Magis: An Ignatian Value: Ways To Perform Magis

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Magis: An

Ignatian Value
Inspired by the greatest form of love portrayed by Jesus,
we are called to do MAGIS which dedicate us to do more
for others in the name of God’s glory.

Ways to Perform Magis The World and Magis

Being respectful at home and always Magis helps the world become a better
ready to offer help place because it would give the people the
urge to make it a better place! Without this
value, there would be less peacefulness in
places where conflict occurs and the world
could be more violent.

Ways to Perform Magis

Cooperate with the law and be
active in civic engagements Remember
To enable MAGIS you should be connected with
Christ for He said "I am the vine; you are the
branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he
will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do
Ways to Perform Magis nothing".
Always willing to give without Ask yourself:
counting the cost such as What have I done of God?
participating in community cleaning. What am I doing for God?
What more can I do for God?

Ways to Perform Magis

Giving heart to each work at school Did You Know?
MAGIS enables you to find
true happiness because it
inspires you to care for other
people’s happiness. With this,
AND MANY MORE! you will then find yours. TRY IT!

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