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This segment tackled the results of the interview conducted with regards

to the implementation of the term scheduling in St. Francis Xavier College, San

Francisco, Agusan del Sur. The students’ experiences were carefully studied

and was captured with the use of the interview questions carefully formulated to

function as an instrument in gathering the data.

The data collected from the interviews were transcribed into the word

document and printed into a hard copy for ease of use in subject content

categorization. After which, the idea with same subject content was group

together using high lighter. In this way, the identification of the subjects would

become easy and comfortable. The researchers’ final task was interpreting the

significance of the data gathered. As recommended by some expert in the

study, the privacy and anonymity of the individual involved in the study were

kept confidential.

The idea was realized through the use of a code name. The code BIC-

Pg5P5L5-INDEPTH and BIC-Pg5P5L5-FGD were used to signify the

researchers’ pseudonym. Pg5 signifies as the page where the statement could

be located in the transcript. P5 signifies as the participant of the study. L5 is an

index as to where the statement could be located. INDEPTH is to mean the

interview was taken from the individual participant while the FGD is to mean the

interview was taken from the focus group discussion. This index was design to
pave the way to the actual location of the statements of the participants’

interview. This is for easy facilitation of the audit trailing.

The students’ experiences about their lived experiences on the

implementation of the term scheduling are presented here in a sequential order

following the ideas in tabular form. The first point of inquiry centered on the

Favorable emerged as major themes while Term Schedule is Convenient, Term

Schedule is beneficial and Term Schedule is Flexible appeared as sub-themes.

In contrast, the Unfavorable experiences emerged as major themes while Term

Schedule is Difficult to Adjust appeared as sub-themes.

Term Schedule is Convenient. As stated by a participant the term

scheduling is convenient for the student because if a student had a limited

subjects enclosed in each term per semester the tendency is she could focus to

a specific subjects. Her attention was intact because she only had few subjects

to be concentrated on. Given, that in one semester there were ten subjects

enclosed simultaneously, the tendency is that the concentration would be

divided into ten categories according to the subject contents. She ended up

the interview by saying that in having a few subjects to be studied under the

new term scheduling she could give her best and became excellent in her

academic performance (P3 – FGD)

In like way, another participant expounded similar experience with what a

participant mentioned above that he had enjoyed the term scheduling by saying:

“As a working student with so many concern

from online studies to some responsibilities

for my employer, I found it hard when

studying haven ten subjects in a semester.

However, with the new implementation of

the term scheduling I found it easy and

convenient” (BIC-Pg1P2L10-FGD).

In addition another participant was favorable in new term scheduling he

stated that the term scheduling was very easy and convenient. He is a working

student with duties at his place of employment. In the past, 10 subjects were

scheduled for that semester, which is why he was overloaded in his academics.

All subjects had activities and assignments, and they all had the same due

date, making it extremely difficult for him to achieve in his academic

performance. He said,

"The new schedule made his learning easy and

faster." (BIC-Pg1P1L9-FGD).

Term Schedule is Beneficial. Also the participant stated that Term

Scheduling benefits students because it offered them more time and reduced

their academic stress. He indicated that the previous scheduled had been a

hardship to him, and that the final semester was liked carrying a rock. That rock

now is divided in order to lighten his burden (BIC-Pg1P1L44-FGD).

Similarly, another participant had a similar experience to the one

described above, in that the new scheduling is very beneficial to him because

he can manage his time at work and in academics, whereas students will be
able to cope more easily and academic stress will be reduced (BIC-Pg2P2L49-


Furthermore, another participant appreciated that the Term Scheduling

system is beneficial for most students since having only classifications will allow

them to created high-quality worked for their teachers while also giving them

ample time to concentrate on their studies (BIC-Pg2P3L53-FGD).

Another participant acknowledged that the term scheduling is beneficial

to her since she is comfortable with new timetabling and as a mother, she can

managed her time so that she can do housework and care for her children while

also focusing on her online classes (BIC-Pg2P2L43-IN-DEPTH).

Term Schedule is Flexible. One of the participant responded that the

term scheduling is flexible, time bounded both for the working students and for

the full time student (BIC-Pg3P2L5-FGD).

