1 1
119 Messenger Credit Management Department 1 1
120 Director, Customer R/Ship Mgt Department Customer R/Ship Mgt Department 1 1
121 Manager, Customer Acquisition Division Customer R/Ship Mgt Department 1 1
122 Manager, Customer Retention Division Customer R/Ship Mgt Department 1 1
123 Principal Customer Acquisition Officer Customer R/Ship Mgt Department 1 1
124 Principal Customer Retention Officer Customer R/Ship Mgt Department 1 1
125 Senior Customer Acquisition Officer Customer R/Ship Mgt Department 1 1
126 Senior Customer Retention Officer Customer R/Ship Mgt Department 1 1
127 Customer Acquisition Officer Customer R/Ship Mgt Department 1 1
128 Customer Retention Officer Customer R/Ship Mgt Department 1 1
129 Junior Customer Acquisition Officer Customer R/Ship Mgt Department 1 1
130 Junior Customer Retention Officer Customer R/Ship Mgt Department 1 1
131 Administrative Assistant Customer R/Ship Mgt Department 1 1
132 Messenger Customer R/Ship Mgt Department 1 1
133 Director, Digital Banking Department Digital Banking Department 1 1
134 Manager, Digital Banking Business Division Digital Banking Department 1 1
135 Manager, Digital Banking Operation Division Digital Banking Department 1 1
136 Principal Digital Banking Business Officer Digital Banking Department 1 1
137 Principal Digital Banking Operation Officer Digital Banking Department 1 1

138 Senior Digital Banking Business Officer Digital Banking Department 2 2
139 Senior Digital Banking Operation Officer Digital Banking Department 1 1
140 Digital Banking Business Officer Digital Banking Department 1 1
141 Digital Banking Operation Officer Digital Banking Department 1 1
142 Junior Digital Banking Business Officer Digital Banking Department 1 1
143 Junior Digital Banking Operation Officer Digital Banking Department 1 1
144 Administrative Assistant Digital Banking Department 1 1
145 Messenger Digital Banking Department 1 1
146 Manager, Engineering Service Engineering Service 1 1
147 Manager, Construction & Design Division Engineering Service 1 1
148 Manager, Property Valuation Division Engineering Service 1 1
149 Principal Construction & Design Officer Engineering Service 1 1
150 Principal Property Valuation Officer Engineering Service 1 1
151 Senior Vehicle & Machinery Valuation Officer Engineering Service 1 1
152 Senior Construction & Design Officer Engineering Service 1 1
153 Senior Property Valuation Officer Engineering Service 1 1 2
154 Construction & Design Officer Engineering Service 1 1
155 Property Valuation Officer Engineering Service 1 1 1 3
156 Junior Construction & Design Officer Engineering Service 1 1
157 Junior Property Valuation Officer Engineering Service 2 1 3
158 Director, Finance & Accounts Department Finance & Accounts Department 1 1
159 Manager, Accounts Division Finance & Accounts Department 1 1
160 Manager, Share Management Division Finance & Accounts Department 1 1
161 Manager, Treasury & Fund Management Division Finance & Accounts Department 1 1
162 Head, Cheque Clearance & Settlement Section Finance & Accounts Department 1 1
163 Head, Reporting & Reconciliation Section Finance & Accounts Department 1 1
164 Head, Issue Cash Section Finance & Accounts Department 1 1
165 Accountant III (HO) Finance & Accounts Department 1 2 1 4
166 Main Cashier Issue Finance & Accounts Department 1 1
167 Accountant II (HO) Finance & Accounts Department 7 1 8

