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Summative task

UNIT 3: Back to the beginning

In this task you will learn that representing patterns with equivalent forms can lead to better
systems, models and methods.

You are a geologist and have discovered an impact crater in the Australian outback.
(Impact craters are formed when large meteorites, asteroids and comets fall to Earth.)

The crater is 50 m wide.

Your team erects a platform across the crater and drops ropes at 10-metre intervals across
the platform to measure the depth of the crater at these locations.

The first rope, 10 m in from the rim on the left of the crater, is 40 m long.

Work through the problems and write a report to give to the Australian Outback Conservation

 Find a quadratic model for the cross section of the floor of the crater that fits these
initial data values. Clearly show the knowledge of quadratic functions you have used
to create your model.

Use your model to calculate the vertex of the function. Verify that your answer is correct by
using a second method to find the vertex.If the following data is then gathered, what does
this tell you about the accuracy and validity of your previous model?

1st rope 2nd rope 3rd rope 4th rope

Depth (m) 40 61 58 35

All your answers must clearly show the mathematical strategies that you use and must be
explained fully.

© Oxford University Press 2021 1

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