Table 1
The Lived Experiences of the Students’
In the Implementation of Term Scheduling In
St. Francis Xavier College San Francisco, Agusan del Sur

Major Themes Sub-themes

Term schedule is convenient

Favorable Term schedule is beneficial

Term schedule is flexible

Unfavorable Term schedule is difficult to

Unfavorable Experiences

Term Schedule is Difficult to Adjust. An Interviewee shared his unfavorable

experience. He had a difficulty in adjusting with his working time due to the new

influx of the term schedule by the school administration. He could not attend

online classes anymore. Stated further, that his experience became worsen

when some teachers changed the subject schedule from afternoon classes to

morning one. This makes his studies hard as he could not totally attend online

discussions because his working time totally was in conflict with his online

classes. He expounded that his previous class scheduled began at 3 p.m. and

ended at 9 p.m., whereas the new schedule began at 9 a.m. and ended at 12

p.m. (BIC-Pg3P2L5-FGD).
It could be inferred from the interview results that students used different

coping strategies to combat the different challenges encountered on the

implementation of the term scheduling are presented here in a sequential order

following the ideas in tabular form. The first point of inquiry centred on the

Term Scheduling challenges emerged as major themes while Registrar Office

Course Scheduling, Schedule of related subjects, Delivery of Instruction, Make-

up class Schedule, Divergence its Implementation appeared as sub-themes.

Table 2
The Challenges encountered by the
Students in the Implementation of Term Scheduling
In St. Francis Xavier College San Francisco, Agusan Del Sur

Major Themes Sub-themes

Registrar’s Office Course Scheduling

Term Scheduling Challenges Schedule of Related Subjects

Delivery of Instruction

Make-up class Schedule

Divergence of its implementation

Registrar’s Office Course Scheduling. The interviewee pointed out that his

challenges lies with the way how the teachers implement their own preferred

time of classes in contrary with the original schedule given by the Registrar’s

Office. Some teachers changed their schedule from afternoon classes to

morning that causes time conflict with some schedules. As a result, one said

that these changes caused him low academic performance.

Schedule of Related Studies. One of the participants suggested that it would

be great if all related subjects will grouped and arranged in one term like for

instant all major subject be taught in one setting and also all minor subject in the

next Term (Pg3P3L32-FGD).

Delivery of Instruction. As stated by the interviewee that the teacher should

ensure to deliver the entire lesson that covered in 1 st term in just two months so

that they he can also learned the entire topic covered in every Term. She

opined in saying:

“Teacher do not failed to teach

every day in order for the students

To attend all the lessons that needs to be

Delivered within the whole semester”

Make-up Class Schedule. Another participant shared her challenges that

sometimes when a teacher had an emergency, she could not deliver her

lessons on time. As a result, she normally resolves the situation in directing the

students to attend a make-up class. The challenge there was the time given

usually be in conflict with some other subjects, so she reschedules the time to a

Saturday believing that everybody could join. The tendency was that some

students could not still join on Saturdays because of their religious affiliations


Divergence if its implementation. Utrohon sa teacher ang time nga naa

sa study load
The students’ experiences about their lived experiences on the

implementation of the term scheduling are presented here in a sequential order

following the ideas in tabular form. The first point of inquiry centred on the

Coping Mechanism emerged as major themes while Adjustment with the Online

Class Schedule, Study Smarter, Approach the Teacher, Consult with

Schoolmates appeared as sub-themes.

Table 3
The Coping Mechanisms Used by the Students’
in Encountering Challenges in the Implementation of Term
Scheduling In St. Francis Xavier College San Francisco, Agusan del Sur

Major Themes Sub-themes

Adjustment with the online class


Coping Mechanisms
Study Smarter

Approach the teacher

Consult with schoolmates

Adjustment with the Online Class Schedule. Another interviewee shared his

difficulty of attending classes because it is not the real time given in the study

load. He said as a working student he needs to adjust with his activities. At

times, while working he was also studying or attending online discussions. All

of these happened because his teacher did not follow the original time as

scheduled by the Registrar (Pg3P3L53-IN-DEPTH).