168 Controller (HO) Finance & Accounts Department 1 1
169 Senior Cashier Issue Finance & Accounts Department 1 1 1 3
170 Cashier Issue Finance & Accounts Department 2 1 3
171 Accountant I (HO) Finance & Accounts Department 6 1 1 8
172 Junior Accountant (HO) Finance & Accounts Department 5 1 6
173 Junior Cashier Issue Finance & Accounts Department 3 1 4
174 Cash Office Assistant (Issue) Finance & Accounts Department 2 1 1 4
175 Administrative Assistant Finance & Accounts Department 1 1
176 Messenger Finance & Accounts Department 1 1
177 Director, Human Capital Mgt. Department Human Capital Mgt. Department 1 1
178 Manager, Employee Admin and Retention Division Human Capital Mgt. Department 1 1
179 Manager, HR Recruitment & Promotion Division Human Capital Mgt. Department 1 1
180 Manager, Training & Development Division Human Capital Mgt. Department 1 1
181 Principal Employee Admin & Retention Officer Human Capital Mgt. Department 1 1
182 Principal HR Recruitment & Promotion Officer Human Capital Mgt. Department 1 1
183 Principal Training & Development Officer Human Capital Mgt. Department 1 1
184 Senior HR Recruitment & Promotion Officer Human Capital Mgt. Department 2 1 1 4
185 Senior Training & Development Officer Human Capital Mgt. Department 1 1 2
186 Senior Employee Admin & Retention Officer Human Capital Mgt. Department 1 1 2
187 Employee Admin & Retention Officer Human Capital Mgt. Department 1 1 2
188 HR Recruitment & Promotion Officer Human Capital Mgt. Department 2 1 1 4
189 Training &Development Officer Human Capital Mgt. Department 1 1
190 Junior Employee Admin & Retention Officer Human Capital Mgt. Department 1 1 2
191 Junior HR Recruitment & Promotion Officer Human Capital Mgt. Department 1 1 1 3
192 Junior Training & Development Officer Human Capital Mgt. Department 1 1 2
193 Signatory officer Human Capital Mgt. Department 1 1
194 Administrative Assistant Human Capital Mgt. Department 1 1
195 Messenger Human Capital Mgt. Department 1 1
196 Director, Interest Free Banking Department Interest Free Banking Department 1 1
197 Manager, IFB Accounts & Operation Division Interest Free Banking Department 1 1

198 Manager, IFB Financing Division Interest Free Banking Department 1 1
199 Principal IFB Accounts & Operation Officer Interest Free Banking Department 1 1
200 Principal IFB Financing Officer Interest Free Banking Department 1 1
201 Senior IFB Accounts & Operation Officer Interest Free Banking Department 1 2 1 4
202 Senior IFB Financing Officer Interest Free Banking Department 1 1
203 IFB Accounts & Operation Officer Interest Free Banking Department 2 2
204 IFB Financing Officer Interest Free Banking Department 1 1
205 Junior IFB Accounts & Operation Officer Interest Free Banking Department 1 1
206 Junior IFB Financing Officer Interest Free Banking Department 1 1
207 Administrative Assistant Interest Free Banking Department 1 1
208 Messenger Interest Free Banking Department 1 1
209 Director, Internal Audit Department Internal Audit Department 1 1
210 Manager, Corporate Audit Division Internal Audit Department 1 1
211 Manager, Operations & IT Audit Division Internal Audit Department 1 1
212 Principal Internal Auditor Internal Audit Department 1 1
213 Principal Operation Auditor Internal Audit Department 1 1
214 Principal IT Auditor Internal Audit Department 1 1
215 Senior Internal Auditor Internal Audit Department 4 1 5
216 Senior Operation Auditor Internal Audit Department 1 1
217 Senior IT Auditor Internal Audit Department 1 1 2
218 Internal Auditor Internal Audit Department 2 1 1 4
219 Operation Auditor Internal Audit Department 1 1
220 IT Auditor Internal Audit Department 1 1 2
221 Junior Internal Auditor Internal Audit Department 1 1
222 Junior Operation Auditor Internal Audit Department 1 1
223 Junior IT Auditor Internal Audit Department 1 1
224 Administrative Assistant Internal Audit Department 1 1
225 Director, International Banking Department International Banking Department 1 1
226 Manager, Remittance & FX Exchange Division International Banking Department 1 1
227 Manager, Trade Service Division International Banking Department 1 1

228 Principal Remittance & FX Exchange Officer International Banking Department 1 1 2
229 Principal Trade Service Officer International Banking Department 2 2 4
230 Senior Remittance & FX Exchange Officer International Banking Department 2 1 2 5
231 Senior Trade Service Officer International Banking Department 2 1 2 5
232 Controller II (HO) International Banking Department 1 1
233 Remittance & FX Exchange Officer International Banking Department 2 2
234 Trade Service Officer International Banking Department 2 1 1 1 5
235 SWIFT Operator International Banking Department 1 1
236 Junior Remittance & Fx Exchange Officer International Banking Department 1 1 2
237 Junior Trade Service Officer International Banking Department 1 1 1 3
238 Administrative Assistant International Banking Department 1 1
239 Messenger International Banking Department 1 1
240 Director, Legal Service Department Legal Service Department 1 1
241 Manager, Legal Advisory Division Legal Service Department 1 1
242 Manager, Litigation & Foreclosure Division Legal Service Department 1 1
243 Principal Attorney Legal Service Department 1 1 2
244 Senior Attorney Legal Service Department 1 1 2
245 Attorney Legal Service Department 2 2
246 Junior Attorney Legal Service Department 1 1
247 Legal Aid Legal Service Department 1 1
248 Director, Marketing & Communication Department Marketing & Communication Department 1 1
249 Manager, Marketing & Branding Division Marketing & Communication Department 1 1
250 Manager, PR & Communication Division Marketing & Communication Department 1 1
251 Principal Marketing & Branding Officer Marketing & Communication Department 1 1
252 Principal PR & Communication Officer Marketing & Communication Department 1 1
253 Senior Marketing & Branding Officer Marketing & Communication Department 1 1 2
254 Senior PR & Communication Officer Marketing & Communication Department 1 1
255 Marketing & Branding Officer Marketing & Communication Department 1 1 1 3
256 PR & Communication Officer Marketing & Communication Department 1 1
257 Junior Marketing & Branding Officer Marketing & Communication Department 1 1

