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Pythagoras Theorem


Pythagoras of Samos[a] (c. 570 – c. 495 BC)[b] was an ancient

Ionian Greek philosopher and the eponymous founder of
Pythagoreanism. His political and religious teachings were well
known in Magna Graecia and influenced the philosophies of Plato,
Aristotle, and, through them, Western philosophy.
In antiquity, Pythagoras was credited with many mathematical and
scientific discoveries, including the Pythagorean theorem,
Pythagorean tuning, the five regular solids, the Theory of
Proportions, the sphericity of the Earth, and the identity of the
morning and evening stars as the planet Venus. It was said that
he was the first man to call himself a philosopher ("lover of
wisdom")[c] and that he was the first to divide the globe into five
climatic zones. Classical historians debate whether Pythagoras made these discoveries, and
many of the accomplishments credited to him likely originated earlier or were made by his
colleagues or successors. Some accounts mention that the philosophy associated with
Pythagoras was related to mathematics and that numbers were important, but it is debated to
what extent, if at all, he actually contributed to mathematics or natural philosophy.

Right Angle Triangle

The Pythagorean Theorem itself

The theorem is named after a Greek mathematician

named Pythagoras. He came up with the theory that
helped to produce this formula. The formula is very
useful in solving all sorts of problems.

Here is what the theorem says:

In any right triangle, the area of the square whose side is the
hypotenuse (remember this is the side opposite the right angle) is
equal to the sum of the areas of the squares whose sides are the two
legs (the two sides that meet at a right angle).

The Pythagorean Theorem helps us to figure out the length of the sides of a right triangle. If a
triangle has a right angle (also called a 90 degree angle) then the following formula holds true:
Where a, b, and c are the lengths of the sides of the triangle (see the picture) and c is the side
opposite the right angle. In this example, c is also called the hypotenuse.

a2 + pb2 = c2

Examples of Pythagoras Theorem

Let's work through a few examples:

1) Solve for c in the triangle below:

In this example a = 3 and b=4. Let's plug those into the Pythagorean Formula.

a2 + b2 = c2

32 + 42 = c2

3x3 + 4x4 = c2

9+16 = c2

25 = c x c


2) Solve for a in the triangle below:

In this example b=12 and c= 15

a2 + b2 = c2

a2 + 122 = 152

a2 + 144 = 225

Subtract 144 from each side to get:

144 - 144 + a2 = 225 - 144

a2 = 225 - 144

a2 = 81

Other examples:

Example: What is the diagonal distance across a square of size 1?

Start with:a2 + b2 = c2

Put in what we know:12 + 12 = c2
Calculate squares:1 + 1 = c2
1+1=2:2 = c2
Swap sides:c2 = 2
Square root of both sides: c = √2
Which is about: c = 1.4142...

It works the other way around, too: when the three sides of a triangle make a2 + b2 =
c2, then the triangle is right angled.

Example: Does this triangle have a Right Angle?

Does a2 + b2 = c2 ?

 a2 + b2 = 102 + 242 = 100 + 576 = 676

 c2 = 262 = 676

They are equal, so ...

Yes, it does have a Right Angle!

Example: Does an 8, 15, 16 triangle have a Right Angle?

Does 82 + 152 = 162 ?

 82 + 152 = 64 + 225 = 289,

 but 162 = 256

So, NO, it does not have a Right Angle

Example: Does this triangle have a Right Angle?

Does a2 + b2 = c2 ?

Does (√3)2 + (√5)2 = (√8)2 ?

Does 3 + 5 = 8 ?

Yes, it does!

So this is a right-angled triangle

Real Life Uses of the Pythagorean Theorem

Architecture and Construction

Given two straight lines, the Pythagorean Theorem allows you to calculate the length of the
diagonal connecting them. This application is frequently used in architecture, woodworking, or
other physical construction projects. For instance, say you are building a sloped roof. If you
know the height of the roof and the length for it to cover, you can use the Pythagorean
Theorem to find the diagonal length of the roof's slope. You can use this information to cut
properly sized beams to support the roof, or calculate the area of the roof that you would need
to shingle.


The Pythagorean Theorem is useful for two-dimensional navigation. You can use it and two
lengths to find the shortest distance. For instance, if you are at sea and navigating to a point
that is 300 miles north and 400 miles west, you can use the theorem to find the distance from
your ship to that point and calculate how many degrees to the west of north you would need
to follow to reach that point. The distances north and west will be the two legs of the triangle,
and the shortest line connecting them will be the diagonal. The same principles can be used for
air navigation. For instance, a plane can use its height above the ground and its distance from
the destination airport to find the correct place to begin a descent to that airport.


Surveying is the process by which cartographers calculate the numerical distances and heights
between different points before creating a map. Because terrain is often uneven, surveyors
must find ways to take measurements of distance in a systematic way. The Pythagorean
Theorem is used to calculate the steepness of slopes of hills or mountains. A surveyor looks
through a telescope toward a measuring stick a fixed distance away, so that the telescope's line
of sight and the measuring stick form a right angle. Since the surveyor knows both the height
of the measuring stick and the horizontal distance of the stick from the telescope, he can then
use the theorem to find the length of the slope that covers that distance, and from that length,
determine how steep it is.

One of the best known mathematical formulas is Pythagorean Theorem, which provides us with
the relationship between the sides in a right triangle. A right triangle consists of two legs and a
hypotenuse. The two legs meet at a 90° angle and the hypotenuse is the longest side of the
right triangle and is the side opposite the right angle. It has various real life applications such as
in Architecture and Construction, Navigation and Surveying.

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