Study Smarter. She had no other means and ways to cope with the

challenges she encountered but to study hard. For her, this was the only that

she could cope with the learning’s needed to increase his vocabulary


In support another participant enunciated that as a working student he need

to study hard so that he might not be left behind by the topics and discussions

tackled every meeting. The changing of time in class schedule cause this

predicament (Pg3P3L19-IN-DEPTH).

Approach the Teacher. In addition, another participant stated that in order to

cope with the challenges he encountered during Term Schedule

implementation, he approached his instructors. This action paved his way to

comply all his requirements. This approach happened because the teacher did

not follow the schedule given by the Registrar (Pg3P3L29-IN-DEPTH).

Consult With Schoolmates.

One participant strategized that in order for him to cope with the challenges he

encountered during term scheduling he consulted with his peers and

classmates regarding his subject assignments. Usually, this made him attuned

with the works needed for him not be left behind in his online class (Pg3P1L32-

The students’ experience about their lived experiences on the implementation of

the term scheduling is presented here in a sequential order following the ideas

in tabular form. The first point of inquiry centred on the Student Consultation

emerged as major themes while Solicit Ideas from Students, Students

Confirmation is Necessary appeared as sub-themes.

Table 4
The students Suggestions to
Improve the Term Scheduling In
St. Francis Xavier College San Francisco, Agusan del Sur

Major Themes Sub-themes

Solicit ideas from students

Student Consultation

Students confirmation is necessary

Solicit Ideas from students. One expressed his disappointment and said that

supposedly the administration must solicit some ideas from the student body.

This is to make the students become aware on the actual plan of the

administration because the students are the lifeblood of the institution. With

such distinction, the students must be consulted when major decisions would

come that would affect the student’s academic life.

Student Confirmation is Necessary. It is essential that students be consulted

as stated by a study participant. The administration must let the students know

so that they could make an action towards this school plan. Student

consultation is a necessary and a must (Pg2P1L26-IN-DEPTH).



In this chapter the results were discussed exploring the lived experiences

of the students in their studies under the implementation of the new term

scheduling. Implications for practice, implications for future researchers were

drawn based on the themes emerged from the data analysis.

Title of Table 1

Term Schedule is Convenient. The participants in the study expressed

their convenience in having a new term scheduling. One mentioned that he

was contented with the schedule because he could focus in his subjects. He

was convinced that this new schedule would give him success in his academic

performance, with only few subjects to be concentrated on in each term.

In support to this idea a statement from Lose Angles Times (2021) said

that block schedule is a convenient schedule for students to learn and divide

their time equally into each subject in school. With this schedule, students and

teachers will have two hours for each subject and can further develop the

student’s knowledge.

Term schedule is beneficial. It was portrayed by a participant that

studying under the semestral scheduling was heavy and was hard to handle.

The experience was compared to a hard rock. We found it amazing that

explanation was in an analogical manner. Hardships in the schedule were

compared to a hard object. In contrast, with the new Term schedule he found

his life easy to carry because of the benefits it offers.

The researchers were interested as how the block scheduling became

beneficial to students until a research conducted said that this schedule plays

an active role in changing curriculum and instructional approaches as teachers

adapt to maintain student interest and attention over longer period of time

(Calvery, Sheets, & Bell, 1998).

Term schedule is flexible. Furthermore, one participant responded that

term scheduling is flexible, time bounded for both working students and full time

students because through this new scheduling most students can manage their

time in work to their employer, answering and doing their academics, and they

can study well because fewer subjects are given in first term.

Term schedule is difficult to adjust. However another participant is

unfavourable of the school’s new scheduling since he found it difficult to adjust

his work and classes owing to the change in subject time schedule. He stated

that he was unable to attend his online lessons in the morning due to his work

schedule. His studying was affected by his absences from class.

Table 2

Registrar’s Office Course Scheduling.

Schedule of Related Studies.

Delivery of Instruction. As stated by the participant, the teacher should

ensure that the complete lesson covered in each term is delivered. She

proceeded to explain that teachers must teach every day in order for students to

attend all of the lessons that must be offered over the semester.

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