258 Junior PR & Communication Officer Marketing & Communication Department 1 1
259 Director, Property & Facility Admin. Department Property & Facility Admin. Department 1 1
260 Manager, Facility & Property Admin. Division Property & Facility Admin. Department 1 1
261 Manager, Outsourcing & Procurement Division Property & Facility Admin. Department 1 1
262 Manager, Security & Safety Division Property & Facility Admin. Department 1 1
263 Head, Store & Supply Section Property & Facility Admin. Department 1 1
264 Head, Transport & Maintenance Section Property & Facility Admin. Department 1 1
265 Principal Outsourcing & Procurement Officer Property & Facility Admin. Department 1 1
266 Principal Store Keeper and Supply Mgt Officer Property & Facility Admin. Department 1 1
267 Principal Transport Coordinator Property & Facility Admin. Department 1 1
268 Senior Auto Mechanic Property & Facility Admin. Department 1 1
269 Senior General Service Officer Property & Facility Admin. Department 1 1
270 Senior Outsourcing & Procurement officer Property & Facility Admin. Department 1 1 2
271 Senior Property Administration Officer Property & Facility Admin. Department 1 1
272 Senior Store Keeper & Supply Mgt Officer Property & Facility Admin. Department 2 1 3
273 Senior Transport Coordinator Property & Facility Admin. Department 1 1 2
274 Auto Mechanic Property & Facility Admin. Department 1 1 2
275 General Service Officer Property & Facility Admin. Department 1 1
276 Senior Office Technician Property & Facility Admin. Department 1 1 2
277 Outsourcing & Procurement Officer Property & Facility Admin. Department 1 1 2
278 Property Administration Officer Property & Facility Admin. Department 1 1
279 Store Keeper & Supply Mgt Officer Property & Facility Admin. Department 2 1 3
280 Transport Coordinator Property & Facility Admin. Department 1 1
281 Auto Electrician Property & Facility Admin. Department 1 1 2
282 Junior General Service Officer Property & Facility Admin. Department 1 1
283 Junior Outsourcing & Procurement Officer Property & Facility Admin. Department 1 1 2
284 Junior Store Keeper & Supply Mgt officer Property & Facility Admin. Department 1 1 2
285 Office Technician Property & Facility Admin. Department 1 1 2
286 Senior Security and Safety Supervisor Property & Facility Admin. Department 1 1
287 Security and Safety Supervisor Property & Facility Admin. Department 1 1 2

288 Senior Driver Property & Facility Admin. Department 3 2 2 1 8
289 Senior Post officer Property & Facility Admin. Department 1 1 2
290 Driver Property & Facility Admin. Department 8 1 1 1 11
291 Post Officer Property & Facility Admin. Department 2 2
292 Security Team Leader Property & Facility Admin. Department 2 2
293 Security Guard Property & Facility Admin. Department 30 2 2 2 36
294 Administrative Assistant Property & Facility Admin. Department 1 1
295 Messenger Property & Facility Admin. Department 1 1
296 Director, Risk & Compliance Department Risk & Compliance Management Department 1 1
297 Manager, Compliance Division Risk & Compliance Management Department 1 1
298 Manager, Risk Division Risk & Compliance Management Department 1 1
299 Principal Compliance Officer Risk & Compliance Management Department 1 1
300 Principal Risk Officer Risk & Compliance Management Department 1 1
301 Senior Compliance Officer Risk & Compliance Management Department 1 1 2
302 Senior Risk Officer Risk & Compliance Management Department 2 1 3
303 Compliance Officer Risk & Compliance Management Department 1 1 2
304 Risk Officer Risk & Compliance Management Department 1 1 1 3
305 Junior Compliance Officer Risk & Compliance Management Department 1 1 2
306 Junior Risk Officer Risk & Compliance Management Department 2 2
Total 271 78 85 98 532

