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Mini-Task 3: Draft of Job Application Letter (16 pts)

At the start of this course, you have already chosen a career or a vocation to pursue. You have also
brainstormed and outlined what you need for your cover letter. For your third minitask, you are to
write the draft of the body of your job application letter to the company you would like to be part of.

1. Use A4 sized bond paper, Arial 11, single space within a paragraph and double space from
paragraph 1 to paragraph 2, and paragraph 2 to paragraph 3, etc.
2. The draft of your cover letter should contain three paragraphs
➢ Paragraph 1: 2-3 sentences introducing yourself and stating your reason for writing
➢ Paragraph 2: maximum of 5 sentences about your education and/or work or experience
➢ Paragraph 3: 2-3 sentences explaining why you are suited for the position or job you are
applying for
➢ Paragraph 4: 2-3 sentences thanking the personnel officer for his/her time

I am here to write in response to the hiring of doctors in your constitution

posted on your Facebook page on July 9, 2034. I am Dr. Tamra Rose U.
Maguyon, M.D. in the Cebu Institute of Medicine-Philippines Cebu residency,
specializing in general surgery. I’ve received an email from my professor to apply
to your constitution as a medical doctor in which I have had a master’s degree
for two years, and I am interested in applying as a general surgeon in your

I have been an outstanding student back in medical school, and I have

worked as a general surgeon in a government hospital here in the Philippines. I
am a recent graduate of the Cebu Institute of Medicine as a dean lister with a
bachelor’s degree in surgery from batch 2032. I also experienced a Graduate
Medical Education (GME) and trained my knowledge, reaction time, and critical
thinking skills, which are essential to a surgeon. My job has been challenging but
very beneficial because I learned a lot of different surgical techniques at an early
age – especially breast and abdominal surgeries – which made me more
experienced and pass this knowledge on to the other doctors stationed with me
in that hospital.

I believe my medical expertise, experience, ability, and determination

uniquely qualify me for the position of General Surgeon. I have developed skills
through self-study, workshops, and lectures which has led to my good standing
in the community as well as good standing among my colleagues and other
patients who have recovered through my services. With this, I honestly believe
that I am a well-trained surgeon ready to be of service in your hospital and
prepared to treat patients with the treatment they need.

I would like to express my sincere gratitude for considering me for this

position. I am always open to discussing my opportunity with you soon. If you
require any more information, please contact me through my email address
( and contact number (0916-183-8427).
Your work will be evaluated based on the attached rubric.


FORM AND ▪ Audience and ▪ Audience and purpose ▪ Audience and purpose
CONTENT purpose of the cover are present but could ▪ Audience and purpose are not clear.
letter are strong and be stronger. are less clear, and
weak parts remain.
▪ Format is hard to see.
clear. ▪ Format is mostly
▪ Format is confusing. ▪ Not all content of the
▪ Format of the clear. body is present
letter is clear. ▪ All required content ▪ Not all content of the
▪ All required content for the body is body is present
for the body is followed.

EFFECTIVENE ▪ Letter shows a very ▪ Letter shows an ▪ Letter shows a less ▪ Letter does not
SS professional appropriate professional have a professional
appearance, tone, and appearance, tone, and appearance, tone, and appearance, tone,
style. style. or style.
▪ Some ▪ Several weaknesses ▪ Much revision is
inconsistencies need attention or needed.
remain. revision.

GRAMMAR ▪ Writer follows all ▪ Writer follows most ▪ Writer follows ▪ Writer has difficulty
AND guidelines for spelling, guidelines, but some some following guidelines;
MECHANICS grammar, usage, sentences are unclear, guidelines, but most sentences
mechanics, etc. uneven, or contain sentences contain numerous
▪ Sentences are strong errors. contain errors and cannot be
and varied. multiple understood.
▪ Proper spacing is errors and are
▪ Proper spacing is ▪ Spacing is not
followed difficult to
followed followed at all
▪ Only some
spacing is

SUBMISSION ▪ The output is ▪ The output is ▪ The output is ▪ The output is

submitted on or submitted one hour to submitted two submitted more than
before the scheduled one day after the days after the three days after the
time and date. scheduled time and scheduled scheduled time and
date. time and date. date.

TOTAL SCORE: _______/ 16

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