Annex IV: Detail Action Plan of District

Standard of District Office Staff Size

S.N Existing YEAR YEAR YEAR Proposed
o. Job Positions Standard 1 2 3 Standard
1 Manger, District service Office 1 1
2 Manager, Branch Operation Division - 1 1
Manager, Business Expansion
3 Division - 1 1
4 Principal Branch Operation Officer - 1 1
Principal Business Expansion
5 Officer - 1 1
6 Senior Branch Operation Officer 1 1
7 Senior Business Expansion Officer - 1 1
senior loan follows up and
8 monitoring officer 1 1
9 Senior KYC Officer 1 1
10 Senior property valuation officer 1 1
11 Branch Operation Officer - 1 1
12 Business Expansion Officer - 1 1
13 Junior Branch Operation Officer 1 1
14 Junior Business Expansion Officer - 1 1
15 Junior KYC Officer 1 1
16 Administrative Assistant 1 1
17 Driver 1 1
18 Security and Safety Supervisor - 1 1
19 Security Team Leader - 1 1
20 Security Guard 6 6
21 Cleaner/Messenger 1 1
Total 8 12 3 3 26

118 | P a g e
Annex V: Banking Industry Salary Scale Data
Dashen Buna Amhara Tsehay United Zemen Enat Lion Wegagen Current
Bank Bank bank Bank Bank Bank Bank Bank Bank Average
1 Chief Executive Officers 300,000 364,791 350,000 400,000 - 300,000 207,126 300,000 141,167
2 Chief officer/ VPs 170,074 143,593 150,000 150,000 120,473 152,281 140,966 92,000 150,000 106,077
3 Director 85,000 87,897 87,912 84,000 85,560 68,718 82,537 69,221 79,568 75,441 62,043
4 Service - - - - - - - - 53,432
5 Division Manager 63,319 50,521 56,912 54,512 53,320 46,354 54,254 48,982 46,306 48,282 46,975
6 Branch Manger III 54,300 50,521 62,000 54,000 53,320 41,255 - 52,319 43,277 60,353 46,975
7 Branch Manger II 49,250 43,420 40,000 43,000 47,120 38,914 - 43,379 35,326 42,353 34,480
8 Branch Manger I 43,529 36,985 37,000 35,000 42,160 34,573 54,254 30,297 30,585 37,152 28,881
9 Customer Service Manager 32,164 36,985 43,000 34,000 24,167 54,254 39,952 28,836 30,960 26,378
10 Senior Officer 26,417 30,137 27,000 30,000 29,760 28,946 29,738 27,522 23,537 27,158 22,815
11 Officer 21,371 17,590 22,000 20,000 19,069 18,909 23,500 23,037 16,779 18,105 15,379
12 Accountant 21,371 17,590 15,600 19,069 18,909 23,500 17,789 16,779 18,105 15,379
13 Junior Officer 14,000 13,186 13,500 11,000 11,286 11,330 - 7,858 11,178 13,455 8,410
14 Secretary/Clericals 14,881 13,186 14,249 12,911 13,676 6,378 9,762 9,127 6,705
15 Driver 10,340 9,551 8,433 9,933 11,566 6,378 8,526 5,555 5,872
16 Security Officer 8,718 8,026 6,302 6,209 9,690 4,540 7,968 4,708 3,642
17 Cash Office Girl/Boy 10,340 6,689 6,302 9,292 - 3,619 6,899 4,708 5,483
18 Messenger/Cleaner 9,427 5,351 5,291 6,209 - 3,619 6,899 3,989 3,035

Annex VI: Sample Industry Data – Staff Loans

Staff Loans
Staff Staff Durable Staff
Staff Mortgage
Vehicle Consumer Personal
Loan Loan Loan
Addis International Bank 7
Abay Bank 7 7
Lending Rate of other Commercial Banks
Berhan Bank 7 7
Enat Bank 7 7
NIB 7 7
Zemen Bank 7 7
Existing Lending Rate of DGB 7.25 7.25 8.25 7.25

Ex-Staffs Term Loans Based on Service Years

Service Years
From 7 to 10 Above 10
< Three years From 3-5 years
Lending Rate of other Commercial Years years
Banks Abay Bank 12 11 9 7
NIB 14 11 9 8
UB 7
Zemen For management staff Saving rate
Abyssinia For management staff Saving rate

Interest Loan period Grace Remark
Position Amount
Above 50 7% 25 years Not affected by
Bank of million another mortgage
2 years loan
Abysinnia Vice President 50 million
Directors 30 million
President 50 million 25 years Not affected by
another mortgage
Vice President 30 million loan
Abay Bank 1 year
Staff Shall settle their
Directors ½ of their salary
Mortgage mortgage loan I
loan II President 7% 25 years Shall settle their
Full salary mortgage loan I
Coop Vice President 1 year
President 30 million 7% 25 years
Amhara Vice President 20 million Unknown
Directors 15 million
President 45 million
Tsehay Vice President 30 million
Directors 20 million


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